Augmented Reality (Ar) and Virtual Reality (VR) : The Future of Interactive Vocational Education and Training For People With Handicap

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PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning

ISSN 2457-0648

Leila Mekacher, 2019

Volume 3 Issue 1, pp. 118-129
Date of Publication: 15th March 2019
This paper can be cited as: Mekacher, L., (2019). Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): The
Future of Interactive Vocational Education and Training for People with Handicap. PUPIL:
International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning, 3(1), 118-129.
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Dr. Leila Mekacher

Vocational School at the Vocational Training Center Neckargemuend, SRH, Germany
[email protected]

The aim of this paper is to present our didactic-methodical concept for a virtual interactive
vocational education and training using the VR and AR technologies. Since we are a dual VET
Institutions for handicapped, we primarily focus on young people with special needs, autism, and
significant social interaction difficulties. Our concept can also be applied to other target groups.
The virtual environment offers the trainees the ability to interact and experiment with items and
constructs in a similar way they would do in real world. The AR-Glasses promise through the
free visualization meaningful application scenarios for the teaching and learning concept; the
wearer is supported during his activity by additional context-based virtual information and
objects. Our method is based on the educational goals, the cognitive and psychophysiological
aspects of the trainees, the technological aspects and the pedagogical strategies of goal-oriented
teaching. In this paper we present some application examples of these technologies in different
areas of our VET such as automotive mechatronics engineering, electrotechnology and
Automation, technical product design, information technology and In-house virtual vocational

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Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, VET, Virtual Learning Scenarios, Educational Tool

1. Introduction
With advances in new technologies, education is rapidly taking off in new directions that
will substantially change the way learners learn but also the way teachers teach. In today’s
digital world, finding new ways to engage students is becoming more difficult. When home
technologies such as mobile phones, tablets and games consoles are highly advanced, finding
educational engagement with technology in the classroom can be even harder, especially if the
technology deployed there is less advanced than the technology used at home. For this reason,
new technologies such as tablets (Major L. et al., 2016) and smartphones (Ferry, B. 2009) have
been used in the classroom in order to improve the learning process. Further new technologies
that have been making headlines in recent years are virtual reality (VR) (Freina, L. 2015) and
augmented reality (AR) (Akçayir, M. 2017) (Sanna, A. et al. 2016). Relevant studies show the
exponential growth of these innovative technologies in different areas and in many parts of our
lives (Chen, P. et al. 2017) (Aromaa, S. et al., 2016). Education will benefit from these
technologies (Cieutat, J.-M., 2013) (Saunier, J. 2016). Vocational training will also begin to feel
the impact of virtual and augmented reality over the next few years (Fehling, et al. 2016)
(Wentworth, 2018). The ability to experience training in 360° is invaluable e.g. with VR it is
possible to view a working engine from all angles without leaving the classroom. Vocational
training is all about the interplay between theory and praxis i.e. gaining knowledge and building
experience to learn through practice. The key to success in vocational training is giving Trainee
the opportunity to experience the reality of being in an unfamiliar working environment, but this
is often difficult and expensive to achieve. AR and VR offer in this context a great advantage by
enabling students to go back through scenarios again and again, without additional expense or
inconvenience and to revisit challenging situations at their own pace (sevgi 2018).

2. Problem Formulation and Solution Approach

When it comes to education, we should utilize the most advanced options in order to
teach children in the most effective and efficient ways. Technology plays a large role in the
education system because it gives students new ways to experience learning, to create their own
media, to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them and ignite their imagination. For

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this reason, the integration of technology tools into the curriculum is becoming part of good

One of the major challenges facing this integration of new technologies is the lack of
conception and convenient didactical models for these innovations. New technologies present
daunting challenges for educators (Velev 2017). Teachers must not only learn how to use these
rapidly changing technologies themselves, but they must also rethink their teaching practices,
design new activities for teaching and learning, and try to evaluate the learning of students as
they engage those activities

In order to deal with this problem, it is helpful in a pre-development phase to generate a

step-guide and start work based on it:
- Define educational objectives and how the integration of VR/AR into the curriculum can
enhance teaching and learning
- What are the pedagogical advantages (enthusiasm, better engagement, increased simulation,
improved knowledge retention, learning time optimization)?
- Understand how to use VR/AR to implement your educational content and support your
teaching method.
- Create meaningful educational scenarios by thinking about the pedagogy and a convenient
modern didactic schema to meet the individual learning needs.
- Set goals, define success criteria and know how to measure them.
- Analyze your requirements and infrastructure in order to plan the technology implementation
Our vocational school is strengthening media skills through the use of smartphones and
computer tablets in some courses. We also believe that the use of new powerful digital
interaction devices based on VR and AR as an educational tool is necessary and it brings great
benefits to our diverse target groups in improving the learning process. They play an essential
role in improving the practical knowledge of trainees and their ability to solve problems
independently. They enable the transfer of the students' theoretical knowledge to a real industrial
problem without taking any risks. This can be applied in experiments that have proved difficult
to perform, in traditional classroom settings, or in training and analysis of unrealized or elaborate
processes. We are currently working on the implementation of the learning scenarios to be
presented in the next section. The devices we are using are (figure 1):

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- HTC Vive Pro to implement the virtual reality, which is an interactive realistic immersive
computer-generated experience taking place within a three-dimensional simulated
- Epson Moverio BT-300 for implementing augmented reality i.e. for the integration of
digital information with the user's environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality, which
creates a totally artificial environment, augmented reality uses the existing environment
and overlays new information on top of it.
- Microsoft HoloLens, a holographic computer and head-mounted display enabling the
interaction with holograms and real objects in the physical world. This advanced
augmented reality is also called “mixed-reality”.

a) b) c)
Figure 1: Augmented-Reality Glasses (a), Virtual-Reality Headset (b) and Mixed-Reality Head-
Mounted Display (c)

3. Practical Usability in our Educational Institution

The support of education and training by VR / AR consists of two sub-concepts: i)
training process of the trainees during the lesson using VR headsets and ii) support process
throughout the work in the labs using AR glasses. The recording of VR scenario data allows the
teacher to reconstruct a teaching situation in order to discuss individually made mistakes with the
student in an educational conversation. The ability to individually address the strengths and
weaknesses of the learner improves the learning process. We consider these new digital
interaction devices such as VR and AR as a necessary educational tool, which brings a high
benefit to the improvement of the learning, reviewing and training process. The learning
scenarios are generated according to the educational goals and adjusted to the progress of
training and target group. Leaving reality using VR-Headsets can help the trainee to perform and
understand certain tasks that previously could not be realized due to the elaborate designs and
security considerations. In the following table we show some potential applications of virtual

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and augmented realities in relation to our laboratory infrastructure and how it can improve the
education in our vocational school. The concept is also applicable to other VET institutions.

3.1 Practical use in the Automotive and TPD (Technical Product Design) Professions
Students can create 3D models in CAD and use them virtually, for example, for virtual
assembly of electronic control units and for the execution of various controls in production. This
reduces the cost of building a real prototype and encourages students to unleash their creativity
and assess the value of their solutions. In the automotive sector, AR technology is used to
visualize hidden components or the complex relationships between the control modules, to
display additional information and technical documentations in order to speed up the fault
detection and repair process as well as the animation of assembling processes for better
understanding of the knowledge gained in the theoretical lessons (figure 2).



Figure 2: Current and Desired State in Automotive and TPD Professions

3.2 Practical use in Electronics/Electrical Engineering and Automation
During practical wiring work, the AR-device can be used as a supporting device (for
wiring schemes, error and safety notes, datasheets, system information, etc.). The necessary data
is displayed either context-dependent or depending on the user requirements (figure 3). During
the learning process, the learner is assisted by visual cues (insertion of symbols, arrows, etc.) or

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ISSN 2457-0648

audible signals. Thus, increases the efficiency of the trainee and reduces also search times for
information and improves the fault handling.



Figure 3: Current and Desired State in the IT Laboratory

3.3 Practical use in Electronics/Electrical Engineering and Automation
Visual inspections of computer parts such as Circuit boards (figure 4) are a good example
of application; the constant comparison of the schematic drawing and the circuit board often
leads to the rapid fatigue of the trainee. In addition, searching for the right components on the
board and the necessary information in the datasheet or technical documents for the correct
evaluation of a component takes a long time. AR optimize this verification process by displaying
the test-relevant information corresponding to the current component, the parts list, the
conducting paths, etc. Using AR, the assembly plan can be faded in over the board to be tested.
Information such as colored markings, component polarity can now be compared with the board
by a glance (figure 4).

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Figure 4: AR for Inspection of Circuit Boards

3.4 Use in Theoretical Lessons
VR benefits from theoretical instruction and educational goals when it comes to
providing teaching material or explaining complex issues (magnetic field (figure 5), behavior of
electronic components and circuits, etc.), testing concept ideas, checking practicality, visualizing
processes, as well as a communication basis for interdisciplinary teams.

©Cieutat 2013

Figure 5: Explaining Magnetic Field using AR

4. Didactic-Technical Conception
A didactic-methodical and technical integration of these technologies in the learning and
education process requires a purposeful conception going through the four major phases:
Analysis, design, implementation and evaluation (figure 6).
4.1 Analysis and Specification
In this phase, courses and learning objectives are identified and an analysis of the target
group is carried out (trainees with social phobia, autism, insecure personality, increased
distractibility, difficulty in focusing, significant social interaction difficulties). The learner is

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considered as an actively constructing individual in this model. Initial requirements of learners

can be determined by pre-tests on a representative sample of learners or by a selection of the
results in previous training processes and by interviewing their trainers. This step enables the
determination of the addressee’s characteristics for the learning situation (previous experience,
knowledge, skills, learning motivation, cognitive strategies, mental models). The behavioral
model of the task can be determined according to the desired goals and functionalities of the
virtual environment as well as to the behavior of the user and its corresponding action-level. The
learning scenarios and situations of the VR should be selected based on the learning mode of the
learners (level of internal differentiation).

Figure 6: Didactical-Technical Concept of the Project

4.2 Design and Modeling
The results from the analysis phase are used in the design phase as a basis for planning
and structuring the content, including learning activities, exercises and learning tests. The
learning material should be prepared with didactic tools (such as proven examples, applications,

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notions, rules, questions and tasks). This step consists of selecting the appropriate behavioral
interfaces and the physical environment in order to determine the appropriate mental
representation for user interaction. A physical model of the virtual environment is created
according to the application goals. The selected 3D content is prepared (object scan,
photogrammetry, CAD constructions). The interfaces for the software and hardware integration
are defined and the communication protocols for the interaction are adapted.
4.3 Application and System Development
In the development phase, the interactions, exercises and graphics are developed and
incorporated into test scenarios. The hardware and software are integrated, the headsets are
tested for software connection and the virtual learning environment is built up. The learning
environment is characterized by many factors, such as the handiness, degree of reality,
interaction and intuitiveness. VR is especially effective when used in an interactive environment.
The interaction with the content should therefore be implemented as realistically as possible in
order to promote active learning. The learning system should be straightforward, easy to access
and uncomplicated. Functional tests should be performed in the various stages of development.
4.4 System and Process Evaluation
In the final step, tests are carried out to evaluate three aspects; some tests evaluate the
usability of the interfaces. These tests make it possible, on the one hand, to quantify the
adequacy between the measurement properties of the system and the psychophysical properties
of the user. On the other hand, they allow the actual usage behavior of the interfaces to be
quantified and qualified in order to verify if they correspond to the desired and programmed one.
It is also a matter of analyzing the mental strain while using these interfaces. The results of these
tests are intended to improve the interfaces design process. Further tests evaluate the data history
to measure whether and how well the goals defined in the analysis phase were achieved. The
reversibility of actions also makes it possible to bring a strategy into question and to examine the
impact of a new one. Technical tests have to be carried out in order to optimize the overall
development process for quality, safety and robustness, as well as cost and improvement of
functionality if necessary. The following methods are suitable for evaluation: Assessment based
on behavioural observation and analysis, content and media analysis, performance measurement,
comparative investigation, interview survey, cost-effectiveness analysis, etc.

5. Pedagogic-Didactic added Value in Vocational Training

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A conscious use of the VR/AR systems benefits the educational process, because the VR
environment with the 3D representation makes the teaching or training more interesting and
enjoyable. At the same time, it provides learners with the necessary information needed for their
educational goal. For this reason, the following aspects should be taken into account when
implementing the concept:
 The continuous development of media literacy of the trainees during the whole training.
 Perform teamwork in a virtual environment and generate knowledge together (teamwork
and communication skills)
 The promotion of core competencies, self-management, personal responsibility and self-
reflection through tasks and scenarios developed together with psychologists and
 The promotion of teachers' teaching skills through task analysis, the breakdown of
generic goals into more specific goals and the attribution to corresponding learning
 Recording of the learning situations and restoration of the scenes after class, in order to
draw the learner's attention to his mistakes and improve his learning behavior.
 An increased learning efficiency and an improved learning process through targeted and
individual e-learning
 Sustainable and effective learning in spite of complex, abstract and demanding issues
 To design the different learning scenarios based on each other and with different entry
points depending on the existing pre-training, so that the present learning situation can be
meaningfully integrated with different previous experiences

6. Conclusion
Immersive technology has come a long way in a short time and will continue to evolve. It
has finally progressed to the point where it can be adapted to any mobile phone. The introduction
of Google Cardboard ( has shown the public that any
smartphone of this generation can be turned into a virtual reality machine with the help of an
HMD (head-mounted display). Thus, all students with a smartphone and a VR HMD were able
to enjoy the extensive experience of VR applications and share their ideas with a whole new
medium. This positive, playful experience has only encouraged students to expand their skills in
a professional environment, including: in the labs during the training. The acceptance of

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technology by students has a major impact on the teacher's attitude. The Strength of VR/AR in
technical education lies in the fact that it makes students want to learn more about the topic,
which in turn contributes to the success of the lesson.
Our institution would go a step further and integrate immersive technology in our Virtual
Vocational Training. Since the year 2000 we are offering young people with disabilities the
chance to obtain virtual vocational training via internet as individually needed (figure 7). Using
VR, it will be easier to teleport the Trainees in a virtual control room and enable them to realize
virtually control processes e. g. in pneumatics or mechanics. We are currently working with the
industry and through in-house research on this project.
Since we are a mixed team made up of computer science teachers and trainers, IT
professionals, software and hardware integrators and experts in human sciences such as
ergonomics, psychologists and educators, who work closely together, this breadth of expertise
and competences will reflect and positively impact the design of the interfaces and structuring of
the virtual learning environment. By taking into account the intuitive, realistic interaction and
high psychological involvement of the human being, the VR learning system will be made user-
friendly, which in turn increases the effectiveness of the learning.

Figure 7: Training via Internet in our Virtual Vocational Training Center (VBBW)

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