MQP Final Report

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Atmospheric Water Generation

A Major Qualifying Project Report:

Submitted to the Faculty



in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science


Christopher Bolsinger

Spencer Ralphs

April 25, 2019


Dr. Jamal S. Yagoobi, Advisor

Affordable access to potable water is a global issue, as approximately 844 million people around the
world lack access to clean water. Atmospheric water generation can address this issue by generating
potable water from the water vapor present in air. One technology to be utilized for atmospheric water
generation is the vapor compression cycle (VCC), which generates water from ambient air by cycling a
refrigerant to create a cold surface on which water vapor will condense. The parameters for condensation
are dependent upon environmental constraints, including temperature and humidity of the ambient air.
The scope of this project is to design and build a prototype VCC capable of delivering 500cc of liquid
water from ambient air per hour. To do this, the system was first simulated using the relevant
thermodynamic and heat transfer phenomena in the VCC to determine the design parameters. The
simulation results dictated the purchasing of various components and assembling of hardware to achieve
the aforementioned goal of 500cc/hour as a proof of concept for further future research into adaptation for
large scale ecological applications, such as hydroponic greenhouses. With successful water generation in
low humidity ambient Worcester conditions, the VCC will be extremely efficacious in supplying potable
water to a community when integrated in a constantly humid hydroponic greenhouse.

We would like to thank the Mechanical Engineering department at WPI for providing the necessary
resources and laboratory space for completing this project. We would also like to thank our advisor, Dr.
Jamal Yagoobi, for providing consistent guidance and insight throughout the project. Finally, we would
like to thank PhD students Alexander Castaneda, Nathaniel O’Connor, and Livia Motz for being
instrumental in the success of the project through their assistance in design, fabrication, and testing of the
experimental setup.

Table of Contents
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................ 2
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... 3
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. 5
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... 6
Nomenclature .............................................................................................................................. 7
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 8
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 9
Available Technology ..................................................................................................................11
Vapor Compression Cycles (VCC) .........................................................................................11
Competing Technologies ..........................................................................................................13
Vapor Absorption Cycle (VAC) .............................................................................................13
Thermoacoustic Cooling (TAC) .............................................................................................14
Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC) ...............................................................................................14
Desiccation for Water Generation ...........................................................................................15
Gas Separation Membranes ...................................................................................................16
Emerging Technology ..............................................................................................................17
Summary of VCC Governing Equations .........................................................................................19
Refrigerant Selection & Justification ..............................................................................................21
Assumptions and Parameters Assumed...........................................................................................21
Thermodynamic States and Operating Pressures: ......................................................................21
Heat Exchanger Material Selection: ........................................................................................22
Ambient Assumptions: ..........................................................................................................23
Nominal Assumptions & State Points......................................................................................24
Design .......................................................................................................................................24
Design Results Discussion ............................................................................................................27
Ethical Considerations .................................................................................................................27
Instrumentation & Assembly.........................................................................................................28
Heat Exchanger Fabrication ......................................................................................................29

Brazing ...................................................................................................................................30
Leak Testing ...........................................................................................................................35
Compressor Wiring ..................................................................................................................36
Experimental Setup......................................................................................................................38
Experimental Results and Analysis ................................................................................................40
Cost Analysis ..............................................................................................................................46
Conclusions & Recommendations .................................................................................................48
References ..................................................................................................................................49
Appendix 1: R-1234ze Pressure-Enthalpy Data ...............................................................................51
Appendix 2: R-1234ze Pressure-Temperature Data ..........................................................................51
Appendix 3: R-134a Comparison...................................................................................................52
Appendix 4: Evaporator Length Script ...........................................................................................52
Appendix 5: Condenser Length Script ............................................................................................53
Appendix 6: Detailed P&ID ..........................................................................................................53
Appendix 7: Refrigerant Weight Calculations .................................................................................54
Appendix 8: LabView Front Panel .................................................................................................54
Appendix 9: LabView Block Diagram ...........................................................................................55

List of Figures
Figure 1: Schematic of holistic project integration and eventual application combining food, energy, and
water using the vapor compression cycle. .................................................................................................. 10
Figure 2: T-s diagram for ideal VCC .......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3: Schematic of an ideal VCC ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4: Thermal expansion valve diagram............................................................................................... 12
Figure 5: Vapor absorption cycle schematic ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 6: Thermoacoustic cooling schematic ............................................................................................. 14
Figure 7: Thermoelectric cooling schematic ............................................................................................... 15
Figure 8: Desiccation system schematic ..................................................................................................... 16
Figure 9: Gas separation system with vacuum as driving force .................................................................. 17
Figure 10: MOF schematic ......................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 11: Performance data sheet .............................................................................................................. 22
Figure 12: P&ID of experimental VCC ...................................................................................................... 29
Figure 13: Tube bending device.................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 14: Evaporator tubing ...................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 15: Condenser tubing ....................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 16: Paste flux application ................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 17: Tubing with paste flux ............................................................................................................... 31
Figure 18: Brazing application.................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 19: Brazing application cont. ........................................................................................................... 32
Figure 20: Evaporator with instruments added ........................................................................................... 33
Figure 21: Condenser with instruments added ............................................................................................ 33
Figure 22: Expansion valve ........................................................................................................................ 34
Figure 23: Full system assembly (without compressor) ............................................................................. 34
Figure 24: Leak testing ............................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 25: Leak testing cont........................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 26: System loop with insulation ...................................................................................................... 36
Figure 27: RSID wiring diagram ................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 28: Wired compressor...................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 29: Fully assembled VCC ................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 30: Cleaning setup ........................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 31: Final experimental setup............................................................................................................ 40
Figure 32: First run pressures...................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 33: First run condenser temperatures............................................................................................... 41
Figure 34: Frosted evaporator ..................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 35: First run evaporator temperatures .............................................................................................. 42
Figure 36: Added precision valve ............................................................................................................... 43
Figure 37: Evaporator with layer of condensed water ................................................................................ 43
Figure 38: Second run evaporator temperatures ......................................................................................... 44
Figure 39: Second run condenser temperatures .......................................................................................... 44
Figure 40: Second run pressures ................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 41: R-1234ze pressure-enthalpy data .............................................................................................. 51

Figure 42: R-1234ze pressure-temperature data ......................................................................................... 51
Figure 43: R-134a comparison.................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 44: Evaporator length Matlab script ................................................................................................ 52
Figure 45: Condenser length Matlab script ................................................................................................. 53
Figure 46: Detailed P&ID ........................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 47: LabView front panel .................................................................................................................. 54
Figure 48: Left side of block diagram ......................................................................................................... 55
Figure 49: Right side of block diagram ...................................................................................................... 56

List of Tables
Table 1: Nomenclature used in Results section ............................................................................................ 7
Table 2: Technology comparison................................................................................................................ 17
Table 3: Sustainability and thermodynamic properties of refrigerant options ............................................ 21
Table 4: Copper tubing size guide ( ..................................................................... 23
Table 5: Copper tubing working pressures ................................................................................................. 23
Table 6: Nominal assumptions and state points .......................................................................................... 24
Table 7: Results for Governing Equations .................................................................................................. 27
Table 8: High side and general use costs .................................................................................................... 46
Table 9: Low side costs............................................................................................................................... 47
Table 10: Total system cost ........................................................................................................................ 47
Table 11: Refrigerant weight calculations .................................................................................................. 54

Symbol Description Units

𝐴 Surface Area m2

Di Inside Diameter of Pipe m

Do Outside Diameter of Pipe m

hfg Latent Heat 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔

hi Inside Fluid Convective Heat 𝑊/(𝑚2 𝐾)

Transfer Coefficient

ho Outside Fluid Convective Heat 𝑊/(𝑚2 𝐾)

Transfer Coefficient

ℎ1 Refrigerant Enthalpy Entering 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔


ℎ2 Refrigerant Enthalpy Exiting 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔


K Thermal Conductivity of Pipe 𝑊/(𝑚𝐾)

k Constant For Isentropic Conditions 1.4

L Length of Pipe m

ṁ Mass flow Rate 𝑘𝑔/𝑠

𝜂 Isentropic Efficiency N/A

P1 Inlet Pressure to Compressor 𝐾

P2 Outlet Pressure to Compressor 𝐾

Q Total Heat Loss/Gain 𝑊

R Universal Gas Constant 𝐽/𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝐾

T1 Inlet Temperature to Compressor K

𝛥𝑇 Difference in Temperature between 𝐾

flowing refrigerant and ambient air

U Conductance 𝑊/ 𝐾

Wc Compressor Work 𝑘𝑊
Table 1: Nomenclature used in Results section

Executive Summary
Access to clean water is a growing issue throughout the world. Roughly 844 million people, in mostly
underdeveloped African nations, do not have clean water. Even larger industrialized nations rely heavily
on the use of bottled water, creating unnecessary plastic waste. Common processes of water purification,
such as nanofiltration and reverse osmosis desalination, are extremely energy intensive and create waste
from the extracted impurities in water. An attractive alternative to deliver clean drinking water is
atmospheric water generation. There is an estimated 13 trillion liters of water captured in the air as vapor,
providing great potential for clean water generation. The most widespread technique for capturing
atmospheric water is to use cooled surfaces to condense the water vapor. It is desired to implement such a
system in a hydroponic greenhouse to take advantage of its controlled high humidity level. Many
underdeveloped parts of the world already have greenhouses or access to the resources to build one, so the
use of atmospheric water generation is extremely attractive. Several refrigeration technologies can
perform this function. The vapor compression cycle is the best alternative to generate clean water, given
its high efficiency, ability to operate with large work requirements, usage of safe and environmentally
friendly refrigerants, and close control of the cycle output. This project investigates the design parameters
for a vapor compression cycle used to generate 500 cc of water per hour, including the working fluid,
condenser and evaporator surface areas and heat loads, and compressor power.

The working fluid decided upon is R-1234ze, a new HFO refrigerant that was chosen due to its low
operating pressures, low global warming potential, and similar performance to the commonly used HFC
refrigerant, R-134a. R-1234ze operates between pressures of 179 kPa (1.79 Bar) on the evaporator side
and 780 kPa (7.8 Bar) on the condenser side. This results in overall conductance (UA) values for the
condenser and evaporator of 21.43 W/K and 34.57 W/K respectively. This was achieved with a calculated
condenser length of 0.67 meters and an evaporator length of 0.32 meters resulting in heat extraction of
345.7 W and heat rejection of 460.7 W. The compressor work to achieve these values is 115.6 W. These
values dictated system design, component purchasing, fabrication, and assembly.

Utilizing optimization techniques for nonlinear systems of equations, such as the Lagrange multiplier
technique, one may arrive at a higher system efficiency, however, due to time constraints, this method
was not deployed in this study. This is a point that requires further research and development in order to
design and build the most efficacious solution.

A growing number of the world’s population lack access to clean water. About 844 million people lack
access to safe water, a large proportion coming from underdeveloped African countries (“Water Crisis,”
n.d.). Those with access to water in these countries often have to walk several hours each day to collect
clean water. Even developed nations struggle with access to safe water. For example, about 75 percent of
Mexico’s population drinks packaged water, and in the United States and China, over 10 billion gallons
of bottled water are consumed every year as a result of increasing population coupled with climate change
and pollution issues (Illsley, 2016). Consequently, the world demand for water treatment products is
increasing about seven percent annually (“World Water Treatment,” n.d.).

A common process used to generate clean water is desalination, although desalination processes for water
treatment are energy intensive and are not economically suitable for areas of the world in need of clean
water. Two widespread methods for desalination include membrane filtration and distillation. Reverse
osmosis and nanofiltration desalination require pressures up to 1,000 psig as driving forces for the
membrane filtration system, while distillation requires an abundant amount of heat to evaporate and
condense the water for mineral separation (Cordova, Furukawa, O’Keeffe and Yaghi, 2013). Along with
being extremely costly, these processes pose a threat to the environment and result in a waste solution that
requires disposal. These water purification methods also require access to a local body of water, which
may not be available.

Atmospheric water generation using dehumidification technology is an alternative to high energy

desalination systems. These systems could be used to generate potable water in any location with an
external power source or renewable energy resources. Dehumidification systems would also be extremely
effective when used in greenhouses due to their high humidity levels. In fact, the long term scope of the
work done in this project, incorporated with the work done at collaborating universities (Texas A&M and
University of Illinois), will culminate into a greenhouse hydroponic system, where the water source is our
scaled VCC. As shown in Figure 1 below, the vapor compression cycle will feed potable water from the
greenhouse air to consumers in a community. From there, the wastewater will be treated and sent back to
provide nutrients to a hydroponic greenhouse, which will also provide food for the community. The
project goal isn’t solely about atmospheric water generation, but a holistic and fully integrated approach
to delivering food, water, and energy in an environmentally conscious and clean way.

Figure 1: Schematic of holistic project integration and eventual application combining food, energy, and water using the vapor
compression cycle.

Available Technology
Dehumidification is the removal of vapor from a gas-vapor mixture, and as it pertains to this project, the
separation of water vapor molecules from atmospheric air. There are several methods used for
dehumidification that use one of three main technologies: condensing water vapor using cooling surfaces,
using sorption materials to absorb/adsorb water vapor (desiccants), and gas separation membranes
(Chandler, 2017). The following section reviews various technologies that use a refrigerant in a
thermodynamic cycle to cool a surface and condense water vapor in the air. Since this project provides an
in-depth, technical understanding of the vapor compression cycle (VCC), the commercial availability of
VCC for atmospheric water generation will also be reviewed.

Vapor Compression Cycles (VCC)

The vapor compression cycle is a system containing four major elements, including an evaporator heat
exchanger, a compressor, a condenser heat exchanger, and an expansion valve, as shown in Figure 2.
These components, in unison, enable the system to condense the medium from vapor form into liquid
form through the mechanical work and heat transfer of the aforementioned elements as seen in Figure 3
(Service, 2017). The system interacts, beginning in the evaporator, as such: The temperature inside the
evaporator is lower than the ambient temperature surrounding the evaporator, which enables heat transfer
from the medium (water, in the scope of the project) to the refrigerant. The now superheated gas
refrigerant is compressed in the second stage as a high temperature and high pressure vapor (Welch,
2008). This superheated vapor is then condensed in the third stage, where the high temperature and
pressure energy is released to the outside environment. This process is typically catalyzed through the use
of a fan, which forces additional airflow over the condenser coils to increase rate of heat transfer from the
refrigerant to the ambient air. The condensed vapor is passed through an expansion valve, which reduces
the pressure of the refrigerant from condensing pressure to evaporating pressure, thus sub-cooling the
liquid (Welch, 2008). The resulting pressure reduction reduces the temperature of the refrigerant in the
evaporator allowing the cycle to continue as the low pressure and low temperature refrigerant re-enters
the evaporator. Figures 2 and 3below depict the different VCC phases (Cai, Chang, Ding and Zhao,

Figure 3: Schematic of an ideal VCC Figure 2: T-s diagram for ideal VCC

Thermal Expansion Valve vs. Capillary Tube

One of the four main components of the system is the device used for refrigerant pressure reduction into a
saturated liquid-vapor prior to entry back into the evaporator. There are two widely used technologies,
being the thermal expansion valve (TEV), shown in Figure 4 and a capillary tube. The main advantage of
a TEV over the capillary tube system is that the TEV is mechanically adaptive to control refrigerant flow
to the evaporator based on real time ambient temperature conditions, whereas the capillary tube is a
passive method, or preset based on local ambient conditions. The thermal expansion valve works by
sensing the temperature of the evaporator using the remote bulb to mechanically open and close the valve,
which then dictates how much refrigerant is output to the evaporator. If the evaporator temperatures
increases, the pressure on the spring also increases, which will push down on the spring, opening the
valve, and allowing more refrigerant to flow to the evaporator for enhanced cooling (“Ideal Vapor
Compression,” 2018).

Figure 4: Thermal expansion valve diagram

Competing Technologies
In the following section, competing technologies will be explained and the discussion will include the
justification for why the following technologies are not as effective as the VCC for the scope of this

Vapor Absorption Cycle (VAC)

Vapor absorption cycles are similar to vapor compression cycles in that they both use an evaporator,
condenser, and expansion valve, however the absorption cycle uses thermal energy rather than
mechanical energy as the driver. This is done by replacing the compressor with an absorber and generator
(shown in Figure 5) which use two working fluids, an absorbent and a refrigerant. The vapor refrigerant
exits the evaporator and enters the absorber where it is mixed with a cold absorbent, condensing the
refrigerant into a liquid and creating an absorbent-refrigerant solution. A pump then transfers the solution
from the low pressure absorber to the high pressure generator. The solution is heated by an external
source (solar energy, waste heat, etc.), causing the refrigerant solubility to decrease, driving most of it out
of the solution and into the condenser where it completes the cycle through the expansion valve and
evaporator, condensing the water vapor from the ambient air. The remaining absorbent is throttled to the
evaporator pressure through a second expansion valve and reenters the absorber, completing the cycle
(Kirkpatrick, 2017). This cycle works on the basis that “liquid absorbents can attract and retain the vapor
phase of a refrigerant at a relatively low temperature, and that vapor solubility in an absorbent solution
decreases as the solution temperature is increased”, which is why the refrigerant is absorbed at a low
pressure and temperature, and released at a high temperature and pressure (Kirkpatrick, 2017). Ammonia-
water or lithium-bromide are typical absorbents, both of which cause safety risks, as ammonia is toxic and
lithium-bromide is corrosive and creates hydrogen gas when in contact with ferrous materials (Chandler,
2017). The replacement of the compressor with the absorption equipment, and the usage of dangerous
absorbents, makes the design of vapor absorption systems much more complex and requires more space
and equipment, which is why it is typically used in larger industrial applications. As such, this technology
is not as feasible or advantageous as the VCC for a hydroponic operation.

Figure 5: Vapor absorption cycle schematic

Thermoacoustic Cooling (TAC)
Thermoacoustic systems use sound waves and an inert gas as the refrigerant, often helium, to produce
cooling on a surface. A loudspeaker resonates the gas, creating oscillations in temperature and pressure.
This creates a temperature difference across a porous stack from the constant compression and expansion
of the gas from the sound pressure. This process removes heat from the cold side of the unit, and transfers
it through the stack, into the hot side (“Thermoacoustic Refrigeration,” n.d.). An example TAC system
can be seen in Figure 6. An advantage of thermoacoustic refrigeration is that it often uses helium as the
acting refrigerant, which is inexpensive, nontoxic, nonflammable, and has no negative environmental
effects. Despite this advantage over vapor compression systems, thermoacoustic systems need more
design improvements to increase the COP to the level of vapor compression systems (“Thermoacoustic
Refrigeration,” n.d.).

Figure 6: Thermoacoustic cooling schematic

Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC)

Thermoelectric coolers make use of the Peltier Effect to drop the air temperature below dew point and
create condensation. The Peltier Effect occurs when a direct current is applied to dissimilar metals and
heat is either released or absorbed at the metal junction, depending on the current polarity (Kirkpatrick,
2017). Doped semiconductors are connected electrically in series and thermally in parallel and enclosed
by ceramic substrates as seen in Figure 7 (Chandler, 2017). The doping creates either an excess (n-type)
or deficiency (p-type) of electrons, where heat absorbed at the cold side and transferred to the hot side of
the system is proportional to the current passing through the thermocouples and the number of
thermocouples. Heat is absorbed by the electrons at the cold end as they pass from the p-type to the n-type
semiconductor. External power to the systems moves the electrons to the hot side, where the heat is
expelled to a heat sink at the hot end. The electrons then move from the n-type semiconductor to the
lower energy p-type, and the cycle is completed (Atta, 2011). Thermoelectric cooling has many
advantages, including no moving parts which require less maintenance, no environmental hazard, and
precise temperature control, however they have a lower efficiency than conventional cooling systems and
require low heat input, rendering the VCC more attractive for the scope of this project (Chandler, 2017).

Figure 7: Thermoelectric cooling schematic

Desiccation for Water Generation

Desiccants are sorbents, materials capable of capturing other fluids, which can attract and retain water.
Desiccants draw moisture from the surrounding air until an equilibrium is reached, where the air retains a
stronger hold on the moisture than the desiccant, or until the desiccant is saturated (Chandler, 2017). Most
desiccants use physical adsorption rather than chemical absorption, involving weak van der Waal forces
and electrostatic interactions between the air moisture and desiccant surface (“Desiccants: Technical
Data,” n.d.). Desiccants absorb moisture until saturation or an equilibrium is reached, where they are then
heated and a dry air stream is run over them to extract the moisture. The air stream is then run over
cooling coils where the water condenses and can be collected. The desiccants then need to be cooled so
they can regain their adsorption/absorption capabilities (Chandler, 2017). In liquid desiccant systems,
mass transfer between the humid air and the desiccant occurs as a result of the difference in vapor
pressure. The equilibrium temperature of the liquid desiccant is determined by the partial pressure of the
water vapor in the air (Kirkpatrick, 2017). Similar to a VAC system, the liquid desiccant cycles between
an absorber and a generator. The desiccant is sprayed over cooling coils where it absorbs the water vapor
and collects in a pool. It is then pumped to the generator and the solution is sprayed over hot coils,
separating the water from the solution. This system is generally used in HVAC applications, as a fresh
stream of air would then pick up the extracted water and restart the process, where the cool, dry air
leaving the absorber would be circulated in the building. Desiccants can also be cycled between VCC
system components as seen in Figure 8. For water generation purposes, extra measures need to be taken to
ensure that the water separated in the generator can be condensed and used, rather than entering an
airstream (Kirkpatrick, 2017). This limitation is incredibly important for water generation and the
criticality of the limitation rules this technology out for most effective water generation technique.

Figure 8: Desiccation system schematic

Gas Separation Membranes

Gas separation membranes are systems that allow certain condensable vapors from a vapor-gas supply to
permeate through the membrane. As the vapor-gas supply stream travels through the membrane, only
water vapor is allowed to permeate, increasing the water vapor concentration (Chandler, 2017). These
systems operate using a constant, positive driving force to maintain supply stream penetration through the
membrane. There are multiple methods to do this, the most commercially applicable method being to
apply a vacuum to the permeate side as seen in Figure 9 (Kirkpatrick, 2017). This system works by
exposing a membrane to a humid air stream that is driven by a vacuum pump which controls the pressure
on the permeate side. A heat pump cools the condenser where the water collects into a collection tank.
The condenser works as a pressure regulator, as the temperature on the cool surface determines the
saturation pressure of the water vapor. A recirculation pump then drives the gas mixture exiting the
condenser back through the membrane. Therefore, the driving force of the system is determined by
recirculation stream and its water vapor pressure, which is equal to the saturation pressure at the
condenser (Muller and Scholz, 2004). Vapor separation membranes can greatly reduce the energy cost of
condensing water vapor because only the concentrated water vapor is condensed, rather than the entire air
mixture. These systems do have setbacks in atmospheric water generation, because as the ambient air
fluctuates in temperature and humidity, membrane surface area must also change to achieve a certain
generation rate (Kirkpatrick, 2017). Inflow of non-condensable gases also becomes an issue with large
membrane surface areas (Muller and Scholz, 2004). The membrane performance is also hindered as vapor
concentrates along the surface of the membrane (Muller and Scholz, 2004).

Figure 9: Gas separation system with vacuum as driving force

Table 2 below summarizes the different technologies used for atmospheric water generation and their
Technology Pros Cons Typical COP Typical Size

VCC Evaporator temperature Hazardous refrigerant, 3-5 Small - Large

easily controlled, efficient, must ensure no leaks, Domestic - Industrial
variety of refrigerants can wear in the compressor if applications
be used liquid enters

VAC Low mechanical work, Dangerous refrigerants, 1-2 Large

uses outside heat source, large setup, high initial Industrial applications
low maintenance cost

TAC Inexpensive & safe Not efficient, can’t <1 Small

refrigerant (helium), no obtain high Q values Milliwatts - thousands
moving parts, close of watts
temperature control

TEC No moving parts (less Not efficient, can’t <1 Small

maintenance), no obtain high Q values Milliwatts - thousands
environmental hazards, of watts
precise temperature control

Desiccation No refrigerants needed, can Water usually carried Depends on Large

be incorporated in VCC away in dry air stream, system it is Building HVAC
and VAC extra measures need to used in systems
be taken to condense
water vapor

Gas Concentrated water vapor, Membrane efficiency 3-5 Small

Separation less energy to condense decreases with larger Magnitude of tens of
water vapor volumes, kilowatts
membrane surface area
is constant
Table 2: Technology comparison

Emerging Technology
Research teams from the University of California Berkeley and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) developed a technology to pull water straight from air. Rather than first identifying a societal need,
the Berkeley team made huge advances in the chemistry and creation of Metal Organic Frameworks
(MOFs) for the sake of advancing science. In the early 2010’s the team at Berkeley developed out the
technology extensively enough that they recruited the MIT team to attempt to pull water straight from the

The MOF technology includes a crystalline structure composed of organic links and inorganic units,
being metal ions, to make highly porous structures (continuous 3D networks). Specifically, organic and
metal ions are mixed in liquid form, then the liquid is evaporated leaving a powdery substance containing
a large and porous framework or crystalline structur, the MOF. The benefit of this structure is that liquid
will bind to the framework/interior of the pores. The molecules that bind to the structure will depend on
the metal ions that are mixed with the inorganic compounds. In this way, the humidity is not a major
contributing factor in absorptivity of the MOF because it is driven largely by electrical charge and
attraction. As such, this technology is highly effective even in low humidity environments (<30%
humidity) (Cordova, Furukawa, O’Keeffe and Yaghi, 2013).

One of the most critical applications identified for this technology is delivering water to arid regions, in-
situ. The proposed solution is a simple one constructed of an adsorption chamber and two heat exchangers
as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: MOF schematic

Here, the MOF material is designed such that it is hydrophilic or water attracting so that during night
time, the chamber will remain open and water will absorb into the porous structure from ambient air.
During the day time, the chamber will close and the top surface, painted black, will attract sunlight (heat)
and allow the water molecules to excite, exiting the MOF as water vapor and moving toward the
condenser plate at the bottom of the system. The condenser plate will be exposed, on the bottom side, to
ambient outside air and will not have a high thermal conductivity. In this way, water vapor will contact

the condenser plate and begin to condense into liquid water droplets. Finally, the water will flow down
through openings in the bottom of the chamber into collection tanks (Chandler, 20).

This technology has significant upsides including that preliminary testing has proven that 1 kilogram of a
hydrophilic MOF is able to capture nearly 3 liters of water per day. This is a significant advancement in
water collection technology, however, there are downsides. The first being the cost of the MOF, which is
roughly $150 per kilogram, not to mention the cost of development and construction of the full system,
which has yet to be determined. The second being that this system runs on a very cyclical basis where
water is only available after the full day-night process has completed, whereas competing technologies,
like a VCC, is able to condense water from air continuously. It is important to note that scientists estimate
the atmosphere contains approximately 13 trillion liters of water captured as vapor. This technology
paired with other continuous processes could yield incredible results in terms of harnessing and
harvesting the potential in the world surrounding us (Service, 2017).

Summary of VCC Governing Equations

In order to better understand the VCC, it was important to gather the key equations that explain the
thermodynamic principles occurring at each phase.
Compressor: Stage 1 → 2
The compressor can be sized by determining the amount of work needed to raise the enthalpy of a certain
amount of refrigerant.
Equation 1: Wc = ṁ(h2 - h1 )/𝜂

Where Wc is compressor work, ṁ is the mass flow rate of the refrigerant, and h2 and h1 is the refrigerant
enthalpy exiting and entering the compressor respectively. This yields a kW rating for the compressor.
Ideally, the enthalpy entering the compressor would equal the enthalpy at the saturation pressure so that
the refrigerant enters as a saturated vapor. This ensures that no liquid forms in the compressor, which
would cause wear. A suction line accumulator is commonly used to achieve this, as explained later in this
section. The work of the compressor can also be related to the inlet and outlet pressure difference using its
isentropic efficiency.

Equation 2: Wc = ṁRT1(k/k-1)[(P1/P2 )k-1/k-1]/𝜂

Where R is the universal gas constant, T1 is the inlet temperature, k is a constant (1.4) for isentropic
conditions, P1 and P2 are the inlet and outlet pressures respectively, and η is the isentropic efficiency,
which compares the actual compressor work to the compressor work if there was no change in entropy.
Condenser: Stage 2 → 3 and Evaporator: Stage 4 → 1
The condenser and evaporator heat exchangers manipulate pipe diameter and length to accept or reject
heat to the ambient air. This relationship is shown in the equations below.

Equation 3: Q = UA(ΔT)
Equation 4: Q = ṁhfg

Where Q is the total heat lost/gained, U is the conductance, A is the surface area, and ΔT is the difference
in temperature between the flowing refrigerant and ambient air. The second Q equation describes a phase
change of the refrigerant in the evaporator and condenser, where the heat lost/gained equates to product of
the mass flow rate and latent heat value (hfg). Overall conductance is defined as the heat exchangers UA
value, which identifies the overall resistance to heat transfer. This includes the convective resistance of
the refrigerant, the conductive resistance of the heat exchanger pipe, and the convective resistance of the
outside air, shown in that respective order in the equation below.

Equation 5: 1/UA = 1/hi πDi L + ln(Do /Di )/2πkL + 1/hoπDo L

For the evaporator, the final term Equation 5 can be ignored since the evaporator surface temperature is
known. The internal convection for a vertical evaporator is found using the Coulson McNelley correlation
and relating it to the Nusselt number:

Equation 6: Nu = (1.3+39Di )[Prl0.9Rel0.23Rev0.34(ρl /ρv )0.25(μv /μl )]

Equation 7: Nu = hDi /K

The Cavallini Zecchin correlation is used for the condenser, which determines the internal convection
coefficient for condensation as:
Equation 8: h= (K/Di )0.05Re0.8Pr0.33

Where Re is the two phase Reynolds Number, which is solved for by determining the vapor and liquid
phase Reynolds Numbers as follows:

Equation 9: Re = Rev (⍴l /⍴v )0.5 (μv /μl )+Rel

Where Rev and Rel are the vapor and liquid Reynolds Numbers, respectively, calculated by:

Equation 10: Rev/l = 4ṁ/πDi μv/l

By combining the last two equations, one can make a conclusion on the different ways to increase the rate
of heat transfer:
- Increase the convection coefficient of air (ho) by using forced convection from a fan
- Increase the surface area of the pipe by increasing length, outer diameter, or adding fins. The
pressure drop across the condenser and evaporator will constrain these values.
- Increase the pipe conductivity (k) by changing the pipe material and thickness.
Expansion Valve: Stage 3 → 4
Refrigerant expansion is an adiabatic process, meaning Δh = 0. As previously stated, the expansion valve
serves to drastically reduce the refrigerant pressure, and therefore the refrigerant temperature, so that a
cold liquid enters the evaporator for optimal heat extraction from the ambient air and cooling of the
evaporator surface.

Refrigerant Selection & Justification
A typical refrigerant used in common refrigeration cycles is R-134a, which is a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC).
HFC’s generally have high global warming and ozone depletion potential, which is not ideal or in keeping
with the purpose of delivering clean water in a sustainable way. As a result our team researched a more
sustainable and less harmful refrigerant alternative with similar thermodynamic properties as R-134a. We
discovered a new generation of refrigerants known as hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) refrigerants that exhibit
much lower global warming and ozone depletion potential as compared with their HFC counterparts.
Accordingly, we discovered HFO-R1234ze, which is produced by Honeywell, as a drop in replacement
for R-134a with the traditional enhanced sustainability qualities of an HFO. For example, HFO-1234ze
has a low boiling point, low operating pressure, and low GWP (“Refrigerant HFO-1234yf,” 2018). The
sustainability enhancements and similarities are displayed in Table 3 below.

Refrigerant Boiling Point (°F/°C) at Liquid Pressure at 0°C Global Warming

1 atm. (kPa/atm) Potential (CO2=1)

R-134a -14.9/-26 191.7/1.89 1430

R-1234ze -2.2/-19 115.2/1.14 6

Table 3: Sustainability and thermodynamic properties of refrigerant options

These two refrigerants operate similarly in refrigeration systems, however, will require slight
modification in the design cycle of the VCC. That being said, the tradeoff is worth the vast difference in
global warming potential to create a sustainable system with the lowest carbon footprint at similar price
points of the refrigerant. Additionally, most of the equipment used in R-134a systems can be retrofitted
for use with R-1234ze, so there is no additional costs associated with hardware selection.

Assumptions and Parameters Assumed

Thermodynamic States and Operating Pressures:
For calculation purposes, it was assumed that the refrigerant would fully evaporate in the evaporator and
enter the compressor as a vapor. It is imperative that only vapor enters the compressor, as liquid droplets
can cause compressor wear and damage. To ensure this, the actual evaporator length was tripled from the
calculated value, as seen in the Design section. For the internal convection coefficient in the evaporator, it
was assumed that a liquid-vapor mixture entered the system for use in the two-phase evaporation
correlation. The vapor quality was estimated using the R-1234ze pressure-enthalpy graph at the operating
pressures. It was also assumed that there would be no pressure drops across the heat exchangers for ease
of simulation.

The low and high operating pressures were also assumed. Ideally, the VCC governing equations would be
compiled with “n” equations and “n” unknowns to solve for variables such as low and high pressure, heat
exchanger lengths, and compressor work, using a non-linear equation solver such as the “fsolve” function
in Matlab. Non-linear equation solvers take user-input initial guesses for unknown variables and iterate

until the values converge. This is the ideal process for system simulation because it minimizes the amount
of assumptions that need to be made. Unfortunately, given the project time constraint due to the large
amount of time needed for purchasing parts, building the system, and data collection and validation, our
group was unable to simulate the system using a non-linear solver. Instead, low and high pressures were
chosen based on suggested evaporating and condensing temperatures from the Performance Data Sheet
for the compressor to be used in our system, as seen in Figure 11 below.

Figure 11: Performance data sheet

The low pressure side of the compressor was calculated to be 179.4kPa based on the evaporator surface
temperature being set to 5°C (~20°F) to enhance the evaporator’s ability to condense liquid water on the
surface without dropping below freezing where frost would form. The high pressure side of the
compressor was assumed to be 780kPa based on R134a high temperature compressors, which are highly
suitable for our R1234ze refrigerant based on the Performance Data Sheet. The corresponding condenser
temperature is 41°C (~110F), which is about 20°C above the outside air temperature, where the heat will
be expelled.

Heat Exchanger Material Selection:

It was decided to use copper tubing due to its reasonable pricing as well as its ability to withstand the
operating pressures. A summary of the heat exchange (per hour) and tube size is tabulated in Table 4
below. Given estimates that operation is between 10K-20K Btu/H a ¼’ in. diameter copper tube can be
used, however ⅜” tubing was chosen to increase the factor of safety in the event that unintended high
pressures occur in the system. Table 5 below also shows the internal pressure limits (psi) for copper
tubing, further verifying that the ⅜” in. tubing will not fail at the operating pressures.

Table 4: Copper tubing size guide (

Table 5: Copper tubing working pressures

Ambient Assumptions:
The VCC is to be run in an indoor lab. Therefore, it is assumed that the evaporator and condenser will be
accepting/rejecting heat to the indoor lab air. Using ASHRAE indoor air quality standards 55-2013 and
62.1-2016, it was assumed that the ambient air is 70℉ and 50% relative humidity. Indoor air is typically
much drier than outside air, so using these values will ensure that the device will successfully operate if
placed outside at similar temperatures.

Nominal Assumptions & State Points

Property Value Comments

Pressure 1 179.4 kPa Pressure at -5°C

Temperature 1 -5°C Refrigerant Temp. through evap.

Enthalpy 4 193.42 kJ/kg Assuming saturated liquid

Enthalpy 1 380.73 kJ/kg At P1,T1

Enthalpy hfg 195.810 kJ/kg State point 1

Density of liquid R1234ze 1254.56 kg/m3 State point 1

Density of vapor R1234ze 9.70 kg/m3 State point 1

Viscosity of liquid R1234ze 286.19 * 10-6 Pa*s State point 1

Prandtl Number 4.4 State point 1

Liquid Thermal Conductivity of 84.902*10-3 W/m*K State point 1


Internal Diameter of Copper .0104 meters


External Diameter .0127 meters

Pressure 2 780 kPa Pressure at 41.49°C (Reasonable

condensing temperature)

Enthalpy of Vapor R1234ze 410 kJ/kg State point 2

Specific Heat of R1234ze 1.0545 kg*m2/K*s2 State point 2

Thermal Conductivity of .0689 W/m*K State point 2


Density of liquid R1234ze 1110 kg/m3 State point 2

Density of vapor R1234ze 41.38 kg/m3 State Point 2

Viscosity of liquid R1234ze 145.97 *10-6 Pa*s State Point 2

Viscosity of vapor R1234ze 12.96*10-6 Pa*s State Point 2

Prandtl Number 3.47 State Point 2

Compressor Efficiency 80%

Table 6: Nominal assumptions and state points

The VCC governing equations, refrigerant properties, and assumed parameters supplied adequate
information to design the VCC system using the Matlab equation solving software. The first design step
was determining the necessary evaporator length using ⅜” copper tubing. Using the amount of water to be
condensed (500cc/hour) and the saturation temperature of the ambient air was the starting point in the
evaporator design. The total heat into the evaporator was determined by applying Equation 4 to the
amount of water being condensed, and using the R-1234ze latent heat property, the refrigerant mass flow
rate could be determined by equating the two.

With the refrigerant mass flow rate solved for, the evaporator length could be found by using Equations 3
and 5. Equations 6 and 7 were used to model the internal convection coefficient used in Equation 5.

Knowing the refrigerant thermal conductivity at the assumed pressure and the pipe internal diameter, the
internal convection could be solved for and the evaporator length can be determined using Equation 4.
The calculated length was 0.32 meters. As stated in the Assumptions and Parameters Assumed section,
the actual evaporator length was tripled to ensure adequate length for water condensation and refrigerant
phase change, resulting in an actual length of 0.96 meters. A vertical configuration was chosen for the
evaporator to assist with the collection of condensed water on the surface. Water on the surface will fall
and accumulate on the bottom of the tubing, making it easier to drip off and collect. In a horizontal
configuration, an equally distributed, thin film of water would collect along the tube surface, making it
harder to collect. The use of gravity to force water off the tube would not be possible and an external
piece of equipment, such as a fan or vibration device, would be needed for water collection. 0.32 meters is
a satisfactory length, given the relatively small amount of heat input of 0.3457 kW into the evaporator, as
detailed in the Design section. Furthermore, the tripled length of 0.96 meters will fulfill the geometric
constraints of having to fit into a tabletop device, given the vertical configuration.

The same procedure was used in solving for the condenser length. Equation 8 was used to solve for the
internal convection coefficient, where Equations 9 and 10 were used to solve for the two phase Reynolds
Number in Equation 8.

The resulting condenser length was 0.67 meters. The actual condenser length was also tripled to ensure
full phase change from vapor to liquid and to account for sensible heat loss from the superheated state of
the vapor exiting the compressor, resulting in an actual condenser length of 2.01 meters. With the added
work from the compressor, it is expected to have a higher condenser length when compared to evaporator
length. The vapor exiting the compressor will also be in a superheated state, so the tripling of the
calculated length will account for the sensible heat loss from the superheated to the saturated state before
phase change can occur. Since the condenser is significantly longer than the evaporator, a vertical
orientation is suggested to fit the geometric constraints. A vertical orientation is also desirable for the use
of ice water in aiding the refrigerant phase change, as outlined later in the Experimental Setup section.

The next design step was sizing and sourcing a compressor. Using Equation 2, the resulting compressor
work was about 115 watts to raise the pressure from 180kPa to 780kPa. As previously shown on the
Performance Data Sheet in Figure 11, an R-134a Tecumseh compressor was chosen, with a maximum

power output of 550 watts, which is well above the required power. Since R-1234ze is a new refrigerant,
there aren’t any easily accessible compressors made specifically for R-1234ze. Since “R-1234ze(E) will
show operating conditions and applied costs much more in line with R-134a according to system and
compressor sizes”, it was decided to use an R-134a compatible compressor (“Solstice® ze Refrigerant”,

The equations used in the design process are outlined in Table 7 below.

Equation Calculation Comments

Pvap = ɸPsat Psat @Tsat = 20°C = 2.339 kPa

Pvap = ɸPsat = .67(2.339)
Pvap = 1.567 kPa

Tsat @ Pvap = Evaporator Tsat @ Pvap = 13.7°C Tsurface is set lower

Surface Temperature Tsurface = 5°C in order to
enhance water
generation on

Qin = ṁwaterΔh ṁwater = (500cc/hr)(1hr/3600s)(1kg/1000cc)

ṁwater = .000139 kg/s
Δh = hfg@Tsat = 5°C = 2489.1 kJ/kg
Qin = ṁwaterΔh
Qin = (.000139kg/s)(2489.1 kJ/kg)
Qin = 0.3457 kW

ṁrefrigerant = Qin / hfg ṁrefrigerant = 0.3457kW / 195.81 kJ/kg

ṁrefrigerant = .001765 kg/s

1/UAe = 1/(hie* 𝜋*Di*L) + UAe = 34.57 W/m2K See Appendix 1 for

(ln(Do/Di)/(2* 𝜋*k*L) Le = 0.323 m formulation and
derivation of

h= (K/Di )0.05Re0.8Pr0.33 hic = 3118.3 kJ/kg

Solutions for h2, T2, UAc , & h2 = 421.4 kJ/kg See Appendix 2 for
Lc from Matlab script T2 = 41.5°C formulation and
UAc = 21.43 W/m2K derivation of
Lc = 0.67 m equations

Qout = UAc ΔT Qout = (21.43 W/m2K)(21.5K)

Qout = 0.4607 kW

Wc = Qout - Qin Wc = 0.4607kW - 0.3457kW

Wc = 0.115 kW

COP = Qin / Wc COP = 0.3457 kW / 0.115 kW

COP = 3.01
Table 7: Results for Governing Equations

Design Results Discussion

Several parameter assumptions had to be made during the design of the heat exchangers. Ideally, the high
and low side pressures would not be assumed but instead solved using a non-linear equation solver, such
as the “fsolve command” in Matlab. The resulting refrigerant properties, such as density, viscosity,
Prandtl number, and thermal conductivity would need to be curve fit in terms of the operating pressures.
This was attempted during the design phase of the project, however a solution that converged to realistic
values was not reached. In order to stay on track with the project timeline, the operating pressures were
then assumed using the Tecumseh Performance Data Sheet, as outlined in the Assumptions and
Parameters Assumed section. Convergence using a non-linear equation solver would eliminate the need to
make any assumptions and would yield ideal optimized results to maximize system performance.
However, since convergence was not reached, tripling the heat exchanger lengths given reasonable
parameter assumptions will ensure that there is adequate length for full refrigerant phase change.

The low side pressure determined an evaporator internal temperature of -5°C (21°F). Although this value
is somewhat arbitrary in the scope of this project, it falls within freezing temperature and saturation
temperature, so it will prove to be effective in condensing water vapor. This value served as the basis for
our calculations for determining the heat entering the system from the ambient air. The high pressure side
of the system was assumed to be 780kPa based on the Performance Data Sheet results for R-134a high
temperature compressors. The corresponding condenser temperature is 41°C (~110F), which is about
21°C above the ambient air temperature where the heat will be expelled. Accordingly, this is an
appropriate assumption given the system will be built such that a variable throttle valve will be used on
the high pressure side paired with a barometer to set the operating pressure to the desired 780kPa.

The only concern from the results is the low UA value for the condenser. Since the heat rejected at the
condenser side is the sum of the heat into the evaporator and the compressor work, it is expected that the
condenser UA value be higher than that of the evaporator. One explanation for this low value is the
superheated vapor temperature exiting the compressor, which then drops about 10°C before phase change
occurred, at a temperature 21°C above ambient. Since Q = UAΔT and the temperature difference between
refrigerant and ambient conditions was much greater on the condenser side, the smaller UA value can be
accounted for in the calculations.

Ethical Considerations
A vital aspect of a successful engineering system design is following and utilizing the ethical guidelines
set forth by pertinent professional institutions. The first fundamental canon of engineering set by the
National Society of Professional Engineers is to “Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the

public” (“NSPE Code of Ethics”, 2018). This is of paramount importance for this system given the high
operating pressures, flammable refrigerant, and future applications in hydroponic systems.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE)
develops standards of ethics and utilization specific to refrigeration applications. Specifically, this section
will outline the guidelines defined in ASHRAE 15 - An American National Standard Safety Code for
Mechanical Refrigeration. Section 9 of ASHRAE 15 - System Design Pressure immediately influenced
design requirements for this project, inherently driving purchasing decisions throughout the design phase.
The following standards will be referenced throughout the report to fully understand the purpose of those
design cycle decisions (“ASHRAE 15”, 1994):

9.2.1 “Design pressures shall not be less than pressure arising under maximum operating, standby,
or shipping conditions. When selecting the design pressure, allowance shall be provided for setting
pressure-limiting devices and pressure-relief devices to avoid nuisance shutdowns and loss of refrigerant.” “The design pressure selected shall exceed maximum pressures attained under any
anticipated normal operating conditions, including conditions created by expected fouling of heat exchange

9.4.1 “Refrigerating systems shall be protected by a pressure-relief device or other approved

means to safely relieve pressure due to fire or other abnormal conditions.”

9.5.1 “Pressure-relief valves shall start to function at a pressure not to exceed the design pressure
of the parts of the system protected.”

9.8 “When equipped with a stop valve in the discharge connection, every positive displacement
compressor shall be equipped with a pressure-relief device of adequate size and pressure setting, as
specified by the compressor manufacturer, to prevent rupture of the compressor or to prevent the pressure
from increasing to more than 10% above the maximum allowable working pressure of any other component
located in the discharge line between the compressor and the stop valve.”

9.9.1 “Pressure-limiting devices shall be provided on all systems operating above atmospheric

9.13.2 “Joints on refrigeration-containing copper tube that are made by the addition of filler metal
shall be brazed.”

Instrumentation & Assembly

In order to verify that the actual system is performing to the calculated standards, temperature, pressure,
and mass flow rate readings must be taken. This is done using thermocouples, pressure transmitters, and a
flow meter. The piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) can be seen in Figure 12 below, which
outlines all the necessary equipment for experimental setup.

Figure 12: P&ID of experimental VCC

Every piece of equipment, with exception to the inline flowmeter and sight glasses, is connected to the
system via a copper tee that is brazed to the copper tubing. Absolute pressure is measured at the inlet and
outlet of the compressor to ensure the correct pressure fluctuation on the low and high side of the system.
Temperature is read at the inlet of both heat exchangers, the compressor inlet, and the expansion valve
outlet. Knowing the high and low pressures, the temperature readings will indicate the phase of the
refrigerant at the specific stages in the VCC. Similarly, sight glasses at the entrance of the compressor and
exit of the condenser will allow for verification that the refrigerant undergoes a full phase change in both
heat exchangers, as the refrigerant should exit the evaporator as a vapor and exit the condenser as a liquid.
Two binary valves, labeled as “charge” in the P&ID, are used to charge and discharge the refrigerant from
the system, and are also used for system leak testing and vacuuming. A pressure relief valve is also used
on the high pressure side of the system as an emergency safety device in the incident that the pressure is
raised too high and could damage the equipment. This will allow the pressurized vapor to exit the system,
thus relieving some of the pressure. Finally, a suction line accumulator is used right before the
compressor inlet. The function of the accumulator is to collect any liquid refrigerant before it enters the
compressor so the compressor does not become damaged. Once the liquid is captured, it is vaporized and
then cycled back into the system.

All of the equipment requires an adapter at the copper tee. The copper tees are unthreaded, therefore an
adapter must be brazed to the tee to allow for a male (MNPT) or female (FNPT) connector, depending on
the equipment that is used. This is done by brazing a short piece of copper tubing to the tee, where the
adapter can then be inserted and brazed to the system.

Heat Exchanger Fabrication

In order to save table space, it was decided to orient both heat exchangers in the vertical direction. Using
the lengths from the Design section as a guideline, the evaporator and condenser were cut from a ten foot
stock of copper tubing. The actual cut length was slightly greater than the calculated length to leave extra

room on either side of the condenser and evaporator to account for any slight measurement errors. Next,
the tubes had to be bent into the desired shape using a hand-held tube bender shown in Figure 13 below.

Figure 13: Tube bending device

Tubing was inserted through the black slot shown in the figure and bent using the apparatus at the end of
the black handle section. The final configurations for the evaporator and condenser are shown in Figures
14 and 15.

Figure 14: Evaporator tubing

Figure 15: Condenser tubing

Brazing is performed by melting a brazing alloy between two pieces, which then cools and solidifies to
form the connection. First, the surfaces that are in contact are sanded so that paste flux can be applied and

stick to the surfaces as shown in Figures 16 and 17. The paste removes the last layer of oxidized metal
when melted to form a stronger brazed joint.

Figure 16: Paste flux application

Figure 17: Tubing with paste flux

Once paste flux is applied to both surfaces, the pieces are connected and heated using a blow torch. The
brazing alloy can now melt and solidify around the connection. This process is depicted in Figures 18 and

Figure 18: Brazing application

Figure 19: Brazing application cont.

Brazing is the most cost effective way to add adapters and connections into the system, as there is no need
to purchase extra fittings for threaded connections. Threaded adapters are brazed to the ends of all the tees
to account for the various instruments depicted in the P&ID. Shown below is the evaporator section,
ready for leak testing with all the instruments installed. The flow meter and thermocouple to the right of
the evaporator in Figure 20 correspond to the icons to the left on the P&ID. Similarly, the pressure
transmitter, thermocouple, and sight glass to the left of the evaporator in the figure correspond to the
icons to the right on the P&ID.

Figure 20: Evaporator with instruments added

The same configuration is shown for the condenser in Figure 21 below. The instruments at the entrance of
the condenser are shown on the right in the figure and those at the exit are shown to the left in Figure 21.

Figure 21: Condenser with instruments added

Once the heat exchangers were fully fabricated with the instruments, the expansion valve section of the
system was added, shown in Figure 22 below. The entire loop before it was brazed to the compressor is
shown in Figure 23.

Figure 22: Expansion valve

Figure 23: Full system assembly (without compressor)

Leak Testing
As mentioned in the previous section, each part of the system must be leak tested before it is fully
integrated. This ensures that no refrigerant in vapor form will escape during operation. Leak testing
involves filling a section with compressed air and capping the other end to trap the air, as seen in Figures
24 and 25 below.

Figure 24: Leak testing

Figure 25: Leak testing cont.

Once the section is filled, soapy water is sprayed at each brazed and threaded connection to check for a
leak. If a leak is present, bubbles will form where the water was sprayed and the pressure will drop over
time. If a leak occurs, the threaded connection must be tightened or additional brazing alloy must be
added to fix the leak. The evaporator and condenser sections were capped and tested separately. Since the

condenser will be operating at 7.8 bar, leak testing was performed slightly above this pressure, at about
8.5 bar, to make sure the equipment would hold up during operation. During this process, the pressure
relief valve was also tested to make sure it was operating properly. The relief valve was preset to 8.5 bar,
so when that pressure is reached, a seat at the base of the valve is opened, allowing vapor to escape.
Once the expansion valve section was added, the entire system was leak tested again. Insulation was then
added to prevent any heat loss between the heat exchangers, as shown in Figure 26 below.

Figure 26: System loop with insulation

Compressor Wiring
The final step in the system assembly was powering the compressor. Since the Tecumseh compressor is
resistance start, induction run (RSID), there is no need for an external start or run capacitor. A capacitor is
used to alter the current received by the motor, where it would be increased to start the motor due to the
high starting torque requirements, and then lowered once the motor moved to a steady-state running
phase. RSID motors don’t require capacitors, so wiring is relatively simple. Figure 27 below shows a
wiring diagram for an RSID motor.

Figure 27: RSID wiring diagram

As shown in the figure, line power is applied to run winding and overload capacitor, and the system is
grounded on the compressor. The actual system wiring is shown in Figure 28 below

Figure 28: Wired compressor

The two black wires in Figure 28 are line power with the green as ground. These wires lead to a three
prong outlet plug-in so the compressor can be run from almost any location.

Experimental Setup
After the final leak test was performed, the exit of the evaporator and entrance to the condenser was
brazed to the compressor, along with the suction line accumulator, as seen in Figure 29 below.

Figure 29: Fully assembled VCC

The final step before fully running the system was to clean the inside of the tubing of any debris and dirt
so that it would not affect the system performance and damage the equipment. To do this, the system was
first vacuumed to about 150 microns to remove all the air so that it does not mix with the refrigerant. The
refrigerant canister was then connected to a manifold that leads to one of the binary valves in the system
and a refrigerant recovery unit. The manifold controls whether refrigerant flows from the canister to the
system or from the system to the recovery unit. Once loaded with refrigerant, the equipment was rotated
and moved around so that refrigerant flowed through every part of the system. It was then flushed out
through the recovery unit and the system was ready for testing. The cleaning setup can be seen in Figure
30 below.

Figure 30: Cleaning setup

Although the VCC was designed to operate in ambient indoor conditions, as specified in the Design
section, extra equipment was added to better simulate greenhouse conditions and ensure full phase change
in both heat exchangers. Since the evaporator and condenser were sized based on ambient conditions, it is
assumed that greater heat transfer will occur given the experimental setup, thus increasing the effectivity
of the system and yielding better results. It was decided to use a commercial humidifier and aim it at the
evaporator in order to better simulate humid greenhouse conditions. This will increase the amount of
water condensed on the surface of the evaporator. In order to increase the heat rejected at the condenser,
and therefore the rate of refrigerant condensation, the condenser was placed in an ice bath to provide a
greater temperature differential. Although ecological adaptations will not mimic this setup, it will provide
better results for our experiment by providing only liquid to the entrance of the evaporator. Furthermore, a
fan was used over the evaporator to increase the rate of heat exchange from forced convection. A
collection tray was used under the evaporator to weigh the total amount of condensed water during the
tests. The experimental setup is shown in Figure 31 below.

Figure 31: Final experimental setup

Experimental Results and Analysis

During the initial experimental run, about 77% of the calculated refrigerant weight (0.85 pounds) was
added as a precautionary measure (see Appendix 7 for weight calculation). The calculated value was
determined by making several assumptions about the refrigerant phases throughout the cycle, and
therefore is not indicative of the actual amount needed for optimal system performance. Since adding
refrigerant to the system is quick and easy, a conservative amount was supplied at first to prevent any
chance of over-pressurization. During this run, full refrigerant phase change occurred across the
condenser, as verified by the temperature measurements and sight glass at the exit of the condenser. The
significantly lower temperature exiting the condenser indicated that the refrigerant was not only
condensing, but there was also significant sensible heat loss beyond the phase change. This occurred at
pressures well below the calculated value of 780 kPa, due to the presence of ice water along the
condenser. The operating pressures are shown in Figure 32 below.

Figure 32: First run pressures

It was also verified that the compressor was providing adequate pressurization, as the outlet compressor
temperature remained in the range of 41℃ to 49℃, just above our expected value of 41.5℃ as seen in
Figure 33 below.

Figure 33: First run condenser temperatures

Since the ice bucket on the condenser provided excellent high-side performance, it was concluded after
the first run that a large range of condensing pressures could be used and still provide satisfactory results.
Although there was success with refrigerant condensation, the evaporator did not perform as expected.
The low side pressure remained about 120 kPa, creating frost along the evaporator, as seen in Figure 34

Figure 34: Frosted evaporator

Several problems were identified when trying to address the issue of frost formation on the evaporator.
First, since the minimum flow rating on the expansion valve is higher than that experienced in the system,
it could not raise the evaporator pressure to the calculated value of 179.4 kPa even when fully opened.
Second, significant pressure drop between the two thermocouples on the evaporator side was experienced,
causing the evaporator outlet temperature to be lower than the inlet, as seen from Figure 35 below.

Figure 35: First run evaporator temperatures

The small inlet hole on the flow meter was hypothesized as the cause for this extreme pressure drop.
Since incorrect flow readings were experienced during testing, probably due to too small of a flow rate or
the flow meter being broken when the system was pressurized with compressed air during leak testing,
the flow meter was removed and replaced with a precision valve, as seen in Figure 36 below.

Figure 36: Added precision valve

The precision valve functions to alleviate the pressure loss experienced with the flow meter, but also
allow for precise control of the evaporator pressure, since the expansion valve was not functioning as
intended. The precision valve proved to be effective in both of these aspects after a second run was done.
By opening and closing the valve, the evaporator pressure throttled almost immediately, providing a
controlled evaporator surface temperature slightly above freezing to prevent frost formation that occured
in the first run. Instead, a layer of condensed water formed on the evaporator, providing a constant drip
onto the collection tray, shown in Figure 37 below.

Figure 37: Evaporator with layer of condensed water

The exaggerated drop in pressure was also alleviated with the precision valve. The outlet of the
evaporator still remained at a lower temperature due to slight pressure losses through the tube bends and

changing diameter through the precision valve, but the magnitude was much smaller than that
experienced with the flow meter. The new evaporator inlet and outlet temperatures can be seen in Figure
38 below.

Figure 38: Second run evaporator temperatures

It was found that frost began to form when the refrigerant temperature reached around -3℃, so the
precision valve was set so that the refrigerant temperature remained at about -1℃ to -2℃. For this reason,
the actual operating pressure had to be raised slightly above the calculated value to around 200 kPa (2
bar). Furthermore, since the condenser was placed in a bucket of ice water, the condenser pressure could
take on a wide range of values while still providing full phase change. The ice water creates convective
resistance values much higher than that of ambient air, which was not accounted for in the calculations.
Consequently, at an operating pressure of around 700 kPa (7 bar), the refrigerant went through full phase
change, as well as additional sensible heat loss. This can be seen from the inlet and outlet condenser
temperature shown in Figure 39 below and the evaporator and condenser pressure in Figure 40.

Figure 39: Second run condenser temperatures

Figure 40: Second run pressures

The operating parameters achieved in the second run were close to those calculated in the Design section.
The high and low side pressures were -10.3% and +10.0% off from the calculated values, respectively.
The operating temperatures had a larger margin of error, however. The condenser and evaporator
temperatures were -12.0% and -40% off from the calculated values, respectively. These deviations from
the calculated values are a resultant of the improperly sized expansion valve, frost formation at a
refrigerant temperature of -5℃, and the ice bucket that the condenser was placed in.

As previously mentioned, the flow meter that was purchased for the system was not functioning properly,
so the refrigerant mass flow rate could not be verified. As a result, the heat transfer rate for both heat
exchangers, and therefore the system COP, could not be determined and compared to the calculated

The amount of water generated in an hour was about 25cc. This was much lower than the specified goal
of 500 cc/hr. This is because the goal value was somewhat arbitrary. The system was first simulated to
produce 50cc/hour, however this resulted in small Q values for both heat exchangers and compressor
work on the order of tens of watts. The rate of water condensation was then raised in order to raise the
rate of heat exchange and compressor work to realistic values that would fit into a larger tabletop device.
500 cc/hour was used as a basis for the system values, with the presumption that the actual rate of
condensation would be lower than 500 cc/hour. The actual rate of water collection was also low due to the
small amount of evaporator surface area that came into contact with the humidifier stream. Since the
evaporator turns were large, there was a lot of space between the vertical tubing for the humidifier stream
to pass through. Had a coiled or flat plate heat exchanger been used, significantly more water would have
been collected. The calculated rate of condensation per evaporator surface area was 11cc/(min.m2 ). Had a
square meter flat plate heat exchanger been used with the system operating parameters, 660 cc/hour of
water would have been collected. This configuration would have also solved the issue of water layer
formation on the evaporator surface, further improving the collection rate. Once the system reached
steady state values, water quickly collected on the evaporator surface, however most of it remained there
for the duration of the experiment. This thin water layer acts as a thermal barrier between the ambient air
and the evaporator surface, so less water condenses. A means to remove that water, such as a hydrophobic

coating, flat plate heat exchanger, or a low frequency vibration would greatly increase the rate of water
collection by allowing new water to form on the surface and immediately collect.

Cost Analysis
The following tables displays a cost break down of both the high and low sections of the fabricated VCC
including the structure, instrumentation, equipment, insulation, valves, and fittings:

High Side & General Use Items:

Part Name Qty/Length Cost/Unit Cost Total

Tecumseh Compressor 1 unit $259.99 $259.99

Pressure Transmitter 1 unit $115.36 $115.36

Thermostatic 1 unit $129.30 $129.30

Expansion Valve

⅜” Copper Tubing 128.45 inches $.0825/inch $10.60

(Type L)

¼” Copper Tubing 16.75 inches $.1154/inch $1.93

(Type L)

Air Safety Valve 1 unit $38.23 $38.23

R1234ze Refrigerant 10 lbs $305/10lbs $305.00

Brazing Alloy 1 unit $15.85 $15.85

Brazing Flux 1 unit $25.08 $25.08

Copper Fittings 20 units $4.54/unit $90.80

Pipe Insulation 128.45 inches $.0351/inch $4.51

Thermocouple 2 units $49.90 $99.80

Sight Glass 1 unit $25.56/unit $25.56

Binary Valve 1 unit $11.71/unit $11.71

Humidifier 1 unit $36.31 $36.31

Total Cost $1,170.03

Table 8: High side and general use costs

Low Side:
Part Name Qty/Length Cost/Unit Cost Total

McMillan Flow Meter 1 unit $683.36 $683.36

Pressure Transmitter 1 unit $115.36 $115.36

Suction Line 1 unit $73.13 $73.13


⅜” Copper Tubing 98.95 inches $.0825/inch $8.16

(Type L)

¼” Copper Tubing 3.00 inches $.1154/inch $.35

(Type L)

Copper Fittings 18 $4.54/unit $81.72

Pipe Insulation 98.95 inches $.0351/inch $3.47

Thermocouple 2 units $49.90 $99.80

Sight Glass 1 unit $25.56/unit $25.56

Binary Valve 1 unit $11.71/unit $11.71

Total Cost $1,102.62

Table 9: Low side costs

Final Cost Total:

Section Cost

High Side & General Use Items $1,170.03

Low Side $1,102.62

Total Cost $2,272.65

Table 10: Total system cost

In order to reduce cost on both sections of the system one could size the mating components such that the
use of copper fittings (joints, tees, and couplings) is minimized. Due to time constraints and size
constraints of our instruments and components, this was not a priority in procurement. Further, given the
limited tooling and molding ability, a large amount of copper piping (and therefore insulation) was used
to join the bent sections of the system, as such, cost could be minimized here by creating tighter angles
and more acute bends in the piping. One of the most critical components in this system is the Suction
Line Accumulator, which disallows liquid from entering the compressor, which is a fatal flaw. The

Suction Line Accumulator is effectively an insurance policy for the costly compressor shown in the High
Side & General Use Items table above.

Conclusions & Recommendations

The vapor compression cycle was shown to be effective in condensing and collecting atmospheric water
vapor and served as an effective proof of concept. Although the specified goal of 500cc/hour was not
achieved due to the evaporator geometry and improperly sized equipment, a high rate of condensation per
surface area was experienced, providing promising results for future experiments. At a rate of 11
cc/(min.m2 ), a system with the same operating parameters and more favorable evaporator geometry
would be able to generate well over 500 cc/hour, and would be extremely efficacious when incorporated
into a large scale system. Future work, involving the use of coiled or flat plate evaporators, enhanced
surfaces on both heat exchangers, and EHD pumping in both heat exchangers is necessary to improve
system performance and optimize the rate of water collection. Furthermore, the evaporator refrigeration
tonnage needs to be increased in order for proper functioning of the expansion valve and a larger
refrigerant mass flow rate is necessary for accurate flow meter output to verify the rate of heat transfer
and system COP. Though testing in actual greenhouse conditions is necessary to verify the applicability
of VCC in large scale ecological systems, this project demonstrates that atmospheric water generation
using VCC is achievable.

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Appendix 1: R-1234ze Pressure-Enthalpy Data

Figure 41: R-1234ze pressure-enthalpy data

Appendix 2: R-1234ze Pressure-Temperature Data

Figure 42: R-1234ze pressure-temperature data

Appendix 3: R-134a Comparison

Figure 43: R-134a comparison

Appendix 4: Evaporator Length Script

Figure 44: Evaporator length Matlab script

Appendix 5: Condenser Length Script

Figure 45: Condenser length Matlab script

Appendix 6: Detailed P&ID

Figure 46: Detailed P&ID

Appendix 7: Refrigerant Weight Calculations

ID 0.41 0.16
R 0.205 0.08
Area 0.1320254313 0.02010619298
Liquid Length 128.45 16.75
Vapor Length 98.95 3
Liquid Volume 16.95866665 0.3367787325
Vapor Volume 13.06391642 0.06031857895
Liquid Density 0.0467 0.0467
Vapor Density 0.0002 0.0002
Weight 0.7945825157 0.01573963052 0.8103221462

SLA 0.00856531049
Hose 0.2750857067
Total 1.093973163
Table 11: Refrigerant weight calculations

Appendix 8: LabView Front Panel

Figure 47: LabView front panel

Appendix 9: LabView Block Diagram

Figure 48: Left side of block diagram

Figure 49: Right side of block diagram


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