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Second Term

English Department

How to write a paragraph

Writing Skill
Narrative Paragraph
Argumentative Paragraph
Descriptive Paragraph
Simple sentence
paragraph Compound sentence
Complex sentence

sentences Parts of Speech

Capital Letters
Small Letters
How to write a paragraph?

A group of letters that give you a


A group of words that make a complete sense.

We use words to form We use sentences to
sentences. form paragraph.
word word word word

Ahmed plays football every week Sentence

Sentence Sentence Sentence Sentence Paragraph

football Ahmed football every week
play football every week

Ahmed plays football every week

4 types of sentences
Every complete sentence has a
subject and a predicate.

A subject names the

person, place, or A predicate tells what
thing the sentence the subject is or does.
is about. (verb+object
Draw a line under the subject of each sentence. Draw a circle around
the predicate
Draw a circle around each complete sentence.

1. The kind police officer.

2. Three new born kittens.
3. My friend Brenda helped me pack.
4. A shiny beetle crawled across the floor.
5. Went to the park.
Verb is missing

Verb is missing
Corn is my favorite vegetable .
Subject is missing
The sun is very bright in the afternoon .

Subject is missing
Ahmad takes a nap for two or three hours.

Subject is missing
Salma eats rice.

verb is missing
There are flowers in the market.
Word Types
2. Words
(Parts of Speech)
Adjectives are words that describe nouns (naming words).
They come before a noun.
Noun: Nouns are names of
i.e. The shiny mirror. people, places and things.

4. Adjective
❖ Adjective - a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun, such as
"blue," "happy," or "large."

5. Adverb
❖ Adverb - An adverb is a word that describes or modifies a verb, adjective, or other
adverb. Adverbs can indicate things like time (e.g. "now"), manner (e.g. "quickly"), or
degree (e.g. "very").
1. Noun
• Noun - a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea, such as
"dog," "house," or "love."

Collective nouns
use singular verb or
Collective Nouns
plural verb
Refer to groups of people or things (e.g. "team," "herd," "family").

if the collective noun is being treated as a single unit or entity, it takes a

singular verb. If the collective noun is being treated as a group of
individuals, it can take a plural verb.
•The team is playing well. (singular)
•The team are all wearing their new uniforms. (plural)
•The jury was unable to reach a verdict. (singular)
•The jury have been deliberating for hours. (plural)
•My family is going on vacation next week. (singular)
•My family have different opinions about where to go. (plural)
2. Pronouns
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. It can refer to a specific person,
thing, or idea (e.g. "she," "it"), or it can be more general (e.g. "everyone,"

Indefinite pronouns 2.Anything
7.Nobody Take Singular verb
Verbs are action words – ‘doing’ words. They often end in –ed/-ing
depending on tense. They show what the noun is ‘doing’.

Verb: this is what the lion is doing.

i.e. The lion roared.

Can you remember what this

type of word is called?
3. Verbs
❖A verb is a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being.
The dog barks loudly.

❖ Predicate

A predicate is a part of a sentence that contains the verb and all the other words that
modify or describe it.

The cat is sleeping on the couch.

Adverbs describe verbs! They add detail to explain how the action is
being ‘done’.
They come after a verb. Adverb: The adverb tells us how the lion was
roaring by describing the action of its roar
and creates a much clearer image for the
i.e. The lion roared slowly. reader.

What was this

word class? What is this?
A verb or an adjective?
6. Preposition
❖ Preposition - A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a
noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. Prepositions can indicate
location (e.g. "in"), time (e.g. "before"), or direction (e.g. "towards").

7. Interjection
❖ Interjection - An interjection is a word or phrase used to express strong emotions.
Interjections can indicate things like surprise (e.g. "wow"), pain (e.g. "ouch"), or
excitement (e.g. "yay").
8. Conjunction
❖ Conjunction - A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses.
Conjunctions can be coordinating (e.g. "and," "or"), subordinating (e.g. "because,"
"although"), or correlative (e.g. "either...or," "neither...nor").
1. Coordinating conjunctions

❖ The seven coordinating conjunctions

are: and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet.
3. Subordinating
She read a book.

➢She is a pronoun.
➢Read is a verb.
➢Book is a noun.
They are always happy.
➢They is a pronoun.
➢Are is a verb.
➢Always and happy are adverbs.
The tall man walked quickly.
• The is an article.
• Tall is an adjective.
• Man is a noun.
• Walked is a verb.
• Quickly is an adverb.
She is going to the store to buy some groceries.
• She is a pronoun.
• Is going is a verb phrase.
• To the store is a prepositional phrase.
• Buy is a verb.
• groceries is a noun.
She read a book, but she didn't enjoy it.
• She is a pronoun.
• Read is a verb.
• Book is a noun.
• But is a conjunction.
The tall man walked quickly, and he arrived early.
• The is an article.
• Tall is an adjective.
• Man is a noun.
• Walked is a verb.
• Quickly is an adverb.
• And is a conjunction.
Underline adjectives and circle the nouns
Underline adjectives and circle the nouns
Paragraph format

New sentence
Indent Same line

My classmate Ahmed is an interesting person. He is

Capital from Egypt. He speaks Arabic and English. He lives
letter with his family. He has one brother and two sisters.
He lives in Almokattam in a small flat.
Now, I have three notes:

1- Look at this paragraph about Ahmed. There is a

space before it.

2-The second sentence follows the first sentence

in the same line. It does not go a new line.

3-Every sentence starts with capital letter.

Writing a paragraph is a lot like making a delicious hamburger!
The paragraph consists of


Topic sentence


Closing sentence
What can you write in the introduction?

-Give general information about your topic

What can you write in the Main part?

- Give your details and examples about your topic.
What can you write in the Conclusion:?

Give your opinion about the topic or make general comment.

Complete the following :

(Supporting Sentences The Concluding Sentence The Topic Sentence)

1. The Topic Sentence.is usually the first or second sentence in a paragraph. It introduces
a new idea. It explains what the writer will say about the topic. This explanation is called
the controlling idea.
2. Supporting Sentences tell us information about the topic and the controlling idea. It can include
definitions, explanations, and examples.

3. The Concluding Sentence is a sentence of a paragraph usually reminds the reader of the
topic and controlling idea of the paragraph. It restates the main idea.

The forest Title

A forest is like a giant playground for nature. It's full of tall trees that
provide shade and shelter for animals like deer and squirrels. The ground is
covered in soft green grass, colorful flowers, and fallen leaves that crunch
under your feet. If you listen carefully, you can hear the chirping of birds
and the buzzing of insects. The forest is a magical place where you can run,
play, and imagine new adventures!

Sentence Supporting sentences
Sham Al Nassim Topic

We have a lot of festivals and celebrations in Egypt.Sham Al Nassim is a

wonderful celebration that happens in many Middle Eastern countries. It's
a time when families gather together to welcome spring and enjoy the
outdoors. People have picnics and eat delicious traditional foods like
colored eggs and fish. Children play games and fly kites in the sunshine,
while adults sing and dance to music. Sham Al Nassim is a fun-filled day
that everyone looks forward to!
Sentence Supporting sentences
In each paragraph below, underline the topic sentence and write a suitable title
for the paragraph.
1-The best trip my family ever had was to The Pyramids, Giza. We went
there for three hours. I didn’t think it would be very interesting, but I was The importance
wrong. We saw the Great Pyramid, rode a horse carriage, and visited a
cemetery where everyone was buried in tombs underground. I liked the
of hygiene
horse ride best.

2-No one likes to eat with a dirty knife, fork, or spoon. It is important to
completely wash all utensils before using them. Clean utensils won’t
3 Farming is fun
transmit germs and bacteria. They are also more pleasant to eat with.

3-Growing a garden can be fun, good exercise, and will provide fresh
fruits and vegetables for the gardener. It is interesting to watch the seeds
pop their heads above the soil for the first time. It is sometimes hard to
believe that a little seed can become a large vine or plant in just a few A trip to Giza
weeks. Planting the seeds and pulling weeds are good exercise for anyone.
Then, after watching the plant grow and produce, the gardener ends up
with delicious tomatoes, beans, or other yummy produce from the garden. 1

1: ________________________. I usually go skiing every weekend in the winter

even though it is expensive. I love the feeling of flying down a mountain. The views
are beautiful from the top of a mountain and along the trails. Even the danger of
falling and getting hurt can’t keep me away from the slopes on a winter day.

a) Skiing is expensive.
b) Skiing is my favourite sport.
c) Skiing is dangerous.

1.) _________________________________________________. North

Americans send cards for many occasions. They send cards to family and friends
on birthdays and holidays. They also send thank-you cards, get well cards,
graduation cards, and congratulation cards. It is very common to buy cards in
stores and send them through the mail, but turning on the computer and
sending cards over the Internet is also popular.

a) Sending cards is very popular in North America.

b) Birthday cards are the most popular kind of card.
c) It is important to send thank-you cards.

2.) _____________________________________________ . I enjoy

summer sports like water skiing and baseball. The weather is usually sunny
and hot, so I can go to the beach almost every day. Gardening is my hobby
and I spend many summer days working in my garden. Unfortunately, the
days pass too quickly in summer.

a) I like to garden in summer.

b) Summer is my favourite season.
c) Summer is to short.

3.) ________________________________________ . First of all, we need

money to repair old roads and build new roads. We also need more to pay
teachers’ salaries and to pay for services such as trash collection. Finally,
more tax money is needed to give financial help to the poor citizens of the
city. It is clear that the city will have serious problems if taxes are not raised

a) We should raise city taxes.

b) City taxes are too high.
c) City taxes pay for new roads.
4.) _________________________________________ . For example, a
person can have breakfast in New York, board an airplane, and have
dinner in Paris. A businesswoman in London can instantly place an order
with a factory in Hong Kong by sending a fax. Furthermore, a schoolboy
in Tokyo can turn on a TV and watch a baseball game being played in Los

a) Airplanes have changed our lives.

b) Advances in technology have made the world seem smaller.
c) The fax machine was an important invention.
In this part ,you will write the most suitable
topic sentence for the paragraph below

are used to join words or groups of words.

Some of the most-used conjunctions are and, but, and or.

Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences.

1. Tyler likes to eat cookies, but he doesn’t like to bake them.

2. Edward and Ryan plan to take the bus or the subway to the cinema today.

3. I listened to the radio as I did my homework.

4. Kerry likes apples, grapes, and pears in her fruit salad.

Punctuation Marks
A full stop is used
at the end of the sentences.

“pronoun I”
“Names of people
and countries”
“Days of the week”
“Start of sentences”

A question mark is
used at the end of
the questions.

is the most important

sentence in a paragraph.
Topic sentence
Add the correct end punctuation to each sentence. Identify each
sentence by type.

1-School Websites are cool (Declarative – full stop)

2-Many schools have fascinating and informative Web (Declarative - full stop)
3-Does your school have a Web site (Interrogative - question mark)

4-Creating a school Web site is fun (Declarative- full stop)

5-What would you like to see on your school’s Web site

(Interrogative - question mark)
The tense of a verb tells when an action occurs—present,
past, or future.
• present—the action is happening now or something always happens.
Mieko is practicing the piano.

• past—the action already happened.

She played for her teacher yesterday.

• future—the action is going to happen.

She will give a concert when she learns three more pieces.
Use context clues to help you select the correct verb tense in
these sentences.

1-Mr. Parker (worked -works) in a bank last month.

2-We (swim-swam) in the pool every day.

3-She (is cooking- cooks) dinner now.

4-He (will play- played) tennis on tomorrow.

Underline the verbs in this paragraph.
Write a P over the verb if it happened in the past.
Write PR over the verb if it happens in the present.
Write an F over the verb if it will happen in the future.
Farmers live in a rural area.

Doctors work in hospitals and clinics.

Germany is a beautiful European country.

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