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1. About this Manual

2. General Data
2.1 Pump code designation
2.2 Maximum operating conditions
2.3 Safety Precautions
3. Carriage & Transport
4. Storage
4.1 Warehouse storage
4.2 Storage in the pit-system not in use
5. Installation
5.1 Points for attention during installation
5.2 Cable joints
5.3 Wet pit ADC installation
5.4 Dry pit installation
5.5 Portable installation
5.6 Horizontal installation
6. Commissioning & Operation
6.1 Initial Examination
6.2 Pre cautions
6.3 Insulation check
6.4 Control panel wiring
6.5 Thermal protection wiring
6.6 Changing the direction of rotation
6.7 Level switch & General wiring
7. Maintenance, Inspection and Overhaul
7.1 Maintenance
7.2 Inspection
7.3 Overhaul
8. Trouble Shooting
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Thank you for purchasing our products. This manual is designed to help you achieve the
best results from our products in terms of longevity, efficient usage and maintenance.

All users should read and be familiar with the contents of this manual.

All faults resulting from failure to install or maintain our product as described in this hand-
book will be deemed to be faults arising from misuse of the product not covered by war-

For any clarification required regarding the contents of this manual, please contact your lo-
cal KEUMDUK office.


2.1 Pump code designation.

200 K D W 37 4 T 3
Volatage : 2=220V,230V / 3=380V / 4=415V,460V upto 6600V
Phase : S=Single Phase, T=Three Phase
Number of Poles : (Motor Synchronous Speed at 50Hz)
2=2850rpm, 4=1450rpm, 6=950rpm,
8=720rpm, 10=580rpm...etc
Motor Output in kW : (Horsepower Output=kW x 1.341)
Impeller Type : O=Open, E=Enclosed, W=Semi-Open, V=Vortex,
SV=Semi-Vortex, PL:Propeller, M=Mixed

Manufacturer's Designation : KD=KEUMDUK

Discharge Size in mm

2.2 Maximum operating conditions.

The KEUMDUK submersible pumps are designed for pumping of unscreened wastewater
in municipal and industrial installations and for low to medium density sludge pumping
in sewage treatment plants. The pumps are also suitable for various raw water pumping
duties where the conditions call for submersible pumps to be installed. Different pump
material specifications are available for use in corrosive liquids.

Pump usage is restricted by the following ambient conditions used as design criteria lim-
- Maximum ambient and pumped liquid temperature is 40℃
- Storage temperature range is – 20℃… + 50℃
- Maximum allowable voltage fluctuation is ± 10% ~5% of nominal voltage
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- Maximum submergence is 20 m.

Usage of the pumps in installations where conditions exceed those allowed in the pump
specifications may lead to pump malfunction and damage.

2.3 Safety Precautions

This pump contains hazardous moving parts. To prevent risk of injury, disconnect power
before servicing. Never put fingers near impeller when pump is connected to a power
Installation should be performed by technicians with the appropriate qualifications as re-
quired by local legislation.
This pump has not been approved for use in swimming pools and it should not be in-
stalled in this type of application.
Do not work alone. Use proper safety equipment including antiseptic masks if necessary.

Ensure that there is no toxic or explosive gas in the wet well before entering or welding
or using electric tools.

Use approved lifting equipment and slings and do not stand under the pump while it is
being lifted. The cable is not designed to lift the pump and the pump must not be ma-
noeuvred by use of the cable.
Ensure the cable particularly the exposed end is kept dry during installation.
The use of an earth leakage circuit breaker is highly recommended and may be manda-
tory under local regulations. Please check local requirements.


During transportation the pump should be secured in such a manner as to avoid shocks
which may damage the pump.
Handle the pump carefully. Use the lifting eye provided or slings the pump from the body
and moves the pump with the aid of a hoist or proper handling equipment.
The pump should never be moved by the cable. There is a high possibility of damage
which may result in an electric short and risk of shock. The cable and cable inlet may be
damaged leading to loss of water tightness and subsequent severe damage to the motor.


4 .1 Warehouse Storage
The warehouse must be free of excessive humidity, corrosive gases or vapours and free
from vibration which might damage the pumps.
Store the pumps in a vertical position on a pallet or stand to keep the pump off the floor
and facilitate easy removal.
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The cable should be coiled and the open end should be tightly sealed with waterproof
plastic and tape or a cable cap to prevent the penetration of moisture which may reach the
motor and cause severe damage to the windings.
All unpainted surfaces should be given a light coat of oil or grease to prevent corrosion.
If new pumps are to be stored for longer than 2 months the pump impeller should be
turned by hand every 2 months to prevent the mechanical seal faces from bonding whilst
dry. Failure to do this may result in seal damage when the pump is eventually started.
4.2 Storage in the pit-system not in use
If an installed pump is not in operation for an extended period of time, the insulation re-
sistance should be measured and the pump runs for 30 mins each month.

If the pump cannot be run due to lack of water in the sump it should be inspected and
turned over by hand each month & prior to being put back into service. If the insulation
resistance drops below 10 Mega-Ohm, contact your KEUMDUK office.

The power source must be shut off and isolated at the control panel when the pump is not
in service
If the pump is disconnected from the control panel when not in service, the cable end
should be tightly sealed.

5.1 Points for attention during installation
Check that the dimensions of the sump are correct and large enough so that the pump can
be installed and removed for servicing.
Thoroughly clean and remove all rubbish from the sump and general installation area to
prevent clogging the impeller causing possible motor failure.
Check the accessories and controls are complete.
Carry the pump only as described in Chapter 3.
If the pump is being installed freely on soft bed, a support of bricks beneath pump bottom
is required to prevent the pump sinking into the mud. (see fig. 1)

fig. 1
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To prevent mechanical damage, all cables laid under ground must be properly installed in
underground electrical conduit specifically designed for this purpose, cables must not be
installed directly in the ground or in concrete.
(see fig. 2).

fig. 2

The pump must be earthed by connecting the earth (green) wire. Verify the grounding
continuity by checking that the grounding wire (green, labelled as “E”) is electrically
conductive with the bolt on the motor (paint to be stripped).

Ensure all electrical cables are securely supported and that there is no loose cable which
could be sucked into the pump inlet.

After installing the pump, secure the lifting chain or wire rope to a wall or other rigid sur-
face, outside of the pit, to prevent submerged in wastewater.

5.2 Cable Joints

If it is necessary to extend the pump supply cable ensure that the cross sectional area of
the extension cable used keeps sufficient cross sectional area to absorb voltage drop. En-
sure that the cable joint is waterproof and secure.
Connect each pair of wires (R-U, S-V, T-W) using a Sleeve Joint and staggering the
joints as shown below in fig. 3.

fig. 3
Primary Insulation layer:
Paste each individual wire joint with glue and wind with a strip of natural rubber.
Then wind with waterproof vinyl.

Secondary Insulation layer:

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Gather together all the individual wires into one cable and repeat the above insulating
procedure on the complete cable ensuring that the insulation covers the original cable in-
sulation at both ends by a minimum of 220mm.
The thickness of the joint must be less than twice the original cable diameter.

5.3 Wet pit ADC installation

In the Wet pit installation, the pump is installed on the

Automatic Discharge Connection (ADC) and operates
completely or partially submerged in the pumped liquid.

fig. 4

In addition to the pump the following items are required:

- Guide bars consisting of two hot dip galvanized or stainless steel pipes.
- Sliding Bracket for attaching the guide bars to the access frame or the upper part
of the sump.
- Level regulators or other control equipment for start, stop and alarm.
- Cable holder for holding the cable and regulating the height of the level regulators.
- Access frame (with covers) to which the Sliding Rail supporter and cable holder
can be attached.
- Discharge connection for connecting the pump to the discharge line. The dis-
charge connection has a flange which fits the pump casing flange and a bracket for
attaching the guide equipment.
- Bushes for vibration damping between the guide bars and the discharge connec-

- Provide a barrier around the pump pit, for example a guardrail.
- Arrange for a cable between the sump and the electric control box.
- Make sure that the cables are not sharply bent or pinched.
- Place the access frame in position.
- Align the access frame so that it is horizontal and then grout it in place.
Grout the anchor bolts in place. Be careful when aligning and positioning the dis-
charge connection in relation to the access frame.
- Place the discharge connection in position and tighten the nuts.
- Secure the guide bars in the bracket.
- Check that the guide bars are placed vertically by using a level or a plumb line.
- Connect the discharge pipe to the discharge connection.
- Bolt the cable holder to the access frame. Thread the level regulator cables
through the holes in to the cable holder and adjust the height of the level regulators.
- Protect bolts and nuts with corrosion preventive compound.
- Lower the pump along the guide bars.
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- Fasten the lifting chain (stainless steel) on the access frame and the cables on the
cable holder. Make sure that the cables can not be sucked into the inlet of the
- Support straps are required for deep installations.
- Run the cables up to the electric control box.
- Clean out debris from the sump before starting up the station.

The pump can be hoisted up along the guide bars for inspection without any connections
having to be undone.

5.4 Dry pit installation

In the Dry pit installation, the pump is installed in a

Stationary position in a dry well next to the wet
The pump has a watertight motor and will therefore
not be damaged in the event of flooding.
The pump is equipped with a cooling jacket.

fig. 5

In addition to the pump, the following items are required:

- Plate and anchor bolts for anchoring the pump to a concrete base.
- Base stand and suction connection are integrated.
- Bolt the suction cover to the concrete base by means of four grouted-in anchor
- Bolt the pump to the suction connection.
- Check that the pump is vertical.
- Connect the motor cable, suction line and discharge line.
Make sure that the weight of the pump does not bear on the system piping.

5.5 Portable installation

In the Portable installation, the pump is transportable

and intended to operate completely or partially sub-
merged in the pumped liquid.
The pump is equipped with a connection for hose or
The pump stands on a base stand.

fig. 6

WARNING! Watch for the starting jerk which can be powerful.

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5.5 Horizontal installation

In the Horizontal installation the pump is installed in

a horizontal position on a support stand and a suc-
tion pipe is connected to the inlet pipe.
The pump has a water tight motor and will therefore
not be damaged in the event of flooding.
The pump is equipped with a cooling jacket.

fig. 7

In addition to the pump the following items are required:

- Support stand for anchoring the pump to a base.
- Shut-off valves to permit the pump to be removed for service.
- Level regulators or other control equipment for start, stop and alarm.
WARNING! The risk of freezing is particularly great at certain Dry pit or Horizontal


6.1 Initial Examination
Physically inspect the pumps for any signs of transport damage, paying particular atten-
tion to bolted joints and the cable if fitted.

Confirm that the details on the name plate of the pump agree with the ordered product
paying particular attention to voltage, frequency and starting method.
Check that all accessories and spare parts are included as described in the commercial in-
voice and purchase order.

6.2 Pre-cautions
After installing the control panel and pump, connect the power supply and carry out the
following procedure:
6.2.1 Check the input voltage with a Multi-Tester. Ensure it complies with the voltage
of the product.

fig. 8
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6.2.2 Check the insulation resistance with a Mega Tester to ensure it is over 10 Meg-Ohm.
(Refer to section 7.2 WIRING CHECK).

fig. 9

6.2.3 Ensure that all cables from the pump including sensor cables have been securely
connected to the appropriate terminals in the control box.
6.2.4 Check that the Pit or Sump is clean and free from rubbish.
6.2.5 Start the pump using the following sequence of events.
- Open the gate valve.
- Set the THR and Timer. (For Star-Delta starting, set the timer to 7 – 9 seconds
and set the THR to the rated current).
- Turn on the main supply isolator in the control panel. Set the selector switch to
manual and jog the pump by momentarily starting it before fully starting.
- Check that the direction of pump rotation is anti clockwise when viewed from
above the motor fan cover, (clockwise when viewed looking at the impeller). If
rotation is in the wrong direction correct as per section 6.6.
- Start the pump and read the current variation while opening the discharge valve
slowly. Check if the current is within the rated current of the pump with the dis-
charge valve fully open.
- If the current exceeds the rated current, record the voltage and current then stop
the pump. Check the system and provide the details listed below to KEUMDUK.
(See fig. 12)
- The current and voltage during operation
- Nature and viscosity of the liquid
- Piping layout and configuration (H1,H2,H3,H4. Number and type of all
bends valves tees and fittings.
- Diameter and total length of the pipe
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fig. 10
- If the operating current is within the rated current, monitor the variation over 1 hr
of continuous operation. If it remains stable stop the pumps and set the level
switch positions to complete commissioning.

6.3 Insulation Check

This section describes how to check for correct wiring and how to identify the individual ca-
bles if the original tags have been removed during installation.

6.3.1 Insulation check of Power Cable Wiring For both DOL and SD start ensure that the insulation resistance between each
phase and earth exceeds 10 Meg-Ohm Direct On Line (D.O.L) Connect one of the three phase wires to the Earth
Link of a Mega Tester and measure the insulation resistance of the remaining
two wires. The insulation resistance should be less than 1 Meg-Ohm (see fig
11 below). If not, to avoid motor damage do not operate the pump. Star-Delta Starting Connect one of the six wires to the Earth Link of a Mega
Tester and measure the insulation resistances between the remaining five
wires and attach a phase symbol as shown below. The measured resistances
are interdependent on each of the phases being measures and only one reading
should be 0 Meg-Ohm (see fig. 11 below). If not to avoid motor damage do
not operate the pump.


fig. 11
page: 12/18 When checking pumps wired Star-Delta to D.O.L or Reactor, Follow the ta-
ble below.

U,Z (1,6)-- R
V,X (2,4)-- S
W,Y(3,5)-- T

6.3.2 Insulation check of Sensor Wiring Motor Protection Sensor
There are two wires, both white and the identification marking is TP (Ther-
mal Protection).
Connect one of the wires to a Multi Tester. The resistance measured must be
0 Ohm.
In any case, do not use Mega Tester.
If measured by Mega Tester, the sensor might be damaged and would
not operate properly. Leakage Sensor

There are two wires, both black and the

identification marking is SS (Seal Sensor).
The resistance measured with a multimeter
should be over 20 Kilo Ohm. (Do not use
Mega Tester for this test).

fig. 12 Bearing Temperature Sensor

There are two wires, both red and the iden-

tification marking is BS (Bearing Sensor).
The resistance measured with a Multi-
Tester should be between 100 Ohm-120
Ohm. Tested by Multi Tester. (Do not use
Mega Tester for this test).

fig. 13
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6.4 Control Panel wiring

6.4.1 Wiring of Inlet, Outlet and Motor Protector Direct On Line (D.O.L)

fig. 14 Star – Delta

fig. 15

6.5 Thermal Protection Wiring

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Most K-series control systems are equipped with thermal protection. There are two types
one is installed in the motor and the other in the control panel (Except for KP type).



Under When overload current flows,

In Motor Current Control 3.7 kW motor protector stops pump. Not exposed
If motor temperature rises above
In Control Thermal Control Over 100oC the device operates and 1.25 – 2.0 sq
Panel 5.5 kW disconnects the circuit in the Con- (White)
trol Panel.(for B Class Insula-

6.6 Changing the Direction of Rotation

To change the direction of rotation, interchange two of the phases in the control panel as
shown below.

6.6.1 Direct On Line.

fig. 16

6.6.2 Star-Delta

fig. 17

6.7 Level switch & general wiring

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6.7.1 Level switch & general wiring for general drainage purposes to operate one pump

fig. 18

fig. 19


7.1 Maintenance
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Since the life of the pump depends largely on the operating conditions, daily inspection and
periodic servicing are strongly recommended to guarantee maximum product lifetime.

7.1.1 Current and Voltage

Check the pump current and voltage. If the ammeter reading exceeds the rated value, or is
far lower than rated value, there is a problem with the pump. Voltage should be stable
within (plus minus) 10% of the rated value throughout the operational period.

7.1.2 Vibration
Check that the pump is operating smoothly and without vibration

7.1.3 Discharge Pressure and Flow Rate

Check the discharge pressure and flow rate (If flow meter is provided) at least once a
month. Declining performance can be indicative of the need for overhaul. Regardless of
performance the pressure and flow rate should be stable and rapidly changing output or
pressure is indicative of system problems on the suction or delivery side.

7.1.4 Insulation Resistance

Check the insulation resistance of the motor at least monthly.
If the value of the insulation resistance has declined sharply from the previous reading this
is indicative of impending insulation failure and the pump should be scheduled for service
even though the insulation resistance may still be over 10 Mega-Ohm.

7.2 Inspection
Under normal operation the pump should be removed from the pit and inspected once per
Under severe operating conditions where sand, fibrous material and solids are present this
should be done once per month.
The standard inspection procedure is summarized below.

7.2.1 Pump Removal

Loosen the bolts/nuts of the discharge piping so that the seal is broken.
Hook the lifting chain on the motor driven hoist or chain-block through the pump lifting
eye and support the load of the pump.
Remove the bolts/nuts of the discharge piping and lift the pump out of the well with the

7.2.2 Inspection Procedure Mechanical Seal
Check the resistance of mechanical seal sensor with Multi-Tester as shown over-
Do not use a Mega Tester.
This will damage the control circuit.
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fig. 20 Oil Replacement

After checking the resistance of seal sensor, replace the oil in the oil chamber.
First unscrew the oil inlet plug and tilt the pump towards the horizontal position
with the plug hole facing downwards in order to drain the oil.

If the drained oil is contaminated or opaque, this is indicative of impending me-

chanical seal failure & the mechanical seal should be replaced.

Replace the oil with fresh oil injected through inlet oil plug hole.

Recommended oil is Lubrication Oil ISO VG 32, Mobil DTE 24, Turbine Oil 90
or equivalent. Inspect Impeller and Wear Plate

Check the impeller and wear plate for excessive clearance. Replace or repair as
Recommended clearance is 0.5mm to 0.9mm.


Pumps requiring overhaul should be repaired by an authorized KEUMDUK service work

Normal overhaul includes,
7.3.1 Disassembling and cleaning of pump.
7.3.2 Inspection and overhaul of each component.
7.3.3 Electrical testing of submersible motor.
7.3.4 Replacement of worn-out/ or damage parts.
7.3.5 Reassembly.
7.3.6 Performance test and Functional test.
7.3.7 Painting and Packing
7.3.8 Renewed oil , m/seal & bearing after 3 years
7.3.9 Rewinding motor after damaged or Insulation resistance less than 20MΩ

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Pump does not 1) Power Failure 1) Contact electric power company

start or stops im- 2) Incorrect voltage. 2) “
mediately after 3) Significant voltage drop 3) “
starting. 4) Motor phase malfunction 4) Inspect motor & connections
5) Electric circuit connection fault 5) Check electric circuit
6) Faulty control circuit connec- 6) Correct wiring
tion 7) Replace with correct fuse type
7) Blown fuse 8) Replace with correct type of magnetic
8) Faulty magnetic switch switch
9) Short circuit & breaker is func- 9) Locate short circuit and repair
tioning 10) Remove foreign matter
10) Foreign matter clogging pump 11) Rewind Motor
11) Motor burnt out 12) Replace bearings
12) Damaged motor bearings

Pump starts but 1) Prolonged dry operation 1) Adjust (raise) the pump stop water level
stops after a short has activated motor pro-tection. so that
period of opera- 2) High liquid temperature the motor remains partially covered
tion has activated motor pro-tector. during operation
2) Lower liquid temperature

Does not pump 1) Reverse Rotation 1) Correct Rotation (See Operation3)

inadequate vol- 2) Significant drop in voltage 2) Contact electric power company
ume 3) Operation 60Hz pump on and devise counter measures.
50Hz 3) Check Name Plate
4) Discharge head is high 4) Recalculate and adjust
5) Large piping loss 5) Recalculate and adjust
6) Low operating water level 6) Raise water level or lower pump
causes air suction
7) Leak from discharge piping 7) Inspect, repair
8) Clogged discharge piping 8) Remove foreign matter
9) Foreign matter in suction inlet 9) Remove foreign matter
10) Foreign matter clogging pump 10) Disassemble and remove foreign matter
11) Worn out impeller 11) Replace impeller

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