Lecture 3

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Diode Rectifier Circuits

Lecture Five - Page 1 of 10

Diode Rectifier Circuits

Basic Definition:
A diode circuit that converts an ac voltage to a pulsating dc voltage and permits current
to flow in one direction only is called "rectifier" and the ac-to-dc conversion process is
termed "rectification".

Half-Wave Rectifier (HWR):

N1 N2 D
+ + _ i +
+ VT
vi V1 V2 VP RL vo
_ _ _

vi = V1 V2 vo
2π 2π
0 π ωt 0 π ωt 0 π 2π
n= 2 = 2 fo = fi = 1/ T
N1 V1
Fig. 5-1

For the half-wave rectifier circuit of Fig. 5-1:

W The average (dc) value of a half-wave rectified sine-wave voltage (Vdc) is

T π
1 1 V
Vdc = ∫ vo (ωt ) ⋅ dωt = ∫ VPR Sinωt ⋅ dωt = PR
T0 2π 0 π
For VP close to VT,
Vdc = 0.318(VP − VT ) [5.1a]
For VP >> VT,
Vdc = 0.318VP [5.1b]

W The root mean square (rms) value of the load voltage (Vrms) is
T π
1 2 1 2 2 VPR
T ∫0 2π ∫0
Vrms = vo (ωt ) ⋅ dωt = V PR Sin ω t ⋅ d ωt =
For VP close to VT,
Vrms = 0.5(VP − VT ) [5.2a]
For VP >> VT,
Vrms = 0.5VP [5.2b]
Diode Rectifier Circuits
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W The rms value of the ac component (or the ripple voltage) of the rectified signal
[Vr(rms)] is
Vr (rms ) = Vrms − Vdc2 = (0.5VPR ) 2 − (0.318VPR ) 2 = 0.385VPR
For VP close to VT,
Vr (rms) = 0.385(VP − VT ) [5.3a]
For VP >> VT,
Vr (rms ) = 0.385VP [5.3b]

W The percent ripple (r) in the rectified waveform (also called the ripple factor) is
V (rms) 0.385VPR
r= r × 100% = × 100% = 121%
Vdc 0.318VPR

W Efficiency (η) = [ Pdc(load) / Ptotal(circuit) ] × 100%

I dc RL (0.318 I P ) 2 RL 40.5
η= 2 × 100% = 2
× 100% = %
I rms (rd + RL ) (0.5I P ) (rd + RL ) 1 + rd / RL
For ideal diode (rd = 0 Ω), η = ηmax = 40.5 %

W The peak inverse voltage (PIV) of the diode is

PIV = VP [5.4]

W The frequency of the output rectified signal (fo) is

fo = fi [5.5]

Full-Wave Rectifiers (FWRs):

1. A Bridge Full-Wave Rectifier:

N1 N2 + (-)
+ (-) D4
+ D1
i1 i
vi V1 V2 VP
(i2) +
_ - (+) D2 D3 R L vo
- (+)
vi = V1 V2 vo
2π 2π
0 π ωt 0 π ωt 0 π 2π
N V fo = 2 fi
n= 2 = 2
N1 V1 i = i1 + i2
Fig. 5-2
Diode Rectifier Circuits
Lecture Five - Page 3 of 10

For the bridge full-wave rectifier circuit of Fig. 5-2:

1 2VPR
π ∫ PR
W Vdc = V Sinωt ⋅ dωt =
For VP close to 2VT,
Vdc = 0.636(VP − 2VT ) [5.6a]
For VP >> 2VT,
Vdc = 0.636VP [5.6b]

1 2 2 VPR
W Vrms =
π ∫ VPR Sin ωt ⋅ dωt = 2
For VP close to 2VT,
Vrms = 0.707(VP − 2VT ) [5.7a]
For VP >> 2VT,
Vrms = 0.707VP [5.7b]

W Vr (rms ) = Vrms − Vdc2 = (0.707VPR ) 2 − (0.636VPR ) 2 = 0.308VPR
For VP close to 2VT,
Vr (rms) = 0.308(VP − 2VT ) [5.8a]
For VP >> 2VT,
Vr (rms) = 0.308VP [5.8b]

Vr (rms ) 0.308VPR
W r= × 100% = × 100% = 48.4%
Vdc 0.636VPR

I dc RL (0.636 I P ) 2 RL 81
W η= 2 × 100% = × 100% = %
I rms (2rd + RL ) (0.707 I P ) 2 (2rd + RL ) 1 + 2rd / RL
For ideal diode (rd = 0 Ω), η = ηmax = 81 %

W PIV = VP − 2VT [5.9]

W fo = 2 fi [5.10]
Diode Rectifier Circuits
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2. A Center-Tapped (CT) Full-Wave Rectifier:

N1 N2 D1
+ (-)
+ V2 VP i1 i
- (+)
vi V1 + (-) +
_ V2 VP (i2) RL vo
- (+) _
N2 D2
vi = V1 V2 vo
2π 2π
0 π ωt 0 π ωt 0 π 2π
N V fo = 2 fi
n= 2 = 2
N1 V1 i = i1 + i2
Fig. 5-3

For the center-tapped full-wave rectifier circuit of Fig. 5-3:

1 2VPR
π ∫ PR
W Vdc = V Sinωt ⋅ dωt =
For VP close to VT,
Vdc = 0.636(VP − VT ) [5.11a]
For VP >> VT,
Vdc = 0.636VP [5.11b]

1 2 2 VPR
W Vrms =
π ∫ VPR Sin ωt ⋅ dωt = 2
For VP close to VT,
Vrms = 0.707(VP − VT ) [5.12a]
For VP >> VT,
Vrms = 0.707VP [5.12b]

W Vr (rms ) = Vrms − Vdc2 = (0.707VPR ) 2 − (0.636VPR ) 2 = 0.308VPR
For VP close to VT,
Vr (rms) = 0.308(VP − VT ) [5.13a]
For VP >> VT,
Vr (rms) = 0.308VP [5.13b]
Diode Rectifier Circuits
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Vr (rms ) 0.308VPR
W r= × 100% = × 100% = 48.4%
Vdc 0.636VPR

I dc RL (0.636 I P ) 2 RL 81
W η= 2
× 100% = × 100% = %
I rms (rd + RL ) (0.707 I P ) 2 (rd + RL ) 1 + rd / RL
For ideal diode (rd = 0 Ω), η = ηmax = 81 %

W PIV = 2VP − VT [5.14]

W fo = 2 fi [5.15]


Different parameters for the HWR and FWR circuits are listed in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1

Parameter HWR
Bridge CT

Vdc 0.318VPR 0.636VPR
Vrms 0.5VPR 0.707VPR
Vr 0.385VPR 0.308VPR
r 121% 48.4%
ηmax 40.5% 81%
fo fi 2fi
Diode Rectifier Circuits
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Example 5-1:

The input voltage to a full-wave rectifier employing a center-tapped step-down

transformer and two silicon diodes is 220 V rms, and the transformer has turns ratio
n = 0.125. Draw the rectifier circuit diagram when it is connected to a 100 Ω load,
and find
1. the average value of the voltage across the load.
2. the average power dissipated by the load, and
3. the minimum PIV rating required for each diode.


The rectifier circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 5-4.

1. VP = 2vi n = 2 ∗ 220 ∗ 0.125 = 38.9V .

Vdc = 0.636(VP − VT ) = 0.636(38.9 − 0.7 ) = 24.3V .

2. Vrms = 0.707(VP − VT ) = 0.707(38.9 − 0.7 ) = 27.0V .

Pav =
(27.0 )
= 7.3W .
RL 100

3. PIV ≥ (2VP − VT ) = (2 ∗ 38.9 − 0.7 ) = 77.1V .

n = 0.125 D1

+ +
V_P Si
vi = 220V
_ V_P D2 RL 100Ω

Fig. 5-4
Diode Rectifier Circuits
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Capacitor Filters:

A low-pass filter is connected across the output of a rectifier to suppress the ac

components and to pass the dc component. A rudimentary low-pass filter used in power
supplies consists simply of a capacitor (C) connected across the rectifier output, that is,
in parallel with the load (RL), as illustrated in Fig. 5-5.

Vo = VC
D Charging Discharging
+ + Vr ( pp )
vi RL C Vo
_ _

Half-wave rectifier with capacitor filter

Vo = VC
+ Vr ( pp )
vi VPR
D2 _
T t

Full-wave rectifier with capacitor filter

Fig. 5-5

W During the positive first quarter-cycle of the input, the diode is forward-biased
(when Vi > VC), allowing the capacitor to charge quickly to within a diode drop of
the input peak (VPR).
W When the input begins to decrease below its peak, the capacitor retain its charge
and the diode becomes reverse-biased (when VC > Vi).
W During the remaining part of the cycle, capacitor C can discharge slowly only
through load resistance RL at a rate determine by RLC time constant (τ).
W The voltage fluctuation in the filtered waveforms is called the peak-to-peak ripple
voltage [Vr(pp)]. In general, Vr(pp) in FWR is smaller than it is in HWR for same
RL and C values (see Fig. 5-5).
Diode Rectifier Circuits
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Ripple of a Capacitor Filter:

We will now derive an expression for the ripple in the output of a rectifier having a
capacitor filter (C) and load resistance (RL). The derivation that follows is applicable to
both HWR and FWR. We can assume that the ripple voltage in a lightly loaded filter
(RLC time constant (τ) is large) is a sawtooth wave as illustrated in Fig. 5-6.

Vo = VC
Vr ( pp)

Vdc Vr ( pp)

Fig. 5-6

This approximation is equivalent to assuming that the capacitor charges instantaneously

and that its voltage decays linearly, instead of exponentially. Assuming that the voltage
decays linearly is equivalent to assuming that the discharge current (I) is constant and
equal to I = Vdc / RL where Vdc is the dc value of the filtered waveform. The total
charge in capacitor voltage is Vr(pp) volts, and this charge occurs over the period of
time T. Therefore, since ΔQ = I .Δt ,
ΔQ (Vdc / RL )T
Vr ( pp ) = =
Since T=1/fr, where fr is the frequency of the fundamental component of the ripple,
that is, f r = f o = f i for HWR and f r = f o = 2 f i for FWR. So that

Vr ( pp ) = [5.16]
f r RL C
Vdc = Vr ( pp) ⋅ f r RL C [5.17]

From Fig. 5-6, it is apparent that

V ( pp )
Vdc = VPR − r
Subsuming from Eq. [5.16], we obtain
Vdc = VPR −
2 f r RL C
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Solving for Vdc, we obtain an expression for the dc voltage (Vdc) in terms of the peak
rectifier voltage (VPR):

Vdc = [5.18]
2 f r RL C

The rms value of a sawtooth waveform having peak-to-peak value Vr(pp) is known to
V ( pp)
Vr (rms) = r [5.19]
2 3

Therefore, from Eqs. [5.17] and [5.19], the percent ripple is

Vr (rms) V ( pp ) /(2 3 )
r= × 100% = r × 100%
Vdc Vr ( pp) f r RL C

r= × 100% [5.20]
2 3 f r RL C

Equation [5.20] confirms our analysis of the capacitor filter: a large RLC time
constant (τ) results in a small ripple voltage, and vice versa. The light-load assumption
on which our derivation is based is generally valid for percent ripple (r) less than 6.5%.
From a design standpoint, the values of fr and RL, are usually fixed, and the designer's
task is to select a value of C that keeps the ripple below a prescribed value.

Example 5-2:

A full-wave rectifier is operated from a 50 Hz line and has a filter capacitor connected
across its output. What minimum value of capacitance is required if the load is 1.2 kΩ
and the ripple must be no greater than 2.4%?

r= × 100%
2 3 f r RL C
0.024 = =>
2 3 ∗ 2 ∗ 50 ∗1.2 ∗10 3 ∗ C

C ≥ 100 μF .
Diode Rectifier Circuits
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1. A full-wave bridge rectifier isolated from the 220 V rms power line by a transformer.
Assuming the diode voltage drops are 0.7 V.
i. What turns ratio should the transformer have in order to produce an average
current of 1 A in a 10 Ω load?
ii. What is the average current in each diode under the conditions of (i)?
iii. What minimum PIV rating should each diode have?
iv. How much power is dissipated by each diode?

2. A full-wave bridge rectifier is operated from a 50 Hz, 220 V rms line. It has a 100 μF
filter capacitor and a 2 k Ω load. Neglect diode voltage drops.
i. What is the percent ripple?
ii. What is the average current in the load?

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