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Educational experiences with Generation Z

Article in International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) · September 2020
DOI: 10.1007/s12008-020-00674-9


106 11,309

3 authors:

Marcela Hernández de Menéndez Carlos A. Escobar

Tecnológico de Monterrey General Motors Company


Ruben Morales-Menendez
Tecnológico de Monterrey


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International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2020) 14:847–859


Educational experiences with Generation Z

Marcela Hernandez‑de‑Menendez1 · Carlos A. Escobar Díaz2 · Ruben Morales‑Menendez1

Received: 4 December 2019 / Accepted: 23 July 2020 / Published online: 31 July 2020
© Springer-Verlag France SAS, part of Springer Nature 2020

The development of the “knowledge society” implies social transformation in which citizens need not only knowledge but
also new skills and competencies, some unpredictable, to face new situations. Students of Generation Z are authentic digital
natives who are a hyper cognitive generation with different student profiles than before. They are creating pressures for
change, and there is a growing competition of universities for global human talent and demand for qualified graduates to do
jobs that do not yet exist. Even the very development of technology, which is available to many, has motivated world-class
universities to develop innovative programs and new ideas to accelerate and improve the teaching and learning process for
knowledge and competencies. One of the most important actions to achieve this is the investment in technological resources
to offer new ways of teaching and learning. Technology adds value to the teaching and learning experience, which students
exploit widely to improve or accelerate the academic process, but technology can certainly also promote or develop additional
skills and competencies. In this research, we present a review of educational technology with examples of current applica-
tions performed by different educational institutions. Also, students of Generation Z relationship and preferences regarding
educational technologies are presented. Besides, emerging technologies that are being exploited by this Generation Z of
students in Higher Education Institutions are identified and analyzed. This research presents the experiences of several suc-
cessful and innovative cases regarding teaching students of Generation Z.

Keywords Educational innovation · Generation Z · Emerging technologies · Teaching/learning experiences

1 Introduction development of skills and competencies too. Table 1 sum-

marizes the acronyms used in this document.
Universities are transforming (re-inventing) themselves to In this context, technology is a medium used to add
adapt to the changes that are happening worldwide, such value to the teaching and learning experiences to improve
as the development of advanced information technologies, the academic process and promote/develop some competen-
which are available to many people, the different profiles of cies. Technology has shaped education in various ways; for
students (i.e., millennials, centennials, etc.), and the demand example, the development of new and innovative programs,
for skilled graduates for jobs that do not exist yet. World- innovative research and teaching strategies, and different
class universities are developing innovative programs and forms of collaboration [1].
new ideas to accelerate/improve the teaching and learning The use of technology in education has great potential.
process. Also, they are investing in emerging technologi- Apps can be used to manipulate variables and formulas
cal resources to offer new tools and ideas, but certainly the more rapidly and efficiently, simulations (3D video, aug-
mented reality) can help abstract concepts be understood
better, digital probes and motion sensors can collect data
effectively to make analyses, and virtual laboratories pro-
* Ruben Morales‑Menendez vide access to students to facilitate the performance of
[email protected] experiments [2]. Some universities use virtual reality tech-
School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnologico de
nology to provide health-science students with some ways
Monterrey, Ave. E. Garza Sada 2501, 64489 Monterrey, NL, to practice anatomy procedures while learning concepts.
Mexico The Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table provides life-
General Motors, Global Research and Development, Warren, sized parts of the body in which learners can dissect and

848 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2020) 14:847–859

Table 1  Acronym definitions In 2018, the Negotiation Techniques and International

Acronyms Description Marketing course was taught using Virtual Reality. Students
from three different campuses applied the techniques learned
AI Artificial intelligence in class using this technology [7]. Another example of the
AL Active learning use of cutting-edge technology to transform the curricula
AR Augmented reality is the projection of a teacher hologram who gave classes.
GenX Generation X A full-body projection of the teacher was presented to
GenY Generation Y approximately 160 students from different cities. Professors
GenZ Generation Z combined videoconference technology (Skype), a telepres-
HEI Higher Education Institution ence robot (Avatar Professor), and holographic projection
Tec Tecnológico de Monterrey for imparting different topics. The goal was to augment
VR Virtual reality the presence of the professor during the courses. Students
3D 3 Dimension thought the classes were more interesting because of the
used technologies [8].
A group of researchers developed a Virtual Reality Labo-
then analyze the tissue structures [3]. 3D printing is used ratory platform consisting of Virtual Reality machines that
in universities as a tool in some Project-Based-Learning enabled students to work with virtual models connected to
courses. With this technology, exoskeletons, rockets, real manufacturing equipment. Various courses for students
models of cars, bridges, biomedical devices, and robots, of engineering have incorporated the use of the lab, includ-
to name a few, are created as visual aids to facilitate the ing Industrial Networks, Industrial Network Projects, and
understanding of concepts and receive almost instant feed- Integrated Manufacturing Systems. The laboratory allows
back [4]. Many universities have developed great projects students to comprehend concepts better because they can
to respond to the needed changes. One of the universities analyze the behavior of actuators and sensors profoundly and
is the Tecnologico de Monterrey (Tec), which has been then program an automation sequence where they apply the
implementing an innovative educative model named Tec21 knowledge acquired [9].
that embraces emerging, advanced technology as one of Although technology has proven to offer important ben-
its main drivers, also the development of EduTools [5], a efits to education, such as the development of valuable com-
webpage in which professors can find proven educational petencies and the increase in student attendance and satisfac-
technologies that they can incorporate in their classes. The tion, a variety of challenges must be overcome. High costs,
technologies are classified by teachers’ reluctance to change, the distraction of students,
and the higher probability of cheating and plagiarism are
1. Discipline Agriculture and food, architecture, social sci- some issues needing consideration [1]. Teachers are cen-
ences and humanities, communication and journalism, tral to the correct adoption of educational technology. Their
law, design and art, engineering and science, business commitment and engagement to it must be developed. Some
administration, health, information technology, and elec- strategies that organizations can deploy to engage their pro-
tronics; fessors include: (1) Involve the professors in planning the
2. Functionality Analyze, apply, collaborate, know, create, process of implementing a technology from the beginning;
evaluate, memorize, present; (2) Train the professors how to use the technology oppor-
3. Type of technology Apps, Learning Management Sys- tunely, and (3) Assign a physical place in which the acade-
tems, platforms, software, and micians can go, resolve questions, and find support regarding
4. Compatibility Android, Apple watch OS, iOS, Mac OS, the use of the technology being considered [10]. Addition-
Windows, and other. ally, conferences, workshops, competitions, etc. about edu-
cational innovation work as a catalysts for motivation.
A great benefit of this website is the posting of experi- Identifying the key features of the students taking into
ences and recommendations that teachers and facilitators account the evolution of technology is very important in
share regarding the use of various technologies in different terms of expectations in education. An option is grouping
courses and/or academic projects or educational research. people to make generalizations, as a result, generations are
The Tec Mostla start a (physical and virtual) space in which created; these are “identifiable groups that share birth years,
emerging technologies are available for the academic com- age location, and significant life events at critical develop-
munity; the goal is that professors and students know, inter- mental stages” [11]. A theory of generations based on the
act, and learn the different advanced technology so they can idea that people within a generational group (cohort) are
experiment and use these in classes or to develop projects bonded by experiences, events, etc. was established, [12].
[6]. People of similar ages are shaped by historical events/

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2020) 14:847–859 849

experiences, thus giving rise to social cohorts. These gen- participated, 40% of respondents indicated that they wish to
erations are 17-20 years in length, [13]. Five generations are perform a career related to technology [16]. GenZ relation-
identified today: ship with technology is intense. Most of them spend at least
9 h interacting in digital environments. Videos posted in
1. The traditionalists who were born between 1928 and YouTube are their preferred, looking on average 70 videos
1944, daily. They are also creators, half of them develop their own
2. The Baby Boomers (Boomers), born between 1945 and digital content and share it in different platforms. Digital
1965, gaming and communication are also important for them
3. Generation X, born between 1965 and 1979, [17]. Their distinguishing technologies are Google glass,
4. Generation Y (Millennials), born between 1980 and graphene, nano-computing, 3-D printing, driverless cars,
1995, among others [18]. Within education, they expect to inter-
5. Generation Z (post-Millennials, iGen), born after 1995 act as they do in their daily lives. Besides, they like to learn
[14] and independently, collaboratively and at their own pace [19].
6. Generation Alpha or the Google Kids born between Table 2 shows the attitudes changed for the GenZ; students
2010 and 2025 [15]. of GenZ are more confident, tech-savvy, and focus on the
personal development.
each of them has their own characteristic. Baby Boomers are the parents of GenY, and GenX are the
Generation Z (GenZ) born with technology, and are parents of GenZ. Generations X and Y were educated by par-
known as digital natives. They are always connected to ents living in different economical situation. Perception of
the networks and are fast in all the activities they perform, students of GenZ is different, because they are self-learners
including taking decisions. As a result of their technology with access the educational resources (Singh, 2014). Usu-
attachment, they are also known as iGeneration, Gen Tech, ally, they are online exploiting several resources (courses,
Online Generation, Facebook Generation, Switchers and videos, etc.) for learning considering the internet as the main
“always clicking” [11]. They are so technology driven that provider of information/knowledge.
in a survey in which 1300 middle and high school students Table 3 shows main differences between these genera-
tions. The technological, economic and social context have
influence the behavior/thinking/decision making of the dif-
Table 2  Attitudes GenZ [20] ferent generations, but specifically, as can be see the change
Before GenZ Transition to GenZ management by GenZ, [21]. GenZ shows frequent communi-
cation instead of lengthy communication and the fact GenZ
Internet access A privilege A human right
spend most of the time online; this change the way GenZ
Influence Purchased Earned
learn at universities, they prefer learn through images/vid-
IP/patents Value creators Barriers
eos/audio instead of text compare the previous generations.
Failure Avoided Embraced
The paper is arranged as follows: In Sect. 2, students of
Gaming Non-value-add play Foundation for engagement
GenZ relationship and preferences regarding educational
Uncertainty Prepared to Predicted
technologies are presented. Section 3 reviews ten technolo-
Retirement A destination A journey
gies that will have a great impact in the educational domain
Connectivity A luxury A necessity
and compiles some experiences in using these technologies

Table 3  Differences between four generation [22]

Baby Boomers 1946–1964 GenX 1965–1977 GenY 1978–1989 GenZ 1990–1999

Behavior Challenge the rules Change the rules Create the rules Customize the rules
Training Preferred in moderation Required to keep me Continuous and expected Ongoing and essential
Learning style Facilitated Independent Collaborative and networked Technology based
Communication style Guarded Hub and spoke Collaborative Face to face
Problem solving Horizontal Independent Collaborative Entrepeneurial
Decision-making Team informed Team included Team decided Team persuaded
Leadership style Unilateral Weekly/daily Partner Teaching
Feedback Once per year, during the Weekly/daily On demand Consistent and frequent
annual review
Change management Change = caution Change = opportunity Change = improvement Change = expected

850 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2020) 14:847–859

for teaching GenZ students. Section 4 discusses the main In order to teach the latest generation of students with
results. Section 5 concludes the paper. technology in an effectively form, educators need to consider
some assumptions, [27]:

1. Technology comprises designs and environments that

2 Educating GenZ engage learners,
2. Learning technologies must engage learners in active,
Considering the features of the GenZ demands, educational constructive, intentional, authentic, cooperative learn-
institutions need to change their teaching–learning strate- ing,
gies, which have to become more visual, interactive, with 3. Technologies are not communicators of meaning,
information available instantaneously and, most important, 4. Technologies support meaningful learning when interac-
incorporating technology and social media/networking [14]. tions with technologies are learner initiated and learner
GenZ preferences regarding basic educational technology controlled,
include the use of digital tools and online forums, which 5. Technology supports learners in developing more mean-
must be accessible 24/7. Some examples include Sound- ingful interpretations of a subject and
cloud, TED Ed, Piktochart, Canva, Twitter, Facebook, 6. Technologies and learners should be partners intellectu-
WordPress, Educlipper, Prezi, Google sites and Testmoz ally
A survey performed with GenZ students determined that Regarding emerging technologies such as data science,
this generation use WhatsApp intensely to share academic AI, Internet of Things, and robotics, there is no research that
information with classmates. They also prefer to use elec- identifies the consequences of their use in the teaching of the
tronic study material and wish to have access to more tech- future generations, such as GenZ. However a glimpse on the
nology in their courses. They consider technology increases future is identified. It is expected that next generations will
the quality of teaching and learning [14]. Social media are use more intelligent support systems and will have greater
their favorite tools to communicate in a daily basis. Their use interactions with technologies such as VR, mixed reality,
within education allow GenZ students to make discussions, and AI systems. The use of these technologies will allow
collaborate and develop communication and technology them to become proficient in handling higher-order cogni-
skills. As a matter of fact, a social media such as Facebook, tive, system and goal-setting tasks, but are going to be less
can be used as a Learning Management System [24]. One proficient in basic physical, perceptual motor, cognitive and
important finding from study performed by Cilliers [14] is social tasks [15].
that 100% of the students surveyed think they are more pro- Table 4 suggests specific teaching–learning design strat-
ficient in using technology than their professors. From the egies and approaches to support GenZ by identified gen-
side of the professors, they state that the kind of technology erational characteristic, [28]. Examples of this proposal are
they use in classes is adequate. Eighty percentage of them shown in next section.
indicate that use social media to contact students; however,
none of them use whatsApp, the prefer technology of alumni.
Professors are aware of the fact that students have more abil- 3 Experiences
ity in using technology than they do [14].
Researchers suggests that educators should find creative A lot of research has been dedicated to bringing technology
ways of incorporating technology in the teaching–learning into the classroom. There are many reasons for this: mak-
process. Podcasts, websites, simulations, interactive tutori- ing the education system more efficient, providing timely
als on YouTube, and Internet-based educational games are delivery of learning material, reaching more students, etc.
some of the technologies that can capture de attention of However, by considering the changing attitude/aptitude of
GenZ. Social media like Twitter and Tumblr can be used for students of GenZ, emerging technologies are not just rel-
communicating and share knowledge. While Facebook is a evant and beneficial but absolutely imperative to foster the
good tool for making discussions or posting updates regard- natural ability and traits of students of GenZ.
ing the class activities [25]. It is advisable to set learning Several detailed examples of how to use various technolo-
outcomes and let students determine how to achieve them gies to improve teaching and learning processes for students
by using technology. Recording videos regarding, e.g., how of GenZ are presented. In some cases, how to develop addi-
to solve a problem, can be used for peer review activities. tional skills/abilities or competencies are considered. Also,
Also, use technologies such as virtual and augment real- the frequently reported advantages, disadvantages, and rec-
ity to let students interact with processes before facing real ommendations of different experiences are described. This
scenarios [26]. is based on the literature review performed on the various

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2020) 14:847–859 851

Table 4  GenZ characteristics and teaching–learning design strategies and approaches to support GenZ
Characteristic Teaching–learning design strategies and approaches to support GenZ

High consumers of technology and cravers of the digital world Instruct how to assess the credibility, relevance & accuracy of digital
sources: Use online tutorials to demonstrate information literacy
Explain the ethical responsibilities related to confidentiality/social
media use: Facebook, Twitter, Faculty-created YouTube channel,
Virtual group work, Remind app for reminders, Readings on tablets/
smartphones, Use available online learning resources, Review course
materials with e-flashcards using apps, Create interactive whiteboard
screencasts using apps
Consider innovative approaches to learning: Hybrid/blended courses,
Cocurricular formats, such as MOOCS, Interactive gaming, Virtual
learning environments, e-audience response systems
Adopt interactive e-textbooks. Encourage students to use their own
technology when engaging in class activities
Pragmatic Employ experiential learning: Internships, Service learning
Incorporate real-life experiences into course content and clearly connect
theory content to real-life experiences: Tell a story, Link classroom
learning to experiences
Be transparent and explain rationale for teaching decisions
Underdeveloped social and relationship skills Offer convenient faculty office hours or electronic office hours
Show up early and or stay late after class to engage students in discus-
Explain/demonstrate group processing and interpersonal skills: Vide-
Provide simulations, including laboratory practices
Revise group and cooperative learning assignments: Assign group roles
Focusing the group to help edit/refine the project, Provide guidelines for
Cautious and concerned with emotional, physical, and financial safety Emphasize safety, but not unpreparedness
Help students engage in dialogical conversations with someone with
whom they disagree, especially regarding controversial and or sensi-
tive topics
Require learners to gain responsibility: Consider using learning con-
tracts, (practicum experiences), Provide choices in assignment topics
when possible, Spread out assignment portions to curb assignment
binging and procrastination
Individualistic Allow students to work independently (own pace): Self-study online
As possible, flexibility in curriculum and/or coursework is advisable:
Electives, course sequencing options, Select from menu of course
Increased risk for isolation, anxiety, insecurity, and depression Reassure students and nurture participation in class, Encourage healthy
Refer students to appropriate resources
Advocate for student therapy services, including frequent offerings and
accessible, on-campus hours, Student identify classmate and record
contact information
Lack of attention span, desiring convenience and immediacy Set realistic expectations for students in terms of faculty availability
Help focus attention with short bursts of teaching
Regularly switch between teaching–learning modalities: To engage
students with short attention spans, use various modalities (lecture,
discussion, videos, demos)
Aim for depth versus breath of information
Carefully select readings to include only necessary information
Use active teaching–learning techniques: Concept mapping, Flipped
classroom, Case studies, Problem-based learning

852 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2020) 14:847–859

Table 4  (continued)
Characteristic Teaching–learning design strategies and approaches to support GenZ

Open-minded, diverse, and comfortable with diversity Facilitate class discussions on inclusiveness and tolerance
Focus group work on varied viewpoints with heterogenous groups of
Use narratives and storytelling to teach students from diverse back-
Nurture a creative spirit in students, encouraging innovation, creativity,
and growth
Use varied methods to teach and assess learning
Sedentary activism Incorporate service learning experiences throughout, focusing on social
change and current issues: Allow students to select experiences as
Encourage involvement in local community or campus
Structure activism activities that use the Internet or social media

cases of use of emerging technology to improve the teaching restrictions of time and location, leading to a much faster
and learning process, as well as the own experiences of the transfer of knowledge and a better understanding of the
authors with some applications. maintenance processes. Eduardo González has used Aug-
mented Reality (AR) to improve educational processes
3.1 Virtual and augmented reality in areas such as manufacturing, laboratories, and com-
bustion engines by transferring procedural and practical
Augmented Reality (AR) is a variation of Virtual Reality knowledge using visual anchors to methods of instruction
(VR), which is often defined as “the use of real-time digi- [30]. Students believe that AR makes it easier for them to
tal computers and other special hardware and software to learn and remember processes; they also report cases in
generate a simulation of an alternate world or environment, which maintenance, procedures, and assembly implemen-
which is believable as real or true by the users.” VR creates tation times are up to 80% faster and have zero errors. AR
an environment in which the user feels/seems to be moving technology provides students with experiential learning
inside a computer-created virtual world in the same way in in virtual environments that facilitate their interactions,
which people move inside the natural environment; the user decision-making, and collaboration using real applications
cannot perceive the real one which surrounds him. AR allows characterized by flexibility. Creating a powerful combina-
the user to see the real world augmented with superimposed tion of immersive user experiences, both virtual reality
virtual objects. While VR replaces reality totally, AR sup- and augmented reality are now being used in many edu-
plements it, creating an environment in which real/virtual cational platforms.
objects harmonically coexist. AR exploits perceptive-motor Patricia Salinas and Eduardo Gonzalez applied AR
skills of users in the real world, creating a special type of technology using a didactic prototype that promotes
human–machine interaction, [29]. visualization skills with mathematical content. Starting
AR is increasingly popular in education, advertising, with a basic two-dimensional prototype, one can create
maintenance and training, marketing, and entertainment. In a 3-dimensional object through specific actions in space
education (and maintenance), the transfer of knowledge is and time. In this sense, the creation of a prototype helps
faster than the traditional methods. Many of the AR applica- the user develop cognitive abilities, which will be used in
tions are customized; their development demands different the relating of algebraic, numeric, and graphic representa-
skills, including programming, designing, modeling, animat- tions of mathematical knowledge. The AR production of
ing, and texturing. mathematical objects allows students to record the pro-
The way students of GenZ learn is important when build- cedures and thereby to develop visualization skills. The
ing an educational strategy in an institution, which is very pilot experience confirms that AR technology in education
dynamic and more online than previous generations. Usually increases the current motivation of students to learn. This
students of GenZ prefers to learn at their on pace mainly by work aims to study the development of didactic resources
doing something practical. More attractive courses, students that serve students in the learning of visual and tangible
of GenZ want to do something, to create, to interact, to be mathematics. This educational project received third place
active no passive anymore. in the “Teaching Delivery” category of The Wharton-QS
In the case of aviation, it takes up to 2000 h for Stars Awards 2014: Reimagine Education [31].
inspectors to be completely trained. AR can remove the

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2020) 14:847–859 853

Advantages This technology allows users to manipulate the be easy. Additionally, this educational system is correlated
object of study better, go to places securely and without with the labor market, graduated of GenZ will be a qualified
costs, simulate processes, design products more efficiently, workforce on the market.
understand complex concepts, develop empathy and visu- In the course, Manufacturing Engineering, students have
alization skills, and increase motivation. Academic perfor- to demonstrate a particular process using 3D printing to
mance is also improved, and the transfer of knowledge is deepen their understanding of the course concepts and to
faster. have a better physical visualization; in addition, by learning
3D printing technology [33], students have a better percep-
Disadvantages The high cost of implementation and main- tion of the material-tool-machine interactions. The manufac-
tenance is still an issue. On the other hand, effectiveness in turing processes developed were Closed Die Forging, Roll
education has not been well determined, and social rela- Forming, Injection Molding, Spinning, Turning, and Ring
tionships are not developed through this technology. Finally, Rolling. Each team makes a presentation of their model,
someone with virtual abilities does not necessarily perform which is peer-evaluated by all the teams in the course. The
the same in the real world. demonstration prototype should be assembled on the pro-
vided platform and should have a maximum volume of
Suggestions for implementation 30 × 20 × 20 cm3. Rodríguez González believes that students
develop their creativity and participate enthusiastically due
1. Make sure the hardware and software meet the demands to the level of the competition promoted among the teams.
of the course content.
2. The devices must be comfortable to wear. Advantages In an educational context, 3D Printing allows
3. The connectivity and compatibility of the devices in the students to have a better understanding of content and
classroom must be determined. the interactions among different variables (material-tool-
4. Activities performed in class must stimulate interactions machine); it develops spatial visualization, representational,
among the students and professors. and proportional reasoning skills. This technology also
5. Academicians must design the virtual learning scenarios increases motivation and augments the exchange of ideas
[9, 32]. among students.

3.2 3D printing Disadvantages There are few materials/models to support

educational processes or activities. Besides, depending on
Rapid prototyping is a manufacturing technology with the use, the technology could be expensive. The quality of
great development due to the new materials coupled with printed objects may not be ideal, and this could affect their
advances in nanotechnology. It combines different technolo- performance, which can result in having errors when doing
gies such as CAD, numerical control, lasser, and materials. experiments.
Differing from conventional cutting methods, rapid prototyp-
ing uses a forming mechanism in which layered materials are Suggestions for implementation
superimposed to machine a 3D part prototype. The layering
software slices the CAD geometry of the part according to 1. Give students lessons about 3D modeling and printing
a specified layer of thickness and obtains a series of con- before developing experiments and/or projects.
tour information. The forming head of the rapid prototyp- 2. Give learners the opportunity of modeling from scratch
ing machine is automatically controlled according to the 2D and work with different application areas and materials.
contour information. Solidified, cut-to-form thin layers of 3. Encourage students to test and revise models constantly.
various sections are superimposed onto 3D entities. 4. Promote collaborative learning.
Rapid prototyping is a highly flexible technique; it can 5. The 3D printers should be easy to use for students.
produce 3D models of any complex structure, where the 6. Certify students on the use of 3DP technology [34, 35].
building procedure and production cost are almost independ-
ent of the product complexity. With CAD direct modeling, 3.3 Holograms
the molding process is completely digital; no special fix-
tures or tools are required. Both the design and manufac- Moving towards accessible, personalized, quality edu-
turing are integrated with a process characterized by fast cation is of great interest to all universities, and, for this
speed, high accuracy, and quality. The procedure does not reason, several means of offering distance education have
demand the presence of human support or attention. Stu- come about [36]. Alfonso Serrano, along with five teach-
dents of GenZ prefer learning by doing, a practical part of ers in five different cities, taught the Physics I course to
the course; exploiting this technology 3D Printing could 150 students using hologram telepresence. This technology

854 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2020) 14:847–859

was employed in ten sessions, which represented 30% of the must be of extraordinary speed. Effectiveness in educa-
course. This educational experience recreates the dynamic tion has not been yet determined, and it could cause visual
of face-to-face courses for geographically distributed stu- fatigue.
dents through the use of holographic and robotic technology.
Students feel the presence of the professor in the classroom Suggestions for implementation
because of a human scale holographic image, bi-directional
audio, video, and autonomous movements of the remotely 1. Classroom architecture must be modified to accommo-
controlled robot. The teacher or specialist can see and hear date the technology and equipment needed.
the students in real-time, offering them special attention, and 2. Internet speed must be as fast as possible.
giving them immediate feedback. 3. Use projection of high quality to have realistic holo-
Members of GenZ are avid consumers of technology and grams.
cravers of the digital world. As true digital natives and the
only generation raised exclusively with a technology influ- 3.4 Wearable devices
ence, GenZ is highly accustomed to interacting, sometimes
solely, in the digital world. Their technology habits lead The new inexpensive sensors (traditional, nano-sensors,
them to demonstrate a limited attention span, and they bore bio-sensors, etc.), which are embedded in wearable devices,
easily when they perceive monotony. allow new opportunities and ideas for their use in contin-
This model offers the experience of having a holographic uous-health monitoring situations. The great popularity
professor in the classroom, providing virtual mobility any- of devices such as the Apple Watch, Fitbit, and Garmin is
where in the world, personalized interaction with students, inspiring students GenZ and entrepreneurs in Engineering
and delivering the social presence of a classroom, even and Science to develop novel applications in different areas,
though the teacher is not really physically present. Seeing especially in healthcare.
the life-sized professor generates a sum of emotions among Since 2015, the Electrical and Electronic ENG Dept of
the students who perceive that the professor is there, thus Imperial College London has explored the extent to which
humanizing long-distance education. Each session was pre- student engagement and learning can be enhanced by invit-
pared with technological tools designed to homogenize the ing the students to perform signal processing on themselves
level of learning in all the students of the course while cap- to produce their own physiological data. Using new, wear-
turing their attention through the projection of an anatomi- able, sensor technology, the students record their electro-
cally correct and life-sized image of the teacher (the “avatar cardiograms and perform both time and spectral domain-
professor”). estimation tasks using their own real data. Building a bridge
This project achieved several objectives, the most impor- between the theoretical material in the lessons and cutting-
tant ones being the improvement in the level of engagement edge research engagement is improved. The academic pro-
of the students in the classroom, their interactive participa- ject was designed to stimulate inquiry into the algorithmic
tion, and their active involvement in the tutoring/coaching requirements that achieve certain digital-signal-processing
processes. The main benefits of this project consisted of tasks. This approach becomes a path to learning, discovery,
offering solutions that are innovative, low-cost, easily scal- and consolidation of knowledge.
able, and adaptable to different learning styles, specifically Several objectives and development of competencies were
in the education domain. “Professor Avatar: Telepresence promoted in this educational project, namely, a) explore
Model” was awarded the Silver Medal in the category of additional concepts, b) apply/discover signal processing
“Best use of ICT Tools” at the Reimagine Education 2016, tools in a physically meaningful way, c) appreciate the tech-
organized by QS Stars and Wharton University of Pennsyl- nological advancements, d) take part-ownership of their
vania [37]. learning, e) engage in curiosity-driven learning, f) explore
feasible extensions and new applications and opportunities,
Advantages Holograms make distance courses more appeal- g) become aware of ethical issues, and h) learn about the
ing, real, interactive, and personalized; they also help in societal impact of this work.
implementing a student-centered learning environment. This project was possible thanks to low-cost, wearable,
Objects not able to be studied in natural settings can be dis- vital signs monitoring devices (the commercially available,
played in class. This technology improves the engagement of bio potential recording devices are cost-prohibitive for edu-
students, supports the development of spatial visualization cational applications). Many students found the course intel-
skills, and allows students to work collaboratively. lectually stimulating and were motivated by interdisciplinary
challenges because of the ways to enrich the classic Engi-
Disadvantages This is still a costly technology, special infra- neering program through “signal processing for wearable
structure for its display is needed, and wireless networks health” [38].

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2020) 14:847–859 855

Similarly, Zavala-Yoé and Ramírez-Mendoza proposed the emulation of processes in courses such as Automation,
the use of Active Learning (AL) approach exploiting wear- Industrial Networks, and Integrated Manufacturing Systems.
able devices to improve the teaching/learning procedure in The Virtual Reality Machines represent 3D computer
mathematics courses such as stochastic processes, signal models that reproduce the operation of a real system (e.g.,
processing and dynamical control systems for students of manufacturing cell, storage warehouse, transport, and sort-
engineering [39]. The AL techniques are linked to an Elec- ing line, etc.) with the integration of sensors and actuators
troEncephaloGraphic signals device in order to motivate stu- that are connected directly to the PLC. The sensors send
dents through real life situations. A pilot study for 1 year was information to the PLC to identify a specific operating con-
implemented with 2 groups of students under AL techniques dition, and the actuators receive permission from a PLC to
and compared with 4 groups of students of traditional edu- turn on/off a conveyor, CNC machine, and other plant equip-
cation. An improving AL dynamics via interactive approach ment. Students can manipulate Virtual Reality Machines
in teaching was developed. Given the reliance on technol- (rotate, zoom in, zoom out, and move) to identify the main
ogy by this GenZ, faculty need to consider how to harness elements that are necessary for an automation process, and
technology to enhance and supplement education. It will not they can understand how the different components work in a
replace good pedagogical practices but can be used to aug- specific process [42]. After almost a decade of research and
ment teaching. Use of available software, electronic learning development, this is one of the most complete and advanced
materials, and Internet-guided learning activities are some technological systems for educational purposes.
strategies that may help to engage these students of GenZ. There are situations where real-world practices are neither
safe nor practical and where concepts are abstract and dif-
Advantages Wearables facilitate the sharing of knowledge ficult to grasp; these problematic situations can be addressed
and understanding of concepts. They also improve the inter- using immersive technologies. The application of challenges
action and engagement of students, make them become self- of great complexity, such as the automation of a manufac-
directed learners, and allow them to track their emotions, turing plant, allows the development of competency in the
with the main objective of offering more effective class ability to identify and solve problems. The work teams are
activities. This technology supports the implementation of more analytical, critical, and predictive when dealing with
an active learning strategy. this type of problem. The student shows greater interest and
enthusiasm in solving the different challenges that arise in
Disadvantages These devices are still high cost and also the practices and projects and in being involved in an active
lack ergonomics. Also, students can easily get distracted and learning environment and the visual and active parts of the
dependent on technology. Privacy regarding the handling of Virtual Reality Machines. This facilitates the understand-
personal information is an issue that must be considered. ing of the students, makes them active learners, helps them
in developing reasoning, logical-thinking, and collaborative
Suggestions for implementation work skills, and substantially increases their motivation to
apply the theory and practice almost immediately – all this,
1. Form a strong group of passionate leaders to engage the with the meager cost of equipment compared to a conven-
faculty. tional laboratory.
2. Include technology staff in the process of implementa- Students of GenZ have been educated through their prior
tion. K-12 educational experiences with electronic books, video
3. Ensure that the technology is integrated uniformly in all lessons, digital media, and teaching materials that incor-
classes. porate visual materials. Given desire of GenZ to connect
4. Give at least one month of training to the professors, so virtually, professors must imagine new ways to participate/
they develop the relevant technological skills. interact with the students of GenZ at the laboratory activi-
5. Evaluate the process to perform timely modifications ties and take advantage of the experience that GenZ have
and determine its value [40]. with AR/VR.

Advantages Virtual Labs allow students to strengthen or

3.5 Virtual laboratories validate concepts, give them flexibility in the process of
learning, and improve their conceptual understanding. This
The original concept of Virtual Reality Machines has technology offers versatility, repeatability, and safety for
evolved to Cyber-Physical Machines, according to Manuel performing experiments; it is easy to use; it is also low cost
Macias [41]. He has designed and built Cyber-Physical lab- and can be used by a lot of people simultaneously. Students
oratories equipped with Programmable Logic Controllers can develop reasoning, critical thinking, innovative, creative,
(PLC) for industrial use and Cyber-Physical Machines for and inquiry skills.

856 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2020) 14:847–859

Disadvantages When performing experiments with this tech- this information. The right to control and store applicants’
nology, users do not have real interaction with the equip- personal data will be transferred to the applicants them-
ment; data from experiments is not real, professors are not selves, which will greatly help educational institutions.
able to guide the students, and health/safety practices cannot Blockchain will help to save a lot of money as well as a
be taught effectively. significant number of hours of labor.
The loss/damage of documents is quite a common basis
Suggestions for implementation for litigation, which results in financial costs and wasted
time. This cost can also be eliminated with this technol-
1. Learning methods should be directed, self-directed, and ogy. In the case of professional degrees (diplomas, certifi-
collaborative. cates, etc.), a blockchain can maintain lists of issuers and
2. Make sure that the software runs using any computer receivers of each document, together with the signatures
operating system. (hash) in a public database (the blockchain), which is iden-
3. The software must be user-friendly and, when possible, tically stored on thousands of computers around the world.
linked to a learning management system. Tec began issuing professional and graduate degrees
4. Formative and summative evaluations must be per- using blockchain, conferring more than 3500 degrees
formed. of GenZ (from more than 25 campuses) in May 2019,
5. Ask users for feedback, and make opportune corrections of which at least 2500 have been electronically verified.
[43–45]. Also, the Open University UK, the University of Nicosia,
and MIT have done this, but all of them at the pilot level
3.6 Blockchain [47]. Blockchain can be used to record on the certificates
information such as (1) the completion of a learning expe-
A blockchain is an expanding list of cryptographically rience, (2) experiences which contribute to learning, (3)
signed, irrevocable, transactional records shared by all the the acquisition of specific skills, and (4) specific levels of
participants in a network. Each record contains a timestamp competence, etc. Multiple forms of accreditation, register-
and reference links to the transactions. With this informa- ing and tracking of intellectual property, other financial
tion, anyone with access rights can trace back a transactional certificates including receipts of payment, the award of
event, at any point in its history, belonging to any partici- grants, the award of loans and waivers, and/or the modi-
pant. Blockchain technology is ideal as a new infrastructure fications to student loans can also be recorded and main-
to secure, share, and verify learning achievements. tained for distributive sharing as needed, using blockchain.
Many educational institutions are ready to implement This technology seems extremely natural for GenZ.
blockchain-based tools for several reasons. Paper-based
diplomas, school, and training course certificates get lost, Advantages Moving records to the blockchain allows self-
and the original could be lost over time. Once put in block- sovereignty, trust, transparency and provenance, immutabil-
chain, these will not get lost, and it is impossible to change ity, disintermediation, and collaboration. In an educational
or falsify the information. Putting educational information context, it permits the securing, sharing, and verification of
in blockchain will remove doubt about a level of knowledge learning achievements.
of the employee. Rather than accumulating certificates in
education over their lifetime, people will be able to record Disadvantages This technology is extremely new. Regula-
information in a blockchain, which will make it available to tion and standardization will determine the extent and speed
employers anywhere in the world [46]. of progress, either forward or backward.
Cryptocurrencies and financial services are the most pop-
ular uses for blockchain technology. Financial accounting is Suggestions for implementation
a very important component in universities. This technology
will improve the system for calculating scholarships for stu- 1. Any policy work linked to the blockchain needs to be a
dents and salaries for teachers and will provide a transparent shared competence among members of the community.
and fair mechanism for funding grants and projects. 2. Create and promote a label for open educational records,
Diplomas and certificates need paper; eliminating which enshrines the principles of recipient ownership,
this need, these institutions will be able to reduce their vendor independence, and decentralized verification.
expenses in printed products. The cost of paper and print- 3. Evaluate twice the potential benefits before taking risks.
ing itself is not the only item of expenditure related to 4. The best security measures have to be evaluated. Embed-
these documents. There is an enormous spent on storing ded security needs to be considered [48].

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2020) 14:847–859 857

4 Discussion personalized learning becomes common, new approaches

to learning will become less of a novelty and more of a
The main concern regarding the use of a given technology necessity [51].
in education is the effectiveness it offers in achieving the There is the need of closing the technological gap
students’ learning outcomes. The most common method between GenZ and millennials. The goal is to enhance the
used for evaluating the effectiveness of an EdTech is the teaching learning environment for the benefit of all students.
experimental method. In it, a control group and a trial Studies have shown that there are similarities and differences
group are compared through the application of a pre-test between the preferences of millennials and GenZ around
and a post-test. Any improvement in the pre-test is attrib- educational technology. Both generations recognize that
uted to the use of the technology; this would indicate that technology is important for enhancing learning experiences.
there has been a knowledge/understanding gain due to the However, GenZ tend to see it as less transformative, as they
use of such technology. take it for granted [52].
However, there can also be performed a qualitative anal- The technologies reviewed offer important benefits to
ysis in which the benefits of technological innovation are education. However, it is essential also to consider the
compared to those of the traditional pedagogical strategy. challenges one finds when implementing these advances
This approach gives a clue regarding user interaction with in an educational context. A key aspect that needs to be
the tool/application and how the knowledge is developed considered is that there are some professors not comfort-
[49]. Various studies aimed at determining the effective- able with technology. In this sense, educational institutions
ness of the use of technology in education found that there must devote resources to train them and make them transi-
is a “modest” improvement in educational results related tion from a traditional or low-tech pedagogical strategy
to the intervention of technology [50]. These results sup- to a high intense one. Finally, it is important to analyze
port the idea that traditional teaching and technology GenZ characteristics in detail. For example, they are web
complement each other. The use of both in conjunction, searchers, however they cannot discern between valuable
taking advantage of the strengths of each with the correct and non-valuable information. This demands that universi-
pedagogical strategies, will definitely take education to ties teach them how to critically evaluate and process the
new levels. vast amount of information available in the web. By ana-
The next generation of students in higher education is lyzing this kind of issues, HEI could get insights regarding
a key variable in any educational model. Millennials are their behavior and preferences, which could be useful to
tech experts, but Gen Z students are tech natives, having design pedagogical strategies to connect with this genera-
spent their lives immersed in technologies that are crucial tion of students.
to living and teaching and learning. Professors need to Other important aspects that are perceived differently
adapt their classes. Gen Z is accustomed to personalizing by the GenZ are the characteristics related to work—jobs,
most of their things. This leads to the expectation that Gen career—[53]:
Z will be able to pick and choose what they want. These
attitudes will influence education, and institutions need to a. Freedom GenZ prefers to work without fixed working
adapt and change. hours/place
By exploiting AI algorithms, student data could be ana- b. Unconventional Prefers unusual/unconventional oppor-
lyzed to personalize learning and to identify preferences tunities
to develop personalized educational platforms. Although c. Materialism Good life (tangible things)
GenZ may be technologically expert, many lack the digital d. Global Go abroad for studies/jobs
literacy skills to be conscientious, responsible media con- e. Commitment The loyalty for the companies GenZ work
sumers. The prioritization of digital literacy in higher edu- for
cation is substantially influenced by the workforce; 35% f. Experimental Try different jobs to find the right for them
of the skills considered vital for workplace success will (satisfied)
have changed. There is no doubt that technological tools g. Technology it is an important part of GenZ life.
are both integral and powerful for Gen Z; however, these
have added a layer of distraction to classrooms. Professors Understanding these beliefs is important to communicate
should focus on creating environments and curricula that properly and generate the opportunities creating new chal-
are student-centered, playing to the interests and prefer- lenges, opportunities, rewards/incentives for GenZ.
ences of GenZ learners and engaging them as active par- These results are limited because people are unique and
ticipants. Collaboration technologies are making it easier the year they born is not the only factor that shape them
to create engaging, interactive experiences. As GenZ (studies are contradictory). Other factors could be: coun-
learners come to institutions of higher education and as try, culture, level of the economic, financial, social and

858 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) (2020) 14:847–859

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