CO 2023-2024 Electronic Fabrication ELCT 312

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University of Eastern Africa Baraton

Technology Department, Electronics


1ST Semester, 2023/2024


Location : University of Eastern Africa, Baraton

Email : [email protected]

Telephone : 0728986142

Date : September- December 2023

Course Number : ELCT312

Credit Hours : 2 credits

Room : T300

Course Length : 14 Weeks

Course Schedule : Fr: TBA

Lab : TBA

Prereq. : COMP321, ELCT221 AND MECT121

Course Synopsis This course is intended to acquaint the student with the practices and
procedures used to manufacture and construct basic electronic instruments.
Special emphasis is placed on the design and layout of PCB, chassis boxes use of
cabinets, type of connectors, adaptors, basic hardware basic tools and methods
used to manufacture the cabinet to house the PCB will be discussed since this
course is designed as an important that the student will be able to follow basic
instructions to fabricate the actual cabinet to house the PBC constructed.
Goal of the institution UEAB as the seventh Day institution of higher learning believes in the tenets
holistic system of learning and the development of the physical, mental and
spiritual faculties of the human being. This course is designed to prepare
students to appreciate God as the master craftsman and learn. Learning
opportunities provided are to develop technical skills required for later
advancement in their respective areas of study.

Contribution to the The program provides a practical approach necessary for critical analysis
Aims of the program planning, designing and construction of electronic circuits and systems. It
of Study caters for their development as sound practical individuals ready for
employment and /or creators of employment on completion of their study

Course Objective On successful completion of their course the student should be able to
 Learn and apply the basic steps in the development of a new electronic
 Improve the ability to research/design/prototype a selected electronic
 Improve the ability to summarize procedures, results and conclusion
and documentation of the selected projects.
 Develop a systematic approach to circuit problems solving based on
critical analysis and troubleshooting of the prototype.
 Develop skills for component layout being sensitivity to electromagnetic
interference when laying each component on PCB.
 Produce a working electronic equipment at the end of the course
Requirements Each student will be required to pay for supplies and materials used in
construction of their personal projects of choice.

Course Schedule
Week Topics Learning Objective Assignments
1 What is fabrication? Objectives of the course
Understanding NEED in designing Selection of
2-3 Planning and designing, reading schematics, To understand the Submit 6 drawing of
preparing detailed drawings, classification of required steps the assigned project
PCBs, and board selection thoroughly

4/5 PCB fabrication, printing and etching techniques, Learn different
PCB assembly and soldering techniques of etching
6 Introduction to types of case styles, chassis
layout, plastic verses metal design
considerations, sheet metal design, metal
work, cutting allowances, drilling, reaming,
punching, metal cutting tools and usage
7 Wire and interconnection techniques,
conductor and materials, wire
configurations insulating materials, solderless
wiring techniques

8 Project Testing

9 Submission of Project

10-12 Revision for final exams

13 Final exama


Lectures: Use of drawing software and important materials from the text and outside source will
be covered in class. Students should plan to take careful notes as not all materials can be
found in the texts or readings. In-class discussions is encouraged.

 Laboratory: Students enrolled in the class is expected to report every

laboratory time during the process of designing and constructing the project.
Required drawing design of the project must be submitted at given allotted
time. Complied graded drawing templates must be submitted immediately and
complete a week before final examination. A point-deduction will be applied for
late submission.
 Assignments, Reports & Projects: Homework problems, drawing designs,
reports and reading will be assigned periodically to help support and
supplement materials found in the text. No late reports will be accepted.

 Quizzes: Practical examination and some templates outside of the requirement

shall be considered. Quizzes will be given to help ensure that students stay up-
to-date with the assigned material.

 Exams: The exams will be closed with one or more double-sided page of notes
and will test project designing experience, assigned readings and materials
discussed in class. The final exams will be comprehensive in nature but the
instructor reserve the right to retest on material which was not appropriately
 Attendance: Each student is responsible for attending classes for
participation. Only the instructor has the authority to excuse a student’s
absence. You are required to attend all class meetings. If you miss a meeting,
it is your responsibility to obtain notes from a fellow student. In case of
unavoidable absence, arrange with a classmate to obtain notes and
assignments. Office hours are not meant to individual lectures.

Assessments Tests /QUIZZES/ASSIGNMENTS 5%

Mid 10%

Project & Report 25%

Total 40%

Final Exams 60%


Percentage Grade Point

80 -100 A 4.00 (Superior)

75 - 79 A- 3.67

70 - 74 B+ 3.33

65 - 69 B 3.00 (Above Average)

60 - 64 B- 2.67

55 - 59 C+ 2.33

50 - 54 C 2.00 (Average)

45 -49 C- 1.67

40 - 44 D 1.00 (Below Average)

0 - 39 F 0.00 (Failure)
Class Expectation “Honesty in all academic work is expected of every means giving one's own
answer in all class-work, quizzes, and examination is not allowed. Written
material is to be the student’s original composition. Appropriate credit must be
given for outside source from which ideas, language or quotations are derived”

It is the goal of this class to encourage students to think critically and to

discipline their self-expressions. Students are expected to demonstrate, in
writing that they have assimilated the information and ideas presented in each
course. A definite portion of the grade will be determined by performance in the
student’s work.

It is expected of a college student to be always ready for any test. Bring your
own paper and pen. Strictly no borrowing of papers or pens.

Software used.

Microsoft Visio Technical 2010


PCB Express circuit design

3d homes


Equipment and facilities Machine and Carpentry tools, welding and wood shop etc.

REFERENCES: For your references, I will strongly recommend that you make use of electronic
Resources on the internet.

TEXT BOOK: Steve Olson. Making Thing: 21st Centuary Manufacturing and Design: Summary
of a forum, National Academies Press 2012#

Robert S Villannucci, ELECTRONICS TECHNIQUES, 7th ed. 2002

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