Bomag BT 60 - 4 Operating Instructions Manual

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Operating instructions
Maintenance instructions

BT 60/4 / BT 65/4
S/N 101 540 52 2391 > / S/N 101 540 53 4211 >

Vibratory Tampers

Catalogue No.
008 066 01 02/2010

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These BOMAG machines are products from You should only operate the machine after you
F oreword

the wide product range of BOMAG machines have been instructed and in compliance with these
for earth and asphalt construction, refuse instructions.
compaction and stabilizing/recycling. Strictly observe the safety regulations.
BOMAG’s vast experience in connection with Please observe also the guidelines of the Civil En-
state-of-the-art production and testing meth- gineering Liability Association ”Safety Rules for
ods, such as lifetime tests of all important the Operation of Road Rollers and Soil Compac-
components and highest quality demands tors” and all relevant accident prevention regula-
guarantee maximum reliability of your ma- tions.
For your own personal safety you should only
This manual comprises: use original spare parts from BOMAG.
● Safety regulations In the course of technical development we re-
● Operating instructions serve the right for technical modifications
without prior notification.
● Maintenance instructions
These operating and maintenance instructions are
● Trouble shooting also available in other languages.

Using these instructions will Apart from that, the spare parts catalogue is avail-
able from your BOMAG dealer against the serial
● help you to become familiar with the machine. number of your machine.
● avoid malfunctions caused by unprofessional Your BOMAG dealer will also supply you with in-
operation. formation about the correct use of our machines in
soil and asphalt construction.
Compliance with the maintenance instructions will
The above notes do not constitute an extension of
● enhance the reliability of the machine on con- the warranty and liability conditions specified in the
struction sites, general terms of business of BOMAG.
● prolong the lifetime of the machine, We wish you successful work with your BOMAG
● reduce repair costs and downtimes. machine.
BOMAG will not assume liability for the function of
the machine Printed in Germany
Copyright by BOMAG
● if it is handled in a way not complying with the
usual modes of use,
● if it is used for purposes other than those men-
tioned in these instructions.

No warranty claims can be lodged in case of dam-

age resulting from
● operating errors,
● insufficient maintenance and
● wrong fuels and lubricants.

Please note!
This manual was written for operators and mainte-
nance personnel on construction sites.
These operating and maintenance instructions are
part of the machine.

BT 60/4, BT 65/4

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Please fill in
Machine type (Fig. 1)
Serial-number (Fig. 1 and 2)
Engine type (Fig. 3)
Engine number (Fig. 3)

i Note Fig. 1
Supplement the above data together with the com-
missioning protocol.
During commissioning our organisation will in-
struct you in the operation and maintenance of the
Please observe strictly the safety regulations and
all notes on risks and dangers!

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

  BT 60/4, BT 65/4

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Table of Contents

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BT 60/4, BT 65/4

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Table of Contents

R  BT 60/4, BT 65/4

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1 Technical Data

BT 60/4, BT 65/4

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efghifjk ljmj

Fig. 4

Dimensions in mm B H L L1 W
BT 60/4 350 960 735 335 280
BT 65/4 350 1000 735 335 280

BT 60/4 BT 65/4

Basic weight kg 61 67
Operating weight (CECE) kg 62 68

Travel characteristics
Max. working speed (depending on soil) m/min 20 20
Max. areal output (depending on soil) m2/h 336 336

Engine manufacturer Honda Honda
Type GX 100 GX 100
Cooling Air Air
Number of cylinders 1 1
Displacement cm3 98 98
Rated power ISO 9249 kW 2.2 2.2
Rated speed rpm 4200 4200

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* BT 60/4 BT 65/4
Exciter system
Drive system mechanical mechanical
Frequency Hz 10 – 11.8 10 – 11.8
Impact force kN 13.5 16.2

Filling capacities
Fuel tank l 3.0 3.0
Oil in tamper foot l 0.8 1.0
Engine oil l 0.3 0.3
* The right for technical modifications remains reserved

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efghifjk ljmj

The following noise and vibration data acc. to

- EC Machine Regulation edition 2006/42/EC

- the noise regulation 2000/14/EG, noise protection guideline 2003/10/EC

- Vibration Protection Regulation 2002/44/EC

were determined during conditions typical for this type of equipment and by application of harmo-
nized standards.

During operation these values may vary because of the existing operating conditions.

Noise value
Sound pressure level on the place of the operator:
BT 60/4: LpA = 98 dB(A), determined acc. to ISO 11204 and EN 500
BT 65/4: LpA = 95 dB(A), determined acc. to ISO 11204 and EN 500

Guaranteed sound power level:

BT 60/4: LWA = 108 dB(A), determined acc. to ISO 3744 and EN 500
BT 65/4: LWA = 106 dB(A), determined acc. to ISO 3744 and EN 500

Loss of hearing!
Wear your personal noise protection means (ear defenders) before starting operation.

Vibration value
Hand-arm vibration:
Vector total of the weighted effective acceleration in three orthogonal directions:

Weighted total vibration value

BT 60/4 ahv = 9.3 m/sec2 on crushed rock determined acc. to ISO 5349 and EN 500
BT 65/4 ahv = 9.0 m/sec2 on crushed rock determined acc. to ISO 5349 and EN 500

Observe the daily vibration load (Industrial safety acc. to 2002/44/EEC).

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2 Safety regulations

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General For example:

This BOMAG machine has been built in com- ● Working in horizontal direction
pliance with the latest technical standard and ● Ramming of poles
complies with the applicable regulations and
● Vibrating of paving blocks
technical rules. However, dangers for persons
and property may arise from this machine, if: It is not permitted to stand on the machine while
● it is used for purposes other than the ones it is
intended for, Starting and operation of the machine in explosive
environments is prohibited.
● it is operated by untrained personnel,
● it is changed or converted in an unprofessional Remaining dangers, remaining risks
Despite careful work and compliance with stand-
● the safety instructions are not observed. ards and regulations it cannot be ruled out that fur-
ther dangers may arise when working with and
Each person involved in the operation, mainte-
handling the machine.
nance and repair of the machine must there-
fore read and comply with these safety Both the machine as well as all other system com-
regulations. If necessary, this must be con- ponents comply with the currently valid safety reg-
firmed by obtaining the signature of the cus- ulations. Nevertheless, remaining risks cannot be
tomer. ruled out completely, even when using the ma-
chine for the purpose it is intended for and follow-
Furthermore, the following obviously also applies:
ing all information given in the operating
● applicable accident prevention instructions, instructions.
● generally accepted safety and road traffic reg- A remaining risk can also not be excluded beyond
ulations, the actual danger zone of the machine. Persons
● country specific safety regulations. It is the remaining in this area must pay particular attention
duty of the operator to be acquainted with to the machine, so that they can react immediately
these instructions and to apply these accord- in case of a possible malfunction, an incident or
ingly. This applies also for local regulations failure etc.
concerning different types of handling work. All persons remaining ion the area of the machine
Should the recommendations in these instruc- must be informed about the dangers that arise
tions be different from the regulations valid in from the operation of the machine.
your country, you must comply with the safety
regulations valid in your country. Regular safety inspections
Have the machine inspected by an expert (proper-
Intended use ly trained person) once every year.
This machine must only be used for:
● Compaction of all types of soils Who is allowed to operate the ma-
● Repair work in all types of soil
The machine must only be operated by trained
● Reinforcement of walkways
and authorized persons which are at least 18
● Work in trenches years of age. The responsibilities for the operation
● Backfills and compaction of marginal strips of the machine are to be clearly specified and
complied with.
Unintended use Persons under the influence of alcohol, medica-
tion or drugs must not operate, service or repair
However, dangers may arise from this machine if the machine.
it is operated by untrained personnel or if it is sub-
jected of unintended use.

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Maintenance and repairs require very specific Secure the machine against tipping over or slip-
knowledge and must therefore only be carried out ping off.
by trained and qualified personnel. Persons are highly endangered if they step or
stand under a suspended load.
Conversions and alterations to the ma- With the machine suspended be aware that the
chine. machine may swing about.
Unauthorized conversions to the machine are pro- Secure the machine on the transport vehicle
hibited for safety reasons. against rolling, slipping and turning over.
Original parts and accessories have been special-
ly designed for this machine. We wish to make ex- Starting the machine
pressly clear that we have not tested or authorized
any original parts or special equipment not sup- Before starting
plied by us. The installation and/or use of such Become acquainted with the equipment, the con-
products can impair the active and/or passive driv- trol elements, the working principle of the machine
ing safety. The manufacturer expressly excludes and the working area.
any liability for damage resulting from the use of
Wear your personal protective outfit (hard hat,
non-original parts or accessories.
safety boots, etc.). Wear ear defenders.
Before starting the machine check whether:
Damage, deficiencies, misuse of safety
installations ● the machine shows any obvious faults
Machines which are not safe to operate must be ● all guards and safety elements are in place
immediately taken out of service and shall not be ● the controls are fully functional
used, until these deficiencies have been properly
rectified. ● the machine is free of oily and combustible
Safety installations and switches must neither be
removed nor must they be made ineffective. ● all grips are free of grease, oils, fuel, dirt, snow
and ice.
Safety notes in the operating and main- Use only machines which are serviced at regular
tenance instructions: intervals.

Starting and operation of the machine is
closed rooms and trenches
Sections marked like this point out possible Exhaust gases are highly dangerous! Always en-
dangers for persons. sure an adequate supply of fresh air when starting
and operating in closed rooms and trenches!
o Caution
Sections marked like that point out possible
dangers for the machine or for parts of the ma- ● Guide the machine and take care that you do
chine. not hurt your hands on any obstructions, dan-
ger of accident.

i Note ● Watch out for unusual noises and the develop-

ment of smoke. Find the cause and have the
Sections marked like this provide technical infor-
fault corrected.
mation concerning the optimal economical utiliza-
tion of the machine. ● Do not hold the throttle lever in the area below
I, as this may damage the centrifugal clutch.
Loading the machine ● Do not take your hands off the machine while
Always shut the engine down to transport the the engine is running.
tamper or to lay it on its side. ● Keep your feet away from the tamper foot

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Parking the machine Cleaning

Stand the machine on ground as level as possible. Do not clean the machine while the engine is run-
Before leaving the machine:
Do not use gasoline or other inflammable sub-
● Secure the machine against tipping over.
stances to clean the machine.
When using steam cleaning equipment do not
Filling in fuel subject electric parts and insulating material to the
Refuel only with the engine shut down. direct water jet or cover them beforehand.
Do not refuel in closed rooms. Do not guide the water jet directly into the air filter,
No open fire, do not smoke. into the exhaust or into the air intake opening.
Do not spill any fuel. Catch running out fuel, do not After the maintenance work
let it seep into the ground. Reinstall all protective devices after completing
Do not inhale any fuel fumes. maintenance.
Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Do not swallow. Repair
Repairs must only be carried out by qualified and
Maintenance authorized personnel. Always follow our repair in-
Maintenance work must only be carried out by
qualified and authorized personnel. Exhaust gases are highly dangerous! Always en-
sure an adequate supply of fresh air when starting
Keep unauthorized persons away from the ma-
in closed rooms!
Attach a warning tag to the steering bow if the ma-
Do not perform maintenance work while the en-
chine is defective.
gine is running.
● Do not mix the nozzle in the carburettor up by
Park the machine on level and firm ground.
Working on the fuel system ● Adjust the idling speed regulator screw exact-
No open fire, do not smoke, do not spill any fuel. ly.
Catch running out fuel, do not let it seep into the ● Do not damage the blower wheel when work-
ground and dispose of environmentally. ing on the magnetic ignition.
Do not breath in fuel fumes. ● Always replace self locking nuts.
Working on the engine ● Do not open the foot cover on the tamper foot,
spring tension. Danger of accident!
When working on the fuel filter make sure that no
dirt falls into the air channel. ● Observe the prescribed tightening torques.
Do not work on the hot exhaust, risk of burns!
When working on the exhaust channel of the en-
Information and safety stickers/decals
gine make sure that no combustion residues fall on the machine
into the cylinder. Keep safety stickers in good and legible condition
Do not touch the piston with the cleaning tools. (see parts manual) and comply with their meaning.
Replace damaged and illegible stickers/decals.
Working on the tamper foot
Wipe off spilled oil, catch running out oil and dis-
pose of environmentally.
Store oily material in a specially marked container
and dispose of environmentally.

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Fig. 5

1 Brief operating instructions 5 Information sticker "Guaranteed sound capac-

2 Information sticker "Oil level" and instruction ity level"
sticker "Wear ear defenders" 6 Warning sticker "Spring"
3 Information sticker "Gasoline"
4 Information sticker "Lifting point"

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4R  BT 60/4, BT 65/4

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3 Indicators and Controls

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3.1 General notes 3.2 Controls

Please read this section thoroughly before operat-
ing this machine if you are not yet conversant with
the indicators and control elements. All functions
are described in detail hereunder.
Paragraph 4 Operation contains only concise de-
scriptions of the individual operating steps.

Fig. 6
No. 1 = Throttle lever

Fig. 7
No. 2 = Engine stop button

Fig. 8
No. 3 = Recoil starter

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Fig. 9
No. 4 = Fuel cock

Fig. 10
No. 5 = Choke lever

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4 Operation

BT 60/4, BT 65/4

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4.1 General 4.2 Tests before taking into op-

If you are not yet acquainted with the controls
and indicating elements on this machine you
should thoroughly read chapter 3 “Indicators i Note
and control elements” before starting work.
During the running in time the idle speed may in-
All indicators and control elements are de- crease because of the enhanced moveability of
scribed in detail in this chapter. the engine. Idle speed between 1700 and 2000
The running in time of the vibratory tamper is 10
operating hours.
The following inspections must be carried out be-
fore each working day or before a longer working

Danger of accident!
Please observe strictly the safety regulations
in chapter 2 of this instruction manual!
● Park the machine on ground as level as possi-

● condition of engine and machine
● fuel tank and fuel lines for leaks
● screw joints for tight fit

i Note
For a description of the following tasks refer to the
chapter "Daily maintenance".
● concertina wall for damage and leaks

i Note
Important! The engine cannot be started if the en-
gine oil level is too low.
● Engine oil level
● Fuel level

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4.3 Starting the engine

n Danger
Exhaust gases are highly dangerous!
Always ensure an adequate supply of fresh air
when starting and operating in closed rooms
and trenches!

n Danger
Danger of accident!
Fig. 12
Always hold on to the machine.
● Set the throttle lever (Fig. 12) to position
Keep your feet away from the tamper plate, be- "MAX".
cause the vibration starts immediately.
Always keep an eye on a running machine.

n Danger
Loss of hearing!
Wear your personal noise protection means
(ear defenders) before starting operation.

Fig. 13

● Close the choke (Fig. 13).

i Note
Always close the choke to start a cold and warm

Fig. 11

● Open the fuel cock (Fig. 11).

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Fig. 14 Fig. 16

● Pull the rope by the starter handle (Fig. 14) un- ● Open the choke (Fig. 16) 3 to 6 seconds after
til resistance can be felt. the engine has started running.
● Let the starter handle run back to initial posi-

Fig. 17

● Set the throttle lever (Fig. 17) to position "MIN"

Fig. 15 and let the engine run warm for 1 to 2 minutes.
● Pull the starter handle quickly and with power
(Fig. 15). i Note

Once the engine has warmed up you can start to
Caution work with the tamper.
Do not let the starter handle hit back.
Starting under cold weather conditions
● Guide the starter handle back to initial position
by hand. ● If the engine stops again after approx. 3 to 5
seconds, close the choke again and repeat the
● If the engine does not start during the first at- starting process.
tempt, repeat the starting process.
Engine oil level too low
The engine does not start if the oil level is too low.
● Check the engine oil level, fill up if necessary.
● Repeat the starting procedure.

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Engine "drowned"
4.4 Work/operation
i Note
When the choke is closed and the starter rope is n Danger
pulled several times, the engine draws in too much
Danger of accident!
fuel and will probably not start.
Guide the machine only with the handle.
Do not let the machine run unattended.
● Close the fuel cock.
Use your personal noise protection means (ear
● Open the choke. defenders).
● Set the throttle lever to full speed position.
● Operate the recoil starter until the engine

i Note
If the engine does not start after 10 to 20 attempts
● pull off the spark plug socket.
● unscrew the spark plug.
● operate the starter several times.
● Dry the spark plug with a clean cloth or blow it
dry with compressed air. If necessary clean
with a wire brush. Fig. 18

● Screw the spark plug back in and plug the ● Set the throttle lever (Fig. 18) to "MAX"-posi-
spark plug socket back on. tion.
● Repeat the starting procedure. ● The machine works at max. frequency.

Fig. 19

● In order to achieve a smooth running of the

machine adjust the throttle lever in the range I
(Fig. 19), depending on the condition and the
density of the soil.

BT 60/4, BT 65/4

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Fig. 20 Fig. 22

● The travel speed can be influenced by altering ● During short breaks you should always set the
the load on the steering handle (Fig. 20). throttle lever to "MIN"-position (Fig. 22).
No load = slowly forward
i Note
This avoids premature wear of the centrifugal
clutch and reduces the fuel consumption

Fig. 21

● The travel speed can also be influenced by

varying the pressing force on the steering bow
(Fig. 21).
Strong force = fast forward

i Note
The lift height of the material to be compacted
should not be higher, than the tamper can man-
If the tamper should get out of rhythm on highly
compacted ground, smooth running can be
achieved by slightly changing the engine speed
and/or the inclination of the tamper.

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4.5 Shutting down the engine

Do not shut the engine down all of the sudden
from full speed, but let it idle for a while for
temperature equalization.

Fig. 25

● Set the fuel valve (Fig. 25) to "STOP" position


Fig. 23

● Move the throttle lever (Fig. 23) back to idle

speed position.
● Run the engine for a short while in idle speed.

Fig. 26

● Pull the rope by the starter handle (Fig. 26) un-

til resistance can be felt.
● Let the starter handle run back to initial posi-

i Note
This procedure protects against moisture deposits
inside the engine.
Fig. 24

● Press the engine shut-down button (Fig. 24).

n Danger
Danger of burning!
Immediately after shutting down the engine is
still hot, do not touch the exhaust.
Park the machine so that it cannot turn over.

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4.6 Changing the tamper foot 4.7 Loading/transport

n Danger
Danger of accident!
Always shut the engine down to transport the
tamper or to lay it on its side.
Make sure that persons are not endangered by
the machine tipping or sliding off.
Lash the machine down, so that it is secured
against rolling, sliding and turning over.
For lifting the machine attach the lifting gear
only to the cross strut of the steering handle.
The machine should not swing about when be-
ing lifted.
Fig. 27
Do not stand or step under loads being lifted.
● After changing the tamper foot plate (Fig. 27)
tighten the 4 fastening screws with a tightening Use only safe lifting gear of sufficient load
torque of 60 to 70 Nm (44 to 52 ft.lbs). bearing capacity Minimum lifting capacity of
lifting gear: see operating weight in chapter
"Technical Data".
i Note
When changing the tamper foot to a different width
use only genuine BOMAG parts.
After changing the tamper foot check the engine
speed, adjust it if necessary.

Fig. 28

● Always shut the engine down to transport the

tamper or to lay it on its side.
● Lay down the tamper (Fig. 28) to transport it on
the rollers.

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Fig. 29

● For loading the machine attach the lifting gear

only to the cross strut of the steering handle
(Fig. 29).

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5 Maintenance

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consult the customer service of BOMAG or the

5.1 General notes on mainte- customer service of the engine manufacturer.
Frequent causes of faults
When performing maintenance work ensure ● Operating errors
strict compliance with the respective safety in-
● Incorrect, inadequate maintenance
structions and particularly the safety regula-
tions mentioned in chapter 2 of these If you cannot locate the cause of a fault or rectify it
operating and maintenance instructions. yourself by following the trouble shooting chart,
you should contact the service departments at our
Thorough maintenance of the machine guaran-
branch offices or dealers.
tees far longer safe functioning of the machine and
prolongs the lifetime of important components.
The effort needed for this work is only little com-
pared with the problems that may arise when not
observing this rule.
● Always clean machine and engine thoroughly
before starting maintenance work.
● For maintenance work stand the tamper on
level ground and secure it against tipping over.
● Perform maintenance work only with the motor
switched off.

During maintenance work catch all oils and fu-
els and do not let them seep into the ground or
into the sewage system. Dispose of oils and fu-
els environmentally.

Notes on the fuel system

The lifetime of the diesel engine mainly depends
on the purity of the fuel.
● Keep fuel clean ofd any contamination and
● Keep used filters in a separate waste contain-
er and dispose of environmentally.
● When choosing the storage place for fuel
make sure that spilled fuel will not harm the en-

Notes on the performance of the en-

On diesel engines both combustion air and fuel in-
jection quantities are thoroughly adapted to each
other and determine power, temperature level and
exhaust gas quality of the engine.
If your engine has to work permanently in "thin air"
(at higher altitudes) and under full load, you should

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5.2 Fuels and lubricants
The engine has been approved for operation with
Engine oil unleaded gasoline with a octane number of 86 or
higher (research octane number of 91).
Use only commercially available brand fuel.
The oil is an essential factor for the performance
and lifetime of the engine. You can use unleaded standard grade petrol with
maximum 10 percent by volume of ethanol (E10)
Use engine oil for four-stroke engines which meets
or maximum 5 percent by volume of methanol.
or even exceeds the requirements for API-service
class SJ or higher (or equivalent). Methanol must also contain co-solvents and corro-
sion inhibitors.
Using fuels with higher ethanol or methanol con-
tents exceeding the values specified above may
cause starting difficulties and/or performance
problems. Damage may also occur to metal, rub-
ber or plastic parts in the fuel system.
Engine damage and performance problems
caused by the use of fuels with higher ethanol or
methanol percentages than the ones specified
above are not covered under warranty.

Tamper foot oil

Use gear oil Titan Speed SAE 75W-90.
Fig. 30

Since lubrication oil changes its viscosity with the
temperature, the ambient temperature at the oper-
ating location of the engine is of utmost impor-
tance when choosing the viscosity class (SAE-
class) (see diagram (Fig. 30)).
SAE10W-30 is recommended for general use un-
der any temperature. When using single purpose
oil you must choose the correct viscosity for the
area of use.
Temperature related lubrication oil changes can
be avoided by using multi-purpose oils. The follow-
ing oil change intervals apply also when using mul-
ti-purpose oils.

Change intervals
The longest permissible time the lubrication oil
should remain in an engine is 1/2 year or 100 op-
erating hours.

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5.3 Table of fuels and lubri-


Assembly Fuel or lubricant Quantity approx.

Summer Winter Attention

Observe the level marks


- Engine oil Engine oil API SJ or higher 0,3 l to oil level mark

SAE 10W/30 (-20 °C to +30 °C)

SAE 30 (+10 °C to
+30 °C)

- Fuel Gasoline (unleaded) 3.0 l

Padfoot Titan Speed SAE 75W-90 BT60/4: 0.75 l

BT65/4: 1.0 l

  BT 60/4, BT 65/4

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5.4 Running-in instructions

The following maintenance work must be per-

formed when running in new machines or
overhauled engines:

During the running-in period, up to approx. 200
operating hours, check the engine oil level
twice every day.
Depending on the load the engine is subjected
to, the oil consumption will drop to the normal
level after approx. 100 to 200 operating hours.

After approx. 20 operating hours

● Change the engine oil.
● Check maximum engine speed, adjust if nec-
● Check engine and machine for leaks.
● Retighten the fastening screws on air filter ex-
haust, fuel tank and other attachments.
● Retighten the bolted connections on the ma-

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5.5 Maintenance table

as required
No. Maintenance work Comment

5.6 Clean the machine in case of extreme dust clean X
every day
5.7 Check the bellows on the tamper X
5.8 Check the engine oil level Dipstick mark X
5.9 Check the fuel level X
5.10 Change the engine oil at least every 100 operating X
hours or 1x per year
5.11 Clean, check the spark plug, replace if nec- X
5.12 Taper plate, tighten the bolts X
5.13 Check the oil level in the tamper foot Inspection glass X
5.14 Check, adjust the valve clearance Intake: 0.15 mm X
Exhaust: 0.20 mm
5.15 Change the fuel filter X
5.16 Clean the fuel screen X
5.17 Oil change in tamper foot X
5.18 Clean, change the double dry air filter car- in case of a drop in the max. en- X
tridge gine speed

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Maintenance every day

5.6 Cleaning the machine 5.7 Checking the bellows on the


Fig. 31

● Do not guide the water jet directly into the air Fig. 32
filter 1 (Fig. 31) and into the starter/air intake ● Check the condition of the bellows, inspect for
(2). damage and tight fit.
● Check the hose clamps for tight fit (Fig. 32).

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5.8 Check the engine oil level

o Caution
Check the engine oil level with highest care, to
avoid over or underfilling of the engine. Under-
filling can damage the engine. Overfilling caus-
es excessive development of smoke and can
also lead to engine damage

i Note
The engine cannot be started if the engine oil level Fig. 34
is too low.
● The oil level must reach the bottom edge of the
● Stand the tamper on flat and level ground. filler bore (Fig. 34), maximum level.
● Shut down the engine. ● To check the oil level insert the dipstick, but do
not screw it in.
● If the oil level is too low top up oil immediately.
● Push the dipstick in again.

For quality of oil refer to the table of fuels and

● After approx. 1 minute. check the oil level
again with the engine shut down.

Fig. 33

● Pull out the dipstick (Fig. 33) and wipe it clean

with a lint-free, clean cloth.

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5.9 Checking the fuel level

| Danger
Fire hazard!
When working on the fuel system do not use
open fire, do not smoke, do not spill any fuel.
Do not refuel in closed rooms.
Shut down the engine, close the fuel valve.

| Danger Fig. 36
Health hazard! ● Clean the area around the filler cover, unscrew
Do not inhale any fuel fumes. the filler cover (Fig. 36).

● Fill in fuel through a funnel with screen.
Caution ● Close the tank again.
Contaminated fuel can cause malfunction or
even damage of the engine.
For quality and quantity of oil refer to the "table
of fuels and lubricants".

Catch running out fuel, do not let it seep into
the ground.

Fig. 35

● Set the fuel valve (Fig. 35) to "STOP" position


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Maintenance every m onth

5.10 Engine oil change

| Danger
Danger of sclading when draining off hot oil.

o Caution
Park the machine on level ground.
Drain the engine oil only when the engine is

Fig. 38

● Unscrew the oil drain plug (Fig. 38), let the old
Check the engine oil level with highest care, to oil run out and catch it.
avoid over or underfilling of the engine. Under-
filling or overfilling can damage the engine. ● Clean the drain plug and screw it back in with
a new seal ring.
● Fill in fresh engine oil through the oil filler
Catch running out old oil, do not let it seep into
the ground and dispose off environmentally. For quality and quantity of oil refer to the "table
of fuels and lubricants".

i Note
The engine cannot be started if the engine oil level
is too low.

Fig. 39

● The oil level must reach the bottom edge of the

filler bore (Fig. 39), top up if necessary.
Fig. 37 ● Insert the oil dipstick.
● Remove the oil dipstick (Fig. 37). ● Perform a test run, inspect the drain plug for
leaks and check the oil level.

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5.11 Cleaning, checking the 5.12 Taper plate, tighten the

spark plug, replacing if nec- bolts

Danger of burning!
Let the engine cool down for approx. 15 min-
utes before cleaning/changing the spark plug.

Fig. 41

● Retighten the screws (Fig. 41).

Fig. 40

● Pull the spark plug socket off.

● Unscrew the spark plug, check the spark plug
visually and clean it if necessary (Fig. 40).

i Note
In case of excessive combustion residuals or
burned off electrodes replace the spark plug, en-
sure correct heat value of the spark plug.
● Check the electrode gap with a feeler gauge, if
necessary adjust the gap to 0.6...0.7 mm.

Spark plugs:
Denso: U16FSR-UB

Do not use spark plugs with incorrect heat val-

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5.13 Checking the oil level in the

tamper foot

i Note
Stand the tamper of level ground for a short while,
so that all oil can run into the housing.

Fig. 42

● Clean the sight glass (Fig. 42).

● Check the oil level.
● The oil must be visible in the inspection glass,
if necessary fill in oil accordingly.

For quality and quantity of oil refer to the "table

of fuels and lubricants".

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  BT 60/4, BT 65/4

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Maintenance every year

5.14 Check, adjust the valve


i Note
Check and adjust only when the engine is cold (20
+/- 10 °C). If necessary have this work performed
by a specialist workshop. Valve clearance:
Intake valve (IN) = 0.15 mm (0.006 in)
Exhaust valve (EX) = 0.20 mm (0.008 in)
Fig. 45

● Insert the screw driver into the recess (Fig. 45)

and take the cylinder head cover carefully off.

Fig. 43

● Remove the top engine cover (Fig. 43).

Fig. 46

● Remove the recoil starter (Fig. 46).

Fig. 44

● Unscrew the fastening screws for the cylinder

head cover (Fig. 44).

o Caution
Fig. 47

● Align the alignment mark ∆ on the flywheel rib

Do not apply force to remove the cylinder head with the top bore in the fan cover (Fig. 47).
Replace the cylinder head cover if it is dented.

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i Note
The piston is in top dead centre of the compres-
sion stroke.
However, if the exhaust valve is open when align-
ing the marks, the flywheel must be turned further
by 360°.

Fig. 50

● Clean the sealing faces on cylinder head cover

and cylinder block.
● Apply a bead of liquid gasket (Three Bond
1207B or similar) with a diameter of approx.
1.5 to 2 mm to the inside of the cylinder head
cover (Fig. 50).
Fig. 48

● Measure the valve clearance between valve i Note

adjustment screw and valve with a feeler Attach the cylinder head cover within the next 10
gauge 2 (Fig. 48). minutes.
Valve clearance Wait another 20 minutes before starting the en-
Intake valve (IN) = 0.15 mm (0.006 in) gine.
Exhaust valve (EX) = 0.20 mm (0.008 in)

Fig. 49

● To adjust the valve hold valve adjustment

screw 1 (Fig. 49) and slacken locking screw
● Turn the valve adjustment screw in or out in or-
der to achieve the specified valve clearance.
● Retighten the locking screw with a tightening
torque of 7.5 Nm (5.4 lbsft).

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5.15 Change the fuel filter

~ Danger
Fire hazard!
When working on the fuel system do not use
open fire, do not smoke.
Do not spill any fuel.

Health hazard! Fig. 52
Do not inhale any fuel fumes. ● Loosen hose clamp (1) (Fig. 52) and pull the
fuel hoses off the fuel filter.
Environment ● Loosen the clamping screws (3) and take off
Catch running out fuel, do not let it seep into the fuel filter (2).
the ground. ● Install the new fuel filter and observe the flow
Dispose of the used fuel filter environmentally. direction (arrow).
● Fasten clamps and hose clips.

Fig. 51

● Set the fuel valve (Fig. 51) to "STOP" position


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5.16 Cleaning the fuel screen

~ Danger
Fire hazard!
When working on the fuel system do not use
open fire, do not smoke and do not spill any fu-
Clean the fuel screen filter only when the en-
gine is cold.

Fig. 54

Health hazard! ● Unscrew the fuel screen (Fig. 54) and clean it
with gasoline.
Do not inhale any fuel fumes.
● Check the condition of the screen grid (holes),
replace if necessary.
Catch running out fuel and dispose of environ-

Fig. 55

● Screw fuel screen and fuel valve back ijn, both

with new seals (Fig. 55).
Fig. 53

● Disconnect fuel hose (1) (Fig. 53) from fuel

cock (2). Open the fuel cock, drain off fuel.
● Unscrew fuel valve (2).

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● Clean the filler plug (Fig. 57) and unscrew it.

5.17 Oil change in tamper foot
● Fill in new oil.

For quality and quantity of oil refer to the "table
of fuels and lubricants".
Ensure strict cleanliness. ● Screw the filler plug back in with a new seal
Change the oil at operating temperature. ring.

Catch running out old oil, do not let it seep into
the ground and dispose off environmentally.
● Tip the tamper backwards.

Fig. 58

● Clean the inspection glass (Fig. 58) and check

the oil level.
● The oil must be visible in the inspection glass,
if necessary fill in oil accordingly.

Fig. 56

● Clean and unscrew the oil drain plug (Fig. 56),

let the old oil run out and catch it.
● Check the seal on the drain plug, replace if
● Turn the drain plug in and tighten it.

Fig. 57

● Stand the tamper on its foot and secure it

against tipping over.

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u €ti

As r equired

5.18 Clean, change the double

dry air filter cartridge

i Note
Contamination of the air filter cartridge depends
mainly on the proportion of dust in the intake air, if
necessary clean every day.
In case of wet or sticky contamination replace the
double filter cartridge.

Fig. 60

● In case of dry fine dust blow out the filter car-

tridge carefully from inside to outside with dry,
clean compressed air (Fig. 60) (max. 6 bar).

i Note
Before installation check seals and filter cartridge
for damage, replace if necessary.

Fig. 59

● Remove cover 1 (Fig. 59), take filter cartridge

(2) carefully out.

Make sure that no dirt falls into the air intake

Visual inspection/cleaning

Fig. 61

● Remove the protection grid on the left hand

Eye injury! side of the engine (Fig. 61).
Wear protective clothing (goggles, gloves).

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Fig. 62

● Loosen hose clamp 2 (Fig. 62) and pull the air

supply hose (1) off the air filter housing.
● Unscrew two fastening screws (4) and remove
cover (3) from the air filter housing.
● Pull the dry air filter cartridge (5) out of the

Fig. 63

● If soiled with dry fine dust blow the dry air filter
out from the clean air side (Fig. 63).
● Clean the air filter housing.

Make sure that no dirt falls into the air intake

i Note
Before installation check seals and dry air filter for
damage, replace if necessary.

?  BT 60/4, BT 65/4

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6 Trouble shooting

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6.1 General notes

The following work must only be carried out by

qualified and trained personnel or by the
BOMAG sales service.

Please observe strictly the safety regulations

in chapter 2 of these operating and mainte-
nance instructions.
Faults occur frequently due to the fact, that the
machine has not been properly operated or serv-
iced. Therefore, whenever a fault occurs, read
through these instructions on correct operation
and maintenance. If you cannot locate the cause
of the fault or eliminate it yourself by following the
trouble shooting charts, you should contact our
customer service departments at our branch office
or dealers.
On the following pages you will find a selection of
fault remedies. It is quite obvious that we were not
able to list all possible causes for faults.

  BT 60/4, BT 65/4

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6.2 Engine problems

Fault Possible cause Remedy

Engine does not start Fuel tank empty Filling in fuel

Fuel system clogged Clean the fuel screen in the tank

Replace the fuel filter
Clean the fuel screen in the carburettor

Fuel nozzle clogged Clean the fuel nozzle

No ignition spark Clean spark plug

Replace the spark plug

Engine oil level too low Check the engine oil level

Stop switch defective Replace stop switch

No fuel in carburettor Check the fuel supply

Engine does not crank when Starter defective Replace starter

operating the starter
Spring broken Replace starter

Starter rope of recoil starter Dirt Clean the starter

does not return to initial posi-
tion Spring broken Replace starter

Engine stops frequently in Fuel system clogged Clean the fuel screen in the tank
short intervals Replace the fuel filter
Clean the fuel screen in the carburettor

Engine does not run with full Throttle cable defective replace
Throttle cable incorrectly adjust- Adjust the throttle cable

Air filter clogged Clean or replace the filter cartridge

Too high engine oil level Drain engine oil down to "MAX" level
(clean intake manifold)

Engine defective Replace the engine/have the fault cor-


Carburettor defective Replace the carburettor

Exhaust blocked clean

Engine runs with high speed, Centrifugal clutch defective Change the centrifugal clutch
but no vibration
Mechanical defect Have repaired by the customer service

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