Afoem Sample Paper Stage B Written Exam Paper 7
Afoem Sample Paper Stage B Written Exam Paper 7
Afoem Sample Paper Stage B Written Exam Paper 7
Paper 2
You provide occupational and environmental health management advice to
companies with short- and long-term overseas contracts. A film crew of 20 is
preparing for a 13-week expedition to a Himalayan republic to make a documentary
on rebuilding efforts in the capital city and nearby mountain villages that were badly
hit by a succession of earthquakes several months previously. Few roads are
passable so most travel will be on foot. There is rudimentary sanitation and an erratic
water supply, local health services are virtually non-existent and access to field
hospitals run by foreign aid workers may be difficult.
It is 5 weeks prior to the film crew’s departure. The crew’s director has approached
you seeking robust occupational and environmental health management advice for
his team.
Part A
Using the hazard classification system (1 mark), list six significant hazards the crew
are likely to encounter during the expedition (3 marks).
(4 marks)
Part B
What are four (4) preventive health measures that you should undertake before the
deployment to minimise the likelihood of problems arising?
(4 marks)
Part C
What are four (4) organisational measures that you should you put in place to
minimise the impact of any health problems that might occur?
(4 marks)
Part D
What are four (4) issues you should take into account in determining whether or not
this person should be deployed?
(4 marks)
Part E
Outline your advice in terms of general precautions, symptoms and signs, and
management guidelines for altitude sickness.
(a) What are two (2) general precautions for altitude sickness? (1 mark)
(b) What are three (3) symptoms and signs you would expect with altitude sickness?
(1.5 marks)
(c) What are three (3) management guidelines for altitude sickness? (1.5 marks)
(4 marks)
You are a full-time occupational physician (OP) in private practice, providing services
to a number of large clients including Blue Telco, a telecommunications company.
Wei has been referred to you to assess whether he suffered a work-related injury
and his current fitness to work.
Wei emigrated from China with his family 6 years ago. He has worked as a
telecommunications technician for 5 years. He is currently working in rural
Queensland. He normally works within buildings, laying cables on each floor through
ceilings and office spaces. This involves moderately heavy manual handling with
awkward postures and climbing of ladders.
Wei and a colleague were involved in work that was unusual for them, laying cable
on the roof of a building on a hot humid day, and in proximity to radiofrequency (RF)
microwave telecommunications antennae. Wei and his colleague were not
RF-trained, and no information was given to them by the building owner as to the
power output of these antennae.
The workers both spent 2 days working approximately 1.5 metres below the
antennae on the first day, and 20 metres or so below the antennae on the second
By the end of the second day, Wei developed new tension-type global headaches
with a floating feeling, with loss of concentration. He has no nausea or vertigo. Wei
has never had similar headaches or any psychiatric history of note.
You examine him and find him alert, well orientated and groomed, with normal
speech. Sitting and standing blood pressure were 130/70 mmHg and pulse
80 beats per min and regular. He scored a perfect 30/30 on the Standardised
Mini-Mental State examination with normal neurological examination and CT scan
of the brain. Wei is very concerned about his exposure to microwave radiation.
(4 marks)
Part B
Outline four (4) factors you consider relevant to assessing the health risk of RF
radiation exposure in this situation.
(4 marks)
Part C
Identify four environmental factors and four potential health effects that would form
part of your risk assessment for heat exposure in Mr Lung’s role.
(4 marks)
Part D
(4 marks)
Part E
Describe four (4) key aspects of a health and safety program and give an example of
how you would implement each of them in this case.
(4 marks)
You receive a call from the manager of a semiconductor research laboratory. The
laboratory employs one researcher and two laboratory assistants. One of the
assistants reported to the manager that he was concerned about being exposed to
heavy metals due to inadequate clean-up procedures.
The assistant operates a vacuum chamber where a mixture of fine mercury, gallium,
cadmium and arsenic powder is deposited on a substrate. The materials are
manipulated through portals in the chamber. During maintenance, the assistants
dismantle the chamber and hand scrub the contaminated parts. The laboratory floor
is vacuumed with a standard vacuum cleaner. Due to lack of space, the lunch
common room is adjacent to the open laboratory.
The laboratory has been in operation for 6 months and is currently closed pending
further investigation.
Part A
(a) What are the potential routes of absorption of heavy metals? (1 mark)
(b) Considering the routes of exposure for the above scenario, please list and
explain when/where the exposures are likely to occur. (3 marks)
(4 marks)
From your research, you discover very little is known of gallium toxicity. There is one
case report of muscle spasms and a suggestion of genotoxicity in animal studies.
The laboratory assistant is very anxious about the potential impact on his health,
particularly cancer risk. You see him at your clinic.
Part B
What are four (4) points relevant to medical history and four (4) points relevant to
occupational history that you will need to obtain from the laboratory assistant?
(4 marks)
Part C
Taking into consideration the laboratory assistant’s anxiety, describe four matters
that you would discuss with him?
(4 marks)
Part D
(4 marks)
Part E
(a) What are two (2) common occupational and two (2) non-occupational causes of
chronic renal impairment that you should you consider in this case? (2 marks)
(b) What are four (4) further investigations that you should consider undertaking to
determine the cause of his impaired renal function? (2 marks)
(4 marks)
You are an occupational physician in private practice and consult to a number of
industries. You are approached by the human resources (HR) manager for a local
call centre. The HR manager is concerned about the high levels of sickness absence
among employees at the call centre over the last year and asks for your help in
addressing the problem.
He tells you that the call centre has 250 employees and that the work activity is
sedentary office-based work. He describes that over the last 2 years there have been
a number of changes, including restructuring of the teams and a new IT system, with
performance measurement/management systems (including KPIs) built into the
system. He reports that there is a planned review of staffing levels and that staff are
aware that there will most likely be redundancies.
The HR manager has noted that the team leaders, who manage return to work as
they see fit, have become increasingly frustrated by the high absences, which affect
their performance measures.
The union has suggested that the new IT system is the main factor contributing to
the sickness absence.
Part A
(a) What are four (4) factors that might be contributing to the sickness absence since
the introduction of the new IT system? (2 marks)
(b) List four (4) other potential important organisational or workplace factors that
might contribute to the sickness absence in this call centre. (2 marks)
(4 marks)
Part B
(a) List four (4) potential benefits to the organisation from a wellness program.
(1 mark)
(b) Describe three (3) factors that contribute to a successful long-term wellness
program explaining why each factor is important. (3 marks)
(4 marks)
She outlines to you a number of pressures on the company, and that one of these is
the time pressure associated with keeping to schedule.
Part C
List four (4) factors from the scenario that might contribute to the increase in
accidents at the two construction sites.
(4 marks)
Part D
(a) List the types of legislation that need to be considered when developing a drug
and alcohol policy. (1 mark)
(b) What are six (6) important aspects you should cover in the development of a
relevant drug and alcohol policy for this construction company? (3 marks)
(4 marks)
Part E
Identify four (4) important measures that can be monitored to assess the
effectiveness of delivering a drug and alcohol-free workplace.
In your private occupational medicine practice, one of your clients is the regional
ambulance service. It employs ambulance officers and paramedics who are involved
in first response healthcare services. The work tasks of both ambulance officers and
paramedics include driving ambulances and other vehicles for which they are
required to have an unrestricted private vehicle licence in Australia and New
The company asks you to assess and provide an independent medical assessment
report on Peter Williams, one of its station managers (a trained paramedic), who had
a single, unprovoked generalised tonic–clonic seizure 6 weeks ago. There is no
known cause, and all investigations to date have been within normal limits, including
MRI and EEG. The company would like your opinion on Peter’s fitness to return to
full work tasks, as he is keen to return to employment immediately. He usually drives
a command vehicle, which provides back-up to the ambulance crew or acts as a first
Part A
What are four (4) important considerations with regards to assessing Peter’s fitness
for return to work, with this condition and in this role?
Your answer for each consideration should include a brief comment on why you
consider it to be important.
(4 marks)
Part B
(a) legislation and regulations (2 marks)
(b) medical standards (1 mark)
(c) guidelines (1 mark)
as each are used to assess fitness to return to a safety critical task such as driving.
You should relate your answers to (a), (b) and (c) to the medico-legal framework in
your jurisdiction.
(4 marks)
Part C
(4 marks)
His manager asks you whether, in your opinion, there should be changes to the
ambulance standards so that all personnel in driving roles would be assessed
against the commercial driving standards. This would mean all employees with a
diagnosis of epilepsy would be restricted from driving. The relevant union groups are
unhappy about the potential for changes as other medical conditions which would be
considered using such an approach may exclude staff that are already employed.
The manager asks you to prepare some notes on major points for him to take to a
meeting with the union.
Part D
(a) Outline two (2) justifications for changing the medical standard for driving roles in
the ambulance service. Provide a short justification for your reason under each
heading. (2 marks)
(4 marks)
Part E
(b) As a physician, what are four (4) of your roles and responsibilities to the patient
in this type of assessment? (2 marks)
(c) As a medical provider, what are two (2) resources available to provide
information on the proper conduct of an independent medical examination,
should you require this? (1 mark)
(4 marks)
• Unstable terrain
• Falling objects
• Slips, trips and falls
• Aftershocks
• Cold
• Heat
• Altitude
• Water pollutants
• Air pollutants
• Disease from poor sanitation (cholera, typhoid, dysentery, etc.)
• Infections (e.g. hepatitis, malaria, tuberculosis, encephalitis, STDs)
• Vermin
• Mental stress from observing poverty, illness, devastation
• Fatigue/stress from long hours, isolation, personal circumstances, group
Shifting of burden of proof is from demonstrating the presence of risk to
demonstrating the absence of risk - responsibility of a proponent to demonstrate
safety rather than the responsibility of a public authority to show harm.
Candidate does not need to set answer out in same form/with same subheadings.
Candidate does not need to set answer out in same form/with same subheadings.
One mark for at least one potential exposure pathway for each exposure route.
Occupational causes
• Heavy metals e.g. lead, cadmium, mercury
• Carbon disulfide
• Organic solvents e.g. choloroform, carbon tetrachloride, ethylene
• Silica
Other reasonable responses will be considered.
(b) Further investigations(4 required):
• Full renal function test including UEC
• Other bloods − FBC, ESR/CRP, iron studies, Ca, phosphate, lipids, serum
• MSU − blood/protein
• Quantify proteinuria − urine ACR/PCR
• Renal ultrasound +/- biopsy
• Blood sugar
• Renal doppler (renal hypertension)
Other reasonable responses will be considered.
Sick day culture, availability of alternative or modified duties, tasks − do they
allow a return to work if not fully fit?
Temperature/air quality, desk, support for safe working methods – i.e. micro
Other reasonable responses will be considered.
Relevant medical standards (if any) for the workplace OR if none, workers
in other ambulance services, OR comparable first response roles e.g.
firefighters if no specific organisational standards exist − why?
• Need to understand this standard for your assessment and whether it is met
• May need to liaise with company medical personnel if they exist
• Also consider any professional requirements for the employee
(professional body)
There is a likely range of answers, so if they are appropriate under each heading,
then the mark will be achieved as per the marking guide comments.