Ic Analysis
Ic Analysis
Ic Analysis
unfriendly ness
un friendly
friend ly
In the above example the immediate constituent of unfriendliness are unfriendly and
ness of I.C. of unfriendly are un and friendly. The IC of friendly are friend and ly. No
further analysis is possible beyond this level. Thus the ultimate constituents of unfriendliness
are “un”, “friend”, “ly” and “ness”.
As in the case of words there is a hierarchy of structure in sentences. I.C. analysis
helps us to discover lower level constituent from higher level constituents. E.g.- the following
sentence has eight constituents-
“her father brought a shot gun to the wedding. However these eight constituents
follow a particular structure in building the whole sentence. Thus the sentence is formed with
the noun phrase (N.P) “her gather” and the verb phrase (V.P)” brought a shot gun to the
weddings”. Thus these two can be called the I.C. of the sentence as a whole. A sentence like “
the dog followed the boy” can be analysed into I.C. with the help of the following free
The boy
In the above example “the” and “boy” functioned as the Immediate constituents of the
noun phrase (N.P) “the boy”. This NP itself is the immediate constituents of the verb phrase-
“followed the boy”. The verb phrase (vp) is an immediate constituents of the sentence as a
whole. In this structure the ultimate constituents are related to the sentence through the
hierarchy of immediate constituents. This kind of analysis is called I.C. analysis.