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Daisy Mae Abawag Action Research

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An Action Research





I. Abstract……………………………………………………………………….. 3

II. Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………. 4

III. Context and Rationale………………………………………………………... 5

IV. Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy..……………………………………. 7

V. Action Research Questions………………………..…………………………. 10

VI. Methods……………………………………………………………………….. 10

a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

b. Data Gathering Methods

c. Data Analysis Plan

VII. Discussion of Results and Reflection………………………...……………… 13

VIII. Action Plan……………………………………………………….……………. 18

IX. Action Plan……….…………………………………………………………… 20

X. Curriculum Vitae………………..…………………………………………… 21



This study was designed to determine the usefulness of parent teacher collaboration with

utilization of SyAnPreCon exercises. The participants of this study were eight (8) Grade V

learners, five males and three females of Buca Integrated School, Barangay Buca, Sta. Maria

Davao Occidental. The participants were chosen based on their previous year reading level,

current year summative tests and modular weekly assessment results. Data were gathered

through the administration of pre-test, weekly exercises and post-test: and conduct of

unstructured interview and focus group discussion (FGD) via phone recording and note taking.

In analyzing the data, the researcher computed the mean and SD to compare the result of pre-test

and post-test. The performance of pupils in vocabulary skills was interpreted using the guidelines

on assessment and rating of students in the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum. Results revealed

that vocabulary skills of the pupils improved before and after the strategy. The performance

level of these eight (8) pupils during pre-test is 47.8 and 66.56 on post-test implying that there

are changes in their vocabulary skills before and after exposure to parent-teacher collaboration.

Moreover, the insights and experiences of parents in the conduct of strategy were classified

through the following themes: Difficulty in teaching, use of extrinsic motivation, significance of

proper guidance and the impact of regular communication between teacher and parents. From the

shared insights of the parents involved in this study, it is proven that schools who recognised

shared responsibility and follows active verbal communication with the parents can

contribute to learners’ academic improvement.

Keywords: Parent-Teacher Collaboration, Vocabulary skills


I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation for those that have extended their time and

effort, untiring support and invaluable contributions from the start to finish:

To the almighty God, for providing me the knowledge and courage necessary to conduct

this research.

To the district research team headed by Maam Girlee Chin, for their technical and

specialized assistance throughout the research as well as their guidance and encouragement.

To the district supervisor of Sta.Maria East district, Sir Randy Penaroya, for approving

this action research and reinforcing researchers in this mentioned district.

To the school head of Buca Integrated School, Maam Jeanifer G. Requilman, for

approving the letter to conduct the study and her endless provision to make this action research


To the parents of the identified learners who served as mediators and facilitators of

learning, for continually guiding their children and for sharing their experiences and insights

during the administration of the study.


With the universal occurrence that changes the lives of individuals today, education

systems have been altered to adjust with the existing Covid-19 pandemic. Face to face

interaction has been reformed to distance learning. This sudden shift of education setting has

brought a huge concern among education practitioners in the Philippines. However, this does not

interfere the school in upbringing quality education.

In the Philippines, the Department of Education headed by Secretary Leonor Briones is

firmed in providing quality and continuous education to all. Schools are directed to employ

different learning modalities that cater the needs and interests of pupils such as modular learning,

online learning, blended learning and TV/radio-based instruction.

The National (Learners Enrolment and Survey Forms(LESF) reveals that among all the

learning modalities mentioned, modular distance learning emerged as the most preferable

learning modality. Lack of gadgets and materials and poor internet connectivity among far flung

areas are cited as reasons for parents’ choices. Modular learning uses Self-Learning Modules

(SLM) based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by the Department

of Education to be achieved at the end of the school year. In Buca Integrated School, modular

learning also emerged as the most preferred mode of learning.

As a classroom teacher who utilizes self-learning modules in this new normal, I am

alarmed on my learners’ vocabulary skills in English since their summative test results displays

that they are unfamiliar even with simple words used. Pupils tend to have high scores during

weekly modular assessment but it does not coincide with their summative test results. I have also

noticed that they have low vocabulary skills as I checked their self-learning modules. They just

copied the answer keys provided and have difficulty in understanding what is written in the

modules. It is very evident that they do so because there are sections in the modules that require

them to provide their own answers and they just copied “Answers may vary” written in the

answer key portion. This demonstrates that they do not comprehend and are not familiar with the

words they are reading and writing.

As another source of reference, I asked the former class advisers of my pupil’s

performance in reading. They highlighted that these pupils are having difficulty in understanding

texts/passages/questions especially in English. I also looked into their Phil-Iri pre-test and post-

test for school year 2019-2020 and found out that they are struggling in English. This clearly

exposed that these pupils needs immediate action in reading in order to avoid wide learning slit.

The National Reading Panel branded vocabulary as one of the major components of

reading (NICHD, 2000). It highlighted that in understanding passages, stories, etc., readers

cannot comprehend the text without knowing what most of the words mean. Thus, reading

comprehension follows when readers are familiar and acquainted with every word in the text.

Denna Seifert stated that there are five (5) reasons why vocabulary matters. It is as

follows, a.) It improves reading comprehension b.) It is important to learner’s development c.)

Communicating ideas d.) Expressing yourself in writing e.) Occupational success. This is

somehow supported by the concept that vocabulary is an essential part to know how good pupils

communicate, read, and compose writings. It makes students do things effortlessly for they can

grasp well what they are reading and writing (Richards & Renandya, 2002).

Moreover, Elizabeth West stated on February 09, 2021 that “vocabulary is the body of

words that make up a language, and the importance of vocabulary in reading comprehension

cannot be overstated. Without a good working knowledge of words and their meanings, both

written and verbal communication will be muddied or poorly understood”. She emphasizes how

significant vocabulary skills in developing reading comprehension.

As an English teacher, I am distressed on my pupils’ performance in subjects that uses

English as the medium of instruction such as Mathematics, Science, and MAPEH. Since pupil’s

understanding on the lessons depends on the familiarity of words and how well they understand

the text used in books and modules, then it is a must to create strategies that will enhance their

vocabulary skills in English. Together with my genuine and sincerest aspiration to help my

learners, I conducted this action research to address learning gaps that will eventually occur

when taken for granted.


Parents and teachers have matching goals for children and students. They want

individuals to perform better inside and outside the school premises. And as learning shift from

schools to pupils’ homes, parents play a significant role in the education of learners. They serve

as facilitators of learning as they take part the role of the teacher. In order to do so, parents and

teachers should collaborate to ensure that learning is still happening despite the challenges that

we are facing.

Parents’ collaborative effort with teachers in schools can stimulate positive impact

towards children. It boosts their confidence in engaging different activities and helps improve

study habits. Whirledge (2016) stated that teachers and parents can work as a team to provide

better education for children. It can be done through various ways such as keeping lines of

communication open between parents and teachers, parents help by setting time for schoolwork

at home, teachers make phone calls and follow-ups to parents and lastly, parents can help

teachers by letting them know about things happening at home. In support to that, Ellis in

2012 noted that when schools work together with families to upkeep learning, children have a

tendency to succeed not just in school, but also throughout life.

Teachers and parents can highlight reading and verbal interaction with children to help

them build a strong working vocabulary (West, 2021). Considering this idea, the researcher

adapted the parent-teacher collaboration as a strategy to enhance the vocabulary skills of grade V

pupils. The researcher perceived it as the most suitable strategy considering our current set up

nowadays. The researcher oriented the parents together about their roles and responsibilities

upon the conduct of the study and the teacher made an overview about the four (4) aspects of

vocabulary namely synonyms, antonyms, prefixes and context clues. Parents were provided with

lectures, unstructured interviews and focus group discussion to monitor the works of the

participants. Pre-test and post-test were also given to the identified respondents with the help of

the parents to see whether there are significant changes in their vocabulary skills. Moreover, a

parent’s guidebook was made in order to deepen understanding in case their children are

struggling really hard. This guidebook contained vernacular translation to deepen understanding.

Furthermore, the researcher adapted and modified the training matrix conducted by

Darren Rey Javier and Ramier P. Jubay Jr. in their action research entitled “Exploring Parent-

Teacher Collaboration To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Skills”

Content Outline Time Instructional Means of Persons

Frame delivery verification involved
Overview of the Orientation 1 day Orientation, Attendance, Researcher,
includes the following: lecture, parents’ parents
 Roles and discussion guidebook,

responsibilities of Pre-test
parents during the
conduct of the study.
 Aspects of vocabulary
Synonyms, antonyms,
prefixes, context clues
 Parents’ guidebook
Distribution of pre-test
Week 1 5 days Parents’ Weekly Researcher,
SYNONYMS interview, exercises on parents,
Home-based synonyms identified
activity plan, grade V
home visitation pupils

Week 2 5 days Parents’ Weekly Researcher,

ANTONYMS interview, exercises on parents,
Home-based antonyms identified
activity plan, grade V
home visitation pupils

Week 3 5 days Parents’ Weekly Researcher,

PREFIXES interview, exercises on parents,
Home-based prefixes identified
activity plan, grade V
home visitation pupils

Week 4 5 days Parents’ Weekly Researcher,

CONTEXT CLUES interview, exercises on parents,
Home-based context clues identified
activity plan, grade V
home visitation pupils

Upon the retrieval of weekly

exercises on context clues,
POST-TEST will be
 Retrieval of POST- 1 day Post-test Researcher,
TEST parents,
 Sharing of insights and Focus Group Verbatim identified
struggles encountered Discussion(FGD) transcription grade V

and translation pupils


The researcher aimed to enhance the vocabulary skills of identified Buca Integrated School

Grade V pupils through parent-teacher collaboration. It specifically sought to answer the

research question:

How can parent-teacher collaboration with utilization of SyAnPreCon exercises enhance

the vocabulary skills of Grade V pupils?


A. Participant/s and/or other sources of data and information

The participants of this study were the identified eight (8) Grade five pupils of Buca

Integrated School located at Barangay Buca, Santa Maria, Davao Occidental. The basis of

selection was through their Phil-iri pre-test and post-test result (S.Y.2019-2020), formative and

First quarter summative test results for school year 2020-2021. The participants are mostly

tagakaolos and uses tagakaulo and bisaya dialect in school and at their respective homes.


The data of this study were gathered and collected through the following: 1.) pre-test and

post-test 2.) Weekly exercises on the 4 aspects of vocabulary skills 3.) Unstructured interviews

4.) FGD or Focus Group Discussion

Pre-test and post-test. These tests measured the participants’ vocabulary skills before and

after administering the strategy through the computation of mean, standard deviation and

performance level using the guidelines on assessment and rating of students in the K-12 Basic

Education Curriculum given by the Department of Education.

Weekly exercises. These monitored the child’s performance on the different aspects of

vocabulary skills at their respective home. Also, as the scores were tallied and evaluated, this

gave a grasp of information to the researcher on the strength and weaknesses of each participant.

Unstructured interviews. Upon the distribution and retrieval of weekly exercises, the

researcher interviewed the parents of the participants. Specifically, on their child’s work at home

and the changes they observed on their respective children.

FGD or Focus Group Discussion. In order to unlock the struggles and insights about the

study, the researcher utilized the focus group discussion with parents.

In this study, interviews and focus group discussion were recorded via cellphone recording

and note taking. Note talking is coupled with phone recording during each session of interview

and discussion. This was followed from the advice of Wagner (2005) who claimed that

recording interviews is essential in capturing data shared by the participants. Also, the researcher

asked permission to the participants for documentation and phone recording and was given

assurance on remaining their own and child’s identity private.


The data collected was analysed through the comparison of pre-test and post-test results. The

scores of the pupils were recorded, tallied and interpreted accordingly. The performance of the 8

pupils during the administration of pre-test and pre-test was interpreted using the guidelines on

assessment and rating of students in the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum given by the

Department of Education as mandated in DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012 and DepEd Order No. 31,

s. 2012.

The numerical and descriptive rating from K-12 were used in measuring pupils’ performance

rating scale as follows:

Numerical Descriptive Description

90-100 Outstanding The vocabulary skills of Grade V pupils is

85-89 Very Satisfactory The vocabulary skills of Grade V pupils is
above average
80-84 Satisfactory The vocabulary skills of Grade V pupils is
75-79 Fairly Satisfactory The vocabulary skills of Grade V pupils is
below average.
Below 75 Did not meet expectation The vocabulary skills of Grade V pupils is

In addition, since interview and focus group discussions were conducted to parents then the

researcher used content analysis in evaluating the data collected. The researcher transcribed and

translated the interviews and discussion and responses were grouped and analysed in obtaining

common themes.


Performance of Students Before and After Exposure to Parent-Teacher Collaboration

This study was made to enhance the vocabulary skills of grade V pupils in Buca

Integrated School through the implementation of parent-teacher collaboration with utilization of

SyAnPreCon exercises. SyAnPreCon basically stands for Synonyms, Antonyms, Prefixes and

Context Clues considered as aspects of vocabulary.

During the administration and evaluation of pre-test, results revealed that the mean score

of the pupils is 19.125 and has a standard deviation of 2.70 as shown in table 1. The overall

performance level is 47.8 described as DID NOT MEET EXPECTATION denoting that the

vocabulary skills of Grade V pupils are unsatisfactory. This explained why these pupils

demonstrated low scores during summative tests in subjects that use English as medium of


Table 1. Difference between Pre-test and Post-test

Mean Standard Performance
Deviation Level
PRE-TEST 19.125 2.70 47.8
POST-TEST 26.625 1.92 66.56

In the implementation of parent-teacher collaboration with utilization of SyAnPreCon

exercises for 4 consecutive weeks, several findings were realized. It was found out that most of

the identified pupils showed good performance in synonyms and context clues. However, scores

from exercises provided exposed that they have difficulty on prefixes and antonyms.

Upon the conduct and interpretation of post-test, findings discovered that the

performance level of the identified grade V pupils in vocabulary is 66.56 labelled still as DID

NOT MEET EXPECTATION. Though this displays that the performance of the pupils is still

unsatisfactory but it clearly depicts that parent-teacher collaboration with utilization of

SyAnPreCon exercises enhanced the performance of pupils. Moreover, to see whether there are

changes in the overall performance of the pupils, the pre-test and post-test were made identical.

Looking into their raw scores, scores on pre-test are ranging from 15-20 while scores on post-test

ranged from 24-30. This also shows that vocabulary skills of the pupils improved before and

after the strategy. Also as shown in table 1 above, the performance level of these eight (8) pupils

during pre-test is 47.8 and 66.56 on post-test implying that there are changes in the vocabulary

skills of pupils before and after exposure to parent-teacher collaboration. Thus, it is concluded

that parent-teacher collaboration with utilization of SyAnPreCon exercises enhances the

vocabulary skills of grade V pupils.

It is believed that parent’s involvement in the schooling of their children affects academic

performance. As a matter of fact, the study by Porter (2008) discovered that learner’s

achievement in reading has improved when being exposed to parent-teacher collaboration.

Moreover, Ellis (2012) advised that teachers should not only involved in educating student but

should also be engaged in collaborating with parents to enhance educational outcomes.


Parents of the identified grade V pupils played an important role during the

implementation of the strategy. They exerted their efforts to be part of this study with utmost

dedication to enhance the vocabulary skills of their respective pupils.

As I conducted the interview and focus group discussion, I classified their insights and

experiences through the following themes: Difficulty in teaching, use of extrinsic motivation,

significance of proper guidance and the impact of maintaining communication between teacher

and parents

DIFFICULTY IN TEACHING. One of the parents said “Tungod ani Ma’am,

nakaamgo gyud mi nga dili lalim diay mamaestra. Naglisod gani ko Maam nga ako rang bata

akong tudluan. Unsa na lang inyoha nga 30 kapin Maam.”(Because of this, I realized how

difficult the job of teachers is. I even find it hard to teach my own child, how much more when

teaching more than 30 pupils.)Through this implemented collaboration, parents involved came to

realize that teaching is never an easy job. There are various situations to consider when teaching

children such as finding ways to get their attention and let them stay focused. Some of the

parents even struggled in keeping her child in concentration and uttered.

“Malug pagpalnao sa mangayse kay kalem nilan gayde magdanga”

( It is hard to teach children because they want to play.)

“Lisod tudluan akong anak maam. Dili nako mapugos kay mohilak Maam unya ako
gyud mabunalan Maam.”
(I find it difficult to teach my child. If I force him, he’ll definitely cry.)

“Motukar gyud pagkatapulan sa akong anak maam labi na ug naay kadula maam.
Kung akong pugson, mohilak man.
(My child becomes lazy especially when her playmates are around. It I force her,
she’ll cry.)

USE OF EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION. Some of the parents assumed that using

motivation uplifts participation. They shared that using rewards such as foods or things

motivates their children to do learning tasks.

“Makatabang gyud ang pagiya sa mga bata Maam kay mag study sila labi na kung
hatagan ug pagkaon Maam.”
(Guiding children can improve their studies maam especially when they are given foods.)

“Akong ise, maminaw sa akoa kay giingnan sa iyang ate palitan ug bag ong senina kung
motaas iyang grado.”
(My child listened to me because his sister promised him to buy new clothes if her
grades will get better.)

Motivation is significantly relevant to students learning in a manner that it permits

students to learn attentively and stay focused to the discussion. Studies proved that motivation is

important for better performance in academics. According to the study of I.O Christiana entitled

“Influence of motivation on students’ academic performance” students’ motivation has high

positive correlation in their academics. It is one of the essential aspects that play an important

role in attaining learning goals. Motivation elevates student’s interest and it is believed that the

more motivated learners are, the more they will exert effort and time.

SIGNIFICANCE OF PROPER GUIDANCE. In this study, parents take an important

role in the teaching and learning process as they become facilitators of learning. During the

course of parent-teacher collaboration, parents realized that with their proper guidance and

constant reminders, learning can take place.

“Pahinumduman sila perme Maam sa ilang mga buluhaton ug awhagon nga magtarung
og eskwela.”
(Reminding them always with their task and encouraging them to study well.)

“Bisan unsa siguro nga itudlo sa mga bata kung makabalo sila nga kami na ginikanan
naa sa ilang likod para mogiya nila, mas makakat-on gyud sila.
(I guess when children know that they always have their parents back to guide them; they
will learn anything that is being taught to them.)

“Naminaw pud baya akong anak sa akoa maam ug sa iyang ate. Perme nako siyang
pahinumduman sa iyang mga trabahuon unya, kada miyerkules ako gyud syang
lingkoran maam.”
(My child listens to me and to her sister. I always remind him with his works and I sit
by his side every Wednesday.)


PARENTS. Parents unveiled that through regular communication, they were now have an idea

on their child’s ability. Through this, teachers can share information on students’ work,

achievements, strengths and weaknesses and allows parents to step in and support pupils at home

enhancing what teachers are doing at school. Furthermore, with constant and open

communication with parents, level of the learners' motivation increased and enhanced academic

performance specifically in vocabulary.

“Kining pagtinabangay nato maam nga makakat-on yay mga ise, nakatabang gyud sa
mga ise Maam. Kami nga ginikanan nakahibalo sa abilidad sa mga bata…”
(This collaboration is helpful to our children Maam. Through this, we became aware of
our child’s ability.)


Through multiple demands that have to be met and circumstances to be considered,

teaching becomes a more difficult job nowadays. Teaching and learning process do not take

place at schools only but also at homes in contrast with previous definition of teaching where it

is normally present in a classroom setting. Evaluating children performances and implementing

remedial instruction for pupils who performed less tend to become challenging in the present


For numerous years, researchers have done studies on parent participation which exposed

that it contributed on the success of students in school ((Driessen, Smit, & Sleegers, 2005).

This study emphasized that parent teacher collaboration has a potential in nurturing students’

success in vocabulary skills with proper guidance and frequent reminders. From the shared

insights of the parents involved in this study, it is proven that schools who recognised shared

responsibility and follows active verbal communication with the parents can contribute to

learners’ academic improvement.

This study recognized its limits since it only focused on vocabulary enhancement through

the efforts of parents in the teaching and learning process in the current situation. It is desired to

recognize involvements that have positive impact in supporting parental contribution especially

to those who are not capable enough of teaching their children. Moreover, since this study is

limited only on analysing the data based on mean and standard deviation, I hereby recommend

other researchers to utilize statistical tools such as t-test in assessing and analysing the data to see

whether there is significant difference between pre-test and post-test before and after using the


Furthermore, this study gives an idea to teachers and school administrators that parent-

teacher collaboration shall be permitted to promote active communication that will benefit the

learner and the school. It is vital for teachers to widen their perspectives for probable

partnerships with different stakeholders in education. Moreover, this study also expects that there

will be programs to be implemented in enhancing the vocabulary skills of the learners in order to

withstand different types of learners in the country.

Action Research Work Plan


Letter of To ask permission March Approved letter Php 5.00
consent to from school head to 2021
school head conduct the study
Letter consent To ask permission March Signed letter Php 40.00
to participants from the participants 2021
in their participation
of the study
Materials for To purchase needed March Receipts and Php 500.00
the materials in the 2021- materials
participants conduct of the study April

such as bond paper, 2021
pens, pencils, chalk,
manila papers etc.
Administratio To administer the April Pictures, Php 500.00
n of the intervention program. 2021- Attendance, Pre-
intervention May 2021 tests, post-tests,
program weekly exercises
and other related
Data To gather and collect .May 2021 Pictures, Php 0.00
gathering the data to be Attendance, Pre-
tabulated and tests, post-tests,
analyzed. weekly exercises
and other related
Data Analysis To analyze the data May 2021 FGD verbatim Php 0.00
gathered. transcription and
translation, pre-
test, weekly
exercises, post-
test, table of
analysed data
Finalization of To finalize and finish May 2021 Edited manuscript Php 0.00
the editing all the sections
manuscripts of the study.
Final Printing To produce copies of May 2021 Finalized printed Php 250.00
the study through a copies of the
printing press. study


Driessen, G., Smit, F., & Sleegers, P. (2005). Parental involvement and educational
achievement. British Educational Research Journal, 31(4), 509-532.

Ellis, M. K.(2012). Parent-teacher interactions: A study of the dynamics of social

influence. Retrieved from https://ro.ecu.edu.au/theses/535/

Javier & Jubay Jr.(2019). Exploring Parent-Teacher Collaboration to Improve Students’

Vocabulary Skills: An action research. PNU, Manila

Magsambol B.(2020). 8.8 million parents prefer modular learning for student’s
DepEd. Retrieved from https://www.rappler.com/nation/

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (2000). Report of the National
Reading Panel.Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific
research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction(NIH Publication
No. 00-4769)0. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office

Richards & Renandya.(2002). Methodology in Language Teaching: an anthology of

current practice. New York:Cambridge

Seifert, D. (2016). Top 5 Reasons why Vocabulary matters.

Retrieved from https://infercabulary.com/top-5-reasons-why-vocabulary-matters/

West, E.(2021). What is the importance of vocabulary.

Retrieved from https://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-importance-of-vocabulary.htm



Purok Gemelina, Brgy. San Isidro, Sta.Maria, Davao Occ.
Mobile No: 09467593749
Email: [email protected]

Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Single
Date of birth: March 18, 1997
Place of birth: San Isidro, Sta.Maria, Davao del Sur
Religion: Christianity
Father: Danny P. Abawag
Mother: Marcie T. Abawag


Cor Jesu College Of Digos

Bachelor of Elementary Education- Generalist

Heracleo Casco Memorial National High School

Secondary Education

De Guzman-Zapanta Elementary School

Elementary Education


Department of Education
Teacher I
Buca Integrated School
Sta.Maria East district, Division of Davao Occidental


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