Physical Ed Paper

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Class: XI


Time: 03 Hours Final Feb. - March- 2024 Maximum Marks: 70

General instructions:
● The questions paper consists of 5 sections and 37 questions.
● Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All
questions are compulsory.
● Section B consists of questions 19-24 carrying 2 marks each and are very short answer types
and should not exceed 60-90 words. Attempt any 5.
● Section C consists of questions 25-30 carrying 3 marks each and are short answer types and
should not exceed 100-150 words. Attempt any 5.
● Section D consists of questions 31-33 carrying 4 marks each and are case studies. There are
internal choices available.
● Section E consists of questions 34-37 carrying 5 marks each and are long answer types and
should not exceed 200-300 words. Attempt any 3.
Section A
1) When was the fit India movement launched and by whom?
a) 29 August 2019, Prime Minister of India
b) 15 August 2019, Sports Minister of India
c) 29 August 2019, Sports Minister of India
d) 15 August 2019, Prime Minister of India
2) RFID Chip are used for
a) Tracking
b) Doping
c) Biochemical analysis
d) Diagnostic testing
3) Who banned the ancient Olympic games and when ?
a) King Hercules-394 B.C
b) King Theodosius-394 A.D
c) King Koroibos-394 A.D
d) King Sebastian-394 B.C
4) There are _____ National Olympic Committees around the world?
a) 201
b) 195
c) 198
d) 206
5) _______ teaches us to live with minimum things which are enough to sustain life.
a) Satya
b) Asteya
c) Aparigraha
d) Ahimsa
6) Identify the Pranayam in which nostrils are alternatively used in reverse order for each
inhalation and exhalation.
a) Ujjayi pranayam
b) Anulom-Vilom
c) Surya Bhedi pranayam
d) Chandra bhedi pranayam
7) Self care skills for daily routine work are trained by ______ professional with CWSN.
a) Physiotherapist
b) Occupational therapist
c) Special Educator
d) Physical Education teacher
8) Analyze the option given below and select the correct pair.
a) Flexibility - Exert force in a single muscle contraction
b) Muscular strength - Amount of fat, muscle, bone
c) Body composition - Range of movement
d) cardiovascular endurance - sustain an activity
9) Calculate the BMI of a male whose height is 1.60 m and weight is 64 kg:
a) 24
b) 24.5
c) 25
d) 25.5
10) Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List - I List - II
(i) Mallakhamb 1 Continuous chanting of a specific word.
(ii) Kalaripayattu 2 Martial Art
(iii) Kabaddi 3 Board game.
(iv) Ludo 4 Gymnast pole.

i ii iii iv
a) 2 3 1 4
b) 3 2 1 4
c) 2 3 4 1
d) 4 2 1 3

11) Rama performs partial curl ups for assessing her abdominal strength. Partial curls up is
an example of
a) Evaluation
b) Skill test
c) Test
d) Measurement
12) Which of the following is NOT a long bone?
a) Radius
b) Carpal
c) Humerus
d) Femur
13) _______ deals with forces that cause motion.
a) Kinetics
b) kinematics
c) Circumduction
d) Anatomy
14) Which among the following warming up prepares the mental attitude towards the
practice or competition?
a) Physiological Warming Up
b) Specific Warming up
c) Psychological Warming up
d) General Warming up
15) Identify the plane from the given picture.

a) Sagittal Plane
b) Frontal Plane
c) Transverse Plane
d) Vertical Plane

16)Identify the skill which takes place in a stable, predictable environment and where the
performer clearly knows what to do and when to do.
a) Discrete skill
b) Closed skill
c) Gross skill
d) Serial skill
17) ______ cohesion is when members of a group work together to achieve common team
a) Task Cohesion
b) Social Cohesion
c) Group Cohesion
d) Occupational Cohesion
18) Psychological attribute that refers to an individual’s ability to cope with adversity, stress
and uncertainty is known as:
a) Attention
b) Resilience
c) Mental toughness
d) Stress Management
Section B
19) Analysis “Sports for Peace and development component” under Khelo India program.
20) Write a short note on Pursuit of excellence as a core Olympic value.
21) Highlight the points to be considered for creating leaders through physical education.
22) Enlist the bones of axial skeletal.
23) Differentiate between abduction and adduction movements.
24) Discuss the problems of adolescents.
Section C
25) The new Olympic motto, its flag, and the Olympic creed all convey specific messages
about the Olympic movement. Elaborate them in detail.
26) Enumerate the key distinctions between a test, a measurement and an evaluation.
27) Describe flexibility. Discuss the process of the test performed to determine flexibility.
28) Synovial joints can be categorized based on how they move. Justify your assertion.
29) Explain any three types of bones according to their shape and formation.
30) Write a short note on:
a) Skill
b) Technique
c) Tactics .
Section D
31) Neeraj Chopra’s remarkable journey to becoming a gold medalist in Tokyo exemplifies the
significance of kinesiology and biomechanics in sports success. By leveraging the principle
of these sciences, Neeraj and his coaches optimized his technique.
On the basis of above case study, answer the following:
a) What is biomechanics?
b) Why did Neeraj Chopra put lime powder in his hand before the javelin throw?
c) Name two principles of biomechanics.
d) Name two biomechanical movements.
How did kinematic assessment contribute to Neeraj Chopra’s success?
32) Wearable technology has become an integral part of modern sports, providing valuable
insights into athletes' performance. Football club named “Strikers United” has adopted
various wearable devices to monitor and enhance their players performance, fitness and
overall wellbeing during training and competition.
On the basis of above case study, answer the following:
a) Name two wearable devices.
b) Write two benefits of wearable devices.
c) What challenges could arise with the use of wearable technology in sports?
d) What is wearable technology in the context of sports?
33) Doping remains a significant challenge in the world of sports with far reaching
consequences for athletes and the integrity of competition. James Lewis is a talented
sprinter with dreams of representing his country in the upcoming international
championship. However, rumours have surfaced about potential doping violations that could
Jeopardize James career and reputation.
on the basis of above case study, answer the following:
a) Why can James' career be Jeopardized?
b) Name two doping violations.
c) What are the consequences of doping in sports? (any two).
d) Name the agency which controls doping at international level.
What is the role of athletes in combating doping?
.Section E
34) Describe Ashtanga yoga.Explain its any four elements of ashtanga yoga.
35) Adapted physical education is a specially designed physical education program for
differently-abled students. Explain how one can make an adapted physical education
programme successful.
36) How can different psychological attributes affect athletes' performance? Publish your
37) Describe briefly one traditional game and the advantages it has for boosting wellness.

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