Periodic Properties Class 2

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Ionization Energy

Electron Gain Enthalpy

Electron Affinity
 The amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron
of the outermost shell (i.e. the outermost electron) from one mole of an
isolated gaseous atom of an element in its ground state to produce a cation
is known as ionization energy of that element.
It can be represented as –
A(g) A+(g) + e- ΔH = Ionization Enthalpy = +ve

Sublimation Ionization
Eg. Na(s) Energy
Na(g) Energy Na+(g) + e-

 It is expressed in electron volts (eV) or kJ / mol or kcal / mol.

 1 eV = 96 kJ / mol = 25 kcal / mol
 Ionization energy is also known as ionization potential and measured in eV.
 In an atom, the energy required to remove first electron from a gaseous
atom is called first ionisation energy(I.E.1).
 The reason is that in unipositive ion left after the removal of one electron
from the atom, the electrons are more firmly bound to the nucleus than in
the atom. Hence more energy is needed to remove the second electron.
Eg. Al (Z=13) : 2, 8, 3
I Al(g) Al+ + e- ΔH1 = I.E.1
II Al+(g) Al2+ + e- ΔH2 = I.E.2
III Al2+(g) Al3+ + e- ΔH3 = I.E.3

So, Order of Successive I.E. ----- I.E.1 < I.E.2 < I.E.3 (due to increase in Zeff)
 Effective Nuclear Charge (Zeff) – As
Along the Period
I.E. Zeff increases, the outermost
Zeff increases electron is attracted more strongly
by the nucleus and therefore, I.E.
Down the Group
Atomic Size inc.

I.E. ∝ Zeff
 Atomic Size – As size of the atom
increases, the outermost electron
moves away from the nucleus and
therefore, nuclear attraction
decreases and I.E. decreases.
Dec I.E. ∝
Atomic Size
 Type of subshell – In case of same shell, Order of I.E. -- s>p>d>f
This is also known as penetration effect of subshell.
Eg. I.E. of Be > B Mg > Al Zn > Ga
2s2 2p1 3s2 3s2 3p1 3d10 4s2 4s2 4p1
Similarly, I.E. of Cd > In and Hg > Tl

 Electronic configuration – Half filled or fully filled subshell

In case of same sub-shell, half filled or fully filled sub-shell configuration is more
stable and therefore, higher energy is required to remove the electron.
Eg. I.E. of N > O P > S
2p3 2p4 3p3 3p4
 1st Period H (1s1) < He (1s2) (He has highest I.E. of all elements)

 2nd Period Li < Be > B < C < N > O < F < Ne

2s1 2s2 2p1 2p2 2p3 2p4 2p5 2p6
Therefore, Li < B < Be < C < O < N < F < Ne

 3rd Period Na < Mg > Al < Si < P > S < Cl < Ar

3s1 3s2 3s3 3p2 3p3 3p4 3p5 3p6
 Fe Fe2+ Fe3+
 Mn Mn2+ Mn4+ Mn6+ Mn7+
 Li Be B C
 Cr Mn
P S O N
S Cl F O
O O+ N
 Cu Cu+ Zn Zn2+
 Boron Family :
Hope : B > Al > Ga > In > Tl
Reality ! B > Tl > Ga ≈ Al > In

So, B > Al ≈ Ga > In < Tl

 Carbon Family :
Hope : C > Si > Ge > Sn > Pb
Reality ! C > Si > Ge > Sn < Pb
Due to poor shielding of f electrons

 Nitrogen Family :
Hope : N > P > As > Sb > Bi
Reality! N > P > As > Sb < Bi
Due to poor shielding of f electrons
Down the group, I.E. decreases

So, in Group 3: Sc > Y > La

But from Groups 4 to 12,

3d > 4d < 5d
Eg. Hf > Ti > Zr (Grp 4)
i.e. 5d > 3d > 4d
Ta > V > Nb (Grp 5)
Hg > Zn > Cd (Grp 12)
 Metallic and Non-metallic character :
Metallic Character ∝ M.C. increases down the group
Non-metallic Character ∝ I.E. Non-M.C. decreases down the group

 Reducing / Oxidising Nature :

Reducing Nature ∝ 1/I.E.
So, Metals having low I.E have good reducing nature i.e. they act as good
reducing agents. (In gaseous state, Cs is the best reducing agent)

Non-Metals have high I.E. so they act as oxidizing agents.

(In Gaseous state, F is the best oxidizing agent)
 Acidic & Basic Oxides :
Along the Acidic Character
Metallic Oxides – Basic oxides Oxides Period Increases

Down the
Non-metallic oxides – Acidic oxides

Basic Character Increases

Basic Character – Li2O < Na2O < K2O < Rb2O

Acid Character - Li2O < BeO < B2O3 < CO2 < N2O5
Amphoteric Weakly Acidic Acidic
oxide Acidic
I.E. ΔH (kcal/mol)

I.E.1 x
Shell 1 So, no of valence electrons = 2
I.E.2 3x
I.E.3 30x Shell 2 Therefore, it is a Group 2
I.E.4 50x element.
 It is defined as the enthalpy change when an electron is gained by an isolated,
neutral gaseous atom in its ground state.
 Units : eV/atom or kJ / mol or kcal / mol
 It is represented as:

A(g) + e- A-(g) ΔegH = can be +ve or –ve

 This electron gain process can be either endothermic (ΔH is +ve) or it

can be exothermic (ΔH is -ve).
 If E.G.E. = +ve ---- atom has negative tendency to gain electron
E.G.E. = -ve ---- atom has positive tendency to gain electron
 Successive E.G.E. are always endothermic.
Eg. O(g) + e- O-(g) ΔH1 = E.G.E.1 = -ve
O-(g) + e- O2-(g) ΔH2 = E.G.E.2 = +ve

Point to remember : Formation of polyvalent anion from neutral atom is

always endothermic. Eg. Formation of N3-, O2-, P3- etc.
 It can be simply defined as the tendency to gain an electron.
 In terms of energy, it is defined as the amount of energy released
when an electron is added to the outermost shell of one mole of an
isolated gaseous atom in its lower energy state.

 If energy is released during the process i.e. E.G.E. is –ve, then

Electron Affinity is positive.
 If energy is absorbed during the process i.e. E.G.E. is +ve, then
Electron Affinity is negative.

Therefore, Electron Affinity, E.A. = - E.G.E

Along the Period  Atomic Size – As the size of atom
E.A. increases, the tendency of nucleus
Zeff increases
to attract electron from outside and
Down the Group
Atomic Size inc.

gain the electron decreases.

So, E.A. ∝ 1/Atomic Size
 Effective Nuclear Charge (Zeff) –
As the effective nuclear charge
increases along the period, the
tendency to gain electron also
Dec So, E.A. ∝ Zeff
 Type of subshell – In case of same shell, Order of screening effect -- s>p>d>f
This is also known as penetration effect of subshell.
So, As Screening effect increases, E.A. decreases.

 Electronic configuration – Half filled or fully filled subshell

In case of same sub-shell, half filled or fully filled sub-shell configuration is more
stable and therefore, they have less tendency to gain an electron.
So, E.A. is either zero or negative.
Eg. Be (2s2), N (2p3), Noble Gases
 2nd Period :
B < Li < C < O < F (+ve E.A.)
Ne < Be < N (-ve E.A.)
 3rd Period :
Ar < Mg < P < Al < Na < Si < S < Cl
 Group 2 :
Be Mg Ca Sr Ba
 Group 15 :
N P As Sb Bi
 While moving down the group from 2nd Period to 3rd Period, E.A. increases and
then decreases. Electron affinity values of second period elements are smaller than
the electron affinity value of third period elements.
Group 16 Group 17
Increases Increases
S Cl
Se Br
Decreases Decreases
Te I

So, S > Se > Te > O Cl > F > Br > I

Reason - high value of charge densities, due to much smaller size
 It may be defined as the tendency of an atom to attract shared pair of
electrons towards itself in a covalently bound molecules.
 The numerical value of the Electronegativity of an element depends
upon its ionisation potential and electron affinity values.
 Higher ionisation potential and higher electron affinity values implies
higher electronegativity value.
 Order of Electronegativity –

F > O > N > Cl > Br > I > S > C > P > B > …. H > Metals > Cs
 Atomic radius: As the atomic radius of the element increases the
electronegativity value decrease.
 Effective nuclear charge: The electronegativity value increases as the
effective nuclear charge on the atomic nucleus increases.
 Oxidation state of the atom: The electronegativity value increases as the
oxidation state (i.e. the number of positive charge)of the atom increases.
E.g. Mn2+ < Mn4+ < Mn7+
 Hybridisation state of an atom in a molecule: If the s- character in the
hybridisation state of the atom increases Electronegativity increases
because s-elements are comparatively near to the nucleus.
Electron Affinity Electronegativity
It is the property of an isolated It is the property of an atom in
neutral gaseous atom. bonded state.
It is an absolute term and has It is a relative term and has no
units. units.
It involves exchange of energy. It is an intrinsic property of an
E.A. of an element has fixed EN of an atom is not fixed i.e. it
energy value. depends upon the surrounding
 Read Electronegativity Scales from NCERT.
 Complete NCERT Questions.
 Complete Workbook Questions upto DTS 6.
 Read Chemical Bonding chapter from NCERT upto Section
4.3.4 – Bond Order.
 Do Lewis Theory and Lewis Dot Structures yourself!

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