Class Viii English PT 1 2018 19

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Periodic Test 1 (2018-19)

Subject – English
Class -VIII

Time: 90 mins M.M:40

General Instructions-
This paper is divided into 4 sections:

Section A- Reading section: 10 marks

Section B- Writing 08 marks
Section C Grammar: 08 marks
Section D- Literature : 14 marks

Time:90 mins M.M 40


Q.1 A. Read the passage given below and choose the correct answer from the options: (5)

The drink of Asia for hundreds of years, tea is believed to have been brought to Europe by
the Dutch. Today, from the remotest corners of Ladakh to Buckingham palace, tea is
synonymous with cheer.

It is rightly said that there will be no agreement on a perfect cup of tea. Though for tea
drinkers the brew is addictive, the preferred method of preparation and taste differs from
person to person and region to region.

Today many varieties of tea and tea brands are available in the market. An innovation is the
tea-bag that is easy, quick and less messy than traditional ways of brewing tea. Green tea is
popular in China and the Far East. In Japan, the tea ceremony is a traditional way of greeting
guests and is a social occasion. Unlike the tea we are familiar with, green tea is not drunk
with sugar or milk. It is an olive-coloured liquid served in porcelain cups. In Morocco, green
tea is infused with freshly mint.

Some scientists believe tea prevents tooth decay because it is a rich source of fluoride. Tea
is also a folk remedy for stomach upsets, flu and diarrhoea.

a) By whom tea was introduced into Europe?

i) Chinese ii) Dutch

iii) Japanese iv) Asians

b) Which is a new and convenient way of making tea?

i) brewing on oven ii) arranging tea club

iii) using tea bag iv) using street stalls

c) In which country tea ceremony is a social occasion?

i) China ii) Russia

iii) Morocco iv) Japan

d) Tea is not a remedy for which disease?

i) typhoid ii) stomach upset

iii) tooth decay iv) diarrhoea

e) ‘Dependent on a drug as a habit’ can be termed as –

i) drinker ii) porcelain

iii) addictive iv) preventive

B. Read the given passage and choose the correct answer from the given options- (5)
Summer is upon us and the mango has made its appearance. Even as pickles, papads,
preserves, pulp and powder get prepared for the mango- less days ahead, we only need to
sink out teeth into sour raw mango or the ripe sweet one for a taste of heaven on earth. So
grab a fruit and let us unravel the marvellous mango mystery.
Legend has is that the mango was not only the king of fruits but a fruit of kings. Once upon
a time, personal orchards were heavily guarded symbols of status with exclusive varieties
of their fruit cultivated especially for royalty and nobles though favoured folks were gifted
baskets of the much-sought-after mangoes.
Mangoes trace their origin to India and Burma where they have been grown for over 5000
years. Buddhist monks transplanted it to Malaysia and other parts of South-east Asia, the
Portugese took it to Brazil and the West Indies, the Persians to the Gulf and Africa. It was
only in the 1830s that mangoes first appeared in the United States.
a) When did mangoes appear in the United States?
i) before 200 years ii) before 1000 years
iii) before 500 years iv) before 5000 years
b) In which country mangoes trace their origin?
i) Malaysia ii) Brazil
iii) India iv) West Indies
c) Who carried mangoes to Africa?
i) Portugese ii) Chinese
iii) Buddhist iv) Persians
d) In ancient time, for whom mango was being cultivated?
i) gods ii) kings
iii) common folks iv) merchants
e) From the passage find out the similar term for ‘wonderful’.
a) unravel ii) nobles
c) exclusive iv) marvellous


Q. 2 Write an article on any of the following topic – (4)

a. Natural disaster
b. Importance of newspaper
c. Save Tiger
Q.3 Write a story in about 100-120 words with moral & title.
A stag……..A pool of clear water………reflection……..saw his horns……..proud of
them………..his thin legs……….ashamed…….hunter’s dog……..ran…..horns caught in a
tree……..dogs very near……pulled his horns free……….ran for life…….legs saved him. ………
Moral (4)


Q. 4 The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the
incorrect word and the correction as shown in the example. (3)

Incorrect word Correct word

Peter and Michael decide to Decide decided

a) Visit the science museum a) __________ _________

b) there city. They asked Rahul b) __________ _________

c) if he will like to join them. c) __________ _________

d) Rahul were happy at the idea. d) __________ _________

e) They bought their ticket and e) ___________ __________

f) walk in the museum. F) ___________ __________

Q.5 Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences: (3)

a) important / is / it / to observe / rules / traffic

b) not / children / below / of / the age / must / drive / eighteen years

c) protection / our / we / must / helmets / own / were / for

Q. 6 Change the given statements in passive voice. (2)

a) Tom painted the entire house.

b) The team celebrated their victory.


Q.7 Read the extract and answer the questions given below- [3]
When the jet sprang into the sky,

It was clear why the city

Had developed the way it had,

Seeing it scaled six inches to the mile.

There seemed an inevitability

About what on ground had looked haphazard,

Unplanned and without style

When the jet sprang into the sky.

I] Write the name of the poem and the poet.

Ii] Seen from the window of an aeroplane, the city appears______________________.

Iii] Which word in the stanza means without plan and order.

Q. 8 Answer any two questions briefly : (2x2=4)

I] What did the author find in a junk shop?

Ii] What is your opinion of ant’s principal?

Iii[ Why did Tilly’s family come to Thailand?

Q.9 Answer in detail- [any one] [3]

I ] Write your views on ‘ Whether wars are a good way to end conflicts.’

Ii] Imagine that you are Jim . You have returned to your town after the war . Write a diary entry
to feel about the changes you see in your town. You could begin like this ..

25 December.1919

It’s Christmas today,but the town looks….

Q.10 Answer any two- 2x2=4

I .Why did the camel live in the middle of the desert?

ii. Why did Velu run away from the home?

iii. Was the Giant happy or sad over the state of the garden?

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