Secundaria 4 Module 5 Part B

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Quick Tes 5

Vocabulary Grammar
1 Performers Complete the words for 3 can, can’t, have to and not have to Choose the
performers. correct words.
1 He’s a great c e and makes At my new school everyone 1has to / can wear
everybody laugh. a uniform. It’s not very modern and we look
2 The children loved the l w at the horrible in it. But on Fridays we 2can’t / don’t
circus. have to wear the uniform and 3can / have to
3 The m g pulled a rabbit out of wear our own clothes if we prefer. Of course,
a hat. everyone wears their own clothes on Fridays!
4 The j l was amazing – he kept ten There are lots of other rules as well. You 4don’t
balls in the air. have to / can’t run in the corridors and you
5 He’s an a c in that TV drama series. 5can / have to get up when a teacher comes

6 The d c wore beautiful pink into the room. We 6can’t / don’t have to eat
dresses and ballet shoes. food in our classrooms, but we 7can’t / can eat
7 I want to be a pop s g . it out in the school hall or the playground. We
8 The s y t opened the 8 can / have to be in school by eight o’clock
book and began to read. every morning and if we are late we 9can /
9 He’s not moving at all. He’s a h n have to explain to the class why. We 10can’t
st . / can play football on the field outside if we
10 She’s a y m and she won a medal want to, but we 11can / have to wear our sports
in the Olympics. shoes to go on the grass. We 12can / have to
/ 10 be back in the classroom at half past one for
afternoon lessons. After school we 13can / have
2 Phrasal Verbs Complete the sentences with to do different activities if we like. We 14can’t /
the words in the box. You can use some words
don’t have to do these activities, but it’s great
more than once.
fun and all my friends do them.
down into on together / 14

1 Don’t stand on the table! Get

right now!
2 We got with our friends for
3 I don’t get with my sister.
4 The dog got the car with us.
5 His money goes a special
bank account.


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Quick Tes 5

Sentence Builder
4 Prepositions Complete the sentences with the
words in the box.

about at for from to

1 What is he listening ?
2 What are they laughing ?
3 What are you talking ?
4 Who are you waiting ?
5 What are we looking ?
6 Where do you come ?

Key Expressions
5 Suggestions Match the sentence halves.
1 Why don’t a) to come to our
2 Shall we b) writing the
invitations now?
3 Let’s c) we go to the
cinema tonight?
4 Would you like d) arrange a party for
Rosetta’s birthday.
5 What about e) do our homework
together tonight?

TOTAL / 40


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