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Names: Almanza, Rocel May

Galano, Dipsy
Versula, Rizza Ellaine
Grade Level: 9
Time Frame: 30 mins.
Content Standard: The teacher demonstrates understanding of Anglo-American literature and how
other texts types serve as a means of connecting to the world; also, how to use
different communicative styles or language registers in communicating verbally
and non-verbally.
Performance Standard: The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theater presentation
through employing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the
following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Style and Body
Movements or Gestures.

I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
 Understand that language registers are depending on the situation, topic, and
 appreciate that learning communicative styles will help in improving the conversation and
using an appropriate communicative style; and
 be able to identify the types of communicative style in a real-life situation or conversation
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Communicative Styles
References: “Types of Communicative Styles” (Grade 9 Module 3, DepEd)
“Language Register Types and Examples” by Brenna Adams, Anna Hiller, Sasha
Blakeley (from Study.com)
Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab
Materials: Power point
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
a. Greeting Good morning class! How is
your day so far?
Good afternoon, Ma’am. We
are fine.
That’s good to hear! So can I
expect a full blast of energy
and active participation from Yes Ma’am.

b. Prayer Before we begin the lesson this

morning, let us ask the
guidance of almighty God and (Student will lead the prayer)
let us enlighten our mind to
completely understand the
lesson this morning. Would
you please lead the prayer?

c. Classroom I would like to request

Management everyone to arrange your (Students will arrange their
chairs properly and make sure chairs and will pick up the
there are no trashes around trashes.)

I think everyone is present. I’m

so glad that everyone
d. Checking of understands the reasons of
Attendance coming to school regularly.

Before proceeding with

the discussion of our
e. Motivation topic, let’s first have an
activity to refresh and
give you an idea of our
discussion. Yes Ma’am.

In this activity, we will

give you a situation,
three (3) different
situations to be
specific, and you will
try to imagine talking
with someone you
know. We will give
you the person you will
talk to in every

I want your answers to The students will tell their

be specific and the answers.
exact words that you
will say to that person,
are we clear?

Okay, so here’s our

first situation:

Situation: Final grades

have been released, as
well as the students
with honors in class but
you are not included
knowing that you are a
consistent honor

Person you know: Teacher

Lawrence, what will

you say or ask to your I will say, “Good day
teacher when you are in Ma’am/Sir, I just wanted to
this situation? know on what might have been
the problem that made me not
included with honor students?”
Okay, very good.
That’s good and
appropriate. Next is…

Situation: You have

won the Best Essay
Award from the essay
contest you joined in
when your school is
celebrating the Buwan
ng Wika.

Person you know:

Parents (either mother
or father)

Danica, what will you

say to your parents if I would say, “Mom, Dad, have
this happened to you? you remembered the essay
contest I’ve joined in? I won
the Best Essay Award, I’m so
Very good, and for our happy!”
third and last

Situation: As you are

studying for your
examination, your eyes
keep on hurting and
you are having
headache at the same
time. You also had
these feelings a few
times before.
Person you know:
Doctor or
Ophthalmologist “Doc, I’m concern with what
I’m feeling these past few days.
My eyes and head are kept on
hurting. What do you think is
Okay, Maureen, what the cause of these?
will you say to your
doctor if this happened
to you?

Alright, that’s a good Yes, Ma’am

f. Lesson Proper one Maureen.

I’ll answer, Ma’am!

Upon responding with
the given situations, I
think some of you has a It’s exchanging of
hint of where our information between
discussion will be two or more person
going, am I right? through verbal and
To continuously give
you an idea, let me ask Ma’am, I also have an
you some questions. answer.

First, what comes into It’s a conversation between the

your mind when you sender and the receiver
hear/read the word

Go on, Joan.

Yes, that’s correct

Joan. Anyone else?

Yes, Carlo what is it?

language were chosen, even
the behavior towards a certain
person or situation. It is a level
of formality that is used
depending on the situation and
concern, whether written or
spoken. No, Ma’am.

That’s also correct, Carlo. We talk differently with

Thank you for your answers. different people especially
when we know that there is a
So, here’s my last question. Do gap between our age and when
you communicate with the they are ahead of us,
same ways or manners when specifically with professionals,
you are conversing with like doctor or teacher or even
different people? elderlies.

How do you say so, Lawrence?

Okay, thank you Lawrence.

You really pointed out how we
communicate with other

As I asked you those question,

it relates with our topic “Types
of Communicative Styles”.

In communicative styles, your

manners and the way you
communicate has a big impact
in connecting with people. If
you are a good communicator,
conflicts will be avoided and
problems will be solved easily,
because this is one of the
important factors in connecting
with others.

There is an American linguist

named Martin Joos (1907-
1978) that defined the five (5)
types of communicative style.
These types are not exhaustive
but its aim is to describe the
main and most typical
communicative style of the
speaker of English language.
He defined purpose, audience,
topic and location as
differentiating factors that
affects the usage of these

In communicative styles, we
don’t only have its types, we
also have its structures. We
have two (2) structures in
communicative style; (1)
Formal and (2) Informal. I
know that you know and you
are familiar with these two.
Am I right?

Okay, good to know.

In formal structure it consists

the three types of
communicative styles; Static
Styles, Formal Style and
Consultative Style while the
informal structure has the
Casual Style and Intimate

Before proceeding, I have here

these words, sentences, place
and even a scenario. We will
categorize these as we are done
discussing each style.

Let us first define… It can also be the

DepEd’s Mission,
Static Style- this refers to a Vision and Core Values,
language or communication Ma’am.
that is static or intended to
remain unchanged. As it also
referred as “Frozen”, it is
frozen in time and content. Is National Anthem can
be also a Static Style,
eg., prayer, the Preamble of Ma’am?
the Philippines

Aside from the given example,

what do you think is also an
example of Static/Frozen

Yes, that’s correct. Thank you,

Anything else?

Of course, Ace. We should

respect the National Anthem When I heard the formal style, I
and its lyrics, so it should thought of the conversation that
remain unchanged. is professional, with respect and
uses honorifics po like
Mr.,Ma’am or Sir.
Next is Formal Style, question,
when you hear the word
formal style, what comes in
your mind?

Yes, thank you Ace. Your

answer is correct and it is
similar with our definition of
formal style…
Formal Style- it is a language
used in formal, and academic
setting. The register is used
with respectful, restrained and
uninterrupted communication
that is formal and impersonal
and with a proper usage of
words that suits its audience.

eg., Ceremonial Speech,

Business presentation

a. “Hello, Good morning.”
b. “How are you doing?”
c. “I hope everything is fine
with you.”
To show approval or
-That is terrific to hear!

Making Suggestions/ Giving

-Would you please allow me to
make suggestions?
To say goodbye or good
-Goodbye, Mrs. Pineda. I think thesis defense and
-Good night, Mr. Cruz. reporting is part of it, Ma’am.
Do you have an example of
Formal Style in mind? Because it is said from the
definition that it is used in
academic setting, that’s why I
Yes, Joan. It is also an think they are part of it.
example of formal style, and
why do you think so?

Definitely, activities in the

classroom or school that
requires formal language is a
formal style.

Next is consultative, from the

word consult or consultation. It
is one of the easy and
noticeable style in

Consultative Style- it is often

used in conversing with a
person with specialization and
knowledgeable of a certain
field. It is formal and
professional discourse, yet
slang may also be used in
respectful manner.

eg., doctor & patient, teacher

& student

Situation: A patient is
consulting a doctor.
Patient: Good morning, Dr.
Dr. Garcia: Hi, how have you
been feeling?
Patient: I have stomachache
and LBM since last night.
Dr. Garcia: What did you eat Yes, Ma’am.
Patient: I ate some “kwek-
kwek” and siomai with my
friends after the class.
Dr. Garcia: Likely, you ate
contaminated food. I am
prescribing some medicine to
control the diarrhea. . .
Patient: Thank you, Doc.

Are we clear with


Okay let’s proceed with casual

style. It’s the most common
one in a conversation.
Casual Style- an informal
communicative style used by
peers, acquaintances, family
and people with casual
relationships. It is the way you
think you want to talk with
others, wherein slang,
vulgarities, colloquial words
and contractions may use or
normal in the conversation.

eg., group mate, friends,


Classmate 1: Hey! What’s up?

You seem so very busy.
Classmate 2: Yes, I have to
finish some things up. It is usually happening inside
Classmate 1: Oh, I see.. Wanna the school po or even outside
come for a milktea at the your house whenever you are
canteen? with your friends or
Classmate 2: That’s acquaintances.
interesting! I wish I could but I
need to do this ASAP.
Classmate 1: Okay, just catch
up when you’re done!

Where do you think Casual

Style is also mostly

Yes, you are correct, Andrea.

It is used whenever you are
with the person you are already
connected or related.

Next is…
Intimate Style- it is said by
linguists that this style is
reserved for close family
members or intimate people. It
is often used by two people
and in private. Yes, Ma’am all clear.

eg., husband and wife, parent

and children

Husband: Hon, have you seen

my red cap?
Wife: Uhmm, I guess it is in
the closet.
Husband: Thanks, hon, I’ll
check it.
Wife: Okay, hon.

Put me Right!
Words, sentences, place or Correct Categorization
scenario will be presented to STATIC STYLE:
the students before introducing  Panatang Makabayan
the communicative style.  Wedding
These will be categorized
 Legal Documents
every after discussing each
List:  Inquiring in a job hiring
 Teacher and students’
Words and Phrases (shuffled): consultation
 Wedding  Ms. Gonzales and Atty.
 Organizational meeting Perez talking about
 Teacher and student divorce filing.
consultation FORMAL STYLE:
 Nope  Organizational meeting
 Love talks  Valedictory Address
 Deep talks with best
 State of the Nation
 Panatang Makabayan
 Legal Documents
 Valedictory Address  Hey, man!
 Inquiring in a job  Nope
hiring  Use of slang words
 Use of slang words  Deep talks with best
 Ms. Gonzales and Atty. friend
Perez talking about  Love talks
divorce filing  My love
 Hey, man!
 State of the Nation
G. Application Are we clear with types of
communicative styles?

Yes Ma’am.

Since you already know the

types of communicative styles,
we have here an activity. In
this activity, you just have to
identify the type of
communicative style used on 1. Static
the presented sentences. 2. Consultative
3. Formal
4. Casual
1.“My command is this: Love 5. Intimate
each other as I have loved 6. Consultative
you.” (Luke 6:31) -
7. Static
2.“Good morning, I’m Dr.
8. Intimate
Delos Reyes, how are you
feeling today?” 9. Casual
3.“Dear sir, The CEO would 10. Formal
like to request a meeting to
discuss the terms of the
4.“What’s up! It’s glad that
you came to visit!”
5.“Babe, I’m home!”
6.“Ma’am, how can I solve this
math problem?”
7.“I announced you Husband
and Wife. You may kiss the
8.“Hi bub. Are you hungry?”
9.“Hi Mitch! It was great to
see you here!”
10.“Good morning this is Mrs.
Dela Cruz. May I speak to
Atty. Guttierez?”

H. Generalization Before we proceeding with our

assessment, what is
communicative style again? It is how a person’s w or
manner in communicating with
And what are the types of
communicative styles?
Static style, formal style,
consultative style, casula style
Are we clear with today’s and intimate style

Yes Ma’am.

IV. Evaluation
Audio Listening

Various audio conversations with different scenarios will be played twice (2). The students are
tasked to identify the language register of the conversation and the possible relationship of the
speakers after listening to the audio. A student will be called or can be voluntarily answer.

Audio 1: College Graduation

Audio 2: Drugs and Medication
Audio 3: First Date
Audio 4: Job Interview
Audio 5: DepEd’s Mission and Vision

Audio 1: The two conversing in the audio are friends. The style used is Casual Style.
Audio 2: Doctor and Patient. Consultative Style
Audio 3: Father and Daughter. Intimate Style
Audio 4: Interviewee. Formal Style
Audio 5: Static Style

V. Assignment

Short Role-play
The class will be divided into four (4) groups. Each group will create a story they originally made
and will have to act the story they created. The story that will be made should contain various types
of communicative style. The story should be recorded for only 10 minutes and the submission is
until August 15,2022.

 Utilization of communicative styles- 60%
 Voice manner- 10%
 Presentation/Mastery- 30%

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