Brochure SVC Light The Next Generation

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SVC Light®
The next generation
Proven superiority
and leading edge technology

SVC Light® solves the troublesome With ABB SVC Light you get:
problem of electric arc furnace World class flicker mitigation
Direct connection
genera­ted flicker. SVC Light also Unlimited range
improves arc furnace economy Excellent process economy
by supplying high quality power Unrivalled experience
to the furnace. The heart of SVC
Light is the high power Insulated
Gate Bipolar Transistor, IGBT.
With SVC Light there are no limita-
tions. You can build your melt shop
where it suits you the best, even
where the strength of the feeding
grid is limited.
2 3

1. VSC | 2. Control and protection system | 3. Cooling system | 4. Phase reactors |

5. High pass filter | 6. Harmonic filter (optional)

2 ABB Facts | SVC Light®

World class flicker mitigation

SVC Light radically reduces flicker The only way to stabilize voltage and reduce disturbing
The most common source of flicker is electrical arc furnaces flicker successfully is to continuously measure and correctly
(EAF). The violent forces released in the furnace process counteract rapid changes in currents and reactive power flow
impose a wide band of disturbances on the power supply. by extremely fast reactive power compensation. Through
This “electrical pollution” can be reduced by controlled reac- dynamic compensation the voltage on an arc furnace bus can
tive power compensation. However, these disturbances are be stabilized and disturbing flicker practically eliminated.
not fixed, but comprise a mixture of amplitudes and frequen-
cies and phase unbalance which change over time as a func-
tion of mechanical resonances, electrical supply, operation
modes, and other process parameters. This wide variety of
process conditions results in behavior of a truly stochastic

Flicker mitigation
Pst 7
Pst 7
5 0
Background flicke
MW 100 Background flicke
Load power
MW 100
15:00 18:00 Time 21:00 0
15:00 18:00 Time 21:00 0

SVC Light® | ABB Facts 3

Direct connection

No transformer between furnace bus and SVC Light Harmonic reduction

SVC Light is directly connected to the EAF bus all the way Furthermore, the latest power quality standard such as IEC/
up to 69 kV, avoiding all converter transformer drawbacks. TR 61000-3-6 recommends a relatively low level of inter-har-
This, in particular, is important for achieving the best possible monics (<0.2%) to avoid interference with other equipment.
flicker reduction by compensating the furnace current includ- To comply with the standard, SVC Light must actively damp
ing DC components. DC components in the EAF current are kAthe harmonics and inter-harmonics. This can be achieved by
common during EAF energizing and bore down period of the 3.0controlling the SVC Light current to mirror the load current.
melt. To make things even worse, it is in these parts of the 2.5To accomplish this task, it is important that the SVC Light is
cycle that flicker will be at its heaviest. 2.0directly connected to the furnace bus through a linear reactor
(air-core reactor). Use of an intermediate transformer to con-
No transformer saturation – full flicker reduction nect the valve to the furnace bus would not be desirable as
With a converter transformer saturation can happen due a saturated transformer generates harmonics.
to DC components in the current, and flicker reduction will
suffer as a saturated transformer does not allow for fast and 0
DC 1 2 3 4 Harmonic
accurate reactive compensation. This, of course, will not Avoiding the converter transformer brings: order
happen with a directly connected SVC Light. Direct, quick and unaffected control
Superior flicker mitigation
Initial bore-down Efficient harmonic reduction
kA 3.0
3.5 …plus, of course, a number of additional benefits:
3.0 No environmental hazard from oil
2.5 No fire hazard
1.5No transformer losses
1.0Less noise
1.0 0.5Smaller footprint

0.5 0A saving of transportation and installation costs

Less maintenance 1 2 3 4 Harmonic
0 order
DC 1 2 3 4 Harmonic

Initial bore-down: Very large DC current (phase-wise).

Melting Compensating currents

kA kA
3.0 2.0

1.5 1.0

0 0
DC 1 2 3 4 Harmonic 0 1 2 3 4 Harmonic
order order

Melting: Harmonic spectrum (phase-wise). Compensating currents from SVC Light (mirror load current).

2.5 1.5

1.0 0.5

4 ABB Facts | SVC Light® 0
0 DC 1 2 3 4
Unlimited range
SVC Light can successfully be used with any EAF
in any environment

Unlimited: Mvar ratings are available for all EAF sizes, ie with
SVC Light, the reactive power compensators available are no
longer a limitation on EAF rating. No electric arc furnace specifi-
cation is too tough for SVC Light, not even in a very weak grid.
Operation range, SVC Light
SVC Light is scaleable and functional in all feeding grids for 69

steel plants, including the very weak ones. Simultaneously,

it can be rated to accommodate the highest EAF bus volt-
ages as well as the largest MVA ratings. The result: with
SVC Light, the steel plant can be installed wherever it suits 33
the builder, owner, investor, and be sure to cope with
the severest demands from the grid operator, without risking 22
disputes over power quality issues.

220 360 640 Mvar

SVC Light® | ABB Facts 5

Excellent process economy

With SVC Light, better plant utilization results in better

operational economy. SVC Light helps to maintain a high and
constant furnace bus voltage, thereby enabling high power
input to the EAF.


% 0
32 minutes
150 P~U 2
EAF power without SVC Light.
U with SVC Light 5 minutes
U without SVC Light MW
P with SVC Light 120
P without SVC Light

100 40

27 minutes
EAF power with SVC Light. As the melting power increases with SVC Light
the melting cycle can be shortened.

50 MWh



0 16.25 16.30 16.35 16.40 16.45 16.50 16.55

50 100 150 % Arc furnace
P=Arc furnace power. U=Voltage at arc furnace bus. current EAF energy:
With SVC Light.
P= Arc furnace power Without SVC Light.
U= Voltage at arc furnace bus

You can build your melt shop where it suits you the best, Reactive power compensation through SVC Light
regardless of network strength. gives you the following benefits:
Shorter melt down times
The resulting EAF power increases with SVC Light during the Lower energy losses
melt cycle, and thereby increases energy yield per time unit. Reduced electrode consumption
This can be utilized either to increase the output of molten Refractory savings
steel, or to attain a certain steel output in a shorter time than
would be possible without SVC Light. Improved power factor:
Lower utility tariff
More efficient use of existing electrical plant

Optimized melting profiles

Excellent flicker suppression no limitation of choice in melting profile.

6 ABB Facts | SVC Light®

Unrivalled experience

“SVC Light is a prerequisite for

the operation of the EAF.”
An example: An SVC Light rated at 35 kV, 0-164 Mvar ABB has SVC Light experience since more than a decade
has been installed in a green-field steel plant, based on With ever-growing ratings of modern electric arc furnaces,
a very large EAF, rated at 140 MVA. The EAF is taking its their non-linear characteristics as loads on the network, as
power from a 220 kV public grid. Due to very strict flicker well as their strongly stochastic behavior, EAFs present a
demands at the point of common coupling, the plant formidable challenge as power system loads. Mitigating their
could neither be operated nor even started without cor- impact such as active and reactive power fluctuations, flicker
rective measures taken to ensure that the grid code is generation, harmonics and unbalance between phases is
fulfilled with the EAF in operation. What is of concern is a task for SVC Light which has no parallel in other fields of
maintaining proper power quality in the grid. application.

The primary task of the SVC Light is to suppress flicker

With more SVC Light installations on EAFs than any
to acceptable levels, but also to yield a high and constant
other manufacturer, ABB has cemented its lead in
power factor, as well as limit harmonic distortion and negative
the field.
phase sequence componenets generated by the EAF.

SVC Light® | ABB Facts 7

How is this achieved?

The reactive power can be controlled very fast.

As a result, outstanding flicker reduction is achieved.
VSC – a fully controllable voltage source overall range of SVC Light into the capacitive region. Some
The function of a VSC (Voltage Source Converter) is a fully inductive reactive power is needed, as well, to enable the
controllable voltage source matching the system voltage in SVC Light to suppress unbalance between the phases of
phase and frequency, and with an amplitude which can be the furnace load.
continuously and rapidly controlled, so as to be used as the
tool for reactive power control. In the system, the VSC is SVC Light: principle diagram
connected to the system bus via a small reactor.

By choosing zero phase-shift between the bus voltage and

the VSC voltage, the VSC will act as a purely reactive ele- U1
ment. With the VSC voltage and the bus voltage denoted U2
and U1 respectively, if U2 > U1, the VSC will act as a genera-
tor of reactive power, ie it will have a capacitive character.
If U2 < U1, the VSC will act as an absorber of reactive power,
ie it will have an inductive character.

The EAF has an inductive character, ie to compensate its

demand for reactive power, capacitive generation is needed.
The VSC has a symmetrical inductive/capacitive range on
either side of zero Mvar. By means of a harmonic filter,
capacitive reactive power is generated, in order to shift the EAF VSC

SVC Light versus SVC

Only part of the MVA needed For example, to build a dynamic compensator with the
SVC Light is based upon a VSC, while SVC is based range 0 – 100 Mvar capacitive, the following is required:
on a TCR (Thyristor Controlled Reactor). In both cases,
harmonic filters are utilized to provide capacitive reactive SVC SVC Light
power for shifting the overall working range partly or fully TCR Filters VSC Filters
onto the capacitive side. 100 Mvar 100 Mvar ±50 Mvar 50 Mvar

As the VSC has its dynamic range symmetrically around Less footprint
zero Mvar while the TCR can only go inductive, the VSC In other words, SVC Light can typically be built more
only needs half the rating of the TCR, and only half the compact than SVC for the same dynamic range, ie in
amount of Mvar in filters to achieve a certain overall the majority of cases, SVC Light has a smaller footprint.
dynamic range on the capacitive side.
Superiour flicker mitigation
SVC Light utilizes IGBTs, which can be switched thousands
of times per second. This leads to superiour flicker miti-
gation properties.

8 ABB Facts | SVC Light®

1 2

3 4

1 ABB MACH2, for control and protection, is specially designed to meet the highest demands of high speed power applications. | 2 A smooth output
voltage. | 3 The converter valve. | 4 ABB StakPak IGBTs have passed rigorous failure mode and safety tests.

Control and Protection A smooth output voltage

ABB’s MACH2, for control and protection, is specially Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is utilized with an effective
designed to meet the highest demand of high speed power switching frequency in the tens of kHz range, giving a smooth
applications. Fibre optics ensure safe feed back and control output voltage shape.
of the high voltage bridges. The MACH2 platform is built
around an industrial PC, equipped with high performance IGBT
add-in boards. It also includes a whole family of I/O circuit The IGBT utilized in SVC Light is of the type ABB StakPak™,
boards for sampling and signal conditioning. rated at 4.5 kV. Each IGBT is built up in a modular housing
comprising a number of sub-modules, each containing a num-
The converter valve ber of semiconductor chips. ABB StakPak IGBTs have passed
The VSC of SVC Light is a Multi-Level Chain Link converter, rigorous failure mode and safety tests.
with single-phase units consisting of a number of series con-
nected chain link cells, forming the converter phase legs.
Each chain link cell module consists of four IGBT positions,
each consisting of an IGBT module with a corresponding
Gate Unit, and a DC capacitor.

SVC Light® | ABB Facts 9

Power quality
A key issue

Flicker – a power quality problem Not only flicker

Flicker is caused by stochastic variations in the mains voltage Power quality is a natural concern today. Along with flicker,
which affect lighting sources. Light flicker is extremely irritat- other disturbances such as unbalanced voltage, harmonics
ing to the human eye and can also cause disturbances in and voltage variations also need to be addressed. Grid own-
sensitive production equipment. Flicker can affect wide geo- ers regulate this by issuing their Grid Codes, stipulating the
graphical areas, especially when the power grid is weak. By permitted levels of grid disturbances from each individual
definition, flicker is a power quality problem for both power power subscriber connected to the grid.
suppliers and industrial process enterprisers, as well as
annoying to the private consumer. SVC Light mitigates asymmetrical voltage variations
Unbalanced voltages are caused by asymmetrical loads
Process industry standards for clean power which lead to unwanted heating of machine windings. Voltage
The process industry must meet requirements not to disturb variations can cause problems for sensitive process equip-
the grid, set out in Grid Codes. It will also have to set its own ment and computers. These problems can be mitigated by
standards for clean power. Increased deregulation together SVC Light.
with tougher legislation is speeding up this process.
Active filtering
SVC Light – a bridge between the power grid and Electric arc furnaces, due to their non-linear characteristics,
industrial processing are strong sources of harmonics, displaying a spectrum of
In a global economy, a reliable supply of cost effective energy all kinds of harmonics: even, odd, and even inter-harmonics.
is essential. Deregulation gives consumers a choice of sup- SVC Light works as an Active Filter, enabling low THD at the
plier. This, in turn, will increase the grid operator’s need for Point of Common Coupling, without any need to install area
clean process industry on the network to increase their com- demanding filter branches. Furthermore, inter-harmonics in
petitive strength as a premium power quality supplier. In this particular cannot easily be suppressed by means of discrete
context SVC Light is serving as a bridge between the power LC filters. Active filtering by means of SVC Light is a superior
grid and industrial processing. solution to this problem.

10 ABB Facts | SVC Light®

FACTS and SVC Light
FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) is a term denoting
an entire family of devices for improved use and flexibility of
power systems.
SVC Light is a member of ABB’s family of FACTS technologies. FACTS Customer support
Other members are: FACTS customer support enables you to rest assured
• SVC (Static Var Compensator) throughout all phases of the installation lifecycle. ABB’s
• Series Capacitor FACTS customer support team offers you service 24/7
• TCSC (Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor) globally. With our FACTS Online remote service we can help
• DynaPeaQ® energy storage our customers to improve risk management and increase
grid stability. Select from a wide range of service options that
SVC Light is in itself a highly useful, well-proven concept best fits your needs. Read more about our FACTS customer
and is in operation at many locations around the world and support services on
more systems are being installed.

ABB has extensive experience with SVC Light

for high power applications.

SVC Light® | ABB Facts 11

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© Copyright 2011 ABB AB. All rights reserved. ABB Id No: A02-0162 E
SE-721 64 Västerås, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 32 50 00
Fax: +46 21 32 48 10

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