Photo Essay

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De la Salle was very successful in terms of his personal career and in directing others. We can never deny
the fact that the contributions he had in the field of education is worth emulating. Through a photo
essay, I want you to show the factors that helped him achieve all his goals and plans. These factors could
be people, objects, God and aspirations. Choose at least 10 photos to show these factors not only in
describing his journey but also your own.

Criteria Excellent Good Poor

20 15 10
Relevance and Each picture clearly 1 or 2 pictures did not 3 or more pictures did
Accuracy speaks to the topic, and clearly speak to the not clearly speak to the
the caption supports topic, and the caption topic, and the caption
this meaning (brings it supports this meaning supports this meaning
out). There are no (brings it out). There (brings it out). There
pictures that seem are 1 or 2 pictures that are 3 or more pictures
irrelevant to the topic, seem irrelevant to the that seem irrelevant to
or that don’t belong. topic, or that don’t the topic, or that don’t
Your intro sets up the belong although intro belong although intro
essay in an interesting sets up the essay in an sets up the essay in an
and compelling way. interesting and interesting and
compelling way. compelling way.
Arrangement This category evaluates This category evaluates This category evaluates
the coherence and the coherence and the coherence and
cohesiveness of your cohesiveness of your cohesiveness of your
story. All photos on the story. 1 or 2 photos on story. 3 or more photos
whole, taken together, the whole, taken on the whole, taken
tell a story that feels together, did not tell a together, did not tell a
complete and each story that feels story that feels
picture connect, complete and did not complete and did not
stylistically as well as connect, stylistically as connect, stylistically as
content wise, with the well as content wise, well as content wise,
picture before and after with the picture before with the picture before
it. and after it. and after it.
Style/Mechanics The captions included 1 or 2 captions 3 or more captions
are well- structured included are not well- included are not well-
and pointed directly to structured and did not structured and did not
the meaning of each point directly to the point directly to the
photo used. All the meaning of each photo meaning of each photo
photos are relevant to used. 1 or 2 photos are used. 3 or more photos
the overall theme of not relevant to the are not relevant to the
the photo essay. overall theme of the overall theme of the
photo essay. photo essay.
1. Do these by pair (following the one we had with our reporting). Make sure to cooperate with
each other.
2. Use a long bond paper for these or a cartolina with the size of a 1/8 illustration board.
3. Submission is on Friday, December 22, 2023 on or before 5:00PM. I won’t accept outputs
beyond this date.

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