Sample GAP Analysis Report
Sample GAP Analysis Report
Sample GAP Analysis Report
Report Prepared for: Addu Training Institute Inspected By: Fathimath Leesha Haneef Inspection Date: 5th October 2011 Report Editor: Pawel Wolski
The main purpose of conducting a GAP analysis on RSS Pvt. Ltd is to examine the current situation of food production and to identify the areas which require
improvement in order to reach the ultimate goal, which is to achieve a HACCP Certification. This report will provide a brief idea of the current standards and facilities available at RSS Pvt.Ltd and recommendations which needs to be implemented in order to achieve a HACCP Certification.
Benefits Increased in consumer and government confidence; Improved product consistency; Decreased business risks; Opportunities to expand to International markets;
Reduction in production costs (Reduced recall/ wastage of food); Improved staff-management commitment to food safety; Reduced legal and insurance costs
Barriers Lack of Human resource constraints; Lack of legal requirements; Lack of expertise and technical support
Recommendation Certification;
Our recommendation to RSS Pvt Ltd is to achieve the Good Hygiene Practices to UK and EU standards and to have these standards implemented at least for 6 months prior to commencing of HACCP Certification. A Haccp Certification is essential for RSS Pvt.Ltd as they would be targeting for an international market. Specially if they want to export to Europe and United Kingdom, they should have a HACCP or any other food safety management system which is internationally recognized. If not EU Nations and UK will have the power to reject their products according to their law EC 852/2004.
SECTION A: Purchasing, Delivering and Receiving of food items.
Observation: Not applicable as the land RSS Pvt Ltd has planned to build the fish plant is an empty godown at the time of the inspection. Recommendation: Food items should be purchased from an approved supplier and RSS Pvt Ltd must be aware of where their food items are coming from and the standards they are prepared at. It is very important for RSS to monitor the standards at which the fishing vessels handles the fish. If the fish is deviated by the time they receive it, the chain of HACCP will be broken and it will not be adequate for them to use it.
SECTION F: Equipments
Observation: Not applicable as the land RSS .Pvt Ltd has planned to build the fish plant is an empty godown at the time of the inspection. Recommendation: Food handlers should be provided with adequate equipments to prepare safe and risk free food. Equipments should be in a cleanable, sanitazable, durable material which will not cause any chemical poisoning or which will not chip off easily.
at the time of the inspection. Recommendation: The premises should be properly pest proofed. An adequate premises is essential for the food preparation and handling areas. Pets should not be allowed inside the food preparation area. Doors should not be left opened. The food preparation areas must have fly killer machines and an integrated pest management system should be implement. Btek should also hire an external pest control contractor for preventive pest infestations and for regular monitoring.
Observation: Not applicable as the land RSS.Pvt Ltd has planned to build the fish plant is an empty godown at the time of the inspection. Recommendation: For a fish processing plant should be designed with adequate safety standards. Fire doors and emergency exits should be marked. Btek also should have a Fire Safety Contractor to provide regular fire training. First Aid stations should be provided at the premises with easy access. A team of employees also must be trained in First Aid.