Q3 Module2 PE GIYA Tinikling

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Detailed Lesson SCHOOL Level:

Plan Teacher: ALEJANDRO C. BARIS, JR. Learning PE
Teaching Quarter: 4-Week 1

A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of participation and
assessment of physical activity and physical fitness
B. Performance Standards Participates and assesses performance in physical activities.
C. Learning Competencies Executes the different skills involved in the dance
Display joy of effort, respect for others during participation in
physical activities
II. CONTENT Lesson 2: Tinikling: Historical Background, Costume, and
Dance Props
Lesson 3: Tinikling Dance Steps
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Integration ICT, Health and Mathematics
4. Material Power Point Presentation, Rubrics and Speakers
B. Other Learning Resources SLMs Quarter 3 Module 2
A. Reviewing past lesson or Introduction:
presenting the new lesson Hello everyone!
How are you today?
I am Teacher Alejandro your MAPEH Maestro

(Setting of Standards and reminders for the health protocols)

Our lesson for today in Physical Education 6 Quarter 3 Module 2

is another folk dance. The “Tinikling DANCE”.
So, let’s get started.

At the end of the lesson you are expected to:
* Executes the different skills involved in the dance
* Display joy of effort, respect for others during participation in
physical activities

Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. pounding – beating
b. pounders – beaters
c. endurance – strength
d. sprightliness – quickness
e. nimbly – quickly
f. pestles – pounders
g. leaping - jumping

Try to recall the activities, insights and reflections that you have
learn from our past lesson.

Direction: Write YES on the blank if it is a prominent/projection

dance step of “Itik-Itik” dance and write NO it not.
1. ________Flapping of the arms
2. ________Cross step, slide close, slide close step
3. ________Clapping
4. ________Arms extension and flexion
5. ________Quick tapping
You have one minute to answer on your notebook.
(Check after answering)

Before we begin our topic this morning. Let us try first this
activity. To assess what you know about the Tinikling Dance in
the Philippine Folk Dance.
(The teacher will the pupils individually)
B. Establishing a purpose of the new Are you familiar with the following dances?
lesson ( Motivation) Have you ever danced? Look at the pictures and say the names
of the familiar Philippine folk dances below.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of What is dance?

the new lesson Dance is an activity where you move your body in time
with the music. Dancing is a part of human expression. People
dance to celebrate, recreate, compete, perform, rituals and enjoy.
Some dance to stay fit. You, as a yong person, have all the
qualities to be involved in dance. You should know what dancing
can do to you. Dance, as a physical activity, gives benefits to
young people like you.

What other benefits do we get from dancing?

Dancing should be one of your physical activities, even at
your age. When you dance your:
*Immune system becomes stronger.
*Bones and muscles are strengthened.
*Joints become more flexible.
*Entire body is toned.
*Balance and posture improve.
*Stamina and flexibility increase.
*Confidence is developed.
*Social life may improve.

Let’s Dig in
Are you ready to know the historical background, costumes and
dance props of Tinikling?

Let’s discuss a little background of the dance “Tinikling” is the

national dance of the Philippines and is a traditional folk dance
which originates from the Spanish colonial era. It is one of the
oldest dances from the Philippines, and originated in the islands
of Leyte in the Visayas. However, it is appeal has spread
worldwide, and it is generally included in the folk dance
curricula in the schools of many contries.

In Leyte, where this dance originated, the tinikling used to be

performed between two long pestles. It is a dance imitating the
movements of Tinikling birds as they play and chase each other.
Hence, it is named after the bird, Tikling.

During the harvest season, especially at the time of pounding,

this dance is usually performed by a man and a woman while the
pounders are resting. They dance to the music of singers and
guitar. The dancers show their skill, endurance, sprightliness,
and grace by nimbly hopping and leaping between the pestles
that are clapped in time to the music. There is much fun and
teasing if the dancers’ feet are caught by the pestles.
“Tinikling Ha Bayo is an older version of Tinikling dance. The
old people claim this version is more difficult to perform that the
Tinikling dance between two bamboo poles.

Tinikling Costume: Girls wears Patadyong, Kimona and

Pañuelo over one shoulder. Boys wears barong tagalog, red
trousers (slacks) with one leg rolled up.
Equipment: Two wooden pestles about six feet long and two
pieces of board, two feet long. Two inches wide, and three inches
thick. Two pieces of bamboo about two feet long split into halves
may be used instead of boards.
D. Discussing new concepts and Guided Practice:
practicing new skills no. 1
To witness how Tinikling is being performed, here’s a video you
need to watch.
(The teacher will show the video)

Skills involved in the dance are:
Now that you are already know the nature of Tinikling, it’s time
to learn the basic dance steps include in the dance.

HOP – A spring one foot landing from the same foot in place or
in any direction. The other foot may be raised in any direction (in
front, in rear, sideward, or across)
LEAP – A spring from one foot landing on the other foot in any
direction (forward, sideward backward, or oblique (slant)
PLACE – To put foot in a certain or desired position without
putting weight on it. The sole of the footrests on the floor.
Waltz - Step R (L) foot, close L (R) foot to right, step R (L) in
Tap - To rap slightly with the ball or toe of the free foot, flexing
the ankle joint keeping weight of the body on the other foot.
There’s no change or transfer of weight.
Kuradang - Step R (L) foot obliquely forward (ct. 1) , close L
(R) foot to right (ct. and) , step R (L) obliquely forward (ct. 2),
step L (R) across the R (L) in front (ct. 3); Step R (L) foot
obliquely backward (ct. 1) , close L (R) foot to right (ct. and) ,
step R (L) obliquely backward (ct. 2), point L (R) in front (ct. 3).
E. Discussing new concepts and What I Know:
practicing new skills no. 2 (The teacher will called 1 pupil to identify the dance step being
described. And let the pupils perform the identified step)

1. Hop
2. Leap
3. Kuradang
4. Waltz
5. Place
6. Tap
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
Formative Assessment)
Before you proceed in performing physical activities, answer the
physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q) first to
determine if you are fit to perform moderate exercises and
G. Finding Practical Application of After answering the PAR-Q Form, read the following
concepts and skills in daily living. safety precautions in dancing and do the suggested warm – up
exercises for you to prevent injury and muscle pain.

Safety Precautions in Dancing:

 Wear proper dance attire.

 Make sure you are in a spacious area without barriers.
 Warm up thoroughly before you start dancing and include
stretches. This is important in preparing the body for
 If you have a pre-existing problem or injury especially to
the foot, ankle or lower back, consult your teacher or
doctor, if you have, before starting.
 Drink enough amount of water before, during and after
 Don’t push yourself too far or too fast, especially if you
are a beginner.
 Concentrate on correct posture and your dance technique.
The way a dancer connects one movement to another
must be technically correct so as not to twist the body
incorrectly or strain a muscle.
 Make sure you take sufficient rest between dance
sessions, especially if you are new to dancing or are not
very fit. This will help minimize muscle soreness or
 Cool down after a dance session and stretch again.

Stretching Before Dancing

Dancing can be fun if done properly. Before you proceed,

execute the following warm-up exercises for 8 counts

1. Neck Bending 2. Forearm Stretch

3. Triceps Stretch 4. Wrist Circling

H. Making Generalization and What is “Tinikling Dance”?
abstraction about the lesson What are the skills involved in Tinikling Dance?

In Leyte, where this dance originated, the tinikling used to be
performed between two long pestles. It is a dance imitating the
movements of Tinikling birds as they play and chase each other.
Hence, it is named after the bird, Tikling.
I. Evaluating learning Do It Yourself
Perform the basic dance steps of Tinikling.
(The whole class will perform as part of the evaluation)
A spring from one foot landing from the same foot
in place or in any direction. The other foot may be
raised in any direction (in front, in rear, sideward,
or across).
A spring from one foot landing on the other foot in
any direction (forward, sideward, backward, or
To put your foot in a certain or desired position
without putting weight on it. The sole of the foot
rests on the floor.
Step R (L) foot, close L (R) foot right, step R (L) in
To rap slightly with the ball or toe of the free foot,
flexing the ankle joint keeping weight of the body
on the other foot. There’s no change or transfer of

Step R (L) foot obliquely forward (ct. 1) , close L

(R) foot to right (ct. and) , step R (L) obliquely
forward (ct. 2), step L (R) across the R (L) in
front (ct. 3); Step R (L) foot obliquely backward
(ct. 1) , close L (R) foot to right (ct. and) , step R
(L) obliquely backward (ct. 2), point L (R) in
front (ct. 3).

Dance Self-Assessment
Directions: Evaluate your dance performance by putting a
check (√) on the statement below applicable to
your dance execution and experience.
(Rubrics on performing the Tinikling Dance)

Criteria Proficient Approaching Developing

10points Proficiency 4points
Dance Can clearly Can follow Can follow
Sequence perform the portions of the a little
correct dance. portion of
dance the dance.
Confidence Can Can execute Can
execute the the dance in execute the
dance in time with the dance in
time with beat time with
the beat all sometimes. the beat.
Grace and Can Can execute Can
Poise execute the the dance with execute the
dance with grace and dance with
grace and poise grace and
poise all sometimes. poise.
J. Additional activities for
application and remediation. ACVTIVITY 2

Dance Video Performance

 Perform the Tinikling dance steps and record your
dance performance through video.
 You may edit your performance using any video
 Use the suggested Tinikling music as your dance
accompaniment in performing.
 You are encouraged to wear the prescribed
costume for girls and boys when dancing.
 Submit your output to the teacher.

Dance Video Performance Criteria:

Mastery and Execution 10
Visual Appeal/Impact 10
Creativity 5
Costume and Props 5

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my Teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solved?
G.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared & Demonstrated by:

______ ALEJANDRO C. BARIS, JR._______

Observed & Noted by:

________FE B. BARIS______
School Head

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