SMART Goals Full Slides

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Personal and Professional
Development 1

SMART goals

Your Essential Guide to being S M A R T

Specific – The goals should be as clear and specific as possible
Measurable – Provide a goal line or time frame to achieve this by
Achievable – Make your goal challenging yet achievable
Rewarded – Create some leverage by determining a reward for when you achieve this goal
Tracked – Monitor your goals on a regular basis to keep it fresh in your mind
In your face – Your goals should be typed on a piece of paper and stuck on the wall in-front of
your computer
Evaluate – Constantly evaluate if you are getting further towards or further away from your
Step by step – Break your goals down into small achievable steps and then take each
necessary step in turn


1. To achieve work of I aim to achieve a 2.1 I will be able to see my This is achievable The goal is relevant to The end of the
a 2:1 standard by the overall for the year. grades for each because I take notes my degree. academic year in
end of the year assessment in each from lectures, give time 2021
module. My aim is to to coursework, start my
secure a 2.1 in each assessments in advance,
module. organise meetings with
my module leaders, plan
Through assessment my work carefully and
feedback throughout the read the recommended
year, I will be able to see reading. In addition, I
if I have addressed issues have already secured a
raised in previous 2.1 for some of modules.

2. To be organised by I will aim to submit I have a list of all of my I can achieve this as long This is relevant to my 24 hours before
submitting work at each assessment assessment deadlines – as I do my work goal of organising my each assessment
least 24 hours before exactly 24 hours the and have put in red the according to my time academic work. deadline
the given deadline day before the day before to submit management plan
PPD1 5

• Make your goal focused and well-defined.

• A specific goal has a much greater chance of being

accomplished than a general goal
When setting your goal, ensure you can answer the 7 "W"

The more specific a goal is, the more you can find ways of
reaching your target.
Ask questions such as:

Who is involved?
What do I want to accomplish?
Where will this happen? Identify a location.
When will this happen? Establish a time frame.
Which requirements and restraints will be part of the process?
Identify them.
Set a daily reminder to track and measure
your progress:

Keep a journal, use your smartphone to download a

tracking app — these are all tangible ways to track
your development.
Know the difference between a specific goal and a vague goal.
Vague: Get in shape for the
For example, there is a difference
Specific: Join a hot yoga studio
between saying, "I want to lose weight" and practice 4 times a week
and "I want to lose 30 pounds.“ over the next 3 months.
Vague: Own a home.
Specific: Put 50% of income
into savings account for the
next 12 months
Step Two: Have a concrete set of criteria for MEASURING

Have a way of measuring outcomes. How

will I know that it is accomplished?
Know that a goal without a measurable
outcome is like a sports competition without
a scoreboard. Put concrete numbers in your
goals to know if you're falling behind or if
you're on track.
Step Three: Make the goal ATTAINABLE
Ask questions such as:
Are you prepared to make the commitment to reach your target?
Are you willing to dramatically alter or at least tweak aspects of
your life?
Is there a more achievable target you are willing to work for?
Step Four: Make the goal RELEVANT

What do you NEED to do?

Is that the same as “Want to do?”
Why are you doing it?
Step Five: Ground the goal within a TIME

SMART goals should be time-bound, meaning they should have a

deadline or there should be a date for completion.
When you don't set a timeline, there is no internal pressure to
accomplish the goal, so it gets put in the back burner.
Within your established time frame, ask yourself:

What can I do TODAY to reach my goal?

What can I do 3 weeks from now to reach my goal?
What can I do 3 months from now to reach my goal?
Be inspired

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