Ewma Handbook 3-2023

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Created January 2023 – revised March 1, 2023

Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association, Inc.
6635 W. Happy Valley Road, Suite A104-443
Glendale, AZ 85310

WELCOME ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK.............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
THE IDEALS AND PURPOSE OF EWMA............................................................................................................................................................ 8
HOW EWMA DIFFERS FROM MOTORCYCLE “CLUBS” ............................................................................................................................ 9
STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................................................................... 10
UNDERSTANDING EWMA’S STRUCTURE .............................................................................................................................................. 11
EXPECTATIONS OF OFFICERS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
STANDARDS OF CONDUCT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
OTHER EXPECTATIONS OF OFFICERS ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
EWMA REGIONS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
EWMA DISTRICTS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
EWMA CHAPTERS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
APPOINTING PROCESS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16
CHOOSING YOUR TEAM ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
THE ASSISTANT OF ANY OFFICER POSITION.................................................................................................................................................... 18
ASSISTANT IS CONSIDERED AN OFFICER FOR DIRECTOR AND SAFETY AND RIDE COORDINATOR ................................................................................. 18
WORKING WITH YOUR APPOINTING OFFICER ................................................................................................................................................ 18
COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
WEB / SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
FINANCES FOR ALL AND IRS FOR USA .......................................................................................................................................................... 20
CHARTERING AN EWMA CHAPTER....................................................................................................................................................... 25
CHARTERING AN EWMA CHAPTER WITH OTHER MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATIONS ................................................................................. 25
PHANTOM MEMBERS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
MARKS AND LOGO APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
REGION/DISTRICT/CHAPTER FUN/RALLY SHIRTS ................................................................................................................................. 27
EWMA, ITS EVENTS AND ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR DRUGS ............................................................................................................. 27
TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
CHOOSING YOUR GET-TOGETHER AND BUSINESS MEETING LOCATIONS............................................................................................ 27
WHAT TO DO WHEN THINGS AREN’T WORKING .................................................................................................................................. 28
OFFICER ROLES ................................................................................................................................................................................ 30
OFFICER ROLES IN EWMA .................................................................................................................................................................... 31
OFFICER RESOURCES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 34
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
CHAPTER CLOSURE PROCESS....................................................................................................................................................................... 35
OFFICER’S JUDGMENT ......................................................................................................................................................................... 37
LEADERSHIP ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
MEMBERS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PARTICIPATE ......................................................................................................................................... 38
RIDE-INS, RALLIES AND EVENTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 38
OFFICER INSTALLATIONS, REVIEWS AND GRIEVANCES .................................................................................................................... 40
INSTALLING THE EWMA OFFICER ................................................................................................................................................................ 41

RECEIVING GUIDANCE – BE OPEN TO THIS .................................................................................................................................................... 41

OFFICER GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................................ 42
OFFICER DISCIPLINE/REMOVAL ................................................................................................................................................................... 43


Published by Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association, Inc.

6635 W. Happy Valley Road, Suite A104-443
Glendale, AZ 85310


Welcome to the EWMA family of friends who love motorcycling!

Bruce Beeman and Anita Alkire welcome our members and Officers to this new adventure. This is an
exciting new time for all of us and we will learn, grow and excel together each step of the way.This
association is founded on strong morals, ethical conduct and most of all friendships. We are an
International Association and proudly stand with our family in Canada and Overseas as one BIG
family -- we are Eagle Wings!

Each of us holds a responsibility to make this a great association. Whether you are an Officer, staff or
a most important member, we thank you for joining and coming along with us. This handbook lays out
processes, expectations, accountability and guides to follow so all of us are on the same page as we
move forward. Most all applies to everyone unless noted.

You’ll find we embrace change, ideas and new experiences. Communication is the key to all of our
success. It is a skill that will be practiced from the top and around the association. We ask each of
you to embrace this skill with respect for each other, new ideas and all that is ahead of us. We can
find a common path through open communication.

Meeting other people, learning about them and most importantly riding together are the strengths that
will bond us to this association and each other. This is why we are open to all brands of motorcycles.
Together, as like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts, we will change lives and create life-long bonds that
defy explanation but are so rewarding that it will be hard to explain.

Welcome to Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association! We are honored to have you with us. We are
“Friends for Fun, Safety and Riding.” Thank you for joining.

Founder Founder

Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association (EWMA)
Our Vision: A simple, fun, riding social association of like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts.

Our Motto: Friends for Fun, Safety & Riding

Our Mission: To provide to our Membership a fun and social environment that focuses on the love of

To bring the world together around that passion while helping them to be safer and more mindful
when riding a motorcycle.

To be a family-oriented, non-religious, non-political association, respectful of each other’s beliefs.

To enjoy the ride together with like-minded motorcyclists.

Our Core Values:

Fairness: All issues should stand the test of “is it fair?”

Communication: The more we share information and communicate about our common love
of motorcycling, the more we will all learn and benefit.

Teamwork: Working together toward our common vision, motto and mission keeps us focused
and gives us the ability to become exceptional.

Quality: To be the best we can, treating all the way we would want to be treated, holding each
other in highest esteem and respect in all we do.

Attitude: We are each responsible for our own attitude. Strive to be positive, constructive,
respectful, enthusiastic, and creative in all interactions with members or public to enhance the
relationship and promote our motto.

Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association
Oath of Office

International / Region / District / Chapter

Accepting an Officer and Volunteer Leader position in Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association, I will:

• Follow the guidelines of Eagle Wings.

• Treat others fairly and as I want to be treated.
• Encourage teamwork with my team, together we accomplish more.
• Promote friendship and fun among the members.
• Recognize outstanding participation by members and officers who work with me.
• Be positive in attitude and spirit understanding how this affects those around me.
• Curtail any negativity, harmful conduct or misleading statements or action against any member
or Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association.
• Thru my leadership, promote an atmosphere of Fun, Safety and Riding.
• Encourage those who show signs of wanting to lead how fun and easy it is to lead and offer to
mentor them.
• Help identify those showing promise to succeed me and in the other officer positions.
• Support all levels of leadership in Eagle Wings with participation, sharing of ideas and
guidance, both taking and receiving.
• Reach out to my Peers for help and to offer help, working with them in a team atmosphere,
benefiting their team and all the Members.
• Proudly wear the Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association logo.
• Proudly promote a positive image of a motorcycle rider and association.

As a leader, you pledge, during your term of office, to have fun, serve with pride, devote your efforts
to the benefit of all and uphold the core values and vision of the Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association.

Installed this ____ day of ______________, 202_.

____________________________________ _________________________________
Signature of Appointing Officer & Title Signature of New Officer & Title

____________________________________ _________________________________
Printed Name of Appointing Officer & Title Signature of New Officer & Title


About This Handbook

This handbook was written for all members and officers of EWMA. It will be your best source of
information to help you understand who we are and why. For our officers, your appointing officer is a
fantastic resource. Referring to the handbook will bring new tools and new ideas to you. For officers,
developing a good peer network is also important, so never hesitate to reach out; they may have
done it, faced it or be contemplating the same thing you are. As members, it’s time to develop
friendships, riding “buddies” and share the experiences this association has to offer.

To Leaders: A good leader develops thru knowledge and their personal talents and abilities. Your
team will reflect you and your vision/goals, so make certain you surround yourself with good leaders
who don’t always agree with you. Strength comes in diversity. Your talents, combined with continuing
assistance from other members of the Team, will guide you to provide the best leadership. Be the
leader that upholds this association and provides for the members.

The Ideals and Purpose of EWMA

EWMA is and will continue to be an International Association of like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts.
We welcome all motorcycles.

We are family oriented and are non-political and non-religious. We find both of these to be personal
matters and choices. We are not a charity but will support civic, local and other organizations as they
fit into each chapter, district and region.

The most important ingredient for a successful association is the member. All of us together form the
bond that makes us strong and the association others want to belong to. We will do this through our
leaders, commitment to excellence, communication and friendships.

PROMOTE A SAFE RIDE – This is our foundation. We want all riders and co-riders to benefit from
the knowledge and experience of those around them. We will be always mindful that each rider and
co-rider ride at their own skill level and their safety is their responsibility. We will assist through the
promotion of safe riding practices.

PROMOTE FRIENDSHIP - Among ALL the biking public. What better way to enjoy our way of life
than to make friends and share with them? We will do that through combined activities of rides and

best foot forward.” Let’s get the public’s attention as they observe our safe and sensible riding.

PROMOTE FUN – We can only promote fun. Our inclusive attitude will show to all that we see them
and hear them and together we’ll experience the adventures together!


“EWMA is not a motorcycle club.” Just what does that mean?

Simply put, you pay dues to the International Association, meaning you belong to the whole. You will
choose what fits you best, whether is be a chapter, riding group, district or region only participant.

From a procedural standpoint, we don’t elect our leaders, thus avoiding elections. We select our
officers by their qualifications and willingness to take on the responsibilities. Supporting them and
their efforts will give you the best experience of membership.

Instead of meetings, we get together before a ride or for a social event. We can even combine the
two. We share information, adventures and experiences. The bond created locally will become a
lifelong friendship in many cases.

Communication becomes key to our success. Making sure each members knows what’s happening
so they can participate as they can will ensure our success. Reach out, email, social media or
websites can only do so much. Building relationships is part of successful communication and staying
open to and aware of differing ideas can build the association.

Further, we limit financial requests of our members. Fun thru 50/25/25’s, raffles will always be
voluntary. The member’s only requirement is to pay their dues, all else is optional.

Understanding why we operate this way is key to our success. We are more flexible and to the less-
informed or new member, it is incumbent on us to welcome them and explain how we work to
increase their comfort level and participation. As the saying goes, “it takes a village,” so let’s do this



This part of the Handbook is intended to help you understand how we are organized. It will explain a
little about the Officer Network, things you will need to know before undertaking the leadership
opportunity. It will elaborate on the “Whys” and “Wherefores’” of the EWMA policies. As with any
organization, there is a certain amount of paperwork necessary for effective operation and
communication…this will be touched upon also and we promise to keep it to a minimum!

Other willing Members may accept appointments from the Director to fill positions that they deem
necessary. These participants also become part of the Region, District or Chapter Team as Staff


Expectations of Officers
Standards of Conduct

EWMA is dedicated to expectional leaders at all levels of the association. As such we have adopted
Standards Of Conduct for our Officers to provide the best leadership experience and best
atmosphere to the membership. Every leader should lead by example!

We ask each officer to pledge to these standards of conduct.

MAINTAIN loyalty to my association and help it to achieve its objectives and goals.

SERVE all members of our association impartially, and provide no special privilege to any individual
Member, nor accept any special personal compensation for the performance of my duties.

EXERCISE and utilize sound “people principles” in the conduct of the affairs of my office.

USE only fair, moral and ethical means when seeking to influence opinion.

HOLD the confidential relationship between the individual members of our association and myself,
and all confidential information entrusted to me through my association office with deep trust and

ALLOW no false or misleading statements to be made about any member or officer or to the public.

NOT disseminate any malicious information concerning this or any organization or member.

ACCEPT responsibility for cooperating in every reasonable way with all association officers and

USE every opportunity to improve public understanding of the positive principles of motorcycling and

MAINTAIN high standards of personal conduct, my character, and my communication techniques.

Other Expectations of Officers

Officers have a very important position in our leadership network. They will be dealing directly with,
and for, those it was designed to be most beneficial to the members. Serving the members is the
primary function of all officers of EWMA. As an appointed EWMA Officer, the Director agrees to
comply with the EWMA Handbook, support only EWMA programs unless a 3rd party program has
been approved by EWMA, and agrees to be self-funded and operate under the guidelines of EWMA.

As an officer, you will proudly wear the 4” Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association officer patch and the
logo on the upper front left on any vest, shirt or jacket.

BUILDING A TEAM: The Director at each level will appoint their team. Their officers will include the
Assistant Director, Safety & Ride Coordinator, Assistant Safety & Ride Coordinator and a Treasurer.
The number of staff positions and their titles is solely up to the Director.

Immediately upon being appointed, a new Chapter, District or Region Director will appoint a current
EWMA member to serve on your Team as the Treasurer. The Treasurer cannot be an assistant to
another or be anyone in the Director’s immediate family or living with the Director. If the Director
wishes to continue with the current Treasurer and the Treasurer wishes to continue that is acceptable
as well.

FINANCIAL: The Chapter, District or Region Director, upon appointment, and new Treasurer (if
applicable) shall go to the bank and sign the signature card for the checking account. They will also
remove the names of the prior Officer(s) and make certain that the proper names are on the account.
They will also ensure that their appointing Officer is a signer on the account. A copy of the signature
card and the checking account number must be sent to the Home Office (if in Canada to the VP’s of
Operations Canada, and Overseas to the VP of Operations Overseas) annually with the financial
report. Any change in banking information or bank must also be reported to the Home Office.

Each check written by any of the signatories on the account must have prior written approval from
one other signatory. Approval in the form of an email is acceptable. This document is to be kept on

It is each Director’s responsibility to use all funds for the legitimate operations of business
within their Chapter, District or Region. All expenses must have verifiable receipts. All expenses
relating to legitimate EWMA business are reimbursable from operational funds. A full accounting of
expenses reflected in an annual financial report, with receipts, must be provided annually by the
Chapter to the District, and District to Region, and the Region to the VP of Finance. To protect
yourself, the IRS states that all documentation must be kept on file for up to seven years.

ANNUAL CHARTER FEES: The District Director will coordinate the collection of charter fees from all
Chapters in the District by December 1 of each year. The District Director is to deposit all charter fees
into the District account and submit a single check, in US dollars, to the Home Office along with a
listing of all active Chapters in the District. They will copy their Region Director. Canada and
Overseas will send charter fees to the Region Director who will pay with a single check in US dollars.

Charter fees are used for operations, including charter member patches, officer patches and most
importantly, the annual premium that protects the EWMA Officers and a designated third party (mall,
event location, co-sponsoring authority, etc.) with a liability insurance policy currently $2 Million in

Failure to submit the charter fee will result in the Chapter being suspended and the Chapter forfeiting
its Charter with EWMA and a possible lapse in liability insurance. The liability insurance policy goes
into effect immediately upon the approval of an Officer and the receipt at Home Office of the annual
chartering fee.

ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTS: Financial reports must contain the required information and any
“looming” questions are addressed before the reports are forwarded to the appointing Officer prior to
January 31st of each year. This includes Canada and Overseas. For US chapters, this is to include
the successful filing of the 990 to IRS. Reports are sent, Chapters to Districts, Districts to Regions
and Regions send their financial reports to the VP of Finance all with their successful filing of their
990(US only), by January 31st each year. The financial report is to reflect the current balance of your
account even if there is no balance or a negative balance; and the Treasurers shall sign the financial
reports verifying accuracy. To be accepted, financial reports are required to have the financial report
cover sheet attached. The IRS requires accounting for all income and expenses.

Using the financial Excel spreadsheet is highly recommended. It can be found at www.EWMA-

COMMUNICATIONS: Communication can be the weak link in many organizations but “must” not be
in EWMA. Chapters are to provide a regular communications to their members. This can be
accomplished thru phone call, text, email or bulletin. No elaborate newsletter is required. The District
is to provide a least a monthly bulletin to the Chapter Team. The Region is to be in regular
communication with their Districts using a tool like Zoom monthly.

MEMBERSHIP GROWTH: Promoting membership growth should be a natural extension of your

pride in the association.

TEAM: Promote and use the “TEAM” approach in managing the Region, District or Chapter. Seek
from and share information with your fellow Directors. Be a mentor, coach and trainer to all your
supporting Directors! Always remember we, as officers of the association, are here only to serve the
members and the officers to and for whom we are responsible.


EWMA Regions are comprised of a group of states or province boundaries. Overseas they may be a
grouping of countries. Exceptions can always be made to this for the benefit of the membership.
Regions are made up of volunteer Leaders. They consist of a network of Districts that contain
Chapters and they guide and mentor those District for leadership guidance, growth, retention and fun
activities. Regular communication thru video call will assist in accomplishing the goals, values and
growth of EWMA.

Regions shall provide a ride-in/rally each year. The position of Region Safety and Ride Coordinator is
critical to these events. Planning rides and sharing safety will become a vital factor to keeping
members safe. Working with the Districts on this will ensure the membership has many opportunities
to learn and grow. They are to reach out to all Members in the Region to involve them in rides.

The leadership in a Region focuses within the Region with the view for the Districts. It is also inclusive
to all the members in EWMA, regardless of boundaries. Regions should strive to reach to fellow
Regions for peer-to-peer assistance and for fun activities that promote the EWMA motto to all:
“Friends for Fun, Safety and Riding.”


EWMA Districts usually follow state or province boundaries. Overseas they may follow country lines.
Exceptions can always be made to this for the benefit of the membership. Districts are made up of
volunteer Leaders. They consist of a network of Chapters and they guide and mentor those Chapters
for growth, retention and fun activities.

Districts also reach out to those members of EWMA that are not participating with Chapters to offer
them the benefits of membership by involving them in a regular communication. They also reach out
to invite them to rides, ride-ins, education and rallies. The position of District Safety and Ride
Coordinator is focused on those members who may not have time or geography that allows them to
be involved with a Chapter. They are to reach out to all members in the District to involve them in

The leadership in a District focuses within the District but the view for the Chapters is inclusive to all
the members in EWMA, regardless of boundaries. Districts should strive to reach out to fellow
Districts for peer-to-peer assistance and for fun activities that promote the EWMA motto to all:
“Friends for Fun, Safety and Riding.”

CHAPTER CHALLENGE: Chapter membership is how we refer to those members of EWMA that associate
with the chapter. Together they become the chapter and chapter pride can be contagious. It is important that
officers and specifically Chapter Directors and their Team remember that a member is under no obligation, real
or imagined, to attend or participate with any Chapter. It’s the Chapter’s challenge to present as attractive a
package as possible to encourage participation. It starts with a strong welcome to every Member of EWMA!
That is the key. Follow up, talk with them and find out what they are looking for in a Chapter. Then
make them that offer that they cannot refuse! Let’s face it, when you show up at other Chapter
events, the District or Region ride-in or rally, or EWMA’s annual event with a strong presence from
your Chapter, it’s visible to all the success of your leadership. Remember where the Chapter Director
goes, the Chapter goes and that starts at the very beginning when someone first joins EWMA and
receives a warm welcome from the Chapter.

CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP is the feeling a member gets when they fit in with a group. But when a
group “fits” together, the pride becomes strong for that Chapter identity and the Chapter sees them
and refers to them as members. EWMA is fine with that. Remember, our members and guests make
their own decisions as to the Chapters they wish to support… they belong to every Chapter that
exists within EWMA and some will choose to not participate with any Chapter. We must keep an open
mind that some personalities and style, from riding wants to social wants, will fit better with some
Chapters than others.



We are always looking for the best qualified leaders for any position within the organization.

International Vice Presidents are appointed by the President of EWMA and those VPs are VP of
Operations, VP of Finance, VP of Safety/Ride Coordinator, VP of Special Operations and VP of
Membership Development.

Region Directors are appointed by the VP of Operations overseeing that Region with
communications with the President of EWMA.
1. Prior to appointment the VP of Operations should have a discussion with Team EWMA to
determine if the candidate has the qualifications.
2. VP of Operations completes the Officers Appointment Form and the MOU and emails them to
the President of EWMA for approval.
3. VP of Operations will notify the new Director that they have been approved, announce their
appointment, and install new Region Director.

District Directors are appointed by the Region Director overseeing that District with communications
with the VP of Operations of EWMA.
1. Prior to appointment the Region Director should have a discussion with their VP of
Operations to determine if the candidate has the qualifications.
2. Region Director completes the Officers Appointment Form and the MOU and emails them
to their VP of Operations for approval.
3. Region Director will notify the new Director that they have been approved, announce their
appointment, and install new District Director.

Chapter Directors are appointed by the District Director overseeing that Chapter with
communications with the Region Director of EWMA.
1. Prior to appointment the District Director should have a discussion with their Region Director to
determine if the candidate has the qualifications.
2. District Director completes the Officers Appointment Form and the MOU and emails them to
their Region Director for approval.
3. District Director will notify the new Director that they have been approved, announce their
appointment, and install new Chapter Director.

ALL OTHER OFFICERS at the Region, District and Chapter are appointed by their Director. Those
Officers are: Assistant Director (not required), Safety/Ride Coordinator, Assistant Safety/Ride
Coordinator (not required) and Treasurer (required). The Director is responsible for their Team but is
advised to discuss the appointment with the up-line Officer in the event of any critical concerns. The
same protocol applies to these Officers as the Directors, Appointment Application, MOU, Approval,
and installation.

All Director Appointments go to the Home Office.

all others Officer Appointments go to the next level up and appropriate VP,
i.e. Safety/Ride to VP of Safety/Ride and Treasurer to VP of Finance.

Removal of an Officer (Director, Safety/Ride Coordinator, Treasurer)
Removal of an Officer at any position will not take place without:
1. Officer receives a written performance review that contains the issues to be addressed and a
plan for improvement with a time frame that the officer agrees too.
2. Follow-up review after allotted time has expired to assess improvements or no improvement,
which would indicate removal.
3. Once it’s been determined that there is no improvement and it is best for the membership to
remove the officer, the President will give approval to remove the officer in question.

Retirement / Resignation
When an officer’s tenure expires, they shall turn over to the Appointing Officer or designee: 1) all
materials of that office; 2) all property of that office (copy machines, file cabinets, etc.) paid for with
funds generated by that office; 3) all fund balances generated for the operation of the office along with
a full accounting and financial report. The transfer of the office should take place within a mutually
agreeable period of time but MUST NOT exceed 30 days. The Appointing Officer should then forward
the Officer appointment worksheet to the Home Office for processing.



This is the fun part of leadership. It’s time to build a Team that will best fulfill the needs of the
membership. You will need to evaluate each participant now, looking for potential Team Members.
This team will help the Chapter, District or Region Team grow with your guidance, counsel and
direction. Watch and listen, some will come to you, don’t miss the clues.

Directors: This is your TEAM that you are putting together. Remember that you need friends, those
who don’t always agree with you (so long as they disagree with respect) and those who will challenge
you to be the best that you can be. Your VP or Director understands the requirements for each
position, they will have insight you may not have to assist you in building your team. Now, build the
best team possible. You can have as many on your team as you want, the more involved the better
the participation. Don’t rush, appointing the wrong person is worse than leaving the position open.

Remember: The Chapter, District or Region Treasurer cannot be a family member of the Director or
Assistant Director. Outside of this, you are unrestricted in your choice.

After a Chapter has been formed for a while, the new Chapter Director could inherit positions already
filled. This can also be true of the District and Region Director. In that situation, evaluate the
volunteer and their passion for the position they occupy. Talk with them and see if they want to work
with you. Talk about your expectations and goals for the Chapter, District or Region. Confer with the
Appointing Officer for advice and counsel. Make an informed decision based on merit; that is the sign
of a good leader.

The Assistant of Any Officer Position
Assistant is considered an Officer for Director and Safety and Ride Coordinator

The status and role of the Assistant is very important to the Chapter, District and Region. The choice
should be made with the thought in mind that the assistant may be your replacement. Anyone
accepting the role of assistant will be considered for your position upon completion of your tenure. If
at any time the assistant feels that they cannot accept the eventual responsibility, the assistant will so
inform their appointing Officer as soon as possible. This does not mean the assistant needs to step
aside, rather you need to look for that person who can be the assistant that you would consider
stepping into your role and then add them to your Team.

You should depend heavily on your assistant and consider them almost as you would a “partner.”
Your assistant can do many things that you would normally do. In fact, your job should consist mostly
of educating, informing, training, coordinating and directing the Chapter, District or Region in your
specific area through the assistant(s) (yes, you can have more than one assistant).

Use your assistant as an extension of yourself. They should function in that capacity under your
direction. If they are to be the next you, you owe it to the assistant and your Chapter members, or
District and members, to provide all the training and experience possible. Give them all the
responsibility they will take. You are going to put in many hours of hard work over the months and
years ahead building a good Chapter, District or Region. Some day you will place everything you built
into the hands of another; shouldn’t they be the best-prepared hands you could train? With good
training, you’ll be able to look back after you’ve stepped aside and see a well-running Chapter/District
or Region which is a tribute to your leadership.

Working With Your Appointing Officer

One of the best friends you will have will be your Appointing Officer. They are there to mentor, teach,
train, encourage, and assist you, as well as to provide you with a shoulder when you need one. They
know what information you may need at each level of Chapter, District or Region development and
can offer suggestions to help you.

One of the best ways you will receive help is through the meetings/video or conference calls. By
coming together in these meetings/calls, you and your spouse will meet other officers and their
spouses in your District/Region or around EWMA. You will find new friends with a common bond.
These meetings will provide you with information, training, a way to help solve problems and an
opportunity for social contact with other officers and their spouses in your District, Region or EWMA.
It also allows you a place to input information and views. These meetings may well be the most
important single series of events for the betterment of the members. Your Appointing Officer will keep
you well informed as to when these meetings are scheduled.

The Chapter. District or Region Director has final approval on all decisions relating to the operation of
the Chapter, District or Region. Remember, the more you make the members feel an important part
of the decision making, the better operating, more enthusiastic, fun-to-be-in Chapter, District or
Region you will have.


Good communication is vital to this organization. Communication up and down will keep all informed
and able to participate to their availability. A current calendar of events is strongly encouraged and
should be included in the Bulletin, website, email and social media. As an officer, remember that you
praise, recognize and appreciate the members and any concerns are expressed up to an Appointing
Officer or their Team.

To better our communication, include assistants in any communication coming to the Region, Districts
or Chapters.This assists everyone, from Leadership to Membership, so please include them in your

Email: Email is a valid communication method. Remember that once in print it is out for all to see.
Email should be used to push communication; serious conversations should be done by phone or
face to face. Email etiquette is critical to remember! If answering an email concerns you, then choose
another method. A good rule of thumb: if it’s not resolved in two email communications, it’s time to
pick up the phone.

When sending group emails, it’s advised to enter your recipients’ addresses in the “Bcc” field to hide
the email addresses. You may want to send the first email to your Core Team showing all the
addresses so others in the group can get their peers’ addresses. After that, please use the “Bcc” field.

Video Calls: Video calls heighten the communication experience. With our distances, they bridge
the gap and let us see each other. A video call should be conducted:

By the District with the Chapters approximately monthly, but no less than every other month
By the Region with the Districts approximately monthly, but no less than every other month
By the VP of Operations with the Regions monthly, but no less than every other month.

Another advantage of the regular video call is the building of the peer-to-peer network; you can see
that you aren’t alone, and can ask for, and offer help to, a peer.

Member News Blast: Make certain that you are communicating the upcoming activities to as many
people as possible for maximum participation. This is usually a weekly email

Web / Social Media Pages

Most Chapters, Districts and Regions develop web sites and often social media pages to share
information regarding activities, ride calendars, announcements, etc. This form of communication is a
common method today and anyone worldwide has access to these sites. Therefore, to represent an
association with EWMA, it is recommended that these guidelines be used:

Website: The EWMA Logo, and the words Eagle Wing Motorcycle Association or the acronym
EWMA, should be included as a part of the web page. Region, District designation, plus state, or
Chapter designation, plus city, will serve to identify the web page for those visiting the site. A
dedicated Webmaster and Social Media Coordinator should be the point of contact for inquiries and
questions. This person is responsible for keeping the site up to date. A link to the EWMA Home Page
on your web page would be beneficial to those who may be surfing the web for information regarding
motorcycle organizations. A good idea on the website is to identify Team Members with direct email
links to each Team Member. There needs to be a contact person for your website to be most inviting
to interested parties.

Social Media: You will need to have an administrator and moderator for your social media.
Remember this is an open forum and if you read a post that you know can go negative, remove it or
restrict comments. Do not allow the negative to dominate your page or you will lose participants. You
can also run your FB page as a private group so those “passing by” can’t comment. Your
responsibility as an officer is to promote the positives of EWMA, not gossip which is too often the
downfall of negativity. You are in control of the content and can remove posts. Remember, we do not
advertise or link to competitors.

Finances for All and IRS for USA

Each Chapter Director, District Director and Region Director must appoint a Treasurer. The
Treasurer must be a member and may not be a Director, Assistant Director, spouse of either, or live
in the same household.

EWMA, Inc. holds a 501(c)(4) “not-for-profit” status with the Internal Revenue Service which means it
is not subject to corporate income tax on certain portions of income. Its primary exempt purpose is
devoted to social welfare such as education or recreational purposes. Donations to EWMA may be a
legitimate business expense, but not necessarily a tax-deductible contribution.

Acquire an Employer Identification Number (EIN) USA ONLY

As of this handbook publication date, IRS has yet to issue EWMA a Group Exemption Number
(GEN). Therefore, it is imperative that each District and Chapter joining EWMA that already have an
EIN from previous operations, maintain their not-for-profit status and EIN by continuing to process a
Form 990N or 990EZ as before.

USA Regions and newly formed Districts and Chapters (those without an EIN) must acquire their
own EIN before opening a bank account. Use Form SS-4 to acquire the EIN or apply online (our
website or the VP of Finance has helpful information). The Business Name should read Chapter xx-x,
District xx, or Region xx. Do not use the name EWMA on the application. Also, do not use the Home
Office address.

After receiving the EIN, you must provide the number to the Home Office and the VP of Finance,
([email protected]). This number stays with the Region, District, or Chapter for all time. When
an Officer change occurs, only an address change is required on Form 8822B and NOT a new EIN.

We anticipate that eventually the IRS will issue EWMA a GEN. When that happens, we will
coordinate with the IRS to attach all Regions, Districts, and Chapters to EWMA. Meanwhile, use your
EIN on all correspondence with the IRS.

USA - After Obtaining a New EIN, file IRS Form 8976

After the IRS assigns an EIN to a new Region, District, or Chapter, the new unit must file an IRS
Form 8976, Notice of Intent to Operate Under Section 501(c)(4). In general, this form must be filed
with the IRS within 60 days of the unit’s formation and receipt of an EIN.

A fee of $50 must be submitted with the form to complete a notification. If the fee is not submitted,
the new unit will receive a non-payment notice within 5 days reminding it to pay the fee. If the fee is
not remitted then within 14 days, the form will be rejected.

If a new unit does not submit the form and $50 payment with 60 days, a penalty of $20 per day for
each day the failure continues, up to a maximum of $5,000, will be assessed by the IRS.

USA - Which IRS Form to File Annually?

IRS Regulations for 501(c)(4), not-for-profit organizations, state that “If an organization normally has
gross receipts of $50,000 or less, it must submit Form 990-N, Electronic Notice for Tax-Exempt
Organizations Not Required To File Form 990 or 990-EZ.” Most of our units will fall under this

Further, IRS Regulations state “If an organization has gross receipts less than $200,000 and total
assets at the end of the tax year less than $500,000, it can choose to file Form 990-EZ, Short Form
Return of Organization Exempt Form Income Tax…” This instruction applies if your organization
does not qualify to file the Form 990-N.

Remember, the above criteria may change periodically, so refer to the IRS website annually. EWMA
will do its best to keep you up to date on filing information and requirements. The Director is
responsible for filing the annual return but may delegate this task usually to the Treasurer. The
EWMA VP of Finance will ask for proof of filing your 990N or 990-EZ report per instructions issued at
least annually.

USA - Unrelated Business Income (UBI) and Charities

In some cases, a Region, District, or Chapter must also file an IRS Return using Form 990T, Exempt
Organization Business Income Tax Return, if their annual gross UBI is greater than $1,000.
Information on UBI can be obtained from IRS Publication 598, “Tax on Unrelated Business Income of
Exempt Organizations.”

There are two points to keep in mind:

1. EWMA is unique in that all Officers and staff volunteers are unpaid; and,
2. Most all functions are put on entirely by Members who are unpaid volunteers.

Keep in mind that the following are generally not UBI:

• Rallies
• Poker Runs (includes Dice Runs, Hobo Stew Runs, etc.)
• Official Product Sales (EWMA-related items i.e., Chapter jackets, hats, shirts, logoed items,
• 50/50s (where permitted by State law)

Areas that seem to concern many of us are advertisements, vendor fees, and rental fees for display
space. Advertisements in newsletters or rally books are generally not UBI if they are sold in a casual
manner by Members who are not compensated in any way. Vendor fees and rental fees for display
space are generally UBI.

A common misunderstanding is that we are a charitable organization, and WE ARE NOT. Further, if
we have a “FUN-raiser” for a charity we are raising UBI, income not necessary to run our Chapter or
District. If you choose to have a fundraiser for a specific entity, all contributions must go directly to the
entity. The contributions MUST NOT pass through your bank account.

Consult a tax professional when a unit has gross receipts greater than $50,000 or UBI greater than

Keep thorough and clear records of all receipts and expenses.

More information can be found on our website or by contacting the VP of Finance,

[email protected].

ALL - Checking Accounts

Checks provide a uniform system to pay Region, District, or Chapter expenses. Region, District, or
Chapter checks should be printed with the name or initials of the association along with your Region,
District and Chapter letter designation.

Regions, Districts, and Chapters are responsible for maintaining operating funds and must keep
accurate records of income and expenses. Checking accounts must be non-interest-bearing and
should have at least three signatures on the Bank Card of record: the Director, the Treasurer and the
Director's appointing Officer. Again, these three people cannot be related nor living in the same
household. An Assistant Director can also be a signatory on the account.

While only one signature is required on a check, the Treasurer should ONLY write a check after
receiving documented approval by the Director. Email is sufficient approval. Such written approval
must be kept on file. There is to be only one checking account per Region, District, or Chapter.

It is almost impossible to operate without a debit or credit card. Accordingly, ATM/Debit cards may be
used at all levels of our organization. However, such use must only be used in extenuating
circumstances and only upon documented approval with a paper trail. This paper trail may consist of
an email showing a request to use a debit card with concurrence from another authorized officer on
the account, usually Director and Treasurer. Receipts on all electronic transactions must be provided
to the Treasurer. Remember, taking a photo on your smartphone and emailing to the Treasurer is an
acceptable way to communicate and make certain a receipt is received. However, original receipts
are always preferred. A copy of all emails that pertain to finances will be kept on file with checking
account records. Under no circumstances will a Debit/ATM Card be used for cash withdrawals.

ALL - Monthly Reconciliation

The most routine and timesaving activity a Treasurer can perform is reconciling the checking account
every month. Some of us have few or no monthly transactions while others have many transactions,
especially during rally season. Regardless, a Treasurer should reconcile their checking account and
report this reconciliation to their respective Director monthly. A useful tool for this task is the Financial
Register and Report spreadsheet provided in EWMA’s O-Connect Officer Resources area of our web
page (http://EWMA-World.org/formsandguides.html). An updated spreadsheet is provided for each
new accounting year under the Finance/Information Page.

The referenced spreadsheet contains an Instructions worksheet, two worksheets for recording
information, a Financial Report worksheet, and an Item Breakdown worksheet. Reading and following
the instructions should help anyone complete the spreadsheet information. If you ever need help, just
contact the EWMA VP of Finance.

Reconciling a Chapter/District/Region’s checking account every month also makes year-end reporting
a snap! If routinely and properly used, once December’s transactions are reconciled, one only has to
advance to the spreadsheet’s Financial Report worksheet and print the resulting report.

Of course, supporting documentation for every transaction as previously noted is a must.

ALL - Mobile Deposits
With most banks today, one can use a phone or pad app to deposit checks. Mobile deposits are a
great tool to save us time and miles, particularly if we only have one or two checks to deposit. To
accommodate this activity, newly printed checks now have in the endorsement area a box to check if
you are using mobile deposit. Specifically, it says “CHECK HERE IF MOBILE DEPOSIT.” Be sure to
help your bank help you by checking this box on any check so deposited. And remember to record
your deposit immediately in the Financial Register and Report spreadsheet.

ALL - Financial Reporting

By January 31, all Region/District/Chapter records must be summarized on the annual Financial
Statement. Every Director has the total responsibility of ensuring the financial statement, financial
report checklist and December bank statement, are submitted to the appropriate officer as directed by
the VP of Finance.

When a new Director is appointed to an existing Region/District/ Chapter, the Treasurer must prepare
a closing financial statement. This does not mean close the checking account. The incoming Director
needs to accept the statement, by initialing the financial report presented. Changing banks is not
recommended unless there are some extenuating reasons to do so. Please check with your
Appointing Officer and the VP of Finance for guidance if such a change is being considered.

In addition to the financial statement and documentation, certain checking account information must
be on file with the VP of Finance. This information consists of the account number, bank name, and
signatures, and must be reconfirmed annually as well as when any change in information occurs.
With the financial checklist, space is provided for this information.

Submitting this information is just as important as the chartering fee discussed below, and failure to
properly supply this information may result in a confrontation with the IRS (US ONLY). Remember
that the Region/District/Chapter Treasury belongs to the respective organization. If for any reason a
Chapter ceases its operations, the balance must be turned over to the appointing Officer upon
request. Similarly, if a District ceases its operation, the balance must be turned over to the appointing
Officer upon request. Checks of this nature should be made payable to the respective EWMA District
or Region. It is suggested that this balance is earmarked to be used to reinstate the Chapter or
District and assist with opening new organizations. This is done at the discretion of the Directors.

The annual Financial Report is the prime document used to report all income and expenses. Should
there be any requirement to justify income, expenses, or the status of any property, it is the
responsibility of the Officer to produce the necessary receipts or other backup to explain any
inquiries. It is also the responsibility of each Officer to maintain this financial backup as a matter of
record after leaving office. For further information, go to: (http://EWMA-

ALL - Budgeting
Each Region/District/Chapter should plan a budget annually. Such a budget does not need to be a
complex project. Keeping it simple should be the plan along with answering the question, “how does
this expenditure support the Members and specifically the Region/District/Chapter or EWMA
members?” You also want to be mindful of raising money to be certain you have enough to run your
Region/District/Chapter, but you do not have excess funds (more than 18 months of expenditures

ALL - Annual Budget Plan Example
The first item on the plan is a broad-based statement that encompasses all that you want to be a year
from now. Then list three main actions that you need to focus on to make that big goal happen.

List no more than five activities that support those three main points and who is going to do them. Be
specific. These activities will end up in your budget as you may need finances to accomplish the task.
Also prepare a timeline with due dates for task completion.

ALL – Budgets – How You Plan

Identify your sources of income (refer to previous year financial reports as a guideline)
Tie them to a category on the financial report

• Refer to the financial breakdown sheet to make certain the categories are correct.
• Identify your expenses for the activities you want to do.
• Identify the income from those activities.
• Put the expenses into the categories on the financial report.
• Now review the activities and income and expense.
• Do they support the members?
• Do they support the Officers attending the annual meeting?
• Is it enough to keep the Region/District/Chapter functioning within proper reserves? 12-18
months of expenses?
• Does it give you money to appreciate your Region/District/Chapter members?
• Does it give you the money to accomplish your annual plan?
• Then present the budget to your core team.
• Discuss the items.
• Come to a consensus.
• Present the budget to your appointing Officer for review.
• Present with your core team to the rest of your team along with your goals.

ALL - Financial Disclosure

Any money in the Region/District/Chapter is there for the purposes of proper operation of that
respective organization. It is inaccurate to call it the “Members’ money.” The money comes from
many sources, but its purpose is to operate the business of the Region/District/Chapter, and through
proper operation, benefit our Members.

While Directors and Treasurers must be responsible stewards and reporters of funds, they also need
to provide full financial disclosure to a Member or Officer who makes inquiry. Specifically, if a Member
asks to see the finances, an appointment should be set with that Member, the Treasurer and the
Director. A response to the Member or Officer acknowledging their request should go out within 48
hours of receipt and the appointment should happen as soon as possible but no later than two (2)
weeks from the request. The Member may ask their specific questions and the Treasurer or Director
will answer those questions showing the checkbook register. This is done in a specific meeting and
not at any other event such as a social, ride, or business meeting. If the Region/District/Chapter has
followed EWMA guidelines regarding documentation, monthly checkbook reconciliations, and
financial reporting, it is easy and beneficial to assure our members that funds are properly accounted
for and well used. Should there be any questions that arise in this situation, refer them to the
Appointing Officer or the VP of Finance.


We choose to make it easy to open a new EWMA Chapter. How many people
does it take? It takes 1, the right 1 as they will grow

EWMA is being proactive in our approach to welcoming new chapters. When someone is excited
about their area or passion, we do not wait, we offer them an opportunity to form a chapter. This
approach reminds us of the movie, where it was said “If you build it, they will come.” With our
support, we are giving all our EWMA members the opportunity to build their own chapter or riding

What does it take to start a chapter? One enthusiastic person to lead the charge! The right ONE will
bring the others and we don’t want to stand in the way of your success. Since there is only one, there
is no treasury, yet!

When you’re ready, we’re ready since acting while the fire is hot is an important step. As such, your
District Director is empowered to assist you in opening your new chapter. Together you embark on
this new adventure together.

There is a Chapter Charter worksheet that you’ll complete and send to your District Director. With
your help the Officers will be chosen. As a new chapter you will have six (6) months to pay your
charter fee.

Become familiar with the Vision, Mission, Motto, and Values to EWMA. Visit the website, www.ewma-
world.org and become familiar with the tools that are there for you and the community you are joining.
Read the position descriptions and the EWMA Handbook. Follow the suggestions of your District
Director and become familiar with the Region Director; they are there to help you succeed. This is a
simple process, and the “work” starts now so you’ll be able to enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded
motorcycle enthusiasts, great rides, many adventures and build amazing memories.

Welcome to the Eagle Wings family and thank you for your leadership.



The question may arise about “chartering” a EWMA Chapter with another motorcycle association.
Although that works well for the independent clubs, an EWMA Chapter does not fit into that category.
The Chapters are not just an extension of our Association, but a product of it. We are already
“chartered” with EWMA and cannot charter with another Association.

Phantom Members
(i.e., the ones who want the benefits but don’t pay)
We understand that EWMA is a family- and member-friendly organization. However, its benefits are
exclusively for its members and members pay their dues. Our socials/get-togethers, rides and many
of our other events are welcoming to members, their guests and potential new members. This is done
to give potential members a chance to look us over and then choose to join our family. Our
friendliness also extends to members of other associations that we welcome to join our family.

Sadly there seem to be some folks who see no reason to join us. Not because they don’t like us, but
because they have seen that we have a fun and welcoming environment, and they think they don’t
need to pay for a membership but can just continue to come around and join in. They don’t
understand that the benefits provided, including the benefit of chartering a chapter to be part of a
larger association, or our get- togethers are for the dues-paying membership. If we allow them to
continue with this thinking, we are cheapening the value to our members and this cannot be allowed.
We are not talking about our occasional guests. We’re talking about those who choose not to pay and
yet continue to participate. As a leader, only you can stop this.

An officer who does not address this “phantom” issue tells our members that they are not as
valued as a phantom; that it’s okay for phantoms to get for free what a member pays for. As an
officer, you MUST take a stand for the members you serve. You see, it’s not a money issue, it’s a
value issue. We value our membership and as officers we must honor those members who are willing
to show their loyalty to EWMA through their Membership. As a guide, a guest should join EWMA after
participating in 3 events. If you need help with this, please contact your Appointing Officer.


The EWMA logo belongs to EWMA and is there to promote the membership. It is approved as
copyrighted and is also permissible for use in a few variations. The logo can be used as shown or
can be used as follows:
• Without the banner at the bottom
• Break up Eagle Wings to the top of the logo and Motorcycle Association on the bottom
• Above can be a straight or curved line or a variation of the straight or curve.

Use of Logo by Vendors

Approved vendors will be considered those who have bought a license to use the logo on any
merchandise they sell. All vendors will seek approval from the President for variations on the logo that
fall outside our criteria above.

Use of Logo by Members

A Region/District/Chapter may take our logo to one of our approved vendors, which is preferable, or
to a local vendor to produce Region/District/Chapter shirts. These shirts are for sale at their
respective venue to their members. For generalized merchandise one must use one of the approved

Creation of the Chapter, District, Region Logo – Home Office approval required prior to use
Officers will wear the EWMA 4” logo on the left side (or ring finger side) of a garment.

In place of the EWMA logo, a Chapter, District or Region logo can created with the approval of the
President. It will also be no more than 4” for use on the front of a garment. So long as that logo
contains the eagle and either EWMA or Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association and acceptable
personalization the chapter/district or region logo should be approved. When approved, it can be
used in place of the EWMA logo. Said approval will be in writing from EWMA President.

Here are a couple examples of an
approved personalized patches for
District on left and Chapter on right.


Officers will wear the EWMA 4” logo on the left side (or ring finger side) of a garment. A
Chapter/District/Region logo can be created with the approval of Home Office. It will also be no more
than 4” for use on the front of a garment. If a Chapter/District/Region has designed a rally shirt or a
fun shirt, then the design can be placed on the front or back of the shirt and there is no size
restriction. To be certain you are in compliance, seek advice from your Appointing Officer.


While EWMA makes no attempt to legislate policy as it relates to an individual’s freedom, we must
give strong consideration to potential liability exposure of the Officer group. For this reason, EWMA
CANNOT sell alcoholic beverages (an open bar or hosted bar is considered “selling”). If alcohol is
present at an event, it shall be deemed to have been provided by a third party and/or the individual
who shall assume all responsibility.

We recommend that people follow the laws in their individual state or country. The motto, “Friends
don’t let friends drive drunk” or “Don’t drink and drive” are excellent mottos to guide us in the example
we set.


EWMA Membership can be transferred upon the sale of a Member’s motorcycle. Better yet, include a
membership in the purchase price and then gift it to them.


The Business Meeting: You will need to set a time and place for your team meeting or business
meeting. This is where your Chapter “business” is taken care of, leaving your socials free for
informing, socializing, entertaining and fun. The business meeting should be no more than monthly.
Although a Team meeting is a meeting that you and your team use to make plans for your
Chapter/District/Region Family, a written agenda should be followed. This is where finances are
discussed. It should be as “informal” as possible, avoiding the club format of “business meetings.”
Any Member can attend a business meeting. It's generally a good idea to ask if there is a particular
subject that they are interested in; that way you’re not blindsided. Recognize them as a guest but
keep your focus on your team and efficiently conduct your business.

The Chapter Get-together and Location: Remember, we are approaching these as regular social
events. At some get-togethers you’ll have information to share or a brief safety talk; at others you

won’t but you’ll always remind the members of upcoming events. These can be weekly, bi-monthly,
dinner to dessert. It could be a picnic to meet up with riders after a ride. A pot luck at someone’s
home or a progressive event. Use your imagination, just remember we are there for fun and
socialization to keep our chapters together.

Rides or Ride-In: Have a safety talk before each ride. It can be a time to share tips or TCLOK’s.
Always remind those there how we ride, i.e., staggered formation, some hand signals and CB
channels. Make certain any new riders to the group feel comfortable with a group ride or invite them
to ride behind the group until they feel comfortable. Overall, the safety talk should be short and sweet
and then we ride.


Handling those Tough Issues

There’s some unrest with a member.You’re being challenged as a leader.Your decision is being
challenged. Someone has their feelings hurt. Any of these are tough situations. EWMA members are
probably the most easygoing, easiest to get along with bunch that will be found in organized
motorcycling. This doesn’t mean that differences of opinion won’t surface. The large majority of such
differences will be over operating procedures, sometimes compounded by personality conflicts. After
all, we are only human. Remember, we are not law enforcement and any issue we would resolve
revolves around EWMA policies and procedures.

At times, you will have members come to you with a verbal complaint. Your best solution is to
address this at a private location within five (5) days of the member coming to you. During that
meeting, your primary task as a leader, Director and problem solver is to listen carefully. Often,
listening is all you really have to do. Have a conversation and see if you can find some common
ground. Rarely does this go any further than your level of leadership, but remember your Appointing
Officer has experience and skill that you may not have developed yet that can be extremely useful!

If a member or officer has a complaint that rises to the level of a letter, we all have to take this more
seriously. The letter needs to be investigated and responded to within five (5) days of receipt. Ask for
help from your Appointing Officer first so they can help you travel what can be a touchy path.

If the claim is focused toward you, immediately forward the letter to your Appointing Officer. They
have the expertise and know where to go for assistance if they need more help. Often when it’s a
claim toward you, there are allegations aimed at hurting your feelings and challenging you in a way
they know will upset you. You CANNOT investigate or try to solve this issue. Your Appointing Officer
is there for you, understand and accept that and let them work.

Policy and procedure disagreements are also to be brought to your Appointing Officer. Should that
disagreement be with your Appointing Officer, the next level of leadership must be contacted for
resolution. An example of this is a Chapter Director disagreeing with a District Director on an issue
not specifically addressed in the EWMA Handbook.This should be forwarded to the President or their
designee for ruling and resolution.

EWMA’s goal is that problems are solved at the level from where they come, and we will focus our
efforts in that direction. Reaching out to someone who has honed problem-solving skills will only help
the situation. You SHOULD NOT face this alone! You have nothing to prove and can have much to
lose if you don’t seek help.

Techniques such as the 5 Why’s, the Double Triangle and other problem-solving methods outlined in
Lead Like You Ride (LLYR) should be used to resolve any issue. These methods will be shared with
our leaders.

If the Appointing Officer believes there are serious concerns in the claim/complaint, they are to
contact EWMA President immediately.

ALL situations must be dealt with in a timely manner and fully documented in writing and forwarded to
the Appointing Officer.

NOTE: If there is ever physical violence, law enforcement needs to be called. If there is ever a threat
of violence, it should immediately be brought to the Appointing Officer.


EWMA leaders will only support EWMA programs, no 3rd party programs unless approved in writing
by EWMA. An approved 3rd party program is our relationship with HSI for First Aid and CPR. This is
not to be confused with a temporary idea, promotion, or incentive “program” or idea done at a local
level. No level of the association will create or institute any program without written approval of
EWMA Home Office.

An Assistant is encouraged in every role except Treasurer and is an Officer in the Director and
Safety/Ride Coordinator positions.

Vice Presidents are appointed by the President and are second in command and have specific
• VPs are Operations, Finance, Safety/Ride Coordinator, Special Operations and Membership
• Participate as part of the planning team along with the CEO and President for our vision,
growth, and goals.
• Communicate the vision, mission, goals, and overall direction of the Association within their
area of responsibility.
• Lead, guide, direct and evaluate their teams to ensure they are on track to meet their goals.
• Along with the CEO and President, they oversee the complete operations of the Association.

Region Directors are the senior managers and are appointed by a VP of Operations.
• Are accountable for the States within their Region for staffing, effective leadership and finding
opportunities to grow the Association.
• Staffing their team with qualified candidates: Treasurer, Safety/Ride Coordinator and District
• Regular communication via email, monthly zoom calls, yearly operations meetings and
personal visitation to their Districts.
• Have at least one Region activity a year, either a Rally or Ride-in. This can be in conjunction
with a District event.
• Attend any EWMA event.
• Develop a budget and yearly plan to support the Regions goals.
• Be available to the District Team for mentoring, guidance, and support, while supporting the
vision and mission of EWMA.

Region Treasurers are appointed by the Region Director. There is no assistant treasurer position.
• With the Region Team develop a Region budget that will provide financial services, growth
plans, financial strategies to forecast monetary improvements.
• A source information and guidance for the District and Chapter Treasurers.
• Will do a year-end financial report, tax report, and collect same from Districts.

Region Safety/Ride Coordinators are appointed by the Region Director.

• The Ride Coordinator is critical in our Association.
• First and foremost Safety is key. A safe rider is a live rider.
• Promote Safety through presentations at Region/District/Chapter events, zoom calls and social
media. Classes will be available.
• Create rides for the Region whether it’s a Ride-in or Rally, designed with safety and fun in
• Doesn’t mean they lead all rides; it means they have a qualified designated ride leader.
• Assist the District Safety/Ride Coordinator with ideas, planning and even routes as necessary.

District Directors are the point person that the Chapters and Members look to for guidance. They
are appointed by their respective Region Director.
• Appoint the District Officers: Treasurer, Safety/Ride Coordinator and Chapter Directors.
• Develop a budget and yearly plan to support the District goals and activities.
• Exhibit good communication and people skills.
• Lead by example – support and motivate their Team, Chapters and Members.
• Hold at least two events a year, either a Rally and Ride-in or two Ride-ins. This could be in
conjunction with a Chapter event.
• Attend Region and EWMA events.
• Promote pride and fun in and to EWMA Membership.

District Treasurers are appointed by the District Director. There is no assistant in this position.
• With the District Team develop a District budget that will provide financial services, growth
plans and financial strategies to forecast monetary improvements.
• Be a source of information and guidance for the Chapter Treasurer.
• Prepare a year-end financial report and tax report and collect same from Chapters.

District Safety/Ride Coordinators are appointed by the District Director.

• First and foremost Safety is the key: promote Safety through talks and presentations at District
and Chapter events, zoom calls and social media. Classes will be available.
• Ride Coordinator is critical in our Association.
• They create rides for the District whether it’s a Ride-in or Rally, designed with Safety and Fun
in mind. Doesn’t mean they lead all the rides; it does mean to have a qualified leader.
• Assist the Chapter Safety/Ride Coordinator with ideas, planning even routes as necessary.

Chapter Directors are appointed by the District Director.

• Appoint their officers: Treasurer and Safety/Ride Coordinator.
• Coordinate activities like socials, rides and more fun.
• Welcome new Members and ensure that they feel like part of the group.
• Send regular communications via emails about socials and monthly events with Member and
• Hold at least four Chapter events per month (socials, rides, picnics, etc.).
• Attend District events: Ride-ins, Rallies and zoom calls.
• Develop a Chapter budget to cover annual charter fees and any other Chapter expenses.
• Support EWMA’s mission and motto.

Chapter Treasurers are appointed by the Chapter Director. There is no assistant with this position.
• With the Chapter Team develop a budget that will support the Chapter annual expenses.

• They will handle all Chapter monies and will not be related to or live in the same household as
the Director.
• They will do year-end financial reports and filings.

Chapter Safety/Ride Coordinators are appointed by the Chapter Director.

• With the focus on Safe riding, a safety talk should take place at each event (social and ride).
• An informative safety talk on riding techniques, co-rider importance, safe clothing, group riding,
riding in staggered formation, some hand signals and CD channels and etiquette, etc.
• Coordinate rides with Chapter Members and recruit a volunteer to lead the ride.



In this section, we will offer several recommendations based upon prior experiences that should make
your job much easier and your occasional difficulty more easily resolved (if not avoided entirely). To
take full advantage of the following guidelines, institute them, but do not allow them to become
substitutes for your own creativity or initiative.

We have also included resource materials for specific situations.

Chapter Closure Process

District Directors should always be monitoring the health of their Chapters. If you see a Chapter
struggling, it’s time to get some help and devise a plan to help this Chapter. We want Chapters to
remain open and healthy for the enjoyment of our Members. Talk with TEAM EWMA for assistance
with this task. They may have resources or points of view that you hadn’t considered. Below is a
Checklist that should be used as a resource guide before any action to close a Chapter is taken.
District Directors should get the Chapter Director on regular coaching sessions with the District Team.
Review the type of Chapter this has become to see if guiding them in a specific direction could help
the Chapter revive.

Remember, considering a Chapter closure is a serious situation for EWMA and its Members.
Chapters are the very heartbeat of our Association and all actions should be exhausted before a


This checklist is to help Officers considering the closure of an established Chapter. Officers involved
(District Director, Chapter Director, Region Director and finally Team EWMA) in the exploration of
closing a Chapter should carefully review, consider and discuss all of the following questions and
suggestions before a final decision is made. It is imperative for the benefit of the participating
Members that all resources are utilized to keep the Chapter active.

Has the reason for closing the Chapter been explained to all Chapter members? It is important that
they are aware of the situation and the reason the health of the Chapter is in jeopardy. Chapter
members can offer valuable suggestions and possible solutions.

Have all Chapter members been involved in attempting to save the Chapter? Many times, a problem-
solving meeting or series of meetings of concerned Chapter members can yield viable solutions to
save the Chapter.

Have alternatives to closure been discussed with all Chapter Members? They need to have a clear
picture of the reason for closure and the alternatives that are available to keep the Chapter active.

Have key individuals within the Chapter been contacted for their input? Key individuals may have
ideas or solutions that may not be expressed unless contacted directly for their input.

Has the Chapter Director explored all alternatives within the Chapter to keep the Chapter active? Do
not leave any stone unturned. It is very easy when frustrated with a problem to give in. All alternatives
must be considered for the good of the members.

Has the Chapter Director involved the District Director? The District Director can many times lend
support and offer additional ideas, suggestions, or alternatives.

Has the District Director contacted and discussed the closure with any of the Chapter Members?
Many times, direct contact from the District Director can carry more weight and solve some problems
that were unsolvable at a local level.

Has the District Director met with Chapter members in an attempt to avert the Chapter closure? At
times, this might be advisable to allow the interested Chapter Members an opportunity to work directly
with the District Director to solve the problem. If distance is an issue a Zoom call can also work.

Has the Region Director and their team been consulted regarding the possible Chapter closure? Here
again, their experience might offer additional ideas, suggestions or alternatives not previously thought
of at the District level and below.

Have all alternatives to closure been exhausted? The Chapter should not be closed until all
alternatives have been exhausted. No alternative should be left untried just because we feel it
probably wouldn’t be successful.

REMEMBER: Chapter participation is an important and invaluable benefit of EWMA Membership. It is

through Chapter participation that the EWMA Member truly develops “FRIENDS FOR FUN, SAFETY

If, after all attempts, it is finally determined that closing a Chapter is inevitable, the Chapter Director is
to compile a packet of information, starting with the Chapter Closure Application. The complete
packet is to be forwarded to the District Director who will verify that all the required information is
complete, sign the appropriate forms and forward to the Home Office for final processing. An
incomplete packet will be returned to the District Director. Until the Chapter Closure Application has
been accepted by Home Office the Chapter is still responsible for Charter Fees and all other
responsibilities of a Chapter.

Go to www.EWMA-World.org/formsandguides to find the Chapter Closure application.

Complete the Chapter Closure Application

Close the Chapter Bank Account as soon as remaining funds have been accounted for. A Cashier’s
Check payable to the District will allow the account to be closed and a final bank statement obtained.
The final bank statement will be included with the Chapter Closure Application. These funds are
accounted for by the District and should the Chapter be revived within a year the funds would be
returned. After the year the funds will be used to help start new Chapters in the District.

Complete a final financial report and have it signed by all parties. Remember to include the starting
year bank statement and the final bank statement.

USA ONLY – After confering with the VP of Finance, you will complete the 990n form and check the
box “Business Closed.” Provide the copy of the accepted 990 with the Chapter Closure Application.


As you are aware, EWMA is not a “voting” organization, which often allows politics to play a role in its
management style. Management decisions are part of conducting the “business” of EWMA and those
decisions should always be informed decisions. At all times, the best interest of the Membership has
to be the guiding force when the Officer’s judgment is called upon. Do your research and inquiry
before making the decision. Be flexible! Then use your judgment and Member input to guide you.
But remember, EWMA leaders will only support EWMA programs, no 3rd party programs unless
approved in writing by EWMA. An approved 3rd party program is our relationship with HSI for First Aid
and CPR. This is not to be confused with a temporary idea, promotion, or incentive “program” or idea
done at a local level. No level of the association will create or institute any program without written
approval of EWMA Home Office.


Our world has an urgent need for those who will stand on basic principles and be an influence for
good. Leaders should consider how much they influence the thoughts, opinions and actions of others.
Remember, one can influence another not only by what is said and done, but also by what is not said
or done.


A leader is UPBEAT AND POSITIVE. They let their light shine brightly and are so full of positive spirit
that all within this sphere of influence feel the infectious energy. An enthusiastic leader has charisma
that will cause others to want to associate with them and follow them.

One can always get a point across if sprinkled with HUMOR. A point to be stressed will be
remembered because of humor.

A leader LISTENS to understand. They don’t have to have an immediate answer or solution; often the
best solutions come after some thought and outside input. It’s okay to say you’ll take an issue under

A leader COMMUNICATES. It is critical for you to communicate to be understood. Talk to the

members, never above them. Their trust in you comes from trusting what you say.

A leader is COOPERATlVE. They are not aloof or standoffish. They are always willing to pitch in and
help. A leader will roll up their sleeves and work beside the Members and will strive for their respect.
They prove that cooperation involves everyone working together in harmony.

A leader is PATIENT. A leader is sensitive to needs that are important to others and handles
situations that may arise with composure. Tolerant, never dictatorial, a leader finds a way to bring
opponents full circle and back on the path of the goal.

A leader is INNOVATIVE. They develop different, original and effective methods to accomplish goals.
They are creative or surround themselves with someone who is. Remember, borrowing a successful
idea is a compliment to a peer.

A leader is TRUSTWORTHY. Members will not entrust their welfare to a leader they do not trust.

A leader is APPRECIATIVE. Members volunteer their labor and ideas as evidence of their love for
EWMA. The Chapter Director must not fail to express appreciation to the Members. With
appreciation, Members work harder. Recognition from a leader will inspire the Member to excel in his
assignment. Recognition will cause a feeling of a job well done that makes a Member ready to accept
other assignments.

A leader is HONEST AND SlNCERE. To gain the esteem and confidence of Members, both in and
outside the Chapter, a leader must be sincere and honest with themselves and others. Sincerity is a
quality that cannot be disguised. Honesty is a virtue that leaders must practice and hold in thought
A leader is GENEROUS. Members might readily contribute money, but a leader is one who gives
generously of the one thing they are always short of -- time. Members also need to give of their time,
so the Chapter will flourish and extend its influence for good. The giver receives back full measure
and more.

Members Have No Obligation to Participate

Please remember that there is a special rapport between officers and Members. This rapport is based
on a common interest, a bond, a respect for one another that is unique and must be protected. There
are no “formal” ties; rather, the members must WANT to take part. As long as the officer has a desire
to lead and the Members want to take advantage of the benefits they are due, everything is as it
should be.

A pitfall to avoid is the “implied obligation.” Our Members have NO obligation to participate, volunteer
or take advantage of our Association. To an extent, consider EWMA as a buffet — the Members have
a variety of palate-pleasing temptations from which to choose. You may wish to “package” the
“benefits,” to entice participation or to offer rewards of recognition, but never imply an obligation.

Ride-Ins, Rallies And Events

Ride-Ins, rallies and events are held for five primary purposes: 1) to provide a fun, social environment
for the members; 2) to provide an arena for sharing ideas; 3) to provide opportunities for on-bike skill
and fun; 4) to offer new riding experiences; and 5) provide funding for the sponsoring office.

Moderation is the key word to consider when planning activities that require the support and volunteer
efforts of the Membership. The sincere desire of offering “Fun and Friendship” is quickly
overshadowed when the “Bigger is Better” syndrome is adopted.

Competition is a stimulant. Great care must be exercised in establishing competitive activities.

Whether these activities are between Members, Chapters or Districts, a lot of thought must be given
to the potential outcomes.

A good “rule” to use is KEEP TO THE BASICS. Think quality not quantity. Seek activities that are fun,
engaging and inexpensive.

Here are some important recommendations for events, but you know your Chapter/District/Region
best so use that knowledge when organizing ride-ins, rallies, events or socials.

Always keep in mind that Members have limited time and money, so their desire to attend and
support events will also depend on these factors.

One thing to consider when organizing an event that will have a registration fee is the difference
between a Member and a non-member. While it is occasionally recommended that the general
motorcycling public be invited to our activities, there should be a benefit shown, in the form of
reduced fees for EWMA Members. When you can, waive a registration fee if the non-member joins
the Association.

If your Chapter/District/Region has sufficient funds so that you don’t have to charge a fee for an
event, DON’T!!



Installing the EWMA Officer

All EWMA Officers should be installed in public. This may not always be possible, but every effort
should be made to honor the commitment they have made stepping forward. An installation should be
done by the Appointing Officer or someone from the Appointing Officer’s Team, including the
Appointing Officers Assistants. The installation should take place at a Chapter event/social, District
Officer Conference or a rally in front of as many of the new Officer’s peers as possible.

The Process should include the following:

Materials to bring to the installation:

• Certificate of Appointment.
• Two copies of the Oath -- one to sign and return to Appointing Officer and one for the Officer to
sign and keep.
• Office-signed paperwork. This is a nice touch, so the Officer knows the paperwork is
completed and signed by their Appointing Officer.
• Certificate of Appreciation for the Officer stepping aside.

Installation ceremony usually takes two for the presentation:

• Honor the outgoing Officer. Present them with the Certificate of Appreciation.
• Bring the new Officer forward.
• The Appointing Officer or their designee reads the oath to the new Officer.
• New Officer acknowledges their agreement with the oath (saying “I will” is an acceptable
acknowledgement; raising of a hand is not necessary).
• Congratulate them.
• Present certificate and take pictures.

In some cases, a Video Call installation may be required due to distance.

Receiving Guidance – Be Open to This

As Officers of EWMA, we are almost like “professional” volunteer leaders. We have been involved for
a period of time, or we may be new in the position; either way, we have a responsibility to our
Members to be the best we can be. First and foremost, we always keep the Members first and are
ever mindful that it is them that we serve at all levels.

One of the most difficult tasks we have as professional volunteer leaders is determining how well we
are doing our “jobs.” We all gain close friendships in the process of doing these “jobs” and that’s
okay; but it becomes very difficult to get objective criticism or coaching to learn more about our
weaknesses and/or strengths. EWMA to the rescue!

As stated above, EWMA truly believes that, as Officers, our first responsibility is to our Membership --
to serve them in the best way we know how. Our second responsibility is to ourselves -- to be all we
can be. If we learn to be the best, then the Membership will benefit, our relationships with spouses
and friends will benefit, and our jobs will benefit. Truly a Win-Win!

How can we accomplish this? With an Officer review by our Appointing Officers or their designees.
None of us like to be judged or criticized. You should not view any discussion with your appointing
Officer that way. You must believe they have your best interest at heart. They are a resource for you,

a sounding board and a solution when you need some help. The more regularly you have
conversations with your appointing Officer the more you will seek their advice and guidance.

A peer network is also a way for us to learn and develop. Find peers who think like you, don’t think
like you, and have experience or not so much. Start conversations in a safe zone with them and freely
discuss, problem solve and grow. This is a trait of a great leader.

Officer Grievance Procedure

Issues between an Officer and a Member

The Officer Grievance Policy is designed to be used in cases of extreme personal matters between a
Member and an Officer. The policy was introduced to give Officers in EWMA the opportunity to
protect themselves and their families from unreasonable personal attacks. EWMA hopes you will
never need this procedure, but it is our responsibility to provide all Officers with a process to address
what could be an ugly situation.

Disagreements between Members and Officers about structure, policies, procedures and general
disagreements about EWMA are NOT grounds for this Policy. We are a volunteer organization and
good and reasonable people can disagree. This Policy addresses disagreements that degenerate into
personal attacks, slander or the threat of physical harm.

An EWMA Officer may file a grievance against a Member due to a specific reason. These reasons
may include, but not be limited to, slander, threat of physical harm, actual physical harm, or
destruction of personal property. The Officer who makes a grievance against a Member must be
mindful that the charge(s) must be specific, provable by evidence, and witnessed by at least one
other individual who is not a Member of the Officer’s family. The Officer must remember the bar is
higher for them than a grievance filed by a Member.

When a situation like this arisies, immediately contact your appointing Officer for guidance. If it’s
warrented, then a written complaint should be sent/emailed to your appointing Officer. The Appointing
Officer, when the complaint is received, is required to contact BOTH parties within 72 hours to
discuss the issue. The Appointing Officer’s main responsibility is to resolve the issue between the

If the Appointing Officer cannot resolve the issue, either by following policies and procedures found in
the latest edition of the EWMA Handbook, by common sense or by common accepted practice within
EWMA; then the matter is to be referred to the next higher Officer and if appropriate, the President of
EWMA. All information gathered must be forwarded along with a written evaluation.

The President may assign the matter to an Officer on TEAM EWMA. They will investigate the
complaint by the Officer to determine if the complaint is valid and determine a course of action.
Communication with both parties is crucial to determine if the complaint is valid. An agreed-upon
resolution and course of action is the goal. All resolutions and decisions must be documented in
writing and given to both parties and the President of EWMA.

Due to the extenuating circumstances that this grievance would be filed, and the thorough
investigation and carefully determined course of action, should the Member reject the decision and
continue the behavior which was the reason for the grievance initially, they risk removal of their
Membership in EWMA, erasure of their name from the EWMA membership rolls, and any unused
membership dues refunded.
If the Officer who filed the complaint does not follow the decision of the Officer, the Officer could be
subject to disciplinary actions or removal from Office.

Officer Discipline/Removal

Perhaps the most difficult task an EWMA Officer will ever have to undertake is releasing another
Officer or team person from their volunteer position. This outline defines the process and procedures
for disciplining or releasing an Officer from their position in such a way that negative consequences
for the Officer, the Members, and EWMA are minimized or eliminated.

Better yet, with enough information, you may well avoid the removal process altogether by helping
Officers become adept at recognizing and addressing performance-related issues BEFORE they
become problems. Two main areas of consideration should always be involved in Officer removals.
They are: (1) caring for the individual and (2) concern for EWMA and its Members.

Show and feel empathy, concern and caring. Be receptive to “ALL” problems, real or perceived,
including possible unfairness on the part of either party, honest misunderstandings, lack of education
or training, lack of resources, length of service and the situation of the Officer in question.

Always remember that Officers are people who have volunteered to help the Association progress by
serving its Members in leadership positions. They deserve credit and recognition for their successes
and understanding and concern for their feelings and future in EWMA, regardless of the nature of the
action being considered.

No removal of an Officer in any position will take place without:

1. That Officer first having verbal communication about their concerns with the Appointing Officer.
This will be followed by a written communication confirming that verbal communications and
the plan for improvement and timetable, to which the Officer agrees.
2. A follow-up review after time given for improvement, to determine if removal is still necessary.
3. That Appointing Officer must inform their Appointing Officer any time this procedure takes
4. After the time for improvement has passed, if there is no resolution to the concerns, the
Appointing Officer will inform their Appointing Officer that this Officer is going to be removed.
With both in agreement, that Officer will be removed.

Under rare circumstances after item 1 has been done, the steps may be skipped and brought directly
to the President for counsel and decision.


• Abuse of Member feelings or EWMA policies.

• Failure to submit the required financial report at year-end or upon request.
• Failure to submit the annual Chapter Chartering Fee.
• Misuse of EWMA funds.
• Actions unbecoming an Officer of EWMA.
• Lack of compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding.
• Officer has instituted or supported a non-authorized 3rd party program.

REMEMBER: Treat others as YOU want to be treated. Treat others with respect, courtesy and
sincere concern. Don’t allow mole hills to become mountains. Find the win-win solution! A volunteer
Officer is first of all a Member and ALL Members are important.


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