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Control Systems Questions and Answers – Standard Test

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Standard Test Signals”.

1. A feedback control systems has the inherent capability that its parameter can be
adjusted to alter both its transient and steady state responses.
a) True
b) False
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2. Transient response analysis is done for_________ systems.
a) Unstable
b) Stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Marginally stable
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Answer: b
Explanation: In case the system happens to be unstable, we need not proceed with its
transient response analysis.

3. The input signals to control systems are not known fully ahead of time, the
characteristics of control system which suddenly strain a control system are:
a) Sudden shock
b) Sudden change
c) Constant velocity and acceleration
d) All of the mentioned
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4. Standard test signals in control system are:

a) Impulse signal
b) Ramp signal
c) Unit step signal
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Standard test signals are impulse, ramp and unit step all of the above to
test the dynamic behavior of the control system.
5. The nature of transient response is revealed by ______________
a) Sine wave
b) Cos wave
c) Tan wave
d) Test signals
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Answer: d
Explanation: The nature is dependent on system poles not on the dynamic inputs.

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6. It is generally used to analyze the transient response to one of the standard test
a) True
b) False
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7. Step signal is the signal whose values is :
a) 1 for all values greater than zero
b) Indeterminate at zero
c) It is zero for time less than zero
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Step signal is the signal whose value varies from zero to level in zero time.

8. Ramp input :
a) Denotes constant velocity
b) Value increases linearly with time
c) It denotes constant velocity and varies linearly with time
d) It varies exponentially with time
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ramp signal denotes constant velocity and also basic definition states that
its value increases linearly with time.

9. A perfect impulse has one value at zero time instant but otherwise zero elsewhere.
a) True
b) False
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10. To find system’s response by means of convolution integral ____________ of the
system is used.
a) Sum
b) Difference
c) Exponential
d) Weighing
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Answer: d
Explanation: Impulse response of a system is the inverse Laplace transfer function of
its Laplace function.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Linear

Approximation of the Non-Linear System
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Linear Approximation of the Nonlinear System”.

1. Due to which of the following reasons excessive band width in control systems
should be avoided?
a) It leads to slow speed of response
b) It leads to low relative stability
c) Noise is proportional to bandwidth
d) Presence of feedback
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Answer: c
Explanation: Excessive Bandwidth causes increases in the noise with the same
proportion as the bandwidth and hence noise is not good for any signal therefore the
excessive bandwidth is not desirable.

2. In a stable control system backlash can cause which of the following?

a) Underdamping
b) Overdamping
c) Poor stability at reduced values of open loop gain
d) Low-level oscillations
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Answer: d
Explanation: In stable control systems backlash is the form of the error which may
cause low level of the oscillations and hence can be useful sometimes as it increases
the damping.
3. In an automatic control system which of the following elements is not used?
a) Error detector
b) Final control element
c) Sensor
d) Oscillator
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Answer: d
Explanation: In an automatic control system oscillator is not used because the oscillator
increases the oscillations but our aim is to reduce the oscillations and hence oscillator
is not used.

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4. In a control system the output of the controller is given to

a) Final control element
b) Amplifier
c) Comparator
d) Sensor
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Answer: a
Explanation: In control system the output of the controller is given to the final control
element it may be the plant or any other controller which-ever is used in the control

5. A controller, essentially, is a
a) Sensor
b) Clipper
c) Comparator
d) Amplifier
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Answer: c
Explanation: A controller is essentially the comparator which compares the given input
with the reference input and generates the error signal.

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6. Which of the following is the input to a controller?

a) Servo signal
b) Desired variable value
c) Error signal
d) Sensed signal
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Answer: c
Explanation: Error signal is the input to the controller and it causes the output to be the
desired output.

7. The on-off controller is a _____ system.

a) Digital
b) Linear
c) Non-linear
d) Discontinuous
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Answer: d
Explanation: The on-off controller is discontinuous at the point when the system
changes its state from on to off.

8. The capacitance, in force-current analogy, is analogous to

a) Momentum
b) Velocity
c) Displacement
d) Mass
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Answer: d
Explanation: The capacitance in the force current is analogous to the mass and this
analogy is also called parallel analogy as mostly all the elements are parallel.

9. The temperature, under thermal and electrical system analogy, is considered

analogous to
a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Capacitance
d) Charge
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Answer: a
Explanation: The temperature under thermal and electrical system analogy is
considered analogous to the voltage and is similar to the Force voltage analogy.

10. In electrical-pneumatic system analogy the current is considered analogous to

a) Velocity
b) Pressure
c) Air flow
d) Air flow rate
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Answer: d
Explanation: In electrical-pneumatic system analogy the current is analogous to the air-
flow rate.

11. The use of feedback element in the feedback loop is:

a) It converts the output variable ‘c’ to another suitable feedback variable ‘b’ to compare
with the input command signal.
b) It is the actuating element
c) To increase the stability
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The feedback can be positive and negative and so applied is to produce
the error signal so as to get the desired output.

12. The major components of a controller are:

a) Control element
b) Error detector and control element
c) Feedback element
d) Error detector and feedback element
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Answer: b
Explanation: Controller is the extra block used in the system to get the desired
characteristics and consists of two major components as the error detector and control
element in the forward path.

13. Practically all the elements are:

a) Linear
b) Non-linear
c) Exponential
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: It is not practically possible to achieve linear elements as there is some
error present so practically all the elements present are non-linear but can be made
linear only to some extent.

14. The need of assuming non-linear element as linear:

a) Simplicity of analysis and accuracy of results
b) Ease of calculations
c) Less time consuming
d) Mathematical tool available
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Answer: d
Explanation: All the mathematical tools are available as per ideal cases so it is
necessary to make assumptions for non-ideal to be nearly ideal and hence do the
necessary calculations as needed.

15. A non-linear element can be treated as the linear element.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is possible to make non-linear elements linear to make necessary
calculations as practically non-linear elements are present and we make certain
assumptions to make them linear.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Controller

Components – I
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Controller Components – I”.

1. Low power transducers called sensors prefer:

a) Linear relationship between controlled variable and output variable
b) Non-functional relationship between controlled variable and output variable
c) Non-linear relationship between controlled variable and output variable
d) Not related with each other
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sensors are different from transducers as in transducers the energy is
converted from one form to another while in sensors only the energy is sensed not
converted and it is possible to get the accurate results in less time.

2. The chief advantage offered by the electronics is:

a) Differencing and stable amplification by Op-Amp
b) Stable amplification of power level by use of power transistor and SCR’s
c) Differencing and stable amplification of power level by Op-Amp
d) No amplification with the Op-Amp
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Answer: c
Explanation: Advantage of electronics is that every type of energy is converted into
measurable and storage energy and electronically differencing to get the error signal
and its amplifier.

3. Which of the motions in actuators are preferred:

a) Translator
b) Rotary
c) Stationary
d) Non-Stationary
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Answer: b
Explanation: An actuator in a control systems perform variety of task in hydraulic,
pneumatic and electrical system but majorly they are all controlling rotary motions.

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4. Assertion (A): Electric actuators are used control system for high torque applications.
Reason (R): Due to linear speed-Torque characteristics.
a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
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5. Low power DC and AC motors are also known as _________
a) Servomotors
b) Tachogenerators
c) A.C. generators
d) D.C. generators
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Answer: a
Explanation: Electric actuators are of two kinds’ ac and dc motors and with low power
rating they are called RC(Radio Control) servomotors.

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6. The torque developed by the motor when stationary with the full applied
a) Stalled torque
b) Torque
c) Force
d) Couple
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Answer: a
Explanation: Stalled torque is the torque produced by a mechanical device whose
output rotational speed is zero. It may also mean the torque load that causes the
output rotational speed of a device to become zero when full voltage is applied.

7. High torque/inertia ratio means:

a) Stalled torque
b) Stalled inertia
c) Stalled toque/inertia ratio
d) Lower motor time constant
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Answer: d
Explanation: High torque/inertia ratio means the ratio of torque to the inertia should
be high.For higher torque the inertia must be very low and this indicates lower time
constant as it leads to dynamic response.

8. Electric actuators for stepped motion are known as stepper motor.

a) True
b) False
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9. DC motors can be modeled as:
a) Armature controlled
b) Field Controlled
c) Both a and b
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: DC motors are the motors that work on the direct current and
commutators. Those are replaced by slip rings and can be classified based on the
construction as armature controlled or field controlled.

10. Assertion (A): Pneumatic actuators are not as messy as hydraulic ones.
Reason (R): Pneumatic suffer from leakages and inherent inaccuracies.
a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
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11. DC motors are constructed using:
a) Permanent Magnet
b) Electromagnet
c) Magnets are not used
d) Permanent Magnet and Electromagnet
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Answer: d
Explanation: For construction of a dc motor , it is essential to establish a magnetic field.
The magnetic field is established by using a magnet. You can use different types of
magnets – it may be an electromagnet or it can be a permanent magnet.

12. Permanent magnets used for DC motors because of:

a) High residual flux density
b) High coercivity
c) High residual flux density and High coercivity
d) Retentivity
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Answer: c
Explanation: Permanent magnets are hard magnets with the area of B-H curve more
and they are less used at core of the magnet and are used for DC servomotors as they
have high residual flux density and high coercivity.

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Control Systems Questions and Answers – Stepper Motors

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Stepper Motors”.

1. A variable reluctance stepper motor is constructed of ______________ material with

salient poles.
a) Paramagnetic
b) Ferromagnetic
c) Diamagnetic
d) Non-magnetic
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ferromagnetic material has the property of least reluctance.
Whenever a ferromagnetic material is placed under the influence of the magnetic field,
then the magnetic field lines completely pass through the material. No magnetic flux
passes through the air.The reason is air has high reluctance as compared to the
reluctance of ferromagnetic material. So salient poles with ferromagnetic material is
used for construction of a variable reluctance stepper motor.

2. In a three-stack 12/8-pole VR motor, the rotor pole pitch is

a) 15º
b) 30º
c) 45º
d) 60º
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Answer: c
Explanation: Pole pitch is equal to total numbers of armature slots divided by total
numbers of poles, we alternatively refer to it as armature slots per pole.
Otherwise, Pole pitch in mechanical degrees = 360 °/ no.of rotor poles
Here no.of rotor poles = 8
Therefore, pole pitch in mechanical degrees = 360°/8 = 45°

3. A stepper motor having a resolution of 300 steps/rev and running at 2400 rpm has a
pulse rate of- pps.
a) 4000
b) 8000
c) 6000
d) 10,000
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Answer: c
Explanation: Steps per second is mathematically given as SPS = (Rpm/60)*(number of
steps per minute) = (2400/60)*300 = 12000
Pulse per second = steps per second /2 = 12000/2 = 6000.

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4. If a hybrid stepper motor has a rotor pitch of 36º and a step angle of 9º, the number
of its phases must be
a) 4
b) 2
c) 3
d) 6
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5. The rotor of a stepper motor has no
a) Windings
b) Commutator
c) Brushes
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: A stepper motor has a cylindrical permanent magnet rotor. Thus it does
not contain windings, commutator or brushes mounted on it.

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6. A stepping motor is a ____________ device.

a) Mechanical
b) Electrical
c) Analogue
d) Incremental
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Answer: d
Explanation: A stepping motor is a motor in which the motion is in the form of steps
and is an incremental device in which as the time increases the steps are increased.

7. The rotational speed of a given stepper motor is determined solely by the

a) Shaft load
b) Step pulse frequency
c) Polarity of stator current
d) Magnitude of stator current.
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Answer: b
Explanation: The stator part of a motor is the stationary part of the motor and
rotational speed of a given stepper motor is given by the step pulse frequency.

8. Which of the following phase switching sequence represents half-step operation of a

VR stepper motor ?
a) A, B, C,A……..
b) A, C, B,A…….
c) AB, BC, CA, AB……..
d) A, AB, B, BC……..
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9. A stepper motor may be considered as a ____________ converter.
a) Dc to dc
b) Ac to ac
c) Dc to ac
d) Digital-to-analogue
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Answer: d
Explanation: A stepper motor is a motor in which the motion is in steps and it is an
increemental device and may be considered as a digital to analog converter.

10. What is the step angle of a permanent-magnet stepper motor having 8 stator poles
and 4 rotor poles?
a) 60º
b) 45º
c) 30º
d) 15º
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Answer: b
Explanation: Step angle is defined as [(Ns-Nr)/(Ns*Nr)]*360 where Ns is the number of
stator poles and Nr is the number of rotor poles.
Step angle = [(Ns-Nr)/(Ns*Nr)]*360
= [(8-4)/(8*4)]*360
Step angle = 45º

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Hydraulic

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Hydraulic Systems”.

1. Heavy lifting work is often accomplished by shifting fluids in big machines. The
power system of such machines can be described as
a) Reciprocating
b) Pneumatic
c) Hydraulic
d) Hybrid
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Answer: c
Explanation: The power system of heavy and big machines can be described by
hydraulic systems and heavy lifting work is often accomplished by shifting fluids in big

2. The scientific principle that makes hydraulic systems possible is

a) Pascal’s principle
b) Boyle’s law
c) Bernoulli’s principle
d) The fluid flow principle
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pascal’s law says that pressure applied to an enclosed fluid will be
transmitted without a change in magnitude to every point of the fluid and to the walls
of the container. The pressure at any point in the fluid is equal in all directions.

3. Pneumatic and other power systems can support three kinds of motion; they are
a) Linear, reciprocating, and random motion
b) Linear, flowing, and rotary motion
c) Linear, zigzag, and spiral motion
d) Linear, reciprocating, and rotary motion
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Answer: d
Explanation: Pneumatic systems are the systems that control the process where the
motion is in air and can support linear, reciprocating, and rotary motion.

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4. A single acting cylinder can be pressurized externally from one direction only.
a) True
b) False
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5. A one-way valve that lets air into the reservoir of a compressor, but doesn’t let it out,
is a
a) Check valve
b) Receiver valve
c) Control valve
d) Three way valve
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Answer: a
Explanation: Check valve is a one-way valve that lets air into the reservoir of a
compressor, but doesn’t let it out as the name indicates it allows air to enter as it has
one entrance.

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6. Series circuits work on both hydraulic and pneumatic actuators.

a) True
b) False
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7. 5/2 way single solenoid valve has:
a) 2 ports 2 positions
b) 5 ports 2 positions
c) 5 ports 5 positions
d) 2 ports 5 positions
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Answer: b
Explanation:5/2 way single solenoid valve is the valve in which the valve is in the shape
of solenoid has 5 ports equally spaced and 2 flow positions.

8. The ____________________ converts the compressed air energy into mechanical energy
in the form of linear movement in one direction only.
a) Piston cylinders
b) Double acting cylinders
c) Single acting cylinders
d) Hydraulic pumps
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Answer: c
Explanation:Single acting cylinders converts the compressed air energy into mechanical
energy in the form of linear movement in one direction only.

9. A _____________ restricts air flow.

a) Throttle valve
b) Shuttle valve
c) Directional control valve
d) Single acting cylinder
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Answer: a
Explanation: Throttle valves are part of the category of flow control valves. They restrict
the flow of the compressed air in the flow direction. A throttle valve is used to regulate
volumetric flow rates.

10. When the piston area of the cylinder is connected to the atmosphere, the piston of
the single-acting cylinder is pressed by the spring to the ________________
a) Cylinder center
b) Cylinder down
c) Cylinder bottom
d) Cylinder upper
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Answer: a
Explanation: Piston is the part in the cylinder that is used to create the pressure
difference and in case of single-acting cylinder it is pressed by the spring to the cylinder

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Pneumatic

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Pneumatic Systems”.

1. Fluid power circuits use schematic drawings to:

a) Simplify component function details
b) Make it so only trained persons can understand the functions
c) Make the drawing look impressive
d) Make untrained person to understand
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Answer: a
Explanation: Blueprint of any structure is the model that replicates the functions of the
original model makes the functional details easy to understand.

2. A pneumatic symbol is:

a) Different from a hydraulic symbol used for the same function
b) The same as a hydraulic symbol used for the same function
c) Not to be compared to a hydraulic symbol used for the same function
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The representation for hydraulic and pneumatic systems are different and
for creating the easy readability and symbols for both used for the same function.

3. Pneumatic systems usually do not exceed:

a) 1 hp
b) 1 to 2 hp
c) 2 to 3 hp
d) 4 to 5 hp
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pneumatic system are the systems in which the control action is mainly
controlling the flow of air and mostly do not exceed 1 hp where hp is the horse power
unit of power.

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4. Most hydraulic circuits:

a) Operate from a central hydraulic power unit
b) Use air-over-oil power units
c) Have a dedicated power unit
d) Does not have dedicated power unit
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hydraulic circuits are the circuits where the operation involves conversion
of the hydel power into the electrical energy so that it can be stored and used and
these operate from a central hydraulic power unit.

5. Hydraulic and pneumatic circuits:

a) Perform the same way for all functions
b) Perform differently for all functions
c) Perform the same with some exceptions
d) Does not perform all the functions
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Answer: c
Explanation: Both circuits hydraulic and pneumatic are similar in functionalities and
complexities but pneumatic are preferred over hydraulic as pneumatic systems are

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Engineering MCQs
6. The lubricator in a pneumatic circuit is the:
a) First element in line
b) Second element in line
c) Last element in line
d) Third element in line
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Answer: c
Explanation: The lubricator is the fluid that is used to lubricate the parts of the
pneumatic circuits to reduce the friction and lubricator in a pneumatic circuit is the last

7. Series circuits work on both hydraulic and pneumatic actuators.

a) True
b) False
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8. When comparing first cost of hydraulic systems to pneumatic systems, generally they
a) More expensive to purchase
b) Less expensive to purchase
c) Cost is same
d) Cost is not required
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Answer: b
Explanation: Operating cost that is the cost of the operating or using it practically in
daily life and operating cost of hydraulic systems to pneumatic systems is less.

9. When comparing operating cost of hydraulic systems to pneumatic systems,

generally they are.
a) More expensive to operate
b) Less expensive to operate
c) Cost is same to operate
d) Cost is not required
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Answer: b
Explanation: Operating cost that is the cost of the operating or using it practically in
daily life and operating cost of hydraulic systems to pneumatic systems is less.

10. The most common hydraulic fluid is:

a) Mineral oil
b) Synthetic fluid
c) Water
d) Gel
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Answer: c
Explanation: Water is chemically inert and it is abundant. Hydraulic fluid is the fluid that
is causing conversion process and used in control action which is chemically inert and
readily available.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Control Systems.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Classification of

Control Systems
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Classification of Control Systems”.

1. What is the algebraic sum of the reference input and feedback?

a) Error Signal
b) Error Detector
c) Controlled system
d) Controlled output
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the block diagram of a basic control system we see that the reference
input is passed through Error detector or Comparator. The signal which leaves the
same is the algebraic sum of reference input and feedback as the feedback wire is
connected to the detector, so we call it error signal.

2. Feedback control systems are referred to as closed loop systems.

a) True
b) False
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3. Which principle does the linear system follow?
a) Principle of energy conservation
b) Principle of mass conservation
c) Principle of electromagnetism
d) Principle of superposition
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Answer: d
Explanation: A linear system is one who obeys the principle of superposition. The
principle of superposition states that the response produced by simultaneous
application of two different forcing functions is equal to the sum of individual

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4. ______ control systems have unpredictable & non-repeatable.

a) Static
b) Dynamic
c) Deterministic
d) Stochastic
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Answer: d
Explanation: Stochastic control systems are those who have unpredictable and non-
repeatable response due to involvement of random parameters. Static systems is the
system whose current output depends only on current input, dynamic system is a time
dependent system and deterministic system’s response is predictable and repeatable.

5. The pressure inside the furnace is measured by _______

a) Gauge
b) Thermometer
c) Manometer
d) Barometer
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Answer: a
Explanation: The pressure inside the furnace is measured by pressure gauge. In case
the pressure increases or decreases beyond the desired value, the controller and the
actuator will cause a change in the position of the damper.

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6. On what difference does the pneumatic system works?
a) Speed
b) Pressure
c) Area
d) Length
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Answer: b
Explanation: A pneumatic system works due to pressure difference of air or any other
gas. Air at a pressure, pi is injected through the input manifold. It also consists of mass,
coefficient of viscous friction and spring constant and the pressure difference created
due to that, gives rise to pneumatic system.

7. In a thermal system, the temperature of the medium is ______

a) increasing
b) decreasing
c) zero
d) uniform
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Answer: d
Explanation: To analyze a thermal system and determine its transfer function the
temperature of the medium should be uniform. If the temperature is varying or zero
the analysis will not be proper and a legitimate transfer function will not be the result.

8. How many parameters does process control refer to?

a) 1
b) 3
c) 5
d) 7
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9. What is the effect of feedback in the overall gain of the system?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Zero
d) No change
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Answer: b
Explanation: The feedback reduces the overall gain of the system. As soon as we
introduce feedback in the system to make the system stable, gain is reduced.

10. In a temperature control system, what conversion in signal takes place?

a) Digital to Analog
b) Analog to Digital
c) Error to Digital
d) Error to Analog
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Answer: b
Explanation: In a temperature control system, analog to digital conversion of signals
take place. Automatic systems don’t understand analog signals as they only take digital
inputs in the form of 0 & 1 so we use a analog to digital converter which converts the

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Control Systems Questions and Answers – Standard Test

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Standard Test Signals”.

1. A feedback control systems has the inherent capability that its parameter can be
adjusted to alter both its transient and steady state responses.
a) True
b) False
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2. Transient response analysis is done for_________ systems.
a) Unstable
b) Stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Marginally stable
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Answer: b
Explanation: In case the system happens to be unstable, we need not proceed with its
transient response analysis.

3. The input signals to control systems are not known fully ahead of time, the
characteristics of control system which suddenly strain a control system are:
a) Sudden shock
b) Sudden change
c) Constant velocity and acceleration
d) All of the mentioned
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4. Standard test signals in control system are:

a) Impulse signal
b) Ramp signal
c) Unit step signal
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Standard test signals are impulse, ramp and unit step all of the above to
test the dynamic behavior of the control system.

5. The nature of transient response is revealed by ______________

a) Sine wave
b) Cos wave
c) Tan wave
d) Test signals
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Answer: d
Explanation: The nature is dependent on system poles not on the dynamic inputs.

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6. It is generally used to analyze the transient response to one of the standard test
a) True
b) False
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7. Step signal is the signal whose values is :
a) 1 for all values greater than zero
b) Indeterminate at zero
c) It is zero for time less than zero
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Step signal is the signal whose value varies from zero to level in zero time.
8. Ramp input :
a) Denotes constant velocity
b) Value increases linearly with time
c) It denotes constant velocity and varies linearly with time
d) It varies exponentially with time
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ramp signal denotes constant velocity and also basic definition states that
its value increases linearly with time.

9. A perfect impulse has one value at zero time instant but otherwise zero elsewhere.
a) True
b) False
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10. To find system’s response by means of convolution integral ____________ of the
system is used.
a) Sum
b) Difference
c) Exponential
d) Weighing
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Answer: d
Explanation: Impulse response of a system is the inverse Laplace transfer function of
its Laplace function.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Time Response of

First Order Systems
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Time Response of First Order Systems”.

1. First order system is defined as :

a) Number of poles at origin
b) Order of the differential equation
c) Total number of poles of equation
d) Total number of poles and order of equation
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Answer: d
Explanation: First order system is defined by total number of poles and also which is
same as the order of differential equation.

2. A unit step is applied at t=0 to a first order system without time delay. The response
has the value of 1.264 units at t=10 mins, and 2 units at steady state. The transfer
function of the system is_____________
a) 3/(1+600s)
b) 2/(1+500s)
c) 5/(1+220s)
d) 2/(1+600s)
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Answer: d
Explanation: a(t)= k[1-e^-t/T] Where K=2 and a(t) = 1.264
Substitute these values in above equation
0.632= 1-e^-10/T then We get T=600 sec.
Transfer function G(s)=K/(1+Ts), T=600 sec

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3. The transfer function of the system is G(s) =100/(s+1) (s+100). For a unit step input to
the system the approximate settling time for 2% criterion is:
a) 100 sec
b) 4 sec
c) 1 sec
d) 0.01 sec
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Answer: b
Explanation: G(s) =100/(s+1) (s+100)
Taking the dominant pole consideration,
S=-100 pole is not taken.
G(s)= 100/s+1
Now it is first order system, ts=4T=4 sec.

4. If a first order system and its time response to a unit step are as shown below, the
gain K is :
a) 0.25
b) 0.8
c) 1
d) 4
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Answer: d
Explanation: Y(s)/R(s)=K/1+sT+K
By, use of partial fraction, K/T/s+(K+1/T)
Taking inverse Laplace transform on both the sides
Y(t)=K/K+1[1-e^(K+1/T)t] K=4

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5. The unit impulse response of a system having transfer function K/(s+a) is shown
below. The value of a is :

a) t1
b) t2
c) 1/t1
d) 1/t2
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Answer: d
Explanation: G(s) = K/s+a
C(s) =K/(s+a) Since R(s) =1
C(t) =Ke^-at
C(t) =0.37K
T= t2=1/a.

6. A system with transfer function 1/Ts+1, subjected to a step input takes to seconds to
reach 50% of step height. The value of t is :
a) 6.9s
b) 10s
c) 14.4s
d) 20s
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Answer: c
Explanation: The response of a first order system is:
A(t)=a[1-e^-t/T] ½= 1-e^-10/t
T= 14.43 sec.

7.A first order system and its response to a unit step input are shown in figure below.
The system parameters are____________
a) a=5 and k=12
b) a=10 and k=5
c) a=5 and k=10
d) a=8 and k=9
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Answer: c
Explanation: time constant=0.2 sec.
final value=lims→0 sC(s) =K/a

8. Assertion (A): It is observed that step function is first derivative of a ramp function
and impulse function is first derivative of a step function.
Reason (R): From the derived time response expression it is concluded that the output
time response also follows the same sequence as that of input functions.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) Both A is True but R is false
d) Both A is False but R is true
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9. Laplace transform of unit impulse signal is :
a) A/s
b) A
c) 1
d) 1/s
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Answer: c
Explanation: Laplace response of impulse signal is one which implies Laplace response
is systems response.

10. Time response during steady state the output velocity matches with the input
velocity but lags behind the input by T.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In first order systems the time response during steady state the output
velocity matches with input velocity but lags behind the input by T.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Time Response of

Second Order Systems – I
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Time Response of Second Order Systems – I”.

1. Which of the following transfer function will have the greatest maximum overshoot?
a) 9/(s2+2s+9)
b) 16/(s2+2s+16)
c) 25/(s2+2s+25)
d) 36/(s2+2s+36)
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Answer: d
Explanation: Comparing the characteristic equation with the standard equation the
value of the damping factor is calculated and the value for the option d is minimum
hence the system will have the maximum overshoot .
2. A system generated by   The ramp component in the forced
response will be:
a) t u(t)
b) 2t u(t)
c) 3t u(t)
d) 4t u(t)
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Answer: b

Laplace transforming
sY(s) + 2Y(s)=4/s2
Taking the inverse Laplace transform the forced term is 2t u(t).

3. The system in originally critically damped if the gain is doubled the system will be :
a) Remains same
b) Overdamped
c) Under damped
d) Undamped
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Answer: c

From question g1 = 1, k1 = x ,k2 = 2x then we need to find g2 .
By substituting all these values the g2 values would lies between 0 and 1.

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4. Let c(t) be the unit step response of a system with transfer function K(s+a)/(s+K). If
c(0+) = 2 and c(∞) = 10, then the values of a and K are respectively.
a) 2 and 10
b) -2 and 10
c) 10 and 2
d) 2 and -10
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5. The damping ratio and peak overshoot are measures of:
a) Relative stability
b) Speed of response
c) Steady state error
d) Absolute stability
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Answer: b
Explanation: Speed of response is the speed at which the response takes the final value
and this is determined by damping factor which reduces the oscillations and peak
overshoot as the peak is less then the speed of response will be more.

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Engineering Books

6. Find the type and order of the system given below:

a) 2,3
b) 2,2
c) 3,3
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Type = 2 which is the number of poles at the origin and order is the
highest power of the characteristic equation.

7. A system has a complex conjugate root pair of multiplicity two or more in its
characteristic equation. The impulse response of the system will be:
a) A sinusoidal oscillation which decays exponentially; the system is therefore stable
b) A sinusoidal oscillation with a time multiplier ; the system is therefore unstable
c) A sinusoidal oscillation which rises exponentially ; the system is therefore unstable
d) A dc term harmonic oscillation the system therefore becomes limiting stable
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Answer: c
Explanation: Poles are the roots of the denominator of the transfer function and on
imaginary axis makes the system stable but multiple poles makes the system unstable.

8. The forward path transfer function is given by G(s) = 2/s(s+3). Obtain an expression
for unit step response of the system.
a) 1+2e-t+e-2t
b) 1+e-t-2e-2t
c) 1-e-t+2e-2t
d) 1-2e-t+e+2t
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Answer: d
Explanation: C(s)/R(s) = s/(s2+3s+2)
C(s) = 1/s-2/s+1+1/s+2
c(t) = 1-2e-t+e+2t.

9. Find the initial and final values of the following function:

F(s) = 12(s+1)/s(s+2)^2(s+3)
a) 1,∞
b) 0,∞
c) ∞,1
d) 0,1
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Answer: d
Explanation: Using final and initial values theorem directly to find initial and final values
but keeping in mind that final value theorem is applicable for stable systems only.

10. The step response of the system is c(t) = 10+8e -t-4/8e-2t . The gain in time constant
form of transfer function will be:
a) -7
b) 7
c) 7.5
d) -7.5
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Answer: d
Explanation: Differentiating the equation and getting the impulse response and then
taking the inverse Laplace transform and converting the form into time constant form
we get K = -7.5.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Time Response of

Second Order Systems – II
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This set of Control Systems Questions and Answers for Experienced people focuses on
” Time Response of Second Order Systems – II”.

1. What will be the nature of time response if the roots of the characteristic equation
are located on the s-plane imaginary axis?
a) Oscillations
b) Damped oscillations
c) No oscillations
d) Under damped oscilaations
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Answer: c
Explanation: Roots of characteristic equation are located on s-plane imaginary axis
then system is Marginally stable system.
Marginally stable system:
 A linear time invariant system is said to be critically or marginally stable
if for a bounded input its output oscillates at constant frequency and
 Such oscillation of output is called undamped or sustained oscillations.
For such a system,one or more pairs of non-repeated roots are located
on the imaginary axis.
 Complex conjugate (non-multiple): oscillatory (sustained oscillations)
 Complex conjugate (multiple): unstable (growing oscillations).

2. Consider a system with transfer function G(s) = s+6/Ks 2+s+6. Its damping ratio will be
0.5 when the values of k is:
a) 2/6
b) 3
c) 1/6
d) 6
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Answer: c
Explanation: s+6/K[s2+s/K+6/K] Comparing with s2+2Gw+w2
w= √6/K
2*0.5*√6/K =1/K

3. The output in response to a unit step input for a particular continuous control
system is c(t)= 1-e-t. What is the delay time Td?
a) 0.36
b) 0.18
c) 0.693
d) 0.289
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Answer: c
Explanation: The output is given as a function of time. The final value of the output is
limn->∞c(t)=1; . Hence Td (at 50% of the final value) is the solution of 0.5=1-e -Td, and is
equal to ln 2 or 0.693 sec.

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4. Which one of the following is the most likely reason for large overshoot in a control
a) High gain in a system
b) Presence of dead time delay in a system
c) High positive correcting torque
d) High retarding torque
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Answer: c
Explanation: Large overshoot refers to the maximum peak in the response of the
closed loop system and this is mainly due to the high positive correcting torque.

5. For the system 2/s+1, the approximate time taken for a step response to reach 98%
of its final value is:
a) 1s
b) 2s
c) 4s
d) 8s
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Answer: c
Explanation: C(s)/R(s) = 2/s+1
R(s) = 1/s (step input)
C(s) = 2/s(s+1)
c(t) = 2[1-e-t] 1.96 = 2[1-e-T] T= 4sec.

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6. The unit step response of a second order system is = 1-e -5t-5te-5t . Consider the
following statements:
1. The under damped natural frequency is 5 rad/s.
2. The damping ratio is 1.
3. The impulse response is 25te-5t.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
a) Only 1 and 2
b) Only 2 and 3
c) Only 1 and 3
d) 1,2 and 3
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Answer: d
Explanation: C(s) = 1/s-1/s+5-5/(s+5)^2
C(s) = 25/s(s2+10s+25)
R(s) = 1/s
G(s) = 25/(s2+10s+25 )
w= √25
w = 5 rad/sec
G = 1.

7. The loop transfer function of controller Gc(s) is :

a) 1+0.1s/s
b) -1+0.1s/s
c) –s/s+1
d) s/s+1
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Answer: a
Explanation: The transfer function of the controller is 0.1s+1/s
Gc(s) = 0.1s+1/s.

8. The peak percentage overshoot of the closed loop system is :

a) 5.0%
b) 10.0%
c) 16.3%
d) 1.63%
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Answer: c
Explanation: C(s)/R(s) = 1/s2+s+1
C(s)/R(s) = w/ws2+2Gws+w2
Compare both the equations,
w = 1 rad/sec
2Gw = 1
Mp = 16.3 %

9. Consider a second order all-pole transfer function model, if the desired settling
time(5%) is 0.60 sec and the desired damping ratio 0.707, where should the poles be
located in s-plane?
a) -5+j4√2
b) -5+j5
c) -4+j5√2
d) -4+j7
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Answer: b
Explanation: G = 1/√2
Gw = 5
s = -5+j5.
10. Which of the following quantities give a measure of the transient characteristics of a
control system, when subjected to unit step excitation.
1. Maximum overshoot
2. Maximum undershoot
3. Overall gain
4. Delay time
5. Rise time
6. Fall time
a) 1,3 and 5
b) 2, 4 and 5
c) 2,4 and 6
d) 1,4 and 5
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Answer: d
Explanation: Maximum overshoot, rise time and delay time are the major factor of the
transient behaviour of the system and determines the transient characteristics.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Time Response of

Second Order Systems – IV
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This set of Control Systems test focuses on “Time Response of Second Order Systems –

1. The standard second order system to a unit step input shows the 0.36 as the first
peak undershoot, hence its second overshoot is:
a) 0.135
b) 0.216
c) 0.1296
d) 0.116
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Answer: b
Explanation: Overshoot and undershoot are calculated from the formula of peak time
as odd peaks denote the overshoot and even denotes the under shoot.

2. Consider the input with the inputs 4 u(t) and the impulse response 5 +7 , the time
constants of the output are,
a) 0.2, 0.33 and 0.5
b) 4.5 and 7
c) 0.2, 0.4 and 0.7
d) 0.2, 0.1 and 0.25
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3. In a second order feedback control system natural frequency and damping
a) Can be designed by changing the gain of the individual system
b) Cannot be designed by changing the gain of the individual system
c) Are independent on the type of input excitation
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Natural frequency and damping of second order feedback control systems
can be designed by changing the gain of the individual system.

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4. Undamped natural frequency of a second order system has the following influence
on the response due to various excitations:
a) Increase in speed of response and decrease sensitivity
b) Decrease in speed of response and increase sensitivity
c) Has no influence in the dynamic response
d) Increase oscillatory behavior
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Answer: a
Explanation: Undamped natural frequency is the frequency that has suffered damping
and gets affected by the increase in the speed of response and decrease in sensitivity.

5. Normalized response of a dynamic system refers to:

a) Characteristic feature of a response due to specific excitation irrespective of its
b) Response of dynamic system divided by its maximum value
c) Response of dynamic system divided by a standard value
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Normalization refers to the desired to the reference value and normalized
response of the dynamic system refers to the characteristic feature of a response due
to specific excitation irrespective of its amplitude.

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6. The transfer function of a system is G(s) = 100/(s+1) (s+100). For a unit step input to
the system the approximate settling time for 2% criterion is:
a) 100 sec
b) 4 sec
c) 1 sec
d) 0.01 sec
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Answer: b
Explanation: Comparing the equation with the characteristic equation and then finding
the value of G and w and calculating the value of settling time as 4 sec from 4/Gw.

7. The characteristic equation of a control system is s(s 2+ 6s+13)+K=0. The value of k

such that the characteristic equation has a pair of complex roots with real part -1 will
be :
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40
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8. Normalized difference between the time response peak and steady state output is
a) Maximum peak overshoot
b) Damping factor
c) Minimum peak overshoot
d) Undershoot
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Answer: a
Explanation: Maximum peak overshoot is the normalized difference between the time
response peak and steady state output.

9. Rise time, Peak time, maximum peak overshoot, settling time, and steady state error
are mutually dependent.
a) True
b) False
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10. Control system are normally designed to be:
a) Overdamped
b) Under damped
c) Un damped
d) Critically damped
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Answer: b
Explanation: Practically there are some non-linearity present in the system as friction
but in mathematical models these are considered by considering high gain and lower
damping. Due to this reason generally control system, are normally designed to be
under damped.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Time Response of

Second Order Systems – II
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This set of Control Systems Questions and Answers for Experienced people focuses on
” Time Response of Second Order Systems – II”.

1. What will be the nature of time response if the roots of the characteristic equation
are located on the s-plane imaginary axis?
a) Oscillations
b) Damped oscillations
c) No oscillations
d) Under damped oscilaations
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Answer: c
Explanation: Roots of characteristic equation are located on s-plane imaginary axis
then system is Marginally stable system.
Marginally stable system:
 A linear time invariant system is said to be critically or marginally stable
if for a bounded input its output oscillates at constant frequency and
 Such oscillation of output is called undamped or sustained oscillations.
For such a system,one or more pairs of non-repeated roots are located
on the imaginary axis.
 Complex conjugate (non-multiple): oscillatory (sustained oscillations)
 Complex conjugate (multiple): unstable (growing oscillations).

2. Consider a system with transfer function G(s) = s+6/Ks 2+s+6. Its damping ratio will be
0.5 when the values of k is:
a) 2/6
b) 3
c) 1/6
d) 6
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Answer: c
Explanation: s+6/K[s2+s/K+6/K] Comparing with s2+2Gw+w2
w= √6/K
2*0.5*√6/K =1/K

3. The output in response to a unit step input for a particular continuous control
system is c(t)= 1-e-t. What is the delay time Td?
a) 0.36
b) 0.18
c) 0.693
d) 0.289
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Answer: c
Explanation: The output is given as a function of time. The final value of the output is
limn->∞c(t)=1; . Hence Td (at 50% of the final value) is the solution of 0.5=1-e -Td, and is
equal to ln 2 or 0.693 sec.

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4. Which one of the following is the most likely reason for large overshoot in a control
a) High gain in a system
b) Presence of dead time delay in a system
c) High positive correcting torque
d) High retarding torque
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Answer: c
Explanation: Large overshoot refers to the maximum peak in the response of the
closed loop system and this is mainly due to the high positive correcting torque.

5. For the system 2/s+1, the approximate time taken for a step response to reach 98%
of its final value is:
a) 1s
b) 2s
c) 4s
d) 8s
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6. The unit step response of a second order system is = 1-e -5t-5te-5t . Consider the
following statements:
1. The under damped natural frequency is 5 rad/s.
2. The damping ratio is 1.
3. The impulse response is 25te-5t.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
a) Only 1 and 2
b) Only 2 and 3
c) Only 1 and 3
d) 1,2 and 3
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7. The loop transfer function of controller Gc(s) is :
a) 1+0.1s/s
b) -1+0.1s/s
c) –s/s+1
d) s/s+1
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8. The peak percentage overshoot of the closed loop system is :
a) 5.0%
b) 10.0%
c) 16.3%
d) 1.63%
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Answer: c
Explanation: C(s)/R(s) = 1/s2+s+1
C(s)/R(s) = w/ws2+2Gws+w2
Compare both the equations,
w = 1 rad/sec
2Gw = 1
Mp = 16.3 %

9. Consider a second order all-pole transfer function model, if the desired settling
time(5%) is 0.60 sec and the desired damping ratio 0.707, where should the poles be
located in s-plane?
a) -5+j4√2
b) -5+j5
c) -4+j5√2
d) -4+j7
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10. Which of the following quantities give a measure of the transient characteristics of a
control system, when subjected to unit step excitation.
1. Maximum overshoot
2. Maximum undershoot
3. Overall gain
4. Delay time
5. Rise time
6. Fall time
a) 1,3 and 5
b) 2, 4 and 5
c) 2,4 and 6
d) 1,4 and 5
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Answer: d
Explanation: Maximum overshoot, rise time and delay time are the major factor of the
transient behaviour of the system and determines the transient characteristics.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Steady-state

Errors and Error Constants
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Steady-state Errors and Error Constants”.

1. The steady state error for a unity feedback system for the input r(t) = Rt^2/2 to the
system G(s) = K(s+2)/s(s3+7s2+12s) is
a) 0
b) 6R/K
c) ∞
d) 3R/K
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Answer: b
Explanation: Ka = 2K/12 = K/6
Ess = 6R/K.

2. A control system is operated with a parabolic input as shown below

If Ka is static error constant of the system, then its dynamic error constant K2 is
a) 0.01
b) 0.02
c) 0.03
d) 0.04
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Answer: b
Explanation: Ka = 100/(s+2)
K2 = 1/50 = 0.02.

3. Find the velocity error constant of the system given below :

a) 0
b) 2
c) 4
d) ∞
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4. Consider the unity feedback system with open loop transfer function the minimum
value of the steady state error to a ramp input r(t) = 6tu(t) is OLTF = K/s(s+1)(s+2)
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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5. A ramp input applied to a unity feedback system results in 5% steady state error. The
type number and zero frequency gain of the system are respectively
a) 1 and 20
b) 0 and 20
c) 0 and 1/20
d) 1 and 1/20
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6. A particular control system yielded a steady state error of 0.20 for unit step input. A
unit integrator is cascaded to this system and unit ramp input is applied to this
modified system. What is the value of steady-state error for this modified system?
a) 0.10
b) 0.15
c) 0.20
d) 0.25
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7. The error constants described are the ability to reduce the steady state errors.
a) True
b) False
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8. Systems of type higher than 2 are not employed in practice.
a) True
b) False
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9. Steady state refers to
a) Error at the steady state
b) Error at the transient state
c) Error at both state
d) Precision
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Answer: a
Explanation: Steady state errors are the change in the output at the steady state with
respect to the change in the input.

10. The disadvantages of the error constants are:

a) They do not give the information of the steady state error when the inputs are other
than the three basic types
b) Error constant fail to indicate the exact manner in which the error function change
with time.
c) They do not give information of the steady state error and fail to indicate the exact
manner in which the error function change with time
d) They give information of the steady state error
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Answer: c
Explanation: The disadvantages of the error constants are as they do not give the
information of the steady state error when the inputs are other than the three basic
types and error constant fail to indicate the exact manner in which the error function
change with time.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Effect of Adding a

Zero to a System and Design Specifications of Second-order
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This set of Control Systems Quiz focuses on “Effect of Adding a Zero to a system and
Design Specifications of Second-Order Systems”.

1. Assertion (A): The zeroes on the real axis near the origin are generally avoided in
Reason (R): In a sluggish system introduction of zeroes can improve the transient
a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
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2. Addition of zero increases the stability.
a) True
b) False
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3. Zeroes are defined as:
a) Roots of the denominator of the closed loop transfer function
b) Roots of the numerator of the closed loop transfer function
c) Parts of the numerator
d) Parts of the denominator
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Answer: b
Explanation: Zeroes are the roots of the numerator of the closed loop system and
addition of the zeroes increases the stability of the closed loop system.

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4. As zero moves sufficiently left from the origin the effect of zero becomes less
a) True
b) False
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5. If number of poles are greater than number of zeroes then the system is known as
a) Stable system
b) Unstable system
c) Minimum phase system
d) Non-minimum phase system
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Answer: c
Explanation: Minimum phase system is defined as the perfect system with zeroes
greater than poles and also the zeroes and poles lying on the left half of the s plane

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Engineering MCQs

6. A control system is generally met with the time response specifications:

a) Steady state accuracy
b) Damping factor
c) Setting time
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Steady state error, damping factor and settling times are the specifications
are needed to control the system’s stability and speed of response.

7. Steady state accuracy specified in terms of:

a) Steady state error
b) Damping ratio
c) Natural frequency
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Steady state accuracy entirely depends on the accuracy of steady state
which is determined by steady state error which is the difference between the final
output and desired output.

8. Steady state accuracy is determined by suitable choice of____________

a) Steady error
b) Error constants
c) Damping
d) Transient error
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Answer: b
Explanation: Steady state accuracy is determined by suitable choice of error constants
Kv, Kp and Ka depending upon the type of the system.

9. Damping factor specifies:

a) Peak overshot to step input.
b) Steady state error
c) Damping ratio
d) Natural frequency
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Answer: a
Explanation: Maximum peak overshoot is the maximum peak of the transient response
at the resonant frequency and is so calculated as to determine the value of damping

10. If rise time is also taken into consideration it should be ____________ to the settling
a) Inconsistent
b) Consistent
c) Perfect
d) Unique
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Answer: b
Explanation: Rise time and settling time determine the speed of response as if the
values of both these if less then the speed of response will be more and both of these
depend on the damping factor and natural frequency

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Effect of Adding a

Zero to a System – II
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Effect of Adding a Zero to a System – II”.

1. Which of the following can be measured by the use of a tacho-generator?

a) Acceleration
b) Speed
c) Speed and acceleration
d) Displacement
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Answer: b
Explanation: Tacho generator is used to measure the velocity or relative velocity of the

2. _____________ is not a final control element.

a) Control valve
b) Potentiometer
c) Electro-pneumatic converter
d) Servomotor
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Answer: b
Explanation: Potentiometer among all the options cannot be the final control element
as this is responsible to get the output in measurable form.

3. Which of the following is the definition of proportional band of a controller?

a) The range of air output as measured variable varies from maximum to minimum
b) The range of measured variables from set value
c) The range of measured variables through which the air output changes from
maximum to minimum
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Proportional band controller is the range of measured variables through
which the air output changes from maximum to minimum.

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4. In pneumatic control systems the control valve used as final control element
a) Pressure signal to electric signal
b) Pressure signal to position change
c) Electric signal to pressure signal
d) Position change to pressure signal
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Answer: b
Explanation: In pneumatic control systems the control valve is used as the final control
element to convert pressure signal to position change.

5. Pressure error can be measured by which of the following?

a) Differential bellows and strain gauge
b) Selsyn
c) Strain gauge
d) Strain gauge and potentiometer
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pressure error can be measured by differential bellows and strain gauge.

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6. Assertion (A): Feedback compensation is preferred to series compensation.
Reason (R): No amplification is required as the energy flows from higher to lower levels.
a) Both assertion and reason are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is False but R is true
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7. Assertion (A): A PI controller increases the order of the system by units but decreases
the steady state error.
Reason (R): A PI controller introduces a pole at either the origin or at a desired points
on the negative real axis.
a) Both assertion and reason are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is False but R is true
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8. Assertion (A): A derivative controller produces a control action for constant error
Reason (R): The PD controller increases the damping and reduces the peak overshoot.
a) Both assertion and reason are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is False but R is true
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9. A plant is controlled by a proportional controller, if time delay element is introduced
in the loop its:
a) Phase margin remains the same
b) Phase margin increases
c) Phase margin decreases
d) Gain margin increases
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Answer: c
Explanation: When a delay element is introduces in a control system, it only affects the
phase margin of the system and new value of the phase margin is decreased.

10. Assertion (A): Lead compensation is used to improve the system’s stability
Reason (R): Lead compensation achieves the desired result through the merits of its
phase lead contribution.
a) Both assertion and reason are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is False but R is true
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Answer: a
Explanation: A lead compensator provides a better gain margin by introducing a
positive shift in the phase plot and thus increasing the phase crossover frequency.
Thus the system becomes comparatively more stable by using a lead compensator.

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Control Systems Questions and Answers – Design

Considerations for Higher-Order Systems
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Design Considerations for Higher-Order Systems”.

1. Which one of the following statements is correct?

The effects of the phase lead compensator or gain cross over frequency and the
bandwidth are:
a) That both are decreased
b) That gain cross over frequency reduces but BW is increased
c) That gain cross over frequency increases but BW is decreased
d) That both are increased
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Answer: d
Explanation: Phase lead compensator acts like a high pass filter. So gain crossover
frequency and bandwidth both increases.

2. How does cascading an integral controller in the forward path of a control system
affect the relative stability (RS) and the steady-state error of that system?
a) RS and SSE are increased
b) RS is reduced nut SSE is increased
c) RS is increased but SSE is reduced
d) RS and SSE are reduced
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Answer: d
Explanation: Integral controller acts as a low pass filter. So cascading an integral
controller in the forward path of a control system reduces relative stability(RS) and
steady-state error(SSE) of that system.
3. With regard to the filtering property, the lead compensator and the lag compensator
are respectively :
a) Low pass and high pass filters
b) High pass and low pass filters
c) Both high pass filter
d) Both low pass filters
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Answer: b
Explanation: Lead compensator is a high pass filter and Lag compensator is a low pass

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4. What is the effect of phase-lag compensation on the performance of the servo

a) For a given relative stability, the velocity constant is increased
b) For a given relative stability, the velocity constant is decreased
c) The bandwidth of the system is increased
d) The time response is made faster
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Answer: a
Explanation: Phase lag compensation is an integrator. It reduces the steady state error.
Velocity constant = 1/ (steady state error). So, the velocity constant is increased.

5. Which one of the following is an advantage of a PD controller in terms of damping

and natural frequency?
a) G remains fixed but natural frequency increases
b) G remains fixed but natural frequency decreases
c) Natural frequency fixed but G increases
d) Natural frequency fixed but G decreases
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Answer: c
Explanation: Comparing with the characteristic equation natural frequency remains
fixed but the value of G that increases hence the transient response is improved.

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Communication Engineering Books

6. Which one of the following is a disadvantage of proportional controller?

a) It is destabilizes the system
b) It produces offset
c) It makes the response faster
d) It has very simple implementation
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Answer: b
Explanation: Main disadvantage of proportional controller is produces the permanent
error is called offset error.

7. A process is controlled by PID controller. The sensor has high, measurement noise.
How can the effect be reduced?
a) By use of bandwidth limited derivative term
b) By use of proportional and derivative terms in the forward path
c) By use of high proportional band
d) By use of low integral gain
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Answer: b
Explanation: The effect of noise can be reduced by the use of proportional and
derivative controller in the forward path.

8. Consider the following statements for a PI compensator for control system.

1. It is equivalent to adding a zero at origin
2. It reduces overshoot
3. It improves the steady state error of the system
Which of the statements given above are correct?
a) 1 and 3
b) 1,2 and 3 only
c) 2 and 3
d) 1 only
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9. The input to a controller is :
a) Sensed signal
b) Error signal
c) Desired variable value
d) Signal of fixed amplitude not dependent on desired value
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Answer: b
Explanation: Difference between input variable and feedback variable is known as error
signal which is input to the controller. In other words Input to the controller is always
the parameter of the system which is to be controlled that is the desirable value.

10. What is the characteristic of a good control system?

a) Sensitive to parameter variation
b) Insensitive to the input command
c) Neither sensitive to parameter variations not sensitive to input commands
d) Insensitive to the parameter variation but sensitive to the input commands
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Answer: d
Explanation: In a good control system, output is sensitive to input variations but
insensitive to parameter variations.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Performance

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Performance Indices”.

1. If the performance index of a phase lead compensator is (s+a)/ (s+b) and that of a lag
compensator is (s+p)/(s+q), then which one of the following sets of conditions must be
a) a>b and p<q
b) a>b and p<q
c) a<b and p<q
d) a<b and p>q
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Answer: d
Explanation: In phase lead compensator, zero is nearer to origin. In phase lag
compensator, pole is nearer to origin.

2. The compensator Gc(s) =5(1+0.3s)/(1+0.1s) would provide a maximum phase shift of:
a) 20°
b) 45°
c) 30°
d) 60°
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3. The industrial controller having the best steady-state accuracy is:
a) A derivative controller
b) An integral controller
c) A rate feedback controller
d) A proportional controller
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Answer: a
Explanation: The best steady state accuracy is of derivative controller and this is due to
the fact that derivative controller is only affected by the steady state response not the
transient response.

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4. Assertion (A): An on-off controller gives rise to self-sustained oscillation in output.

Reason (R): Location of a pair of poles on the imaginary axis gives to self-sustained
oscillation is output.
a) Both A and R true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true and R is False
d) A is False and R is True
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5. Consider the following statement:
A proportional plus derivative controller
1. Has high sensitivity
2. Increases the stability of the system
3. Improves the steady state accuracy

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Which of these statements are correct?

a) 1,2 and 3
b) 1 and 2
c) 2 and 3
d) 1 and 3
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6. Which one of the following compensation is required for improving the transient
response of the system?
a) Phase lead compensation
b) Phase lag compensation
c) Gain compensation
d) Both phase lag compensation and gain compensation
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Answer: a
Explanation: For increasing or improving the transient response derivative controller is
used and which is the phase lead compensation.
7. Pneumatic controller are :
a) Flexible operation
b) High torque high speed operation
c) Fire and explosion proof operation
d) No leakage
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Answer: c
Explanation: Pneumatic controllers are fire and explosion proof operation as they
require air and gas fuel for its operation.

8. Hydraulic controller :
a) Flexible operation
b) High torque high speed operation
c) Fire and explosion proof operation
d) No leakage
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Answer: b
Explanation: Hydraulic controller must have no leakage and also it requires high torque
and high speed operation due to high density of the controller.

9. Electronic Controller :
a) Flexible operation
b) High torque high speed operation
c) Fire and explosion proof operation
d) No leakage
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Answer: a
Explanation: Flexible in all sense as it does not require heavy components or extra
torque or high speed operations.

10. A plant controlled by a proportional controller. If a time delay element is introduced

in the loop its :
a) Phase margin remains the same
b) Phase margin increases
c) Phase margin decreases
d) Gain margin increases
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Answer: c
Explanation: The introduction of a time delay element decreases both the phase and
gain margin.
Control Systems Questions and Answers – Robotic Control
System – I
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Robotic Control System – I”.

1. Assertion (A): The servo robot is a closed loop system

Reason(R): It allows for a feedback
a) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
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2. A__________ translates signals from the controller into the motor voltage and current
a) Servo motor
b) Servo amplifier
c) AC motor
d) DC motor
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Answer: b
Explanation: A servo amplifier monitors the feedback signal from the servomechanism
and continually adjusts for deviation from expected behaviour and translates signals
from the controller into the motor voltage and current signals.

3. Motors used for electronic actuator drives :

a) AC servo motors
b) DC servo motors
c) Stepper motors
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Motors are the devices that convert the mechanical energy into electrical
energy and can be used in many applications and used for electronic actuator drives
are stepper motors ,AC and DC servomotors.

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4. The basic components of hydraulic fluid power system are :
a) Reservoir
b) Pump and lines
c) Actuating devices and control valves
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Hydraulic fluid power system are the systems that use the control action
in which the control motion is of hydraulic motion and main components are reservoir
pump and lines, actuating devices and control valves.

5. Pumps that discharge liquid in a continuous flow are referred to as non-positive

a) True
b) False
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6. Connectors and fittings are used in the fluid power system :

a) To connect to various sections of the fluid lines to each other
b) To detach the fluid lines to the components of the system
c) They are used in the high pressure fluid system
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Connectors and fittings are used in the fluid power system to connect to
various sections of the fluid lines to each other and to attach the fluid lines to the
components of the system.

7. ____________ is the back and forth motion of pistons inside of cylinders that provide
the flow of fluid.
a) Fluid pump
b) Gravity pump
c) Reciprocating pump
d) Displacement pump
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Answer: c
Explanation: Reciprocating Pump is a type of positive pumps which includes the piston
pump, plunger pump and diaphragm pump and provides the flow of fluid in the
cylinder by back and forth motion of the piston.
8. Assertion (A): It is all but impossible to design a practical fluid power system without
some means of controlling the volume and pressure of the fluid.
Reason (R): It is controlled and done by valves.
a) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
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9. Deciding the method of control by:
a) The purpose of valve
b) Type of fluid
c) Design and purpose of the system
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Valves may be controlled manually, electrically, mechanically,
pneumatically, hydraulically or by combination of these methods and they are used to
control the flow of liquid by constructing the flow. Purpose of valve ,type of fluid ,
design and purpose of system decides the method of control.

10. Valves can be classified according to their use as:

a) Directional flow
b) Pressure control
c) Flow control
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Valve is a device that is used to control the flow of liquid by obstructing
the flow and they can be classified based on their structure and their requirement.
Generally classification is based on directional flow, pressure control and flow control.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Robotic Control

System – II
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This set of Control Systems MCQs focuses on “Robotic Control System – II”.
1. An automatic apparatus or device that performs functions ordinarily ascribed to
humans or operate with what appears to be almost human intelligence is called
a) Robot
b) Human
c) Animals
d) Reptiles
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2. The laws of Robotics are:
a) A robot may not injure a human being
b) A robot must abbey the order given by human except when conflict with the first law
c) A robot must protect its own existence except when it is violating first and second
d) Both b and c
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Answer: d
Explanation: A robot may not injure a human being or through in action, allow human
being to be harmed.

3. The basic components of robot are:

a) The mechanical linkage
b) Sensors and controllers
c) User interface and power conversion unit
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The basic components of robot are the mechanical linkage, sensors and
controllers, User interface and power conversion unit.

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4. Assertion (A): Degree of freedom is defined as the number of variables to define

motion in the body in space.
Reason (R): Maximum degree of freedom can be six in a robot.
a) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
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5. A _________ is connection between parts or links in a robot that allow motion.
a) Hinge
b) Joint
c) Dis joint
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: A joint is connection between parts or links in a robot that allow motion. It
has translator and rotatory motion.

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6. Classification of Robot is based on:

a) Geometry and geometric classification
b) Left right classification
c) Based on control system
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Robots can be classified on the basis of the movement, their structure and
geometry as humanoid robots and gantry robots. Based on control system, left right
classification, geometry and geometric classification also we can classify the robots.

7. Assertion (A): The control system of an industrial robot determine its flexibility and
efficiency, within the limits set beforehand by the design of the mechanical structure.
Reason (R): The control system provides a logical sequence for the robot to follow.
a) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
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8. Hierarchical level control involves :
a) Level 1: Actuator control controls individual robot actuators
b) Level 2: Path control coordinates robot path movement
c) Level 3: Main control high level instruction interpreter
d) All of the mentioned
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9. Non servo robots are also called as:
a) Pick and place
b) Fixed stop robot
c) Both of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Non servo robots are simplest robots as they are the least complex
structures and they are made to do some specific and less jobs and it is an open loop
system. Due to this reason, non servo robots are called pick and place & fixed stop

10. Characteristics of non-servo robot are:

a) Relatively inexpensive compared to servo robots
b) Simple, understand and operate
c) Precise and reliable
d) Open loop system
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Answer: d
Explanation: Non-servo robots are open loop system and less costly and they are less
complex and can be used once or twice for some work and they are less reliable.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – State Variable

Analysis – I
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“State Variable Analysis – I”.

1. Which among the following is a unique model of a system?

a) Transfer function
b) State variable
c) Block diagram
d) Signal flow graphs
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Answer: a
Explanation: Transfer Function is defined as the ratio of the Laplace output to the
Laplace input with the zero initial conditions and is a unique model of the system.

2. Which among the following is a disadvantage of modern control theory?

a) Implementation of optimal design
b) Transfer function can also be defined for different initial conditions
c) Analysis of all systems take place
d) Necessity of computational work
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3. According to the property of state transition method, e0 is equal to _____
a) I
b) A
c) e-At
d) -eAt
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Answer: c
Explanation: By definition state transition matrix is defined as e -At and this is the matrix
that comes into the picture when the total response is considered that is with the free
response and forced response.

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4. Which mechanism in control engineering implies an ability to measure the state by

taking measurements at output?
a) Controllability
b) Observability
c) Differentiability
d) Adaptability
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Answer: b
Explanation: Observability and controllability are the two methods to check the output
response characteristics and observability in control engineering implies an ability to
measure the state by taking measurements at output.

5. State model representation is possible using _________

a) Physical variables
b) Phase variables
c) Canonical state variables
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: State model representation is the representation of the control system is
the form of the state variables and state vectors and is possible using physical
variables, phase variables and canonical state variables.

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6. Which among the following constitute the state model of a system in addition to
state equations?
a) Input equations
b) Output equations
c) State trajectory
d) State vector
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Answer: b
Explanation: Output Equations constitute the state model of a system in addition to
state equations and for the complete state model mainly input model, output model
and state models are required.

7. Which among the following plays a crucial role in determining the state of dynamic
a) State variables
b) State vector
c) State space
d) State scalar
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Answer: a
Explanation: State Variables are the integral part of the state variable analysis and plays
a crucial role in determining the state of dynamic system.

8. Which among the following are the interconnected units of state diagram
a) Scalars
b) Adders
c) Integrator
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Scalars, adders and integrator are the interconnected units of state
diagram representation and this representation helps in determination of the state of
the control system.

9. State space analysis is applicable even if the initial conditions are _____
a) Zero
b) Non-zero
c) Equal
d) Not equal
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Answer: b
Explanation: State space analysis is the analysis different from the transfer function
approach as it has state variables and state vectors used for the analysis and can be
used even if initial conditions are non-zero.

10. Conventional control theory is applicable to ______ systems

c) Time varying
d) Non-linear
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Answer: a
Explanation: The major advantage of state space analysis is that it can be applied to
MIMO systems also while the conventional control theory that is transfer function
approach is applicable to the SISO systems only.

ontrol Systems Questions and Answers – State Variable

Analysis – II
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers focuses on “State
Variable Analysis – II”.

1. State variable analysis has several advantages overall transfer function as:
a) It is applicable for linear and non-linear and variant and time-invariant system
b) Analysis of MIMO system
c) It takes initial conditions of the system into account
d) All of the mentioned
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2. The minimum number of states require to describe the two degree differential
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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3. For a system with the transfer function H(s) = 3(s-2)/s 3+4s2-2s+1 , the matrix A in the
state space form is equal to:
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Answer: b
Explanation: Taking the inverse Laplace of the equation and converting it into
differential equation and solving the state space by considering various matrices.

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4. The transfer function Y(s)/U(s) of a system described by the state equations dx/dt=-
2x+2u and y(t) = 0.5x is:
a) 0.5/(s-2)
b) 1/(s-2)
c) 0.5/(s+2)
d) 1/(s+2)
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5. A linear time invariant single input single output system has the state space model

given by dx/dt=Fx+Gu, y=Hz, where  . Here, x is the

state vector, u is the input, and y is the output. The damping ratio of the system is:
a) 0.25
b) 0.5
c) 1
d) 2
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6. Given the matrix

 the Eigen value are___________

a) 1,2,3
b) 1
c) -1,-2,-3
d) 0
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7. A transfer function of control system does not have pole-zero cancellation. Which
one of the following statements is true?
a) System is neither controllable nor observable
b) System is completely controllable and observable
c) System is observable but uncontrollable
d) System is controllable but unobservable
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Answer: b
Explanation: If the input-output transfer function of a linear time-invariant system has
pole-zero cancellation, the system will be neither controllable nor observable.

8. The analysis of multiple input multiple output is conveniently studied by;

a) State space analysis
b) Root locus approach
c) Characteristic equation approach
d) Nicholas chart
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Answer: a
Explanation: State space analysis is different from the transfer function approach as
this can be used for the analysis of multiple input and multiple output system.

9. The state equation in the phase canonical form can be obtained from the transfer
function by:
a) Cascaded decomposition
b) Direct decomposition
c) Inverse decomposition
d) Parallel decomposition
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Answer: d
Explanation: The state equation from transfer function by parallel decomposition in the
phase canonical form.

10. A logarithmic spiral extending out of the singular point is__________

a) Stable
b) Unstable focus
c) Conditionally stable
d) Marginally stable
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Answer: b
Explanation: Unstable focus is a logarithmic spiral extending out of the singular point.
Control Systems Questions and Answers – The
Approximation of Higher-Order Systems by Lower-Order
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“The Approximation of Higher-Order Systems by Lower-Order”.

1. The output of a feedback control system must be a function of

a) Reference and output
b) Reference and input
c) Input and feedback signal
d) Output and feedback signal
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Answer: a
Explanation: The output from the feedback control system must be a function of the
reference input and output.

2. A control system with excessive noise, is likely to suffer from?

a) Saturation in amplifying stages
b) Loss of gain
c) Vibrations
d) Oscillations
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Answer: a
Explanation: A control system with excessive noise suffers from the saturation due to
multiple inputs and outputs present and high gain of the system.

3. Zero initial condition for a system means?

a) Input reference signal is zero
b) Zero stored energy
c) Initial movement of moving parts
d) System is at rest and no energy is stored in any of its components
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Answer: d
Explanation: Zero initial condition for a system means the system is at rest and no
energy is stored in any of its components.

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4. Transfer function of a system is used to calculate which of the following?

a) The order of the system
b) The time constant
c) The output for any given input
d) The steady state gain
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Answer: c
Explanation: The output of any given system can be calculated by the transfer function
of the system and this is the ratio of Laplace output to the Laplace input considering
zero initial conditions.

5. The band width, in a feedback amplifier.

a) Remains unaffected
b) Decreases by the same amount as the gain increase
c) Increases by the same amount as the gain decrease
d) Decreases by the same amount as the gain decrease
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Answer: c
Explanation: The bandwidth of closed loop systems Increases by the same amount as
the gain decreases hence increasing the noise due to increased bandwidth.

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6. On which of the following factors does the sensitivity of a closed loop system to gain
changes and load disturbances depend?
a) Frequency
b) Loop gain
c) Forward gain
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The sensitivity depends upon the frequency, loop gain and forward gain of
the closed loop control system.

7. The transient response, with feedback system,

a) Rises slowly
b) Rises quickly
c) Decays slowly
d) Decays quickly
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Answer: d
Explanation: The transient response of the system is improved with the help of the
feedback and hence the transient response decays quickly.
8. The second derivative input signals modify which of the following?
a) The time constant of the system
b) Damping of the system
c) The gain of the system
d) The time constant and suppress the oscillations
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Answer: d
Explanation: The second derivative of the input signal modify the time constant and
suppress the oscillations.

9. Which of the following statements is correct for any closed loop system?
a) All the co-efficient can have zero value
b) All the co-efficient are always non-zero
c) Only one of the static error co-efficient has a finite non-zero value
d) Only two of the static error co-efficient has a finite non-zero value
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Answer: c
Explanation: Closed loop system has one of the static error constants for any input that
can be position, velocity or acceleration error constant which has finite non-zero

10. Which of the following statements is correct for a system with gain margin close to
unity or a phase margin close to zero?
a) The system is relatively stable
b) The system is highly stable
c) The system is highly oscillatory
d) The system is stable
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Answer: c
Explanation: The system is highly oscillatory or unstable as the value of phase margin
must be finite for the stable system.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Concept of

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Concept of Stability”.
1. Stability of a system implies that :
a) Small changes in the system input does not result in large change in system output
b) Small changes in the system parameters does not result in large change in system
c) Small changes in the initial conditions does not result in large change in system
d) All of the above mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Stability of the system implies that small changes in the system input,
initial conditions, and system parameters does not result in large change in system

2. A linear time invariant system is stable if :

a) System in excited by the bounded input, the output is also bounded
b) In the absence of input output tends zero
c) Both a and b
d) System in excited by the bounded input, the output is not bounded
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Answer: c
Explanation: A linear time invariant system is stable only if it is BIBO stable and
asymptotic stable.

3. Asymptotic stability is concerned with:

a) A system under influence of input
b) A system not under influence of input
c) A system under influence of output
d) A system not under influence of output
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Answer: b
Explanation: Asymptotic stability concerns a free system relative to its transient

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4. Bounded input and Bounded output stability notion concerns with :

a) A system under influence of input
b) A system not under influence of input
c) A system under influence of output
d) A system not under influence of output
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bounded input and Bounded output (BIBO) stability concerns with the
system that has influence of input.

5. If a system is given unbounded input then the system is:

a) Stable
b) Unstable
c) Not defined
d) Linear
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Answer: c
Explanation: If the system is given with the unbounded input then nothing can be
clarified for the stability of the system.

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6. Linear mathematical model applies to :

a) Linear systems
b) Stable systems
c) Unstable systems
d) Non-linear systems
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Answer: b
Explanation: Linear mathematical models are applied to stable systems. As the output
exceeds a certain magnitude then the linear mathematical model no longer applies.

7. For non-linear systems stability cannot be determined due to:

a) Possible existence of multiple equilibrium states
b) No correspondence between bounded input and bounded output stability and
asymptotic stability
c) Output may be bounded for the particular bounded input but may not be bounded
for the bounded inputs
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: For non-linear systems stability cannot be determined as asymptotic
stability and BIBO stability concepts cannot be applied, existence of multiple states and
unbounded output for many bounded inputs.

8. If the impulse response in absolutely integrable then the system is :

a) Absolutely stable
b) Unstable
c) Linear
d) Stable
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Answer: a
Explanation: The impulse response must be absolutely integrable for the system to
absolutely stable.

9. The roots of the transfer function do not have any effect on the stability of the
a) True
b) False
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10. Roots with higher multiplicity on the imaginary axis makes the system :
a) Absolutely stable
b) Unstable
c) Linear
d) Stable
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Answer: b
Explanation: Repetitive roots on the imaginary axis makes the system unstable.

11. Roots on the imaginary axis makes the system :

a) Stable
b) Unstable
c) Marginally stable
d) Linear
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Answer: c
Explanation: Roots on the imaginary axis makes the system marginally stable.

12. If the roots of the have negative real parts then the response is ____________
a) Stable
b) Unstable
c) Marginally stable
d) Bounded
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Answer: d
Explanation: If the roots of the have negative real parts then the response is bounded
and eventually decreases to zero which makes the system bounded.
13. If root of the characteristic equation has positive real part the system is :
a) Stable
b) Unstable
c) Marginally stable
d) Linear
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Answer: b
Explanation: The impulse response of the system is infinite when the roots of the
characteristic equation have positive real part then the system is unstable.

14. A linear system can be classified as :

a) Absolutely stable
b) Conditionally stable
c) Unstable
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: A system can be stable, unstable and conditionally stable also.

15. ___________ is a quantitative measure of how fast the transients die out in the
a) Absolutely stable
b) Conditionally stable
c) Unstable
d) Relative Stability
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Answer: d
Explanation: Relative Stability may be measured by relative settling times of each root
or pair of roots.

ontrol Systems Questions and Answers – Necessary

Conditions for Stability and Non-Linear Systems
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Necessary Conditions for Stability and Non-Linear Systems”.

1. The techniques of linear system can be used in the non-linear system entirely:
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The techniques of the linear system cannot be entirely used in the non-
linear system as they are differentiated by this way only.

2. The disadvantages of the linear system are:

a) The constraints on the linear operation over wide range demands unnecessarily high
b) The restriction to the linear theory may inhibit the designer’s curiosity to deliberately
introduce the non-linear components.
c) Practically systems are non-linear
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Linear system impose certain restrictions as the components cost is very
high and it will cause restriction to operate the otherwise linear components in non-
linear region with a view to improve system response.

3. System non-linearities are taken account by:

a) Analytical
b) Graphical and numerical techniques
c) Both a and b
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Systems non-linearities are taken into account by the analytical, graphical
and numerical techniques.

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4. The superposition theorem is :

a) Homogeneity
b) Additivity
c) Combination of homogeneity and additivity
d) Applied to non-linear systems
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Answer: c
Explanation: Superposition theorem applies to linear system only and it refers to the
additivity and homogeneity.
5. The standard test signal can be applied to give output to:
a) Linear systems
b) Non-linear systems
c) Time variant systems
d) Time invariant systems
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Answer: a
Explanation: For linear systems the standard test signals can be applied to give the
desired output.

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Engineering MCQs

6. The amplitude of the standard test signal does not matter in linear systems:
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The amplitude of the standard test signal is unimportant since any change
in input signal amplitude results simply change in response scale with no change in the
basic response characteristics for linear systems.

7. The non-linear systems:

a) Do not obey superposition theorem
b) May be highly sensitive to the input amplitude
c) Laplace and z transform are not applicable to the non-linear systems
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The non-linear systems do not obey superposition theorem and are also
highly sensitive to the input amplitude. Laplace and z transform are not applicable to
the non-linear systems.

8. The stability of the linear system:

a) Determined by the location of the poles
b) Dependent entirely of whether or the system is driven
c) The stability of the undriven linear system is dependent on the magnitude of the
final initial state.
d) Stability cannot be determined by the open loop poles
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Answer: a
Explanation: Linear system’s stability can be determined by the location of poles and
also it is independent entirely of whether or not the system is driven and the stability of
the undriven linear system is independent of the magnitude of the final initial state.

9. In non-linear system stability is :

a) Dependent on the input
b) Independent on initial state
c) Independent on input
d) Dependent on input and initial state.
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Answer: d
Explanation: In non-linear system the stability is dependent on the input and initial

10. Non-linear elements may exhibit___________

a) Linear systems
b) Non-linear systems
c) Limit cycles
d) Time invariant systems
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Answer: c
Explanation: Non-linear elements may exhibit the limit cycles which are self-sustained
oscillations of fixed frequency and amplitude. Determination of existence of limit cycles
is not an easy task as these may depend upon both the type and amplitude of the
excitation signal.

11. The necessary condition of stability are:

a) Coefficient of characteristic equation must be real and have the same sign
b) Coefficient of characteristic equation must be non-zero
c) Both of the mentioned
d) Coefficient of characteristic equation must be zero
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Answer: c
Explanation: The necessary condition of stability are coefficient of characteristic
equation must be real, non-zero and have the same sign.

12. None of the coefficients can be zero or negative unless one of the following occurs:
a) One or more roots have positive real parts
b) A root at origin
c) Presence of root at the imaginary axis
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: None of the coefficients can be zero or negative unless one or more roots
have positive real parts, root at origin and presence of root at the imaginary axis.

13. The __________ of the coefficients of characteristic equation is necessary as well as

sufficient condition for the stability of system of first and second order.
a) Negativeness
b) Positiveness
c) Positiveness and Negativeness
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Positiveness of the coefficients of characteristic equation is necessary
as well as sufficient condition for the stability of system of first and second order.

14. The Positiveness of the coefficients of characteristic equation is necessary as well as

sufficient condition for:
a) First order system
b) Second order system
c) Third order system
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: It does not ensure the negativeness of the real parts of the complex roots
of the third or higher order systems.

15. Assertion (A): Routh criterion is in terms of array formulation, which is more
convenient to handle.
Reason (R): This method is used to investigate the method of stability of higher order
a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is False but R is true
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Answer: b
Explanation: Routh criterion is in terms of array formulation which is convenient to
handle stability problems of higher order systems.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Routh-Hurwitz

Stability Criterion
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion”.

1. Routh Hurwitz criterion gives:

a) Number of roots in the right half of the s-plane
b) Value of the roots
c) Number of roots in the left half of the s-plane
d) Number of roots in the top half of the s-plane
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Answer: a
Explanation: Routh Hurwitz criterion gives number of roots in the right half of the s-

2. Routh Hurwitz criterion cannot be applied when the characteristic equation of the
system containing coefficient’s which is/are
a) Exponential function of s
b) Sinusoidal function of s
c) Complex
d) Exponential and sinusoidal function of s and complex
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Answer: d
Explanation: Routh Hurwitz criterion cannot be applied when the characteristic
equation of the system containing coefficient/s which is/are exponential, sinusoidal and
complex function of s.

3. Consider the following statement regarding Routh Hurwitz criterion:

a) It gives absolute stability
b) It gives gain and phase margin
c) It gives the number of roots lying in RHS of the s-plane
d) It gives gain, phase margin and number of roots lying in RHS of the s-plane
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Answer: d
Explanation: Routh Hurwitz gives the gain, phase margin, absolute stability and roots
on the right of the s-plane.

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4. The order of the auxiliary polynomial is always:

a) Even
b) Odd
c) May be even or odd
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Auxiliary polynomial denotes the derivative of the odd equation which is
always even.

5. Which of the test signals are best utilized by the stability analysis.
a) Impulse
b) Step
c) Ramp
d) Parabolic
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Impulse test signals are best utilised by the stability analysis because
the computational task is reduced to much extent.

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6. The characteristic equation of a system is given as3s4+10s3+5s2+2=0. This system is :

a) Stable
b) Marginally stable
c) Unstable
d) Linear
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Answer: c
Explanation: There is a missing coefficient so the system is unstable.

7. The characteristic equation of a system is given ass3+25s2+10s+50=0. What is the

number of the roots in the right half s-plane and the imaginary axis respectively?
a) 1,1
b) 0,0
c) 2,1
d) 1,2
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Answer: b
Explanation: The characteristic equation has no sign changes so number of roots on
the right half of s plane is zero.

8. Consider the following statement:

a) A system is said to be stable if its output is bounded for any input
b) A system is said to be stable if all the roots of the characteristic equation lie on the
left half of the s plane.
c) A system is said to be stable if all the roots of the characteristic equation have
negative real parts.
d) A second order system is always stable for finite values of open loop gain
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Answer: a
Explanation: A system is stable if its output is bounded for bounded input.

9. The necessary condition for the stability of the linear system is that all the
coefficients of characteristic equation 1+G(s)H(s) =0, be real and have the :
a) Positive sign
b) Negative sign
c) Same sign
d) Both positive and negative
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10. For making an unstable system stable:
a) Gain of the system should be increased
b) Gain of the system should be decreased
c) The number of zeroes to the loop transfer function should be increased
d) The number of poles to the loop transfer function should be increased
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Answer: b
Explanation: For making an unstable system stable gain of the system should be

control Systems Questions and Answers – Relative Stability

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Relative Stability Analysis”.

1. A system with unity feedback having open loop transfer function as G(s) =
K(s+1)/s3+as2+2s+1. What values of ‘K’ and ’a’ should be chosen so that the system
oscillates ?
a) K =2, a =1
b) K =2, a =0.75
c) K =4, a =1
d) K =4, a =0.75
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Answer: b
Explanation: Solving Routh Hurwitz table whenever row of zero occurs, the roots are
located symmetrically on the imaginary axis then the system response oscillates, a
=1+K/2+K. If K =2 is consider then a =0.75.

2. The open loop transfer functions with unity feedback are given below for different
Among these systems the unstable system is
a) G(s) =2/s+2
b) G(s) =2/s(s+2)
c) G(s) =2/(s+2)s^2
d) G(s) =2(s+1)/s(s+2)
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Answer: c
Explanation: 1+2/s^2(s+2) =0. The coefficient of‘s’ is missing. Hence the system is

3. Determine the stability of closed loop control system whose characteristic equation
a) Stable
b) Marginally stable
c) Unstable
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: By Routh array s =0 and s =+j. It is having a pair of conjugate root lying on
imaginary axis. System is marginally stable.

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4. Determine the condition for the stability of unity feedback control system whose
open loop transfer function is given by
G(s) = 2e-st/s(s+2)
a) T >1
b) T <0
c) T <1
d) T >0
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Answer: c
Explanation: G(s) =2(1-sT)/s(s+2)
By Routh array analysis, for stable system, all the elements of first column need to be
positive T<1.

5.Determine the value of K such that roots of characteristic equation given below lies to
the left of the line s = -1. s3+10s2+18s+K.
a) K>16 and K<9
b) K<16
c) 9<K<16
d) K<9
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Answer: c
Explanation: In Routh array analysis the first column must be positive and after solving
K<16 and K>9.

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6. Consider a negative feedback system where G(s) =1/(s+1) and H(s) =K/s(s+2). The
closed loop system is stable for
a) K>6
b) 0<K<2
c) 8<K<14
d) 0<K<6
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Answer: d
Explanation: Using Routh array, for stability k < 6 and k > 0.

7. The characteristic equation of a feedback control system is s 3+Ks2+9s+18. When the

system is marginally stable, the frequency of the sustained oscillation:
a) 1
b) 1.414
c) 1.732
d) 3
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Answer: d
Explanation: Solve using Routh array and for the system to be marginally stable, K = -2.
Polynomial for sustained oscillation w = 3 rad/s.

8. Consider a characteristic equation, s4+3s3+5s2+6s+k+10=0. The condition for stability

a) K>5
b) -10<K
c) K>-4
d) -10<K<-4
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Answer: d
Explanation: Solve Roth array for the system stable, -10<K<-4.

9. The polynomial s4+Ks3+s2+s+1=0 the range of K for stability is _____________

a) K>5
b) -10<K
c) K>-4
d) K-1>0
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Answer: d
Explanation: Solving using Routh array we get K-1>0 and is always negative for K>1.

10. The characteristic equation of a system is given by3s 4+10s3+5s2+2=0. This system is:
a) Stable
b) Marginally stable
c) Unstable
d) Linear
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Answer: c
Explanation: There is missing coefficient so system is unstable.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – The Root Locus

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“The Root Locus Concepts”.

1. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

a) Root loci can be used for analyzing stability and transient performance
b) Root loci provide insight into system stability and performance
c) Shape of the root locus gives idea of type of controller needed to meet design
d) Root locus can be used to handle more than one variable at a time
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Answer: d
Explanation: Root locus can be used for analysing stability and transient performance.
The shape of the root locus gives an idea of the type of controller needed to meet
design specification.Root locus cannot be used to handle more than one variable at a

2. Root locus of s(s+2)+K(s+4) =0 is a circle. What are the coordinates of the center of
this circle?
a) -2,0
b) -3,0
c) -4,0
d) -5,0
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Answer: c
Explanation: s(s+2)+K(s+4) =0
1+K(s+4)/s(s+2) =0.
G(s)H(s) =K(s+b)/s(s+a)
Centre =(-b,0) =(-4,0).

3. The main objective of drawing root locus plot is :

a) To obtain a clear picture about the open loop poles and zeroes of the system
b) To obtain a clear picture about the transient response of feedback system for
various values of open loop gain K
c) To determine sufficient condition for the value of ‘K’ that will make the feedback
system unstable
d) Both b and c
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Answer: d
Explanation: The main objective of drawing root locus plot is to obtain a clear picture
about the transient response of feedback system for various values of open loop gain K
and to determine sufficient condition for the value of ‘K’ that will make the feedback
system unstable.

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4. While increasing the value of gain K, the system becomes

a) Less stable
b) More stable
c) Unstable
d) Absolute stable
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Answer: a
Explanation: Damping factor is inversely proportional to gain on increasing gain it
reduces hence makes the system less stable.

5. The addition of open loop poles pulls the root locus towards:
a) The right and system becomes unstable
b) Imaginary axis and system becomes marginally stable
c) The left and system becomes unstable
d) The right and system becomes unstable
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Answer: d
Explanation: The addition of open loop poles pulls the root locus towards the right and
system becomes unstable.

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6. Root locus is used to calculate:

a) Marginal stability
b) Absolute stability
c) Conditional stability
d) Relative stability
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Answer: d
Explanation: Root locus is used to calculate relative stability.

7. Routh Hurwitz criterion is better than root locus.

a) True
b) False
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8. Consider the following statements regarding root loci:
a) All root loci start from the respective poles of G(s) H(s)
b) All root loci end at the respective zeros of G(s) H(s) or go to infinity
c) The root loci are symmetrical about the imaginary axis of the s-plane
d) All root loci start and end from the respective poles of G(s) H(s) or go to infinity
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Answer: b
Explanation: All the root locus start at respective poles and end at zeroes or go to

9. Number of roots of characteristic equation is equal to the number of ______________

a) Branches
b) Root
c) Stem
d) Poles
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Answer: a
Explanation: Number of roots of characteristic equation is equal to the number of

10. Which of the following statements are correct?

a) Root locus is for the negative feedback systems
b) Complementary root locus is for the positive feedback systems
c) Root locus is for the negative feedback and Complementary root locus is for the
positive feedback systems
d) Complementary root locus is for the negative feedback systems
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Answer: c
Explanation: Root locus is for the negative feedback and Complementary root locus is
for the positive feedback systems.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – The Root Locus

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“The Root Locus”.

1. Consider the loop transfer function K(s+6)/(s+3)(s+5) In the root locus diagram the
centroid will be located at:
a) -4
b) -1
c) -2
d) -3
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2. Which one of the following applications software’s is used to obtain an accurate root
locus for?
c) dBase
d) Oracle
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Answer: b
Explanation: MATLAB stands for mathematics laboratory in which the input is in the
form of the matrix and is the best software for drawing root locus.

3. Which one of the following is not the property of root loci?

a) The root locus is symmetrical about imaginary axis
b) They start from the open loop poles and terminate at the open loop zeroes
c) The breakaway points are determined from dK/ds = 0
d) Segments of the real axis are the part of the root locus if and only is the total
number of real poles and zeroes to their right is odd.
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Answer: a
Explanation: The root locus is the locus traced due to the gain of the system with
changing frequency and need not be symmetrical about origin and imaginary axis.

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4. The breakaway point calculated mathematically must always lie on the root locus.
a) True
b) False
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5. What is the number of the root locus segments which do not terminate on zeroes?
a) The number of poles
b) The number of zeroes
c) The difference between the number of poles and zeroes
d) The sum of the number of poles and the number of the zeroes
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Answer: c
Explanation: The number of the root locus segments which do not lie on the root locus
is the difference between the number of the poles and zeroes.

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Engineering Books

6. Which one of the following are correct?

The root locus is the path of the roots of the characteristic equation traced out in the s-
a) As the input of the system is changed
b) As the output of the system is changed
c) As a system parameter is changed
d) As the sensitivity is changed
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Answer: c
Explanation: The root locus is the locus of the change of the system parameters of the
characteristic equation traced out in the s-plane.

7. If the gain of the system is reduced to a zero value, the roots of the system in the s-
a) Coincide with zero
b) Move away from zero
c) Move away from poles
d) Coincide with the poles
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Answer: d
Explanation: The roots of the system in s plane coincides with the poles if the gain of
the system is reduced to a value zero.

8. The addition of open loop zero pulls the root loci towards:
a) The left and therefore system becomes more stable
b) The right and therefore system becomes unstable
c) Imaginary axis and therefore system becomes marginally stable
d) The left and therefore system becomes unstable
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Answer: a
Explanation: The system can become stable by reducing the damping and also by
adding zeroes in the s plane and moving left of the s plane system becomes more

9. If root loci plots of a particular control system do not intersect the imaginary axis at
any point, then the gain margin of the system will be:
a) 0
b) 0.707
c) 1
d) Infinite
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Answer: d
Explanation: The gain margin is the inverse of the intersection of the root loci plot to
the imaginary axis and if it does not intersect then the gain margin will be infinite.

10. When the number of poles is equal to the number of zeroes, how many branches of
root locus tends towards infinity?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 0
d) Equal to number of zeroes
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Answer: c
Explanation: Branches of the root locus is equal to the number of poles or zeroes
which ever is greater and tends toward infinity when poles or zeroes are unequal.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Construction of

Root Loci
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Construction of Root Loci”.

1. With reference to root locus, the complex conjugate roots of the characteristic
equation of the O.L.T.F. given below G(s)H(s) =K(s+3)/(s+1) 2, lie on
a) Straight line
b) Parabola
c) Circle
d) Semi-circle
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Answer: c
Explanation: Complex conjugate roots of the characteristic equation of the O.L.T.F.lie
on circle.

2. Determine the centroid of the root locus for the system having G(s)H(s) = K/(s+1)
a) -2.1
b) -1.78
c) -1.66
d) -1.06
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Answer: c
Explanation: Roots of the open loop transfer function are -1,-2+j, -2-j then centroid
=Σreal part of open loop pole-Σreal part of open loop zeroes/P-Z
Centroid =(-1-2-2)-0/3 =-5/3 =-1.66.

3. The loop transfer function of an LTI system is G(s)H(s) =K(s+1)(s+5)/s(s+2)(s+3). For

K>0, the point on the real axis that does not belong to the root locus of the system is
a) -0.5
b) -2.5
c) -3.5
d) -5.5
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Answer: c
Explanation: The points present on the root locus are right to the odd number of poles
and zeroes.

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4. The angles of asymptotes of the root loci of the equation s 3+5s2+(K+2)s+K=0 are:
a) 0° and 270°
b) 0° and 180°
c) 90° and 270°
d) 90° and 180°
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Answer: c
Explanation: P-Z =2
Angle of asymptote = (2q+1)180°/P-Z
Angle are 90° and 270°.

5. The intersection of asymptotes of root loci of a system with open loop transfer
function G(s)H(s) = K/s(s+1)(s+3) is
a) 1.44
b) 1.33
c) -1.44
d) -1.33
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Answer: d
Explanation: The intersection of asymptotes of root loci of a system is same as the
centroid which is centroid =Σreal part of open loop pole-Σreal part of open loop
Centroid = -4/3=-1.33.

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6. If a feedback control system has its open loop transfer function G(s)H(s) = K/(s-2)
(s2+3s+5) has the root locus plot which intersects the imaginary axis at s =0, then the
value of K at this point will be
a) -5
b) 10
c) 5
d) -10
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Answer: b
Explanation: The intersection point on the imaginary axis at s =0 is obtained by Routh
Hurwitz criteria making s^0 row zero and getting the value K = 10.

7. The open loop transfer function of the feedback control system is given by G(s)
=K(s+3)/s(s+4)2(s+5)(s+6). The number of asymptotes and the centroid of asymptotes of
the root loci of closed loop system is
a) 4 and (-4,0)
b) 3 and (-12,0)
c) -4 and (-4,0)
d) -3 and (-12,0)
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Answer: a
Explanation: Number of Poles = 5
Zeroes =1
Asymptotes =P-Z =4
Centroid =Σreal part of open loop pole-Σreal part of open loop zeroes/P-Z
Centroid = -4-4-5-6+3/4 =-4.

8. The characteristic equation of a control system is given as 1+ K(s+4)/s(s+7)

(s2+2s+2)=0. The real axis intercept for root locus asymptote is:
a) -2.25
b) -1
c) -1.67
d) 0
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Answer: c
Explanation: Real axis intercept =centroid
Zero =-4 and Pole = -7, -1, -1, 0
Centroid =Σreal part of open loop pole-Σreal part of open loop zeroes/P-Z
Centroid = -7-1-1+4/3 = -1.67.

9. The OLTF of a unity feedback system is K(s+2)(s+4)/(s+5)(s+6) the angle of arrival of

the root loci as s =-2, and s =-4 respectively are:
a) 0°,180°
b) 180°,0°
c) 90°,180°
d) 180°, 90°
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Answer: b
Explanation: As it is type zero system therefore the angle of arrival can be either 180°,

10. The characteristic equation is s3+14s2+(45+K)s+K =0, centroid is located at (-x,0) then
the value of x is ____________
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: b
Explanation: Differentiating the equation of K with respect to s and equating it to
zero.Breakaway points are -2, -2+1.414j,-2-j1.414. so 2 is complex breakaway point.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Experimentation

of Transfer Function
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This set of Control Systems online quiz focuses on “Experimental Determination of
Transfer Functions”.

1. The impulse response of a LTI system is a unit step function, then the corresponding
transfer function is
a) 1/s
b) 1/s2
c) 1
d) s
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Answer: a
Explanation: The impulse response of a LTI system is the transfer function itself and
hence for the unit step function . As input then the transfer function will be 1/s.

2. For a type one system, the steady – state error due to step input is equal to
a) Infinite
b) Zero
c) 0.25
d) 0.5
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Answer: b
Explanation: The steady state error is defined as the error between the final value and
the desired response and the difference in the value of both will be the steady state
error due to step input for type one system is zero.

3. The equation 2s4+s3+3s2+5s+10=0 has roots in the left half of s–plane:

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
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Answer: b
Explanation: The roots of the equation can be calculated using Routh-Hurwitz criterion
and hence there are 2 sign changes in the first column of the row and therefore the
two roots lie on the right half of s-plane.

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4. If the Nyquist plot of the loop transfer function G (s)H (s) of a closed-loop system
encloses the (1, j0) point in the G (s)H (s) plane, the gain margin of the system is
a) Zero
b) Greater than zero
c) Less than zero
d) Infinity
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Answer: c
Explanation: Nyquist plot deals with the open loop poles and zero and equals the
encirclements to the open loop poles of the system.

5. Consider the function F (s) =5/s (s2+s+2) , where F (s) is the Laplace transform f (t).
Then the final value theorem is equal to
a) 5
b) 5/2
c) Zero
d) Infinity
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Answer: b
Explanation: Final value theorem is given for the stable system only and this is a type 1
system and for step input the final value can be calculated as 5/2.

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Engineering MCQs

6. The transfer function of a phase-lead controller is given by

a) (1+aTs)/(1+Ts) , a>1 T>0
b) (1+aTs)/(1+Ts) , a<1 T>0
c) (1-aTs)/(1+Ts) , a>1 T>0
d) (1±Ts)/(1+Ts) , a<1 T>0
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Answer: a
Explanation: For the phase lead controller in which the stability and speed of response
is more for the system, the magnitude of the pole must be greater than the magnitude
of the zero.

7. If the system matrix of a linear time invariant continuous system is given by

Its characteristic equation is given by:
a) s2+5s+3=0
b) s2-3s-5=0
c) s2+3s+5=0
d) s2+s+2=0
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Answer: a
Explanation: The transfer function is calculated by the state variable analysis and hence
the transfer function is calculated by state transition matrix and taking the inverse
Laplace transform.

8. Given a unity feedback control system with G (s) = K/s(s+4), the value of K for which
the damping ratio is 0.5.
a) 1
b) 16
c) 64
d) 32
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Answer: b
Explanation: The value is found by using the Routh- Hurwitz criteria and equating one
of the row of the Routh-Hurwitz criteria equal to zero and hence finding the value of K.

9. The LVDT is used in the measurement of:

a) Displacement
b) Acceleration
c) Velocity
d) Humidity
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Explanation: The LVDT is the linear variable differential transformer and it is used to
calculate the displacement with the inductor process.

10. A system with gain margin close to unity and phase margin close to zero is :
a) Highly stable
b) Oscillatory
c) Relatively stable
d) Unstable
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Answer: c
Explanation: A system is relative stable not stable if the phase margin is close to zero
then the stability is checked by gain margin.

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Control Systems Questions and Answers – All-pass and
Minimum-phase Systems
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“All-pass and Minimum-phase Systems”.

1. A minimum phase unity feedback system has a bode plot with a constant slope of -
20dB/decade for all frequencies. What is the value of the maximum phase margins of
the system?
a) 0°
b) 90°
c) -90°
d) 180°
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Answer: b
Explanation: For given Bode plot, G(s) H(s) =K/jw
As H(s) =1
PM (maximum) =90°.

2. The range of K for the stability of system is 0<K<100. For K =10, The gain Margin of
the system
a) 10
b) 5
c) 0.1
d) 0.5
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gain margin of the system is 10.

3. The frequency at which the Nyquist diagram cuts the unit circle is known as:
a) Gain crossover frequency
b) Phase crossover frequency
c) Damping frequency
d) Corner frequency
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Answer: a
Explanation: The frequency at which the Nyquist diagram cuts the unit circle is known
as gain cross over frequency.

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4. The forward path transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by G(s) =
What is the phase margin of the system?
a) –π rad
b) 0 rad
c) π/2 rad
d) π rad
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Answer: d
Explanation: Magnitude at gain cross over frequency is 1 and PM is π rad.

5. Consider the following statements:

1. The delay time is the time required to reach 50% of the final value in the first time.
2. The rise time is the time required for the response to rise from 10% to 90% of its
final value for underdamped systems.
3. The rise time is the time required for the response to rise from 0 to 100% for the
underdamped systems.
Which of these statements are correct?
a) 1,2 and 3 only
b) 1 and 2 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 2 and 3 only negative real axis
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Answer: c
Explanation: The rise time is the time required for the response to rise from 10% to
90% of its final value for overdamped systems.

Check this: Electrical Engineering MCQs | Control System Books

6. For minimum phase systems:

a) Pole must lie on left plane
b) Zeroes must lie on left plane
c) Poles and zeroes must lie on left plane
d) Both must lie on right plane
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Answer: c
Explanation: For minimum phase systems poles and zeroes must lie on the right s-

7. For non-minimum phase systems:

a) Poles and zeroes must lie on the right s-plane
b) Zeroes must lie on right of s-plane
c) Both lie on left of s-plane
d) Poles must be on the left and zeroes can be on the right s –plane.
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Answer: d
Explanation: For non-minimum phase systems poles must be on the left and zeroes
can be on the right s –plane.

8. For all-pass systems:

a) Poles must lie on right of the s-plane
b) Zeroes must lie on the left of s-plane
c) Poles must lie on the left and zeroes on the mirror image of the pole can be on the
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: For all-pass systems poles must lie on the left and zeroes on the mirror
image of the pole can be on the right.

9. All pass system and minimum phase system constitute_________________

a) Pole must lie on left plane
b) Minimum phase system
c) Non-minimum phase system
d) Both must lie on right plane
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Answer: c
Explanation: All pass system and minimum phase system constitute non-minimum
phase system.

10. Minimum phase systems have unique relationship between its phase and
magnitude curves
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Minimum phase system has the least phase angle range for a given
magnitude curve. Control Systems Questions and Answers – Bode
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Bode Plots”.

1. Assertion (A): Relative stability of the system reduces due to the presence of
transportation lag.
Reason (R): Transportation lag can be conveniently handled by Bode plot.
a) Both A and R are true but R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
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Answer: b
Explanation: Transportation lag can be conveniently handled on Bode plot as well
without the need to make any approximation.

2. Assertion (A): The phase angle plot in Bode diagram is not affected by the variation in
the gain of the system.
Reason(R): The variation in the gain of the system has no effect on the phase margin of
the system.
a) Both A and R are true but R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
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3. A system has poles at 0.01 Hz, 1 Hz and 80Hz, zeroes at 5Hz, 100Hz and 200Hz. The
approximate phase of the system response at 20 Hz is :
a) -90°
b) 0°
c) 90°
d) -180°
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pole at 0.01 Hz gives -180° phase. Zero at 5Hz gives 90° phase therefore at
20Hz -90° phase shift is provided.

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4. The constant M-circle represented by the equation x ^2+2.25x+y^2=-1.25 has the value
of M equal to:
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: c
Explanation: Comparing with the M circle equation we have the value of M =3.

5. What is the value of M for the constant M circle represented by the equation
a) 0.5
b) 2
c) 3
d) 8
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Answer: c
Explanation: Comparing with the M circle equation we have the value of M =3.

6. The constant N loci represented by the equation x ^2+x+y^2=0 is for the value of phase
angle equal to:
a) -45°
b) 0°
c) 45°
d) 90°
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Answer: d
Explanation: Centre = (-0.5, 0)
Centre of N circle is (-1/2, 1/2N)
N =tanα
α =90°.

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7. All the constant N-circles in G planes cross the real axis at the fixed points. Which are
these points?
a) -1 and origin
b) Origin and +1
c) -0.5 and 0.5
d) -1 and +1
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Answer: a
Explanation: Centre of N circle is (-1/2, 1/2N)
N =tanα
Constant –N circles always pass through (-1, 0) and (0, 0).

8. Consider the following statements:

Nichol’s chart gives information about.
i. Closed loop frequency response.
ii. The value of the peak magnitude of the closed loop frequency response Mp.
iii. The frequency at which Mp occurs.
Which of the above statements are correct?
a) 2 and 3
b) 1 and 2
c) 1 and 3
d) 1,2 and 3
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Answer: d
Explanation: Nichol’s chart gives information about closed loop frequency response,
value of the peak magnitude of the closed loop frequency response Mp and the
frequency at which Mp occurs.

9. Which one of the following statements is correct? Nichol’s chart is useful for the
detailed study analysis of:
a) Closed loop frequency response
b) Open loop frequency response
c) Close loop and open loop frequency responses
d) None of the above
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Answer: a
Explanation: Nichol’s chart is useful for the detailed study analysis of closed loop
frequency response.

10. In a bode magnitude plot, which one of the following slopes would be exhibited at
high frequencies by a 4th order all-pole system?
a) -80dB/decade
b) -40 dB/decade
c) 40 dB/decade
d) 80 dB/decade
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Answer: a
Explanation: A 4th order all pole system means that the system must be having no zero
or s-term in numerator and s4 terms in denominator. One pole exhibits -20dB/decade
slope, so 4 pole exhibits a slope of -80 dB /decade.

11. Frequency range of bode magnitude and phases are decided by :

a) The lowest and higher important frequencies of dominant factors of the OLTF
b) The lowest and highest important frequencies of all the factors of the open loop
transfer function
c) Resonant frequencies of the second factors
d) None of the above
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Answer: d
Explanation: T. F. = Kp (1+Tds)
There is only one zero which will give slope of +20dB/decade.

12. OLTF contains one zero in right half of s-plane then

a) Open loop system is unstable
b) Close loop system is unstable
c) Close loop system is unstable for higher gain
d) Close loop system is stable
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Answer: c
Explanation: OLTF contains one zero in right half of s-plane then Close loop system is
unstable for higher gain.

13. The critical value of gain for a system is 40 and gain margin is 6dB. The system is
operating at a gain of:
a) 20
b) 40
c) 80
d) 120
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gm (dB) = 20log⁡GM
GM =2
As we know, GM =K (marginal)/K (desired)
K desired =40/2 =20.

14. Nichol’s chart is useful for the detailed study and analysis of:
a) Closed loop frequency response
b) Open loop frequency response
c) Close loop and open loop frequency responses
d) open loop and Close loop frequency responses
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Answer: a
Explanation: Nichol’s chart is useful for the detailed study and analysis of closed loop
frequency response.

15. The roots of the characteristic equation of the second order system in which real
and imaginary part represents the :
a) Damped frequency and damping
b) Damping and damped frequency
c) Natural frequency and damping ratio
d) Damping ratio and natural frequency
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Answer: b
Explanation: Real part represents the damping and imaginary part damped frequency.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Polar Plots

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Polar Plots”.

1. The constant M circle for M=1 is the

a) straight line x=-1/2
b) critical point (-1j0)
c) circle with r= 0.33
d) circle with r=0.67
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Answer: a
Explanation: For M =1 the constant M circle is a straight line at x=-1/2.

2. The polar plot of a transfer function passes through the critical point (-1,0). Gain
margin is
a) Zero
b) -1dB
c) 1dB
d) Infinity
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gain margin of a polar plot passing through the critical point is zero.

3. Consider the following statements:

1. The effect of feedback is to reduce the system error
2. Feedback increases the gain of the system in one frequency range but decreases in
3. Feedback can cause a system that is originally stable to become unstable
Which of these statements are correct.
a) 1,2 and 3
b) 1 and 2
c) 2 and 3
d) 1 and 3
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Answer: c
Explanation: Feedback can cause the increase in gain and also can cause stable system
to become unstable.

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4. The open loop transfer function of a system is G(s) H(s)= K / (1+s)(1+2s)(1+3s)

The phase cross over frequency ωc is
a) V2
b) 1
c) Zero
d) V3
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Answer: b
Explanation: Phase crossover frequency is calculated as by calculating the magnitude of
the transfer function and equating it to 1 and the frequency calculated at this
magnitude is phase cross over frequency.
5. If the gain of the open-loop system is doubled, the gain margin
a) Is not affected
b) Gets doubled
c) Becomes half
d) Becomes one-fourth
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Answer: a
Explanation: If the gain of the open-loop system is doubled, the gain margin gets

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Communication Engineering Books

6. The unit circle of the Nyquist plot transforms into 0dB line of the amplitude plot of
the Bode diagram at
a) 0 frequency
b) Low frequency
c) High frequency
d) Any frequency
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Answer: d
Explanation: The unit circle of the Nyquist plot transforms into 0dB line of the
amplitude plot of the Bode diagram at any frequency.

7. Consider the following statements:

The gain margin and phase margin of an unstable system may respectively be
1. Positive, positive
2. Positive, negative
3. Negative, positive
4. Negative, negative
Of these statements

a) 1 and 4 are correct

b) 1 and 2 are correct
c) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
d) 2,3 and 4 are correct
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Answer: d
Explanation: For unstable system the signs of gain margin and phase margin are always
different or they can both be negative.
8. If a system has an open loop transfer function
1-s / 1+s, then the gain of the system at frequency of 1 rad/s will be
a) 1
b) 1/2
c) Zero
d) -1
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Answer: d
Explanation: The system is all pass system and the gain of the system at frequency of 1

9. The polar plot of the open loop transfer function of a feedback control system
intersects the real axis at -2. The gain margin of the system is
a) -5dB
b) 0dB
c) -6dB
d) 40dB
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Answer: c
Explanation: Gain margin of the system is inverse of the intersect on the real axis and
calculated in decibels.
G(s) = 1+s / s(1+0.5s).

10. The corner frequencies are

a) 0 and 1
b) 0 and 2
c) 0 and 1
d) 1 and 2
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Answer: d
Explanation: Corner frequency can be calculated by time constant form of the transfer
function and here the corner frequencies are 1 and 2.

11. For the transfer function

G(s) H(s) = 1 / s(s+1) (s+0.5), the phase cross-over frequency is
a) 0.5 rad/sec
b) 0.707 rad/sec
c) 1.732 rad/sec
d) 2 rad/sec
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Answer: b
Explanation: Phase cross over frequency is calculated at the point where magnitude of
the polar plot is 1.

12. The gain margin (in dB) of a system having the loop transfer function
G(s) H(s) = 2 / s(s+1) is
a) 0
b) 3
c) 6
d) 8
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Answer: d
Explanation: Gain margin of a system is calculated at the phase cross over frequency
and expressed in decibels.

13. The gain margin for the system with open loop transfer function
G(s) H(s) = G(s) =2(1+s) / s2 is
a) 8
b) 0
c) 1
d) -8
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Answer: b
Explanation: Gain margin of a system is calculated at the phase cross over frequency
and expressed in decibels.

14. Statement 1: In constant M circles, as M increases from 1 to 8 radius of circle

increases from 0 to 8 and Centre shifts from (-1,0) to (-8,0)
Statement 2: The circle intersects real axis at point (-1/2, 0)
a) Statement 1 is TRUE, 2 is FALSE
b) Statement 1 is FALSE, 2 is TRUE
c) Statement 1 & 2 TRUE
d) Statement 1 & 2 FALSE
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Answer: d
Explanation: All the circles pass through the points (0,0) and (-1,0).

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Correlation

between Time and Frequency Response
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Correlation between Time and Frequency Response”.

1. The forward path transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by G(s) =
100/(s2+10s+100). The frequency response of this system will exhibit the resonance
peak at:
a) 10 rad/sec
b) 0.866 rad/sec
c) 0.707 rad/sec
d) 5rad/sec
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Answer: c
Explanation: G(s) = 100/(s2+10s+100)
wn = 10rad/sec
G = 10/2wn =0.5
wr = 0.707 rad/s.

2. Assertion (A): All the systems which exhibit overshoot in transient response will also
exhibit resonance peak in frequency response.
Reason (R): Large resonance peak in frequency response corresponds to a large
overshoot in transient response.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
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Answer: a
Explanation: For G<1/√2 frequency parameters ex Mr resonant peak and time response
parameters eg. Mp peak overshoot are well correlated. For G>1/√2 the resonant peak
Mr does not exist and the correlation breaks down. This is not a serious problem as for
this range of G, the step response oscillations are well-damped and Mp is hardly

3. The transfer function of a system is given by Y(s)/X(s) = e −0.1s/1+s. If x(t) is 0.5sint, then
the phase angle between the output and the input will be:
a) -39.27°
b) -45°
c) -50.73°
d) -90°
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Answer: c
Explanation: Phase angle = -tan−1-0.1*180°/π
w =1 rad/sec
Phase angle =-50.73°.

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4. The critical value of gain for the system is 40. The system is operating at a gain of 20.
The gain margin of the system is :
a) 2 dB
b) 3 dB
c) 6 dB
d) 4 dB
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Answer: c
Explanation: G.M. =Kmarginal/Kdesire
Kmarginal =40
Kdesire = 20
G.M. =2
G.M. (dB) = 6dB.

5. The phase angle of the system G(s) =s+5/s2+4s+9;varies between

a) 0° and 90°
b) 0° and -90°
c) 0° and -180°
d) -90° and -180°
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Answer: b
Explanation: Phase = tan−1−11w−w3/45−2.

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6. The open loop transfer function of a system is :

G(s) H(s) =K/ (1+s) (1+2s) (1+3s)
The phase crossover frequency wpc is:
a) √2
b) 1
c) Zero
d) √3
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Answer: b
Explanation: angle =-180°
3wpc/1-2wpc2 =-3wpc
wpc = 1 rad/sec.

7. Which one of the following statements is correct for gain margin and phase margin
of two closed-loop systems having loop functions G(s) H(s) and exp(-s) G(s) H(s)?
a) Both gain and phase margins of the two systems will be identical
b) Both gain and phase margins of G(s) H(s) will be more
c) Gain margins of the two systems are the same but phase margins of G(s) H(s) will be
d) Phase margins of the two systems are the same but gain margin of G(s) H(s) will be
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Answer: c
Explanation: The factor exp (-st) is the cause of the term transportation lag (time delay).
The effect of e-st term is simply to rotate each point of the G(s) H(s) plot by an angle wT
rad in the clockwise direction. So the phase margin of the system reduces as T
increases. But since |e-s| =1, therefore the gain margins of both the systems are the

8. In a feedback control system, phase margin(PM) is

1. Directly proportional to G
2. Inversely proportional to G
3. Independent of G
4. Zero when G =0
Which of the above statements are correct?
a) 1 and 2
b) 2 and 3
c) 3 and 4
d) 1 and 4
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Answer: d
Explanation: For small values of G, PM is directly proportional to G and at G=0. phase

9. The gain margin in dBs of a unity feedback control system whose open loop transfer
function, G(s) H(s) =1/s(s+1) is
a) 0
b) 1
c) -1
d) ∞
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Answer: d
Explanation: wpc = ∞
Magnitude of the transfer function =0
Gain Margin =∞ dB.

10. The loop transfer function of a system is given by G(s) H(s) =10e -Ls/s. The phase
crossover frequency is 5rad/s. The value of the dead time L is
a) π/20
b) π/10
c) -π/20
d) Zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: – π/2-180/π*L*5 = -π
5L =π/2
L =π/10.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Frequency

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Frequency Response”.

1. Scientist Bode have contribution in :

a) Asymptotic plots
b) Polar plots
c) Root locus technique
d) Constant M and n circle
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Answer: a
Explanation: Asymptotic plots are the bode plots that are drawn to find the relative
stability of the system by finding the phase and gain margin and this was invented by
Scientist Bode.

2. Scientist Evans have contribution in :

a) Asymptotic plots
b) Polar plots
c) Root locus technique
d) Constant M and n circle
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Answer: c
Explanation: Root locus technique is used to find the transient and steady state
response characteristics by finding the locus of the gain of the system and this was
made Scientist Evans .

3. Scientist Nyquist have contribution in:

a) Asymptotic plots
b) Polar plots
c) Root locus technique
d) Constant M and n circle
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Answer: b
Explanation: Nyquist plot is used to find the stability of the system by open loop poles
and zeroes and the encirclements of the poles and zeroes and satisfying the equation
N=P-Z and this is named under the name of scientist Nyquist.

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4. For a stable closed loop system, the gain at phase crossover frequency should
always be:
a) < 20 dB
b) < 6 dB
c) > 6 dB
d) > 0 dB
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Answer: d
Explanation: Phase crossover frequency is the frequency at which the gain of the
system must be 1 and for a stable system the gain is decibels must be 0 db.

5. Which one of the following methods can determine the closed loop system
resonance frequency operation?
a) Root locus method
b) Nyquist method
c) Bode plot
d) M and N circle
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Answer: d
Explanation: Closed loop system resonance frequency is the frequency at which
maximum peak occurs and this frequency of operation can best be determined with
the help of M and N circle.

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6. If the gain of the open loop system is doubled, the gain of the system is :
a) Not affected
b) Doubled
c) Halved
d) One fourth of the original value
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gain of the open loop system is doubled then the gain of the system is not
affected as the gain of the system is not dependent on the overall gain of the system.

7. Which one of the following statements is correct?

Nichol’s chart is useful for the detailed study of:
a) Closed loop frequency response
b) Open loop frequency response
c) Close loop and open loop frequency responses
d) None of the mentioned
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8. Constant M- loci:
a) Constant gain and constant phase shift loci of the closed-loop system.
b) Plot of loop gain with the variation in frequency
c) Circles of constant gain for the closed loop transfer function
d) Circles of constant phase shift for the closed loop transfer function
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Answer: d
Explanation: By definition, Constant M loci are Circles of constant phase shift for the
closed loop transfer function.

9. Constant N-loci:
a) Constant gain and constant phase shift loci of the closed-loop system.
b) Plot of loop gain with the variation in frequency
c) Circles of constant gain for the closed loop transfer function
d) Circles of constant phase shift for the closed loop transfer function
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Answer: c
Explanation: Constant N loci are the circles of constant gain for the closed loop transfer
function and the intersection point of the M and N is always the point (-1,0).
10. Nichol’s chart:
a) Constant gain and constant phase shift loci of the closed-loop system.
b) Plot of loop gain with the variation in frequency
c) Circles of constant gain for the closed loop transfer function
d) Circles of constant phase shift for the closed loop transfer function
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Answer: b
Explanation: Nichol’s chart are plot of loop gain with the variation in frequency and this
is used to determine the stability of the system with the variation in the frequency.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Mathematical

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Mathematical Preliminaries”.

1. Which of the following devices is used for conversion of co-ordinates?

a) Microsyn
b) Selsyn
c) Synchro-resolver
d) Synchro-transformer
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Answer: c
Explanation: Synchro-Resolver is rotary transformer used for measuring degree of
rotation and used for the conversion of the co-ordinates.

2. The effect of error damping is to

a) Provide larger settling lime
b) Delay the response
c) Reduce steady state error
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Error damping is to reduce steady state error as it is used to enhance the
steady state response of the system and this can be done by increasing the damping of
the system.
3. ______________technique gives quick transient and stability response
a) Root locus
b) Bode
c) Nyquist
d) Nichols
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Answer: a
Explanation: Root locus is the right technique for the quick transient and stability
response and gives the final response and quickly.

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4. A phase lag lead network introduces in the output

a) Lag at all frequencies
b) Lag at high frequencies and lead at low frequencies
c) Lag at low frequencies and lead at high frequencies
d) None of the above mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: A phase lag lead network is the combination of the lead and lag network
and also it lags at low frequencies and lead at high frequencies.

5. Which of the following is the non-linearity caused by servomotor?

a) Static friction
b) Backlash
c) Saturation
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Linearity in the servo-motor is due to the saturation present and which is
the important consideration for any type of the practical device.

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6. ____________can be extended to systems which are time-varying?

a) Bode-Nyquist stability methods
b) Transfer functions
c) Root locus design
d) State model representatives
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Answer: d
Explanation: State model representation is the best advantage for the systems over
transfer function approach as it can be applied for the non-linear systems.

7. Laplace transform is used for the systems with:

a) Initial conditions infinite
b) Initial conditions zero
c) Initial conditions finite
d) Initial conditions equal to the initial input
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Answer: b
Explanation: By definition of the transfer function by Laplace transform the initial
conditions of the systems are considered to be zero.

8. Which of the following is an electromechanical device?

a) Induction relay
b) Thermocouple
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: LVDT is the electromechanical device which converts the displacement of
the core to the electrical energy by the action of the transformer.

9. A differentiator is usually not a part of a control system because it

a) Reduces damping
b) Reduces the gain margin
c) Increases input noise
d) Increases error
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Answer: c
Explanation: A differentiator is generally not the part of the control system as it
increases the input noise due to reduced gain and increased bandwidth.

10. If the gain of the critical damped system is increased it will behave as
a) Oscillatory
b) Critically damped
c) Overdamped
d) Underdamped
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Answer: a
Explanation: On increasing the gain damping will automatically get reduced and hence
the oscillations in the system increases.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Nyquist Stability

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Nyquist Stability Criterion”.

1. Which principle specifies the relationship between enclosure of poles & zeros by s-
plane contour and the encirclement of origin by q(s) plane contour?
a) Argument
b) Agreement
c) Assessment
d) Assortment
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Answer: a
Explanation: Argument principle specifies the relationship between enclosure of poles
& zeros by s-plane contour and the encirclement of origin by q(s) plane contour.

2. If a Nyquist plot of G (jω) H (jω) for a closed loop system passes through (-2, j0) point
in GH plane, what would be the value of gain margin of the system in dB?
a) 0 dB
b) 2.0201 dB
c) 4 dB
d) 6.0205 dB
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Answer: d
Explanation: Gain Margin is calculated by taking inverse of the gain where the Nyquist
plot cuts the real axis.

3. For Nyquist contour, the size of radius is _______

a) 25
b) 0
c) 1
d) ∞
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Answer: d
Explanation: For Nyquist contour, the size of radius is ∞.

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4. Consider a feedback system with gain margin of about 30. At what point does
Nyquist plot crosses negative real axis?
a) -3
b) -0.3
c) -30
d) -0.03
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Answer: b
Explanation: Gain Margin is always inverse of the point which cuts the Nyquist on the
real axis.

5. According to Nyquist stability criterion, where should be the position of all zeros of
q(s) corresponding to s-plane?
a) On left half
b) At the center
c) On right half
d) Random
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to Nyquist stability criterion zeroes must lie on the left half on
the s plane.

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6. If the system is represented by G(s) H(s) = k (s+7) / s (s +3) (s + 2), what would be its
magnitude at ω = ∞?
a) 0
b) ∞
c) 7/10
d) 21
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Answer: a
Explanation: On calculating the magnitude of the system and putting the value of
frequency one gets the magnitude as 0.
7. Consider the system represented by the equation given below. What would be the
total phase value at ω = 0?
200/[s3 (s + 3) (s + 6) (s + 10)].
a) -90°
b) -180°
c) -270°
d) -360°
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Answer: c
Explanation: The phase can be calculated by the basic formula for calculating phase

8. Due to an addition of pole at origin, the polar plot gets shifted by ___ at ω = 0 ?
a) -45°
b) -60°
c) -90°
d) -180°
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Answer: c
Explanation: Addition of pole causes instability to the system.

9. In polar plots, if a pole is added at the origin, what would be the value of the
magnitude at Ω = 0?
a) Zero
b) Infinity
c) Unity
d) Unpredictable
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Answer: b
Explanation: Addition of pole causes instability to the system.

10. In polar plots, what does each and every point represent w.r.t magnitude and
a) Scalar
b) Vector
c) Phasor
d) Differentiator
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Answer: c
Explanation: Each and every point on the polar plot is the phasor where value of
frequency varies.
Control Systems Questions and Answers – Closed-Loop
Frequency Response
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Closed-Loop Frequency Response”.

1. Closed loop frequency response is very useful as :

a) It approximately predicts the time response of the systems
b) Time response are converted into time domain specifications
c) After design time domain specification is converted into frequency domain
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Closed loop frequency response is very useful as it enables to use second
order correlations between frequency and transient response.

2. Maximum peak overshoot in time domain corresponds to :

a) Resonance peak
b) Resonant frequency
c) Bandwidth
d) Cut-off rate
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Answer: a
Explanation: Resonance peak in frequency domain correspond to maximum peak
overshoot in time domain.

3. Frequency of oscillation in time domain correspond to :

a) Resonance peak
b) Resonant frequency
c) Bandwidth
d) Cut-off rate
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Answer: b
Explanation: Resonant frequency in frequency domain correspond to frequency of
oscillation in time domain.

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4. Bandwidth is :
a) Range of frequencies for which the system gain is more than-3dB
b) This is considered good range for transmission of signals
c) For better communication bandwidth of signal must be less
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Bandwidth of a signal must be less but channel must be more foe better
transmission or communication.

5. Cut-off rate is the ability of the system to distinguish the signal from _____________
a) Bandwidth
b) Noise
c) Resonance peak
d) Magnitude
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Answer: b
Explanation: Cut-off rate is the ability of the system to distinguish the signal from noise.

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Engineering MCQs

6. The important figures of merit to the system in frequency domain are :

a) Maximum value of resonant peak
b) Value of resonance frequency
c) Maximum value of resonant peak and Value of resonance frequency
d) Minimum value of resonance frequency
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Answer: c
Explanation: The important figures of merit to the system in frequency domain are
maximum value of resonance peak and frequency at which it occurs.

7. In q(s) plane Nyquist plot is symmetrical about the :

a) Imaginary axis
b) Real axis
c) Origin
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: By definition, In q(s) plane Nyquist plot is symmetrical about the real axis.

8. A polar plot intersects the unit circle at a point making -45° to the negative real axis
then the phase margin of the system is :
a) -45°
b) 45°
c) 180°-45°
d) 180°+45°
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the angle is with the negative real axis hence the Phase margin will be

9. The parameter which is constant along the constant N circle :

a) Frequency
b) Phase angle
c) Magnitude
d) Open loop gain
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Answer: b
Explanation: Phase angle remains constant in constant N-circle.

10. In second order system gain margin is :

a) Zero value
b) Finite value
c) Infinite value
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Gain margin is defined generally for systems with order greater than 3.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Time Domain

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Time Domain Analysis”.

1. The system with the open loop transfer function 1/s(1+s) is:
a) Type 2 and order 1
b) Type 1 and order 1
c) Type 0 and order 0
d) Type 1 and order 2
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Answer: d
Explanation: Type is defined as the number of poles at origin and order is defined as
the total number of poles and this is calculated with the help of the transfer function
from the above transfer function the type is 1 and order is 2.

2. The identical first order system have been cascaded non-interactively. The unit step
response of the systems will be:
a) Overdamped
b) Underdamped
c) Undamped
d) Critically damped
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Answer: d
Explanation: Since both the systems that is the first order systems are cascaded non-
interactively, the overall unit step response will be critically damped.

3. A third order system is approximated to an equivalent second order system. The rise
time of this approximated lower order system will be:
a) Same as the original system for any input
b) Smaller than the original system for any input
c) Larger than the original system for any input
d) Larger or smaller depending on the input
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Answer: b
Explanation: As order of the system increases the system approaches more towards
the ideal characteristics and if the third order system is approximated to an equivalent
second order system then the rise time of this will be smaller than the original system
for any input.

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4. A system has a single pole at origin. Its impulse response will be:
a) Constant
b) Ramp
c) Decaying exponential
d) Oscillatory
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Answer: a
Explanation: For a single pole at origin the system is of type 1 and impulse response of
the system with single pole at the origin will be constant.
5. When the period of the observation is large, the type of the error will be:
a) Transient error
b) Steady state error
c) Half-power error
d) Position error constant
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Answer: b
Explanation: The error will be the steady state error if the period of observation is large
as the time if large then the final value theorem can be directly applied.

Check this: Electronics & Communication Engineering MCQs | Control System


6. When the unit step response of a unity feedback control system having forward path
transfer function G (s) =80/s(s+18)?
a) Overdamped
b) Critically damped
c) Under damped
d) Un Damped oscillatory
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Answer: a
Explanation: The open loop transfer function is first converted into the closed loop as
unity feedback is used and then value of damping factor is calculated.

7. With negative feedback in a closed loop control system, the system sensitivity to
parameter variation:
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Becomes zero
d) Becomes infinite
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Answer: b
Explanation: Sensitivity is defined as the change in the output with respect to the
change in the input and due to negative feedback reduces by a factor of 1/ (1+GH).

8. An underdamped second order system with negative damping will have the roots :
a) On the negative real axis as roots
b) On the left hand side of complex plane as complex roots
c) On the right hand side of complex plane as complex conjugates
d) On the positive real axis as real roots
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Answer: c
Explanation: An underdamped second order system is the system which has damping
factor less than unity and with negative damping will have the roots on the right hand
side of complex plane as complex conjugates.

9. Given a unity feedback system with G (s) =K/ s (s+4). What is the value of K for a
damping ratio of 0.5?
a) 1
b) 16
c) 4
d) 2
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Answer: b
Explanation: Comparing the equation with the standard characteristic equation gives
the value of damping factor, natural frequency and value of gain K.

10. How can the steady state error can be reduced?

a) By decreasing the type of the system
b) By increasing system gain
c) By decreasing the static error constant
d) By increasing the input
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Answer: d
Explanation: Steady state error is the error as it is the difference between the final
output and the desired output and by increasing the input the steady state error
reduces as it depends upon both the states and input.

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Control Systems Questions and Answers – Assessment of
Relative Stability Using Nyquist Criterion
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Assessment of Relative Stability Using Nyquist Criterion”.

1. The phase margin (in degrees) of a system having the loop transfer function G(s)
H(s)=2√3/s(s+1) is:
a) 45°
b) -30°
c) 60°
d) 30°
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Answer: d
Explanation: Phase margin is calculated at gain cross over frequency where magnitude
of the transfer function is 1.

2. The system with the open loop transfer function G(s) H(s) =1/s(s ^2+s+1) has the gain
margin of :
a) -6 dB
b) 0 dB
c) 3.5 dB
d) 6 dB
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Answer: b
Explanation: Gain margin is calculated at phase cross over frequency where the phase
is 180°.

3. The phase angle of the system, G(s) =s+5/s2+4s+9, varies between :

a) 0° and 90°
b) 0° and -90°
c) 0° and -180°
d) -90° and -180°
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Answer: a
Explanation: As it is the type 0 system so the phase angle can be 0° and 90°.

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4. The polar plot of the transfer function G(s) = 10(s+1)/s+10 will be in the :
a) First quadrant
b) Second quadrant
c) Third quadrant
d) Fourth quadrant
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Answer: d
Explanation: Polar plot of the given transfer function lies in the fourth quadrant.

5. As the polar plot moves toward the point (-1, 0) then the system becomes :
a) Stable
b) Marginally stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Unstable
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Answer: d
Explanation: As the polar plot moves toward the point (-1, 0) then the system becomes

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Engineering MCQs

6. Polar plots moving toward the imaginary axis makes the system:
a) Stable
b) Marginally stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Unstable
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Answer: d
Explanation: Polar plots moving toward the imaginary axis makes the system unstable.

7. The concepts used to measure relative stability are:

a) Phase margin
b) Gain margin
c) Phase and Gain margin
d) Stable
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Answer: c
Explanation: The concepts used to measure relative stability are phase margin and gain

8. Phase and gain margin are applicable to open and closed loop systems both.
a) True
b) False
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9. Gain margin is:
a) It is a factor by which the system gain can be increased to drive it to the verge of
b) It is calculated at gain cross over frequency
c) It is calculated at phase cross over frequency
d) Both a and c
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Answer: d
Explanation: Gain margin is a factor by which the system gain can be increased to drive
it to the verge of instability and is calculated at phase cross over frequency.

10. Phase margin is:

a) It is amount of additional phase lag at the gain cross over frequency required to
bring the system to the verge of instability
b) It is always positive for stable feedback systems
c) It is calculated at gain cross over frequency
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Phase margin is the measure of relative stability which is always positive
for stable systems.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – The Design

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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“The Design Problem”.

1. What should be the nature of bandwidth for a good control system?

a) Large
b) Small
c) Medium
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bandwidth is defined as the difference in the highest frequency and
lowest frequency and bandwidth must be large for the good control system and for
higher bandwidth noise is also large.

2. Which system exhibits the initiation of corrective action only after the output gets
a) Feed forward
b) Feedback
c) Both a and b
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Feedback is the process in which the output of the system is desired by
comparing the output with the input and with the feedback system exhibits the
initiation of corrective action only after the output gets affected.

3. A good control system should be sensitive to __________

a) Internal disturbances
b) Environmental parameters
c) Parametric variations
d) Input signals (except noise)
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Answer: c
Explanation: A good control system is the system with high speed of response and
steady state error must be less and bandwidth should be large and noise must be very
low and must be sensitive to parametric variations.

4. What is the value of steady state error in closed loop control systems?
a) Zero
b) Unity
c) Infinity
d) Unpredictable
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Answer: a
Explanation: Steady state error is the error which is the difference in the final output to
the desired output and the value of steady state error for the good control system
must be zero.

5. Into which energy signal does the position sensor convert the measured position of
servomotor in servomechanisms?
a) Mechanical
b) Electrical
c) Thermal
d) Light
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Answer: a
Explanation: In mechanical system the sensors are used in which the mechanical
motion is converted into electrical energy and generally in mechanical system position
sensor convert the measured position of servomotor in servomechanism.

Check this: Electrical Engineering MCQs | Electrical Engineering Books

6. Which among the following controls the speed of D.C. motor?

a) Galvanometer
b) Gauss meter
c) Potentiometer
d) Tachometer
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Answer: d
Explanation: D.C. motor is the motor which operates with the direct current as in the
construction of DC motors slip rings not commutators and tachometer control the
speed of DC motor.

7. Which among the following represents an illustration of closed loop system?

a) Automatic washing machine
b) Automatic electric iron
c) Bread toaster
d) Electric hair drier
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Answer: a
Explanation: Closed loop control system is the system with the positive or negative
feedback and this is made so as to avoid the disadvantages of open loop control
system and in the above options automatic washing machine represents closed loop

8. Which notation represents the feedback path in closed loop system representation?
a) b(t)
b) c(t)
c) e(t)
d) r(t)
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Answer: c
Explanation: Feedback can be positive and negative and feedback is so used to reduce
the error of the system by comparing the final output with the desired output and
reducing the error and this error is denoted with the symbol as e(t).

9. Which among the following is not an advantage of an open loop system?

a) Simplicity in construction & design
b) Easy maintenance
c) Rare problems of stability
d) Requirements of system re-calibration from time to time
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Answer: d
Explanation: Open loop system is the system with no feedback and the parameter
variations in the open loop system are more as compared to the closed loop system
and the system has to be re-calibrated as per the requirement as automatic calibration
is not present in this system.
10. Which terminology deals with the excitation or stimulus applied to the system from
an external source for the generation of an output?
a) Input signal
b) Output signal
c) Error signal
d) Feedback signal
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Answer: a
Explanation: For the output of the system, mainly the input and state of the system are
required and the excitation or stimulus applied to the system from an external source
for the generation of the output is called input signal.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Preliminary

Considerations of Classical Design
1. The most important consideration for designing of control system are:
a) Transient response measures
b) Steady state error
c) Temporary response
d) Final response
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Answer: c
Explanation: The important point to keep in mind for designing control system are the
transient response and steady state response as for designing a control system both of
the responses are used in detail. .

2. Steady state error is usually specified in terms of :

a) Error constants
b) Damping factor
c) Speed of response
d) Bandwidth
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Answer: a
Explanation: Steady state error is the error that is specified as the time approaches
infinite and value approaches the final value and specified mainly in terms of error
constants that are mainly position, velocity and acceleration error constants.

3. Transient response measure is usually specified in terms of :

a) Error constants
b) Damping factor
c) Speed of response
d) Both b and c
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Answer: d
Explanation: Transient response is the response taken at any particular time during
analysis and that is mainly specified in terms of damping factor and speed of response
that is mainly settling time and rise time.

4. In time domain the measure of relative stability is:

a) Damping factor
b) Maximum peak overshoot
c) Damping factor and Maximum peak overshoot
d) Speed of response
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Answer: c
Explanation: Relative stability is the measure of stability of a particular control system
with respect to some reference and is measured both in time and frequency domain as
in time domain it is the measure of damping factor and maximum peak overshoot.

5. In frequency domain the measure of relative stability is:

a) Resonant peak
b) Phase margin
c) Resonant peak and phase margin
d) Maximum peak overshoot
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Answer: c
Explanation: Relative stability is the measure of stability of a particular control system
with respect to some reference and is measured both in time and frequency domain as
in frequency domain it is the measure of both resonant peak and phase margin.

6. In time domain the speed of response is measured in terms of :

a) Rise time
b) Settling time
c) Natural frequency
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The value of rise time must be less so that the speed of response of
control system must be large and it depends upon the rise time, settling time and
natural frequency.

7. In frequency domain the speed of response is measured in terms of:

a) Resonant frequency
b) Bandwidth
c) Resonant peak and bandwidth
d) Maximum peak overshoot
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Answer: c
Explanation: The speed of response is the time to get the final response and in
frequency domain it depends upon the resonant frequency the frequency at which the
resonant peak is obtained and bandwidth.

8. The compensator for the system can be:

a) Electrical
b) Mechanical
c) Hydraulic
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Compensator can be of any different type but mainly electric network
serves as the compensator.

9. The compensator transfer function can be placed in:

a) Cascade or series compensation
b) Feedback or parallel compensation
c) Positive
d) Negative
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Answer: c
Explanation: Compensator are the devices used in frequency domain so as to get the
desired response and there are various methods to place the compensators in the
system as cascade or series or feedback or parallel.

10. Lead compensator speeds up the transient response and increases the margin of
stability of a system.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Derivative compensation are also known as the lead compensators are
these make the speed of response of the system more and also the bandwidth and
hence make the system more stable.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Realization of

Basic Compensators
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Realization of Basic Compensators”.

1. Which of the following is not the correct reason to select feedback compensation
over cascaded one?
a) No amplification is required as the energy transfer is from higher to lower level.
b) Suitable devices are not available for compensation(series)
c) It is economical
d) Provides greater stiffness against load disturbances
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Answer: c
Explanation: Feedback compensation is the compensation obtained due to feedback
and cascade refers to the cascading of blocks in the forward path and feedback
compensation is not preferred over cascading as it is ecenomical.

2. Operations performed by pneumatic controllers:

a) Flexible operations
b) High torque high speed operations
c) Fire and explosion proof operation
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Pneumatic controllers are the controllers that perform the control action
to control the motion related to air and they always perform fire and explosion proof

3. Operations performed by hydraulic controllers:

a) Flexible operations
b) High torque high speed operations
c) Fire and explosion proof operation
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Hydraulic controllers are the controllers that perform the control action in
which the motion is due to the water and they have high torque and high speed

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4. Operations performed by electronic controllers:
a) Flexible operations
b) High torque high speed operations
c) Fire and explosion proof operation
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Electronic controllers are the most flexible controller and used over
hydraulic and pneumatic controllers and they use the control action where the control
is mainly handled by electronic components and can perform flexible operations as of
high speed and high torque.

5. The compensator G(s) =5(1+0.3s)/1+0.1s would provide a maximum phase shift of:
a) 20°
b) 30°
c) 45°
d) 60°
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Answer: b
Explanation: The two corner frequencies are 1/0.3 and 1/0.1. The maximum phase lead
occurs at mid frequency w =10/√ and maximum phase is 30°.

6. Consider the following systems:

System 1: G(s) =1/ (2s+1) and System 2: G(s) =1/ (5s+1)
The true statement regarding the system is:
a) Bandwidth of the system 1 is greater than the bandwidth of the system 2
b) Bandwidth of the system 1 is lower than the bandwidth of the system 2
c) Bandwidth of both the systems are same
d) Bandwidth of both the systems are infinite
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Answer: a
Explanation: For the system 1 B.W. is 0.5 and
For the system 2 B.W. is 0.2
Hence the system 1 is having more bandwidth compared to system 2.

7. With regard to the filtering capacity the lead compensator and lag compensator are
a) Low pass and high pass filter
b) High pass and low pass filter
c) Both high pass filter
d) Both low pass filters
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Answer: b
Explanation: Lead compensator is similar to high pass filter which allows only the high
frequencies to pass and rejects all the other and Lag compensator is similar to Low
pass filter which allows only low frequencies to pass and rejects other.

8. What is the effect of phase lag compensation on the performance of a servo system?
a) For a given relative stability, the velocity constant is increased
b) For a given relative stability, the velocity constant is decreased
c) The bandwidth of the system is increased
d) The time response is made faster
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Answer: a
Explanation: Phase lag compensation is an integrator. It reduces the steady state error.
Velocity constant =1/steady state error
So velocity constant is increased.

9. A composite R-C network yielded the following transfer function when calculated
from its components:
T(s) = 1+21s+20s2/1+11s+10s2. This network can be used as which one of the following?
a) Phase lead compensator
b) Phase lag compensator
c) Lag lead compensator
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: T(s) = 1+20s/1+10s.
Since zero is nearer to origin than pole, it is a phase lead compensator.

10. The open loop transfer function of a plant is given as, G(s) =1/s^2-1. If the plant is
operated in unity feedback configuration, then the lead compensator that can stabilize
the control system is:
a) 10(s-1)/(s+2)
b) 10(s+4)/(s+2)
c) 10(s+2)/(s+10)
d) 10(s+2)/(s+10)
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Answer: a
Explanation: G(s) =1/(s-1)(s+1)
The lead compensator C(s) should stabilize the plant as it is similar to the differentiator
and the tendency of it is to stablize the system by increasing the damping hence
remove the first term so only option (a) satisfies.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Control Systems.

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Cascade
Compensation in Time Domain
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Cascade Compensation in Time Domain”.

1. A proportional controller leads to:

a) Zero steady state error for step input for type 1 system
b) Zero steady state error for step input for type 0 system
c) Infinite steady state error for step input for a type 1 system
d) Finite steady state error for step input for type 1 system
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Answer: a
Explanation: A proportional controller is the controller block used in the system so as
to follow the output and leads to zero steady state error for step input for type 1

2. An all-pass network imparts only

a) Negative phase to the input
b) Positive phase to the input
c) 90 degree phase shift to the input
d) 180 degree phase shift to the input
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Answer: d
Explanation: An all-pass network is the network that is the combination of the
minimum and non-minimum phase systems and have the magnitude 1 for all
frequencies and imparts only 180 degree phase shift.

3. Which of the following is an effect of lag compensation?

a) Decrease bandwidth
b) Improves transient response
c) Increases the effect of noise
d) Increases stability margin
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Answer: a
Explanation: Lag compensation is the integral compensation that introduces the lag in
the response by slowing the response and reducing the steady state error value by
decreasing bandwidth.

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4. PD controller:
a) Decreases steady state error and improves stability
b) Rise time decreases
c) Transient response becomes poorer
d) Increases steady state error
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Answer: b
Explanation: In Proportional and Derivative controller the damping factor value is
increases the oscillations are reduced and rise time decreases hence speed of
response increases.

5. PID controller:
a) Decreases steady state error and improves stability
b) Rise time decreases
c) Transient response becomes poorer
d) Increases steady state error
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Answer: a
Explanation: Proportional Integral and Derivative controller is the controller that is the
combinational controller that increases the speed of response, decreases steady state
error and improves stability.

Check this: Electrical Engineering Books | Control System Books

6. PI controller:
a) Decreases steady state error and improves stability
b) Rise time decreases
c) Transient response becomes poorer
d) Increases steady state error
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Answer: c
Explanation: In Proportional and Integral controller which is the extension of the
integral controller which improves the steady state response but transient response
becomes poorer.

7. Proportional controller
a) Decreases steady state error and improves stability
b) Rise time decreases
c) Transient response becomes poorer
d) Increases steady state error
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Answer: d
Explanation: Proportional controller is the controller that is used in the system so that
the output follows the input and increases steady state error.

8. PD controller is used to compensate a system, Compared to the uncompensated

system, the compensated system has:
a) A higher type number
b) Reduced damping
c) Higher noise amplification
d) Large transient overshoot
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Answer: c
Explanation: The compensated system of the proportional derivative controller has
bandwidth increases and signal to noise ratio decreases.

9. Lead compensator increases bandwidth

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Lead compensator is similar to high pass filter and causes lead in the
system and increases the speed of response of the system and hence increases

10. Lag compensator reduces__________

a) Position constant
b) Velocity constant
c) Position variable
d) Acceleration constant
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Answer: b
Explanation: Lag compensator is the integral compensation that causes the lag in the
response and reduces velocity constant.

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Control Systems Questions and Answers – Cascade
Compensation in Frequency Domain
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This set of Control Systems Questions and Answers for Entrance exams focuses on
“Cascade Compensation in Frequency Domain”.
1. A phase lead compensation leads to:
a) Increase in overshoot
b) Reduction in bandwidth of closed loop system
c) Reduction in rise time of closed loop system
d) Reduction in gain margin
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Answer: c
Explanation: Phase lead compensation and this is similar to the high pass filter results
in increase in bandwidth reduction in settling time and thus, speed of response is

2. PD controller is used to compensate system. Compared to the uncompensated

system, the compensated system has:
a) A higher type number
b) Reduced damping
c) Higher noise amplification
d) Large transient overshoot
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Answer: c
Explanation: Proportional Derivative controller is used to increase the bandwidth and
also increases the signal to noise ratio by reducing the noise and increasing the signal.

3. P+D controller:
a) Introduces offset
b) Increases bandwidth
c) Increases margin of stability
d) Reduces velocity constant
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Answer: c
Explanation: Proportional Derivative controller is the controller increases margin of
stability and also used to increase he bandwidth and also increases the signal to noise

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4. Proportional controller:
a) Introduces offset
b) Increases bandwidth
c) Increases margin of stability
d) Reduces velocity constant
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Answer: a
Explanation: Proportional controller is the controller that is block used to control the
gain of the control system and introduces offset error and there is no effect on the
damping factor.

5. The transfer function of a lead controller is 1+20s/1+5s. The high frequency

magnitude of the lead controller to dB is ___________
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: d
Explanation: G(s) = Tp (1+Tds)/s^2
It is type-2 function.
The type-2 function has a finite steady state error for unit-parabolic input.

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6. Controllers play the following role in control system:

a) They amplify the signals going to the actuator
b) They act on the error signal coming out of the summing junction and output a
suitable to the actuator
c) They try to reduce steady state error optimizes overshoot.
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Controller amplify the signals going to the actuator and they are of many
types as proportional, integral, derivative some combinational controller as
combination of two controllers and combination of all the controllers.

7. The transfer function of the compensator is s+4/s+16. The maximum phase lead
frequency and the corresponding phase is :
a) 6 rad/sec, 36.87°
b) 8 rad/sec, 36.87°
c) 6 rad/sec, -36.87°
d) 8 rad/sec, -36.87°
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Answer: b
Explanation: Phase lead frequency is calculated when magnitude of transfer function is
1 and this is the phase cross over frequency and the phase is calculated by using the
tanget formula with the transfer function.

8. Response to error is very fast for integral controller.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Integral controller is used to reduce or eliminate the error of the control
system and for derivative controller the damping factor is increased and speed of
response also increases.

9. Consider the following statements:

1. Integral controller improves steady state response
2. By use of proportional controller, maximum peak overshoot decreases
3. Type and order of system reduces by one for derivative controller
4. Integral controller makes the system less stable in transient state due to oscillations
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
a) 1,3 and 4
b) 1,2 and 3
c) 2.3 and 4
d) 1,2 and 4
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Answer: a
Explanation: Integral controller improves steady state response and derivative
controller improves the transient response, type and order of system reduces by one
for derivative controller.

10. Rate mode controller is also known as ______________ controller mode.

a) Anticpatory
b) Delay
c) Integral
d) Derivative
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Answer: a
Explanation: Anticipatory controller mode is also known as the rate mode controller
that is used to anticipate the future value with the use of the state.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Contro

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Tuning of PID
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Tuning of PID Controllers”.

1. The input of a controller is

a) Sensed signal
b) Error signal
c) Desired variable value
d) Signal of fixed amplitude not dependent on desired variable value
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Answer: b
Explanation: Controller is the block in the control system that control the input and
provides the output and this is the first block of the system having the input as the
error signal.

2. Phase lag controller:

a) Improvement in transient response
b) Reduction in steady state error
c) Reduction is settling time
d) Increase in damping constant
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Answer: b
Explanation: Phase lag controller is the integral controller that creates the phase lag
and does not affect the value of the damping factor and that tries to reduce the steady
state error.

3. Addition of zero at origin:

a) Improvement in transient response
b) Reduction in steady state error
c) Reduction is settling time
d) Increase in damping constant
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Answer: a
Explanation: Stability of the system can be determined by various factors and for a
good control system the stability of the system must be more and this can be increased
by adding zero to the system and improves the transient response.

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4. Derivative output compensation:

a) Improvement in transient response
b) Reduction in steady state error
c) Reduction is settling time
d) Increase in damping constant
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Answer: c
Explanation: Derivative controller is the controller that is also like high pass filter and is
also phase lead controller and it is used to increase the speed of response of the
system by increasing the damping coefficient.

5. Derivative error compensation:

a) Improvement in transient response
b) Reduction in steady state error
c) Reduction is settling time
d) Increase in damping constant
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Answer: d
Explanation: Damping constant reduces the gain, as it is inversely proportional to the
gain and as increasing the damping gain reduces and hence the speed of response and
bandwidth are both increased.

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6. Lag compensation leads to:

a) Increases bandwidth
b) Attenuation
c) Increases damping factor
d) Second order
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Answer: b
Explanation: Phase compensation can be lead, lag or lead lag compensation and
integral compensation is also known as lag compensation and leads to attenuation
which has least effect on the speed but the accuracy is increased.

7. Lead compensation leads to:

a) Increases bandwidth
b) Attenuation
c) Increases damping factor
d) Second order
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Answer: a
Explanation: High pass filter is similar to the phase lead compensation and leads to
increase in bandwidth and also increase in speed of response.

8. Lag-lead compensation is a:
a) Increases bandwidth
b) Attenuation
c) Increases damping factor
d) Second order
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Answer: d
Explanation: Lag-Lead compensation is a second order control system which has lead
and lag compensation both and thus has combined effect of both lead and lag
compensation this is obtained by the differential equation.

9. Rate compensation :
a) Increases bandwidth
b) Attenuation
c) Increases damping factor
d) Second order
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Answer: c
Explanation: Damping factor is increased for reducing the oscillations and increasing
the stability and speed of response which are the essential requirements of the control
system and damping factor is increased by the rate compensation.

10. Negative exponential term in the equation of the transfer function causes the
transportation lag.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Transportation lag is the lag that is generally neglected in systems but for
the accurate measurements the delay caused to transport the input from one end to
the other is called the transportation lag in the system causes instability to the system.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – C

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Feedback
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This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Feedback Compensation”.

1. Which of the following are the not characteristics of the closed loop systems?
a) It does not compensate for disturbance
b) It reduces the sensitivity of plant-parameter variations
c) It does not involve output measurements
d) It does not has the ability to control the system transient response
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Answer: d
Explanation: Feedback refers to the comparison of the final output to the desired
output at respective input so as to get accurate and error free result and in the system
improves the transient response of the system.

2. Which one of the following effect in the system is not caused by negative feedback?
a) Reduction in gain
b) Increased in bandwidth
c) Increase in distortion
d) Reduction in output impedance
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Answer: c
Explanation: Distortion refers to the error in the open loop system and it has many
oscillations in the output and is reduced in case of negative feedback.

3. Which of the statement is correct with regard to the bandwidth of the control loop
a) In systems where the low frequency magnitude in 0 dB on the bode diagram, the
bandwidth is measured at the -3 dB frequency
b) The bandwidth is the measurement of the accuracy of the closed loop system
c) The stability is proportional to the bandwidth
d) The system with larger bandwidth provides slower step response and lower fidelity
ramp response
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bandwidth is the frequency measured at the gain of 3dB and for the good
control system the value of the bandwidth must be large but the large value of the
bandwidth increses the noise in the system.

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4. Which of the statements are the advantages of closed loop systems over the open
loop system:
a) The overall reliability of the open loop system is more than the closed loop system is
more than closed loop system.
b) The transient response in closed loop system decays more quickly than in open loop
c) In open loop system closing the loop increases the gain of the system
d) In open loop system the effect of parameter variation is reduced
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Answer: b
Explanation: Speed of response refers to the time taken to give the final output and it
depends upon the rise and settling time of the transient response and speed of
response of closed loop system is more than that of open loop system.

5. In control system excessive bandwidth is not employed because

a) Noise is proportional to bandwidth
b) It leads to low relative stability
c) It leads to slower time response
d) Noise is proportional to the square of the bandwidth
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Answer: a
Explanation: In closed loop system the bandwidth of the system is more as compared
to the open loop system and this is so required as higher the bandwidth means lower
the selectivity and hence higher the noise.

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6. Feedback control system is basically

a) High pass filter
b) Low pass filter
c) Band pass filter
d) Band stop filter
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Answer: b
Explanation: Low pass filter is mainly as integral controller and it is used as the
controller in the system so as to increase the accuracy by reducing or proper
eliminating the steady state error of the control system.

7. Which of the following will not decrease as a result of introduction of negative

a) Instability
b) Bandwidth
c) Overall gain
d) Distortion
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Answer: b
Explanation: Bandwidth always increases due to negative feedback as the speed of
response is directly proportional to the bandwidth.

8. As compared to the closed loop system, an open loop system is

a) More stable but less accurate
b) Less stable as well as less accurate
c) More stable as well as more accurate
d) Less stable but more accurate
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Answer: a
Explanation: Open loop system always follows the input but closed loop system always
reduces the error irrespective of the input applied.

9. Insertion of negative feedback in control system affects:

a) The transient response to vanish uniformly
b) The transient response to decay very fast
c) No change in transient response
d) The transient response decays at slow rate
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Answer: b
Explanation: Feedback can be positive or negative but practically positive feedback is
not used as it causes oscillations in the system with more gain and hence negative
feedback is use which causes speed of response to increase.

10. Open loop system is ___________ stable than closed loop system
a) More
b) Less
c) Inclined
d) Exponential
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Answer: a
Explanation: Open loop system always follows the input but closed loop system always
reduces the error irrespective of the input applied.

11. For the gain feedback system, does not affect the system output if KG is :
a) Small
b) Negative
c) One
d) Very large
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Answer: d
Explanation: T(s)=KG/(1+KGH)
If KG>>1: then C(s)=R(s)/H.

12. Determine the sensitivity of the overall transfer function for the system shown in
the figure below, at w=1 rad/sec with respect to the feedback path transfer function.

a) 1.11
b) -1.11
c) 2.22
d) -2.22
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Answer: b
Explanation: S= -G(s)H(s)/1+G(s)H(s)-1.1.

13. Primary purpose of using Feedback is :

a) To reduce the sensitivity of the system to parameter variations.
b) To increase the bandwidth of the system
c) To reduce the noise and distortion of the system
d) To increase stability of the system
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Answer: a
Explanation: The major requirement of the feedback is to reduce of the system with
parameter variations that may vary with age, with changing environment.

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