Artificial Intelligence - Research

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Artificial Intelligence

Ahmad Masood, M.Ahmad Hassan, Daniyal Khalil, Zohaib Ahmed (CS(3rd))

In the future, intelligent machines will replace or enhance human capabilities in many areas. Artificial
intelligence (AI) is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software. It is the subfield of computer
science. Artificial intelligence is becoming a popular field in computer science as it has enhanced human life
in many areas. Artificial intelligence in the last two decades has greatly improved performance of the
manufacturing, service sector and so in the field of education. Study in the field of artificial intelligence has
given rise to the rapidly growing technology known as expert system. Application areas of artificial
intelligence is heaving a huge impact on various fields of life as expert system is widely used in these days
to solve the complex problems in various areas as education, engineering, business, medicine, weather
forecasting etc. The areas employing the technology of artificial intelligence have seen an increase in the
quality and efficiency. This paper gives an overview of this technology and the scope of artificial
intelligence in different areas with special reference to the use of this technology in the field of education
along with its meaning, searching
techniques, inventions and future. concerned with making computers behave like
humans. It is the study of computation that
1. Introduction makes it possible to perceive reason and act.
It is claimed that artificial intelligence is Artificial intelligence is different from
playing an increasing role in the research of Psychology because it emphasis on
educational technology, management sciences computation and is different from computer
and operational research areas. Intelligence is science because of its emphasis on
commonly considered as the ability to collect
knowledge to solve complex problems. In the
near future intelligent machines will replace perception, reasoning and action. It makes
human capabilities in many areas. Artificial machines smarter and more useful. It works with
intelligence is the study of intelligent machines the help of artificial neurons (artificial neural
and software that can reason, learn, gather network) and scientific theorems (if then
knowledge, communicate, manipulate and statements and logics). AI technologies have
perceive objects. John McCarthy coined the matured to the point in offering practical benefits
term in 1956 as a branch of computer science in many of their applications. Major artificial

Fig 1: Papers published on different AI techniques quarterly.

intelligence areas are Expert systems, Intelligent designing artificial computers that are
computer aided instructions, Natural language likerecognizing the speech, learning, planning
processing, Speech understanding, Robotics and and solving the problem. When any system
sensory systems, Computer vision and scene adapts itself according to situation in any
recognition, Neural computing. From this expert environment is called intelligent. In other words,
system is a rapidly growing technology which is it can be defined as programming such machines
heaving a huge impact on various fields of life. which can think and act with some level of
The various techniques applied in artificial human intelligence is known as artificial
intelligence are Neural network, Fuzzy logic, intelligence. Artificial intelligence can be
Evolutionary computing, Computer aided defined as efficiently use of limited resources.
instructions and Hybrid artificial intelligence. So artificial intelligence can be defined as
Artificial intelligence has advantages over the making computer programs to solve complex
natural intelligence as it is more permanent, problems same like as humans solve the
consistent, less expensive, has the ease of problems. So it is also divided into two parts one
duplication and dissemination, can be is to solving complex problems by the machine
documented and can perform certain tasks and second is same like human beings. The term
much faster and better than human. Thus is artificial intelligence is also used to describe a
effective in educational technology to make the property of machines or programs: the
teaching learning process more effective and intelligence that the system demonstrates.
concrete with the help of various artificial Artificial intelligence is combination of science
intelligence teaching techniques. and engineering for making the machines which
behaves in intelligent manner. In it many fields
are combined like philosophy, psychology and
2. Meaning of artificial intelligence: computer science.
Artificial intelligence is the combination of
two words artificial + intelligence. Where
artificial means ‘not real’ or ‘natural’ and by
intelligence means ‘the ability to reason, to
trigger new thoughts, to perceive and learn’.
Artificial intelligence can be defined that area
of computer science that mainly focus on the
making on such kind of intelligent machines
that work and give reactions same as human
beings. It is combination of many activities
which includes for

Fig 2: Factors included in AI

3. Scope of artificial intelligence: Teachers may not always be aware of gaps
1.1. In the field of education in their lectures and educational materials
1.1.1. Artificial intelligence can automate basic activities that can leave students confused about
in education, like grading: certain concepts. Artificial intelligence
offers a way to solve that problem.
While AI may not ever be able to truly Coursera, a massive open online course
replace human grading, it’s getting pretty provider, is already putting this into
close. It’s now possible for teachers to practice.
automate grading for nearly all kinds of When a large number of students are found to submit
multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank testing the wrong answer to a homework assignment, the
and automated grading of student writing system alerts the teacher and gives future students a
may not be far behind. Today, essay-grading customized message that offers hints to the correct
software is still in its infancy and not quite answer.
up to par, yet it in college, grading This type of system helps to fill in the gaps in
homework and tests for large lecture courses explanation that can occur in courses, and helps to
can be tedious work, even when TAs split it ensure that all students are building the same
between them. Even in lower grades, conceptual foundation. Rather than waiting to hear
teachers often find that grading takes up a back from the professor, students get immediate
significant amount of time, time that could feedback that helps them to understand a concept and
be used to interact with students, prepare for remember how to do it correctly the next time around.
class, or work on professional development.
1.1.4. Students
could get additional support
1.1.2. Educational software can be adapted to student
from AI tutors:
From kindergarten to graduate school, one of While there are obviously things that human tutors can
the key ways artificial intelligence will offer that machines can’t, at least not yet, the future
impact education is through the application of could see more students being tutored by tutors that
greater levels of individualized learning. only exist in zeros and ones. Some tutoring programs
Some of this is already happening through based on artificial intelligence already exist and can
growing numbers of adaptive learning help students through basic mathematics, writing, and
programs, games, and software. These other subjects. These programs can teach students
systems respond to the needs of the student, fundamentals, but so far aren’t ideal for helping
putting greater emphasis on certain topics, students learn high-order thinking and creativity,
repeating things that students haven’t something that real-world teachers are still required to
mastered, and generally helping students to facilitate. Yet that shouldn’t rule out the possibility of
work at their own pace, whatever that may be. AI tutors being able to do these things in the future.
This kind of custom tailored education could With the rapid pace of technological advancement that
be a machine- assisted solution to helping has marked the past few decades, advanced tutoring
students at different levels work together in systems may not be a pipe dream.
one classroom, with teachers facilitating the 1.1.5. AI-driven
programs can give students and
learning and offering help and support when educators helpful feedback:
needed. Adaptive learning has already had a
huge impact on education across the nation AI can not only help teachers and students to craft
(especially through programs like Khan courses that are customized to their needs, but it can
Academy), and as AI advances in the coming also provide feedback to both about the success of the
decades adaptive programs like these will course as a whole. Some schools, especially those with
likely only improve and expand. online offerings, are using AI systems to monitor
student progress and to alert professors when there
1.1.3. It can point out places where courses need to might be an issue with student performance.
These kinds of AI systems allow students to get the basic course materials. In most cases, however,
support they need and for professors to find areas AI will shift the role of the teacher to that of
where they can improve instruction for students who facilitator.
may struggle with the subject matter. AI programs at Teachers will supplement AI lessons, assist
these schools aren’t just offering advice on individual students who are struggling, and provide
courses, however. Some are working to develop human interaction and hands-on experiences
systems that can help students to choose majors based for students. In many ways, technology is
on areas where they succeed and struggle. While already driving some of these changes in the
students don’t have to take the advice, it could mark a classroom, especially in schools that are online
brave new world of college major selection for future or embrace the flipped classroom model.
1.1.6. It
is altering how we find and interact with

We rarely even notice the AI systems that 1.1.8. AI can make trial-and-error learning less
affect the information we see and find on a intimidating:
daily basis. Google adapts results to users
based on location, Amazon makes Trial and error is a critical part of learning,
recommendations based on previous but for many students, the idea of failing, or
purchases, Siri adapts to your needs and even not knowing the answer, is paralyzing.
commands, and nearly all web ads are geared Some simply don’t like being put on the
toward your interests and shopping spot in front of their peers or authority
preferences. These kinds of intelligent systems figures like a teacher. An intelligent
play a big role in how we interact with computer system, designed to help students
information in our personal and professional to learn, is a much less daunting way to deal
lives, and could just change how we find and with trial and error. Artificial intelligence
use information in schools and academia as could offer students a way to experiment
well. Over the past few decades, AI-based and learn in a relatively judgment-free
systems have already radically changed how environment, especially when AI tutors can
we interact with information and with newer, offer solutions for improvement. In fact, AI
more integrated technology, students in the is the perfect format for supporting this kind
future may have vastly different experiences of learning, as AI systems themselves often
doing research and looking up facts than the learn by a trial-and-error method.
students of today.
1.1.9. Datapowered by AI can change how
1.1.7. It could change the role of teachers: schools find, teach, and support students:
There will always be a role for teachers in Smart data gathering, powered by intelligent
education, but what that role is and what it computer systems, is already making
entails may change due to new technology in changes to how colleges interact with
the form of intelligent computing systems. As prospective and current students. From
we’ve already discussed, AI can take over recruiting to helping students choose the
tasks like grading, can help students improve best courses, intelligent computer systems
learning, and may even be a substitute for real- are helping make every part of the college
world tutoring. Yet AI could be adapted to experience more closely tailored to student
many other aspects of teaching as well. AI needs and goals. Data mining systems are
systems could be programmed to provide already playing an integral role in today’s
expertise, serving as a place for students to ask higher-ed landscape, but artificial
questions and find information or could even intelligence could further alter higher
potentially take the place of teachers for very education. Initiatives are already underway
at some schools to offer students AI-guided 2. Concept Formation
training that can ease the transition between
college and high school. Who knows but Problem solving:
that the college selection process may end
up a lot like Amazon or Netflix, with a Ability to formulate a problem in a suitable
system that recommends the best schools representation, to plan for its solution and to
and programs for student interests. know when new information is needed and
how to obtain it.
1.1.10. AI may change where students learn,
1. Inference (Resolution-Based Theorem
who teaches them, and how they acquire
Proving, Plausible Inference and Inductive
basic skills:
While major changes may still be a few 2. Interactive Problem Solving
decades in the future, the reality is that 3. Automatic Program Writing
artificial intelligence has the potential to 4. Heuristic Search
radically change just about everything we
take for granted about education. Robots:
Using AI systems, software, and support,
students can learn from anywhere in the A combination of most or all of the above
world at any time, and with these kinds of abilities with the ability to move over terrain
programs taking the place of certain types and manipulate objects.
of classroom instruction, AI may just
replace teachers in some instances (for 1. Exploration
better or worse). Educational programs 2. Transportation/Navigation
powered by
AI are already helping students to learn 3. Industrial Automation (e.g., Process
basic skills, but as these programs grow Control, Assembly Tasks, Executive Tasks)
and as developers learn more, they will 4. Security
likely offer students a much wider range
of services. 5. Other (Agriculture, Fishing, Mining,
Sanitation, Construction, etc.)
4. Language understanding: 6. Military
7. Household Games:
The ability to "understand" and respond to
the natural language. To translate from The ability to accept a formal set of rules for
spoken language to a written form and to games such as Chess, Go, Kalah, Checkers, etc.,
translate from one natural language to and to translate these rules into a representation
another natural language. or structure which allows problem- solving and
1. Speech Understanding learning abilities to be used in reaching an
2. Semantic Information Processing adequate level of performance.
3. Information Retrieval
4. Language Translation For emergency services:

Learning and adaptive systems: When we allow handling emergency to A.I then
it is more beneficial for us. Because when some
The ability to adapt behavior bagged on emergency come like fire, flood then we can
previous experience, and to develop general send metal or silicon firefighters to save people
rules concerning the world based on such because they have no danger to loss life,
experience. machines can also defy higher temperatures and
1. Cybernetics can tolerate smoke easily and can search easily
in close-quarters by using lasers and radar where
as people may not be able to see. Firefighting
In Heuristic Classification:
was first field where artificial intelligent
machines were used but now this concept is used The m a i n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s expert
in many fields like driving ambulances, handling system is collect heuristic classification many search
dangerous law enforcement situations, and even techniques are used like hill-climbing, best first search
cleaning up hazardous leaks or spills are prime etc. it tries to find out the optimal solution of complex
problem at low cost and in minimum time. For an
examples. example it take decision whether to accept a proposed
credit card purchase.
For Entertainment:

We can apply artificial intelligence to the world

of music, can make artificial director which see
the real world and can generate the stories. We
can make the robots which compose music and
pitch and robots can create your favorite songs.
New technology is also able to restore to life of
that stars which are dead like Tupac Shakur and
Michael Jackson etc.

For providing services to customers:

Now a days, for providing services to the

customer artificial intelligence is using in place
of human being. When any person does
calculation he can do calculation error, but
machine do calculation properly and no mistake
is done by the machine. Artificial intelligence
also has a component that is natural language
processing with the help of which human being
can directly communicate with machine in their
natural language and can get services directly.
Searching techniques in artificial
intelligence: In AI for finding the solution of

problem searching has to be done because

solution is not known in advance.AI
programs are developed which do
the searching process for solution because
solution steps are not known before hand and
have to be found out. For doing searching
following steps are required. So we can say that
searching is a process which transform initial
state to goal state.
1. Initial state
2. A set of legal operators
3. Goal state or final state
Invention in the field of AI :

An American scientist John McCarthy invented

the term Artificial Intelligence and he has credit Jennigs and that in the year of 1940 and 50 and
of founder of Artificial Intelligence. He was a started academic in the year of 1956. For using the
computer and cognitive scientist and was very semantic net first program of AI was written by Ross
popular early development of AI In the 1940s and Quillian. We can define semantic net as like graph in
50s, many scientists from diversity fields like which nodes represent the concept and arrow is used
mathematics, psychology, engineering, economics for providing link between the nodes. A quiz was
and political science started to try to make a done in Feb 2011, named with Jeopardy! Quiz show
artificial mind which work like human it was an exhibition match. And the competition was
champions named as Brad Rutter and Ken in between the IBM's question answering system
named as Watson and two system beaten hem by a
great margin.

5. The future of AI:

It is true that many experts are doing
research in the field of Artificial
intelligence and in future machines will
become more and more powerful. But
anything which has advantages there exist
disadvantages also so there can be ethical
issues related to machines. For example, if
any machine is made for very sensitive
work and did any mistake than who will be
responsible. If an AI program is made for
diagnosis purpose and it gives the wrong
Fig 6: Example of robot

answer, then we cannot claim the doctor

for it. So for it policy will have to make.
And in future such kind of machines will
be developed which will communicate
with us same like the human and will be
able to guess what should be done in which
not do any work ourselves and got lazy. And
another is that it cannot give the feeling like
human. So machines should be used only where
there those are actually required.

7. References:

1. Artificial intelligence by Drew PJ.

2. Sampada Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Intrusion
Detection Systems, Proceedings:
International Conference on Information
3. Deepa SN, Aruna Devi B. A survey on
artificial intelligence approaches for medical
image classification.
4. Ekta Nehra. Artificial Intelligence in Modern

6. Conclusion
The field of artificial intelligence gives the
ability to the machines to think analytically,
using concepts. Tremendous contribution to
the various areas has been made by the
Artificial Intelligence techniques from the
last 2 decades. Artificial Intelligence will
continue to play an increasingly important
role in the various fields. This paper is
based on the concept of artificial
intelligence, scope of artificial intelligence
in different areas with special to “the field of
education”. As all know artificial
intelligence is intelligence behavior of
machines which is given by the professional.
As you all know artificial intelligence have
simplified our life in every aspect it can be
article writing or game playing or taking any
important decision. In any machine many
experts mind can be combined which is
more powerful than a single expert mind.
Many labors work can be done by a single
machine and good thing of it is that it never
tired. Now such types of robots are going to
make which have emotions it will finish the
loneliness of the person. But it has another
aspect that is can be dangers for us. If we
become completely dependent on that
machines than it can ruin our life as we do