EFFL1001 Assignment 2 - Goal Setting

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EFFL1001 – Assignment 2: Goal setting – Winter 2022

Assignment 2: Goal Setting Due Date: Sunday, May 22nd

(5% of your final grade) Time: 11:59pm
Where: D2L’s Dropbox
There are three (3) parts to this assignment. All assignment parts must be uploaded to D2L by
Sunday, May 22nd at 11:59pm.
Your final file must be in Arial 12 font, 1.5 spacing, and must include a cover sheet with your name,
Student ID and course name.
Part 1: Choose Your Goals
Write your specific goal for each category:
A – A personal goal
B – An academic goal
C – A career goal

Part 2: Action Plan

For each of your goals, complete the table below.
How will you celebrate reaching each goal? You need to write a minimum of two sentences per box
(except the Deadline).
Personal Goal:
Two steps you Deadline What resources How will I How will I
need to take to do I need to be celebrate my overcome any
achieve the goal successful? goal? obstacle to my

Academic Goal:
Two steps you Deadline What resources How will I How will I
need to take to do I need to be celebrate my overcome any
achieve the goal successful? goal? obstacle to my

Career Goal:
Two steps you Deadline What resources How will I How will I
need to take to do I need to be celebrate my overcome any
achieve the goal successful? goal? obstacle to my

EFFL1001 – Assignment 2: Goal setting – Winter 2022

Part 3: Reflection
For one of your goals, please write a small paragraph (200-250 words) that explains why that goal
is important to you.

Late Assignments:
For the first three (3) days (May 23,24,25), 10% will be removed from the grade for each day that the
assignment is late. After this, a zero grade will be assigned.
All information must be your own work. If it has been found that either someone has helped you, OR
you have copied from the internet without acknowledging this, a zero grade will be assigned.

Note: Your goal MUST fulfill each part of the SMART goal requirements.

The biggest issue your Professors have noticed in past assignments is that your goal is not specific enough – use
dates, details, or numbers when creating your SMART goal.

EFFL1001 – Assignment 2: Goal setting – Winter 2022
SMART Goals Worksheet
If you have difficulty creating your SMART goal, you can use this worksheet to help outline the goal.
Initial Goal:

Specific What do you want to accomplish?

Who needs to be included?
When do you want to do this?
Why is this a goal?

Measurable How can you measure progress and know if you’ve successfully met your
goal? (add numbers)

Achievable Do you have the skills required to achieve the goal?

If not, can you obtain them?
What is the motivation for this goal?
Is the amount of effort required equal to what the goal will achieve?

Realistic / Why am I setting this goal now?


Time-bound What is the deadline?

Is it possible to finish the goal by this date?

EFFL1001 – Assignment 2: Goal setting – Winter 2022
Criteria Excellent (3 points) Satisfactory (2 points) Needs Improvement
(0-1 point)

Academic Goal Goal complies with 3 of the 5 SMART 0-2 SMART principles
SMART principles principles are achieved are present

Personal Goal Goal complies with 3 of the 5 SMART 0-2 SMART principles
SMART principles principles are achieved are present

Career Goal Goal complies with 3 of the 5 SMART 0-2 SMART principles
SMART principles principles are achieved are present

Action Plan: Each criteria is present, Each criteria has been Missing criteria or
Academic Goal specific, and well added, but the explanation may be
explained explanation may lack in lacking.
some way (i.e. depth,
clarity, time)
Action Plan: Each criteria is present, Each criteria has been Missing criteria or
Personal Goal specific, and well added, but the explanation may be
explained explanation may lack in lacking.
some way (i.e. depth,
clarity, time)
Action Plan: Career Each criteria is present, Each criteria has been Missing criteria or
Goal specific, and well added, but the explanation may be
explained explanation may lack in lacking.
some way (i.e. depth,
clarity, time)
Reflection: No mistakes in spelling, 3-4 mistakes in More then 5 mistakes
Mechanics grammar, or language. spelling, grammar, or in spelling, grammar, or
language. language.
Reflection: Well organized, Some connection to Most ideas are
Quality of Content connected to the goal goal and/or action plan. unsupported. Poor
and action plan. Supported with some organization of
Supported with examples. thoughts.

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