Understanding Impedance Heating

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Impedance Heating

Smart Impedance Heating Systems

425 HANLEY INDUSTRIAL COURT ST. LOUIS, MO 6314 4 USA T 314.64 4.4300 F 314.64 4.5332 INDEECO.COM
Impedance Heating
Fred S. Epstein and Gary L. White of Indeeco

How fast pipes heat up RESISTANCE

Resistance heating. Also known
as Joule heating, resistance heating
depends on the interaction results from the flow of current through
of electrical resistivity, R2 a material with electrical resistance.
R1 The most common form of electrical
magnetic permeability and heating, it encompasses everything
current density from toasters to large industrial
immersion heaters. Resistance heating is
F or decades, plumbers have thawed
frozen water pipes by connecting
portable welder electrodes to both
FIGURE 1: As a pipe’s temperature
increase, so does its resistance. The
the simplest component of impedance
heating in a pipe, which can be viewed
as a long resistor. Heat is generated
ends of the frozen section and running increase is almost linear
according to the well-known formula:
a low-voltage current through the pipe.
Effectively, the pipe becomes a heating P = I2R (1)
element, melting the ice inside. That, in
its simplest form, is impedance heating. where P is the heat generated, I is the
In industrial applications, a multi tap a.c. current, and R is the pipe’s electrical
transformer supplies low-voltage current resistance. As the pipe’s temperature
to a pipe transporting a gas or liquid. increases, its resistance also increases.
Connecting cables, a control panel This increase is roughly linear, modeled
and electrical isolation of the heated by the formula:
FIGURE 2: In skin effect, the current
pipe complete the package. Typical tends to concentrate toward the outer
applications are shown in Table 1. T 2 + T0
surface. Arrow lengths represent R 2 = R1
current magnitudes T1 + T0
Impedance heating is used because (2)
it is simple to apply, eliminates the
proximity effect, as described in the where R1 is the resistance at normal
risk of heater burnout, requires little
following pages ambient temperature T1, and R2 is the
maintenance, and provides uniform
resistance at the elevated temperature
heating along the length of the pipe
Current density is the distribution of T2 . T0, a characteristic of the pipe
– a critical factor when dealing with
current throughout the cross-sectional material, is the extrapolated base point
fluids sensitive to spot overheating.
area of a conductor. A high current for this linear relationship (Figure 1).
But despite its long history, impedance
density occurs when a large current
heating and its electrical effects are little Skin Effect. In any current-carry
flows through a small area.
understood. conductor, the current tends to
To gain a thorough understanding concentrate toward the outer surface.
Impedance, which determines the
of how these phenomena interact When the conductor is a pipe, the
heating rate of a pipe and its contents, is
to produce impedance heating in current concentrates toward the pipe’s
influenced by three key factors:
a pipe, Industrial Engineering and outer surface, in what is known as skin
Electrical resistivity (and its variation Equipment Co. (Indeeco; St. Louis, Mo.), effect, as shown in Figure 2.
with temperature) is always significant, commissioned a three -year study by
the Electrical Engineering Dept. at the Skin effect is caused by eddy currents.
since it is the basis for the d.c. resistance
University of Missouri at Rolla. This An a.c. current flowing through a pipe
of any conductor
article is based on the findings of that produces a magnetic field. This field
Magnetic permeability is a function of study. produces secondary or eddy currents
the metallurgy of the pipe material and (Figure 3). These eddy currents, in turn,
its environment (temperature, magnetic THEORY OF OPERATION produce secondary magnetic fields.
field, and so forth). For magnetic steels,
As current flows through the wall of a Eddy currents tend to be in phase with
such as plain carbon steel, permeability
pipe, five major electrical effects take the pipe current nearest the outer
contributes to both skin effect and
place simultaneously. surface, and out of phase with the
(IN.) (FT) (°F)
Acid Stainless steel 1.5 25 570 3.5
Air Stainless tube 3/8 120 950 13.5 A
Asphalt Carbon steel 6 212 300 30.0 B Eddy current
path D
Caustic slurry Carbon steel 3 800 90 17.0
Direction of C
Chocolate Carbon steel 3 208 140 2.5 magnetic
Heavy crude Carbon steel 8 750 225 33.0
Lard Carbon steel 2 800 120 15.0
Molten lead Stainless steel 2 36 1,250 18.0 Inner B Outer wall
wall of pipe
Molten salt Stainless steel 2 50 500 9.0 of pipe
Polymer Stainless steel 14 82 600 30.0
Soap Sanitary tubing 6 400 180 20.0 FIGURE 3: Eddy currents are
Sugar Carbon steel 4 40 150 5.5 generated by the magnetic field
Sulfur Carbon steel 12 600 285 35.0 produced when an a.c. current flows
Sulfur Carbon steel 4 1,200 300 60.0
through a pipe
Tar or pitch Carbon steel 6 360 295 40.0
Water Carbon steel 2 850 40 3.5
Water slurry Stainless steel 10 2,000 55 80.0
Wax Carbon steel 2 600 180 11.0

pipe current nearest the inner surface, Consequently, skin effect is stronger
resulting in a non-uniform current for good conductors — those with
distribution known as skin effect. Eddy low resistivity — as well as for high
current losses - in this case, the heat frequencies, thick-walled pipes and
generated by eddy currents - is given by high magnetic permeability. For most
the following equation: applications, the frequency will be 50
or 60 Hz. Although this is in the low-
Pe = Kef 2B m2 V (3) frequency range, skin effect can be
significant for good conductors, such
where FIGURE 4: The hysteresis curve shows
as copper and carbon steel. Even when
Ke = eddy current loss constant the variation in the magnetic field as
using a poor conductor, such as an iron
f = frequency in Hz the current passes through an a.c.
alloy, the skin effect can be significant
Bm = maximum flux density in webers/m2 cycle. the enclosed area is
when the material’s permeability is high.
V = volume of pipe material in m3 proportional to the amount of heat
The maximum flux density equals To analyze skin effect, it is useful to energy generated
the magnetic field intensity times the view the pipe’s cross-section as a
permeability of the pipe. collection of filaments. An outside In turn, these magnetic fields induce
filament will have a current significantly an electromotive force (EMF) in each
Skin effect can be quantified in terms filament. EMF is a function of all filament
above average, while an inside filament
of the pipe’s skin depth, which is the and return conductor currents, the
will have a below-average current,
portion of the outer wall over which the distance between the filaments, filament
approaching zero in extreme cases.
current drops by a factor of 1/e, or 0.37. size, power source frequency, and
Skin depth is given by the equation: The source of skin effect is the magnetic permeability of the pipe material. It is
flux created by those filament currents, EMF that tends to drive filament currents
∂ = 2/√ µw/p (4)
and its effect on the current in the to higher or lower levels, relative to their
where filament of interest. The magnetic flux neighbors.
∂ = skin depth in m density, B, is given by:
Proximity Effect. The current inside
w = 2π times the frequency in Hz
B = µI/2πD (5) the pipe is also affected by currents
µ = permeability in henries/m
flowing outside the pipe. When a
p = resistivity in m–ohms where return conductor is installed parallel
µ = permeability of pipe materials to the pipe, its current equals all the
This equation applies strictly to a solid
I = filament’s current current in the pipe, but flows in the
conductor, but is reasonably accurate for
D = distance from the filaments carrying opposite direction. Because of that flow
a hollow conductor, such as a pipe, if the
current I direction, the return conductor tends
conductor radius is much greater than
the skin depth. to attract currents in the portion of the
26 25
Return 2 1 24
Conductor 3
4 23
5 22
D 18 21
7 20
Ri D
8 19
Ro Return

9 18 Conductor
10 17
11 16
12 13 14 15

FIGURE 5: Shown is a filament model of a pipe with a 24-x-3 FIGURE 6: Shell model of a pipe with N = 7 shells. The
grid of filaments. This configuration is tailored for the intermediate shell radii are rm and rn
non-symmetric distribution of current

pipe closest to it, since these external Bm = maximum flux density conductors to generate magnetic fields.
currents create lines of magnetic n = a constant close to 2.0 The proximity effect caused by the
flux that intersect the pipe. The V = volume in m3 return conductor further complicates
resulting proximity effect increases the the picture. The investigators therefore
concentration of current in the nearby Saturation. Magnetic permeability, µ, developed two novel models to
portion of pipe. equals magnetic flux density, B, divided account for the various electromagnetic
by magnetic field intensity, H: phenomena that take place in
The degree of concentration is affected impedance heated pipelines.
by the distance between conductors, µ = B/H (7)
plus the same factors influencing skin
For magnetic materials, such as FILAMENT AND SHELL MODELS
effect. While skin effect and proximity
steel, permeability usually decreases
effect are significant in ferrous steel The filament model, shown in
slightly with increasing temperature.
pipes, they are of a lower order of Figure 5, breaks the pipe cross-section
More importantly, permeability drops
magnitude in nonferrous pipes. into filaments. The shell model, shown
dramatically as the magnetic field
in Figure 6, is based on concentric shells.
Hysteresis. When a pipe carries an a.c. intensity increases to a high level. This
current, it produces a magnetic field phenomenon, known as saturation, The shell model uses radial symmetry.
both inside the pipe wall and outside causes permeability to approach that of This configuration is well-suited to
the pipe. For ferromagnetic materials, air for highly magnetized fields. handling skin effect, and is easily
such as carbon steel, the magnetic field modified to deal with partial saturation,
Saturation occurs as the current in a
is a function of the previous current flow since each shell can be given a unique
ferrous pipe is increased to a critical
in the pipe. That is, the magnetic field value for permeability. But it does not
level. Beyond that point, a higher current
varies as the current goes through the account for the proximity effect caused
results in only insignificant increases in
positive and negative portions of the a.c. by the return conductor.
the magnetic field. However, the entire
cycle. The result is the hysteresis curve,
pipe will not become saturated at one The filament model, on the other hand,
shown in Figure 4. The area enclosed
overall current level. The current density deals efficiently with non-symmetric
by this curve is proportional to the heat
varies across the cross section of the distribution of current caused by the
generated per a.c. cycle.
pipe due to skin effect and proximity proximity effect, but is poorly suited to
Hysteresis accounts for a significant effect. As a result, saturation starts include saturation.
fraction of the heat generated in a at the outer surface of the pipe and
current-carrying pipe. However, the progresses inward. However, each model contributes to the
effect is not uniform. The magnetic field development of a better method. As a
The effects described so far are well result of this study, elements of both the
is stronger near the outer surface, and
known. But virtually all previously filament and shell models have been
the hysteresis heat generated is roughly
published information about them incorporated in a computer program
proportional to the square of the
deals with good conductors used in designed by Indeeco.
magnetic flux density, as shown:
electrical circuits, and steels with good
Ph = KhfBmn V (6) permeability characteristics used in Figure 5 breaks the pipe into 72
magnetic circuits. filaments, three concentric layers of 24
where each. An outside filament will have a
Ph = hysteresis loss in watts Little is known about the mixed effects current significantly above average while
Kh = the hysteresis constant that occur when steel pipes, with their an inside filament will have a below-
f = frequency in Hz uncertain electrical and magnetic average current, approaching zero in
properties, are used as electrical extreme cases. For a model consisting
of sufficiently thin filaments, the FIGURE 7: A mid-point
voltage drop across the model’s various connection used with the
filaments should be uniform. There are 480-V return cables at the grounded
two components to this voltage: the power pipe ends prevents conductive
real or resistive component, and the source fluids from overriding a pipe’s
imaginary or reactive component. Since impedance
both are constant, a one-step solution
can be achieved. Ohm’s Law can be
written as:

E = RI + j XI = Z1 (8)

E is a vector representing filament
voltage I = Z -1E (14) The resulting expression can be
R is the resistance matrix for the programmed for varying permeability
filaments Current distribution due to proximity across the pipe’s cross-section,
I is the vector of filament currents effect can be calculated using the permitting saturation of areas with high
j is the square root of -1 above method. But saturation could not flux density and no, or less, saturation of
X is the matrix of inductive reactances be accommodated with the filament other regions within the same pipe.
Z is the matrix of complex impedances model, since the model depends on a
constant permeability. PROCESS VARIABLES
Each filament has a self-inductance,
Lself · Also, each filament interacts For this task, turn to the shell model, To maintain a constant temperature
with the other filaments and with the shown in Figure 6. The cross-section along the length of the pipe, impedance
return conductor, producing a mutual of the pipe is divided into a number of heating must confine heat generation to
inductance, Lmutual. The total matrix of thin concentric shells. Within each shell, the pipe itself. If the fluid in the pipe has
inductances can be calculated from the the current density is regarded as being a low enough resistivity, the fluid could
formulas: uniform. The magnetic field produced present a preferred path for the current,
by any given shell is zero at all points effectively overriding the impedance of
Lself = (µ0 /π)ln[1/r’ ] (9) between the shell’s axis and the shell’s the pipe.
Lmutual = (µ0 /π)ln[D/r’] (10) inner wall.
Fortunately, few fluids have resistivities
where µ0 is the permeability of free At points outside the shell, the magnetic within an order of magnitude of any
space, r’ the geometric mean radius field, B, is directly proportional to the known pipe material. Molten metals are
of the filament, and D the distance current flowing through the shell, I, and the most common exception. Lead, for
between filaments, as defined in Figure inversely proportional to the distance example, has a resistivity about equal to
5. between an exterior point and the shell’s carbon steel.
axis, D:
The reactance Xself and Xmutual equal their The natural tendency for current to flow
respective inductances times 2πf, where B = µ0I/2πD (15) near the outside surface of the pipe
f is the frequency: due to skin effect helps to overcome
µ0 is the permeability of free space.
the effect of conductive fluids. When
Xself = 2πf Lself (11)
As in the case of the filament model, a conductive fluid is involved, two
Xmutual = 2πf Lmutual (12)
an impedance (or Z) matrix can be steps should be taken. First, instead of
Referring to Equation 8, the Z impedance developed from the shell model. Just as attaching return conductors to each
matrix now becomes the size of the filament model matrix is end of the pipe, a midpoint connection
controlled by the number of filaments, should be used with the return cables at
Z = R + j2πf Lself+ j2πf Lmutual (13) the size of this matrix is controlled by the grounded pipe ends (Figure 7). This
the number of shells. Once again, the effectively puts the two halves in the
The Z matrix has the self-reactance pipe in parallel electrically, and prevents
matrix diagonal contains resistance and
and resistance terms on the diagonals, any potential from appearing outside
self reactance terms; mutual reactance
and the mutual reactances in the the length of heated pipe. Second,
terms make up the off diagonals.
off-diagonal locations. The size of a simple d.c. resistance calculation
the matrix, and thus the accuracy of These reactance terms are the should indicate if the conducting fluid
the calculation, is determined by the consequence of self and mutual flux is capable of diverting current from the
number of filaments chosen. The larger linkages between the various shells pipe. Even if it is capable, based on this
that number, the greater the accuracy. comprising this model. The diagonal approximate calculation, accounting for
and off diagonal elements in this matrix skin effect may show that the problem is
The vector representing current
may then be compared with similar not severe.
distribution, I, can then be obtained by
expressions (Equations 9 and 10)
inverting the Z matrix:
obtained for the filament model.
this with the 30-V limitation. To prevent
TABLE 2: PROFILE OF TEST PIPES heart fibrillation, the code specifies that
MATERIAL DIAMETER (IN.) SCHEDULE FEATURES no system may operate in excess of 80 V.
Type 304 3 45 Thin wall
stainless steel should have negligible skin effect For additional personnel protection at
Carbon steel 3 40 Most common size any voltage, the code also requires that
Type 304 3 40 For comparison with “all accessible external surface areas of
stainless steel pipes 1 and 2
the pipeline and or vessel being heated
Carbon steel 1 40 Small diameter with standard wall shall be physically guarded, isolated, or
Carbon steel 3 160 Very thick wall, thermally insulated (with weather proof
to maximize skin effect
jacket for outside installation) to protect
Carbon steel 5 40 Typical of petroleum-handling pipes
against contact by personnel in the
Carbon steel 3 40 Bent in a U shape to test pipe-return connection area.”
— 40-ft. pipe, 20-ft. long after bending

The system must be safe not only under

While impedance heating is used to limits of the pipe. Also, if the fluid does normal conditions, but also under any
maintain temperature in most cases, not have good thermal conductivity foreseeable failure mode. Because
some applications call for the fluid or is highly viscous, a longer pipe may the operating voltages are all below a
temperature to be raised. The amount be needed to lower the power density life-threatening level, the major concern
of heat required to raise the fluid’s (watts/in.2 of pipe) to prevent scorching. is exposure to primary or distribution
temperature is: system voltage. For this reason, the code
SAFETY ISSUES specifies that an isolation transformer,
P = (M) (c) (∆T) (16) consisting of dual windings and a
Because impedance heating involves grounded shield between the primary
where P is the heat required, M is the the passage of electrical currents and secondary is used to isolate the
rate of fluid flow, c is the specific heat of through exposed piping, safety must distribution system from the heating
the fluid, and ∆T is the fluid temperature be addressed. Although the currents system. This insures that any primary
rise. involved are significant, normal winding fault will trip the circuit
operating voltages are relatively low, protection device of the transformer.
The total heat required will be P plus the
making impedance heating inherently
power required to offset losses due to
safe for personnel. Most impedance Safety is also a primary concern in
convection, conduction and radiation
systems are designed to operate at less potentially explosive atmospheres.
– those losses normally overcome by
than 30 V, the maximum allowed by There are two phenomena that can
impedance heating. Here, however, the
the National Electrical Code without cause ignition. First, if the loop is broken
calculation is more complex. It must
ground fault protection. The code allows by a return cable being torn from its
account for the increasing temperature,
operating voltages up to 80 V if a Class B contact with the pipe, the high current
and consequently increasing losses, as
ground-fault current interrupter (GFCI) is and loop inductance will easily have
the fluid progresses through the pipe.
included in the system. sufficient energy to ignite an explosive
This means that there will be more heat
atmosphere. To prevent this from
transferred to the fluid at the inlet end Although the code establishes generally occurring, an enclosure to protect the
and less at the outlet end. Conversely, accepted safety rules, users still want cable-to-pipe connection is provided.
the losses will be lower at the inlet end to be assured that they won’t “feel the The second phenomenon involves much
and higher at the outlet. electricity” when using impedance less energy release but may be more
heating. These concerns can be probable. If a grounded object touches
Because the heat produced is essentially
defined in terms of Touch Potential and the pipe at a location where there is
uniform along the entire length, and
Step Potential. Touch potential is the sufficient voltage, a current will flow out
the pipe temperature is higher at the
electrical potential difference between of the pipe through the grounded object
outlet than the inlet, there will also
an object accessible to human touch, and into the ground. When this circuit
be some flow of heat by conduction
and the potential of the earth on which is broken, a small arc will be drawn that
along the pipe from the outlet toward
the person is standing. Step potential may have sufficient energy to cause
the inlet end. In most cases, however,
is the electric potential that can exist ignition of an ex plosive atmosphere. As
this effect can be discounted, since
between two places on the earth on stated previously, all external surface
the pipe diameter is generally small
which a person’s feet are standing. areas must be physically isolated to
in comparison to its length. Adequate
computer codes exist to solve this two In determining which potentials are eliminate this potential hazard.
dimensional heat-transfer problem. hazardous, it is common to refer to three
levels of current through the human
If the temperature rise, flow rate and or
body: Perception Current, Let Go Current, Electrical tests were conducted in the
specific heat of the fluid are high, more
and Fibrillation Current. For most people, Engineering Research Laboratory at
power is required. A longer pipe length
Let Go and Perception currents are the University of Missouri on different
may be needed to achieve the desired
roughly equal. The code acknowledges types of pipes. Measured were overall
results without exceeding the practical
Temperature 500
data logger 480 V
60 Hz 400

Current, amps
Pipe Insulation


100 Theoretical amps

Experimental amps
46 164 446 865 1319 1359
Return cable Transformer Power, watts

FIGURE 8: Schematic of the experimental circuit FIGURE 9: Experimental and theoretical results are shown
consists of a pipe, connectin and return cables, for a Schedule 160 pipe, 3-in. diameter
transformer and controller

performance, d.c. resistance and The normal position for the return cable with temperature of both the pipe and
its temperature dependence, a.c. was along the length of the pipe, held a resistive shunt used to measure pipe
reactance, and magnetic permeability tightly against the outside of the pipe’.s current, since reference material was
and its temperature dependence. insulation to maximize proximity effect. found lacking in this area.
A few tests were performed with the
Six 20-ft pipes and one 40-ft pipe return cable on the floor, about 50 in. Eddy currents and hysteresis. Tests
were tested (Table 2). A typical circuit, from the centerline of the pipe. were also performed to distinguish
consisting of the pipe, connecting between eddy current and hysteresis
cable, return cable, transformer and Experimental data were compared to a losses. As discussed, hysteresis loss at
controller, was used, with the controller computerized model based upon the constant flux density is proportional
capable of both contactor (on-off) theory of operation described above. to frequency, while eddy current loss
and silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) The data matched the theoretical model is proportional to frequency squared
control (Figure 8). The transformer was to a high degree of accuracy. Figure 9, (Equations 3 and 6). Thus, the total
a 10-kVa dry type with taps of from for example, gives actual and projected power dissipated by both effects
1-10 V on the secondary side. Duplicate data points for the 3-in., Schedule-160 combined can be expressed as:
instrumentation, analog and digital, pipe.
was used to assure that distortion of P = Ph + Pe = CKhf + CKef 2 (18)
the waveforms would not invalidate Resistivity. A second series of tests
were performed to determine the where C is a constant for given values
readings, and to provide ongoing checks
resistivity of steel pipe. A small current, of flux density and pipe volume, Kh and
on data.
7.5-8 amps, was conducted through Ke are the hysteresis and eddy current
The pipes were filled with high- each pipe using a d.c. power supply. constants, and f is frequency. A test
temperature heat transfer fluid, which By measuring voltage drop across a was devised where flux density is held
also partially filled an expansion specified pipe length, and calculating constant while the frequency is varied.
chamber. The pipes were insulated with the pipe’s cross-sectional area, By measuring power, it is possible to
glass fiber insulation. resistivity was easily determined by determine Kh and Ke, thus separating the
using: two types of losses.
Temperature was measured along the
length of each pipe at 1-ft intervals. At p = V/ILπ (r02 – r 2i) (17) Dividing both sides of Equation 15 by f
two points, roughly one-third the length and adjusting for C:
of the pipe from each end, temperature where p is resistivity, L is the pipe length,
V is the applied voltage, I is the current, P/f = Kh+Kef (19)
sensors were placed around the
circumference of the pipe. The d.c. and r0 and ri are the outside and inside
Thus, if the ratio of power loss to
resistance of each pipe was measured at pipe radii respectively. The electrical
frequency, P/f, is plotted versus
room temperature. data were compared to metallurgical
frequency, a straight line should
reports on each pipe provided by the
result. The vertical axis intercept is the
Temperature readings in the range of manufacturers. Care was taken to
constant Kh and the slope of the line is Ke
100-350°C were taken for each pipe include as many manufacturers and
(Figure 10).
at 50° intervals. The on-off controller production runs (heats) as possible to
held the temperature constant within a provide a reasonable sample of actual To achieve these results, a coil was
degree or two. The SCR firing angle was field piping. wrapped through a short section of
determined from the duty cycle under pipe, forming a toroid. A variable-
contactor control. An experiment was conducted on Pipe
frequency voltage was applied across
#3 to determine the change in resistance
t=0 Rext Rdc Ll
Using the theoretical framework
developed at the outset of this paper,
and values for resistive and inductive
parameters calculated subsequently,
it was found that the theory closely
V Rc Lm VL matched the results of the experiment.
The findings are also consistent with
Indeeco’s extensive experience and
have enabled the company to refine its
computer programs to more precisely
determine power requirements in the
FIGURE 10 (left): If, when determining
P the constants for hysteresis and eddy From d.c. welding machines to a
f current, the ratio of power loss to comprehensive analysis by process
frequency is plotted versus frequency, a engineers, a long used but little
∆x Kh =
yo straight line should result understood technology can now be
B m2 V utilized with greater confidence in its
∆y/∆x FIGURE 11 (above): Model of a coil as an
yo Ke = 2
Bm V
safety and application. In a competitive
open-circuit transformer marketplace, increased understanding
f of the many electrical effects of
impedance heating allows equipment
suppliers to offer total packages with the
the coil. The voltage was also varied so sample test coil. In Figure 11 the test assurance of product integrity. ■
that the ratio of the voltage to frequency coil’s resistance is Rdc . Ll is negligible
was constant. Since the coil reactance leakage inductance. The coil inductance
is proportional to frequency, the current is represented by Lm, while the current
produced in the coil is roughly constant through Lm is the magnetizing current
for all frequencies. And consequently, IL . The core losses of the coil are
the magnetic field was also kept roughly represented by the resistance RC .
constant. These core losses are equal to the heat
generated in RC by the current IR .
Several samples of three different pipe
sizes were tested. Voltage, current The voltage across the resistor was
and power were measured using a recorded as a function of time using a
root-mean squared digital meter digital storage oscilloscope. This voltage
to compensate for distortion of the was used to obtain the instantaneous
sinusoidal waveforms. The power value of the current using Ohm’s Law.
measured was the sum of the I 2R losses The voltage across the coil, VL , was
in the copper windings, hysteresis losses then calculated by subtracting the IR
and eddy current losses in the core. drops across the external resistance
The copper losses were subtracted to and across the d.c. coil resistance, Rdc
yield the sum of the eddy current and from the applied voltage. The coil can
hysteresis losses, and the results plotted be modeled similar to an open-circuit
to determine Kh and Ke. The standard transformer, as shown in Figure 11. Impedance heating is the smart way to
deviation for the resulting values was keep your process flowing smoothly.
less than 7%. The test results determined the relative
permeability of carbon steel pipes in LET US SHOW YOU
Permeability. A series of step voltage the unsaturated state, the value of the
tests were performed on the same magnetic intensity at which saturation Email [email protected] or call
wound pipe samples as previously begins, and the saturated value of
800.243.8162 to find your nearest
described. In these tests, voltage was relative permeability, using straight
applied to a series combination of an forward electromagnetic calculations. Indeeco representative.
external resistor, Retx, and a wound-pipe

425 HANLEY INDUSTRIAL COURT ST. LOUIS, MO 6314 4 USA T 314.64 4.4300 F 314.64 4.5332 INDEECO.COM

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