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1. Alcohol and water are completely miscible. This means when mixed together they
form only one liquid layer.
Which method is used to separate alcohol from water?
A crystallisation
B filtration
C fractional distillation
D precipitation

2. In athletics, banned drugs such as nandrolone have been taken illegally to improve
performance. Nandrolone has the molecular formula C18H26O2.
What is the relative molecular mass, Mr, of nandrolone?
A 46
B 160
C 274
D 306
3. Which acid reacts with ammonia to produce the salt ammonium sulphate?

A hydrochloric acid
B nitric acid
C phosphoric acid
D sulphuric acid

4. When compound X is heated, it changes colour from green to black. Compound Y is

formed and a gas is given off which turns limewater milky

What is X and Y?

A Calcium carbonate Calcium oxide
B Copper (ii) carbonate Carbon
C Copper (ii) carbonate Copper (ii) oxide
D Copper (ii) sulphate Copper (ii) oxide

5. A metal reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to produce a gas.

What is used to identify this gas?

A a glowing splint
B a lighted splint
C damp blue litmus paper
D limewater

6. Aqueous ammonia is added to a solution on a metal sulphate.

A green precipitate that is insoluble in excess of the aqueous ammonia forms.

Which metal ion is present?

A Ca2+
B Cu2+
C Fe3+
D Fe2+

7. An experiment is carried out to investigate the rate of reaction when calcium

carbonate is reacted with hydrochloric acid.
The volume of carbon dioxide gas given off is measured at different intervals of time.
The diagram shows pieces of apparatus used to collect gases.

Which apparatus is suitable to collect and measure the volume of the carbon dioxide?
A 1, 2 and 3 B 2 and 3 only C 1 only D 3 only
8. In an experiment, barium nitrate is added to solution X. a white precipitate is formed.
Aqueous nitric acid is added to the mixture. Bubbles are produced and the precipitate

Which ion is present in solution X?

A Cl-
B CO32-
C NO3-
D SO42-

9. Which gas turns aqueous methyl orange yellow?

A ammonia
B hydrogen
C carbon dioxide
D hydrogen

10. Which factor only affects the speed of reaction between gases?
A. Pressure
B. Catalyst
C. Temperature
D. Surface area

1. Choose one substance from the list that fits the given description. You may use each
substance once, more than once or not at all.

Chlorine aluminium oxide ammonium chloride ethanol

methane Lead (ii) iodide ammonia sodium sulphate Diamond

Calcium hydroxide Sulphur dioxide Lead (ii) Nitrate argon

(a) An amphoteric oxide_______________________________________________[1]

(b) Has a giant molecular structure _____________________________________[1]

(c) A diatomic molecule_______________________________________________[1]

(d) Is an insoluble yellow solid _________________________________________[1]

(e) Is a noble gas ____________________________________________________[1]

(f) Which two substances from the list would react to form ammonia when heated
________________________________and____________________________ [2]
(g) A compound containing an element with oxidation number of +3.


(h) Is an acidic oxide________________________________________________[1]

(i) Choose two salts that are needed to prepare lead (ii) sulphate which is insoluble.


(j) Which of the substances dissolves in water to form a solution which turns red
litmus paper blue?


2. Limestone and other rocks contains calcite, CaCO 3. To determine the amount of
calcite in limestone rock, 2.3g of the limestone rock was reacted with excess dilute
hydrochloric acid.

The equation for the reaction is as shown

CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

(a) Why was dilute hydrochloric acid added in excess?

(b) The reaction produced 450cm3 of carbon dioxide gas, measured at room
temperature and pressure (r.t.p).
Calculate the number of moles of carbon dioxide produced. (1mole of a gas
occupies 24000cm3 at r.t.p)

Number of moles of carbon dioxide ___________________ [2]

(c) Use your answer to (b) to calculate the number of moles of calcite that reacted to
produce this amount of carbon dioxide.

Number of moles of calcite ___________________ [1]

(d) Use your answer to (c) to calculate the mass of calcite contained in 2.3g of
limestone rock.

Mass of calcite____________________ [2]

(e) Use your answer to (d) to calculate the percentage of calcite in the limestone

Percentage of calcite__________________ [2]

(f) Draw ‘dot’ and ‘cross’ diagrams to show the bonding in calcium chloride, CaCl2.


3. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid.

(i) Define a strong acid.

(ii) Write down an equation to show the ionization of hydrochloric acid.


(iii) Hydrochloric acid is a monobasic acid. Explain what is meant by monobasic



(iv) What colour would show on the pH scale when hydrochloric acid is tested with
Universal indicator paper?


4. In an experiment to make crystals of Copper (II) Sulphate, an excess of Copper
(II) Carbonate was added to dilute acid X. The diagram shows three steps during
the experiment.

(a) name the following:

(i) acid X __________________________________________________
(ii) filtrate in step II __________________________________________
(iii) Residue Y ________________________________________________
(iv) The overall process in step III _______________________________ [4]

(b) State one observation made during the reaction apart from colour change and the
substance responsible for that observation.

Observation __________________________________________________________
Substance _________________________________________________________[2]
(c) Outline how step III is carried out.


5. Tests were carried out on a substance; S. Table 5.1 shows the tests, observations and
conclusions made. Complete the table.

Table 5.1

Test Observation conclusion

(a) S was dissolved in dilute _________________________________ S is a

sulphuric acid. compound of
_______________________________[1] transition metal.
A gas was produced and passed
through limewater. S contains CO32-
The resulting solution was
divided into two portions for
tests (b) and (c).

(b) (i) to the first portion aqueous S probably

sodium hydroxide solution _________________________________ contains Cu2+
was added until a change ions.
was seen. _______________________________[2]

(ii) an excess of sodium ____________________________________

hydroxide was added to the
mixture from (b)(i). __________________________________[1]

(c) To the second portion, a few _________________________________ The presence of

drops of aqueous ammonia Cu2+ ions is
were added until no further _________________________________ confirmed.
change was observed.


(d) What is the name and the formula of S.


Formula _____________________________________________________________[2]

6. Equal amounts of zinc metal were reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid of different
concentration at 200C. The graph shows the volumes of hydrogen gas produced.

(a) Which graph, M or N, is obtained when zinc is reacted with hydrochloric acid of
higher concentration?

Explain your answer.

(b) Sketch a curve on the same graph that would be obtained if the experiment of
graph N was repeated at 300C.
Label the curve P. [2]

(c) Explain how the increase in temperature of hydrochloric acid affects the speed of
a chemical reaction?



7. Glucose, C6H12O6, is one of the products of photosynthesis.
(a) State the empirical formula for glucose.

(b) Fermentation converts glucose into ethanol, a biofuel.
C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2
I. State two essential conditions for fermentation.



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