Week 1 Assignment Template

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Assignment, Week 1

What Are Your Motivations?

Name: ______________________________

PACE111 Section: ___________________

This assignment is about understanding your motivations for coming to the university
and what drives you to accomplish milestones in your life. Your goals and motivations
are driven by your underlying values—the reasons you desire to achieve certain things.
Values inform our thoughts, words, and actions, and they help us to grow, develop, and
envision and create the future we want to experience. 

Assignment Part 1: The first step in better understanding your values is by

writing three to five goals for yourself in the table below. These could be personal or
professional goals, and they could be short-term or long-term goals. You should aim to
make them SMART goals.

Your Goals
Goal 1: Example: Finish my undergraduate degree in Marketing by December 2022.

Goal 2:

Goal 3:

Goal 4:

Goal 5:

Assignment Part 2: Once you’ve established your goals, think about what is motivating
you to achieve those specific goals. Is it to get to a certain level in your career? Is it to
achieve something you’ve always wanted to for personal reasons? Is it to set a good
example for your family or friends?
The second piece of this assignment is to establish two or three motivations for each
goal you’ve identified and write these in the table below. Copy your goals into the area
below from part 1 of the assignment.
Your Motivations
Goal 1: Finish my undergraduate degree Motivations: Promotion at work;
in Marketing by December 2022 higher salary; accomplishment
Goal 2: Copy Goal 2 from part 1 Motivations:

Goal 3: Copy Goal 3 from part 1 Motivations:

Assignment, Week 1
What Are Your Motivations?

Goal 4: Copy Goal 4 from part 1 Motivations:

Goal 5: Copy Goal 5 from part 1 Motivations:

Your motivation for doing anything generally stems from your values. Motivating

forces could be values instilled in you from a young age, or values you hold because
of what you’ve learned or been exposed to. Your core values are those that drive your
behaviors, actions, and words. They are the reasons we dedicate our time and energy
to most things in our lives. They are our guiding principles.

Assignment Part 3: Now that you’ve established goals and acknowledged your
motivations, consider what motivates you, and write the underlying reason for each
goal. These are your values. There could be one or several values for each goal that
you have, and the values might be the same or similar for different goals. In the table
below, copy your goals from part 1 of the assignment and enter your values.

There are no wrong answers for this exercise. The purpose is to establish your values
and to recognize what drives you to accomplish milestones in your life. 

Your Values
Goal 1: Finish my undergraduate degree Values: Integrity and work ethic; reaching
in Marketing by December 2022 my potential through education
Goal 2: Copy Goal 2 from part 1 Values:

Goal 3: Copy Goal 3 from part 1 Values:

Goal 4: Copy Goal 4 from part 1 Values:

Goal 5: Copy Goal 5 from part 1 Values:

Assignment Part 4: Now that you’ve established goals, acknowledged your

motivations, and reflected on your values, it’s time to consider how to go about
achieving your goals. There are likely several steps you’d need to take in order to reach
your ultimate goals, but writing down the first step that you can (and will) take can help
you to form a plan of action.

For each of your goals, list the next step you plan to take in order to achieve it. 

Assignment, Week 1
What Are Your Motivations?

Your Action Steps

Goal 1: Finish my undergraduate degree Next Step: Register for my first major
in Marketing by December 2022 class next semester.
Goal 2: Copy Goal 2 from part 1 Next Step:

Goal 3: Copy Goal 3 from part 1 Next Step:

Goal 4: Copy Goal 4 from part 1 Next Step:

Goal 5: Copy Goal 5 from part 1 Next Step:

Assignment Part 5: Write a sentence or two about what you learned about your goals,
motivations, and values from completing this assignment.
What I’ve learned

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