Andromeda Huichapan - Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

My name is Andromeda Huichapan, I’m a 17-year-old girl who was born in

Merced California. Growing up in Merced wasn't very fun, but my childhood wasn't very
fun either. Merced is a tiny town with nothing to do, and it’s in the central valley so it's a
very agricultural area, also a diverse community. Even tho Merced seems boring it gave
people a reason to travel around to close by towns. I do enjoy being in Merced and the
other small towns around it although not many people care about Merced. I love my
high school El Capitan, I think it’s the best school in Merced. I graduate in 2024 and I'm
beyond proud to be a gaucho, I even plan on coming back hopefully as a coach or
maybe with a career in education.

When I said my childhood wasn't very fun, I meant it. A mother who is mentally
ill, a non-existent father, 2 older half-siblings, 1 bipolar brother, and the other a sister
who left while they could wasn't a healthy mix of a family. It was extra hard for me
growing up, instead of having a mom I had to be a mom for my mom, I would take care
of her because she was sick or just plain lazy. I’d go back in forth living with my tia, her
husband, cousins, and my grandma or with my mom who never had a home of her own.
I missed a lot of 1st grade when I was with my mother, so much so that the cops
showed up and threatened to take me. My Grandma took me to my tia’s to live with her
that way I could go to school and have someone to take care of me. I grew up rarely
visiting my mom which I was fine with because she was addicted to cigarettes and only
fed me canned foods most of the time. Just because I left my mom doesn't mean I
started to have a better life, My tia was the only one working, always working and away
so my grandma took me to school, cooked for the family, and took care of the grandkids
and great-grandkids. My cousins were all so much older than me just like my two
siblings but they were also rude. I always got in trouble because of them, I was the odd
man out, the black sheep if you will, I cried so many nights as a kid and a teenager just
because my family was always against me. My tia started being rude to me as I got
older, nitpicking at me and whatnot. It progressively got worse when my mom moved in
with us, and wouldn’t move out. I was stuck between listening to my mother because all
of a sudden I had to listen to someone who was never around and did nothing for me or
my grandmother and Tia who did a lot but were incredibly hard on me. That was the
roughest time, I would get into fights with my mother, and my tia, not physically just
verbally, and I’d always be the degenerate who was never right. One thing that my tia
always said was “You’re never gonna win, the adults are always right”. My family took
away my voice and made me feel weak, made me feel like I was a horrible child just for
trying to live. I always did well in school and always had good grades with no one to
help me with my homework, I had a good friend group but we all split up in middle
school. I was alone with no way to contact them. My life was so downhearted by my
own family when I got to high school It was the Covid year meaning online learning, I
may have struggled but I did what I could while being talked crap to every day by a
family member the age of 15 and had a mom who didn't do anything for me. After
freshman year I made new friends who I remember from elementary school and they’ve
treated me like family. I started to get out of the house because of them, able to go to
football games and the park almost every weekend. When my family brought me down
my friends brought me up and my tia hated that. I was made to feel guilty for being with
my friends all the time, but that's when I was the happiest. Towards the end of
sophomore year, my grandmother passed away on April 1st, a cruel joke. My first death
that I didn’t know how to handle on my own, it was hard on everyone, and eventually, I
learned how to not feel guilty. Junior year came around and I ended up joining Wrestling
as the team manager, but with no support from my family, I had to find my own rides
every weekend in the early mornings for tournaments and also anywhere else. At the
end of the season, I received the Coaches award for all my effort into the team, I was
the best manager they’ve had. At the end of Junior year and the beginning of summer
break, my Tia kicked me and my mother out. My mother has been on SSI since forever,
she’s unemployed, poor, and had nowhere to go with no car. That day we were able to
move into a motel for a couple of weeks until we couldn’t afford it anymore and had to
go to a worse motel. One of my cousins who didn’t live with my Tia took me in to keep
me safe, I now live with her and her husband and my two nieces. I’m away from my
mother and happy doing sports and being involved in clubs. To this day I still do my
best in school and I plan on being the first of my cousins to graduate from a CSU.

This personal statement was supposed to be about a hardship in our lives, I had
to write about my life growing up. I may have had a hard childhood and a horrible family
but I never let it define who I was. I was resilient, optimistic, and different from the rest
of my supposed “family”. There were most definitely difficult moments that broke me
down, but I’m proud to be here today, confident that I can make it on my own. I know
that my college experience will be tough at times but I can overcome anything that is
thrown my way.

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