DYDRMS Mathematics Least Learned and Undelivered Competencies For SY 2022-2023 1st Quarter
DYDRMS Mathematics Least Learned and Undelivered Competencies For SY 2022-2023 1st Quarter
DYDRMS Mathematics Least Learned and Undelivered Competencies For SY 2022-2023 1st Quarter
4. regroups sets of ones into sets of tens and M1NS- Id-5 4. Incorporate story problems in the lessons to
sets of tens into hundreds using objects. allow students to see how certain math
concepts can apply to real life. Story problems
5. compares numbers up to 100 using relation are also a good way to help students
symbol and orders them in increasing or understand how to use math in everyday life
decresing order. and see the relevance of math.
5. Incorporates the least learned lessons during
remediation time for the catch-up plan.
5 1. solves real-life problems involving GCF and M5NS-Ie-70.2 1. Intensify teaching methods and strengthen
LCM of 2-3 given numbers. lesson planning.
2. solves routine and non-routine problems M5NS-Ic-59
involving factors, multiples, and divisibility 2. Give simple instructions and examples for the
rules for 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11, and 12. pupils to easily follow the lesson.
3. solves routine and non-routine problems
involving addition and/or subtraction of M5NS-If-87.2 3. Let the pupils know how they have performed
fractions using appropriate problem-solving on a specific task, along with helpful ways that
strategies and tools. they can further improve and extend their skills.
4. uses divisibility rules for 4, 8, 12, and 11 to
M5NS-Ib-58.3 4. Incorporate story problems in the lessons to
find common factors.
allow students to see how certain math
5. adds and subtracts fractions and mixed concepts can apply to real life. Story problems
fractions without and with regrouping. are also a good way to help students
understand how to use math in everyday life
and see the relevance of math.
1 N/A
2 N/A
3 N/A
4 N/A
5 N/A
6 N/A