Human Hair Fibre Reinforced Concrete IJERTV6IS030528

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 6 Issue 03, March-2017

Human Hair Fibre Reinforced Concrete

Ajna Manaf Adarsh M V Alphy Jomichan George M Varghese
U G Student U G Student U G Student Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering
Kanjirapally, Kottayam, Kerala, India

Abstract: - Enhance the physical and mechanical properties of various fibrous materials to determine the actual
concrete are a potential area of research. Fibre reinforced characteristics and advantages for each product. Addition of
concrete is one among those advancements which offers fibres to concrete makes it more homogeneous and isotropic,
convenient, practical and economical methods for overcoming and transforms it from a brittle to a more ductile material.
micro cracks and similar type of deficiencies. Since the
Fibres are usually used in concrete to control plastic and dry
concrete is weak in tension, fibre help to overcome this
deficiency. There are several types of fibre which serves this shrinkage cracking, lower the permeability and impart
purpose, this paper investigates the suitability of human hair. greater impact, abrasion and shatter resistance. Fibre
Human hair is considered as a waste material in most parts of reinforced concrete can offer a convenient, practical and
the world and is a common constituent found in municipal economical method for overcoming micro-cracks and
waste streams which cause environmental issue. Hair fibre, an similar type of deficiencies. It is an effective method of
alternate non-degradable matter is available in abundance and construction of light weight seismic resistant structures.
at a very cheap cost. This paper compares the strength and
durability of ordinary concrete with hair fibre reinforced Human hair fibre
concrete of M20 grade with 0%, 0.5%, 1% 1.5%, 2% addition
Human hair is good in tension; hence it can be used as
of hair by weight of cement. The result shows that addition of
human hair fibre enhances the binding properties, micro a fibre reinforcing material. Hair Fibre (HF) is a non-
cracks control, imparts ductility and also increases the spalling degradable matter available in abundance and at a very
resistance. The experimental findings in overall studies would cheap cost. Human hair is considered as a waste material in
encourage further research in this direction for long term most parts of the world and is a common constituent found
performance to extending this cost effective type of fibres for in municipal waste streams which cause enormous
use in structural application. environmental problems from its degradation. Also the high
tensile strength, unique chemical composition, thermal
Keywords: Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Human Hair Fibre, insulation etc. makes the hair fibre suitable to be used as a
Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength And Crack Resistance.
reinforcing material.
Concrete is a mixture of cement (usually Portland This study tries to combine both the above mentioned
cement), water and stone aggregate possessing low tensile aspects i.e. incorporating the natural human hair as fibre
strength, limited ductility and little resistance to cracking. reinforcement in concrete and to check the enhancement in
Since concrete is weak in tension hence some measures must its long term properties. Thus this is an attempt to find the
be adopted to overcome this deficiency. Hence, possibilities of using hair as fibre reinforcement in concrete,
incorporating fibre into the concrete can increase the thereby forming an alternative way for the safe management
properties of concrete like the tensile strength of the of hair waste. Present studies have been undertaken to
concrete, reduce the air voids and water voids and also the analyse the effect of human hair on plain cement concrete on
inherent porosity of gel, increases the durability of the the basis of compressive and flexural strengths and to
concrete. control the cracking economically.

Fibre is a small piece of reinforcing material possessing Experiments were conducted on concrete specimens
certain characteristics properties. Addition of fibres to with various percentages of human hair fibre i.e. 0%, 0.5%,
concrete influences its behaviour which significantly depend 1%, 1.5% and 2% by weight of cement. Researchers found
on the type and percentage of fibre. The properties of fibre that there is an increment in the various properties and
reinforced concrete is influenced mainly by the physical and strength of concrete which makes it a suitable additive for
mechanical properties of the fibre. A good fibre should have concrete to enhance its mechanical properties. Hair fibre
good adhesion within the matrix and adaptable elasticity reinforced concrete can be an effective method for the hair
modulus. It must be compatible with the binder, which waste management.
shouldn’t be attacked or destroyed in the long term. It should
be short, fine and flexible to permit mixing, transporting and Composition and properties of hair
placing and also strong enough to withstand the mixing The hair thread has a highly organized cylindrical
process. structure, formed by inert cells of keratin, following a very
precise and pre-defined design. In terms of raw elements, on
Since the advent of fibre reinforcing of concrete in the an average, hair is composed of 50.65% carbon, 20.85%
1940`s, a great deal of testing has been conducted on the oxygen, 17.14% nitrogen, 6.36% hydrogen, and 5.0%

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 03, March-2017

sulphur. Keratin gives the hair strength, flexibility and C). Human Hair Fibre
durability. Cortex keratin is responsible for this property and The properties of human hair are given in table 3.
its long chains are compressed to form a regular structure
which, besides being strong, is flexible. The physical Table 3: Properties of Human Hair
proprieties of hair involve: resistance to stretching, elasticity Property Value
and hydrophilic power. The resistance to breakage is a 100 to 120µm
Hair diameter
function of the diameter of the thread, of the cortex
Hair length 60mm
condition. Hair fibre has an elastic characteristic, and it may
undergo moderate stretching either wet or dry. When dry, Aspect ratio 500-600
the hair thread may stretch 20-30% of its length; and, in Tensile strength of human hair fibre 380Mpa
contact with water, this may reach up to 50%. Ultimate tensile strength 50.16%


Ingredients used are portland pozzolana cement The concrete mix design is done in accordance with
(PPC), coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water and human IS 10262-2009. Cement content in the mix design is taken
hair as fibre. as 394kg/m3, which satisfy the minimum requirement of
300kg/m3 in order to avoid the balling effect. A sieve
A). Portland Pozzolana Cement: analysis conforming to IS 383-1970 was carried out for both
Shankar PPC brand, conforming IS code – IS: the fine and coarse aggregate. In the present experimental
1489-1911 was used. The properties of cement are investigation, the total number of specimens casted was 120.
mentioned in table 1. The cubes casted were totally 105 in number, of which each
set of 3 cubes were meant for different percentage of hair
B). Aggregate: (i.e., 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%). Similarly, 15 beams
Various characteristics of aggregate such as partial were casted with varying percentage of hair by weight of
shape, particle size distribution, mechanical properties and cement. All the specimens were tested for 28-day strength.
possible chemical reaction between aggregate and paste,
(which affect the bond) as well as grading governs the IV. TEST PERFORMED
properties of concrete. Various cubes and beams are tested and analysed
for finding the effect of using hair as fibre reinforcement.
Table 1: Properties of Cement For determining the effect of hair as fibre in concrete
Property Average value of PPC Standard value of
PPC following test were performed.
from experiment
2.9 A). Compressive strength test
Specific Gravity 2.86
The test was conducted as per IS 516-1959. The test
Consistency(%) 36
is carried out on specimens cubical in shape of the size of
Initial Setting Time >30 150mmx150mmx150 mm. Specimens were placed on the
bearing surface of compression testing machine. A uniform
Final Setting Time <600 rate of loading was applied till the failure of the cube. The
maximum load was noted and the compressive strength was
 Fine Aggregate: The sand used for the experimental
programme confirmed to grading zone II. B). Flexural Strength Test
This test was carried out as per IS 516-1959
 Coarse Aggregate: The size of coarse aggregate depends specifications. Normal concrete beams and human hair
upon the nature of work. The coarse aggregate used in this reinforced concrete beams of size 150mm×150mm× 700mm
experimental investigation are of nominal size 20mm. The are tested using a flexure testing machine. The specimen is
properties of coarse and fine aggregates are given in table 2. simply supported on the two rollers of the machine which
Table 2: Properties of Aggregate are 600mm apart, with a bearing of 50 mm from each
support. The load shall be applied on the beam from two
Fine Coarse rollers which are placed above the beam with a spacing of
Property Aggregate
Aggregate 200mm. The load is applied at a uniform rate such that the
extreme fibres stress increases at 0.7N/mm2/min i.e., the rate
Fineness modulus 2.85 7.2
of loading shall be 4kN/min. The load is increased till the
Specific gravity 2.64 2.68 specimen fails. The maximum value of the load applied is
noted down.
Water absorption 1
1.21 C). Rebound Hammer Test
Rebound hammer test is done to out the
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1.58 1.76 compressive strength of concrete by using rebound hammer
as per IS 13311(part 2)-1992 Rebound hammer test was
conducted on cubes and beams (without crack) at 25 selected

IJERTV6IS030528 461

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 03, March-2017

points, with the instrument in vertically downward direction The acid attack test on concrete cube was
and in horizontal direction. In order to take readings in conducted by immersing the cubes in the acid water for
horizontal direction, a load corresponding to 20% of design 28days after 28days of curing. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) with
strength was applied. In cubes, the points were marked on pH of about 2 at 5% weight of water was added to water in
each of its face. In case of beams, three sections were which the concrete cubes were stored. The pH was
selected accordingly (say A, B, C) and points were marked maintained throughout the period of 28days. After 28days of
on each face along the length of beam. immersion, the concrete cubes were taken out of acid water.
Then, the specimens were tested for compressive strength.
D). UPV Test
The resistance of concrete to acid attack was found by the
This test is done to assess the quality of concrete by
percentage loss of weight of specimen and the percentage
ultrasonic pulse velocity method as per IS 13311(part 1) –
loss of compressive strength on immersing concrete cubes
1992. The underlying principle of this test is the method
in acid water.
consists of measuring the time of travel of an ultrasonic
pulse passing through the concrete being tested. V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
Comparatively higher velocity is obtained when concrete The mechanical properties of concrete are tested on
quality is good in terms of density, uniformity, homogeneity M-20 grade concrete specimens, with and without human
etc. hair as fibre reinforcement. The percentage of human hair
fibre is varying from 0% to 2% with an increase of 0.5% in
E). Water Absorption Test
each iteration. During the casting of test samples, it was
Based on ASTM C140 the procedure for water
observed that mixing of human hair in the concrete to
absorption test is as described. Three full size blocks shall
achieve homogeneity is a problem at concentration above
be completely immersed in clean water at room temperature
1% of human hair, resulting in balling and lumping of hair
for 24hours. The blocks shall then be removed from the
fibres which will ultimately affect the mechanical properties
water and allowed to drain for one minute by placing them
of the concrete. The results are briefly tabulated and
on a 10mm or coarser wire mesh, visible surface water being
comparison between human hair fibre reinforced concrete
removed with a damp cloth, the saturated and surface dry
and plain cement concrete were shown below.
blocks immediately weighed. After weighing all blocks shall
be dried in a ventilated oven at 100 to 1150C for not less A). Strength Test
than 24hours and until two successive weighing at intervals a). Compression Test
of 2hours show an increment of loss not greater than 0.2
With 0.5% addition of hair an increase in 7% was
percent of the last previously determined mass of the
observed and a further 0.5% addition enhances it to 12.8%.
With further increase the strength reduces. The results are
F). Sulphate Attack Test shown below:
The resistance of concrete to sulphate attacks was Table 4: Average Compressive Strength of Hair Fibre
studied by determining the loss of compressive strength or Concrete
variation in compressive strength of concrete cubes Sl. No. % Hair Compressive Strength(N/mm2)
immersed in sulphate water having 5% of sodium sulphate
1 0 26.6
(Na2SO4) and 5% of magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) by
weight of water and those which are not immersed in 2 0.5 28.4
sulphate water. 3 1 30
The concrete cubes of 150mm size after 28days of 4 1.5 26
water curing and dried for one day were immersed in 5% 5 2 22
Na2SO4 and 5% MgSO4 added water for 28days. The
concentration of sulphate water was maintained throughout
the period. After 28days immersion period, the concrete
cubes were removed from the sulphate waters and after 35
wiping out the water and girt from the surface of cubes tested 28.4 30
30 26
for compressive strength following the procedure prescribed 26.6
Compressive Strength MPa

in IS 516-1959. 25 22
G). Acid Attack Test
The concrete cube specimens of various concrete
mixtures of size 150mm were cast and after 28days of water 10
curing, the specimens were removed from the curing tank 5
and allowed to dry for one day. The weights of concrete cube 0
specimen were taken. 0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
Human Hair (by weight of cement)

Fig. 1. Variation of compressive strength with % hair

IJERTV6IS030528 462

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 03, March-2017

b). Flexural Strength Test B). Durability Tests

With 0.5% addition of hair an increase in 2% was a). Water Absorption Test
observed and a further 0.5% addition enhances it to 22%. If the percentage of water absorbed by the concrete
Table 5: Average Flexural Strength of Hair Fibre Concrete increases, the durability of the concrete gets decreased. From
Sr. No. % Hair Flexural Strength (N/mm2)
the tests conducted, it is observed that there is a decrease in
amount of water absorbed when incorporating hair as
1 0 4.67
reinforcement in concrete and the minimum value of 2.67%
2 0.5 4.77 is obtained when adding 0.5% hair by weight of cement.
3 1 5.7
4 1.5 5.72 Table 7: Percentage of Water Absorption
Sr. % Hair Dry weight Wet weight % absorption
5 2 5.68 No. (kg) (kg)
1 0 8.388 8.652 3.14
2 0.5 8.160 8.378 2.67
3 1 8.160 8.386 2.76
5.7 5.72 5.68
flexural sterngth in MPa

4 1.5 8.392 8.631 2.83

4.67 4.77 5 2 8.394 8.640 2.94

b). Sulphur Attack Test

In Sulphur attack test, the percentage of weight loss
and percentage of strength loss will decrease with increasing
the percentage of hair fiber. From the observations it is
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2% found that minimum percentage of strength loss and weight
loss is obtained for 1.5% and 1% of hair by weight of cement
Human Hair (by weight of cement)
Fig. 2. Variation of flexural strength with % hair
Table 8: Sulphate Attack of Hair Fiber Concrete
c). Rebound Hammer Test Weight loss Strength loss
From the non-destructive test done vertically Sr. No. % Hair
(%) (%)
downwards, the compressive strength was obtained from the
1 0 1.3 14.3
rebound hammer test. The result proves that addition of hair
2 0.5 1.2 14
does not affect the strength of concrete.
3 1 1.18 12
37 36.64 4 1.5 1.21 11.5
35.28 35.56
36 5 2 1.2 13
Rebound Number

35 34.4
34 33.2
33 1.21 1.2 1.23
1.2 1.1
32 1
Percentage Loss in Weight

0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2% 0.8
Human Hair (By Weight Of Cement) 0.6
Fig. 3. Variation between rebound number with % hair 0.4
Table 6: Rebound Number of Hair Fiber Concrete 0
Compressive strength Rebound
Sl. No. % Hair
(N/mm2) number
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
1 0 34 33.2 Human Hair (by Weight of Cement)
2 0.5 35 34.4
Fig. 4. Percentage loss in weight due to sulphur attack
3 1 37 35.28
4 1.5 37 35.56
5 2 38 36.64

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 03, March-2017

c). Acid Resistance Test 4600

Table 9: Acid Resistance of Hair Fiber Concrete 4500
Weight loss

Average UPV
Strength loss 4400
Sr. No. % Hair
(%) (%)
1 0 1.1 14
2 0.5 1.2 12.5
3 1 1.18 12 4100
4 1.5 1.21 12.2 4000
5 2 1.2 13 3900
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
Human Hair (by Weight of Cement)

1.25 Fig. 7. Effect of ultrasonic pulse velocity

1.2 1.18 1.21 1.2
Percentage Loss in

Ultrasonic pulse velocity test noted an increase in

1.15 pulse velocity with increase in percentage of hair fiber in

concrete. This shows that the internal structure of concrete

is good with increase in hair fiber.
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2% Hair is used as an additive in various percentage by
Human Hair (by Weight of Cement)
weight of cement in concrete. Strength and durability tests
were conducted on hair fiber reinforced concrete and the
Fig. 5. Percentage loss in weight due to acidity
results shows that there is an increase in compressive
strength by 12% and 22% increase in flexural strength on
addition of 1% hair fibre by weight of cement. Increase in
16 flexural strength indicates the reduction in micro-cracks,
14 14.3 15
which is a threat to durability. Addition of 1% hair fibre by
Strength Loss in %

14 12 13
12 weight of cement shows better result in strength as compared
10 to other percentages. Further addition shows declination in
8 result even though there is no loss less than the target
6 strength.
Normal reinforced concrete will be adversely
0 affected by the effect of moisture and other corrosive agents.
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2% The attack is due to the generation of micro cracks in the
latest stages of the concrete structures. The test results show
Human Hair (by weight of cement) that due to the incorporation of hair fiber, the durability
characters can be elevated slightly. From the durability tests,
Fig. 6. Percentage loss in strength due to acidity
it is observed that loss of strength is reduced by addition of
In acid resistance test, the percentage of weight loss and 1% hair by weight of cement. Hence, we can conclude that
percentage of strength loss will decrease with increasing the hair fibres are a profitable additive to concrete, which
percentage of hair fiber. From the observations it is found diminishes the crack formation, enabling the long life of
that minimum percentage of strength loss and weight loss is structures.
obtained for 1% of hair by weight of cement respectively. REFERENCES
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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 03, March-2017

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