Redox Pack 2

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Name: ________________________

Redox Pack 2
Class: ________________________

Date: ________________________

Time: 47 minutes

Marks: 47 marks


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Iodine reacts with concentrated nitric acid to produce nitrogen dioxide (NO 2).

(a) (i) Give the oxidation state of iodine in each of the following.

I2 ___________________________________

HIO3 ________________________________

(ii) Complete the balancing of the following equation.

l2 + 10HNO3 ..........HIO3 + ..........NO2 + .........H2O


(b) In industry, iodine is produced from the NalO3 that remains after sodium nitrate has
been crystallised from the mineral Chile saltpetre.
The final stage involves the reaction between NalO3 and Nal in acidic solution.
Half-equations for the redox processes are given below.

IO3– + 5e– + 6H+ 3H2O +


l- + e–

Use these half-equations to deduce an overall ionic equation for the production of
iodine by this process. Identify the oxidising agent.

Overall ionic equation

The oxidising agent __________________________________________________


(c) When concentrated sulfuric acid is added to potassium iodide, solid sulfur and a
black solid are formed.

(i) Identify the black solid.


(ii) Deduce the half-equation for the formation of sulfur from concentrated sulfuric

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(d) When iodide ions react with concentrated sulfuric acid in a different redox reaction,
the oxidation state of sulfur changes from +6 to -2. The reduction product of this
reaction is a poisonous gas that has an unpleasant smell.
Identify this gas.


(e) A yellow precipitate is formed when silver nitrate solution, acidified with dilute nitric
acid, is added to an aqueous solution containing iodide ions.

(ii) Write the simplest ionic equation for the formation of the yellow precipitate.


(ii) State what is observed when concentrated ammonia solution is added to this



(iii) State why the silver nitrate is acidified when testing for iodide ions.



(f) Consider the following reaction in which iodide ions behave as reducing agents.

Cl2(aq) + 2I–(aq) I2(aq) + 2Cl–(aq)

(i) In terms of electrons, state the meaning of the term reducing agent.



(ii) Write a half-equation for the conversion of chlorine into chloride ions.

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(iii) Suggest why iodide ions are stronger reducing agents than chloride ions.




(Total 15 marks)

Oxidation and reduction can de defined in terms of electron transfer.

(a) Define the term reduction in terms of electrons.


(b) The oxide of nitrogen formed when copper reacts with nitric acid depends upon the
concentration and the temperature of the acid. The reaction of copper with cold,
dilute acid produces NO as indicated by the following equation.

3Cu + 8H+ + → 3Cu2+ + 4H2O + 2NO

In warm, concentrated acid, NO2 is formed.

Oxidation states can be used to understand electron transfer in these reactions.

(i) Give the oxidation states of nitrogen in , NO and NO

Oxidation state in __________________________________________

Oxidation state in NO2 __________________________________________

Oxidation state in NO ___________________________________________

(ii) Identify, as oxidation or reduction, the formation of NO2 from ions in the
presence of H+ ions. Deduce the half-equation for the reaction.

NO from _________________________________________________

Half-equation __________________________________________________

(iii) Deduce the half-equation for the formation of NO2 from ions in the
presence of H+ ions.


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(iv) Deduce the overall equation for the reaction of copper with ions and H+
ions to produce Cu2+ ions, NO2 and water.


(Total 9 marks)

Which one of the following is the electron arrangement of the strongest reducing agent?

A 1s2 2s2 2p5

B 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2

C 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5

D 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2

(Total 1 mark)

(a) By referring to electrons, explain the meaning of the term oxidising agent.


(b) For the element X in the ionic compound MX, explain the meaning of the term
oxidation state.


(c) Complete the table below by deducing the oxidation state of each of the stated
elements in the given ion or compound.

Oxidation state

Carbon in CO

Phosphorus in PCl
Nitrogen in Mg3N2

(d) In acidified aqueous solution, nitrate ions, NO , react with copper metal forming
nitrogen monoxide, NO, and copper(II) ions.

(i) Write a half-equation for the oxidation of copper to copper(II) ions.

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(ii) Write a half-equation for the reduction, in an acidified solution, of nitrate ions
to nitrogen monoxide.


(iii) Write an overall equation for this reaction.

(Total 8 marks)

Which one of the following is not a redox reaction?

A Br2 + SO2 + 2H2O → SO + 4H+ + 2Br−

B SnCl2 + HgCl2 → Hg + SnCl4

C Cu2O + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + Cu + H2O

D 2CrO + 2H+ → Cr2O + H2O

(Total 1 mark)

At high temperatures, nitrogen is oxidised by oxygen to form nitrogen monoxide in a
reversible reaction as shown in the equation below.

N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g) ∆Hο = +180 kJ mol–1

(a) In terms of electrons, give the meaning of the term oxidation.


(b) State and explain the effect of an increase in pressure, and the effect of an increase
in temperature, on the yield of nitrogen monoxide in the above equilibrium.

Effect of an increase in pressure on the yield _______________________________

Explanation _________________________________________________________





Effect of an increase in temperature on the yield ____________________________

Explanation _________________________________________________________

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(c) Nitrogen monoxide, NO, is formed when silver metal reduces nitrate ions, NO in
acid solution.

(i) Deduce the oxidation state of nitrogen in NO and in NO

NO __________________________________________________________

NO _________________________________________________________

(ii) Write a half-equation for the reduction of NO ions in acid solution to form
nitrogen monoxide and water.


(iii) Write a half-equation for the oxidation of silver metal to Ag+(aq) ions.


(iv) Hence, deduce an overall equation for the reaction between silver metal and
nitrate ions in acid solution.

(Total 12 marks)

Photochromic glass contains silver ions and copper ions. A simplified version of a redox
equilibrium is shown below. In bright sunlight the high energy u.v. light causes silver
atoms to form and the glass darkens. When the intensity of the light is reduced the
reaction is reversed and the glass lightens.

Cu+(s) + Ag+(s) Cu2+(s) + Ag(s)

clear glass dark glass

When the photochromic glass darkens

A the Ag+ ion is acting as an electron donor.

B the Cu+ ion is acting as a reducing agent.

C the Ag+ ion is oxidised.

D the Cu+ ion is reduced.

(Total 1 mark)

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Mark schemes

(a) (i) M1 0

M2 (+) 5
Accept Roman V for M2

(ii) I2 + 10HNO3 2HIO3 + 10NO2 + 4H2O

Accept multiples

(b) M1 IO3– + 6H+ + 5I – 3I2 + 3H2O

For M1, ignore state symbols
Credit multiples
Accept 2½I2 + ½I2 as alternative to 3I2
Electrons must be cancelled

M2 NaIO3 OR IO3– OR iodate ions OR iodate(V) ions etc.

For M2 Do not penalise an incorrect name for the correct
oxidising agent that is written in addition to the formula.

Accept “the iodine in iodate ions” but NOT “iodine” alone

Accept “the iodine / I in iodate ions” but NOT “iodine” alone

(c) (i) Iodine OR I2

Insist on correct name or formula

(ii) H2SO4 + 6H+ + 6e– S + 4H2O

Ignore state symbols

SO42– + 8H+ + 6e– S + 4H2O

Credit multiples
Do not penalise absence of charge on the electron

(d) hydrogen sulfide


OR hydrogen sulphide

(e) (i) Ag+ + I– AgI ONLY

Ignore state symbols
No multiples

(ii) The (yellow) precipitate / solid / it does not dissolve / is insoluble

ignore “nothing (happens)”

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OR turns to a white solid
ignore “no observation”

OR stays the same

OR no (visible/ observable) change

OR no effect / no reaction

(iii) The silver nitrate is acidified to

• react with / remove (an)ions that would interfere with the test
Ignore reference to “false positive”

• prevent the formation of other silver precipitates / insoluble silver

compounds that would interfere with the test
Do not penalise an incorrect formula for an ion that is written
in addition to the name.

• remove (other) ions that react with the silver nitrate

• react with / remove carbonate / hydroxide / sulfite (ions)

If only the formula of the ion is given, it must be correct

(f) (i) An electron donor

Penalise “electron pair donor”

OR (readily) donates / loses / releases / gives (away) electron(s)

Penalise “loss of electrons” alone
Accept “electron donator”

(ii) Cl2 + 2e– 2Cl–

Ignore state symbols
Do not penalise absence of charge on electron
Credit Cl2 2Cl – – 2e –
Credit multiples

(iii) For M1 and M2, iodide ions are stronger reducing agents than chloride ions,
Ignore general statements about Group VII trends or about
halogen molecules or atoms. Answers must be specific

M1 Relative size of ions

CE=0 for the clip if “iodine ions / chlorine ions” QoL

Iodide ions / they are larger /have more electron levels(shells)

(than chloride ions) / larger atomic / ionic radius
CE=0 for the clip if “iodide ions are bigger molecules / atoms”

OR electron to be lost/outer shell/level (of the iodide ion) is further the

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OR iodide ion(s) / they have greater / more shielding

Insist on iodide ions in M1 and M2 or the use of it / they /
them, in the correct context (or chloride ions in the converse

OR converse for chloride ion

M2 Strength of attraction for electron(s)

Must be comparative in both M1 and M2

The electron(s) lost /outer shell/level electron from (an) iodide ion(s) less
strongly held by the nucleus compared with that lost from a chloride ion

OR converse for a chloride ion


(a) Gain of electrons

(b) (i) (+)5 or V or N5+


(+)4 or IV or N4+

(+)2 or II or N2+

(ii) Reduction

4H+ + NO3– + 3e(–) → NO + 2H2O


(iii) 2H+ + NO3– + e(–) → NO2 + H2O


(iv) Cu + 4H+ + 2 NO3– → Cu2+ + 2H2O + 2NO2


If electrons included, mark CE if these are not balanced


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(a) Accepts electrons

(b) Charge on the ion (or element or atom)


(c) +4



(d) (i) Cu– → Cu2+ + 2e–





(a) removal/loss of electrons

(b) no change

equal number of gaseous moles on either side


both sides affected equally



equilibrium moves to lower the temperature/oppose the change


endothermic reaction favoured /forward reaction is endothermic


(c) (i) +2

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(ii) NO3– + 4H+ + 3e– → NO +2H2O

(iii) Ag → Ag+ + e–

(iv) NO3– + 4H+ + 3Ag → NO + 2H2O + 3Ag+



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