Comfort Characteristics of Fabrics Containing Twis

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Comfort Characteristics of Fabrics Containing Twist-less and Hollow Fibrous

Assemblies in Weft

Article in Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management · January 2004


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2 authors, including:

S. M. Ishtiaque
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


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Volume 3, Issue 4, Winter2004

Comfort Characteristics of Fabrics Containing Twist-less and Hollow Fibrous Assemblies in


A Das & S M Ishtiaque

Department of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology,
New Delhi 110 016, India


Comfort characteristics of plain-woven fabrics, containing viscose staple fiber twist-less and hollow
fibrous assemblies and core-sheath type DREF-III yarn in weft, have been reported in the present
paper. The twist-less and hollow fibrous assemblies are the individually separated parallel core and
annular sheath components respectively of core-sheath type DREF-III yarn. In all these fabrics the
same warp yarn, i.e. two-ply ring spun yarn was used. Three different types of weft yarn were
prepared in DREF-III system; (i) 59 tex yarn with staple viscose fiber in both core and sheath, (ii)
118 tex yarn with staple viscose fiber in core and water soluble staple PVA fiber in sheath, and (iii)
118 tex yarn with staple PVA in core and staple viscose in sheath. The core-sheath ratio was kept
50:50% for all the DREF-III yarns. The idea is to maintain the same weft yarns count (59 tex) in all
the three finished fabrics (after removal of PVA component), with different structure of fibrous
assembly in weft. The structure of fibrous assemblies in weft has great impact on the comfort related
properties, i.e. air permeability, thermal conductivity, percentage water vapor permeability, wicking
and water absorbency.
Keywords: Core, DREF-III yarn, Fibrous assembly, Hollow, Sheath, Twist-less

1 Introduction maintain the temperature of skin through

transfer of heat and perspiration generated
The most important property of any within the human body. Saville2 distinguished
apparel is comfort. Comfort is an experience two aspects of wear comfort of clothing; i)
that is caused by integration of impulses “thermo-physiological wear comfort which
passed up the nerves from a variety of concerns the heat and moisture transport
peripheral receptors smell, smoothness, properties of clothing and the way that
consistency and color etc in the brain. clothing helps to maintain the heat balance of
Comfort is a qualitative term and it is one of the body during various levels of activity”,
the most important aspects of clothing. The and ii) “skin sensational wear comfort which
clothing comfort can be divided into three concerns the mechanical contact of the fabric
groups, i.e. psychological, tactile and thermal with the skin, its softness and pliability in
comfort1. Psychological comfort is mainly movement and its lack of pricking, irritation
related to the latest fashion trend and and cling when damp”. There is a general
acceptability in the society and bears little agreement that the transmission of air, heat
relation to the properties of fabrics. The tactile and water vapor through a garment are
comfort has relationship with fabric surface probably the most important factors in
and mechanical properties. The thermal clothing comfort. Comfort, as felt by the user,
comfort is related to the ability of fabric to is a complex factor depending on the above

Article Designation: Refereed 1 JTATM

Volume 3, Issue 4,Winter 2004
attributes. Some early study3-6 reported 2.2 Sample Preparation
various aspects of comfort related properties
of fabrics. The three different core-sheath
combinations of weft yarns were produced on
The comfort characteristics of fabrics
a Fehrer AG type DREF-III friction spinning
mainly depend on the structure and types of
machine. The linear density of both viscose
yarn used. The development of new yarn
and PVA finisher draw frame slivers was
structures raises questions about the nature
maintained at 3.0 ktex. There was one sliver
and quality of fabrics made from the new
for core fibers and five slivers for sheath
yarns. Among the different yarn structures,
fibers. The feed rate and draft of drafting units
DREF-III yarn has got typical core-sheath
I and II were adjusted in such a way that the
structure, where core and sheath components
core-sheath ratio become 50:50%. The
in the yarn have completely different fiber
spinning-drum speed and the yarn delivery
configurations. We have already reported7 the
speed were kept constant at 4500 rpm and 150
tensile and some handle related properties
m/min respectively for all the samples. The
having twist-less staple fiber core and the
count of DREF-III yarn, with 100% viscose in
surrounding hollow sheath components
both core and sheath, was 59 tex. To study the
individually within the fabrics. But the
behavior of fabrics with twist-less fibrous
comfort characteristics of these types of
assembly in weft, the sliver with 100% viscose
fabrics are totally unknown. Little research
fiber was placed in the core (i.e. in drafting
exists in this area.
unit I) and 100% PVA slivers were placed in
The main objective of this study is to the sheath (i.e. in drafting unit II). When the
investigate the comfort characteristics of behavior of fabric with hollow fibrous
woven fabrics made out of staple twist-less assembly in weft was studied, the placement
and hollow fibrous assemblies and to compare of the viscose and PVA slivers were just
with the characteristics of fabric with DREF- reversed i.e. PVA sliver was placed in the core
III core-sheath type of yarn. Our specific (i.e. in drafting unit I) and viscose slivers were
objective is to assess the ability of these types placed in sheath (i.e. in drafting unit II). The
of unique structures to enhance the comfort linear density of these two yarns, where PVA
characteristics. fibers were used in sheath and core
respectively, was kept exactly double, i.e. 118
2 Materials and Methods tex. The idea was that to have exactly same
yarn count (59 tex) in the weft for all the three
2.1 Raw Materials samples when 50% of the water-soluble PVA
portion completely removed.
Three types of DREF-III yarns with
different combinations of core and sheath The plain weave fabric samples were
fibers were used in the weft, as given in Table prepared in a rapier loom using same warp
1. The fibers used for producing DREF-III yarn with identical constructional parameters.
yarns consisted of viscose staple fibers (44 Three different types of fabrics with different
mm long, 1.5 denier linear density, 18.8 types of DREF III yarn in weft were produced,
cN/tex tenacity and 19.2% breaking as given in Table 1, i.e. Fabric A (59 tex yarn
elongation) and PVA staple fibers (40 mm with staple viscose fiber in both core and
long, 1.68 denier linear density, 41.9 cN/tex sheath in weft), Fabric B (118 tex yarn with
tenacity and 37.4% breaking elongation). In all staple viscose fiber in core and water soluble
the fabrics, the warp yarn was the same (two- staple PVA fiber in sheath in weft) and Fabric
ply cotton ring spun yarn with resultant count C (118 tex yarn with staple PVA in core and
of 78.73 tex, tenacity 10.61 g/tex, breaking staple viscose in sheath in weft). All three weft
elongation 5.7% and initial modulus 213.19 yarns were used one after another, so that the
cN/tex). three fabric samples could be washed
afterwards as a single piece to have similar
treatment in all the fabrics. To have the staple
viscose twist-less and hollow fibrous
assemblies individually in weft, the PVA

Article Designation: Refereed 2 JTATM

Volume 3, Issue 4,Winter 2004
fibers must be removed from the sheath and water. Evaporation takes place under standard
core portions respectively from the weft yarn. atmospheric conditions and loss in weight of
PVA is soluble in water at 60oC, and dissolved cup after 24 hours was measured and then
PVA should be removed from fabric converted in terms of water vapor
thoroughly before drying. All three fabric permeability. The water vapor permeability of
samples were used as single piece and treated the specimen was then expressed as the
with hot water, using a laboratory jigger, at percentage of water vapor permeability of
90oC for 2 hours. Care was taken to remove reference fabric (Fabric A). The wicking
the PVA portion completely. The fabric A, in behavior of fabrics was measured by
which the weft yarn consisted of 100% viscose suspending a strip of rectangular specimen
staple fibers, was also given the same (10” x 1”) vertically with its lower edge in a
treatment to normalize the effect hot water reservoir of distilled water. The height of rise
shrinkage. After complete removal of PVA by water in a given time (i.e. 1 min, 3 min and
fibers the fabrics B and C were having twist- 5 min) was the measure of the wicking
less viscose fibrous assembly and hollow behavior. Water absorbency is a quality of
viscose fibrous assembly respectively in the fabric to absorb water. It is a method for
weft. The details of finished fabric are also measuring the total amount of water that a
given in Table 1. fabric will absorb. The circular test specimen
of 8 cm diameter was immersed in distilled
2.3 Testing Procedure water until it was uniformly wetted out and
left overnight sandwiched between two wetted
The linear density and tensile sponges. The original mass and the mass of
properties of single fiber were measured by the specimen after 24 hours was recorder. The
Lenzing Vibroskop-400 and Vibrodyn-400 absorption is mass of water absorbed
respectively. The end and pick densities were expressed as the percentage of original mass
measured with a pick glass at ten randomly of specimen.
selected positions for each sample. The count
of weft yarns from fabric was measured by 3 Results and Discussion
electronic balance. Thickness of fabrics was
measured at 20 g/cm2 pressure. The Shirley All the comfort related properties (air
air permeability tester was used for measuring permeability, thermal conductivity, percentage
the air permeability of fabrics. The volume of water vapor permeability, wicking height and
air in cm3 which passes per second through 1 water absorbency) of the fabrics are shown in
cm2 of fabric under head of 1 cm water- Table 2.
column is the measure of air-permeability.
Thermal conductivity of fabrics was measured 3.1 Air permeability
on SASMIRA thermal conductivity tester. The
test specimen was placed between the heated It is clear from Table 2 that the fabric B
lower plate and an insulated top plate. The (with twist-less fiber assembly in weft) had
time taken by the hot plate to cool down from the highest air permeability where as fabric C
500C to 490C was measured and (with hollow fiber assembly in weft) had the
corresponding “Clo” value was determined lowest. Diameter, structure and crimp of yarn
from graph. The “Clo” value in turn converted and flattening of fibrous structure affect the air
to the more frequently used “Tog” value using permeability of a fabric. The very low air
the formula, Tog = 0.645*Clo. The higher the permeability of fabric C may be attributed due
“Tog” value means higher the thermal to the very bulky structure of the hollow
resistance i.e. lower thermal conductivity. To fibrous assembly in weft resulting in blocking
assess the moisture transmission behavior of the inter yarn spaces. For the same count of
fabric three different types of tests were weft (59 tex) the effective diameter of hollow
performed, i.e. water vapor permeability, fibrous assembly (sheath component) was
wicking and water absorbency. The water higher as compared to the twist-less fibrous
vapor permeability was measured by the cup assembly (core component) and normal core-
method. The specimen under test was sealed sheath type DREF-III yarn. Blocking of inter
over the open mouth of a cup containing yarn spaces may also be due to partial

Article Designation: Refereed 3 JTATM

Volume 3, Issue 4,Winter 2004
flattening of hollow structure after removal of vapor concentration. A larger amount of liquid
the core component8 resulted in reduction of mass can be retained in larger pores, which
air permeability. The twist-less fibrous facilitates the diffusion process from inner
assembly and the DREF-III yarn in the weft layer to outer layer. Small pores of fabric B
resulted comparatively higher inter yarn space retained less amount of water mass in fabric
due to their compact packing which in turn resulting in lower water vapor permeability.
resulted higher air permeability than fabric C.
3.4 Wicking
3.2 Thermal conductivity
The wicking property of a fabric
mainly depends on characteristics of fiber and
It is evident from Table 2 that fabric
structure of component yarns and the fabric.
A showed the maximum thermal conductivity
Table 2 shows the wicking height of fabrics in
and fabric C (with hollow fibrous assembly in
the warp and weft directions for different time
weft) showed minimum thermal conductivity
durations. It can be seen from Table 2 that the
values. Fabric B (with twist-less fibrous
fabric B has highest wicking value in weft
assembly in weft) had intermediate thermal
direction followed by fabric C; fabric A shows
conductivity value. The minimum thermal
lowest wicking in the weft direction. The warp
conductivity of fabric C may be attributed to a
wicking for all the fabrics are almost same
very bulky structure of hollow fibrous
which may be due to the same warp yarn for
assembly in the weft works as an insulating
all three fabrics. Wicking can only occur when
medium. It entrapped air in the hollow spaces
fibers assembled with capillary spaces
and did not allow heat of the inner layer to
between them are wetted by a liquid. Capillary
transmit to outer layer. On the other hand,
forces are responsible to drive the liquid in
fabric B with twist-less fibrous assembly and
capillary spaces. The fiber surface properties
with a flattened structure, resulted in a greater
and pore structure are the main determinants
barrier to the heat transfer than fabric A. The
of wicking properties. The capillary principle
relatively open structure of fabric A resulted
dictates that smaller pores are filled first and
in higher thermal conductivity through it by
are responsible for the front movement of the
convection and radiation.
liquid. As the smaller pores are completely
filled, the liquid then moves to the larger
3.3 Water vapor permeability
pores. The size and spaces of fibers as well as
their alignment will influence the topology of
Water vapor permeability is an
the inter-fiber spaces or pores, which are
important parameter in evaluating comfort
channeled with widely varying shape and size
characteristics of a fabric, as it represents
distributions. The fabric B has twist-less and
ability to transfer perspiration coming out of
parallel-channeled fibrous assembly in weft.
the body. Table 2 shows that fabric C had
The twist-less fibrous assembly is due to more
highest water vapor permeability where as the
parallel fibers; small pores and channels
fabric B had the lowest value and the fabric
absorb more water through capillary pressure.
made out of core-sheath type DREF-III yarn
Small, uniformly distributed and inter-
(fabric A) having intermediate water vapor
connected pores and channels facilitate fast
permeability value. The very high water vapor
liquid transport. The wicking height increases
permeability value of fabric C (with hollow
with the time for all the fabrics, as evident
fibrous assembly in weft) may be attributed
from Table 2.
due to a very bulky structure of hollow fibrous
assembly in weft. Yarn character plays
3.5 Water absorbency
important role in the transmission of water
vapor. Open structure allows more water
The water absorbency of a fabric
transmission. Hollow yarns have a better
mainly depends on the moisture regain of
cover factor which allows water vapor to
component fiber and open space within the
transfer from inside to outside through
fabric structure, and is an indication of sweat
diffusion. When the transmission occurs
holding capacity of the fabric. The fiber
through pores, the rate is independent of water
components in all three fabrics are exactly the

Article Designation: Refereed 4 JTATM

Volume 3, Issue 4,Winter 2004
same, so the amount of voids within the
structure of fabric plays an important role in References
water absorbency. It is clear from Table 2 that
fabric C has the highest water absorbency 1 Behera, B K, Ishtiaque S M & Chand S,
where as fabric B has the lowest water J. Text Inst, 88, (1997) 255.
absorbency. The very high value of fabric C 2 Saville, B P, Physical Testing of Textiles
may be attributed to the very bulky structure (The Textile Institute, Woodhead
of hollow fibrous assembly in the weft. Water Publishing Limited, Cambridge,
replaced the air in the hollow fibrous assembly England), 1999, 209.
and thus it can hold more water. On the other 3 Gibson, P W, Text Res J, 1993, 63, 749.
hand, fabric B shows the least water 4 Umbach K H, Melliand Textilber, 1993,
absorbency value, which may be due to 74, 174.
compact and parallely aligned twist-less 5 Smith, J, Text Horizons, 1985, 5(8), 35.
fibrous assembly which does not have 6 Harnett P R & Mehta P N, Text Res J,
sufficient open space to hold extra water. The 1984, 54, 471.
fabric made out of core-sheath type DREF-III 7 Ishtiaque S M, Das A, & Yadav P,
yarn has intermediate water absorbency value. Properties of woven fabrics containing
core and sheath type DREF-III yarn in
weft, Accepted for publication in Indian J
4 Conclusions
Fiber Text Res.
8 Das A, Ishtiaque S M & Yadav P,
4.1 The fabric with twist-less fibrous
Contribution of Core and Sheath
assembly in the weft shows the highest air-
Components in the Tensile Properties of
permeability, whereas the fabric with the
DREF-III Yarn, Accepted for publication
hollow fibrous assembly in the weft resulted in
in Text Res J.
the lowest air-permeability.

4.2 Thermal resistance of fabric with hollow

fibrous assembly in the weft is found to be
higher than the fabric with twist-less fibrous
assembly in the weft. The fabric with core-
sheath type DREF-III yarn in weft shows least
thermal resistance.

4.3 The water vapor permeability of fabric

with the hollow fibrous assembly in the weft is
found to be higher than other two types of
fabrics. The fabric with twist-less fibrous
assembly in weft shows least water vapor

4.4 The weft wise wickability of fabric with

twist-less fibrous assembly in the weft is
highest, followed by the fabric with hollow
fibrous assembly in weft and the fabric with
core-sheath type DREF-III yarn in the weft,
which has the least wicking property.

4.5 The fabric with hollow fibrous assembly

in the weft shows the highest water
absorbency, whereas the fabric with twist-less
fibrous assembly in the weft has the least

Article Designation: Refereed 5 JTATM

Volume 3, Issue 4,Winter 2004
Table 1: Details of fabrics

I. GREY FABRIC Finished fabrica

Weft Weft Fabric Fabric

sett, weight,
epi x ppi g/m2 mm
Yarn Core/ Core : Count, Type Count,
type Sheath Sheath tex tex

A DREF-III Viscose/ 50 : 50 59.0 Viscose- 59.0 40x39 246 0.70

Viscose Viscose in

B DREF-III Viscose/ 50 : 50 118.0 Viscose 59.0 41 x 39 248 0.73

PVA twist-less

C DREF-III PVA/ 50 : 50 118.0 Viscose 59.0 39 x 40 243 0.79

Viscose hollow
After treating with hot water

Article Designation: Refereed 6 JTATM

Volume 3, Issue 4,Winter 2004
Table 2: Comfort related properties of fabrics
Sample Air Thermal Water vapor Wicking height, cm Water
conductivity, permeability,
permeability, Warp Weft absorbency,
cc/sec/cm tog % 1 min 3 1 min 3 %
min 5 min min 5 min

Fabric 48.67 0.3225 100.0 1.2 2.8 3.6 1.4 2.7 3.6 136.04
Fabric 53.00 0.5015 94.8 1.0 2.9 3.4 4.9 6.8 8.7 129.23
Fabric 13.23 0.6950 107.4 1.2 2.9 3.7 3.2 5.5 6.4 142.53

Article Designation: Refereed 7 JTATM

Volume 3, Issue 4,Winter 2004

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