DLC Final Section Q Set A

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Faculty of Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering/Computer Science and Engineering
EEE 3101: Digital Logic and Circuits (Section: Q)
Final-Term Assessment Fall 2023-24 Total Marks: 30 Time: 1.5 hrs
Course Instructors: Mr. Nafiz Ahmed Chisty, Dr. Shahriyar Masud Rizvi, Dr. Tanbir Ibne Anowar,
Dr. Gour Chand Mazumder, Mr. Abir Ahmed, Mr. Md. Shahariar Parvez, Mr. Tamim Hossain, Mr. Richard
Victor Biswas, Mr. Abrar Fahim Liaf

• You must answer Question 1
• Answer any Two from Question 2 to Question 4
• Please upload the answer script as PDF with your exam permit.

Q-1: Design a synchronous binary irregular counter with the following counting sequence.
(A+1) (B+6) (C+5) (D+4) (E+3)

NB: Please Take your ID. Let’s your ID is XX- ABCDE- X

Note: If any two-digit matches, then take unique number for the second one.
(Ex.: Let’s ID= XX- 33445-X, so your sequence is 6, 10, 6, 8, 11. But here you have the same digit 6. So,
please the one unique number for second 6, which will not matched with any other digit.)

Q-2: Design an LED flasher circuit using IC 555 where LED will be ON for (A+4) sec and OFF for (D+6)
sec until the system is running. Determine the following specifications: mode of operation, frequency, tH,
tL,, RA, RB, Duty cycle. Also draw the wave shape observed at Pin # 3. (Let, C=AE uF)

NB: The value of A, B, C, D, E are to be taken from the student ID. The reference student ID is XX-ABCDE-

Q-3: Construct an 8-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) where the input voltage is (B+3)(C+2). Then,
construct an 8-bit digital to analog converter (DAC) and compute the analog voltage output. Use input bit
from ADC, where ‘bit-1’ represents (B+3)(C+2)-1 and 0V as ‘bit-0’. Available resources are a few 1kΩ,
2kΩ, 4kΩ, 8kΩ, 16kΩ, 32kΩ, 64kΩ and 128kΩ resistors. Consider feedback resistor is equal to twice of
minimum resistor.

NB: The value of A, B, C, D, E are to be taken from the student ID. The reference student ID is XX-ABCDE-

Q-4: Sketch the output waveform for a 4- bit bidirectional shift registers in next 8 clock pulses into a timing
diagram assuming initial output Q0=1, Q1=0, Q2=1, Q3=1 before 1st clock pulse. The control bit pattern is
(A+4)(D+3) needs to be found by converting decimal value to 8-bit binary. The Serial data input line is

NB: The value of A, B, C, D, E are to be taken from the student ID. The reference student ID is XX-ABCDE-

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