Draft Answer

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You attended a talk at school in conjunction with Malaysia's Independence Day.

During the talk,

the guest speaker made the following statement:

"The lack of appreciation for our culture has caused Malaysians to lose their true identity.”

Write an essay expressing your opinion on the statement. Write at least 250 words.

Imagine a world where diverse cultures lose their uniqueness, slowly fading into
oblivion. What happened to “diversity is the bounty of God”? In a country like Malaysia,
with its rich tapestry of ethnicities, cultures, and traditions, the preservation of cultural
identity is paramount. However, I am agreeing upon the statement where the lack of
appreciation for our culture has caused Malaysians to lose their true identity, in which,
strikes a chord with the undeniable reality of contemporary Malaysia. Truth with great
sadness as the lack of appreciation for our culture has triggered cultural neglection,
weakened national unity, and caused economic declination.

First and foremost, cultural neglection is the most visible aspect of losing the
Malaysian identity. Put aside the main races in Malaysia, there are Malays, Chinese
and Indians who neglected even their own culture and custom. In Malaysia, majority
are glorifying the Western culture in cuisines and lifestyle. When Malaysian failed to
appreciate and value their own cultural heritage, it fosters an identity crisis. Younger
generations lose touch with their roots, leading to a weakened connection with their
true identity. This lack of appreciation can result in individuals identifying more with
globalized and homogenized cultures rather than their own.

Furthermore, the lack of appreciation for Malaysia’s cultural diversity hinders

the national unity. For many years, Malaysia is prominent with its diversity. When
citizens do not understand and respect each other’s cultural background, it fosters
misunderstanding and division. Imagine how a country led by many good leaders will
fall just because of cultural gap. Since 1957, Malaysia has finally become independent
with a promising future of a beautiful nation of multiracial citizens. The cycle should be
kept strong by the citizens up till now with the pole of our constitution. This lack of unity
may threaten social cohesion and can lead to ethnic tensions.

Finally, putting aside of the dispute between races, the lack of appreciation may
cause economic declination. Cultural neglection does not only erode Malaysia’s
identity but also has economic repercussions. Many foreign countries see Malaysia as
a unique country. Globally, people were asking how a nation coming from multiracial
could live with the sense of togetherness. The rich traditional arts, crafts, and culinary
traditions that could be source of net growth are at risk. Neglecting these aspects
results in missed opportunities for economic growth through cultural tourism and
heritage preservation. Some bad examples had been shown by Malaysian citizens
where different religions were backfiring amongst each other to destroy and sabotage
the unique architecture of other religions. Hence, the lack of appreciation could impact
in the declination of our Malaysia’s economic.

In conclusion, the lack of appreciation for our culture caused Malaysians to lose
their identity, erode national unity, and cause economic declination. It is crucial for
Malaysians to address this issue by rekindling their appreciation for their diverse
cultural heritage. Authorities should promote more campaign in order to create
awareness of the social benefits in staying together as one aligned with the theme of
our new Malaysia, Malaysia Madani.

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