Classical Poetry Solved Short Question1

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The Assimilators by Asad Imran

HomeClassical Poetry

Classical Poetry - Short

Questions and Their Answers
(From Sargodha University
Past Papers) MA English
Literature Part 1
byAsad Imran •August 29, 2020
Table of Contents

1. 2022
2. 2021
3. 2020
4. 2019
5. 2018
6. 2017
7. 2016
8. 2015

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Q1: What kind of person was the parson?

Parson, from Canterbury Tales was a good religious person who
helped the poor parishioners with his own money, he would render
his service of personage to the far-flung church even on rainy days
and was a true follower of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Q2: What was troublesome for the Wife of Bath?
Wife of Bath could not hear well. Also, she had problems with her
last two husbands in controlling them. Source
Q3: Whom does Spenser invoke in ‘The Faerie Queene’?
Spenser invokes Clio, the Greek goddess of history, to bring her
treasure chest of knowledge so that he may write about the deeds
of valour of The Faerie Queene.
Q4: Define Invocation.
Invocation is a poet's addresses to gods especially the muses (in
Greek Mythology, 9 goddesses of arts, literature, knowledge,
science and poetry) directly and prays to gods to strengthen his
knowledge to accomplish such a tremendous task of writing an
Q5: According to Milton, what brought death into the world, and all
our woe? (Paradise Lost).
It was the forbidden fruit of knowledge (apple) that ended
immortality of mankind.
Q6: What is the theme of Shakespeare's sonnet ‘When I Consider
Everything That Grows'?
Immortality through art from time is the main theme of this
Q7: What are the main features of Metaphysical poetry?
Metaphysical poetry is highly intellectual in nature, can employ
sudden and strange conceits to establish a new perspective.
Q8: What is the theme of 'A Valediction of Weeping’ by John
Separation and philosophic reunion between two lovers are two
dominant themes of this poem.
Q9: How does Clarissa console Belinda at the loss of her lock?
Clarissa advises Belinda to show good sense and win the souls of
men. Source
Q10: Who has been calicd ‘The Inferior Priestess’ in Canto I of ‘The
Rape of the Lock’?
Belinda's maid, Betty.


Q1: Define Prologue.

A Prologue is an introduction to the characters and events contained in a literary work. For example, in Prologue to the
Canterbury Tales, Chaucer introduces the characters who will narrate their tales when they set their carriages to the
Q2: Where did the pilgrims stay on their way to Canterbury?
The pilgrims stayed at the Tabard Inn on their way to Canterbury.
Q3: What was the task entrusted to the knight of the Red Cross by The Fairy Queen?
Queen Gloriana entrusted the Red Cross Knight with the task to kill the fierce Dragon.
Q4: Who is the Shepherd in the very opening lines of "Paradise Lost Book 1?
Moses is the Shepherd in the very opening lines of "Paradise Lost - Book 1".
Q5: Who was next to Satan in power?
Beelzebub was next to Satan in power.
Q6: What is the age of Shakespeare known as?
Most of the works of Shakespeare belonged within the timeframe of the Elizabethan Era.
Q7: Which age did John Donne belong to?
The age of John Donne lies between the Shakespearean Era and the Jacobean Era.
Q8: What is a dramatic monologue?
A fictional character in a novel or a play revealing about his hidden intentions to the audience is called Dramatic
Q9: At whose suggestion did Pope write "The Rape of The Lock?
Pope wrote this Burlesqual poem after being requested by his friends to reunite the families of Lord Petre and Lady Fermor.
Q10: Who has been called the "Fairest of Mortals" in "The Rape of The Lock?
Belinda has been called the "Fairest of the Mortals" in "The Rape of the Lock".


Q1: What is Classicism?

Already answered.

Q2: Define Metaphor. Give examples.

Already answered.

Q3: What is meant by Allegory?

Already answered.
Q4: Define Metaphysical conceit. Give examples.

A far fetched comparison of a common phenomenon to something

beyond the matter of the universe to a spiritual level can be
regarded as a metaphysical conceit. For instance, when Donne
compares the room in which he makes love with his beloved to the
whole earth, he is implying a metaphysical conceit.

Q5: What is meant by Mock Epic?

A mock-epic is a relatively long poem, implying techniques used in

a normal epic to present something trivial, grand.

Q6: Mention the characters associated with Church in Chaucer's

"Prologue to the Canterbury Tales".

Characters associated with the church in the Prologue are the

Parson, the Prioress, the Summoner and the Pardoner.

Q7: Define Cynical Love.

Already answered.

Q8: What does Red Cross Knight symbolize in "The Faerie Queene"
by Spenser?

Already answered.

Q9: What are the prominent traits of Satan in "Paradise Lost" by

John Milton?

The prominent traits of Satan are marked with his "unconquerable

will", eloquent oration, excessive pride and disobedience.

Q10: Why did Baron sever Balinda's lock?

Already answered.

Q1: Define humour. Give illustration.
Humour is a literary device which makes people laugh or intends to make them laugh. Its main
purpose is to make a reader relax or break his tension. Chaucer is a humourist. For example, Wife of
Bath's headdress wight of ten pounds is somewhat a humourous statement. Such exaggerated
statement makes people laugh. View Source
Q2: What is a Sonnet? Give examples.
A sonnet is a fourteen-line lyrical poem in which a poet expresses his emotions for someone or
When I have fears by Keats
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day
Q3: Define Blank verse. Give an example.
Blank verse is that kind of verse which is composed of un-rhymed mono-stitches and usually follow
the iambic-pentametre rhythmic pattern, with ten syllables in each line.
Daylight changes, and it is time to take
Q4: What is meant by alliteration?
Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words is known as alliteration.
Q5: What is a ballad? Give an example.
A ballad is a story in verse, arranged in quatrains; narrated through a common person and noted by a
highly skilled person is known as a ballad. Example: The Rime of Ancient Mariner by S. T. Coleridge.
Q6: What is the aim of Paradise Lost?
The aim of Paradise Lost is to justify the First Disobedience of Man which was provoked by Satan to
Adam and Eve and which deprived them of Paradise. View Source
Q7: Why is Spenser called the Poets' Poet?
Spenser is called Poets' Poet because of his innovation of Spenserian Stanza which is used by many
eminent poets including John Keats and P. B. Shelley.
Q8: Mention three moods of love according to John Donne.
The three moods of love in Donne’s poetry are cynical love (anti-woman), conjugal love(married life)
and Platonic love(spiritual love). Copied
Q9: How much importance did Belinda attach to her lap dog?
Belinda attached immense importance to her lap dog named as "Shock" as an alarm clock who would
wake her up [like a "prince"] through his sweet kisses. View Source
Q10: Why were pilgrims going to Canterbury?
Pilgrims were going to Canterbury as a religious journey to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket in
order to say thanks for their successful trade of life even in the presence of pestilence.
Q1: What is classicism?
Classicism is the implication of ancient Greek and Roman mythology and style of art in an author's
work. View Source View Complete Essay
Q2: What is epic?
An epic is a long narrative poem depicting heroic deeds of warriors and ancient gods; in a vast
battlefield (which is the entire universe in some cases); composed in grand style to illustrate the epic
deeds of an epic hero. Source
Q3: Define simile.
A comparison of two objects by using words like or as. But these two words have different use
Like: This simile is used when a person or a thing is, as a whole, compared with other person or thing
as a whole. For example: Ali is like his brother.
As: This simile is used when a specific quality of a person or a thing is compared with another
person or a thing. For example: Ali is as honest as his brother.
Q4: What is a heroic couplet?
Heroic couplet is a collection of two iambic-pentametre mono-stiches which end on rhyming words.
Heroic couplets are largely used by Chaucer and Shakespearean Sonnets end in heroic couplet. View
Q5: What is a sonnet?
Already answered
Q6: Why were pilgrims going to Canterbury?
Already answered
Q7: Who is called poets' poet?
Edmund Spenser while the rest of the answer is listed above.
Q8: Who is called champion of metaphysical poetry?
John Donne is called champion of metaphysical poetry. View Source
Q9: What is the importance of Hampton Court?
In Rape of the Lock, the poet has asserted the fact that Hampton Court was an important place for
state-affairs were discussed under Queen Anne taking tea. View Source
Q10: To which class does Squire represent?
Although Squire represents the chivalric class, yet he stands for its decline for he is indulge in
playing and composing musical notes unlike his father (Sir Knight) who is proficient in his
techniques of warfare who takes part in battles for religion and country, and Squire hardly takes part
in battles for his beloved.
Q1: Explain “O cherub! To be weak is miserable”.
Satan provokes his fallen angels to give an after-shock of the defeat (God forbids) inflicted by the
sole Emperor of Heaven and Paradise. He says to his companion that being weak and just lying in
burning hell will not avenge their defeat. They have to do something. View Source
Q2: Define epic.
Already answered
Q3: Why were the pilgrims going to Canterbury?
Already answered
Q4: What does knight Redcross symbolize?
Red Cross Knight symbolizes for the virtue holiness and Anglican Church. View Source
Q5: Define allegory.
An allegory is a literary work which conveys a hidden moral, social, situational and historical ideas
through living characters.
Q6: What is cynical love?
Cynicism is a scornful attitude towards persons, ideas and things. So the cynical love is the
avengeful temptation of a person to his beloved to form an illicit and materialistic relationship. View
Q7: Define satire?
Satire is a literary device which is utilized to expose the follies of mankind through exaggeration,
burlesque, humour, irony and ridicule. The main purpose of satire is to reform the human race. View
Q8: Define Oxymoron
Two opposite words, coined together side-by-side to give it a distinctive and dramatic make-over
form Oxymoron.
Q9: Define heroic couplet.
Already defined
Q10: Why did Lord Peter serve Belinda’s Lock?
Lord Petre was the actual face behind Baron who took part in cutting a lock of Arabella, a prominent
personality of the Roman Catholic Church. Which created a rift of relation between the two families.
That is why, Lord Petre's allegorical association with Baron served Belinda's Lock[s]. View Source
Q1: Why were the pilgrims going to Canterbury?
Already answered
Q2: Name the three ideal characters in “The Prologue”.
There are three characters portrayed as ideal in "The Prologue" and these are Sir Knight, Clerk of
Oxford and Parson.
Q3: Define allegory.
Already defined
Q4: What does the dwarf symbolize?
Dwarf, who is seen carrying the luggage of Lady Una and articles of warfare of Red Cross Knight,
symbolizes humility for he serves under truth and holiness. If humility does not follow the two, it will
be denounced to hypocrisy. (Originally answered by Sir Mohsin)
Q5: Why did Lord Peter server Belinda’s lock?
Already answered.
Q6: Define the term ‘metaphysical’.
Metaphysical is a philosophical term, utilized in literature to elaborate things which are beyond
existence in physical world. This conception was mostly used in poetry in the seventeenth century.
View Source
Q7: What is cynical love?
Already answered
Q8: Define irony.
Typically humorous in nature, expression of one's meanings by using the language which normally
signifies the opposite is known as irony.
Q9: Why does Shakespeare compare his beloved to a summer’s day?
Shakespeare compares his beloved to a summer's day as she is as gentle as the sunshine is, as
temperate as the summers in the United Kingdom and as beautiful as the green fields that yield in
summer. View Source
Q10: Define satire.
Already defined
Q1: What was the plan of Canterbury Tales?
It was planned that every pilgrim would have to narrate two story while heading towards Canterbury
and two more stories on their way back home. The one who told the most interesting tale would be
rewarded with a dainty meal by the Host.
Q2: Define allegory.
Already defined
Q3: Define epic.
Already defined
Q4: Why was Knight Recross accompanying Una?
Red Cross Knight was accompanying Una as her parents' territory was confiscated by an evil and
formidable dragon, to free the land of Una's parents from the tyrant clutches of Dragon.
Q5: Who was Archimago?
Archimago was an evil magician in the guise of an old man who played monstrous tricks to
demoralize Red Cross Knight and to separate Una from the Gentle Knight.
Q6: Where did Belinda’s lock finally go?
Belinda's lock finally made its way to the lunar world [comprising of sky] and would shine as a star, as
told by the narrator of the mock-epic. View Source #1 View Source #2
Q7: Define wit
Wit is a literary device which is implied to make readers and onlookers laugh. It falls back upon pun,
conceit, paradox and metaphors to outwardly praise but inwardly mocking of an idea, a person or an
object. View Source
Q8: What is sensuous love?
Sensuous love is that kind of love which is celebrated physically and sexually. It is also known as
physical love.
Q9: Why did Satan tempt?
Satan tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit of knowledge to complete his revenge of being sent to
the deep hell for disobeying God.
Q10: Write the rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet.

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The rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean Sonnet is abab, cdcd, efef and gg.

Tags: Classical Poetry Short Questions


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