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Happy software developers solve

problems better: psychological

measurements in empirical software
Daniel Graziotin, Xiaofeng Wang and Pekka Abrahamsson
Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy

For more than thirty years, it has been claimed that a way to improve software de-
velopers’ productivity and software quality is to focus on people and to provide
incentives to make developers satisfied and happy. This claim has rarely been verified
in software engineering research, which faces an additional challenge in compari- son
to more traditional engineering fields: software development is an intellectual activity
and is dominated by often-neglected human factors (called human aspects in
software engineering research). Among the many skills required for software
development, developers must possess high analytical problem-solving skills and
creativity for the software construction process. According to psychology research,
affective states—emotions and moods—deeply influence the cognitive processing
abilities and performance of workers, including creativity and analytical problem
solving. Nonetheless, little research has investigated the correlation between the
affective states, creativity, and analytical problem-solving performance of program-
mers. This article echoes the call to employ psychological measurements in software
engineering research. We report a study with 42 participants to investigate the rela-
tionship between the affective states, creativity, and analytical problem-solving skills
of software developers. The results offer support for the claim that happy developers
are indeed better problem solvers in terms of their analytical abilities. The following
Submitted 25 July 2013 contributions are made by this study: (1) providing a better understanding of the
Accepted 4 February 2014 impact of affective states on the creativity and analytical problem-solving capacities of
Published 11 March 2014 developers, (2) introducing and validating psychological measurements, theories, and
Corresponding author Daniel concepts of affective states, creativity, and analytical-problem-solving skills in empirical
Graziotin, software engineering, and (3) raising the need for studying the human factors of
[email protected]
software engineering by employing a multidisciplinary viewpoint.
Academic editor
Shane Mueller
Additional Information and
Declarations can be found on Subjects Psychiatry and Psychology, Human–Computer Interaction, Statistics
page 18 Keywords Emotion, Affective state, Software development, Analytical problem-solving, Feeling,
DOI 10.7717/peerj.289 Creativity, Mood, Human factors, Human aspects, Affect

2014 Graziotin et al. INTRODUCTION
Distributed under For more than thirty years, it has been claimed that a way to improve software developers’
Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0
productivity and software quality is to focus on people (Boehm & Papaccio, 1988). Some
OPEN ACCESS strategies to achieve low-cost but high-quality software involve assigning developers

How to cite this article Graziotin et al. (2014), Happy software developers solve problems better: psychological measurements in
empirical software engineering. PeerJ 2:e289; DOI 10.7717/peerj.289
private offices, creating a working environment to support creativity, and providing
incentives (Boehm & Papaccio, 1988), in short, making software developers satisfied and
happy. Several Silicon Valley companies and software startups seem to follow this advice
by providing incentives and perks to make their developers happy (Drell, 2011; Google Inc.,
2014; Stangel, 2013) and, allegedly, more productive (Marino & Zabojnik, 2008).
Human factors (called human aspects in software engineering) play an important role
in the execution of software processes and the resulting products (Colomo-Palacios et al.,
2010; Feldt et al., 2010; Sommerville & Rodden, 1996). This perception of the importance of
human aspects in software development, e.g., “Individuals and interactions over processes
and tools”, led to the publication of the Agile manifesto (Beck et al., 2001). As noted by
Cockburn & Highsmith (2001), “If the people on the project are good enough, they can
use almost any process and accomplish their assignment. If they are not good enough,
no process will repair their inadequacy—‘people trump process’ is one way to say this.”
(p. 131). This claim has received significant attention; however, little evidence has been
offered to verify this claim in empirical software engineering research.
The software engineering field faces an additional challenge compared with more
traditional engineering fields; software development is substantially more complex than
industrial processes. The environment of software development is all but simple and
predictable (Dyba˚, 2000). Much change occurs while software is being developed, and
agility is required to adapt and respond to such changes (Williams & Cockburn, 2003).
Software development activities are perceived as creative and autonomous (Knobelsdorf
& Romeike, 2008). Environmental turbulence requires creativity to make sense of the
changing environment, especially in small software organizations (Dyba˚, 2000). The
ability to creatively develop software solutions has been labelled as critical for software
firms (Ciborra, 1996; Dyba˚, 2000) but has been neglected in research.
The software construction process is mainly intellectual (Darcy & Ma, 2005; Glass,
Vessey & Conger, 1992). Recently, the discipline of software engineering has begun to adopt
a multidisciplinary view and has embraced theories from more established disciplines,
such as psychology, organizational research, and human–computer interaction. For
example, Feldt et al. (2008) proposed that the human factors of software engineering could
be studied empirically by “collecting psychometrics”.1 Although this proposal has begun
The software engineering literature has to gain traction, limited research has been conducted on the role of emotion and mood on
sometimes used the term
psychometrics to describe general software developers’ skills and productivity.
psychological measures that might be As human beings, we encounter the world through affects; affects enable what matters
used along with other software
development metrics. However, in our experiences by “indelibly coloring our being in the situation” (Ciborra, 2002, p.
psychometrics has 161). Diener et al. (1999) and Lyubomirsky, King & Diener (2005) reported that
a specific meaning within psychological
research and involves establishing the numerous studies have shown that the happiness of an individual is related to
reliability and validity of a achievement in various life domains, including work achievements. Indeed, emotions
psychological measurement. In this
article, we use the more appropriate play a role in daily jobs; emotions pervade organizations, relationships between
term of psychological measurement to workers, deadlines, work motivation, sense-making and human-resource processes
refer to this concept.
(Barsade & Gibson, 2007). Although emotions have been historically neglected in
studies of industrial and organizational psychology (Muchinsky, 2000), an interest in the
role of affect on job

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI 2/23

outcomes has increased over the past decade (Fisher & Ashkanasy, 2000). The relationship
between affect on the job and work-related achievements, including performance (Barsade
& Gibson, 2007; Miner & Glomb, 2010; Shockley et al., 2012) and problem-solving
processes, such as creativity, (Amabile et al., 2005; Amabile, 1996) has been of interest
for recent research.
Despite the fact that the ability to sense the moods and emotions of software developers
may be essential for the success of an Information Technology firm (Denning, 2012),
software engineering research lacks an understanding of the role of emotions in the
software development process (Khan, Brinkman & Hierons, 2010; Shaw, 2004). In software
engineering research, the affective states of software developers have been investigated
rarely in spite of the fact that affective states have been a subject of other Computer
Science disciplines, such as human–computer interaction and computational
intelligence (Lewis, Dontcheva & Gerber, 2011; Tsonos, Ikospentaki & Kouroupetrolgou,
2008). Thus, we believe that studying the affective states of software developers may
provide new insights about ways to improve overall productivity.
Many of the tasks that software developers engage in require problem solving. For
example, software developers need to plan strategies to find a possible solution to a
given problem or to generate multiple creative and innovative ideas. Therefore, among
the many skills required for software development, developers need to possess high
analytical problem-solving skills and creativity. Both of these are cognitive processing
abilities. Indeed, software development activities are typically not physical. Software
development is complex and intellectual (Darcy & Ma, 2005; Glass, Vessey & Conger,
1992), and it is accomplished through cognitive processing abilities (Fischer, 1987; Khan,
Brinkman & Hierons, 2010). Some cognitive processes have been shown to be deeply
linked to the affective states of individuals (Ilies & Judge, 2002). Furthermore, to the best of
our knowledge, the relationship between affective states and the creativity and analytical
problem-solving skills of software developers in general has never been investigated.
This article offers several contributions: (1) it provides a better understanding of
the impact of affective states on the creativity and analytical problem-solving
capacities of developers; (2) it introduces and validates psychological measurements,
theories, and concepts of affective states, creativity and analytical problem-solving
skills in empirical software engineering; and (3) it raises the need to study human
factors in software engineering by employing a multidisciplinary viewpoint.
Next, we will review some of the background research on how affective states impact
creative problem solving.2 Following the background section, we will report a new
It is an objective of this manuscript to experiment that establishes the relationship between affect and productivity in software
bring concepts, theories, and measure-
ments from psychology to the body developers.
of knowledge of software engineering.
Therefore, some information Affective states
provided in this article—especially in
the Introduction—may appear In general, affective states has been defined to as “any type of emotional state . . . often
redundant and obvious for a reader used in situations where emotions dominate the person’s awareness” (VandenBos, 2013).
acquainted with psychology.
However, the term has been employed more generally to mean emotions and moods.

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI 3/23

authors have considered mood and emotion to be interchangeable terms (Baas, De Dreu
& Nijstad, 2008; Schwarz & Clore, 1983; Schwarz, 1990; Wegge et al., 2006), but it has been
acknowledged that numerous attempts exist to differentiate these terms (Wegge et al., 2006;
Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996). For example, it has been suggested that a difference between
moods and emotions lies in an absence of a causal factor in the phenomenal experience of
the mood (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996). According to several authors, emotions and moods
are affective states (Fisher, 2000; Khan, Brinkman & Hierons, 2010; Oswald, Proto & Sgroi,
2008; Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996). It has also been argued that a distinction is not necessary
for studying cognitive responses that are not strictly connected to the origin of the mood
or emotion (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996). For the purposes of this investigation, we have
adopted the same stance and employed the noun affective states as an umbrella term for
emotions and moods.

Measuring affective states

Psychology studies have often categorized affective states in terms of negative, (occasion-
ally) neutral, and positive affective states. In the case of controlled experiments, grouping
is usually based on manipulations that induce affective states. Several techniques have been
employed to induce affective states on participants, such as showing films, playing certain
types of music, showing pictures and photographs, or allowing participants to remember
happy and sad events in their lives (Lewis, Dontcheva & Gerber, 2011; Westermann & Spies,
1996). However, recent studies have questioned the effects of mood-induction techniques,
especially when studying the pre-existing affective states of participants (Forgeard, 2011).
Alternately, some studies have used quasi-experimental designs that select participants
with various affective states, which have usually been based on answers to questionnaires.
One of the most notable measurement instruments for affective states is the Positive
and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS; Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988). The PANAS is a
20-item survey that represents positive affects (PA) and negative affects (NA). However,
several criticisms have been made regarding this instrument. The PANAS reportedly omits
core emotions such as bad and joy while including items that are not considered emotions,
such as strong, alert, and determined (Diener et al., 2009a; Li, Bai & Wang, 2013). Others
have argued that the PANAS is not sensitive to or inclusive of cultural differences in the
desirability of emotions (Li, Bai & Wang, 2013; Tsai, Knutson & Fung, 2006). Furthermore,
a considerable redundancy has been found in the items of the PANAS (Crawford & Henry,
2004; Li, Bai & Wang, 2013; Thompson, 2007). The PANAS has also been reported to
capture only high-arousal feelings in general (Diener et al., 2009a).
Recently, scales have been proposed that reduce the number of the PANAS scale items
and that overcome some of its shortcomings. Diener et al. (2009a) developed the Scale of
Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE). The SPANE assesses a broad range of pleasant
and unpleasant emotions by asking participants to report their emotions in terms of the
frequency of the emotion during the last four weeks. The SPANE is a 12-item scale that
is divided into two subscales (SPANE-P and SPANE-N) that assess positive and negative
affective states. The answers to the items are given on a five-point scale ranging from one

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(very rarely or never) to five (very often or always). For example, a score of five for the
joyful item means that the respondent experienced this affective state very often or always
during the last four weeks. The SPANE-P and SPANE-N scores are the sum of the scores
given to their respective six items; thus, the scores range from six to thirty. The two
scores can be further combined by subtracting the SPANE-N from the SPANE-P, which
results in the Affect Balance Score (SPANE-B). The SPANE-B is an indicator of the
pleasant and unpleasant affective states caused by how often positive and negative
affective states have been felt by the participant. The SPANE-B ranges from −24
(completely negative) to +24 (completely positive).
The SPANE measurement instrument has been reported to be capable of measuring
positive and negative affective states regardless of their sources, arousal level or cultural
context, and it captures feelings from the emotion circumplex (Diener et al., 2009a; Li, Bai
& Wang, 2013). The timespan of four weeks was chosen in the SPANE to provide a balance
between the sampling adequacy of feelings and the accuracy of memory (Li, Bai & Wang,
2013) and to decrease the ambiguity of people’s understanding of the scale itself (Diener
et al., 2009a). The SPANE has been validated to substantially converge to other affective
states measurement instruments, including the PANAS (Diener et al., 2009a). The scale
provided good psychometric properties in the introductory research (Diener et al., 2009a)
and in numerous follow-ups, which included up to twenty-one thousand participants in
a single study (Dogan, Totan & Sapmaz, 2013; Li, Bai & Wang, 2013; Silva & Caetano,
2011). Additionally, the scale provided consistency across full-time workers and students
(Silva & Caetano, 2011).
Even if the SPANE-B provides a graded scale rather than a categorical scale, it could be
employed to split participants into groups using a median split. It is common to adopt the
split technique on affective states measures (Berna et al., 2010; Forgeard, 2011; Hughes &
Stoney, 2000).

Affective states and software developers

Several past research efforts have examined the role of affective states on software
developers. For example, Shaw (2004) observed that the role of emotions in the workplace
has been the subject of study management research, but information systems research has
focused on job outcomes such as stress, turnover, burnout, and satisfaction. The study
explored the emotions of information technology professionals and how these emotions
can help explain their job outcomes. The paper employed the Affective Events Theory
(Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996) as a framework for studying the fluctuation of the affective
states of 12 senior-level undergraduate students who were engaged in a semester-long
implementation project for an information systems course. The participants were asked
to rate their affective states during or immediately after their episodes of work on their
project. At four intervals during the project, they filled out a survey on stress, burnout,
emotional labor, and identification with their teams. Shaw considered each student to be
a single case study because a statistical analysis was not considered suitable. The study
showed that the affective states of a software developer may dramatically change during a

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period of 48 h and that the Affective Events Theory proved its usefulness in studying the
affective states of software developers while they work. Shaw (2004) concluded by calling
for additional research.
This call was echoed by Khan, Brinkman & Hierons (2010). In their study, a
correlation with cognitive processing abilities and software development was
demonstrated theo- retically. The authors constructed a theoretical two-dimensional
mapping framework in two steps. The authors reported two empirical studies on
affective states and software development. The studies were related to the impact of
affective states on developers’ debugging performance. In the first study, affective states
were induced to the software developers. Subsequently, the programmers completed a
quiz on software debugging. In the second study, the participants were asked to write a
trace on paper of the execution of algorithms implemented in Java. After 16 min of
algorithm tracing, arousal was induced in the participants. Subsequently, the
participants continued their debugging task. The overall study provided empirical
evidence for a positive correlation between the affective states of software developers and
their debugging performance.
Finally, Graziotin, Wang & Abrahamsson (2013) conducted a correlational study
on the affective states of developers and their self-assessed productivity while
constructing software. The research employed the dimensional view of affective states
and included a pictorial survey to assess the affective states raised by the software
development task.
The study observed eight developers working on their individual software projects. Their
affective states and their self-assessed productivity were measured in intervals of 10 min.
The analysis of the correlation employed a linear mixed-effects model. Evidence was found
that valence and dominance towards a software development task are positively correlated
with the self-assessed productivity of developers.

Problem-solving performance and affective states

Researchers have sometimes distinguished between two modes of creative and analytic
problem solving: convergent and divergent thinking (Cropley, 2006; Csikszentmihalyi,
1997), which map roughly onto creativity and analytic problem solving studies, according
to Csikszentmihalyi (1997). Divergent thinking leads to no agreed-upon solutions and
involves the ability to generate a large quantity of ideas that are not necessarily correlated
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1997). Convergent thinking involves solving well-defined, rational
problems that often have a unique, correct answer and emphasizes speed and working from
what is already known, which leaves little room for creativity because the answers are either
right or wrong (Cropley, 2006; Csikszentmihalyi, 1997).
Past research has found mixed evidence regarding the relationships between positive
or negative affective states and problem solving performance. According to a recent
meta-analysis on the impact of affective states on creativity (in terms of creative outcomes),
positive affective states lead to a higher quality of generated ideas than do neutral affective
states, but there are no significant differences between negative and neutral affective states
or between positive and negative affective states (Baas, De Dreu & Nijstad, 2008). Another
recent meta-analysis agreed that positive affective states have moderately positive effects

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI 6/23

on creativity in comparison to neutral affective states. However, this study showed that
positive affective states also have weakly positive effects on creativity in comparison
to negative affective states (Davis, 2009). Similarly, Lewis, Dontcheva & Gerber
provided evidence for higher creativity under induced positive and negative affective states,
in comparison to non-induced affective states. Forgeard (2011) showed that participants
who were low in depression possessed higher creativity when negative affective states were
induced, and no benefits were found in the participants when positive affective states were
induced. Sowden & Dawson (2011) found that the quantity of generated creative ideas is
boosted under positive affective states, but no difference in terms of quality was found
in their study. However, studies have demonstrated that negative affective states increase
creativity (George & Zhou, 2002; Kaufmann & Vosburg, 1997). As argued by Fong (2006),
no clear relationship has been established between affective states and problem solving
creativity. No direction could be predicted on a difference between the creativity and
affective states of software developers.
In contrast to the case for creativity, fewer studies have investigated how affective
states influence analytic problem solving performance. The understanding of the
relationship is still limited even in psychology studies. In her literature review on
affects and problem-solving skills, Abele-Brehm (1992) reported that there is evidence
that negative
affects foster critical and analytical thinking. Successive theoretical contributions have been
in line with this suggestion. In their mood-as-information theoretical view, Schwarz &
Clore (2003) argued that negative affects foster a systematic processing style characterized
by bottom-up processing and attention to the details, and limited creativity. Spering,
Wagener & Funke (2005) observed that negative affects promoted attention to the details
to their participants, as well as analytical reasoning. It appears that analytical problem-
solving skills—related to convergent thinking—are more influenced by negative affective
states than by positive affective states. However, there are studies in conflict with this
Kaufmann & Vosburg (1997) reported no correlation between analytical problem-solving
skills and the affective states of their participants. On the other hand, the processes of
transferring and learning analytical problems have been reported to deteriorate when
individuals are experiencing negative emotions (Brand, Reimer & Opwis, 2007). Melton
(1995) observed that individuals feeling positive affects performed significantly worse on a
set of syllogisms (i.e., logical and analytical reasoning). Consequently, based on the limited
studies, no clear prediction about the relationship between affective states and analytic
problem solving skill could be made.
Because of the lack of a clear relationship between affective states and problem-solving
performance, we designed an experiment to test two related high-level hypotheses. We
hypothesize that affective states will impact (1) the creative work produced by software
developers and (2) their analytic problem-solving skills.
To test the hypotheses we obtained various measures of creativity, and we developed
a measure of analytical problem-solving. Often, a creative performance has been
conceptualized in terms of the outcome of the process that leads to the creation of the

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI 7/23

creative results (Amabile, 1982; Davis, 2009). A widely adopted task asks individuals

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI 8/23

generate creative ideas for uncommon and bizarre problems (Forgeard, 2011; Kaufman
et al., 2007; Lewis, Dontcheva & Gerber, 2011; Sowden & Dawson, 2011). For assessing
the creativity of our participants, we used a “caption-generating” task. The quality of the
creative outcome was assessed with subjective ratings by independent judges, and the
quantity of the generated captions was recorded.
A common approach for testing analytical problem-solving is to assign points to
the solution of analytical tasks (Abele-Brehm, 1992; Melton, 1995). We used the Tower
of London test (Shallice, 1982), a game designed to assess planning and analytical
problem-solving. The Tower of London game is a very high-level task that resembles
algorithm design and execution. This task reduced the limitations that would have been
imposed by employing a particular programming language. Furthermore, such a level
abstraction permits a higher level of generalization because the results are not bound to a
particular programming language.
To our knowledge, there have been no studies in software engineering research using
software development tasks that are suitable for measuring the creativity and analytical
problem-solving skills of software developers. Although strict development tasks could be
prepared, there would be several threats to validity. Participants with various backgrounds
and skills are expected, and it is almost impossible to develop a software development task
suitable and equally challenging for first year BSc students and second year MSc students.
The present study remained at a higher level of abstraction. Consequently, creativity and
analytical problem-solving skills were measured with validated tasks from psychology


Participant characteristics
Forty-two student participants were recruited from the Faculty of Computer Science
at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. There were no restrictions in the gender,
age, nationality, or level of studies of the participants. Participation was voluntary and
given in exchange for research credits. The affective states of the participants were
i.e., random for the researchers. Of the 42 participants, 33 were male and nine were female.
The participants had a mean age of 21.50 years old (standard deviation (SD) = 3.01 years)
and were diverse in nationality: Italian 74%, Lithuanian 10%, German 5%, and Ghanaian,
Nigerian, Moldavian, Peruvian, or American, with a 2.2% frequency for each of these
latter nationalities. The participants’ experience in terms of years of study was recorded
(M = 2.26 years, SD = 1.38).
Institutional review board approval for conducting empirical studies on human
participants was not required by the institution. However, written consent was obtained
from all of the subjects. The participants were advised, both informally and on the consent
form, about the data retained and that anonymity was fully ensured. No sensitive data were
collected in this study. The participants were assigned a random participant code to link
the gathered data. The code was in no way linked to any information that would reveal a
participant’s identity.

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Figure 1 A photograph for the creativity task. “Untitled - London ’11” by i.witness. Copyright ©2011 i.witness. R

All of the students participated in the affective states measurement sessions and the two
experimental tasks. However, the results of one participant from the creativity task and
another from the analytical problem-solving task have been excluded; the two participants
did not follow the instructions and submitted incomplete data. Therefore, the sample
size for the two experiment tasks was N = 41. None of the participants reported previous
experience with the tasks.

For the two affective states measurement sessions, the participants completed the SPANE
questionnaire through a Web-based form, which included the related instructions. The
SPANE questionnaire instructions that were provided to the participants are available in
the article by Diener et al. (2009a) and are currently freely accessible on one of the author’s
academic website (Diener et al., 2009b).
Six color photographs with ambiguous meanings were required for the creativity
task. Figure 1 displays one of the six photographs. For legal reasons, the
photographs are available from the authors upon request only.
For the analytical problem-solving task, a version of the Tower of London task
implemented in the open source Psychology Experiment Building Language (PEBL;
Mueller & Piper, 2014; Mueller, 2012) that has been used previously to examine age-related
changes in planning and executive function (Piper et al., 2011) was used to assess analytic
problem solving. The PEBL instructed the participants, provided the task, and collected
several metrics, including those of interest for our study. One computer per participant was

The experimental procedure was composed of four activities: (1) the affective
states measurement (SPANE), (2) the creativity task, (3) the affective states

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI

Figure 2 The first level of the Tower of London game.

(SPANE), and (4) the analytical problem-solving task. The second affective states
measurement session was conducted to limit the threats to validity because the first task
may provoke a change in the affective states of the participants.
The participants arrived for the study knowing only that they would be participating in
an experiment. As soon as they sat at their workstation, they read a reference sheet, which is
included in Article S1. The sheet provided a summary of all of the steps of the experiment.
The researchers also assisted the participants during each stage of the experiment. The
participants were not allowed to interact with each other.
During the creativity task, the participants received two random photographs from the
set of the six available photographs, one at a time. The participants imagined participating
in the Best Caption of the Year contest and tried to win the contest by writing the best
captions possible for the two photographs. They wrote as many captions as they wanted
for the pictures. The creativity task instructions are available as an appendix in the study by
Forgeard (2011).
During the analytical problem-solving task, the participants opened the PEBL software.
The software was set up to automatically display the Tower of London game, namely the
Shallice test ([1, 2, 3] pile heights, 3 disks, and Shallice’s 12 problems). The PEBL software
displayed the instructions before the start of the task. The instructions stated how the game
works and that the participants had to think about the solution before starting the task,
i.e., making the first mouse click. Figure 2 provides a screenshot of the first level of the
game. Because PEBL is open-source software, the reader is advised to obtain the PEBL
software to read the instructions.
Although the participants did not have strict time restrictions for completing the tasks,
they were advised of the time usually required to complete each task and that the second
task would begin only after every participant finished the first task.

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI

The participants were not aware of any experimental settings nor of any purpose of the
Two supervisors were present during the experiment to check the progress of the
participants and to answer their questions. All of the steps of the experiment were
automated with the use of a computer, except for the caption production in the creativity
task. The captions were manually transcribed in a spreadsheet file. For this reason, a third
person double checked the spreadsheet containing the transcribed captions.
The study was conducted in January 2012. The designed data collection process was
followed fully. No deviations occurred. Each of the tasks required 30 min to be completed,
and the participants completed the two surveys in 10 min each. No participants dropped
from the study.

To measure creativity according to the Consensual Assessment Technique (Amabile, 1982),
independent judges who are experts in the field of creativity scored the captions using a
Likert-item related to the creativity of the artifact to be evaluated. The judges had to use
their own definition of creativity (Amabile, 1982; Kaufman et al., 2007). The Likert-item
is represented by the following sentence: This caption is creative. The value associated to
the item ranges from one (I strongly disagree) to seven (I strongly agree). The judges were
blind to the design and the scope of the experiment. That is, they received the six pictures
with all of the participants’ captions grouped per picture. The judges were not aware of
the presence of other judges and rated the captions independently. Ten independent
were contacted to rate the captions produced in the creativity task. Seven judges responded,
and five of the judges completed the evaluation of the captions. These five judges included
two professors of Design & Arts, two professors of humanistic studies, and one professor of
creative writing.
The present study adopted measurements of quality and quantity for the assessment of
creativity. The quality dimension of creativity was measured by two scores. The first quality
score was the average of the scores assigned to all of the generated ideas of a participant
(ACR). The second quality score was the best score obtained by each participant (BCR), as
suggested by Forgeard (2011) because creators are often judged by their best work rather
than the average of all of their works (Kaufman et al., 2007). The quantity dimension was
represented by the number of generated ideas (NCR), as suggested by Sowden & Dawson
Measuring analytical problem-solving skills is less problematic than measuring creativ-
ity. There is only one solution to a given problem (Cropley, 2006). The common
approach in research has been to assign points to the solution of analytical tasks (Abele-
Brehm, 1992; Melton, 1995). This study employed this approach to combine measures
of quality and quantity by assigning points to the achievements of analytical tasks and by
measuring the time spent on planning the solution. The Tower of London game (a.k.a.
Shallice’s test) is a game aimed to determine impairments in planning and executing
solutions to analytical problems (Shallice, 1982). It is similar to the more famous Tower
of Hanoi game in its

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI

execution. Figure 2 provides a screenshot of the game. The rationale for the employment of
this task is straightforward.
The Analytical Problem Solving (APS) score is defined as the ratio between the progress
score achieved in each trial of the Tower of London Game (TOLSS) and the number of
seconds needed to plan the solution to solve each trial (PTS). The TOLSS scores range
from 0 to 36 because there are 12 problems to be solved and each one can be solved in a
maximum of three trials. PTS is the number of milliseconds that occurred between the
presentation of the problem and the first mouse click in the program. To have comparable
results, a function to map the APS ratio to a range from 0.00 to 1.00 was employed.

The data were aggregated and analyzed using the open-source R software (R Core Team,
2013). The SPANE-B value obtained from this measurement session allowed us to estimate
the SPANE-B population mean for software developers, µSPANE-B-DEV= 7.58, 95% CI
[5.29, 9.85]. The median value for the SPANE-B was nine. This result has consequences in
the discussion of our results which we offer in the next section.
The multiple linear and polynomial regression analyses on the continuous values for
the various SPANE scores and the task scores did not yield significant results.
Therefore, the data analysis was performed by forming two groups via a median split of
the SPANE-B score. The two groups were called N-POS (for non-positive) and POS (for
positive). Before the creativity task, 20 students were classified as N-POS and 21 students
were classified as POS.
The histograms related to the affective state distributions and the group compositions
have been included as supplemental files of this article (Figs. S1 and S7). These data
are not crucial for the purposes of this investigation. However, they have been attached to
this article for the sake of completeness. The same holds for the boxplots and the
scatterplots representing non-significant data.
Table 1 summarizes the task scores of the two groups for the two tasks. The two
creativity scores of ACR and BCR showed many commonalities. Visual inspections of
the scatterplots of the ACR (Fig. S5) and BCR (Fig. S6) scores versus the SPANE-B score
suggested a weak trend of higher creativity when the SPANE-B value tended to its extreme
values (−24 and +24). The median for the number of generated captions (NCR) was
four for the N-POS group and six for the POS group. However, the lower quartiles of
the two groups were almost the same, and there was a tiny difference between the two
upper quartiles (Fig. S4).
We hypothesized that affective states would impact the creative work produced by
software developers, without a direction of such impact. The hypothesis was tested using
unpaired, two-tailed t-tests. There was no significant difference between the N-POS and
POS groups on the BCR score (t(39) = 0.20, p > .05, d = 0.07, 95% CI [−0.43, 0.53]) or
the ACR score (t(39) = 0.31, p > .05, d = 0.10, 95% CI [−0.28, 0.38]). The third test, which
regarded the quantity of generated creative ideas (NCR), required a Mann–Whitney U test
because the assumptions of normality were not met (Shapiro–Wilk test for normality,

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI

Table 1 Mean and standard deviation of the task scores divided by the groups.

Variable M (SD) 95% CI M (SD) 95% CI
ACR 3.13 (0.45) [2.92, 3.35] 3.08 (0.58) [2.81, 3.35]
BCR 4.02 (0.76) [3.67, 4.38] 3.98 (0.76) [3.63, 4.32]
NCR 4.70 (2.34) [3.60, 5.50] 5.90 (3.46) [4.00, 7.50]
APS 0.14 (0.04) [0.12, 0.17] 0.20 (0.08) [0.17 0.25]
ACR, the average of the scores assigned to all of the generated ideas of a participant; BCR, the best score obtained
by each participant; NCR, the number of generated ideas; APS, the analytical problem-solving score; N-POS, non-
positive group; POS, positive group.

W = 0.89, p = 0.02 for N-POS and W = 0.87, p = 0.01 for POS). There was no significant
difference between the N-POS and POS groups on the NCR score (W = 167.50, p > .05,
d = −0.41, 95% CI [−2.00, 1.00]).
The second SPANE questionnaire session was performed immediately after the
participants finished the creativity task. The average value of the SPANE-B was M
8.70 (SD = 6.68), and the median value was 10. There was a significant increase in the
SPANE-B value of 1.02 (t(39) = 3.00, p < 0.01, d = 0.96, 95% CI [0.34, 1.71]). Therefore,
a slight change in the group composition occurred, with 19 students comprising the
N-POS group and 22 students comprising the POS group. Cronbach (1951) developed
the α as a coefficient of internal consistency and interrelatedness especially designed for
psychological tests. The value of Cronbach’s α ranges from 0.00 to 1.00, where values near
1.00 indicate excellent consistency (Cortina, 1993; Cronbach, 1951). The Cronbach’s α
reliability measurement for the two SPANE questionnaire sessions was α = 0.97 (95% CI
[0.96, 0.98]), which indicates excellent consistency. We discuss the consequences of these
results in the next section.
We hypothesized that affective states would impact the analytic problem-solving skills of
The color scheme for the graphs of software developers. The boxplots for the APS score in Fig. 33 suggest a difference between

this study have been generated by

following the guidelines for the two groups, and the relevant scatterplot in Fig. 4 suggested that the APS points for the
producing colorblind-friendly N-POS group may be linear and negatively correlated with the SPANE-B; excellent APS
graphics (Okabe & Ito, 2008).
score were achieved only in the POS group. The hypothesis was tested using an unpaired,
two tailed t-test with Welch’s correction because a significant difference in the variances of
the two groups was found (F-test for differences in variances, F(21,18) = 3.32, p = 0.01,
95% CI [1.30, 8.17]). There was significant difference between the N-POS and POS
groups on the APS score (t(33.45) = −2.82, p = 0.008, d = −0.91, 95% CI [−0.11,
−0.02]). A
two-sample permutation test confirmed the results (t(168), p = 0.01, CI [−13.19, −1.91]).

Our first SPANE measurement session offered the estimation µSPANE-B-DEV = 7.58
(95% CI [5.29, 9.85]) for the population’s true mean. That is, it might be that the
central value for the SPANE-B for software developers is above seven and significantly
different from the central value of the measurement instrument, which is zero. While we

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Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI

Figure 3 Boxplots for the analytical problem-solving (APS) of the N-POS and POS groups.

Figure 4 Scatterplot for the analytical problem-solving (APS) vs. the affect balance (SPANE-B)
between the N-POS and POS groups.

reflect on this in the Limitations section, the reader should note that our discussion of the
results takes this into account, especially when we compare our results with related work.
The empirical data did not support a difference in creativity with respect to the affective
states of software developers in terms of any of the creativity measures we used. The
results of this study agree with those of Sowden & Dawson (2011), who did not find a
difference in the creativity of the generated ideas with respect to the affective states of the
participants. We found no significant difference in the number of creative ideas generated,
which is in contrast to Sowden & Dawson (2011), who found that participants in the

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI

positive condition produced more solutions than did those in the neutral and negative
conditions. Instead, the results of this study deviate from those in the study by Forgeard
(2011), where non-depressed participants provided more creative captions under negative
affective states. Nevertheless, it must be noted that the depression factor has not been
controlled in this study. Overall, the results of this study contrast with past research that
places affects—regardless of their polarity and intensity—as important contributors of the
creative performance of individuals.
As we reported in the previous section, the second SPANE session was included for
limiting the threats to validity because the first task could provoke a change in the affective
states of the participants. During the execution of the creativity task, we observed how
the participants enjoyed the task and how happily they committed to the task. This
observation was mirrored by the data; the participants generated 220 captions, averaging
5.24 captions per participant. This enjoyment of the first task was reflected by the second
SPANE measurement session, as there was a significant increase in the SPANE-B value
of 1.02 (t(39) = 3.00, p < 0.01, d = 0.96, 95% CI [0.34, 1.71]). This further validates
the capabilities of the adopted measurement instrument for the affective state
measurements and shows that even simple and short activities may impact the affective
states of software developers. The Cronbach’s α value of 0.97 of the two SPANE
measurement sessions present evidence that the participants provided stable and
consistent data. The choice to include a second affective states measurement session in
the design of the study is justified by the obtained results.
The empirical data supported a difference in the analytical problem-solving skills of
software developers regarding their affective states. More specifically, the results suggest
that the happiest software developers are more productive in analytical problem solving
performance. The results of this study contrast with the past theoretical contributions
indicating that negative affective states foster analytic problem-solving performance
(Abele-Brehm, 1992; Schwarz & Clore, 2003; Spering, Wagener & Funke, 2005). The results
of this study are in contradiction to those obtained by Melton (1995), who observed that
individuals feeling positive affects performed significantly worse on a set of syllogisms
(i.e., logical and analytical reasoning). Although we adopted rather different tasks, our
participants feeling more positive affects performed significantly better than any other
participants. Likewise, our results are in contradiction to those of Kaufmann & Vosburg
(1997), where the performance on the analytic task was negatively related to anxiety (both
trait and state) of the participants. However, there was no significant relationship between
either positive or negative mood of the participants and their analytical problem-solving
performance. Yet, our results tell that happiest software developers outperformed all the
other participants in terms of analytic problem-solving.

The primary limitation of this study lies in the sample; the participants were all Computer
Science students. Although there is diversity in the nationality and experience in years of
study of the participants, they have limited software development experience compared

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI

with professionals. However, Kitchenham et al. (2002) and Tichy (2000) argued that
students are the next generation of software professionals. Thus, they are remarkably
close to the population of interest and may even be more updated on the new technologies
(Kitchenham et al., 2002; Tichy, 2000). Ho¨st, Regnell & Wohlin (2000) found non-
significant differences in the performance of professional software developers and
students on the factors affecting the lead-time of projects. There is an awareness that not
all universities offer the same curricula and teaching methods and that students may have
various levels of knowledge and skills (Berander, 2004). Still, given the high level of
abstraction provided by the tasks in this study, a hypothetical difference between this
study’s participants and software professionals would likely be in the magnitude and not in
the direction of the re- sults (Tichy, 2000). Lastly, the employed affective states
measurement instrument, SPANE, provided consistent data across full-time workers and
students (Silva & Caetano, 2011).
Another limitation is that full coverage of the SPANE-B range in the negative
direction could not be obtained. Although 42 participants were recruited, the SPANE-B
score did not fall below the value of minus nine, and its average value was always greater
than +7
on a scale of [−24, +24]. Before the experiment, a more homogeneous distribution of
participants was expected for the SPANE-B score. However, there is actually no evidence
that the distribution of SPANE-B scores for the population of software developers should
cover the full range of [−24, +24]. Additionally, studies estimating the SPANE-B mean
for any population are not known. For this reason, an estimation of the affective states
population mean for software developers was offered by this study: µSPANE-B-DEV=
7.58, 95% CI [5.29, 9.85]. Thus, it may be that the population’s true mean for the
SPANE-B is above +7 and significantly different from the central value of the measurement
instrument. This translated to a higher relativity when we discussed our results, especially
for the comparison with related work. However, the results of this study are not affected by
this discrepancy.
A third limitation lies in the employment of a median split to compose the groups.
The authors are thankful to an Employing a median split removed the precision that would have been available in a
anonymous reviewer for pointing
out this issue. continuous measure of the SPANE-B.4 Despite this, using a median split was necessary
because no known regression technique could yield valid results; median splits on affective
state measurements are not uncommon in similar research (Berna et al., 2010; Forgeard,
2011; Hughes & Stoney, 2000).

Implications and future research

The theoretical implications of this study are that positive affective states of software
developers are indicators of higher analytical problem-solving skills. Although the same is
not shown for creativity, the data trends offer inspiration to continue this avenue of study.
An implication for research in software engineering is that the study of affective states of
the various stakeholders involved in the process of software construction should be taken
into account and should become an essential part of the research in the field.
The results have implications for management styles and offer an initial support
for the claim that an increase in productivity is expected by making software
Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI
happy. The results may partially justify the workplace settings of currently successful and
notable Silicon Valley ventures, which provide several incentives to entertain their software
developers (Drell, 2011; Stangel, 2013). However, if the results were generalized we would
suspect that creative problem solving will not be impacted in general but analytic skills
might be.
Future research should provide additional details for the claims reported in this article.
A replication of this experiment with a larger order of magnitude may provide
significant data and could even enable regression analyses to verify how the intensity
of affective states may impact the creativity of software developers. It is necessary to study
the affective states of software developers from a process-oriented view to observe a
possible correlation with work-related achievements and productivity while developing
software. Qualitative research should explain how the creativity of software developers
influences design artifacts and the source-code of a software system. Research can be
conducted on how mood induction effects may affect the quality of a software system and
the productivity of a developer.

For decades, it has been claimed that a way to improve software developers’ productivity
and software quality is to focus on people and to make software developers satisfied and
happy. Several Silicon Valley companies and software startups are following this advice, by
providing incentives and perks, to make developers happy. However, limited research has
supported such claim.
A proposal to study human factors in empirical software engineering research has
been to adopt psychological measurements. By observing the reference fields—primarily
psychology and organizational research—we understood that software developers solve
problems in creative and analytic ways through cognitive processing abilities. Cognitive
processing abilities are linked deeply with the affective states of individuals, i.e., emotions
and moods.
This paper reported a study—built on the acquired multidisciplinary knowledge—
on the importance of affective states on crucial software development skills and
capacities, namely analytical problem-solving skills (convergent thinking) and
creativity (divergent thinking). It has been shown that happiest software developers
are significantly better analytical problem solvers. Although the same could not be
shown for creativity, more research on this matter is needed.
The understanding provided by this study should be part of basic science—
i.e., essential—in software engineering research, rather than leading to direct, applicable
results. This work (1) provides a better understanding of the impact of the affective states
on the creativity and analytical problem-solving capacities of developers, (2) introduces
and validates psychological measurements, theories, and concepts of affective states,
creativity and analytical-problem-solving skills in empirical software engineering and
(3) raises the need to study human factors in software engineering by employing a
multidisciplinary viewpoint.

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI

Although the claim people trump process is far from being empirically validated, this
study provides tools, evidence, and an attitude towards its validation. This study calls for
further research on the affective states of software developers.
Software developers are unique human beings. By embracing a multidisciplinary view,
human factors in software engineering can be effectively studied. By inspecting how
cognitive activities influence the performance of software engineers, research will open up
a completely new angle and a better understanding of the creative activity of the software
construction process.

The authors would like to thank the students who participated in the experiment. The
authors would also like to acknowledge Elena Borgogno, Cristiano Cumer, Federica
Cumer, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Paolo Massa, Matteo Moretti, Maurizio Napolitano,
Nattakarn Phaphoom, and Juha Rikkila¨ for their kind help during this study. Last but
not least, the authors are grateful for the insightful comments and understanding
offered by the Academic Editor Shane T. Mueller and two anonymous reviewers.


This work was not covered by any funding mechanism.

Competing Interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author Contributions
• Daniel Graziotin conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments,
analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper,
prepared figures and/or tables, reviewed drafts of the paper.
• Xiaofeng Wang and Pekka Abrahamsson conceived and designed the experiments,
performed the experiments, analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis
tools, wrote the paper, reviewed drafts of the paper.

Human Ethics
The following information was supplied relating to ethical approvals (i.e., approving body
and any reference numbers):
Institutional review board approval for conducting empirical studies on human
participants was not required by the institution. However, written consent was obtained
from all of the subjects. The participants were advised, both informally and on the consent
form, about the data retained and that anonymity was fully ensured. No sensitive data were
collected in this study. The participants were assigned a random participant code to link
the gathered data. The code was in no way linked to any information that would reveal a
participant’s identity.

Graziotin et al. (2014), PeerJ, DOI 20/

Supplemental Information
Supplemental information for this article can be found online at

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