DLC Final Section Q Set A
DLC Final Section Q Set A
DLC Final Section Q Set A
• You must answer Question 1
• Answer any Two from Question 2 to Question 4
• Please upload the answer script as PDF with your exam permit.
Q-1: Design a synchronous binary irregular counter with the following counting sequence.
(A+1) (B+6) (C+5) (D+4) (E+3)
Q-2: Design an LED flasher circuit using IC 555 where LED will be ON for (A+4) sec and OFF for (D+6)
sec until the system is running. Determine the following specifications: mode of operation, frequency, tH,
tL,, RA, RB, Duty cycle. Also draw the wave shape observed at Pin # 3. (Let, C=AE uF)
NB: The value of A, B, C, D, E are to be taken from the student ID. The reference student ID is XX-ABCDE-
Q-3: Construct an 8-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) where the input voltage is (B+3)(C+2). Then,
construct an 8-bit digital to analog converter (DAC) and compute the analog voltage output. Use input bit
from ADC, where ‘bit-1’ represents (B+3)(C+2)-1 and 0V as ‘bit-0’. Available resources are a few 1kΩ,
2kΩ, 4kΩ, 8kΩ, 16kΩ, 32kΩ, 64kΩ and 128kΩ resistors. Consider feedback resistor is equal to twice of
minimum resistor.
NB: The value of A, B, C, D, E are to be taken from the student ID. The reference student ID is XX-ABCDE-
Q-4: Sketch the output waveform for a 4- bit bidirectional shift registers in next 8 clock pulses into a timing
diagram assuming initial output Q0=1, Q1=0, Q2=1, Q3=1 before 1st clock pulse. The control bit pattern is
(A+4)(D+3) needs to be found by converting decimal value to 8-bit binary. The Serial data input line is
NB: The value of A, B, C, D, E are to be taken from the student ID. The reference student ID is XX-ABCDE-
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