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The Road to Object-Container-Streaming

Crusader Hercules Starlifter

G-Loc Bar

ISSUE: 07 10 Editor: Ben Lesnick Copy Editor: Martin Driver

Layout: Michael Alder


It goes without saying that October is a big month for could... but in short, it’s the technological framework
Star Citizen. I have incredibly fond memories of our that lets Star Citizen become a seamless multiplayer
very first reveal at GDC Online back in October 2012 universe. It’s something the team has been putting so
and then that first frenzied CitizenCon the following much work into and is, frankly, too difficult to explain
year. And now, the launch of Alpha 3.7 October will without a special article like this. Maybe it’s harder
mean all the more to Star Citizen history! It’s exciting to understand than a new spaceship or environment
to see all sorts of elements come together with each or career, but it’s the invisible umbrella that’s going
patch and this one seemed especially rewarding, to allow all of those things to matter. But just like we
watching players charting enormous cave systems have developers who go above and beyond to explain
and getting their first flight time with a Banu ship. their work to the community, we have a very special
community that goes above and beyond in order to
You may notice that we’re doing things a little understand this kind of thing. I hope you enjoy the
differently this issue by having a double-length article! If you’re missing the usual article about the
feature on Server-Side Object Container Streaming. making of our latest ship, the already-flyable RSI
We typically conduct an interview with developers to Mantis, check back next month.
get the latest on new features, but this time around,
the topic ended up being so important and complex On the lore side of things, we’ve got a brand new
that the team behind it offered to write the article Whitley’s Guide exploring the history of the Crusader
themselves. So, this one is straight from the horse’s Starlifter. Learning about starfighters and battleships
mouth, as it were! That’s one of the very exciting, and their magnificent victories is always fun, sure, but
unsung aspects of Star Citizen as far as I’m concerned: I think there’s something special about filling in the
the teams working on these features are just as universe with the history of the support ships that
excited to share them and to help the community make those grand battles possible. The Hercules is a
understand them as you are to hear about them. So a shift that carries the UEE military on its back and it
very special thank you to Christopher Bolte, who took was fun to explore how it came to be. We’ve also got
time out of his extremely busy schedule to put this A Day in the Life of a G-Loc Bartender, complete with
article together, as well as the whole team who helped drink recipe. That’s it for October save for this small
make it happen: Carsten Wenzel, Steven Humphreys, challenge; take your October flare and go scare some
Chad McKinney, Clive Johnson, Ivo Herzeg and unexpecting cave explorers!
Silvan Hau.
I’ll see you in the ‘verse.
What, then, is Server-Side Object Container
Streaming? Well, they answer that question with a
lot more accuracy and information than I possibly Ben

[email protected]

Roberts Space Industries LLC production. A Star Citizen newsletter. Part of the Star Citizen/Squadron 42 universe.
© 2019 Cloud Imperium Rights LLC and Cloud Imperium Rights Limited.
Star Citizen®, Squadron 42®, Cloud Imperium®, and Roberts Space Industries® are registered trademarks of Cloud Imperium Rights LLC.

Hello, my name is Christopher Bolte, Principle Engine Programmer
at Cloud Imperium. As someone involved in nearly all the steps
CHRISTOPHER BOLTE of the development of “Object-Container-Streaming”, I would
like, on behalf of the whole team, to give an overview about the
technical challenges we worked on over the years to deliver
this technology.
In this article I will first cover what Object-Container-Streaming
is. Afterwards, the technological limits which must be overcome are
explained, followed by a short look at how such large and complex
features are developed.
Following that, the article will focus on the individual parts
and already achieved milestones leading towards Object-


Before going into technical details, we should understand what

Object-Container-Streaming should provide for the player.
In short, Object-Container-Streaming is the umbrella term for all
CHAD MCKINNEY the technology that makes a vast seamless universe possible, by
which we can provide an extremely large virtual world through which
the players can move without seeing a loading screen.

But what implications does that goal have for the engine technology?
Foremost, a videogame must refresh its screen at least 30 times a
second to give the impression of a fluent experience.
To achieve 30 frames per second (FPS), the game must perform
all necessary computations for the whole frame within 0.033
seconds (33 milliseconds). Failing to stay within this time limit will
cause stuttering, as the impression of fluent motion is broken when
the frame isn’t refreshed often enough and the human brain starts to
recognize individual images.


Moreover, a PC has a limited amount of ‘random access memory’
(RAM). RAM is a very fast memory, which can archive 20.000 or more
megabyte per second (MB/s) in transfer rate. To ensure a stutter-free
experience, it is necessary that all data access is happening inside
RAM, and not on the much slower hard drive.


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Since RAM is limited and magnitudes smaller than all the game data de-initialize the resource, which also takes time. whole file transfer, which would again result in unwanted stuttering. Or have to decide or come up with ways to introduce the Object-Container-
we want to provide, we must, while the game is running, load data But the worst issue is communication. A game engine has several the game simply crashes from time to time due to data corruptions. Streaming changes in a way that allows the game teams to gradually
from the hard drive and replace other no-longer-needed data. And that central managers for certain resource types (like textures or characters). Therefore, the whole technological stack must be designed around adapt to those new laws while keeping the game working.
takes time. The transfer of only 10 MB with a fast 500 MB/s hard drive Those managers normally maintain a list of loaded instances of their concurrent resource loading, initialization, and destruction while
requires 0.2 seconds to load the data, which translates to ~6 frames resource type and provide operations on them. A simplified example minimizing communication to not affect the game simulation.
with 30 FPS, resulting in noticeable stuttering. would be a character manager, which maintains a list of all loaded THE GROUNDWORK
Therefore, all file transfers must be done in a way to not affect the characters. Each frame, the game simulation asks the character
game simulation while the game is being played, to ensure a fluent manager to update all loaded characters. And here it becomes tricky. DEVELOPING OBJECT-CONTAINER-STREAMING OBJECT-CONTAINER CONCEPT
experience while traveling through the seamless universe. If our character resource loading finishes in parallel to the character IN A LIVE PRODUCT Several steps had to be implemented before we could even consider
update, it wants to put the newly loaded character into the character developing Object-Container-Streaming. Roughly five years ago, we
MULTITHREADED PROGRAM EXECUTION manager’s list, so that the character will receive updates in the future. Object-Container-Streaming has been in development for several years. began introducing the Object-Container concept. Before that, our
This brings us to multithreading. Each central processing unit (CPU) in Putting the character into the list modifies it. If the game simulation is Some steps were very visible to players, like Network-Bind-Culling, engine only supported ‘levels’. A level is a list of game objects. A game
the last ~10 Years has multiple CPU cores. Each CPU core can execute using this list at the same time to update the characters, this can result others, like removing LUA and reworking legacy code, less so. object itself is a collection of resources typically referred to as an ‘entity’.
program instructions independently from each other. This (and other in a data corruption and crash the game. One of the major hurdles in developing all those is the fact that we Before a level can be played, all entities must be loaded into RAM from
techniques I omit for easier understanding) allows computers to do Thus, for a correct program execution, only one execution path are a live product. We have regular releases (or not so regular in the the hard drive and be initialized, which normally happens behind a
more than one thing at the same time. In the case of Object-Container- should access such a manager at one time, hence mutual exclusion past, something on which we improved). We also do constant feature loading screen.
Streaming, we can load resources in parallel to game logic, thus not must be applied; if the game simulation is using the manager, resource development to build the game. Because of feature work and releases, Object Containers are a level building block. Their concept is that
affecting the game’s frame update rate. loading must wait, and vice versa. And waiting takes time, which we we cannot have a none-working version of the game for several months. instead of developing one large level, the content creators develop
Loading a resource is more than just file transfer time. After loading don’t have due to the 0.033 seconds time limit, bringing us to the main At the same time, for Object-Container-Streaming, we are changing the a small section. The final level (or universe in our case) is then made
from the hard drive, the resource data must be initialized - something complexity of multithreaded programming: finding the minimal amount fundamental laws against which those game features are developed. out of many different Object-Containers. This concept allows us, at
that can take time and increases the time till the resource can be used. of communication necessary while the program still executes correctly. Therefore, for each step we take, we must look at the impact on the level building time, to split the world into many smaller building blocks.
A similar issue arises when we unload the resource, as we then need to If this is not done correctly, the game simulation could wait for the schedule and what feature re-work must be done. Based on this, we And building streaming on top of that allows us to load and unload


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those building blocks at runtime, ensuring we fit into the RAM budget implementation side. Since they are smaller parts, it is much simpler
providing the seamless universe. While the Object-Containers didn’t to make them communicate efficiently with the game simulation while
provide a noticeable impact to the players (since for a long time, we we load them concurrently. Additionally, they split the monolithic game
simply loaded all object containers during level load), they were an logic into more manageable parts, which played a critical role in allowing
important steppingstone. a partial roll-out of concurrent entity initialization.


Two other major requirements were started around two and half Entities inside a game-simulation have a certain state. Some situations,
years ago. like network communication, require that we store that state in a format
First, we began to work on removing LUA from the game code. LUA is that we can transfer and then restore the same state on a different
a scripting language which was used heavily for all kinds of entity logic machine. Other situations, like Squadron 42 save games, require
within the engine. The problem with LUA was that it was impossible to something similar, except that we store the data on disk. In programmer
make multi-thread safe. In other words, as long as we used LUA, we terms, the process of converting a state into a representation which can
couldn’t execute resource loading in parallel to the game simulation be stored on disc/be network transferred is called “serialization”. Thus,
without introducing very long wait times due to required mutual the name Serialized-Variables. This is a concept in which we take the
exclusion. Hence all LUA code was replaced with C++, which gives us parts of an entity and put it into a special wrapper object. This wrapper
sufficient control to prevent such wait times. object provides ways to serialize the entity state.
At the same time, we began converting our entities from larger By doing it this way we can have game code writing in a uniform
monolithic objects into components. An entity component represents style, regardless of how we want to transfer the serialized data later
a part of specific game behaviour. With components, the behaviour (also important for Server-Meshing, which will be explained later).
of an entity is defined by the types of components it has. Without
components, all kinds of different logic tends to be interleaved in one MULTITHREADED ENGINE RESOURCE LOADING
monolithic and very complex central logic block. Besides game-related resources (data making up components), the
Using components gives us several improvements on the engine also supports many shared resources, which are shared by

different components and even different Object-Containers. Those PARALLEL COMPONENT LOADING AND INITIALIZATION
resources include objects like textures or meshes. The engine already
supports mesh and texture streaming, which is the process of loading With all the groundwork done we have:
and unloading the GPU data for rendering while the game is being •Levels split into building block (the Object-Container)
played. But we needed to tackle this on a higher level for Object- •Entities (which make up a large part of the Object-Container)
Container-Streaming. implemented without LUA and as components
In the Object-Container-Streaming context, we also must be able to •All entity runtime state organized in Serialized-Variables for easier
load the object representing the GPU data in a parallel and organized state communication via network
way, so that all in-parallel loaded Object-Containers can still share the •Multi-threaded creation of engine-side resources (textures, meshes,
same engine resources. This was all work that went on in the background characters etc.)
around two and half years ago.
The next steps are building on that foundation. Our first goal was to
ALL COMING TOGETHER actually load entities in parallel to the game simulation. This first step
The groundwork above took a lot of work, and most of it wasn’t really didn’t include any high-level logic of what to load or unload or when
visible for the players, as making those changes without a visible effect yet, so it was a very dumb streaming system. Nevertheless, it already
was our goal (to verify that we changed it correctly). But all this was reduced the runtime stuttering (e.g. spawning a ship at runtime no
very necessary preparation work, moving the technology forward and longer required us to run the initialization code of the ship’s entities as
towards the first very visible effects when Network-Bind-Culling was part of the game simulation).
released to the public in Alpha 3.3. At that time, we had roughly 300 to 400 different component types.


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If we had tried to execute all those in parallel from the start, we would Scheduler to decide what Entity-Aggregates to load or unload on
have drowned in bugs. Therefore, we had to develop a system allowing each client.
us to incrementally execute more and more component types in parallel
to the game simulation. The more component types we made safe for ENTITY-SPAWN-BATCHES AND ENTITY-SNAPSHOTS
parallel loading, the less the game simulation would stutter. After tracking Entity-Aggregates correctly, we still had to develop a way
The solution we have chosen is utilizing Fibers. A Fiber is an execution to efficiently spawn the large number of entities inside an aggregate
state where we can control exactly when and where we want to execute efficiently on a client. And we need to ensure that entities spawn in a
it (parallel loading or game simulation). While Fibers can be very tricky consistent way on the clients so that we end up with the same Entity-
to use, they provided exactly the control we needed. With Fibers, we Aggregates and entity hierarchy as on the server. For instance, to
could move the logic for resource loading between concurrent loading make sure that a vehicle spawns with its weapons/thrusters already
threads and game simulation threads, depending if the component type attached, rather than spawning bit by bit over time. To achieve this,
supported parallel loading or not. And with that, it was possible to step- we group entities into Entity-Spawn-Batches, which represent a set of
by-step adjust more and more code to run in parallel while ensuring entities that should be spawned together and only made active when
that everyone uses (and thus tests) the already parallelized code. Those all spawned.
changes were partially rolled out with Alpha 3.2, where they reduced For each entity we spawn on a client machine, we send an Entity-
the stuttering caused by loading entity resources at runtime, like Snapshot from the server containing the current state of the entity. This
spawning ships. is simply the values of the Serialized-Variables belonging to the entity.
Snapshots are also used for serializing entity state to persistence, or for
Squadron 42 save games. Because spawning entities asynchronously
PREPARATION FOR NETWORK-BIND-CULLING on the client takes time, a problem we faced was that by the time the
client had completed a spawn batch, the Entity-Snapshot could be out
Network-Bind-Culling is how we reference to Object-Container- of date, as the state of those entities on the server may have changed
Streaming on the client. In other words, it is the process of deciding what while the client was spawning them.
entities to load/unload on any client. We decided to focus on only the To fix this, the server has to send a second set of Entity-Snapshots
client first, as this allowed us to provide several improvements to the once the client has spawned all the entities in a spawn batch. When the
players, develop the whole technology more incrementally, and allow client receives these secondary Entity-Snapshots, it can perform minor
us to solve certain problems later (which are discussed in the Server- fix-up to the state of the entities and finally add them to the client’s
Object-Container-Streaming section). But even only focusing on the simulation, finalizing the network-driven entity spawn.
client, we had to tackle a lot of preparation work.
ENTITY-COMPONENT-UPDATE-SCHEDULER At the end of developing Alpha 3.0, we had already developed various
We want to decide which entities to load or unload on a client based on necessary parts, but not all parts were done, and we introduced planets
the distance and visibility of that entity in regard to a client. Therefore, and many major locations like Levski and Grim HEX. At the same time, we
we need this information. Luckily, we had already developed such a only had the update culling of the Entity-Component-Scheduler. While
technology for Alpha 3.0. The Entity-Component-Update-Scheduler is that system helped with server performance, clients still had to pay an
a system designed to control the update of entity components, based unnecessary cost; we didn’t yet have a system in place to decide which
on how they are spatially placed relative to the player. By doing this, client requires which information. On top of this, each component had
we can skip updates of components which are too far away (another to run its update when it received new network information, resulting
benefit of the component design, we can do the update policy on a in a measurable performance cost. For example, if at that time Player
per component basis). It was then natural that the Entity-Component- A was at Levski, and Player B at Olisar, Player B would update all its
Update-Scheduler should provide the same information for Network- local versions of the NPCs in Levski due to receiving network updates for
Bind-Culling. them as Player A was near them on the server. But we had all the tools
ready to provide the required information. Based on that, we decided to
ENTITY-OWNERSHIP-HIERARCHY/ENTITY-AGGREGATES build a system that would only send network updates to clients if that
Another major issue to tackle was dynamic entity groups. Object- client is in proximity of the updated Entity-Aggregate. As for the earlier
Containers split the static level geometry and objects into building blocks example, Player B would no longer update its NPCs in Levski, as the
at level design time. But our game also consists out of dynamic entities, server would know that Player B is nowhere near.
like players, ships (which can be built out of multiple Object-Containers), Implementing this, under the name Serialized-Variable-Culling, gave
or vending machines - basically, everything that can move around in us a noticeable performance improvement on the clients. Additionally,
the virtual world. Additionally, those dynamic entities can combine it was the first real-life test of running our client game-simulation with
themselves into groups. For example, a player is picking up an object, or only partial information of the whole universe. We wanted to ship this
a ship is parked in another ship. And that has implications for streaming. feature with Alpha 3.0, but in defiance of the heroic effort of the network
In the ships-in-ship case, we don’t want to stream the inner ship before team, we had to let this feature slip into Alpha 3.1.
the outer ship, as the inner ship’s state is partially defined by the outer
ship. Therefore, we have to track those dynamic groups and when they
are formed or disbanded. This is a concept we call Entity-Ownership- ENABLING NETWORK-BIND-CULLING
Hierarchy. In this hierarchy, we keep track of entities that are related
to each other. If they are related, we treat them as one group - the so- Several years after the first steps were undertaken and multiple game
called Entity-Aggregate. versions shipped, we could harvest the results of all the work.
Building on that, Network-Bind-Culling works on units of Entity- So far, we have working:
Aggregates, using the information of the Entity-Component-Update- •Levels split into building blocks (the Object-Container)


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“freeze” that object’s state. And instead of keeping the frozen entity in
memory (incurring a cost), we can serialize (using Serialized-Variables)
its state and store the serialized state in a database. While a client is
moving through the virtual world, the server updates its view into the
database to restore entities now in proximity as well as free and store
away no-longer-needed entities.
Here, Server-Object-Container-Streaming and Network-Bind-Culling
go hand in hand. The database contains the whole universe in a frozen
state. The server has only a small subset of the universe loaded; in other
words, it has a view into the database. Then the client also only has a
subset of all server-loaded entities, having a view into the server’s virtual
world. By this model, we keep everything far away from the players in a
frozen state so that those entities don’t affect performance or memory.
There are also some exceptions to this model, like the Subsumption
Universe Simulation, but those are out of scope for this article.
When Server-Object-Container-Streaming is done, we will have
a technological solution for content scaling on the server. This means
that we can place way more content into the virtual world, while the
server performance is only affected by the areas where all players
are active (which is a much smaller set than the whole universe). But
Server-Object-Container-Streaming also comes with several additional
problems, all of which the involved teams are working on in order to
deliver it as soon as possible.

With Network-Bind-Culling, we always had an authoritative version of
each entity loaded on the server. This allowed us some “lazy” solutions,
since we could get away with smaller issues, since we would always
correct them after the entity is loaded on the client.

•Entities (which make up a large part of Object-Container) implemented Serialized-Variable-Culling. Another benefit is that the client uses less
without LUA and as components memory, since it only has to keep its view in RAM and no longer the
•All entity runtime state organized in Serialized-Variables for easier whole universe. For many clients, there was a very large performance
state communication via network improvement when we released Network-Bind-Culling to the public
•Multithreaded creation of engine-side resources (textures, meshes, with Alpha 3.3.
characters etc.) But the system has another, even more important advantage: it
•Multithreaded creation of most component types decouples the client from the universe content. As each client has only
•Proximity information between all entities and players provided by the loaded the small set of entities required for its local view, the clients are
Entity-Component-Update-Scheduler no longer affected by the amount of entities we place in the universe.
•The ability to track dynamic entity groups (the Entity-Aggregates) Client performance is now only affected by the actual client’s location
•Efficient ways to spawn Entity-Aggregates on clients and surroundings (e.g. empty space vs crowded city). And this gives
•First real-world usage of client game-simulation with partial world us the freedom to place as much content as we want into our virtual
knowledge via Serialized-Variable-Culling world without having to worry about clients. Except that, right now,
the server still has everything loaded and has to pay the performance
Utilizing all the preparation above, we could develop Network-Bind- cost. And while having bad server performance doesn’t affect the clients
Culling. In that system, instead of skipping network updates while frame rate, it causes jerkiness when objects move (as it is very likely
having all entities present on each client (as we did for Serialized- that client and server disagree with the entities position). Which is also
Variable-Culling), we will, driven by the server, load and unload entities a serious problem, but something we want to tackle with Server-Object-
on the client. In other words, Network-Bind-Culling changes the rules so Container-Streaming.
that each client only has a view into a much larger virtual game world,
while with Serialized-Variable-Culling, each client had the full view but
only performed partial updates of its local virtual world. BUILDING SERVER-OBJECT-CONTAINER-STREAMING
This gives us several advantages, the most noticeable being
performance. As each client has a much smaller data set, each local With Network-Bind-Culling implemented, the focus shifted over to
operation whose cost is affected by entity count becomes faster. implementing Object-Container-Streaming on the server.
It also helps with other runtime cost which could not be culled by The basic concept is that if no player is near an object, we can


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One example of this is teleporting the player. A teleport is an instant NEXT STEPS
move from one place to another in the universe. This is the worst case
for streaming, but we have it in some situations, like player respawn, The work won’t be over when the first iteration of Server-Object-
or when using development tools. After a teleport, everything around Container-Streaming is delivered. While the first release should give us
the player must be loaded. We didn’t have any priority for the order in way better content scaling on the server, we will still have several areas
which we spawn those entities. This resulted in NPCs falling through to work in.
the not-yet-loaded floor. With Network-Bind-Culling this was fine, as
we could depend on the server sending us the correct NPC position (as CROSS SESSION PERSISTENCE
the floor exists on the server). With Server-Object-Container-Streaming Server-Object-Container-Streaming doesn’t affect how and what kind of
we cannot do that. As the server is authoritative, if the NPC is spawned data we serialize to persistence. We will store the entity in a frozen state
before the floor, the NPC will be gone, resulting in boring empty cities. in an in-process database. This implies that the state is lost when the
Therefore, we had to ensure that we always spawn the floor before the server crashes or is restarted (besides the state we already persist). So,
NPCs. Another issue is component types we only execute on the server. the next steps are to develop an efficient network access layer to allow
Previously, we didn’t unload them, so have to make sure they restore the storing of the entity in a database on a different machine. When we
their state correctly from serialized data. implement that step, object state will persist over server restarts and
Those, and all other kinds of small problems are the things we have crashes (until we delete the persistence database), moving the whole
to fix before we can ship Server-Object-Container-Streaming. game towards a persistent experience.


STARHASH-RADIXTREE With Server-Object-Container-Streaming, a single server is responsible
Another problem arises when we unload all entities and store them in a for managing the database views of all clients. Thus, while the Server-
database. We need a way to perform spatial searches on those entities Object-Container-Streaming should improve the server performance
to ensure we only load those in proximity to any client. Therefore, it (as we load less entities), it ultimately won’t solve the problem of more
was necessary to develop a lookup scheme that allows us to store a players per server.
huge number of entities with enough spatial information. For this, we This is where Server-Meshing comes in. In this concept, instead
adapted the Geohash algorithm (used by all map applications to find of having a single server manage all the views, we will distribute the
places around the users) for our needs by making it larger (our virtual individual views over multiple servers. Doing this will reduce the load
world at 2m solution needs more data than the real earth) and 3D. We on each participating server. When we then place those servers on
called it a StarHash. different machines, we get a nice and practical way to scale with player
This StarHash provides us with an efficient tool to store our entities
in a way allowing efficient searches for all entities in an area of space
by utilizing a data structure called a RadixTree. The Entity-Streaming-
Manager is then the logic-driving the StarHash-RadixTree queries to
trigger loading and unloading of entities on the server, based on the IVO HERZEG

positions of all connected clients.

The last major issue we had to tackle was spawning locations. To
spawn a player, the game logic requires a SpawnPoint, which is also
an entity. But we only load entities if a player is nearby, thus we need
to spawn a player to load the SpawnPoint to spawn the player. Since
it is also not possible to exclude SpawnPoints from streaming (as they
are part of other larger constructs like space stations) we had to find
another solution.
Here we decided on a two-phase spawn process. When a player
connects, we first find their spawn Location-ID. A location is a higher-
level concept of a point in space. So we first load all entities at this point,
which will also load the required SpawnPoint. Afterwards we can safely
spawn the player at their destinated SpawnPoint. Lastly, the streaming
logic will switch over to the player from the Location-ID so that the
database view of that player will move with them.


At the time of writing this article, not all work for Server-Object-
Container-Streaming is finished. We have implemented the Entity-
Streaming-Manager as well as the StarHash logic. The Location-ID work
is nearly done and should be finished soon. Because of that, Server-
Object-Container-Streaming can already be used to a certain degree.
And doing that shows us all the problems we have with missing Definite
State and all the areas we still have to fix. Most major areas where we
have such problems are known and are actively being worked on.


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count. To implement Server-Meshing, we will build on what we are

building right now: entities will be moved between servers by using the
serialization code provided by Serialized-Variables, depending on the
code from Server-Object-Container-Streaming, to ensure that we can
restore those moved entities correctly on a different server.

More hidden from the public but very important is the game editor.
The editor is a custom engine tool which is used to build our Object-
Containers and place them in the universe. It is also used to test-play
the newly developed content while working on it, which is extremely
important to develop good quality content. Unfortunately, the editor
itself is not yet streaming-aware. Thus, the content creator can create
and develop content, but suffer from long loading times and bad
frame rate. And this will become worse the more content we place into
the game.
Therefore, a very important next step is to make the editor streaming-
aware to give the content creators the same benefits we gave the clients
(via Network-Bind-Culling) and server (via Server-Object-Container-
Streaming). But as the editor is having its own additional logic on top of
the whole game-simulation, we can only tackle that after doing Server-

Squadron 42 will be the easiest additional work. In Squadron 42, the
client will be the server as well. Therefore, we will execute the same
code as we do on the Star Citizen server. In fact, we do that already
internally. And as Squadron 42 and Star Citizen share the same code
base, fixes for Server-Object-Container-Streaming for either product
will benefit the other.


I hope this introduction provided a helpful explanation of the multi-year-

long voyage of “Object-Container-Streaming” and an understandable
explanation of all the technical challenges we had to face and overcome
during this journey.
Please also forgive me for omitting most of the very technical nitty-
gritty details, but laying out all those would turn this article into a book.
And I think it is better to write the technology than writing a book about
the technology we want to build.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Best Regards,

Christopher Bolte
Principle Engine Programmer, Cloud Imperium Games


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The following extract is from the 2949 Whitley’s Guide to Spacecraft’s Crusader DEVELOPMENT HISTORY
Hercules Development History. Reprinted with permission. Whitley Guide is the
property of Gallivan Publishing, 2860-2949, all rights reserved.


H E R C U L E S S TA R L I F T E R - The solution, military leaders determined, was two-fold. The first was expected to develop a bespoke design specific to the UEEN’s needs. the Hercules system, when UEE armed forces were called upon to put
DEVELOPMENT HISTORY was organizational. In an attempt to reduce time lost to inter-service In an unexpected twist, the opposite proved true: Aegis suggested down a heavily armed group of pirate forces located on a frontier world
Development of the spacecraft that would become the modern Hercules confusion, the decision was made to establish UEE Starlift Command - a adapting existing military freighters with armor and defensive turrets, near the Xi’an border. Instead of attacking the site from orbit, planners
began in the mid-28th century during a particularly introspective period cross-service support framework intended to better coordinate the UEEN while Crusader developed a much more expensive proposal to create an determined that it would be worthwhile to capture assets intact in
for UEE military leadership. Keen to examine the potential lessons of assets responsible for delivering personnel and materiel that would entirely new design that would eventually become the Hercules starlifter. order to pursue further antipiracy operations elsewhere. Two Hercules
the last war, UEE commanders undertook an unprecedented analysis address the UEEA and UEEM’s granular battlefield needs. The second Despite Crusader’s proposal having three times the price tag of the Aegis squadrons, escorted by deep space support fighters, quietly deployed
of the Second Tevarin War followed by a series of simulated wargames was to set forth the specifications for a complete quantum-to-battlefield conversion, the feeling was that such a major reorganization of tactical troops and an armored column which defeated the stunned criminal
covering major battles. One of the outcomes of this effort was a new support spacecraft that could deploy armored units and other assets to a doctrine would be better supported with an entirely new spacecraft. forces in short order. The battle, previously thought to be a particularly
understanding of the impact of support logistics on interstellar warfare. variety of alien terrains while under fire. Instead of amphibious operations The military decided to invest, despite the cost of developing such a hazardous prospect, was won with no losses of UEE personnel and the
During the Tevarin wars and prior, interplanetary operations meant focusing on establishing individual fire bases to bring in heavier assault system and the inevitable organizational issues that would come with resulting capture of information would lead directly to the destruction of
establishing an initial beachhead on a hostile world using small, heavily weaponry, this command and its theoretical spacecraft could deliver its adoption. With that, Crusader Industries launched an all-out four-year two pirate outposts and a small capital ship.
armored landing assault craft. Once a base was established, heavier advanced units directly to active theaters. The plan would prove incredibly program to develop their first dedicated military support spacecraft.
equipment would be brought in using a support column of freighters and effective and significantly alter the shape of planetary-scale battlefields. As use of the Crusader starlifter normalized, it quickly became a
transporters not specially equipped for combat. Analysis of this practice in Additionally, this new spacecraft could be maintained locally and be used The first active-duty starlifter unit was formed in May 2821 with a favorite among pirates and ground crews. Crusader’s experience with
action suggested it had created a major choke point that had significantly to quickly relocate already deployed assets should flashpoints evolve. dozen first model spacecraft (formally designated the ‘M2 Hercules’). civil space transport meant they understood how to build a spacecraft
delayed necessary assets in several cases. Not only did transporting In initial training exercises, the new ship worked perfectly. Capable of intended for ease of maintenance. Additionally, the hulky, armored
weaponry crated aboard traditional transports slow the ability to deploy The formal request for a proposal was issued in 2814. It asked for a taking sustained fire and deploying a tank or armored car in minutes, the appearance of the Hercules became a comfort to soldiers and marines,
heavier artillery, missile launchers, and armored tanks, it also limited large, well-protected transport that was jump-capable, able to sustain Hercules met the military’s requirements and then some. However, delays who came to associate it with much safer deployments. The sight of a
their immediate range once deployed. Even successes like the famed concentrated artillery fire, and able to deploy multiple armored vehicles to Hercules deployment occurred due to the difficulty of integrating Hercules on the battlefield inevitably meant the delivery of additional
2605 Battle of Koren Pass were cited as examples of situations where quickly. Significant proposals were developed by both Aegis Dynamics the new interservice command, with those involved facing a great deal supplies or reinforcements. Within two decades, Starlift Command had
casualties resulted from a lack of logistics: if the UEE had the lift capacity and Crusader Industries. Crusader, then a premiere manufacturer of of bureaucracy in order to allow these new processes to supplant the organizational structures in place across the empire that would allow
to deliver fighting vehicles directly from orbit, losses on the ground could civilian starliners and associated industrial conversions, was expected tried-and-true support chain. Nevertheless, the wisdom of the decision the rapid movement of Hercules to any battlefield within a jump of a
have been significantly reduced. to adapt their serving Saturn-class starliner for combat operations. Aegis became clear in March 2824 with the first active combat deployment of currently settled star system. Several units of starlifters are kept on


‘ready five’ status around the Empire already loaded with tanks and In 2940, Crusader surprised the aerospace industry by announcing the
missile launchers and teamed with special operations troops that can be development of the first standalone civilian variant of the Hercules, the C2.
used to address rapidly developing situations. Long seen as a military-only spacecraft design, the decision was especially
unexpected as Crusader’s factories did not have the immediate capacity
Over the decades, Crusader has continued to update and enhance the to produce more than the Hercules already requisitioned by the military.
original Hercules design and has made a tidy profit performing fleet In order to produce the C2, three more Hercules lines would need to be
enhancements and producing battlefield update kits in the progress. opened. Crusader, however, saw this as less of a gamble, believing that
This steady dedication to modernizing the fleet has been strongly even if interest in a civilianized Hercules was not immediately apparent,
supported by Starlift Command and has allowed individual examples the investment would ultimately be useful as military demand increased
to remain in service well past their intended retirement. As of 2948, a in the face of increased conflict with the Vanduul. The C2 Hercules design
significant number of first and second generation Hercules hulls were drops some of the armor and specialized hardware from the current-
still being operated thanks to these extensive maintenance processes. generation military type in exchange for an overall improvement in cargo.
Similarly, Crusader has continued to apply their ‘frame-and-role’ design Formally targeted at frontier concerns, the C2 variant has been positioned
process developed in starliner construction to the Hercules line, which as a way for planets with less developed infrastructures to rapidly move HERCULES STARLIFTER
has allowed the rapid creation of a number of role-specific variants vehicles from place to place. In their example study, Crusader imagined MANUFACTURER CRUSADER
including refuelers, heavy armor support ships, and information runners. a mining corporation seeking to reallocate heavy equipment to sites INDUSTRIES
Crusader’s philosophy allows the creation of variants to proceed rapidly around a newly explored planet in order to make use of claims before MAXIMUM CREW C2 2
as the need requires without disrupting existing production lines. This has unlicensed jumpers could move in. The move proved to be a success, M2 3
allowed role-specific Hercules to be constructed as needed and retired with civilian organizations quickly taking to the sturdy spacecraft design
just as quickly. One of these variants has become a significant part of the and corporate partners happy to have a ship with such a well-developed MASS 114,591KG
UEEN inventory: the A2 is a dedicated heavy gunship that adapts the lineage and extant support apparatus. In addition to miners and explorers, LENGTH 94M
Hercules’ heavy armor and other defensive systems for more a sustained the C2 Hercules quickly proved to be popular among militia groups eager HEIGHT 23M
combat role and uses the design’s extensive cargo capacity for munitions to move small spacecraft and ground vehicles from place to place on WIDTH 70M
storage. The A2 Hercules is now constructed on its own factory line and individual worlds.
has seen extensive combat operations against planetside forces. A2 GUNSHIP


Greetings, traveler. The universe is full of unique stories waiting to be told. Today, Weiss works alone behind the bar. He greets each customer
We here at the OBSERVIST LIFESTYLE are eager to provide a firsthand, warmly before taking their order. Some he knows, but most are new.
up-close look at the fascinating people who live among the stars and the Then he quickly mixes their drink and moves to the next guest. Once
amazing adventures they have. everyone’s been served, Weiss retrieves a few used glasses left on the
bar, runs the sanitizer, restocks the rails, and makes himself a quick drink
Today, we travel to the Stanton system and enter atmosphere above before joining me.
ArcCorp. Below us, urban sprawl stretches in each direction, making it
an intimidating and overwhelming destination for many travelers. Most “It’s just a peach Fizzz. I need to keep my wits about me. Plus, knowing
visitors, whether for business or pleasure, set a course for Area18, a my tastes, I’d drink away half my pay if it became a habit. There’s a
public commercial district with its spaceport open to all. This bustling bottle of Radegast on the top shelf that keeps calling to me. But in all
commerce hub draws many to this unique corner of the Empire. seriousness, this is a delicate and detail-oriented job. Most don’t think
of it like that, but once the rush is on, trying to remember who ordered
The G-Loc Bar sits just off Area18’s central plaza. Popular with both locals what and getting it all out fast can be a real herculean effort. Plus, you
and off-worlders for its spectacular views and stiff drinks, the bar sees a gotta make sure you stay fully stocked, keep everything not just clean
steady flow of customers from all walks of life and from almost every but sanitary… I mean, the list just goes on and on. That’s the easy part
system in the UEE. Bartender Brant Weiss has been slinging drinks and though. It’s managing the customers that’s the true challenge and, for
swapping stories with G-Loc customers for over eight years. He spends me at least, the real joy of this job.”
an average of twelve hours a day, six days a week at the bar, but claims
he almost never gets bored. Weiss credits the diverse and unpredictable Weiss claims the G-Loc doesn’t have a typical customer. Its location
customer base for keeping him engaged and interested in his job. I was near Area18’s busy central plaza brings in a wide range of foot traffic. It
eager to hear what life was like for someone who deals with such a wide attracts locals looking to unwind after work, haulers killing time between
range of Humanity on a daily basis. gigs, and tourists drawn in by positive reviews of their expertly crafted
and potent cocktails.
Arriving during a mid-shift lull to find G-Loc lively but not too crowded,
I grab an empty stool at the far end of the L-shaped bar and survey the “We always do good business during the Murray Cup or sataball season.
scene. The bar blends an industrial yet elegant aesthetic with retired and Those crowds are always fun but a bit rowdy. There’s one long hauler
refurbished ArcCorp thrusters hanging above comfortable faux leather that makes us her first stop after spending who knows how long trapped
booths. An elevated area at the back contains a currently empty dance alone aboard her ship. Says she needs a heavy dose of Humanity with
floor and massive windows offering an impressive view of Area18’s her whiskey. And the other day, I delivered a round of shots to a quiet
unending sprawl. table in the back only to find out that they just hammered out the final


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Whether exploring uncharted territory or going out on the town, there’s a style for
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details on some multi-billion credit merger. No two days are ever the And from where I’m sitting, it seems the rest of the ‘verse is happy to
same around here, that’s for sure.” do just that. As long as Weiss remains content mixing strong drinks and URBAN COLLECTION
engaging in spirited discussions about the wider universe with those that
As Weiss describes his wide-ranging clientele, an individual wearing wander into the G-Loc, there seems to be no end to the flow of potential
full armor and a helmet sprints into the bar. They quickly survey the customers looking for a respite from the non-stop metropolis outside.
scene before running up the steps to the dance floor. They do a brief hip Getting ready to order a second round, I ask about his favorite drink on
shaking, finger wagging dance before running out almost as quickly as the menu. His answer is immediate and emphatic.
they came in. The incident doesn’t faze Weiss at all.
“Nick’s Mistake. It’s delicious, packs a punch, and something you can
“That happens more often than you think. Don’t know what drives folks only get here. It uses our secret Nova mix, which we make in-house.
to do it. Sometimes I think staying on a ship for too long can mess with Seriously, if I told you the recipe, I’d be fired faster than a projectile from
people’s heads… or it’s just the drugs. (Laughs) Anyways, I’ve gotten a tachyon cannon.”
pretty damn good at reading people with a glance. Even those that come
tearing through here in full armor. I mean, that right there tells you a lot For those that want the G-Loc experience without traveling to Area18,
about the person. Who wears a helmet to go get a drink?” Weiss happily shared the recipe for his second favorite drink on the
menu, the Wingman’s Hangover, with one caveat.
A steady stream of customers continues to trickle in and out. While
Weiss fills drink orders, he chats amicably across a wide range of topics “The name says it all. So, let me give ‘em the spiel I reel off here. Enjoy
from the TDD’s current price for astatine to the best beaches on Goss. responsibly and never, ever fly while intoxicated.”
Based on his grounded repartee and in-depth knowledge about areas
and issues affecting all corners of the UEE, most would be shocked to
know he’s never left the Stanton system. WINGMAN’S HANGOVER (SHAKEN, ROCKS)

“I went to microTech once. Those biomes are beautiful but everything’s 1oz Jynx gin
so damn expensive. My family never had a ship, and I sure as hell can’t 1oz Starlight Idris Cuvee cognac
afford one. Never let that kill my curiosity though. Someone once told 1oz Lionheart Martian whiskey
me that you can learn a lot about life by traveling, reading, and engaging .75oz Lime
in good conversation. I don’t have the means to travel, so I focus on the .5oz Simple syrup
other two. That’s why I’m always talking to folks about their adventures
Rothman’s Ginger Lime FEATURED BRANDS
and keeping a list of all the interesting places they mention. Maybe one
Add all ingredients besides Rothman’s soda to shaker,
day when I’m retired I’ll visit a few. I’d like that. But for now, I’m happy to
shake with ice. Strain into a Collins glass filled with ice.
have the rest of the universe come here and visit me.”
Top with Rothman’s. Garnish with lemon wedge.


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