Yr. 5 WORKSHEET 2 - Unit 2-2023 Answer Key

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WORKSHEET-2 ( Answer key)


Grammar Topic
Simple tenses

Simple Present Simple Past Tense Simple Future Tense

To be: am is are was, were will have
Have Have/has Had Will have
I have I had I will have
He has
I go / he goes I went I will go
Rules Regular verbs
Add ed
Play - Played
Carry -Carried
Stop- stopped
(Learn irregular verb

Reading comprehension

Susan, a diligent student, embarked on a fascinating journey to explore the enigmatic

world of ancient civilizations. Armed with a weathered map and a curious spirit, she
ventured into the dense forest, where remnants of a forgotten empire lay hidden. As
she walked among the ruins, Susan marvelled at the intricate carvings on the ancient
walls, depicting tales of long-lost kings and mystical creatures. The air was filled with
a palpable sense of history, and Susan couldn't help but feel a profound connection to
the past.
Her exploration led her to a dilapidated library, where she unearthed dusty
manuscripts containing cryptic symbols and arcane knowledge. With each carefully
deciphered page, Susan gained insights into the customs and rituals of the people
who once thrived in this mysterious land. The discovery of an ornate artefact further
fuelled her excitement, providing a tangible link to a bygone era.
In the midst of her archaeological adventure, Susan encountered a sage who shared
stories of ancient rituals that had been practiced for centuries. The sage, a repository
of wisdom, explained the significance of the artifacts and how they were an integral
part of the community's cultural fabric. Susan absorbed this information eagerly,
Questions :
realizing the importance of preserving the rich tapestry of history.
1. Identify and highlight any three sentences in the paragraph that are in the simple past
tense and change them into simple present tense.
she ventured into the dense forest,- She ventures into the dense forest.
she unearthed dusty manuscripts - She unearths dusty manuscripts.
Susan encountered a sage - Susan encounters a sage.
2. Define the word "enigmatic" using the context provided in the paragraph.
mysterious and puzzling nature of the ancient civilizations
3. In your own words, explain the meaning of "repository" as it is used in the paragraph.
a place where things are stored
4. Use the words "dilapidated" and "cryptic" in two separate sentences of your own
creation. The tank was now rather dilapidated, so they decided to make a new.
The treasure map was covered in cryptic symbols, so we could not find it.
5. Explain how the discovery of the ornate artefact is connected to the use of the word
"arcane" in the paragraph. The ornate artifact is historical significance, is considered
"arcane" because it holds secrets or knowledge from a distant and mysterious past.
6. Based on the information provided, why does Susan feel a profound connection to the
past as she explores the ancient ruins? Susan feels a profound connection to the past
because she is exploring remnants, carvings, and manuscripts that provide insights into
the history and culture of the ancient civilizations.

7. Predict what might happen next in Susan's archaeological adventure based on the clues
provided in the paragraph. Susan may uncover more artifacts.
8. Susan, a diligent student, embarked on a fascinating journey to explore the enigmatic
world of ancient civilizations [Rewrite the sentence with simple similar(synonyms)
words.] Susan, a hardworking student, began an interesting journey to explore the
mysterious world of old/ historic civilizations.
9. Find and highlight 10 verbs from the paragraph.
10.Which tense is used in the paragraph? past
11.Find the words with suffix tion from the paragraph.
HOT Question:
Make sentence using following words.
Make sentence using following words.
Archaeological: The site revealed many archaeological artifacts.
Archaeologist: The archaeologist carefully excavated the ancient ruins.
Archaeology: The study of archaeology helps us understand past civilizations.

Please tick the appropriate column

I understood I understood little I did not understand
1. Simple Tenses

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