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A Project Proposal for
Examination system for ASU

A Project Proposal Submitted to the Department of Computer Science of

Assosa University in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Course of
Software Engineering

Prepared By:
1. TADESE ASEFE Ru2982/13
Advisor Name Adisu E.


This is certified that the project entitled on Examination System for ASU developed and
submitted by

A Project Proposal Submitted to the Department of Computer Science of

Assosa University in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Course of
Software Engineering

Advisor Name Signature Date

Fikadu E. ____________ ___________

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A Project Proposal
Examination System For Asu

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION........................................................4
1.1.1 proposed system description......................5
2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.............................5


3.1.1 Alternative Solutions..................................6
3.1.2 proposed system description......................6
4 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT.............................6
4.1.1 General Objectives....................................7
4.1.2 specific objectives......................................7
5 PROJECT SUMMARY...............................................7
5.1.1 Motivation..................................................7
5.1.3 Project deliverables...................................8
5.1.3 Methodology..............................................8
5.1.4 Data gathering methods:...........................8
5.1.5 Development Methodology:.......................8
5.1.6 Development approach..............................8
5.1.7 Testing Metrics..........................................8
5.1.8 Development Tool......................................9
5.1.9 Scope of the Project...................................9


7.1. PROJECT SCHEDULE.........................................11
7.2. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET........................11
8. STAFFING REQUIREMENTS.................................12

6 RISK ASSESSMENT................................................12

7 FEASIBILITY STUDY...............................................13
7.1.1 Economic Feasibility...............................13
7.1.2 Technical Feasibility...............................13
7.1.3 Operational Feasibility............................13
7.1.4 Political feasibility...................................14
8 CONCLUSION..........................................................14

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Examination System For Asu


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A Project Proposal
Examination System For Asu

1 Introduction
Examination system for ASU:

19/08/2015: 27/09/2015:

Purchasing system is a method used by an organization to buy products and/or services. A

purchasing system manages the entire acquisition process, from requisition, to purchase
order, to product receipt, to payment. Purchasing systems are a key component of effective
inventory management in that they monitor existing stock and help organizations determine
what to buy, how much to buy and when to buy it.

1.1 background
Assosa University is one of the higher new public universities /institutions/ inEthiopia. It was
established in 2012 (2004 E.C.) and is situated 665 Kilometers southwest of Addis Ababa,
the capital city of Ethiopia. The university and the paper
based were stayed for eleven consecutive years from 2004 E.C up to 2015 E.C. The
university is located 5 Kilometers far from the Assosa town situated between Assosa town
and China Camp of Benishagul Gumuz Regional State. The university has seven colleges and
different departments within each college. The university provides several services to help
the students' lives better and safe. Among those cafeterias, libraries, dormitory, and clinics
are major services. The ASU online Purchasing information Management System is what we
are going to deal with in our project.

1.2 proposed system description

Our proposed project will focus on ASU purchasing system. The current purchasing system
is using the paper documentation system to request, filter or process, purchase, report and
exchange additional resources.
There are four ways of purchasing materials in ASU purchasing system. Those are

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Examination System For Asu

Direct purchasing:-this type of purchasing is conducted for materials which are not visible
when you planed that are important for teaching and learning process like chalk, duster, and
laboratory chemical and so on. They take costs up to 5,000 birr.
Proforma:-these purchasing is conducted for materials that are larger than direct purchasing
in size that does not need a tender and takes a cost of up to 200,000 birr.
Restricted tender:-conducted when the suppliers are limited. Take a cost of up to 1.5
million birr. The tender is opened for sufficient times in order to get many competitors at
national and international level.
Level-II Tender:-this is conducted when we do not know the specifications of the material
that we want to purchase and allow for different suppliers to announce their materials
specification and after this we can select the specification that we want and we can select a
supplier among themselves or another one. It is difficult and boring, and so in this project the
team will try to solve this problem by automating the system.

2 Statement of the problem

In The existing system the receiving, collections of purchasing needs and records of materials
are primarily on paper. Purchasing is very record-intensive.
The college and dean must know precisely which material of which amount of which quality
of which size was taken by precisely.
The tasks involved are generally tedious, repetitive, and lend themselves to computerization
even though the records may be complex and arranged in complicated ways.
Generally in the existing system the following main problems are exist
 reduction in sharing information and customer services that means every work is done
manually due to this the sharing of information is too low
 Costly to produce reports it takes costs for paper and other writing materials to
produce report.
 lack of security means that all information is stored on paper for this reason the paper
may damage and all the purchasing information is lost
 Duplication of data entry: purchasing request is collected from each departments
many times
 Data handling are very tedious as the data is stored on paper and difficult to search
the required purchasing information

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 Generating report is time consuming and tedious as report is generated by examining

different documents on the recorded paper for this reason it is difficult and tedious to
generate report timely to concerned body.
 Categorizing the purchasing request is difficult

3 Alternative Solutions and Proposed Solution

3.1 Alternative Solutions

The alternative solution to solving the above problem we consider different choices or
applications such as:-
 android applications
 web-based
 desktop applications
 web-based:
 From those, we are selected to develop Web-based purchasing
management system
Because web-based application: A web-based application is any program that
is accessed over a network connection using HTTP. The web-based application is
the most usable application around information retrieving and accessing the area.
It allows the user to access or retrieve the information, which is permitted to the
user. Users can easily access the application from any computer connected to the
Internet using a standard browser.

3.2 proposed system description

During investigation, the team found the web based purchasing information management
system that delivers the following solutions such as increasing accuracy, reducing the rate of
increase in costs in labor-intensive activities, increased effectiveness, and permits
decentralized access to records. In addition to this, Offices and suppliers can see the status of
an order without change/amend files and without travelling to the order department to
interrupt their work in order to find out and check to see whether a request/material is ready,

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departments and colleges can request their purchasing needs online without travelling to the
order department offices.

4 Objectives of the project

4.1 General objectives

 The general objective of the project is to design web based purchasing information
management system in Assosa university

4.2 specific objectives

The specific objectives of the project are the following:

 To develop a system that enables to control and manage purchasing request

 To develop a system that enables authorized user to view purchasing status
 To develop easy and descriptive user interfaces to register purchasing request

 To develop a system that enables automatic report generation

 To be able to generate a report easily and timely to concerned body
 To develop a secured system
 To develop a system that enables only authorized user can add and modify
purchasing request with detail specification
 To develop a system that enables to collect purchasing needs online with their
detail specification.
 To develop a system which distribute items for departments and colleges?
 To develop a system that enables register and modify market details online.

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Examination System For Asu

5 Project Summary

5.1 Motivation
The main morally idea to develop the new system that based purchasing information
management system for Assosa University is as the whole process of the world activity is
based on the electronics part to:
 reduce the time cost
 to develop our system based on online web-based System to minimize the

5.2 Project deliverables

The deliverable of this project is Project Proposal, Software Requirements Specification,
Software Design Description, Software Product/App, User Manual (which dictates users step
by step in performing various operations in the system), a Programmer Manual that helps
system maintainers in understanding how the software works so that is required modification
can be done) and Training Program (training for end-users)
web based student examination management system for Assosa university

5.3 Methodology

5.3.1 Data gathering methods:

In order to gather the information required for the project, we have used
different methods to collect data. Including:-

 Interviews
 Observation
 Document analysis
 These are among the different methods of collecting the data and
information required for the system.

 Interviews

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Examination System For Asu

This is one of the methods used for the collection of data which is mostly used
method. We have used interview method to gather direct information from users
and administrators. We have the chance of asking different questions to the
organization‘s employee as well as chairman of the administrating committee for
obtaining the required information and data. We have collected enough
information and we could make another appointment if we want additional
information concerning the existing system.

 Observation
This is another type of method for collecting data and information in which we
have witnessed the actual events which is happening in the organization. In this
method all we have to do is observing and note down the events that we
observed, so here we have observed some events like, employees are keeping
customer file manually, the dissatisfaction of clients by the service, calculation
errors, the time taken to search clients file, takes large space for storing the files,
and lack of data security are some of them.

 Document analysis
This method of collecting a data is analyzing the document prepared and stored
in the current system. We will analyze different documents like forms
(registration forms, loan request forms and the like) and report samples in the
existing system. We will try to identify the problems of the existing system and
develop the new system standing from what we have analyzed from the
Document about activities and functions performed by the organization.

5.3.2 Development Methodology

There are two types of development methodology such as traditional
development methodology and object-oriented development methodology.
However, we will have selected object-oriented development methodology
because it has the following advantages.

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Examination System For Asu

 Flexible: It is flexible to communication among the user, analysts,

designer and programmers.

 Reusable: it is easy to reuse for analyses and design.

 Simplicity: software objects model real-world objects, so the complexity
is reduced and the program structure is very clear.

 Modifiability: it is easy to make changes in the data representation or

the procedures in an object-oriented program.
 Extensibility: adding new features or responding to changing operating
environments can be solved by introducing a few new objects and
modifying some existing ones.

 Maintainability: objects can be maintained separately, making locating

and fixing problems easier.

In our project, we will use Object-Oriented System Analysis and Development

methodology (OOSAD) [3]. The development approach is categorized into three

 Object-Oriented Analysis: During this phase, we will use to model the

functions of the system or use case modeling, find and identify the
business objects, organize the objects and identify the relationship
between them and finally model the behavior of the object [4].
 Object-Oriented Design: during this phase, we will use to refine the use
case model to reflect the implementation environment, model object
interactions and behaviors that support the use case scenario, and finally
update the object model [4].
 Object-Oriented Implementation: during this phase, the design is
implemented using object-oriented languages. We will use frontend like
PHP platform, HTML, JavaScript bootstrap and the database will be

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Examination System For Asu

5.3.3 Development Approach

A software development approach helps us to structure, plan and control the

process of software development. There is different software development
approach such as the Waterfall model, Iterative model, Spiral model, V-model,
and agile model. From these software development approach systems, we select
the Iterative Model Development Approach.

The iterative software development methodology is one of the simplest and

most effective processes to turn a vision for a business need into software
solutions. And used to re-correct the mistake at each iteration easily and simply
because this model used to:-

1. Testing and debugging during smaller iterations is easy.

1. Parallel development can plan.
2. It is easily acceptable to the ever-changing needs of the project.
3. Risks are identified and resolved during iteration.
4. Limited time spent on documentation and extra time on designing.

Figure 1: Iterative development approach

5.3.4 Development Tool

 Provide the minimum requirement of hardware specification used to develop the new

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Examination System For Asu

Hardware specification

Specification Client computer

Ram size 4GB
Processor/CPUspeed 2.5Mhz

Hard disk size 400GB

 Provide the minimum requirement of hardware specification used to develop the new
Software specification
Software version function
Microsoft 15.0.4420.1019 to write the entire
office 2016 document
Web 8.2 for writing code
Notepad 7.5.1 write in
EDraw 7.8 for designing
max UML diagram for
the project

5.4 Scope of the Project

5.4.1 In Scope
The scope of the project includes the development and implementation of a comprehensive
purchasing management system for the university. This entails digitizing procurement
processes, integrating approval workflows, vendor management, and financial tracking
within a centralized platform. The project's focus remains on enhancing operational
efficiency, promoting fiscal responsibility, and ensuring adherence to regulatory standards
relevant to the university's procurement activities

5.4.2 Out Scope

Out scopes of our project:-
 Infrastructure Overhaul: Large-scale infrastructure upgrades unrelated to the
implementation of the purchasing management system are considered out of scope.
 Non-Financial Systems Integration: Integrating systems unrelated to financial and
procurement operations, such as student record-keeping or library management, are beyond
the project's focus.

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6 Expected Benefits and Beneficiaries

Here put the significance of the project as follows.

How the Project Benefits:

Benefits Stakeholder 1 Stakeholder 2 Stakeholder 3 …..
1. Save time  University  End-Users  Administrative
Leadership :- and Staff : -
Access to Requestors Efficiencies in
accurate :- Intuitive requisition
purchasing data interfaces, management,
and streamline order tracking,
comprehensive d and contract
reporting aids requisition management
top leadership ing, and empower
in making faster administrative
strategic approvals staff with
decisions, benefit optimized
improving the end-users, workflows and
institution's making the reduced
financial procureme administrative
sustainability nt process burdens.
and resource easier and
allocation. more user-

7 Project Schedule and Preliminary Budget

7.1 Project Schedule

Phase part of project begin date end date duration
to be covered of time

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Examination System For Asu

Phase1 requirement 2day

gathering from 10/04/2016 12/04/2016
Phase2 system 6day
requirement 20/04/2016 26/04/2016

Phase3 software 26/04/2016 3/05/2016 5day

Phase4 detailed 5/05/2016 16day
design 3/05/2016
Phase5 implementatio 23/09/2016
n 16/09/2016 7day
Phase6 unit testing 27/09/2016
and system 24/09/2016 3day

7.2 Preliminary Project Budget

Estimated project related costs for various spending categories.

Description Quantity Per Unit Total Cost
Hard desk computer setup 1 Cost
20,000 20,000
Paper and pen and others

Total Infrastructure
Description Quantity Per Unit Total Cost
Notepad 1 Cost free free
Microsoft office 2016 1 free free
EDraw max 1 free free

8 Staffing Requirements

8.1 Core Project Team Roster

Role Qty Required Skills Name / Name /

Position of Position of

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A Project Proposal
Examination System For Asu

First Alternate
Choice(s) Choice(s)
1. Ru2982/13 2 Writing document Tadese asefe Abay saboka
2. Ru4202/13
3. Ru2982/13 2 Data gathering Mulugeta tesfa Hana ahmed
4. Ru2982/13
5. Ru2982/13 2 Implementation Tadese asefe Robera
6. Ru2982/13 getachew
7. Ru/ 2 Design Tadese asefe Nesiru ahmed

8.2 Supporting Subject Matter Experts

Name / Name /
Position of Position of Time
Qt Knowledge First Alternate Allocated
Role y Area / Expertise Choice(s) Choice(s) to Project

9 Risk Assessment

Potential Problem Preventive Actions Contingency Actions

1. Window failure Store file in flash as a Repairing the window to
backup restore the file
formatting only the disk
containing the operating
2. Virus attack Using lieerased antivirus Fixing or moving the
infected file
3. Hard disk damage Keeping hard desk safety Changing the hard desk
4. Project theft Using folder lock and Report to the coordinator
storing password and containing to do the
project from the flash
5. Deliberate computer Keeping the computer Reporting to the concerned
theft where it can not be stolen body and attempt to get the
taking care of any part of computer again if possible
the computer or buying a new computer

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Examination System For Asu

10 Feasibility Study

10.1 Economic Feasibility

Besides being technically feasible, developing this system is economically feasible as well.
The development of the system does not require the developers to spend a lot of money. The
tools I will be using to develop the system are not expensive and the software’s are open
source. All I need is time. Even the maintenance of the system will not be expensive. The
system is indeed economically feasible.

10.2 Technical Feasibility

The proposed system is technically feasible. Because it can generate outputs in a given time,
response time is minimum, easy to communicate and generally, it satisfies the end-users
Building this system is technically feasible. The hardware and software needed are all
available, it not difficult to get them. Brief I can say the necessary resources needed for the
development and maintenance of the system are available. I am going to use java
programming languages and database.

10.3 Operational Feasibility

The project I am developing is operationally feasible as there is no need for users to have
good knowledge in computer before using it. The user can learn and use the system with
easiness; he just needs to read the manual or tutorial from the developers

10.4 Political feasibility

The system to be developed does not conflict with any government
directives, because its purpose is only to provide services for the citizens effectively and

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Examination System For Asu

efficiently, all the stakeholders will be also agreed before the development of the project is
began. Therefore, the system politically feasible

11 Conclusion
With the completion of this project I conclude that it has achieved its purpose. The whole
project provides a base for students to take their exam using software and allow lecturers to
add questions and answers into the system. The system is developed using Java programming
language and data are saved in the database. Online examination system for introduction to
management course is the best compared to paper-based exam. The automated system helps
students and lecturers to save time and makes the process faster. It saves space since answers
papers will not be used. With a user friendly system that has security, integrity and the
database is neither inconsistent nor redundant.

"Designing and Developing Online Courseware: How to Create an Online Examination
System" by William Horton.
E-Learning and Online Assessment: A Comprehensive Guide" by Graham J. Gibbs and
Claire Simpson

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Examination System For Asu

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