BS 6840-6

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IEC 268-6:

Sound system
equipment —
Part 6: Methods for specifying and
measuring the characteristics of
auxiliary passive elements

[IEC title: Sound system equipment. Part 6: Auxiliary passive


UDC [621.396 + 681.84]:621.395.61:621.317.6


Copyright British Standards Institution

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BS 6840-6:1987

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Electronic

Equipment Standards Committee (EEL/-) to Technical Committee EEL/32,
upon which the following bodies were represented:

Association of British Theatre Technicians

Association of Sound and Communications Engineers Limited
Audio Engineering Society
British Educational Equipment Association
British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society
British Radio and Electronic Equipment Manufacturers’ Association
British Telecommunications plc
Cable Television Association of Great Britain
Consumer Standards Advisory Committee of BSI
Consumers Association
Federation of British Audio
Independent Television Companies’ Association
Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers
Radio Electrical and Television Retailers’ Association
Royal Institute of British Architects
Royal National Institute for the Deaf
Society of Cable Television Engineers
Training and Educational Systems Testing Bureau

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Electronic
Equipment Standards
Committee, was published
under the authority of the
Board of BSI and comes
into effect on Amendments issued since publication
30 November 1987

© BSI 07-1999
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference EEL/32
Draft for comment 73/23761 DC

ISBN 0 580 16223 0


Copyright British Standards Institution

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6840-6:1987


Committees responsible Inside front cover
National foreword iii
1 Scope 1
2 Object 1
Chapter I: Conditions for specification and measurement
3 General conditions 1
4 Rated conditions and normal working conditions 1
Chapter II: Characteristics to be specified and the relevant
measuring methods
Section 1. Auxiliary passive elements
5 Diagram 2
5.1 Structure diagram (block schematic) 2
6 Terminals and controls 2
6.1 Marking 2
6.2 Symbols for marking 2
7 Input characteristics 3
7.1 Rated source impedance 3
7.2 Input impedance 3

7.3 Rated source e.m.f. 4

8 Output characteristics 4
8.1 Rated load impedance 4
8.2 Output impedance 4
9 Limiting characteristics 4
9.1 Overload source e.m.f. 4
9.2 Temperature limited input voltage 5
10 Attenuation 5
10.1 Rated matched insertion loss 5
10.2 Voltage attenuation (insertion attenuation) 5
11 Response 6
11.1 Frequency response 6
11.2 Effective frequency range 6
11.3 Phase-frequency response 6
12 Amplitude non-linearity 7
12.1 Harmonic distortion 7
12.2 Distortion curves 8
13 Unbalance 8
13.1 Unbalance of the input 8
13.2 Unbalance of the output 9
14 External influences 11
14.1 General 11
14.2 Rated equivalent source e.m.f. for external
magnetic fields of power supply frequency 11
14.3 Residual equivalent source e.m.f. for
external magnetic fields of power supply frequency 11
15 Magnetic stray field 12
15.1 Magnetic stray field generated by the passive element 12
16 Alignment 12
16.1 Attenuation alignment 12

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16.2 Phase alignment 13
Section 2. Widely used passive elements
17 Attenuators 13
17.1 Residual attenuation 13
17.2 Attenuation range 13
17.3 Attenuation steps 14
17.4 Ultimate attenuation 14
18 Transformers 14
18.1 Impedance ratio 14
18.2 Voltage ratio 14
18.3 Rated output power 14
18.4 Limiting direct current 15
19 Filters and equalizers 15
19.1 Reference frequency response 15
19.2 Tone control range 15
Section 3. Physical characteristics and cable assemblies
20 Dimensions 15
21 Weight 15
22 Cable assemblies 15
Section 4. Classification of the characteristics to be specified
23 General 15
24 Classification 16
Appendix A 18
Figure 1 — Input impedance, balanced input, free from earth 18
Figure 2 — Input impedance, balanced input, free from earth 18
Figure 3 — Input impedance, balanced input, connected to earth 19
Figure 4 — Input impedance, balanced input, connected to earth 19
Figure 5 — Input impedance, unbalanced input 19
Figure 6 — Input impedance, unbalanced input 20
Figure 7 — Unbalance of the input 20
Figure 8a — Unbalance of the internal impedance 21
Figure 8b — Unbalance of the output e.m.f. 21
Figure 8c — Internal impedance of the source of unbalance 22
Figure 9 — Arrangement of three coils for the
production of a uniform alternating magnetic field 23
Figure 10 — Search coil for measuring the magnetic field strength 24
Publications referred to Inside back cover


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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6840-6:1987

National foreword

This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Electronic
Equipment Standards Committee and is identical with Publication 268.6:1973
“Sound system equipment” Part 6 “Auxiliary passive elements” published by the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The text of this Part of
BS 6840 is unchanged from the text of BS 5428-4:1978 which is now withdrawn.
All Parts and Sections of BS 5428 will be published as Parts of BS 6840 in order
to achieve consistency of numbering between the corresponding Parts of the IEC
Publication and the British Standard.
BS 6840 consists of the following parts:
— Part 1: Methods for specifying and measuring general characteristics used
for equipment performance (Supersedes part of BS 5428-1);
— Part 2: Specification for general terms and calculation methods (Supersedes
part of BS 5428-1)1);
— Part 3: Methods for specifying and measuring the characteristics of sound
system amplifiers (Supersedes BS 5428-2)1);
— Part 4: Methods for specifying and measuring the characteristics of
microphones (Previously BS 5428-3);
— Part 5: Methods for specifying and measuring the characteristics of
loudspeakers (Supersedes BS 5428-11 and BS 5428-11: Supplement 1)1);
— Part 6: Methods for specifying and measuring the characteristics of auxiliary
passive elements (Previously BS 5428-4);
— Part 7: Methods for specifying and measuring the characteristics of
headphones and headsets (New)1);
— Part 8: Methods for specifying and measuring the characteristics of
automatic gain control devices (Previously BS 5428-7);
— Part 9: Methods for specifying and measuring the characteristics of artificial
reverberation, time delay and frequency shift equipment (Previously
BS 5428-8);
— Part 10: Specification for programme level meters (Supersedes BS 5428-9);
— Part 11: Specification for application of connectors for the interconnection of
sound system components (Supersedes BS 5428-5.2)1);
— Part 12: Specification for application of connectors for broadcast and similar
use (Supersedes BS 5428-5.3)1);
— Part 13: Guide for listening tests on loudspeakers (New);
— Part 14: Guide for circular and elliptical loudspeakers: outer frame
diameters and mounting dimensions (Previously BS 5428-5.1);
— Part 15: Specification for matching values for the interconnection of sound
system components (Supersedes BS 5428-10)1);
— Part 16: Guide to the RASTI method for the objective rating of speech
intelligibility in auditoria (New)1).
Terminology and conventions. The text of the international standard has
been approved as suitable for publication as a British Standard without
deviation. Some terminology and certain conventions are not identical with those
used in British Standards: attention is especially drawn to the following.
Wherever the word “Publication” or “Recommendation” appears, referring to this
standard, it should be read as “British Standard”.
References to page numbers in the text relate to the IEC page numbers given in
brackets at the bottom of each page.

In preparation.


© BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6840-6:1987

International standard Corresponding British Standard

IEC 68 BS 2011 Basic environmental testing procedures

(Most separately published Parts are identical)
IEC 94 BS 6288 Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing

systems (Separately published Parts are identical)
IEC 98 BS 4852 Methods of defining and measuring the
characteristics of disk record playing equipment
IEC 268-1:1985 BS 6840 Sound system equipment
Part 1:1987 Methods for specifying and measuring
general characteristics used for equipment performance
BS 5428 Methods for specifying and measuring the
characteristics of sound system equipment
IEC 268-2:1971 aPart1:1977 General
(Technically equivalent)
IEC 268-3:1969 aPart2:1979 Amplifiers
(Technically equivalent)
IEC 617:1983b BS 3939 Guide for graphical symbols for electrical power,
telecommunications and electronics diagrams
(Separately published Parts are identical)
a These Parts of BS 5428 will be withdrawn when revision of IEC 268-2 and IEC 268-3 are published
and implemented as Parts of BS 6840.
b IEC 617:1983 supersedes IEC 117.

The Technical Committee has reviewed the provisions of IEC 27, to which
reference is made in 6.2 and IEC 65, to which reference is made in the text, and
has decided that they are acceptable for use in conjunction with this British
Standard. A related British Standard to IEC 27 is the series of Parts of BS 5775
which are themselves identical to the ISO 31 series of Parts.
A related British Standard to IEC 65:1976 is BS 415:1979.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 24, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

iv © BSI 07-1999
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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6840-6:1987

1 Scope 4 Rated conditions and normal

Auxiliary passive elements shall be understood to working conditions
include such elements as attenuators, transformers, 4.1 Introduction
filters and equalizers, applied as separate units to
For convenience in specifying how auxiliary passive
be combined with other separate sound system units
elements are to be set up for measurement or
to constitute a complete sound system.
verification, certain sets of conditions have been
NOTE 1 Auxiliary passive elements which are intended to be defined in this Recommendation under the
mounted as components in a sound system unit and to form a
non-interchangeable part of such a unit, are not within the scope respective titles of rated conditions and normal
working conditions.

of this Recommendation.
Some characteristics are to be specified for all types of auxiliary
passive elements. These are given in Chapter I and Section 1.
Three ratings are basic to the formulation of these
Further characteristics to be specified for the different types of concepts:
auxiliary passive elements are given in Section 2, Clauses 17, 18 — rated source impedance;
and 19.
NOTE 2 Auxiliary elements may sometimes include electronic — rated source e.m.f.;
amplification, in which case these elements are considered as
amplifiers and are dealt with in IEC Publication 268-3, Sound
— rated load impedance.
System Equipment, Part 3: Sound System Amplifiers. To obtain the correct conditions for measurements,
NOTE 3 If a network has more than four terminals as e.g. a the above-mentioned ratings shall be taken from the
cross-over network, it is nevertheless treated in this
Recommendation as an assembly of four terminal networks.
manufacturers’ specification. These ratings
themselves are not subject to measurement but they
2 Object constitute the basis for measuring the other
This Publication gives recommendations relative to
The prefix “rated” applied to other characteristics
the characteristics to be specified and the relevant
measuring methods for auxiliary passive elements relates to the specification or measurement of the
for sound system equipment. particular characteristic under rated conditions or
under conditions unambiguously connected with
In general, the methods of measurement them. This applies to the following characteristics:
recommended are those which are seen to be the
— rated matched insertion loss;
most directly related to the definitions. This does
not exclude the use of other methods which will give — rated equivalent source e.m.f. for external
equivalent results. magnetic field of power supply frequency.
Concerning the position of the controls for rated
Chapter I: Conditions for specification
conditions and normal working conditions, it must
and measurement
be taken into account that, when an auxiliary
3 General conditions passive element is provided with a volume
(attenuation) control and/or a tone control, the
Reference is made to IEC Publication 268-1, Sound
primary use of the element (variable attenuator,
System Equipment, Part 1: General, as concerns:
variable filter or equalizer) is generally to give a
— units and system of measurement; means of adjusting volume and frequency response
— frequencies of measurement; in a sound system. Hence, all settings of the controls
— quantities to be specified and their accuracy; can be important.
— marking; Some characteristics may be measured only for one
specified setting of the controls, particularly when
— ambient conditions;
they are influenced only slightly by the position of
— filters, networks, and measuring instruments the controls themselves. This particular position of
for noise specification and measurement; the controls may be taken as “reference setting”. In
— individual specification and type specification; most cases, rated conditions and normal working
— graphical presentation of data; conditions will include not only “reference setting”
but also other settings of the controls, in order to
— scales for graphical presentation of data. supply more complete information.
The values of the same characteristics, for different
settings, will be presented either in a table or a

© BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6840-6:1987

4.2 Rated conditions Chapter II: Characteristics to be

An auxiliary passive element, considered as a specified and the relevant measuring
four-terminal network with a specified pair of input methods
terminals and a specified pair of output terminals, Section 1. Auxiliary passive elements
will be understood to be working under rated
conditions when the following conditions have been 5 Diagram
— source e.m.f. connected in series with the rated 5.1 Structure diagram (block schematic)
source impedance to the input terminals; Characteristic to be specified
— output terminals terminated with the rated The structure diagram (block schematic) shall give
load impedance; adequate information about:
— terminals not used terminated as specified; — basic circuit (e.g. block diagram);
— source e.m.f. adjusted to a sinusoidal voltage — the nature of the input and output terminals
equal to the rated source e.m.f. at that frequency (e.g. balanced or not balanced, connection to
at which the output signal is the least influenced earth);
by the tone controls, if any. In the absence of a — shields (e.g. way of earthing);
clear reason to the contrary, this frequency shall
— controls;
be the standard reference frequency of 1 000 Hz
(see IEC Publication 268-1); — internal and external means, as pre-adjusters,
adaptors (switching or soldering contacts)
— volume control attenuation, if any, set to a
intended for changing the external
specified position to give a specified attenuation;
characteristics (such as: source, load impedance,
— tone controls, if any, set to a specified position attenuation).
to give the specified frequency response.
Verification shall be checked by inspection.
4.3 Normal working conditions
An auxiliary passive element, considered as a four 6 Terminals and controls
terminal network with a specified pair of input 6.1 Marking
terminals and a specified pair of output terminals,
Recommendations for marking the terminals and
will be understood to be working under normal
controls are given in IEC Publication 268-1,
working conditions when the following conditions
Clause 6, with the addition of the following
have been fulfilled:
— connections and impedances as for rated
— the marking shall be such that it must be
possible to adjust the controls and to identify
— source e.m.f. adjusted to a sinusoidal voltage their positions with sufficient accuracy in
of 10 dB below the rated source e.m.f.; connection with the characteristics given in the
— source adjusted to the frequency specified for manual.
rated conditions unless otherwise stated; — The marking can be carried out in the
— setting of the controls as for rated conditions following ways:
unless otherwise stated. • at the terminals and controls;
4.4 Personal safety and prevention of spread • in a description with respect to their
of fire function;
The passive element shall be designed and marked • in the directions given in the manual.
as indicated in IEC Publication 65, Safety
6.2 Symbols for marking
Requirements for Mains Operated Electronic and
Related Equipment for Domestic and Similar Marking should preferably be composed of letter
General Use. symbols, signs, numbers and colours, which are
internationally intelligible. The use of texts shall be
Compliance shall be checked by inspection.
avoided as far as possible.
Letter symbols for quantities and units shall be in
accordance with IEC Publication 27, Letter Symbols
to be Used in Electrical Technology.
Graphical symbols with IEC Publication 117,
Recommended Graphical Symbols.


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BS 6840-6:1987

Instructional symbols with the 7) The modulus of the input impedance is

Publication: Informative Symbols on Equipment, U
Part 1: Equipment Symbols for General Use -------1- · R.
(under consideration).
b) Connected to earth
Letter symbols or graphical symbols for items not
involved in these publications and all other kinds of If the input circuit has a centre tap connected to
marking shall be clearly identified in the manual. the earth or chassis, the following procedure is

7 Input characteristics 1) The passive element is brought under

7.1 Rated source impedance normal working conditions, using a source free
from earth (or chassis), as shown in
7.1.1 Characteristic to be specified Figure 3, page 19.
The internal impedance, as specified by the 2) The output voltage U2 is measured.
manufacturer, of the source supplying the signal to
3) The input voltage U1 is measured by means
a specified pair of input terminals of the element.
of a balanced voltmeter.
NOTE 1 Unless otherwise specified, the rated source
impedance shall be a constant pure resistance. 4) A known resistor of value R is connected in
NOTE 2 The manufacturer may also give the range of source series with the input terminals, as shown in
impedances which he considers tolerable in practice. Figure 4, page 19.
7.2 Input impedance 5) The source e.m.f. is readjusted to obtain the
7.2.1 Characteristic to be specified initial output voltage U2.
The internal impedance of the passive element 6) The voltage UR appearing across the resistor
measured between a specified pair of input R is measured by means of a balanced
terminals under normal working conditions. It is voltmeter.
given as a function of frequency or expressed as the 7) The modulus of the input impedance is
lower limit of the input impedance in the effective U
frequency range. -------1- · R .
NOTE If the input impedance can be satisfactorily represented
by the impedance of a simple network, this network may be Unbalanced input
specified instead of presenting the curve of input impedance
versus frequency. 1) The passive element is brought under normal
working conditions.
7.2.2 Measuring methods
2) A shielded transformer is inserted between the Balanced input source e.m.f. and the passive element. The
a) Free from earth shields are connected as shown
If the input circuit of the passive element is in Figure 5, page 19.
balanced and free from connections to the earth 3) The voltage appearing at the secondary
(or chassis), the following procedure is terminals of the transformer is adjusted to a
recommended: value of 10 dB below the rated source voltage.
1) The passive element is brought under 4) The output voltage U2 is measured.
normal working conditions, using a source 5) The input voltage U1 is measured.
with one earthed terminal, as shown in
Figure 1, page 18. 6) A known resistor of value R is connected in
series between one of the secondary terminals of
2) The output voltage U2 is measured. the transformer and ground, as shown
3) The input voltage U1 is measured. in Figure 6, page 20.
4) A known resistor, of value R approximately 7) The voltage appearing at the secondary
one tenth of the input impedance, is connected terminals of the transformer is adjusted to obtain
in series with the input terminals, as shown the initial output voltage U2.
in Figure 2, page 18. 8) The voltage UR appearing across resistor R is
5) The source e.m.f. is readjusted to obtain the measured.
initial output voltage U2. U
6) The voltage UR appearing across the resistor 9) The modulus of the input impedance is -------1- · R.
R is measured.

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BS 6840-6:1987

7.3 Rated source e.m.f. 1) The passive element is brought under normal
7.3.1 Characteristic to be specified working conditions.
2) The output voltage is measured for a number of
That e.m.f., specified by the manufacturer, for
which the distortion in the output signal does not loads ranging from 0.8 R2 to 1.2 R2 and including
exceed a specified amount and/or the temperature the rated load impedance R2.
limited input voltage is not exceeded. The element 3) The results of these measurements are

shall be connected according to rated conditions. expressed in a graph presenting the inverse
output voltage as a function of the inverse load
8 Output characteristics impedance. The tangent to this curve for the
condition of rated load is drawn and the
8.1 Rated load impedance intersection of this tangent with the ordinate is
8.1.1 Characteristic to be specified determined, thus obtaining the apparent no-load
That impedance, as specified by the manufacturer, output voltage U½2.
by which the element is to be terminated at a 4) The output impedance is computed from the
specified pair of output terminals for measuring apparent no-load output voltage U½2, the output
purposes. voltage for rated load U2, and the rated load
NOTE 1 Unless otherwise specified, the rated load impedance impedance R2, according to the expression:
shall be a constant pure resistance.
U' 2 – U2
NOTE 2 The manufacturer may also give a range of load Z = ----------------------
- · R2
impedances which he considers tolerable in practice. U2
8.2 Output impedance NOTE 1 The error in the result obtained by this procedure is
larger according to the extent of the inductive or capacitive
8.2.1 Characteristic to be specified component of the output impedance. This procedure, therefore,
The internal impedance of the element measured should not be used to measure the output impedance near or
outside the limits of the effective frequency range.
between a specified pair of output terminals under NOTE 2 If the passive network does not include inductors or
normal working conditions. It is given as a function transformers with magnetic cores, nor other non-linear elements,
of frequency or expressed as the upper limit of the the output voltage measured under no-load conditions is equal to
output impedance in the effective frequency range. the value U½2 obtained according to the above procedure. In this
case only, U½2 may be obtained in a simpler way by measuring the
NOTE If the output impedance can be satisfactorily output voltage under no-load conditions.
represented by the inpedance of a simple network, this network
may be specified instead of presenting the curve of output
impedance versus frequency. 9 Limiting characteristics
8.2.2 Method of measurement 9.1 Overload source e.m.f.
The output impedance of a passive element may be 9.1.1 Characteristic to be specified
either a real quantity (e.g. in resistive attenuators) The maximum source e.m.f. at the specified
or, more generally, a complex quantity. If inductors frequency, for which the passive element, connected
or transformers with magnetic cores are used in the for rated conditions and with an appropriate setting
passive element, the output impedance may be of the volume control (attenuation), can deliver the
different for different output voltages. rated output voltage without exceeding the
Whereas the modulus of the input impedance can be amplitude non-linearity specified for rated
measured by a simple procedure, no such procedure conditions.
exists for measuring the modulus of the output The position of the tone controls, if any, shall be
impedance, when this impedance is a complex specified.
9.1.2 Method of measurement
The complex output impedance can be computed
from the voltages occurring under three different The measuring procedure only refers to auxiliary
conditions of load. In order that the influence, if any, passive elements which have volume (attenuation)
of the output voltage on the output impedance is and/or tone controls. When this is not the case, the
negligible, rather close values must be chosen, in overload source e.m.f. is equal to the rated value.
this procedure, for the three output voltages. Hence, 1) Volume and tone controls are set as specified
very accurate measuring apparatus is required. for rated conditions.
In those cases where the output impedance within 2) The measurement is made by adjusting the
the effective frequency range can be approximated value Es of the source e.m.f. to obtain the amount
to a pure resistance, a simple procedure may be of total harmonic distortion specified for this test.
followed to obtain approximate results which are 3) The output voltage Us is measured.
sufficiently accurate for normal practice.

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BS 6840-6:1987

4) The volume control (attenuation) is adjusted to 4) This value of U1 is assumed to be the

successive positions of higher attenuation, temperature limited input voltage.
increasing the source e.m.f. to restore the initial
output voltage U2, until the total harmonic 10 Attenuation
distortion of the output reaches the value 10.1 Rated matched insertion loss
specified for this test.
10.1.1 Characteristic to be specified
5) The maximum source e.m.f. E½s obtained by
this procedure is measured. The ratio, expressed in decibels, of the power
6) This procedure is repeated for a number of available from the source to the output power for the
settings of the tone control, if any, and a number passive element under normal working conditions.
of frequencies of the signal, adequately covering It is to be specified by the manufacturer.
the frequency range of the passive element, up to 10.1.2 Method of measurement
half the upper limiting frequency. Matched insertion loss.
NOTE This test is of significance:
1) The passive element is brought under normal
— as concerns setting of the volume control (attenuation) in
the “reference” position, only if the passive networks include working conditions.
non-linear elements, as inductors or transformers with 2) The output voltage U2 is measured.
magnetic cores;
— as concerns other settings of the volume control 3) The source e.m.f. Es is measured.
(attenuation), only if non-linear elements are included 4) The matched insertion loss is expressed in
between the input and the attenuating network of the volume
control, or if the ultimate attenuation of the volume control is decibels:
rather low.
Otherwise, the temperature limited input voltage
has to be considered.
9.2 Temperature limited input voltage
9.2.1 Characteristic to be specified where: Rs is the rated source impedance
The maximum r.m.s. input voltage which can be
applied continuously at a specified pair of input R2 is the rated load impedance
terminals for any settings of the controls, the output
E 2s
terminals being terminated with the rated load
NOTE The available power from the source is ----------
impedance, at an appropriate ambient temperature, U 22 4R s
without exceeding the maximum permissible The output power of the passive element is -------- .
temperature in any component. 10.2 Voltage attenuation (insertion

NOTE For ambient temperatures, see IEC Publication 68, attenuation)
Basic Environmental Testing Procedures.
10.2.1 Characteristic to be specified
9.2.2 Method of measurement
The ratio, expressed in decibels, of the output
A provisional test shall be made to determine those voltage U2 to the input voltage U1, according to:
components which are liable to reach the limiting
temperature. Appropriate thermometers are 20 log10 -------2
mounted on the components selected according to U1
this provisional test. 10.2.2 Method of measurement
The measurement is made according to the
1) The passive element is brought under normal
following procedure:
working conditions.
1) The passive element, mounted in the specified
2) The input voltage U1 is measured.
position, is brought under rated conditions.
3) The output voltage U2 is measured.
2) The source e.m.f. is increased in steps, waiting
after each step until the thermometer readings 4) The voltage attenuation is expressed in
have become practically constant. This procedure decibels:
is maintained until one of the components U
reaches its limiting temperature. Then the input 20 log10 -------2
voltage U1 is measured.
3) The measurement is repeated for different
settings of the controls if any, in order to find the
conditions for which the lowest value of U1 is

© BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6840-6:1987

NOTE Voltage attenuation is preferably used only if the input Es

impedance is equal to the rated load impedance, or if the element 4) The ratio ------- is expressed in decibels as a
is substantially unloaded by the circuit connected to the output. E's
In the former case, the measurement of voltage attenuation and function of frequency and presented as a graph.
the measurement of matched insertion loss (with the source
impedance set equal to the output impedance) yield identical 11.2 Effective frequency range
results. In the second case, the concept of matched insertion loss 11.2.1 Characteristics to be specified
is not practically useful.
1) The maximum frequency interval within which
11 Response the deviations from the required frequency
11.1 Frequency response response under normal working conditions do not
exceed specified limits.
11.1.1 Characteristic to be specified
2) The maximum frequency interval within which
Variation, as a function of the frequency, of the ratio the deviations from the amplitude non-linearity
of the output voltage to the source e.m.f., expressed under rated conditions do not exceed specified
in decibels, relative to the value of this ratio at a limits.
specified frequency, under normal working
11.2.2 Measuring methods
conditions and for stated positions of the controls,

if any. 1) For specified deviations relative to a specified
normal response curve, the effective frequency
11.1.2 Measuring methods
range is obtained from the curve of
1) The passive element is brought under normal Sub-clause 11.1, under normal working
working conditions with the source at the conditions.
specified frequency. 2) In the same way, one may derive another
2) The source e.m.f. Es and the output voltage U2 effective frequency range for specified maximum
are measured. amplitude non-linearity using the distortion
3) The frequency of the source is varied frequency curve at rated output voltage of
continuously or step by step, maintaining the Sub-clause 12.1.
source e.m.f. constant. The output voltage U½2 is NOTE The “normal frequency response” of the auxiliary
measured at each frequency. If the frequency of passive element is the design objective frequency response,
according to its primary use (e.g. flat for attenuators and
the source is varied continuously and the output transformers, appropriately shaped for equalizers and filters).
voltage U½2 is recorded by an automatic level
The measured frequency response of an auxiliary
recorder, then stopping the track at any
passive element, under normal working conditions
frequency shall not result in a deviation of more
and with controls, if any, set in “reference” positions,
than 0.3 dB.
U' 2 is the “reference frequency response”.
4) The ratio U 2 is expressed in decibels as a
function of frequency and presented as a graph. 11.3 Phase-frequency response
If the passive element is designed to have a 11.3.1 Characteristic to be specified
frequency response which differs significantly from The phase difference between the output voltage
the flat response, then there is a danger that, in and the source e.m.f. as a function of frequency,
making the measurement specified above, errors under normal working conditions for stated
may arise in a part of the frequency range, due positions of the controls, if any.
either to overloading of the passive element or to 11.3.2 Method of measurement
1) The passive element is brought under normal
The measurement shall be made in this case by
working conditions.
substituting for the procedure of items 3 and 4 the
following alternative procedure: 2) A phase difference meter is connected between
the source and the output terminals, proper
3) The frequency of the source is varied
account being taken of the marking of the
continuously or step by step, maintaining the
output voltage U2 constant. The source e.m.f. E½s
is measured at each frequency. 3) The frequency of the source is varied
continuously or step by step, maintaining the
source e.m.f. constant, the phase difference being
measured at each frequency.

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4) The phase difference %: is expressed as a Difference-frequency distortion and

function of frequency either in radians or in intermodulation distortion
degrees or as a time difference E and presented as Amplitude non-linearity can be expressed also as
a graph: difference-frequency distortion or as
%: 6 intermodulation distortion. These expressions of
E = --------- · 10 4s
2; f amplitude non-linearity are seldom used for
auxiliary passive elements. When required, the
with %: in radians
relevant clauses can be found in
IEC Publication 268-3.
%: 6
or: E = ------------ · 10 4s 12.1.2 Measuring methods
360 f Total harmonic distortion
with %: in degrees
The measurement requires the use of a filter at the
If the passive element is designed to have a output terminals which suppresses the
frequency response which differs significantly fundamental and passes the harmonics.
from the flat response, then there is a danger Other residual signal components, including hum
that, in making the measurement specified and noise components, should not exceed – 10 dB
above, errors may arise in a part of the frequency with respect to the harmonics to be measured at the
range, due either to overloading of the passive
output terminals of the filter. The noise may be
element or to noise.
checked by reducing the source e.m.f. to zero.
The measurement shall be made in this case by NOTE The harmonic distortion of the source and that
maintaining the output voltage constant during introduced by the measuring set shall be negligible with respect
this test, in accordance with the procedure to the distortion to be measured. This may be checked by
connecting the source to the measuring set through a resistance
mentioned under items 3) and 4) of
network giving the same insertion loss as the passive element
Sub-clause 11.1.2. under test.
The total harmonic distortion is measured according
12 Amplitude non-linearity to the following procedure:
12.1 Harmonic distortion 1) The passive element is brought under rated
12.1.1 Characteristics to be specified conditions.
Amplitude non-linearity can be expressed as 2) The output voltage U2 is measured.
harmonic distortion in terms of the output voltage of 3) Either a filter selectively suppressing the
the harmonics produced from a sinusoidal input fundamental or a highpass filter with a cut-off
signal. frequency between the frequencies of the
The harmonic distortion shall be specified either as fundamental and the second harmonic is
the total harmonic distortion or as the harmonic connected at the output terminals.
distortion of the nth order. 4) The output voltage U½2 is measured, taking Total harmonic distortion into account the attenuation caused by the filter
in the frequency range of the relevant harmonics.
For a passive element, brought under rated
conditions, the source giving a sinusoidal signal of 5) The total harmonic distortion is expressed, as
frequency f, the ratio of the r.m.s. output voltage of a percentage:
the total harmonics to the total r.m.s. output U

voltage. d t = --------2- ⋅ 100
U2 Harmonic distortion of nth order
6) This procedure is repeated for a number of
For a passive element, brought under rated frequencies of the test signal, adequately
conditions, the source giving a sinusoidal signal of covering the effective frequency range of the
frequency f, the ratio of the output voltage passive element as specified by the
component of harmonic frequency n f to the total manufacturer, up to half the upper limiting
r.m.s. output voltage. frequency, and for a number of values of the
source e.m.f. covering the range between zero and
rated e.m.f., and a number of settings of the
controls, if any, adequately covering the range of
operation of the element.


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7) The results of the measurements are presented b) Distortion versus frequency

either as a table or as one or more graphs, as for a specified source e.m.f. and a specified
mentioned in Sub-clause 12.2. setting of controls. Harmonic distortion of nth order c) Output voltage or output power versus
The measurement requires the selective frequency
measurement of the relevant harmonic at the for a specified distortion and a specified setting
output terminals. of controls.
Other residual signal components, including hum The auxiliary passive element shall always be
and noise components at the output terminals of the connected as for rated conditions.
filter, should not exceed – 10 dB with respect to the NOTE For the presentation of distortion curves,
harmonic to be measured. This can be assessed by see IEC Publication 268-3 (Sub-clause 20.5).
reducing the source e.m.f. to zero.
NOTE The harmonic distortion of the source and that 13 Unbalance
introduced by the measuring set shall be negligible with respect
to the distortion to be measured. This may be checked by
It is recommended that the measurements of the
connecting the source to the measuring set through a resistance unbalance be undertaken only after discussion
network giving the same insertion loss as the passive element between supplier and user.
under test.
Measurements, unless undertaken by a competent
The harmonic distortion of nth order is measured for laboratory, may easily introduce unbalances
each harmonic according to the following procedure: comparable with those to be measured.
1) The passive element is brought under rated For information, some simplified methods of
conditions. measurement for both the unbalance of the input
2) The output voltage U2 is measured. and the unbalance of the output are given. Many
3) A band-pass filter passing only the relevant variants of these methods are possible, but they are
harmonic is connected at the output terminals. subject to many precautions.
4) The output voltage U' 2n is measured, taking 13.1 Unbalance of the input
into account the attenuation caused by the filter 13.1.1 Characteristic to be specified
at the frequency of the relevant harmonic.
If the input for a specified pair of input terminals is
5) The harmonic distortion of nth order is claimed to be balanced with respect to a specified
expressed as a percentage: reference point, then the unbalance of the input for
U' 2 this pair of input terminals shall be stated for the
d n = -----------n ⋅ 100 passive element brought under normal working
conditions. The unbalance of the input may be
6) This procedure is repeated for a number of expressed either as a ratio, as a percentage or in
frequencies of the test signal, adequately decibels.
covering the effective frequency range of the NOTE 1 Elements with a balancing control are excluded.
passive element as specified by the manufacturer NOTE 2 A balanced input may have a centre tap connected to
up to 1/n of the upper limiting frequency and for the specified reference point (“earth”) or may be free from the
a number of values of the source e.m.f. between reference point.
zero and rated source e.m.f., and a number of 13.1.2 Method of measurement
settings of the controls, if any, adequately 1) The passive element is brought under normal

covering the range of operation of the element. working conditions, the source being free of
7) The results of the measurements are presented “earth” (or “chassis”) and each of its terminals
either as a table or as one or more graphs, as connected to an input terminal of the passive
mentioned in Sub-clause 12.2. element in series with equal resistors having half
12.2 Distortion curves the value of the rated source impedance Rs.
Measurements of amplitude non-linearity for 2) The output voltage U2 is measured.
auxiliary passive elements shall preferably be 3) The source e.m.f. Es is measured.
expressed as one or more of the following
a) Distortion versus voltage output or power
for a specified frequency and a specified setting
of controls.

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4) One terminal of the source is connected to the — the balance of the voltmeter is checked as specified in
reference point with respect to which the input is Note 1 of Sub-clause 13.2.2.
claimed to be balanced. The two fixed 13.2 Unbalance of the output
resistors Rs/2 with a potentiometer connected 13.2.1 Characteristics to be specified
between them are bridged across the input
terminals of the passive element and the second If the output for a specified pair of output terminals
terminal of the source is connected to the is claimed to be balanced with respect to a specified
potentiometer. reference point, then the unbalance of the output for
this pair of output terminals should be stated for the
5) The output voltage U½2 is measured according passive element brought under normal working
to the following procedure. conditions.
The connection of the resistors Rs/2 with the NOTE A balanced output may have a centre tap connected to
input terminals of the passive element are the specified reference point (earth) or may be free from the
reference point.
inverted, the centre tap being adjusted, until the
same output voltage U½2 is obtained in both The unbalance of the output is expressed in terms of
positions. During this procedure, the source three characteristics:
e.m.f. may be increased to obtain an output a) Unbalance of the internal impedance
voltage which sufficiently dominates spurious It is expressed either as a ratio, as a percentage
signal components such as hum and noise. or in decibels.
6) The source e.m.f. E½s is measured. b) Unbalance of the output e.m.f.
7) The unbalance of the input is expressed: It is expressed either as a ratio, as a percentage
U' E or in decibels.
as a ratio: --------2 ⋅ -------s , as a
U 2 E' s c) Internal impedance of the source of unbalance
percentage: It is expressed as its modulus.
U' 2 E s U' E NOTE See IEC Publication 268-2, Sound System Equipment,
-------- ⋅ ------- ⋅ 100 , or in decibels: 20 log10 --------2 · -------s . Part 2: Explanation of General Terms.
U 2 E' s U 2 E' s
The expression in terms of the above-mentioned
8) The measurement is repeated for a number of three characteristics originates from the fact that
frequencies, adequately covering the frequency unbalance of the output has two different aspects:
range of the passive element. — The first aspect concerns the consequences of
9) The result is given either in a table or as a external interference affecting the line connected
graph, presenting the unbalance as the ordinate to the output in an asymmetric way. If there is an
and the frequencies as the abscissa, the unbalance of the output of the passive element,
measuring points being indicated. an unbalance voltage will be produced at the
The circuits for measurement are given in the output by the external interference and will be
Appendix as Figure 7, page 20. transmitted to the subsequent elements. This
NOTE 1 The potentiometer shall be sufficiently small (0.1 Rs) unbalance of the output (unbalance of the
so as not to influence the measurement. If a potentiometer is not internal impedance) is expressed in terms of the
used, any inequality between the resistors Rs/2 in series with the
input terminals greatly reduces the accuracy of the measurement
unbalance voltage generated at the output
of the unbalance of the input. Therefore, the two resistors would terminals by an asymmetrical source connected
need to be matched with extreme precision. to them [see item a) above].
The given measuring method makes it possible to carry out the
measurement by means of resistors of conventional precision — The second aspect concerns the consequences
because the mutual equality of both parts of the resistor Rs can of asymmetric voltages at the output terminals
easily be adjusted to a very high precision by means of the originating from the passive element itself, which
potentiometer. might induce asymmetric voltages into lines
NOTE 2 A more elaborate method of measurement, using a
balanced choke, may be developed on the lines of the method of which are adjacent to the output line of the
measuring output impedance unbalance (see Sub-clause 13.2). passive element. This aspect of the unbalance of
NOTE 3 If less complete information is sufficient, only the the output is expressed in terms of an internal

upper limit of the unbalance, within the effective frequency unbalanced source characterized by its e.m.f. and
range, may be given.
NOTE 4 If the structure of the passive element is such that the
its internal impedance [see items b) and c)].
unbalance of the voltmeter which is used to measure the output
voltage U½2 may have an influence on the balance of the input, the
instrument should be adequately balanced.
This can be checked as follows:
— the unbalance of the output internal impedance of the
passive element is measured as specified in Sub-clause 13.2;

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13.2.2 Measuring methods NOTE The impedance of the voltmeter should be sufficiently
high. To check whether this requirement is fulfilled, a Unbalance of the internal impedance resistance equal to the impedance of the voltmeter is
(see Figure 8a, page 21) connected across its terminals. If the reading of the voltmeter
does not change significantly, the voltmeter may be
1) The passive element is brought under normal considered adequate for this purpose.
working conditions, but the source e.m.f. is 4) The voltage U½2 between the centre tap and the
reduced to zero. reference point is measured.
2) The output terminals are bridged by a 5) The output voltage U2 between the output
symmetrical choke in parallel with the rated load terminals is measured.
impedance R2.
6) The unbalance of the output e.m.f. is expressed
NOTE The impedance of the choke should be high
compared to R2. U' U'
as a ratio: --------2 , as a percentage: --------2 ⋅ 100,
3) A source of sinusoidal voltage, in series with a U2 U2
R U'
resistance ------2- , is connected between the centre or in decibels: 20 log10 --------2 .
4 U2
tap of the choke and the specified reference point
7) The measurement is repeated for a number of
with respect to which the output is claimed to be
frequencies adequately covering the effective
frequency range.
4) The e.m.f. E½s of the source is measured.
8) The result is given either in a table or as a
5) The voltage U½2 between the output terminals graph presenting unbalance as the ordinate and
is measured. frequencies as the abscissa, the measuring points
6) The unbalance of the internal impedance is being indicated.
2 U' NOTE The measuring method described above is equivalent to
expressed as a ratio: --------, as a the method of using two precisely equal resistances R2/2 for
E' s obtaining an artificial centre point of the output.
2 U' U'2 Internal impedance of the source of
percentage: --------·100, or in decibels: 20 log10 --------.
E' s E' s unbalance (see Figure 8c, page 22)
7) The measurement is repeated for a number of 1) Following the measuring procedure of the
frequencies adequately covering the effective unbalance of the output e.m.f. up to and including
frequency range. item 4, the voltmeter is shunted by a resistor R of
8) The result is given either in a table or as a such a value that the reading decreases from U½2
graph presenting unbalance as the ordinate and to a value U¾2 which is at least ten times smaller.
frequencies as the abscissa, the measuring points The modulus of the internal impedance of the
being indicated. 2 U9
source of unbalance is approximately: ----------
· R.
NOTE 1 The voltmeter used for measuring U½2 shall be U2
adequately balanced. This can be checked by disconnecting the
passive element output from the measuring circuit. If the reading 2) The measurement is repeated for a number of
of the voltmeter decreases by at least 10 dB, the voltmeter can be frequencies adequately covering the effective
considered as adequate for this purpose.
NOTE 2 The measuring method described above is equivalent
frequency range.
to the method of using two precisely equal resistances R2/2 for 3) The result is given either in a table or as a
obtaining an artificial centre point of the output. graph, presenting the internal impedance of the Unbalance of the output e.m.f. source of unbalance as the ordinate and
(see Figure 8b, page 21) frequencies as the abscissa, the measuring points
1) The passive element is brought under normal being indicated.
working conditions. NOTE The measurement method described above is equivalent
to the method of using two precisely equal resistors R2/2 for
2) The output terminals are bridged by a obtaining an artificial centre point of the output.
symmetrical choke in parallel with the rated load
impedance R2.
NOTE The impedance of the choke should be high
compared to R2.
3) A voltmeter is connected between the centre
tap of the choke and the specified reference point
with respect to which the output is claimed to be


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BS 6840-6:1987

14 External influences NOTE 3 For the equivalent source e.m.f.,

see IEC Publication 268-2.
14.1 General 14.2.2 Method of measurement
14.1.1 Specifications and measuring methods 1) The passive element is connected and adjusted
Passive elements are subject to many forms of as for rated conditions, in the absence of the
external interference which, in particular cases, it source e.m.f. An appropriate filter may be used to
may be of vital importance to exclude or to limit. separate the measurement frequencies from
However, as external influences may give rise to interference.
very complicated interferences by reason of 2) An external uniform sinusoidal magnetic field
non-linear effects, no generally valid method of of power supply frequency is applied. The
measurement can be given to evaluate external direction of the external field shall be such that
influences. Specifications will always be subject to maximum output voltage is obtained.
discussion between supplier and user and are likely NOTE For the method of producing a uniform alternating
to lead to possibly elaborate tests at laboratory level. magnetic field, see Appendix A.
The method of measurement given below deals only 3) A preliminary test is to be made to determine
with external influences of magnetic fields whether a linear relationship exists between the
emanating from the mains supply, which is the most external magnetic field strength H and the
usual interference source for general purpose output voltage due to it, e.g. by halving and
passive elements. The method given is neither doubling the magnetic field strength and
exhaustive nor final but is intended to provide measuring the pertinent output voltage. If no
useful guidance. linear relation exists, a new value of the magnetic
14.1.2 Other external influences field strength should be chosen adequately to give
such a linear relation.
For all external interferences other than those listed
below, the specification shall be determined by 4) The magnetic field strength H and the output
agreement between supplier and user. voltage U½2 are measured.
5) The equivalent source e.m.f. E½s is computed
14.2 Rated equivalent source e.m.f. for
from U½2 and from the separately measured
external magnetic fields of power supply
over-all voltage gain at the reference frequency.
E½s is specified, together with the value and
14.2.1 Characteristic to be specified
direction of the magnetic field.
For a sinusoidal external magnetic field, specified as
6) A test is made to obtain the direction of the
to r.m.s. value, frequency and direction, the
magnetic field for minimum influence. This
equivalent source e.m.f. of reference frequency,
direction is also specified.
corresponding to the output voltage due to the
external magnetic field, for the passive element 7) The measurement may be repeated to obtain
under rated conditions, in the absence of the the response of the mains frequency harmonics
source e.m.f. up to and including the fifth.
The equivalent source e.m.f. shall be stated for the NOTE Instead of specifying the equivalent source e.m.f. E½s,
E s9
with the magnetic field strength H, the transmission factor: --------
direction of the external field for which maximum may be specified if linear conditions exist. H
influence occurs. The directions for both maximum
14.3 Residual equivalent source e.m.f. for
and minimum influence shall be stated.
external magnetic fields of power supply
The equivalent source e.m.f. shall be given for an frequency
external magnetic field of power supply frequency
and for each of its harmonics up to and including 14.3.1 Characteristic to be specified
the fifth. For a sinusoidal external magnetic field, specified as
The equivalent source e.m.f. shall be given to r.m.s. value, frequency and direction, the
unweighted. equivalent source e.m.f. of the reference frequency,
corresponding to the output voltage due to the
NOTE 1 If linear relations exist, the equivalent source e.m.f.
may be expressed as a transmission factor, relating the external magnetic field, for the passive element
equivalent source e.m.f. and the magnetic field strength. A check under rated conditions, in the absence of the normal
as to whether the device is working in a linear range with respect source e.m.f. and with the volume attenuation
to the interference can be made by ranging the magnitude of the
interfering signal.
control set to the position for maximum attenuation.
NOTE 2 The strength of the magnetic field used shall be related The equivalent source e.m.f. shall be stated for the
to the purpose for which the passive element is intended and in direction of the external field for which maximum
all cases shall be large enough to overcome the noise and other
disturbances. influence occurs. The directions for both maximum
and minimum influence shall be stated.


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The equivalent source e.m.f. shall be given for an 15 Magnetic stray field
external magnetic field of power supply frequency
15.1 Magnetic stray field generated by the
and for each of its harmonics up to and including
passive element
the fifth.
The equivalent source e.m.f. shall be given 15.1.1 Characteristic to be specified
unweighted. The magnetic a.c. stray field, generated by the
NOTE 1 If linear relations exist, the equivalent source e.m.f. passive element at a stated distance from its
may be expressed as a transmission factor, relating the enclosure or from any part element associated with
equivalent source e.m.f. and the magnetic field strength. A check the passive element. The magnetic a.c. stray field
as to whether the device is working in a linear range with respect
to the interference can be made by ranging the magnitude of the may arise from any frequency in the operating
interfering signal. range of the passive element and from any
NOTE 2 The strength of the magnetic field used shall be related frequency arising from the power supply system.
to the purpose for which the passive element is intended and in
all cases shall be large enough to overcome the noise and other The manufacturer shall specify the maximum value
disturbances. of the magnetic stray field occurring at any point at
NOTE 3 For the equivalent source e.m.f., the stated distance from the enclosure, together
see IEC Publication 268-2. with the directions in which the different magnetic
14.3.2 Method of measurement a.c. stray fields occur.
1) The passive element is connected and adjusted 15.1.2 Measuring method
as for rated conditions, in the absence of the
1) The passive element is brought under normal
source e.m.f. An appropriate filter may be used to
working conditions.
separate the measurement frequencies from
interference. The volume control attenuation is 2) The external stray field is measured,
set to the position for maximum attenuation. separating the different frequency components.
2) An external uniform sinusoidal magnetic field For measuring the magnetic field strength, it is
of power supply frequency is applied. The recommended that a search coil be used according to
direction of the external field shall be such that Appendix A, Clause 2 and Figure 10, page 24,
maximum output voltage is obtained. producing an e.m.f. of 4 mV in a magnetic field with
a strength of 4 A/m at a frequency of 50 Hz, this
NOTE For the method of producing a uniform alternating
magnetic field, see Appendix A. e.m.f. being proportional to frequency.
3) A preliminary test is to be made to determine
whether a linear relationship exists between the 16 Alignment
external magnetic field strength H and the 16.1 Attenuation alignment
output voltage due to it, e.g. by halving and 16.1.1 Characteristic to be specified
doubling the magnetic field strength and
measuring the pertinent output voltage. If no The difference in attenuation between a pair of
linear relation exists, a new value of the magnetic passive elements for stated positions of the controls,
field strength should be chosen to give such a if any, as a function of frequency.
linear relation adequately. 16.1.2 Method of measurement
4) The magnetic field strength H and the output 1) Both passive elements are brought under
voltage U½2 are measured. normal working conditions, the source being the
5) The equivalent source e.m.f. E½s is computed same for both passive elements.
from U½2 and from the separately measured 2) Volume controls (attenuation) and tone
over-all voltage gain at the reference frequency. controls, if any, are set to stated positions,
E½s is specified, together with the value and bearing the same indications for both passive
direction of the magnetic field. elements. If there is a device for attenuation
alignment, this should be properly adjusted.
6) A test is made to obtain the direction of the
magnetic field for minimum influence. This 3) The output voltages U½2 and U¾2 of both
direction is also specified. passive elements are measured.
7) The measurement may be repeated to obtain 4) The frequency of the source is varied
the response of the mains frequency harmonics continuously or step by step, maintaining the
up to and including the fifth. source e.m.f. constant, measuring the output
NOTE Instead of specifying the equivalent source e.m.f. E½s
voltages U½2 and U¾2 of both passive elements at
with the magnetic field strength H, the transmission each frequency.
factor: E9s may be specified if linear conditions exist.


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5) The ratio of the output voltages U½2 and U¾2 of Section 2. Widely used passive
both passive elements is expressed in decibels as elements
a function of frequency.
6) The measurement is repeated for a number of 17 Attenuators
positions of the tone and volume controls, bearing Introduction
the same indication for both passive elements,
one of the positions being that corresponding to Attenuators will be understood to include auxiliary
rated conditions. When there is a device for passive elements, intended to introduce a decrease
attenuation alignment, this should not be of the level of a signal, the decrease being
changed from the position adjusted under item 2) substantially independent of frequency within the
above. effective frequency range.
7) The results are given as a series of graphs, each Attenuators are considered under:
labelled with the pertinent positions of the — Chapter I, Conditions for specification and
controls presenting the ratio of the output measurement (Clauses 3 and 4);
voltages as the ordinate and the frequencies as — Chapter II, Section 1: Auxiliary passive
the abscissa. elements (Clauses 5 up to Clause 16 inclusive).
16.2 Phase alignment For variable attenuators, the following
16.2.1 Characteristic to be specified characteristics shall also be specified and measured:
The difference in phase response between a pair of 17.1 Residual attenuation
passive elements for stated positions of the controls, 17.1.1 Characteristic to be specified
if any, as a function of frequency.
The minimum attenuation that can be achieved.
16.2.2 Method of measurement
17.1.2 Method of measurement
1) Both passive elements are brought under
1) The attenuator is brought under normal
normal working conditions.

working conditions.
2) The volume (attenuation) and tone controls, if
2) The attenuation control is adjusted for
any, are set to stated positions, bearing the same
minimum attenuation.
indications for both passive elements. If there is a
device for attenuation alignment, this should be 3) The voltage attenuation is measured according
properly adjusted. to the procedure stated in Sub-clause 10.2.
3) A phase difference meter is connected between 17.2 Attenuation range
the output terminals of both passive elements 17.2.1 Characteristic to be specified
taking proper account of the terminal marking.
The difference between the maximum attenuation
4) The frequency of the source is varied that can be achieved, either continuously or step by
continuously or step by step, the phase difference step without significant discontinuity between
being measured at each frequency. steps, and the residual attenuation.
5) The phase difference between the two channels 17.2.2 Method of measurement
%: is expressed as a function of frequency either
in radians or in degrees or as a time difference, as 1) The attenuator is brought under normal
specified in Sub-clause 11.3. working conditions.
6) The measurement is repeated for a number of 2) The attenuation control is adjusted for
positions of the tone and volume (attenuation) maximum attenuation.
controls, bearing the same indication for both 3) The voltage attenuation is measured according
passive elements, one of the positions being that to the procedure stated in Sub-clause 10.2.
corresponding to rated conditions. When there is 4) The difference is taken between this value of
a device for attenuation alignment, this should the attenuation and the residual attenuation,
not be changed from the position adjusted under both expressed in decibels.
item 2) above. NOTE If the maximum attenuation is very high, the input
7) The results are presented as a series of graphs, voltage may be increased up to the temperature limited value
each labelled with the pertinent positions of the during this procedure in order to facilitate the measurement of
the output voltage under item 3) above.
controls, presenting the phase difference as the
ordinate and the frequencies as the abscissa.
NOTE Applies to Sub-clauses 16.1 and 16.2.
For graphical presentation of the results of measurements,
see IEC Publication 268-1, Clauses 10 and 11.

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BS 6840-6:1987

17.3 Attenuation steps 18.1.2 Method of measurement

17.3.1 Characteristic to be specified The impedance ratio is measured when the
The attenuation per step within the attenuation transformer is brought under normal working
range. conditions. The input impedance is measured
according to Sub-clause 7.2.2. The impedance ratio
17.3.2 Method of measurement is given by:
If the attenuation is variable, either continuously or Z2
step by step, and if the attenuation control is ------
provided with a calibrated dial, the difference of the
attenuation between two positions of the control is
obtained by two measurements of the voltage where: Z1 = input impedance
attenuation, for the two positions of the controls,
according to the procedure stated in Z2 = load impedance
Sub-clause 10.2.
18.2 Voltage ratio
17.4 Ultimate attenuation
18.2.1 Characteristic to be specified
17.4.1 Characteristic to be specified
Ratio between the input voltage and the output
If the attenuation has an ultimate position intended voltage of the transformer under normal working
to give a very high or infinite attenuation, this conditions shall be given preferably in the structure
position shall be adequately marked on the scale of diagram (block schematic). The voltage ratio is
the control. expressed in the form 1 : r for step-up transformers,
17.4.2 Method of measurement where U2 > U1, and as r : 1 for step-down
1) The attenuator is brought under normal transformers, where U1 < U2, the ratio r being
working conditions. greater than unity in both cases.
2) The attenuation control is set at its ultimate 18.2.2 Method of measurement
position intended to give a very high or infinite 1) The transformer is brought under normal
attenuation. working conditions.
3) The voltage attenuation is measured according 2) The input voltage U1 is measured.

to the procedure stated in Sub-clause 10.2. 3) The output voltage U2 is measured.

NOTE If the ultimate attenuation is very high, the input
voltage may be increased up to the temperature limited value
4) The voltage ratio is expressed as specified
during this procedure in order to facilitate the measurement of above.
the output voltage. NOTE If the transformer is equipped with a number of taps, the
voltage ratio shall be measured for each tap.
18 Transformers 18.3 Rated output power
Introduction 18.3.1 Characteristic to be specified
Transformers equipped with a number of taps, to be For a specified pair of input and output terminals,
used primarily for the purpose of voltage control, are the output power, stated by the manufacturer,
also within the scope of this section. which the transformer is capable of delivering to the
Transformers are considered under: rated load impedance within the effective frequency
— Chapter I: Conditions for specification and range without exceeding the specified amplitude
measurement (Clauses 3 and 4); non-linearity for rated conditions.
— Chapter II, Section 1: Auxiliary passive To be taken from the manufacturer’s specification.
elements (Clauses 5 up to 16 inclusive); 18.3.2 Method of measurement
and the following characteristics are also relevant: Output power
18.1 Impedance ratio 1) The transformer is brought under rated
18.1.1 Characteristic to be specified conditions.
Ratio between the input and the load impedance 2) A device for the measurement of the total
when the load impedance has its rated value. harmonic distortion, according to the procedure
NOTE If a transformer has several taps, the impedance ratio is
stated in Sub-clause 12.1, is connected at the
given for each pair of taps, the others being unloaded. output terminals.
3) The source e.m.f. is adjusted to obtain a
specified total harmonic distortion of the output

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BS 6840-6:1987

4) The output voltage U2 is measured. 19.2 Tone control range

2 19.2.1 Characteristic to be specified
5) The output power is --------2 where R2 is the rated The limits, under normal working conditions, of the
R frequency response at specified frequencies for the
impedance. extreme positions of the specified controls.
18.4 Limiting direct current 19.2.2 Method of measurement
18.4.1 Characteristic to be specified 1) The frequency responses are measured, as
If the transformer is designed to carry direct stated in Sub-clause 11.1, for the extreme
current, the value shall be given for the appropriate positions of the specified controls.
winding. 2) The results are presented either as two curves
18.4.2 Method of measurement in a graph or as merely giving the difference in
decibels (plus and minus), with respect to the
The value of the limiting direct current shall be response in the reference position of the controls,
taken from the manufacturer’s specification. for two specified frequencies in the effective
Transformers shall be tested with the appropriate frequency range, near the lower and upper limit.
direct current applied.
Section 3. Physical characteristics and
19 Filters and equalizers cable assemblies
20 Dimensions
Filters and equalizers will be understood to include
auxiliary passive elements intended to change the 20.1 Characteristic to be specified
frequency response either for part of a sound system The main and mounting dimensions of the auxiliary
or for a complete sound system. passive elements shall be specified by the
The term “filter” is mainly applied to elements used manufacturer.
to give an intended deviation from the flat frequency
response. The term “equalizer” is mainly applied to 21 Weight
elements used to compensate the frequency 21.1 Characteristic to be specified
response of a preceding or following sound system
unit. In the latter case, the term pre-equalizer is The net weight of the auxiliary passive elements
also used. shall be specified by the manufacturer.
Filters and equalizers are considered under:
22 Cable assemblies
— Chapter I: Conditions for specification and
measurement (Clauses 3 and 4); 22.1 Characteristic to be specified
— Chapter II, Section 1: Auxiliary passive The cable connections (mate connections) shall be
elements (Clauses 5 up to 16 inclusive); and the specified by the manufacturer.
following characteristics are also relevant:
Section 4. Classification of the
19.1 Reference frequency response
characteristics to be specified
19.1.1 Characteristic to be specified
The frequency response, under normal working 23 General
conditions, when controls are set at the “reference”
positions, as specified by the manufacturer.
A = data which shall always be labelled by the
NOTE In general, frequency response of the filters and
equalizers must correspond with a particular standard. For manufacturer on the element.
example, IEC Publication 94, Magnetic Tape Recording and B = data which shall always be specified by the
Reproducing Systems: Dimensions and Characteristics, and
IEC Publication 98, Processed Disk Records and Reproducing manufacturer in the manual and technical
Equipment. specification.
19.1.2 Method of measurement C = additional data which may be given by the
1) The passive element is brought under normal manufacturer.
working conditions and the controls are set in the
“reference” positions, as specified by the
2) The frequency response is measured as stated
in Sub-clause 11.1.

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Copyright British Standards Institution
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BS 6840-6:1987

If more than one cross is shown in the table, the data

shall be given in both cases. It is essential that

markings relating to safety (see IEC Publication 65)

appear on the rating plate and are clearly visible.
Other markings are recommended, but these may in
some cases not be practicable either for reasons of
size or construction, or because variable facilities
are provided which make the marking confusing.
Accordingly, such markings are indicated by the
letter “R”.

24 Classification

Clauses and Sub-clauses A B C

5 Diagram
5.1 Structure diagram (block schematic) R X
6 Terminals and controls
6.1 Marking X X
6.2 Symbols for marking X X
7 Input characteristics
7.1 Rated source impedance X X
7.2 Input impedance X
7.3 Rated source e.m.f. X
8 Output characteristics
8.1 Rated load impedance X X
8.2 Output impedance X
9 Limiting characteristics
9.1 Overload source e.m.f. X
9.2 Temperature limited input voltage X
10 Attenuation
10.1 Rated matched insertion loss X
10.2 Voltage attenuation (insertion attenuation) X
11 Response
11.1 Frequency response X
11.2 Effective frequency range X
11.3 Phase-frequency response X
12 Amplitude non-linearity
12.1 Harmonic distortion X
12.2 Distortion curves X
13 Unbalance
13.1 Unbalance of the input X
13.2 Unbalance of the output X
14 External influences
14.2 Rated equivalent source e.m.f. for external magnetic fields of power
supply frequency X
14.3 Residual equivalent source e.m.f. for external magnetic fields of
power supply frequency X
15 Magnetic stray field
15.1 Magnetic stray field generated by the passive element X
16 Alignment
16.1 Attenuation alignment X
16.2 Phase alignment X

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BS 6840-6:1987

Clauses and Sub-clauses A B C

17 Attenuators
17.1 Residual attenuation X
17.2 Attenuation range X
17.3 Attenuation steps X
17.4 Ultimate attenuation X
18 Transformers
18.1 Impedance ratio R X
18.2 Voltage ratio R X
18.3 Rated output power X
18.4 Limiting direct current X
19 Filters and equalizers
19.1 Reference frequency response X
19.2 Tone control range X
20 Dimensions X
21 Weight X
22 Cable assemblies X


© BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
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BS 6840-6:1987

Appendix A The three coils, n1, n2, n3 having turns ratios

of 100, 36, 100, the same current I flowing through
1 Method of producing a uniform alternating each coil in the same direction, a field is produced
magnetic field which may be considered to be uniform to
The passive element under test shall be placed in a within ± 2 %, inside a spherical space with a
uniform alternating magnetic field of known diameter of d = 0.5 b, the centre of which coincides
intensity, produced by a current at the relevant with the geometrical centre of coil No. 2.
frequency, normally the mains frequency or one of The passive element under test shall not project
its harmonic frequencies. from the spherical space of the diameter d.
The position of the passive element relative to the The resulting field strength will be approximately:
pattern of the field shall be varied until the n
interference is at maximum. H = 1.69 -----1- ⋅ I A/m
A convenient and fairly accurate method of
producing a uniform alternating magnetic field The magnetic field strength shall be measured,
makes use of the arrangement of three square coils before the passive element is placed into the field.
according to Figure 9, page 23; a = 0.375 b, a being This can be done with a search coil, according to
the mutual distance and b the dimension of the side Clause 2 of this Appendix.
of each square. The coils may be fed by the power 2 Search coil for measuring the magnetic field
line or a suitable generator. strength
For measuring the magnetic field strength, the use
of a search coil, according to Figure 10, page 24, is
recommended, which will produce an e.m.f. of 4 mV
in a magnetic field with a strength of 4 A/m at a
frequency of 50 Hz, the voltage being proportional
to both the magnetic field strength and the

Figure 1 — Input impedance, balanced input, free from earth

Figure 2 — Input impedance, balanced input, free from earth


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Figure 3 — Input impedance, balanced input, connected to earth

Figure 4 — Input impedance, balanced input, connected to earth

Figure 5 — Input impedance, unbalanced input

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Figure 6 — Input impedance, unbalanced input

Figure 7a

Figure 7b
Figure 7 — Unbalance of the input

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BS 6840-6:1987

Figure 8a — Unbalance of the internal impedance

Figure 8b — Unbalance of the output e.m.f.


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BS 6840-6:1987

Es = Source e.m.f.
impédance de source
Rs = source impedance
Figure 8c1
R2 = rated load impedance
RL = choke impedance
RL g R2

Figure 8c2
Figure 8c — Internal impedance of the source of unbalance

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Figure 9 — Arrangement of three coils for the production of a uniform

alternating magnetic field

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Figure 10 — Search coil for measuring the magnetic field strength

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