Exercise Bicycle Power Generation

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Exercise Bicycle Power


A Thesis by
MD. Abdus Sattar Emon & MD Milon Hasan
Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for degree of
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Under the supervision of
Dr. Md. Ehsan

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
September 2017
Exercise Bicycle Power Generation

Course No: ME 400


Dr. Md. Ehsan
Professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, BUET

MD. Abdus Sattar Emon MD. Milon Hasan
Department of Department of
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Student ID: 1210089 Student ID: 1210110

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for degree of
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in September 2017

It is declared that, except where specific references are made to other investigations, the work
embodied in this thesis paper is the result of investigation carried out only by the authors under
the supervision of Dr. Md. Ehsan, professor, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh
university of Engineering and Technology. Neither the thesis nor any part of it has been submitted
to or is being submitted elsewhere for any other process.

Thesis Supervisor

Dr. Md. Ehsan


Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET

Signature of Authors

MD. Abdus Sattar Emon MD. Milon Hasan

Student ID: 1210089 Student ID: 1210110

Page i


Our Parents and Our Teachers

Page ii

First of all, the authors would like to express their gratitude to the gracious Almighty God for His
unlimited kindness and blessing to fulfill the thesis work successfully.

Our sincere thanks to Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in general, and the
Department of Mechanical Engineering in specific, for providing us the opportunity for performing
the investigation. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our supervisor Dr. Md. Ehsan,
Professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology, Dhaka. Without his initiative ideas, talents, guidelines and encouragements, this
challenging work would not have been possible to complete successfully

We would like to thank all others who are directly or indirectly related to this thesis by sharing
their ideas, suggestions and finally supporting us. Finally, we are grateful to our parents for their
constant encouragement and support.

Page iii

The intention of this project is to design a renewable energy source based around a piece of
exercise equipment. The energy expended in a typical workout at the gym is usually wasted in the
mechanics of the equipment. This project harnessed the mechanical energy of the machine
and converted it to electrical energy using a generator-based system. The exercise equipment,
attached to the shaft of the generator. Thus produced electrical energy is used in powering a piece
of equipment such as lamp or a computer while exercising. This report will introduce the
project and present all applicable information regarding the design, development, and the final

This project will help one develop engineering skills while learning about a clean way of
generating electricity .The modern challenge faced with the global energy situation is the
growing energy demand and the strong dependence on unsustainable fossil fuels. Another
concurrent issue is the adverse health and socio-economic implications of adult obesity. This
Human Power Generation project, which uses metabolized human energy to generate electrical
power, could potentially address both these challenges.

Page iv
Table of Contents

Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………………………………….. iii
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………………………………… iv

Table of contents………………………………………………………………………………………………v

List of Figures……………………………………………………………………………………………….. vii

List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ix
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 1
1.1: The Energy Challenge ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.2: System Design Overview ........................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................... 6

2.1: A Brief History Human Power Generation ………...……………………………...................................6
2.2: Potential of Human Power ………………………………………………………………….……………………………8
2.3: Calories To Watts………………………………………………………………………………….………………………….10
2.4: Modern Applications……………………………………………….……………………………………………………….11
2.5: Project Theory………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13

2.5.1: Faraday’s Law…………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….13

2.5.2: Applications of Faraday’s Law………………………………………………..………………………………...15

3.1: Block Diagram…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17

3.2: Project Methods……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….20

3.3: Prime Mover……………………………………………………………………………………..……..………………………21

3.4: Bicycle And Pulley…………………………………………………………………………………..………………………..22

Page v
3.4.1: V-belt pulleys Information………………………………………………………………………………………….25

3.4.2: Types of V-belt Pulleys……………………………………………………………………………………………….27

3.4.3: Materials…......................................................................................................................30

3.4.4: V-belt Pulleys Components……………………………………………………………...………………………..31

3.4.5: V-belt pulley Specifications……………………………………………………………………………………….33

3.4.6: V-belt Pulleys Standards……………………………………………………………………………………………34

3.5: Voltage Regulator……………………………………………………………………………………………………………34
3.6: Zener Diode Regulator…………………………………………………………………………………………………….37
3.7: Battery………………………………………….…………………………………….………………………………………….38
3.7.1: Battery Charging………………………………………………………………………………………………………..40
3.7.2: Charging and Discharging of Battery………………………………………………………………………….40
3.7.3: VRLA Battery……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..42
3.8: Inverter…………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………50

CHAPTER 4: PROJECT ANALYSIS………..………………………………… 51

4.1: Experimental Data………………………………………………………………………………..…………………… 51
4.2: Project Performance Analysis………………………………………………………………………..……………53
4.3: Calculation and Efficiency……………………………..……………………..…...……………………………….55


5.1: Conclusion……………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………… 57

5.2: Recommendation………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………58

CHAPTER 5: Reference………………………………………………………..…………………………… 60

Page vi
List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Fossil Fuel Consumption and increase in CO2 Graph………………….…3 Page
Figure 1.2: Fossil Fuel Consumption in Different Countries……………….………....4 Page
Figure 1.3: Pictorial Representation of Overall Design……………………………..…5 Page
Figure 3.1: Block Diagram of Overall Project………………………………………..17 Page
Figure 3.2: Overall Project………………………………………………………...…20 Page
Figure 3.3: Belt Pulley Connection…………………………………………...……...21 Page
Figure 3.4: Motor Shaft……………………………………………………………....23 Page
Figure 3.5: V-belt Nomenclature………………………………………..……………26 Page
Figure 3.6: Reference Chart for V-belt Materials………………………………...….30 Page
Figure 3.7: Electronic Device………………………………………………………...35 Page
Figure 3.8: Alternator with Voltage Regulator……………………………………….36 Page
Figure 3.9: Zener Diode Regulator…………………...………………………………37 Page
Figure 3.10: VRLA Battery……………………………………………………...…….39 Page
Figure 3.11: Charges Stages of Lead Acid Battery………………………………...….43 Page
Figure 3.12: Capacity Loss on Standby…….........................................……………....45 Page
Figure 3.13: Charge Efficiency of Lead Acid Battery………………………………...48 Page
Figure 3.14: Block Diagram of Inverter………………………………………………50 Page
Figure 4.1: Plot of Voltage Vs RPM…………………...…………………………….53 Page
Figure 4.2: Plot of Current Vs RPM…………………………………………...…….54 Page

Page vii
Figure 5.1: Juice Blender Machine……………………………………………….….58 Page
Figure 5.2: Washing……………….…………………...…………………………….59 Page
Figure 5.3: Rice Thrashing Machine…………...…………………...……………….59 Page
Figure 5.4: Water Pumping from Shallow Well …………………………………….59 Page

Page viii
List of Tables

Table 2.1: Energy Consumption rate of common Human Activities 8

Table 2.2: Maximum Power Generation Capability of some Human Activities 9
Table 3.1: Relative Advantages and Disadvantages of V-belt 26
Table 3.2: Pulley Types 27
Table 3.3: Types of Grooves 32
Table 3.4: Effects of Charge Voltage on a Lead Acid Battery 44
Table 4.1: Change in Voltage With Variable shaft RPM 51
Table 4.2: Change in Current With Variable shaft RPM 52

Page ix

The field of energy conservation is becoming an increasingly notable subject of research among
the scientific community today. The intention of this project is to build a straight forward human
powered generator from a used bicycle and to use it to power light bulbs, blenders, cell phones,
laptops, and other small appliances. This project will help one develop engineering skills while
learning about a clean way of generating electricity.

Over the past decade, scientists and engineers around the world have been designing
unprecedented energy-harvesting systems, drawing power from a variety of sources. One of the
most creative and unlimited sources available is the kinetic energy produced from human exercise.
Although recent designs of energy-harvesting exercise equipment have been introduced into the
market, these systems are costly and do not produce a noticeable output of power. These systems
need to be improved and designed for maximum power output, cost-efficiency, and marketability.
Engineered to be used for retrofitting an existing exercise machine, this project includes an
efficient yet controllable power storage and distribution system.

The objective of this project is to design a renewable energy source based around a piece of
exercise equipment. Also, people who are interested in minimizing environmental impacts
and those who want to preserve the environment will use this type of electrical energy
generation thereby reducing the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere. The energy expended in
a typical workout at the gym is usually wasted in the mechanics of the equipment. This project
harnessed the mechanical energy of the machine and converted it to electrical energy using a
generator-based system. The exercise equipment will be attached to the shaft of the generator.
Thus produced electrical energy is used in powering a piece of equipment such as lamp or a
computer while exercising.

Page 1

The world’s energy consumption is at an all-time high with the demand continuously increasing.
This situation brings up several challenges that need to be addressed.

 Depletion due to finite availability of non-renewable energy sources, e.g. fossil fuels
 Environmental pollution, e.g. with coal use in power plants Increasing population,
especially in developing countries which lack resources for clean energy.
 Global warming with the related climate changes and adverse implications.

These challenges have been reason for much controversy in the developed world; however, recent
investigations have also shown a much more basic challenge of availability in the less developed
parts of the world.

Data from the World Bank obtained as recently as 2014 estimated that about 25.9% of the world’s
population (greater than 1.81 billion people) has no access to electricity. Larger numbers include
those that have very limited access to electricity. Further, most countries with the lowest values
for percent of population with electricity also have low values of urban population percentage.
In terms of meeting the energy demand, data shows the high dependence the world has overall on
fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are known to be non-renewable, having formed over millions of years of
decomposition of prehistoric biological forms such as plant matter and the dinosaurs. The rate at
which modern society is consuming these resources is far quicker, however, risking the depletion
of this resource. Furthermore, the manner in which the resource is consumed is known to produce
pollutants (e.g. Carbon Monoxide (CO)) and green-house gases (e.g. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)) in
our environment. Carbon Dioxide emissions have been steadily growing through the combustion
of fossil fuels as needed in transportation, power generation and otherwise. The increase in CO2
of the atmosphere with the consumption of primary energy has been shown below:

Page 2
Figure 1.1 25 years of fossil fuel consumption & increase in CO2 in

One of the main reasons why this is a critical problem is that the world heavily
depends on these fossil fuels currently to feed its energy demands. Fig 1.1
illustrates the level and trends of fossil fuel use as compared to total energy
consumption over time in a few countries and the world overall.

Page 3
Figure 1.2: Fossil fuel consumption of different countries.

Statistics shown here illustrate how the world on average depends majorly on fossil fuels to
supply energy. The trend in this parameter is also of concern as the value has been stable around
80% for the past 15 years. The United States shows a slow decline but is still above the world
average. The trend of the most populous countries, China, India and Bangladesh can also cause
distress as the fossil fuel dependence is increasing at a rapid rate over time. In the case of China,
the value has superseded that of the United States as of 2006. Therefore, it is established that
with the various energy challenges faced today, renewable energy sources must be seriously
investigated. Particularly, the feasibility of low-cost, low maintenance and simple methods of
providing energy to remote areas should be studied. Such technology could not only help provide
an alternative to fossil fuel in developed countries, but also serve the growing needs of
developing countries like Bangladesh in a responsible way.

Page 4

Figure 1.3 Pictorial representation of overall design.

We designed and constructed an entirely unique electric generation system that fuses both form and
function into a cost-effective and convenient solution. Using a stationary bicycle to generate electricity and
charge a 12 volt battery, we obtain an output power plenty of power for lights, an amplifier, an iPod charger,
and any unforeseen additional loads may attach later. The system provides about 5 hours of fully-loaded use,
and requires the equivalent for charging.

The system is comprised of several subsystems that will work collectively to efficiently produce the desired 50
to 150 watts of power.

 The first subsystem is the mechanical connection which is will transfer the kinetic energy from pedaling
to the generator.
 The second subsystem is the electrical generator. This subsystem transfers the rotational movement
created when bicycle is in use to the rotor of a generation
 The third subsystem is electrical conditioning device which conditioned the electrical voltage and

The fourth subsystem is the battery and the battery charging.

An additional subsystem can be used to step the 12V DC voltage to 220V AC

Page 5


In 1817 Baron von Drais invented a walking machine that would help him get around the royal
gardens faster: two same-size in-line wheels, the front one steerable, mounted in a frame which
you straddled. The device was propelled by pushing your feet against the ground, thus rolling
yourself and the device forward in a sort of gliding walk. The machine became known as the
Draisienne or hobby horse

The next appearance of a two-wheeled riding machine was in 1865, when pedals were applied
directly to the front wheel. This machine was known as the velocipede ("fast foot"), but was
popularly known as the bone shaker, since it was also made entirely of wood, then later with metal
tires, and the combination of these with the cobblestone roads of the day made for an extremely
uncomfortable ride.

In 1870 the first all metal machine appeared. (Previous to this metallurgy was not advanced enough
to provide metal which was strong enough to make small, light parts out of.) The pedals were still
attached directly to the front wheel with no freewheeling mechanism. Solid rubber tires and the
long spokes of the large front wheel provided a much smoother ride than its predecessor. The front
wheels became larger and larger as makers realized that the larger the wheel, the farther you could
travel with one rotation of the pedals.

Pedaling History has on display even the recent history of the bicycle in America that we are more
familiar with: the "English 3-speed"

of the '50s through the '70s, the 10-speed derailleur bikes which were popular in the '70s (the
derailleur had been invented before the turn of the century and had been in more-or-less common
use in Europe since), and of course the mountain bike of right now. There are also many oddball
designs that never quite made it, including the Ingo.

Page 6
1980-1991 A Los Angeles based company called Luz Co. produced 95% of the world's solar-based
electricity. They were forced to shut their doors after investors withdrew from the project as the
price of non-renewable fossil fuels declined and the future of state and federal incentives were not
likely. The chairman of the board said it best: "The failure of the world's largest solar electric
company was not due to technological or business judgment failures but rather to failures of
government regulatory bodies to recognize the economic and environmental benefits of solar
thermal generating plants”. Solar energy history played a big part in the way society evolved and
will continue to do so. There is a renewed focus as more and more people see the advantages of
solar energy and as it becomes more and more affordable.

Human power has been instrumental in helping solve problems since ancient times. For example,
all tools have historically been human powered. It is believed that the first human powered device
to generate rotary motion was the potter’s wheel, around 3,500 B.C.E. Later, devices such as
Archimedes screw allowed efficient transfer of water from one level to another. The Chinese, after
200 C.E., were found to use hand cranks to aid in textile manufacturing, metallurgy and agriculture.
After the mid-15th century, the technique of incorporating flywheels to produce smooth motion
proliferated, allowing devices such as the spinning wheel to gain popularity in Europe.

Cranks and pedal power became one of the most efficient means of coupling human power to
applications. In the 19th century, the bicycle’s use of pedals allowed an efficient means of self-
transportation. In parallel with the invention of the electric dynamo in the 19th century, it is
speculated that pedal power was used to generate electric power as early as then. However, with
the burgeoning of the industrial revolution in the 19th century and forward, human society found
other ways of powering their engineered applications.

Particularly, the availability of cheap and plentiful electricity, powerful motors and disposable
batteries can be attributed to the decrease in popularity of using human strength. Also, the ethical
implications of having humans produce energy as punishment, as seen in some prison mills, further
diminished the popularity of human sourced power. It would take until the latter half of the 20th
century for science to seriously reinvestigate this resource.

Page 7

When the energy intake of humans is considered, a large potential seems apparent.
Considering the standard 2000kcal of daily consumption (97W of power in, on average),
humans take in about 8.368MJ or 2324Wh of energy every single day. This is approximately
the same amount of energy stored in the typical car battery (2400Wh). However, the
expenditure of energy for common tasks is relatively high as well as seen in Table 2.1 Also;
Table 2.2 shows some values for maximum power that can be captured as a result of human

Table 2.1 Energy Consumption Rates of Common Human Activities

Activity Power Consumed (W)

Sleeping 81

Sitting 116

Swimming 582

Sprinting 1630

Page 8
Table 2.2 Maximum Power Generation Capability for some Human


Activity Maximum Human Power (W)

Pushing button 0.64

Squeezing handle 12

Rotating crank 28

Riding bike >100

Hence, the available energy that can be captured over a short period of
time is in reality quite limited. To replace just one of the largest capacity coal
power plants in the United States (Arizona Public Service Co, Palo Verde, AZ)
would require approximately the population of 2 New York City metro areas to
be riding human power generating bicycle :

3937 𝑀𝑊
= 39,370,000 people
100 𝑊 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛

Page 9
Producing 1800 watts for a few seconds should be within the range of the best power lifters and
perhaps for up to a minute. Remember 1 watt means applying a force of 1 newton through a
distance of 1 meter in 1 second. So if you lifted 1 kg, that's 9.8 newton of force, about 10
newton, for 1 meter in 1 second that would be 10 watts. So lifting 180 kg, 1 meter high in 1
second would be 1800 watts. The best power lifters can do squats of several times their body
weight for 1 rep. Let's say the power lifter weighed 100 kg, about 220 lbs. He might be able to do
3 times his weight for a single rep. That would be 300 kg. But remember he's actually raising his
own weight as well. So he's actually lifting 4 times his weight, 400 kg for this one rep. For a
male of average height, he might be raising this over a distance of 1 meter. So doing 1800 watts
of power for one minute would be like giving this power lifter a weight of only 60 kg (for a total
weight of 180 kg) and doing squats with this light weight for the high number of reps of 1 per
second over one minute. This would be possible for a weight so much lighter than their usual 1
rep maximum weight.


First keep in mind that Watts and Calories are two different units of measurement that can't be
directly converted back and forth. However if you use Watt-Hours instead of just "Watts" you
then have a way to convert to calories. Here are the steps: Convert Watt-Hours to Watt-Seconds
(Joules), then convert Joules to Calories, then adjust Calories with human body efficiency factor.
So for this example let's assume that you provide pedal power to a 100 Watt television for one
hour. Since one Joule is equal to one Watts X Seconds you perform dimensional analysis and

100Watt-hours X (3600 seconds / 1 Hour) = 360,000 J

Now use the conversion factor:

1 calorie = 4.184 J to convert Joules to Calories

360,000 J / 4.184 = 86,042 Calories.

Page 10
When you look at the label of Oreo cookies or other food items at the store, the term "Calories"
is really (kilo-Calories). So you divide by 1000 to get 86 Calories. Assuming that your body is
about 25% efficient when cycling you divide by 0.25: Calories burned running a 100 Watt
Television for 1 hour = 86 / 0.25 = 344 which is about equivalent to one piece of pizza.


Today, human power has made sort of a comeback with many applications where it can be of use
and the reason to investigate alternative energy. A novel feeling of empowerment is recognized
when people are able to do things for which they had to rely on machines previously. So much
so, that the idea of powering solely from human energy exists as a technical challenge. For
example, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) holds the Human Powered
Vehicle Challenge (HPVC) competition annually for encouraging higher education students to
construct and compete with single-driver prototypes power by the driver alone. Further, the
Royal Aeronautical Society has various challenges for the Kramer’s prizes in human powered

The end goal of this initiative is to qualify such an endeavor to be a competitive sport, possibly a
part Human power has also been found to be uniquely good at providing energy generation in
isolated situations. For example, the development of hand-operated axial flux generators which
can be useful for dismounted soldiers, search and rescue operation in case of natural disasters,
relief workers in remote regions and field scientists. The study demonstrates how 60W can be
maintained from the generator for different applications while maintaining a lightweight design
for portability. Further, provides a good example of applying human power in remote areas of
developing countries. In 1991, at the time of the study, many rural parts of India lacked any
access to electricity. Further, fossil fuel or solar/wind energy generation required skill in

Page 11
operation and maintenance along with monetary resources that were unavailable in the

Human energy was determined to be simple, dependable, required low capital, and reliable for the
application of desalinating local water.

The successful implementation of a pedal powered system in the rural area produced a sustainable
100W to power the desalination system. This let clean water be available to the people locally,
avoiding the need to walk 2km daily as done previously. This localized generation of electricity
has also made human power an excellent method for micro-power generation.

Theoretical analyses have been done to show that brisk walking motion can produce up to 5-8W,
adequate for basic wearable computing. Recent research shows the performance of three methods
to perform this extraction. Summary of current progress in piezoelectric generator technology
shows power generation capabilities of up to 8400μW.

Further, small-scale electromagnetic generators are a little harder to manufacture but can produce
power in the order of mW. The development of a electrostatic generator which uses micro ball
movement induced by low frequency human motion to generate at least 40μW. Such output power
may seem relatively negligible but it has potential in partially or completely removing the need for
batteries, making portable designs lighter, smaller and longer lasting. This is especially promising
for applications such as implantable and wearable electronics, ambient intelligence, condition
monitoring devices, and wireless sensor networks.

Hence, it is seen that human power generation has multiple applications in modern society. It can
be useful when users are isolated as possible with natural disaster, military deployment or being
in a remote area. It also provides for an intuitive, easy to implement and relatively low cost design
which is particularly useful in rural areas of developing nations where skill in operating equipment
and investment capital is limited. Acquisition of energy via no deliberate human effort is also
possible which could be useful for various novel portable electronics applications. Furthermore, it
can allow for power generation to be done socially, removing the feeling of deliberate effort while
increasing the power output significantly. The thought of using human energy as an alternative
and renewable energy source is gaining popularity to the level that businesses have formed around
converting exercise equipment such as stationary bikes and elliptical to electricity generators.

Page 12

2.5.1 Faraday’s Law

 Faraday took a magnet and a coil and connected a galvanometer across the coil. At starting
the magnet is at the rest, so there was no deflection on galvanometer. i.e. the needle of
galvanometer remain at center or zero position.

 When the magnet is moved towards the coil, the needle of galvanometer shows deflection.
When it is held stationary, the needle of the galvanometer comes back to the center
position. Now, the magnet is moved away from the coil, the galvanometer shows deflection
but in the opposite direction.

Any change in the magnetic field of a coil of wire will cause an EMF to be introduced in the coil.
This EMF introduced is called induced EMF and if the conductor circuit is closed, the current will
also circulate through the circuit and this current is called induced current

Position of Magnet Deflection in Galvanometer

 Magnet at rest No deflection in Galvanometer

 Magnet moves toward the coil Deflection in galvanometer in


 Magnet is held stationary at same point No deflection in galvanometer

After this observation,

Michael Faraday formulated two laws on the basis of the above experiments.

These two laws are called Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction

Page 13
Faraday’s First Law:

Any change in the magnetic field of a coil of wire will cause an EMF to be introduced in the
coil. This EMF introduced is called induced EMF and if the conductor circuit is closed, the current
will also circulate through the circuit and this current is called induced current

Method to change magnetic field:-

 By moving a magnet toward or away from the coil.

 By moving the coil into or out of the magnetic field.

 By changing the area of the coil placed in magnetic field.

 By rotating the coil relative to the magnet.

Faraday’s Second Law:

The magnitude of the EMF induced in the coil is equal to the rate of change of the flux that
linkages with the coil. The flux linkage with the coil is the product of number of turns in the coil
and flux associated with the coil.

Considering Lenz’s law,



flux φ is in Weber =B*A

B=Magnetic field strength,

A=Area of the coil

Page 14
How to increase EMF induced in the coil:

 By increasing the no. of the turns of the coil. i.e. N-from the formulae derived above it is
easily seen that if no. of turns of the coil is increased , the EMF induced is also increased.

 By increasing the magnetic field strength. i.e. B- surrounding the coil-mathematically if

the magnetic field increases, the flux increases and if flux increases EMF induced will also
increase. So, if the coil is passed through a strong magnetic field, there will be more line
of force of coil to cut and hence there will be more EMF produced.

 By increase the speed of the relative motion between the coil and the magnet-if the relative
speed between the magnet and coil is increased from the previous value, the coil will cut
the line of the flux at a faster rate, so more induced EMF would be produced.

2.5.2 Application of Faraday Law:

 It is one of the most basic and important law of the electromagnetism. This law finds its
application in most of the electric machines, industries and medical field etc.

 Electrical transformer

 It is a static AC device which is used to either step up or step down the voltage or current.
It is used in the generating station, transmission and distribution system. The transform
work on the Faraday law.

 Electrical generators.

Page 15
 The basic working of the electrical generator is Faraday law of mutual induction. It is used
to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

 Three are also many application of the Faraday law which are as given:-

 Induction cooking.

 Electromagnetic flow meters.

 Form the basis of electromagnetic theory.

 Musical instrument.

Page 16


The basic design for the bicycle powered generator is to have a bicycle on a fixed stand, and then
when the bicycle is pedaled, the spinning motion of the rear tire is used to produce mechanical
energy directly into a generator. The kinetic energy from the exercising machine is given to the
alternator through chain and belt drive. The belt is directly coupled to the alternator, so while
exercising alternator also rotate.

A simple block diagram of the overall project design is shown in Fig.

Fig 3.1 Block diagram of overall project design

DC supply is given to the alternator using a battery, thus the rotor produce flux. While
exercising, the alternator starts to rotate and produce three phase AC supply.

The three phase AC supply is convert into DC through a three phase bridge rectifier. The
rectified DC supply is given to the voltage regulator. Voltage regulator regulates the voltage to
12V. This 12V is used to charge battery and the same DC supply is fed to an inverter. The
inverter is made is made with MOSFET and driver circuit.

Page 17
The output of the inverter is 12V AC supply with a frequency of 50 Hz. This AC supply is step
up to 230 V by using step up transformer.

When the exercise machine is not used, the main supply is used to charge the battery. For that
charging step down transformer and bridge rectifier is used. The output of the transformer is 12V
AC. This 12 V AC is converted to DC by using diode bridge rectifier. The output from the diode
rectifier is directly connected to the battery. So the battery also charges while the exercise
machine is not in use. In our project, we are using a 40 W incandescent lamp as load.

This project has various different design paths to complete our product while meeting the
majority objectives. This means we will have to implement and compare our different designs to
insure the best product based on our set of objectives. These paths have changed as we
progressed through our project, and there were a few foreseen methods that we expand upon in
the design section.

The basic design for the bicycle powered generator is to have a bicycle on a fixed stand, and then
when the bicycle is pedaled, the spinning motion of the rear tire is used to produce mechanical
energy directly into a generator. Alternator is the device by which mechanical energy is
converted into electrical energy. It is D.C. generator for generating D.C. voltage at output.
Rectifier circuit It is a device which converts A.C. voltage into D.C. voltage. Some A.C.
harmonics produced by D.C. generator with pulsating modulation of waves which is not in
regular modulation, so for getting regular modulation of waves, rectifier circuit is used Filter
circuit at the output of rectifier.

DC voltage is not in pure form some A.C. components are in there so for purification of it, Shunt
capacitor filter circuit is used. Filter is a circuit which minimizes of removed the undesirable
A.C. component of the rectifier output & allows only the D.C. component to reach at output.
Charging circuit It is the circuit which is used for charging the discharged battery. Voltage
limiting circuit:- It is also called as voltage regulator circuit. Here, for voltage regulation of
output voltage, Zener diode is used.

Page 18
Voltage regulator is the circuit which eliminates or reduced variations in the D.C. output voltage
or rectifier and filter circuit are called Voltage Regulator. Battery It is the source of D.C. voltage.
It is the device where we want to store the D.C. voltage or it gives the D.C. source whenever we
want. Inverter we are using electronic inverter. The function of electronic inverter is to convert
D.C. to A.C. In our project we are generating 12 volt D.C. supply to convert 12 volt D.C. to 230
volt A.C. with the help of electronic inverter unit.

The function of inverter is to take the 12 volt D.C. and switching the 12 volt D.C. and give the
step-up transformer convert 12 volt switching supply to 230 volt A.C. supply. It is most common
part of inverter. If an AC voltage is produced, a full bridge rectifier will be necessary to produce
the DC voltage. This DC voltage can then be used immediately or stored via a battery array.

The first decision is selecting a bill of materials for each design path. This will help determine
the ultimate product affordability. We must decide whether to use an alternator or dynamo to
convert the bicycles mechanical energy to AC or DC, respectively. While an alternator is easier
to find and purchase with many functioning units available in scrap yards, they also tend to be
less efficient in the output of DC power compared to a dynamo.

Another design factor that must be implemented and compared is the coupling of the bicycle
wheel to either the alternator or dynamo rotor. One option is to use two contacting wheels to
connect the two components. This option is a bit simpler to implement and take very little
upkeep to maintain; however, the efficiency of the contact is relatively low due to slippage losses
and frictional losses. A more efficient yet expensive design would be to have the wheel and the
alternator/dynamo be connected via a rotary belt, similar to a car belt system. There are bound to
be various other obstacles and design methods to be implemented as the project progresses, and
will be observed and recorded as they occur.

Page 19

This project has various different design paths to complete our product while meeting the
majority objectives. This means we will have to implement and compare our different designs to
insure the best product based on our set of objectives. These paths have changed as we
progressed through our project, and there were a few foreseen methods that we expand upon in
the design section.

Figure 3.2 Overall Project design

The basic design for the bicycle powered generator is to have a bicycle on a fixed stand, and then
when the bicycle is pedaled, the spinning motion of the rear tire is used to produce mechanical
energy directly into a DC voltage. If an AC voltage is produced, a full bridge rectifier will be
necessary to produce the DC voltage. This DC voltage can then be used immediately or stored
via a battery array. If a constant DC voltage is required by the using a voltage regulator may be

Page 20

All generators weather large or small, ac or dc require a source of mechanical power to turn their
rotors. This source of mechanical energy is called a prime mover. Prime movers are divided into
two classes for generators-high-speed and low-speed. Steam and gas turbines are high-speed prime
movers, while internal-combustion engines, water, and electric motors are considered low speed
prime movers. The type of prime mover plays an important part in the design of power generator
since the speed at which the rotor is turned determines certain characteristics of generator
construction and operation.

Figure 3.3 belt pulley connection

Page 21
The prime mover used in our project is a medium speed prime mover which was a bicycle pedal.
The source of mechanical energy transmitted to the generator via pedaling is human power which
comes from the chemical energy of our body. The source of this chemical is the burning of fat or
metabolism system of our body. This fat burning helps us to keep the weight of our under a safe

The average speed of a bicycle pedal is about 60 to 70 RPM and we can easily convert this speed
into 3000 to 3500 RPM by gear or belt pulley reduction. In our project we used belt pulley system
for speed boosting. The outer diameter of the rear wheel of the bicycle was about 26 inch or 660.4
mm and the pulley has a outer diameter of 6.05 mm. This belt pulley system helps us to achieve a
speed increment of about 88 times of the wheel speed of bicycle. Thus, our motor shaft has about
3000 to 3500 RPM speed. And, rotor of the motor has this high speed


A bicycle is designed to convert human energy into mechanical energy for transportation purposes.
The mechanical energy is then translated into electrical energy through the use of a drive train
turning a motor. To maximize the efficiency of both conversions is essential to obtaining the
maximum power output. The first conversion is from human energy or muscle energy into
mechanical energy .The bicycle is an efficient and robust method to convert between the two types
of energy. It is an efficient design that provides seating for the user as well as pedals and drive
train that are easily activated. There are few moving parts and the simplicity of design is proven.
Pedaling is the most efficient way of utilizing power from human muscles. Pedal power enables a
person to drive devices at the same or higher rate as that achieved by hand cranking, but with far
less effort and fatigue. The human musculature is concentrated in our legs and the bicycle set-up
allows for harnessing the maximum output. The stationary power generation on bicycles has been
skipped over in past research but with the rising cost of other power generation, reliance on human
power generation will become more important.

On the other hand bicycle is a universal symbol of transportation in all types of countries especially
developing ones. We can find bicycles everywhere and the robustness of the simple mechanical
system makes the learning curve essentially zero.

Page 22
Figure 3.4 motor shaft

The rotational nature of the bicycle drive train or more specifically the pedals is a steady style of
movement. The constant driving of the pedals become more constant when reaching the drive train
since there is rotational inertia to smooth out any subtle changes in the speed. The rear wheel
therefore becomes an ideal prime mover for electrical generation; we would need to connect an
alternator and rear wheel though either direct contact or a belt system. The user is able to start
softly and increase the resistance as momentum is gained.

When the bicycle stabilizes and gains more speed, then the user down-shift thereby increasing
perceived resistance and outputs more power. The same approach can be used by the user of our

Page 23
stationary power generation set-up. This factor comes into play further when developing the motor
for the bicycle design. A pulley is a wheel on an axle that is designed to support movement of a
cable or belt along its circumference. Pulleys are used in a variety of ways to lift loads, apply
forces, and to transmit power.

Round belts Round belts are a circular cross section belt designed to run in a pulley with a 60
degree V-groove. Round grooves are only suitable for idler pulleys that guide the belt, or when
(soft) O-ring type belts are used.

The pulley we had used was a aluminum made pulley. There are various reason why we used
aluminum instead of cast iron or nylon pulley. The reasons will be described in the following

Aluminum pulleys are also considered lightweight, although heavier than nylon. They have
moderate inertia control, and display excellent wear characteristics. They are mechanically
durable, but have some oxidation issues if untreated (clear coat or anodizing).

For designs where timing pulleys may have to endure temperatures exceeding 120 degrees Celsius
(250 degrees Fahrenheit), nylon pulleys are mechanically sound, but are approaching a
temperature where material deflection is a possibility. Most synchronous timing belts have a
maximum recommended operating temperature of around 82 degrees Celsius (180 degrees
Fahrenheit). Although cost savings might make a nylon pulley attractive, in high temperature
applications aluminum may be the wiser choice. In either case, the limiting factor will be the
temperature at which the chosen belt will fail.

The web of the pulley and the hub are designed for strength, material savings, and cost savings.
For some nylon pulley profiles, an aluminum web is used to eliminate deflection, increase strength
and minimize the potential for deformation during the cooling cycle after molding. Nylon timing
pulleys can be supplied as all plastic or plastic with an over molded metal insert. These metal
inserts can be provided using aluminum, steel and stainless steel and can be keyed, broached,
splinted or have set screws just like a solid aluminum or steel pulley.

Page 24
Both nylon and aluminum pulleys can be provided with single or double row radial bearings
pressed into the hubs. Both can also be supplied with single or double flanges and offer a wide
variety of the most common tooth profiles. Nylon pulleys can be provided as stepped pulleys when
two or more different pitch diameters are pressed on to a common bushing and staked into place

3.4.1 V-Belt Pulleys Information

V-belt pulleys (also called V-belt sheaves) are devices which transmit power between axles by the
use of a v-belt, a mechanical linkage with a trapezoidal cross-section. Together these devices offer
a high-speed power transmission solution that is resistant to slipping and misalignment.

V-belt pulleys are solely used for transmitting power between two parallel axels. The most notable
difference between a v-belt pulley and other types of pulleys (round belt, flat, etc.) would be the
geometry of the groove or grooves located around the circumference of the pulley; these grooves
guide and gain traction on a v-belt. The accompanying video offers a comprehensive overview of
some v-belt basics, as well as their advantages and variations.

A v-belt is a unique mechanical linkage with a cross-section that resembles an isosceles trapezoid.
The v-belt and its complementing pulley create the most efficient belt drive known (sometimes
achieving 98% transmission efficiency). V-belts were developed in the early days of automobile
innovation to improve belt reliability and torque transmission from the crankshaft to rotating
assemblies. V-belts remain a common type of serpentine belt today.

V-belt transmissions are a notable upgrade from round or flat belt transmissions; v-belts provide
excellent traction, speed, and load capabilities, while enjoying an extended service life with simple
replacement. Heavy loads actually increase transmission efficiency since they wedge the belt
further into the pulley's groove, thereby improving friction. Typically, v-belt drives operate
between 1,500 to 6,000 ft/min, with 4,500 ft/min the ideal capacity for standard belts. Some narrow
v-belts can operate at speeds of up to 10,000 ft/min, but these pulleys must be dynamically
stabilized. V-belt pulleys may be placed in a side-by-side configuration or a single pulley may
feature multiple grooves around the circumference in order to accommodate a multiple-belt drive.
This type of drive distributes torque across several belts and provides a mechanical redundancy.

Page 25
FIGURE 3.5 V-belt nomenclature

(Image credits: Main Supplies; Switchboard)

Table 3.1 Relative advantages and disadvantages of V-belt

V-belt drive advantages V-belt drive disadvantages

Minimal maintenance w/ no lubrication Approx. temperature limit of 140° F

Pulleys must be somewhat larger than in other belt

Extremely reliable

Center distance between pulleys is limited

Gradual wear, which is easily identified
(no more than 3x the diameter of the largest pulley

Wide horsepower and speed range Usually more expensive than other drives

Quiet operation Only acceptable for parallel shafts

Vibration dampening

Prevents overload

Page 26
3.4.2 Types of V-Belt Pulleys

Several types of pulleys are used in v-belt transmissions, each with different implementation.
Occasionally flat-belt pulleys are suitable when the backside of the v-belt is used to rotate the
pulley in the opposite direction of the driven pulley, as commonly employed with ribbed v-belts.

Table 3.2 Pulley Types

 Standard pulleys are pulleys that have

traditional dimensions, with one or
multiple grooves, which mate with
classic, small-engine, and hexagonal-
style v-belts.

Image credit: Carlisle Power Transmission

Page 27
 Companion pulleys contain integral
spokes which run radially on the pulley.
This produces a high strength-to-weight
ratio advantageous to fractional
horsepower pulleys.

Image credit: Advanced Bearing

 Idler pulleys are used solely as belt

tensioners in many v-belt drives, but
play an important part in maintaining
the tension required to drive the
transmission. Idlers can interact with
either the wedged or flat side of the v-
belt since no torque is required to be
transmitted to this axle. Idler pulleys
reduce belt service life and the
efficiency of the drive, but are required
in transmissions where the drive needs
to clear obstructions, or the driven Image credit: Just Commodores
pulley does not maintain a sufficient arc
of contact with the v-belt to transmit

Page 28
 Variable speed pulleys have a variable
pitch which adjusts the driven RPM,
often within a range that is represented
as a percentage. These pulleys are also
useful for maintaining belt tension for
dynamic loads.
Image credit: Hi-Lo

 Step pulleys have two or more non-

adjustable grooves which have different
pitches located around the same shaft.
These pulleys change the speed ratio of
the transmission.

Image credit: Unisoft

Page 29
3.4.3 Materials

Common materials of construction include: aluminum, brass, cast iron, plastic, stainless steel,
steel, and zinc alloy. For v-belts which exceed 6,500 RPM, pulleys must be manufactured within
closer tolerances to ensure stability. The following chart should be referenced.

full size

(Table Credit: Carlisle Transmission Products)

Figure 3.6 Reference chart for V-belt materials

Page 30
3.4.4 V-Belt Pulley Components


Pulleys are manufactured with grooves that are designed for a specific style and width of v-belt.
A more comprehensive look at v-belts is offered in the v-belt and v-ribbed belts selection guide.
Conventional and narrow v-belts are frequently cogged to improve the belt's flexibility and heat
dissipation, but pulleys do not require any design alterations to interact with cogged v-belts.
Cogged belts are typically represented by an 'X' in the belt denomination. Pulleys for conventional
and narrow v-belts are frequently interchangeable provided the pitch widths and angles are

Page 31
Table 3.3 Types of Grooves

Belt style Denomination/top width

A: .5"

B: .625"
Conventional: most common v-belt style; used in
C: .875"
many transmission applications
D: 1.25"

E: 1.5"

2L: .25"

Fractional Horsepower: a v-belt for light loads 3L: .375"

and small engines 4L: .5"

5L: .65"

3V: .375"
Narrow: as strong as conventional v-belts, but
5V: .625"
with smaller widths
8V: 1.0"

AA: .5"
Hexagonal: a v-belt with a hexagonal cross-
section which can gain traction on pulleys placed BB: .625"
inside or outside the belt drive.
CC: .875"

Page 32

Primarily, the bore diameter of the pulley must be a geometric match with the mating shaft. The
shaft about which the pulley rotates is an axle, and the most common method of accommodating
this axle is by the use of a simple bore, whereas the pulley is allowed to freely rotate about the axis
with no torque transmitted. This bore is used in idler pulley applications, but is otherwise useless
for power transmission. Other mounting styles include:

 Set screw: A through-hole allows a screw to be perpendicularly tightened against the axle.
 Keyway: An offset slot or shaft ensures an intimate fit along the axle to transfer torque
between components.
 Press-on: An offset slot or shaft ensures an intimate fit along the axle to transfer torque
between components.
 Weld-on: The pulley's hub is directly attached to the axle via welding.
 Taper bushing: A bolt-on tapered hub locks around the shaft.
 Clamped hub: A split hub is tightened around the axle by the use of a clamp.

3.4.5 V-Belt Pulley Specifications

The following parameters are important when selecting v-belt pulleys.

Belt profile, or the style and sizes of the belt being integrated.

Outside diameter, or the distance across the pulley when measured between groove edges.

Center diameter is the distance or distances between the shafts of the pulleys in the transmission.
V-belt transmissions are limited by center distances, which must be no more than three-times the
diameter of the largest pulley, lest significant slipping can occur.

Grooves, the grooves located on the pulley, including the number, and angle and width of the

Page 33
Pitch diameter, or the diameter of the pulley where the belt is engaged, and is critical to the drives
strength-to-weight ratio.

Arc of contact, the degree of which the belt wraps around the pulley.

3.4.6 V-Belt Pulley Standards

The standards below are common industrial standards related to v-belt pulleys and their
implementation into a v-drive.

 BS 3970 -- Specifications for belt drives and their corresponding pulleys

 ISO 2790 -- Automotive v-belt drive standards
 ISO 5290 -- Grooved pulleys for narrow v-belts
 ISO 9980 -- Groove geometry for v-belt pulleys


The alternator contains:

 A rotating field winding called the rotor.

 A stationary induction winding called the stator.
 A control device called the voltage regulator.

A voltage regulator circuit for an alternator includes voltage responsive circuitry having a
Zener diode. The regulator will maintain a pre-determined charging system voltage level.
When the system voltage decreases the regulator strengthens the magnetic field and thereby
increases the alternator output voltage. When the system voltage increases the regulator
weakens the magnetic field and thereby decreases the alternator output voltage.

Zener diodes are especially used on applications with sensitive electronic components. These
can prevent major damage caused by voltage peaks due to sudden discharges. In 12V
systems, Zener diodes with a voltage range 24V - 32V are used and in 28V systems the range
is 36V - 44V.When ac generators are operated in parallel, frequency and voltage must both
be equal. Where a synchronizing force is required to equalize only the voltage between dc

Page 34
generators, synchronizing forces are required to equalize both voltage and speed (frequency)
between ac generators. On a comparative basis, the synchronizing forces for ac generators
are much greater than for dc generators. When ac generators are of sufficient size and are
operating at unequal frequencies and terminal voltages, serious damage may result if they
are suddenly connected to each other through a common bus.

Figure 3.7 Electronic device

To avoid this, the generators must be synchronized as closely as possible before connecting
them together. The output voltage of an alternator is best controlled by regulating the voltage
output of the dc exciter, which supplies current to the alternator rotor field. This is
accomplished as shown in Fig. 2.5, by a Zener diode regulator of a 28 volt system connected
in the field circuit of the exciter. The Zener diode regulator controls the exciter field current
and thus regulates the exciter output voltage applied to the alternator field. The only
difference between the dc system and the ac system is that the voltage coil receives its voltage

Page 35
from the alternator line instead of the dc generator. In this arrangement a three phase, step
down transformer connected to the alternator voltage supplies power to a three phase, full wave
rectifier. The 28 volt, dc output of the rectifier is then applied to the Zener diode voltage
regulator. Changes in alternator voltage are transferred through the transformer rectifier unit
to the Zener diode. This controls the exciter field current and the exciter output voltage The
exciter voltage anti-hunting or damping transformer is similar to those in DC systems and
performs the same function The DC output voltage from the half or full-wave rectifiers
contains ripple superimposed onto the DC voltage and that as the load value changes so to
does the average output voltage. By connecting a simple Zener stabilizer circuit as shown
below across the output of the rectifier, a more stable output voltage can be produced

Figure 3.8 Alternator with voltage regulator

Page 36

Zener Diodes can be used to produce a stabilized voltage output with low ripple under varying
load current conditions. Bypassing a small current through the diode from a voltage source,
via a suitable current limiting resistor, the Zener diode will conduct sufficient current to maintain
a voltage drop of output voltage.

Fig 3.9 Zener Diode Regulator

In the Fig, the resistor, RS is connected in series with the Zener diode to limit the current flow
through the diode with the voltage source, VS being connected across the combination. The
stabilized output voltage Vout is taken from across the Zener diode. The Zener diode is connected
with its cathode terminal connected to the positive rail of the DC supply so it is reverse biased and
will be operating in its breakdown condition. Resistor RS is selected so to limit the maximum
current flowing in the circuit. With no load connected to the circuit, the load current will be
zero, (IL = 0), and all the circuit current passes through the Zener diode which in turn dissipates
its maximum power. Also a small value of the series resistor R Swill result in a greater diode

Page 37
current when the load resistance RL is connected and large as this will increase the power
dissipation requirement of the diode so care must be taken when selecting the appropriate
value of series resistance so that the Zener’s

maximum power rating is not exceeded under this no-load or high impedance condition. The
load is connected in parallel with the Zener diode, so the voltage across R L is always the
same as the Zener voltage, (VR= VZ ). There is a minimum Zener current for which the stabilization
of the voltage is effective and the Zener current must stay above this value operating under
load within its breakdown region at all times. The upper limit of current is of course dependent
upon the power rating of the device. The supply voltage VS must be greater than VZ. One small
problem with Zener diode stabilizer circuits is that the diode can sometimes generate electrical
noise on top of the DC supply as it tries to stabilize the voltage. Normally this is not a problem for
most applications but the addition of a large value decoupling capacitor across the Zener’s output
may be required to give additional smoothing. Then to summarize a little. A Zener diode is always
operated in its reverse biased condition. A voltage regulator circuit can be designed using a
Zener diode to maintain a constant DC output voltage across the load in spite of variations in
the input voltage or changes in the load current. The Zener voltage regulator consists of a
current limiting resistor RS connected in series with the input voltage VS with the Zener diode
connected in parallel with the load RL in this reverse biased condition. The stabilized output
voltage is always selected to be the same as the breakdown voltage VZ of the diode.


Battery is essential to supply DC power for the alternator rotor and for the storage of generated
power. An electric battery is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells that convert
stored chemical energy into electrical energy. Each cell contains a positive terminal, or cathode,
and a negative terminal, or anode. Electrolytes allow ions to move between the electrodes and
terminals, which allows current to flow out of the battery to perform work. Battery we used is 12V,
7.2 Ah rating.

The battery is a two-terminal device that provides DC supply to the inverter section when the AC
mains are not available. This DC is then converted into 220V AC supply and output at the inverter

Page 38
output socket. It is pertinent to state that lead-acid batteries used in automobiles are very good for
this purpose as they provide good quality power for a long duration and can be recharged once the
power stored in them are consumed. The backup time provided by the inverter depends on the
battery type and its current capacity.

Figure 3.10 VRLA Battery

Primary (single-use or "disposable") batteries are used once and discarded; the electrode materials
are irreversibly changed during discharge. Common examples are the alkaline battery used for
flashlights and a multitude of portable devices.

Secondary (rechargeable batteries) can be discharged and recharged multiple times; the original
composition of the electrodes can be restored by reverse current. Examples include the lead-acid
batteries used in vehicles and lithium ion batteries used for portable electronics.

Page 39
A lead-acid battery charger is most popular though it will very large size than others battery type.
But them have advantage are cheap, easy to buy and long life if correctly uses.


A battery charger is a device used to put energy into a cell or (rechargeable) battery by forcing an
electric current through it. Lead-acid battery chargers typically have two tasks to accomplish. The
first is to restore capacity, often as quickly as practical. The second is to maintain capacity by
compensating for self-discharge.

In both instances optimum operation requires accurate sensing of battery voltage. When a typical
lead-acid cell is charged, Lead Sulphate is converted to lead on the battery’s negative plate and
lead dioxide on the positive plate. Over-charge reactions begin when the majority of Lead Sulphate
has been converted, typically resulting in the generation of hydrogen and oxygen gas. At moderate
charge rates, most of the hydrogen and oxygen will recombine in sealed batteries. In unsealed
batteries however, dehydration will occur. The onset of over-charge can be detected by monitoring
battery voltage.

Over charge reactions are indicated by the sharp rise in cell voltage. The point at which over-
charge reactions begin is dependent on charge rate, and as charge rate is increased, the percentage
of returned capacity at the onset of over-charge diminishes. For overcharge to coincide with 100%
return of capacity, the charge rate must typically be less than 1/100 amps of its amp- hour capacity.
At high charge rates, controlled over-charging is typically as quickly as possible. To maintain
capacity on a fully charged battery, a constant voltage is applied. The voltage must be high enough
to compensate for self-discharge, yet not too high as to cause excessive over-charging.


Charging a lead acid battery is a matter of replenishing the depleted supply of energy that the
battery had lost during use. This replenishing process can be accomplished with several different
charger implementations: “constant voltage charger”, “constant current charger” or a “multistage"
constant voltage/current charger.

Page 40
Each of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages that need to be compared and
weighed to see which one would be the most practical and realistic to fit with our requirements.

Constant voltage charging is one of the most common charging methods for lead acid batteries.
The idea behind this approach is to keep a constant voltage across the terminals of the battery at
all times. Initially, a large current will be drawn from the voltage source, but as the battery charges
and increases its internal voltage, the current will slowly fold and decays exponentially.

When the battery is brought up to a potential full charge, which is usually considered around
13.8V, the charging voltage is dropped down to a lower value that will provide a trickle charge to
maintain the battery as long as it is plugged into the charger.

The best characteristic of this method is that it provides a way to return a large bulk of the charge
into the battery very fast. The drawback is that to complete a full charge would take a much longer
time since the current is exponentially decreased as the battery charges. A prolonged charging time
must be considered as one of the issues to this design. Constant current charging is another simple
yet effective method for charging lead acid batteries.

A current source is used to drive a uniform current through the battery in a direction opposite of
discharge. This can be analogous to pouring water into a bucket with a constant water flow, no
matter how full the bucket is. Constant current sources are not very hard to implement; therefore,
the final solution would require a very simple design. There is a major drawback to this approach.
Since the battery is always being pushed at a constant rate, when it is close to being fully charged,
the charger would force extra current into the battery, causing overcharge. The ability to harness
this current is the key to a successful charger. By monitoring the voltage on the battery, the charge
level can be determined, and at a certain point, the current source would need to be folded back to
only maintain a trickle charge and prevent overcharging.

When the battery is connected to the external load, the chemical changes take place in reverse
direction, during which the absorbed energy is released as electrical energy and supplied to the
load. Thus the 12V DC output of the battery is fed to the inverter.

Page 41
3.7.3 Charging Voltage Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) Battery

Optimized charging conditions to extend service life.

The lead acid battery uses the constant current constant voltage (CC/CV) charge method. A
regulated current raises the terminal voltage until the upper charge voltage limit is reached, at
which point the current drops due to saturation. The charge time is 12–16 hours and up to 36–48
hours for large stationary batteries. With higher charge currents and multi-stage charge methods,
the charge time can be reduced to 8–10 hours; however, without full topping charge. Lead acid is
sluggish and cannot be charged as quickly as other battery systems.
Lead acid batteries should be charged in three stages, which are [1] constant-current charge, [2]
topping charge and [3] float charge. The constant-current charge applies the bulk of the charge
and takes up roughly half of the required charge time; the topping charge continues at a lower
charge current and provides saturation, and the float charge compensates for the loss caused by
During the constant-current charge, the battery charges to about 70 percent in 5–8 hours; the
remaining 30 percent is filled with the slower topping charge that lasts another 7–10 hours. The
topping charge is essential for the well-being of the battery and can be compared to a little rest
after a good meal. If continually deprived, the battery will eventually lose the ability to accept a
full charge and the performance will decrease due to sulfation. The float charge in the third stage
maintains the battery at full charge. Figure 1 illustrates these three stages.

Page 42
Figure 3.11 Charge stages of a lead acid battery.
(The battery is fully charged when the current drops to a set low level. The float voltage is
reduced. Float charge compensates for self-discharge that all batteries exhibit.) Courtesy of Cadex

The switch from Stage 1 to 2 occurs seamlessly and happens when the battery reaches the set
voltage limit. The current begins to drop as the battery starts to saturate; full charge is reached
when the current decreases to 3–5 percent of the Ah rating. A battery with high leakage may never
attain this low saturation current, and a plateau timer takes over to end the charge.

The correct setting of the charge voltage limit is critical and ranges from 2.30V to 2.45V per cell.
Setting the voltage threshold is a compromise and battery experts refer to this as “dancing on the
head of a needle.” On one hand, the battery wants to be fully charged to get maximum capacity
and avoid sulfation on the negative plate; on the other hand, over-saturation by not switching to
float charge causes grid corrosion on the positive plate. This also leads to gassing and water-loss.

Page 43
Temperature changes the voltage and this makes “dancing on the head of a needle” more
difficult. A warmer ambient requires a slightly lower voltage threshold and a colder temperature
prefers a higher setting. Chargers exposed to temperature fluctuations include temperature
sensors to adjust the charge voltage for optimum charge efficiency.
The charge temperature coefficient of a lead acid cell is –3mV/°C. Establishing 25°C (77°F) as
the midpoint, the charge voltage should be reduced by 3mV per cell for every degree above 25°C
and increased by 3mV per cell for every degree below 25°C. If this is not possible, it is better to
choose a lower voltage for safety reasons. Table 2 compares the advantages and limitations of
various peak voltage settings.

Table 3.4 Effects of charge voltage on a small lead acid battery.

2.30V to 2.35V/cell 2.40V to 2.45V/cell

Maximum service life; battery Higher and more consistent

stays cool; charge temperature capacity readings; less sulfation.
Advantages can exceed 30°C (86°F).

Slow charge time; capacity Subject to corrosion and gassing.

readings may be inconsistent and Needs water refill. Not suitable
declining with each cycle. for charging at high room
Limitations Sulfation may occur without temperatures, causing severe
equalizing charge. overcharge.

Cylindrical lead acid cells have higher voltage settings than VRLA and starter batteries.

Once fully charged through saturation, the battery should not dwell at the topping voltage for
more than 48 hours and must be reduced to the float voltage level. This is especially critical for
sealed systems because they are less tolerant to overcharge than the flooded type. Charging
beyond the specified limits turns redundant energy into heat and the battery begins to gas.
Page 44
The recommended float voltage of most flooded lead acid batteries is 2.25V to 2.27V/cell. Large
stationary batteries at 25°C (77°F) typically float at 2.25V/cell. Manufacturers recommend
lowering the float charge when the ambient temperature rises above 29°C (85°F).

Figure 3 illustrate the life of a lead acid battery that is kept at a float voltage of 2.25V to
2.30V/cell and at a temperature of 20°C to 25°C (60°F to 77°F). After 4 years of operation
permanent capacity losses become visible, crossing the 80 percent line. This loss is larger if the
battery requires periodic deep discharges. Elevated heat also reduces battery life.

Figure 3.12 Capacity loss on standby.

Not all chargers feature float charge and very few road vehicles have this provision. If your
charger stays on topping charge and does not drop below 2.30V/cell, remove the charge after 48
hours of charging. Recharge every 6 months while in storage; AGM every 6–12 months.

Page 45
These described voltage settings apply to flooded cells and batteries with a pressure relief valve
of about 34kPa (5psi). Cylindrical sealed lead acid, such as the Hawker Cyclon cell, requires
higher voltage settings and the limits should be set to manufacturer’s specifications. Failing to
apply the recommended voltage will cause a gradual decrease in capacity due to sulfation. The
Hawker Cyclon cell has a pressure relief setting of 345kPa (50psi). This allows some
recombination of the gases generated during charge.

Aging batteries pose a challenge when setting the float charge voltage because each cell has its
own unique condition. Connected in a string, all cells receive the same charge current and
controlling individual cell voltages as each reaches full capacity is almost impossible. Weak cells
may go into overcharge while strong cells remain in a starved state. A float current that is too
high for the faded cell might sulfate the strong neighbor due to undercharge. Cell-balancing
devices are available compensate for the differences in voltages caused by cell imbalance.

Ripple voltage also causes a problem with large stationary batteries. A voltage peak constitutes
an overcharge, causing hydrogen evolution, while the valley induces a brief discharge that
creates a starved state resulting in electrolyte depletion. Manufacturers limit the ripple on the
charge voltage to 5 percent.

Much has been said about pulse charging of lead acid batteries to reduce sulfation. The results
are inconclusive and manufacturers as well as service technicians are divided on the benefit. If
sulfation could be measured and the right amount of pulsing applied, then the remedy could be
beneficial; however giving a cure without knowing the underlying side effects can be harmful to
the battery.

Page 46
Most stationary batteries are kept on float charge and this works reasonably well. Another
method is the hysteresis charge that disconnects the float current when the battery goes to
standby mode. The battery is essentially put in storage and is only “borrowed” from time to time
to apply a topping-charge to replenish lost energy due to self-discharge, or when a load is
applied. This mode works well for installations that do not draw a load when on standby.

Lead acid batteries must always be stored in a charged state. A topping charge should be applied
every 6 months to prevent the voltage from dropping below 2.05V/cell and causing the battery to
sulfate. With AGM, these requirements can be relaxed.

Measuring the open circuit voltage (OCV) while in storage provides a reliable indication as to
the state-of-charge of the battery. A cell voltage of 2.10V at room temperature reveals a charge
of about 90 percent. Such a battery is in good condition and needs only a brief full charge prior
to use.

Observe the storage temperature when measuring the open circuit voltage. A cool battery lowers
the voltage slightly and a warm one increases it. Using OCV to estimate state-of-charge works
best when the battery has rested for a few hours, because a charge or discharge agitates the
battery and distorts the voltage.

Some buyers do not accept shipments of new batteries if the OCV at incoming inspection is
below 2.10V per cell. A low voltage suggests a partial charge due to long storage or a high self-
discharge caused by a micro-short. Battery users have found that a pack arriving at a lower than
specified voltage has a higher failure rate than those with higher voltages. Although in-house
service can often bring such batteries to full performance, the time and equipment required adds
to operational costs. (Note that the 2.10V/cell acceptance threshold does not apply to all lead
acid types equally.

Page 47
Under the right temperature and with sufficient charge current, lead acid provides high charge
efficiently. The exception is charging at 40°C (104°F) and low current, as Figure 4 demonstrates.
In respect of high efficiency, lead acid shares this fine attribute with Li-ion that is closer to 99%.

Figure 3.13 Charge efficiency of the lead acid battery.

At the right temperature and with sufficient charge current, lead acid provides high charge

Page 48

Watering is the single most important step in maintaining a flooded lead acid battery; a
requirement that is all too often neglected. The frequency of watering depends on usage, charge
method and operating temperature. Over-charging also leads to water consumption.
A new battery should be checked every few weeks to estimate the watering requirement. This
assures that the top of the plates are never exposed. A naked plate will sustain irreversible
damage through oxidation, leading to reduced capacity and lower performance.
If low on electrolyte, immediately fill the battery with distilled or de-ionized water. Tap water
may be acceptable in some regions. Do not fill to the correct level before charging as this could
cause an overflow during charging. Always top up to the desired level after charging. Never add
electrolyte as this would upset the specific gravity and promote corrosion. Watering systems
eliminate low electrolyte levels by automatically adding the right amount of water.

Simple Guidelines for Charging Lead Acid Batteries

 Charge in a well-ventilated area. Hydrogen gas generated during charging is

 Choose the appropriate charge program for flooded, gel and AGM batteries.
Check manufacturer’s specifications on recommended voltage thresholds.
 Recharge lead acid batteries after each use to prevent sulfation. Do not store on
low charge.
 The plates of flooded batteries must always be fully submerged in electrolyte. Fill
the battery with distilled or de-ionized water to cover the plates if low. Never add
 Fill water level to designated level after charging. Overfilling when the battery is
on low charge can cause acid spillage during charging.
 The formation of gas bubbles in a flooded lead acid indicates that the battery is
reaching full state-of-charge. (Hydrogen appears on negative plate and oxygen on
positive plate).
 Lower the float charge voltage if the ambient temperature is higher than
29°C (85°F)..

Page 49
 Do not allow a lead acid to freeze. An empty battery freezes sooner than one that
is fully charged. Never charge a frozen battery.
 Avoid charging at temperatures above 49°C (120°F).


The inverter should be chosen so that its input voltage matches that of the storage battery.
Fortunately, most inverters are designed to operate at about 12V in order to function with standard
lead-acid batteries.

Inverter is a small circuit which will convert the direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).
The power of a battery is converted in to ‘main voltages’ or AC power. This power can be used
for electronic appliances like television, mobile phones, computer etc. the main function of the
inverter is to convert DC to AC and step-up transformer is used to create main voltages from
resulting AC has the 12V DC output of the battery is fed to the inverter.

Fig 3.14 Block diagram of inverter

In the block diagram battery supply is given to the MOSFET driver where it will convert DC to
AC and the resulting AC is given to the step up transformer from the step up transformer we will
the get the original.

Page 50

4.1 Experimental Data:

We had taken some experimental data from our project using multi-meter for voltage and current
value with the variable shaft speed. The data table has been shown below:

Table 4.1: Change in voltage with the change in shaft RPM of the motor

Shaft RPM Induced Voltage Shaft RPM Induced Voltage

36.8 0.8 676.4 15.5

46.9 1.2 795.5 19.8

66.3 1.4 1000 22.0

76 1.9 1016 22.8

115.2 6.5 1044 26.3

152 3.3 1226 30.4

186.4 4.0 1397 32.8

203.6 4.3 1563 37.5

214.4 4.9 1782 43.7

282.6 5.9 2084 48.9

337.4 10.8 2353 51.6

455.3 11.9 2453 52.6

473.1 12.9 2480 55.3

605.1 12.9 2624 57.3

Page 51
Table 4.2 Change in current with the change in shaft RPM of the motor

Shaft RPM Induced Current Shaft RPM Induced Current

49.7 0.39 608.7 5.27

102 1.2 786.1 6.07
117.2 1.51 808.1 9.06
139.1 1.9 1049 9.65
140.1 0.7 1130 10.01
164.4 0.88 1136 10.44
172.1 1.15 1173 10.09
175.1 0.93 1207 11.26
236 1.61 1234 10.98
284.1 2.4 1275 11.1
534.4 3.15 1321 10.55
574.8 4.11 1341 11.06

Page 52
4.2 Project Performance Analysis

The time the light takes to turn on is dependent on both speed of the bicycle and the voltage the
regulator is adjusted. The initial generated light has a blinking behavior, which stabilizes to an
unwavering beam as more power is generated and available to the regulator and light.

The fig 4.1 shows the relation between speed and the voltage. The voltage coming out of the
alternator depends on two variables: the amount of current flowing through the field coil (i.e. the
strength of the magnetic field) and the speed at which the alternator’s field is rotating



60 57.3

40 37.5

30 26.3
22 22.8
12.9 12.9
10 6.5 5.9
4.9 4
3.3 4.3
0.8 1.2 0.6 1.4 2.3







Figure 4.1 Plot of Voltage Vs RPM

Page 53
. The alternator has a regulator that tries to keep the voltage across the battery at a steady 12.8V
(the optimal voltage to recharge 12V batteries). It does this by regulating the amount of current
flowing to the field coil.

Once the alternator is self-sustaining, the only current flowing to the field originates from the
alternator itself. If the output voltage is too high, the regulator lowers the current flowing to the
field coil. If the output voltage is too low, the regulator increases the current flowing to the field
coil. Simply put, as long as the alternator can maintain at least 12.8 V across the battery, making
the pulley spin faster or slower will have absolutely no effect on the power output. The output
voltage of the alternator with the RPM proves to be completely unchanging as expected, due to
the regulation of the alternator’s controller. The Zener diode was connected to the alternator which
regulated the output voltage to 12.8 V, shown in Fig 4.1


10.9811.1 11.06
10.44 10.55
10 10.0910.01


6 6.07

4 4.11
2 1.9
1.61 1.51
0.7 0.8 0.93 0.98 1.15


Figure 4.2 Current Vs Shaft RPM

Page 54
The current of the alternator with the speed of the cycle (similar to alternator speed) is shown in
the Fig 4.2 .The output current is minimum until around 300 rpm. Once that rpm rate is surpassed,
the output current increase according to the load connected.

4.3 Calculation and Efficiency:

We have performed our calculation for the shaft RPM of 1200 we found the voltage output of 13.4
Volt and the current output of 7.2 A.

Mechanical power input = Torque * Pedal RPM

= Force * Pedal Radius * Pedal RPM

Pedal Diameter = 0.1778 meter

Pedal Radius = 0.1778 / 2 = 0.0889 meter

Ratio of the V-belt is about 22.

For a shaft RPM of 1200 the pedal RPM will be 1200/22 = 54.55 RPM

So, pedal angular velocity will be = 5.71 rad/s

Force = Weight given by the foot = 30 kg * 9.81 m/s2

= 294.3 Newton

So, Mechanical Power Input = 294.3 * 0.0889 * 5.71

= 149.4 Watt

On the hand the electrical power output we had got = Voltage * Current

= 13.4 * 3

= 40.2 Watt

Page 55
So, the system efficiency = 40.2 / 149.4 * 100%

= 26.9 %

AH rating of the battery is 7.2 AH

To charge the battery fully by our system will need = 7.2 AH / 3 A

=2.4 Hours

Page 56


5.1 Conclusion:

We design and implement an innovative exercise equipment (stationary bicycle) to generate

electrical power for the house appliances. Energy storage is deemed necessary and important
within renewable energy systems to ensure stability of the system. Coupling pedal driven
generation and storage will drastically increase reliability of the smart system. These models vary
in complexity and accuracy and therefore the model chosen must match the application for which
it is needed. It will be very helpful for the rural areas.

In this day where the world is challenged to be more responsible in its sourcing of electrical power,
the method of human power generation could be a solution that also helps mitigate the issue of
obesity and overweight. If additional design and study of this concept proves it effective in energy
use reduction, localized energy delivery and sustainability education, it could efficiently answer
the three great challenges; source of electrical power, reducing the emission of CO2 to the
atmosphere and the issue of obesity

Page 57
5.2 Recommendation:

Though, much was covered in the analysis but as a result of some constraints, some major
components in the design where not incorporated thus the following were recommended:

 For the battery used, future work could be made to have a higher Amp-hour range to make
room for longer discharge time and to carry more load if it is to serve more number of
persons at a time.
 Here, by using an inverter and a step-up transformer easily operate a juice blender.

Figure 5.1 Juice Blender Machine

Page 58
 Further research should be made so as produce a system by selecting the high power motor
which can operate a washing machine and other high power consumption but used in low
time duration electrical appliances.

Figure 5.2 Washing machine Figure 5.3 Rice threshing

Figure 5.4 Water pumping from a shallow well

Page 59

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