HE5091 Principles of Economics

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Course Coordinator Tan Khay Boon

Course Code HE5091
Course Title Principles of Economics
Pre-requisites Nil
No of AUs 3
Contact Hours 36 hours (2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week)

Course Aims
1. Educate participants on the fundamental concepts of microeconomics and
macroeconomics involving individuals, firms, governments and economies.
2. Teach participants to analyze basic economic theories.
3. Guide participants to apply economic tools to analyze economic issues.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

By the end of this course, you (as a student) would be able to:

1. Explain market equilibrium, examine factors affect market equilibrium, and predict
changes in equilibrium
2. Explain the usefulness of elasticities and apply rational spending rule
3. Compare and Contrast between perfect competition and monopoly
4. Construct payoff matrix and solve game theory
5. Differentiate positive and negative externalities and examine their efficiencies
6. Analyze and explain the effects of public policies
7. Explain the concepts of GDP, inflation and unemployment
8. Analyze the factors that affect growth, inflation and unemployment in the economy
9. Differentiate the capital markets and examine their functions in an economy
10. Examine the linkage between aggregate expenditure and equilibrium output
11. Explain multiplier effect and solve for equilibrium using multiplier
12. Apply AD-AS Model to analyze and predict the equilibrium in an economy
13. Summarize the factors that affect exchange rate and compare and contrast between the
fixed and flexible exchange rate systems
14. Explain the linkage between trade balance and capital flows

Course Content
This course covers fundamental tools and applications of concepts in microeconomics and
macroeconomics. The section on microeconomics focuses on markets as a mechanism for
allocating scarce resources. Using diagrams and simple mathematics, it analyses demand, supply,
market system and the concepts of elasticity. It also addresses market efficiency, outcomes from
market failures, production and firms with market influence. The section on macroeconomics
addresses the determinants of GDP and the forces that shape the Economy in both the short run
and the long run. Topics include the calculation of GDP, analysis of inflation and employment,
theory of economic growth, the role of financial markets, fiscal and monetary policies and the
international economy.

Assessment (more details will be announced in class)
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
Total 100%

Reading and References

Robert H. Frank and Ben S. Bernanke and Hon-Kwong Lui (FBL), Principles of Economics Asia
Global Edition, McGraw Hill, 2015.

Course Instructors
Instructor Office Location Email
Tan Khay Boon SHHK Level 6 Churchill Room [email protected]

Planned Weekly Schedule

Week Topic Course LO Readings/ Activities
1 Introduction to Economics LO1 Textbook Chapters 1, 3 & 6
Tutorial 1
2 Elasticity and Consumer Behaviour LO2 Textbook Chapters 4, 5 & 6
Tutorial 2
3 Perfect Competition, Production and LO3 Textbook Chapters 6 & 7
Efficiency Tutorial 3
4 Imperfect Competition and Game LO3 and LO4 Textbook Chapters 8 & 9
Theory Tutorial 4
5 Externalities, Property Rights and LO5 Textbook Chapters 10 & 11
Economics of Information Tutorial 5
6 Economics of Public Policy LO6 Textbook Chapters 13 & 14
Tutorial 6
7 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and LO7 and LO8 Textbook Chapters 15 & 16
Inflation Tutorial 7
8 Unemployment and Economic LO7 and LO8 Textbook Chapters 17 & 18
Growth Tutorial 8
9 Capital Formation, Financial Markets LO9 Textbook Chapters 19, 20 &
and Money Supply 23
Tutorial 9
10 Aggregate Expenditure and LO10 and LO11 Textbook Chapters 21, 22 &
Stabilization Policy 23
Tutorial 10
11 Aggregate Demand, Aggregate LO12 Textbook Chapters 24 & 25
Supply and Macroeconomic Policy Tutorial 11
12 Exchange Rate, International Trade LO13 & LO14 Textbook Chapters 26
and Capital Flow Tutorial 12

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