Cc9b01ec Cloud

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E-Gov Products and Services

National Cloud Services of NIC-A successful

journey towards Digital India
Edited by INDIA. MyGov, Make in India, Dig-
MOHAN DAS VISWAM ital Locker and eHospital are some
Cloud services are now among the many ambitious initiatives

LOUD manifests to and projects hosted at the National
encapsulated in simple be an effective way of Cloud. The National Cloud is the first
packages. For their needs, the provisioning ICT in- and only one of its kind available un-
departments now have multiple frastructure set-ups in der the MeghRaj initiative of Indian
options to choose, ranging from government because of Government. Information and servic-
preconfigured web, applications its cost effectiveness, agility and sus- es of the National cloud are provided
and database Servers with tainability, which further ensures rap- through its portal
Commercial/Open Source id deployment & delivery of e-Gov- which has been recently enhanced for
ernance projects and services. With its look and feel as well as usability.
System Software to Ready-to-
the introduction of National Cloud With the launch of National Cloud,
Configure Servers and Storages. during the beginning of 2014, India the departments can avail cloud in-
Application systems those are government has set its position to a frastructure with much ease. They
generic in nature and commonly new high with the high availability of now have the flexibility of scaling up
used by multiple government its ICT infrastructure for e-Govern- facilities based on department’s re-
organisations are also offered ance. The National Cloud has further quirement of resources time to time.
under the SaaS model of National been taken up as a launching pad for This saves considerable amount of
Cloud fulfilling the aspirations of DIGITAL cost, time and enables resource opti-

The National Cloud of NIC launched in 2014 has

been instrumental in delivering IT as a service
to government departments for implementing
e-governance initiatives in a timely manner. The
VIJAY KUMAR Departments can now focus on the actual services and
VISHWAKARMA programmes they want to deliver instead of investing
Technical Director energies on IT procurement and management of
[email protected] infrastructure.
National Cloud Services of NIC have been a
major support to the Digital India Initiative of the
Government which envisages IT as a means to
empower citizens. A number of initiatives under SHALINI MATHRANI
Sr. Technical Director, NIC
this programme including MyGov, KhoyaPaya Portal,
Biometric Attendance System, Digital India Portal, Make in India Portal are hosted
ANUPAM JOHRI on the Cloud.
Scientist-C Since its launch last year, the Cloud team has made efforts to streamline the delivery
[email protected] of services by integrating various functions of security and networking to ensure a
smooth user experience. Efforts are constantly in process to improve user interface.
Users can also share their feedback and it is used for improvement of services. A
24X7 help desk is available to support users for any issues. A dedicated cloud team
is available for management and administration of the entire infrastructure and
A Cloud First Strategy aims at ensuring responsiveness, agility and sustainability for
government services along with better utilization of resources. Departments now
look to the Cloud instead of expending efforts on provisioning infrastructure.
[email protected]

October 2015 | | 17

E-Gov Products and Services

Redesigned MeghRaj National Cloud Portal homepage Web + Application Server ordering Dashboard

misation. Minimising the efforts for India, Digital India Portal, Digital yyOrganized different Levels of tech-
ICT procurement procedures, the de- Locker, JOSAA (online counseling for nology awareness & hands-on pro-
partments can now focus more on the Admissions in Engineering IITs, ISM, grammes
aspects of development, implementa- NITs, IIITs) and eHospital. Currently, yyArranged VC based knowledge
tion and rollout of e-governance ap- around 5000 Virtual Machines have transfer sessions
plications. already been allocated to about 250 Subsequently, it was made mandato-
The National Cloud provides all the different projects of Central Govt. ry that NIC officers (Cloud Technical
popular industry standard formats of Ministries/Departments, State Gov- Administrator/ Coordinator) attached
services such as Infrastructure as a ernments, District administrations and with each project to guide its users for
Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service other organizations. quick accomplishment of various pro-
(PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) cedures such as creation and manage-
CHALLENGES FACED ment of Virtual Servers, coordination
and Storage as a Service (STaaS).
AND ACTIONS TAKEN TO for Security Audit Clearance, DNS en-
In order to make it easy and simple for OVERCOME THEM try etc. The On-Boarding process was
the departments, the Cloud services Soon after the inception of National
earlier taking a week time for any gov-
are now encapsulated in simple pack- Cloud Services, the cloud manage- ernment organization to acquire the
ages. For their needs, the departments ment team faced number of issues. Cloud & initiate the work. This process
now have multiple options to choose, Most of the users, including NIC of- was subsequently shortened to 2 days
ranging from preconfigured web, ap- ficers across the Country were finding by integration of VPN and supporting
plications and database Servers with it difficult to use the Cloud services, as Network/ Security Services along with
Commercial/Open Source System they were new to such kind of servic- automation of various internal manual
Software to Ready-to-Configure Serv- es. In order to address these challeng- process of the same workflow.
ers and Storages. Application systems es on immediate priority, following
those are generic in nature and com- steps were taken: HOW TO AVAIL CLOUD
monly used by multiple government
organisations are also offered under
yySet up 24x7 Help Desk SERVICES
yySet up Cloud Orientation Cell Step 1 - Visit the National Cloud por-
the SaaS model of National Cloud.
Since the launch of National Cloud
Services, various e-governance projects
of national as well as state level have
been made operational on National
Cloud. This includes MyGov (with
over 1.2 million Users engaging with
Government), Make-in-India, Prime
Minister’s Office Portal, Biometrics
Aadhaar Attendance System for
Many of the Important initiatives and Projects now run on cloud
Govt. Employees (BAS), Digitize

18 | | October 2015

E-Gov Products and Services

tal ‘’. Apply to plishment of various tasks such as

Register for Cloud services. Once the creation and management of virtu-
application is submitted, applicant will al servers, coordination for Securi- In order to utilise and harness the
receive an acknowledgement email. ty Audit Clearance, DNS entry etc. benefits of Cloud Computing, Gov-
ernment of India has embarked
Step 2 - After satisfying eligibility con- yyNational Cloud provides a frame- upon a very ambitious and impor-
ditions, the applicant will be registered work to manage multiple sub-pro- tant initiative: “GI Cloud” which
and subsequently receive a Welcome jects under the main project with has been named as ‘MeghRaj’. This
allocation of certain resource quo- initiative was to implement various
Mail for SignUp.
ta. components including governance
Step 3 - On successful Sign Up, the mechanism to ensure proliferation of
yyNational Cloud is designed for Cloud in the government. The main
user will receive a ‘Terms & Condi-
multi-located Cloud services. Set objectives of GI Cloud are to ensure
tions’ (T&C) document via email.
up has been completed at the Data optimum utilization of infrastructure
Step 4 - The T&C document duly Centres in Delhi whereas in Hy- and speed up the development and
signed and stamped need to be sub- derabad Centre, the set up is with deployment of eGov applications.
mitted to NIC Cloud Team through limited capacity. Hyderabad and
concerned NIC HODs/ SIOs. Pune Centres are expected to be which provides virtualization solu-
Step 5 – After acceptance of the doc- ready soon to provide Cloud ser-
vices at a national level. d. Virtualization Stacks: Virtual-
ument, Sign Up process is complete.
ization engines of various technolo-
The user can then request from a
TECHNOLOGY & ROLLOUT gy providers have been integrated
variety of services offered by the Na-
National Cloud (NC) has been built through Orchestration layer to extend
tional cloud. These include web-serv- seamless service to user departments.
with state of the art technology, which
er, application and database server,
is designed with security features, ge- Currently, Cloud has been configured at
ready-to-configure server along with
neric architecture and simple user in- NIC National Data Centre of Shastri
Compute & Storage requirements. terface through a self-service portal. Park in Delhi. Two other nodes at Hydera-
The user would be given ‘MyCloud’ Consisting of in-house developed soft- bad and Pune are getting ready for launch
Dashboard over a secure channel. ware, featuring latest technology inte- to provide seamless services at a National
With this Dashboard, user can make grations, the National Cloud has the level.
necessary configuration, operations following technology tiers:
& management of various services. a. Self Service Portal/ Cloud SUMMARY
Maintenance can also be carried out Portal: Provides general informa- National Cloud Services encourages
through ‘MyCloud’ Dashboard. tion on various Cloud services such and expects more and more entities
as the Cloud set up, Help Desk con- of government to take advantage of
tacts, details of Cloud Coordinators, the cloud services for their various
SALIENT FEATURES On-Boarding process etc. This portal e-Gov projects and Applications by
yyServers provided under PaaS are facilitates online registration process hosting them at National Cloud envi-
preinstalled with software and for availing the Cloud Services and is ronment. The recent success stories of
hardened as per the government built using Open Source Technology. the major national level projects such
security regulations. These are sim- as MyGov, Make-in-India, Digital
b. MyCloud Dashboard: Enables
ple, ready to use machines, which Locker etc. would influence the de-
the registered users to access the cloud
are made to go live by installing partments to use Cloud Services tre-
resources over a secure channel for
application software. mendously in near future.
operations, maintenance & manage-
yyProvides a complete workflow sys- ment.
For further information:
tem to assist the user for activation c. Orchestration Layer: Workflow VIJAY KUMAR VISHWAKARMA
of any eGov application. NIC of- driven automation of different pro- Technical Director & HoD
ficers (Cloud Technical Adminis- cesses is associated with various cloud Web Hosting & Cloud Computing Services
Division, NIC Delhi
trator/ Coordinator) attached to services. This Layer interfaces with E-mail:[email protected]
project guides the user for accom- underlying hardware through APIs

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