Survey Exam

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JULY 2023

TIME: 2 hours







1. (a). Define each of the listed terms; (10 marks)
i. Total station: is a surveying equipment combination of Electromagnetic
Distance Measuring Instrument and electronic theodolite.
ii. Benchmark: is a post or other permanent mark established at a known
elevation that is used as the basis for measuring the elevation of other
topographical points.
iii. Change point: a point at which two readings are taken on the staff, one before
moving the instrument to a new position, and one after setting the instrument
on the new position.
iv. Level surface: is the continuous surface parallel to the mean spheroid of the
v. Reconnaissance survey. is an extensive study of an entire area that might be
used for a road or airfield. Its purpose is to eliminate those routes or sites
which are impractical or unfeasible and to identify the more promising routes
or sites.
(b). State THREE sources of errors in levelling. (3 marks)
i. Instrumental Errors.
ii. Collimation Error.
iii. Error due to Curvature & Refraction
iv. Incorrect setting-up of the instrument.
v. Movement of staff from the position when changing level station.
vi. Tripod or rod settles between measurements e.g Bubble off center.
vii. Staff not properly extended and locked.
(c). A chain was tested before starting the survey and was found to be exactly 20m. At the
end of the survey, it was tested again and was found to be 20.12m. Area of the plan of the
field being surveyed was drawn to a scale of 1cm represents 6cm. The area was found to be
50.4cm². Find the true area of the field. (5 marks)
i. 2. (a). Explain the following types of surveys. (8 marks)
ii. Topographical surveying; A Detail Survey is about defining the location and heights
of any number and variety of features on a site. Topographical plans can show
contours along with the physical features located. This type of survey is regularly
used when designing for roads, buildings, extensions and other new infrastructure.
iii. Aerial surveying: Photogrammetry and remote sensing involves taking
measurements of the world via photography or other wavelength bands such as
infrared or ultraviolet. Measurements may come from sources such as terrestrial or
aerial photography or satellite imagery.
iv. Mining surveying: Mining surveyors are involved in the planning, construction and
operation of various types of mines. These mines may be open cut or underground.
v. Engineering surveying: Engineering surveyors are generally engaged in the building
and civil construction industries. These surveyors undertake measurements and place
marks to ensure construction works are built in accordance with the approved design
(b). State FOUR characteristics of contours. (4 marks)
• Must close on themselves, on or off the map
• Perpendicular to the direction of max. slope
• Slope between them is assumed uniform
• The distance between them indicates the steepness of the slope, gentle or steep
• Irregular signify rough, smooth signify gradual slopes
• Concentric closed contours: hills or depression
• They do not cross each other, only in special cases
• They do not branch into contours of the same elevation
• They do not cross building
• They cross horizontal man made surfaces in parallel lines


3. (a). A line A-B was measured with a steel tape which was exactly 30m at a temperature of
20 degrees and a pull of 10kg. The measured length was 1650m. The temperature during
measurement was 30 degrees and the pull applied was 15kg. Find the true length of the line,
if the cross-sectional area was 0.025cm². The coefficient of expansion of the material of the
tape per degrees Celsius is 3.5×10−6 And modulus of elasticity of the material of tape is E=
2.1×106 Kg/cm². (10 marks)
(b). A levelling exercise was performed on the first stage of an improvement scheme along a
short section of road. The engineer reduced the levels by height of collimation method
whilst on site and then accidentally dropped his booth in a puddle, obliterating some figures
(shown by dashes) in Table 1. Determine the missing entries and insert them in their
appropriate place.
1.034 87.452 86.452 0 OBM=
1.961 85.525 30
0.672 86.814 60
2.741 0.488 89.739 86.998 90 CP
2.571 87.168 120
1.991 87.748 150
0.512 1.632 88.619 88.107 180 CP
1.773 88.846 210
2.167 86.452 240
ΣBS=4.287 ΣFS=4.287
Table 1 (10 marks)
4. (a). State any FOUR objectives of surveying. (4 marks)
• To determine the relative position of any objects or points of the earth.
• To determine the distance and angle between different objects.
• To prepare a map or plan to represent an area on a horizontal plan.
• To develop methods through the knowledge of modern science and the technology
and use them in the field.
• To solve measurement problems in an optimal way.

(b). In passing an obstacle in the form of a pond as shown in figure 1, station A and D on
the main line were taken on the opposite side of the pond, on the left of A-D a line A-D,
200m long as laid down and a second line A-C 250m long was ranged on the right of A-D.
the points B, D and C being in the same straight line. B-D and D-C were then chained and
found to be 125m and 150m respectively. Find the length of A-D. (6 marks)

Calculate angle at c: θ Calculate A-D

Cosine rule; a² =b² + c² - 2bc cosA a² =b² + c² - 2bc cosA
200² = 250² + 275² - 2(250 × 275) cos A a² = 150² + 250² - 2(150 × 250) × 0.7136
Cos A = 0.7136 a² = 31480
θ = 44.471° a=177.43 m A-D (ANSWER)

(c). The following are staff readings taken along the center line of a proposed sewer:
3.10,2.56,1.07,3.96, 1.92,0.67,1.20,4.24,1.87,0.22,3.03 and 1.41. The level was shifted after
the fourth, sixth and ninth readings. Reduce the readings by rise and fall method, showing
all arithmetic checks. The first reading was taken with the staff held over a TBM of 190.0m.
(10 marks)
5. (a). Discuss any TWO areas where reconnaissance surveying is applied. (2 marks)
Civil engineering, Hydrology, Archaeology, Mining, Telecommunication

(b). State five uses of contoured maps. (5 marks)

1.The suitable site can be selected for construction activities.
2. Reservoir capacity can be determined.
3. Alignment for roads, canals, transmission lines are done efficiently with the
help of contour map.
4. Nature of ground surface may be determined.
5. Estimating the quantities of earthwork.
6. The nature of ground i.e. flat, uniformly, sloping, undulating or hilly etc.
7. It is possible to select the most suitable and economical sites for work such
as the location of roads, railways, canals, pipelines, dams, reservoirs etc.
by using contour map.
8. Estimating of the volume of reservoir storage water, volume of earthwork
in cutting and embankment can be done by using contour map.
(c). Differentiate between plane and geodetic surveying. (5 marks)
• Earth surface is assumed as plain • Earth surface is considered as
• Line formed by any two points are • Line formed by joining any two
considered as straight line – as the points are considered as arch –as the
same angles are plain angles same angles are spherical angles
• Suitable for small area surveying • Suitable for large area surveying
• Survey accuracy is low • Survey accuracy is high
• Economic and easy survey method • Special instrument needed and long
survey method

(d). With aid of sketches explain the following methods of reducing levels of the points
from station readings;
i. Rise and fall method:
The rise and fall method is a technique used in surveying and leveling to determine
the difference in elevation between two points. It involves taking a series of
measurements along a leveled line, recording the rise or fall between each point. Here
are the steps typically followed in the rise and fall method:

1.Setup: Choose two stable points that are easily accessible and visible from each
other. These points should have a significant difference in elevation, and it is
preferable to have a benchmark point with a known elevation. Set up the leveling
instrument (such as a level or a theodolite) at one of the points.

2.Instrument Adjustment: Level the instrument by adjusting the leveling screws until
the bubble is centered in the circular level.

3.Benchmark: Take a reading on the benchmark point if available. This reading will
serve as the reference point for the entire leveling process.

4.Backsight Reading: Aim the instrument at the benchmark point or the initial point
and take a reading on the staff held vertically at that point. Record this reading as the
backsight reading or the known elevation.

5.Intermediate Sightings: Move the instrument along the leveled line to the next point.
Set it up and level it using the leveling screws. Take a reading on the staff held
vertically at this new point. Record this reading as the foresight reading or the
observed elevation.

6.Rise or Fall Calculation: Calculate the rise or fall between the backsight reading and
the foresight reading by subtracting the backsight reading from the foresight reading.
If the foresight reading is greater than the backsight reading, it indicates a rise. If it is
smaller, it indicates a fall.

7.Record the Rise or Fall: Write down the rise or fall as a plus or minus value,
depending on whether it is a rise or fall, along with the point number or station.
8.Repeat Steps 5-7: Move the instrument to the next point along the leveled line, level
it, take a reading, calculate the rise or fall, and record the result. Repeat this process
for all intermediate points until you reach the final point.

9.Closing Error Check: Return to the benchmark point or the initial point and take a
reading again. The difference between the last foresight reading and the closing
backsight reading should be the same as the initial backsight reading. If they are
different, there may be an error in the leveling process.

10.Calculation of Intermediate Elevations: Calculate the intermediate elevations for

each point by adding the rise or fall to the known elevation of the benchmark point.

ii. Height of collimation method:

The height of collimation method is another technique used in surveying and leveling
to determine the difference in elevation between points. It involves measuring the
change in height of the line of sight of the leveling instrument. Here are the steps
typically followed in the height of collimation method:

1.Setup: Choose two stable points that are easily accessible and visible from each
other. These points should have a significant difference in elevation, and it is
preferable to have a benchmark point with a known elevation. Set up the leveling
instrument (such as a level or a theodolite) at one of the points.

2.Instrument Adjustment: Level the instrument by adjusting the leveling screws until
the bubble is centered in the circular level.

3.Benchmark: Take a reading on the benchmark point if available. This reading will
serve as the reference point for the entire leveling process.

4.Backsight Reading: Aim the instrument at the benchmark point or the initial point
and take a reading on the staff held vertically at that point. Record this reading as the
backsight reading or the known elevation.

5.Collimation: Keep the instrument fixed in the same position and rotate it 180
degrees horizontally. Aim the instrument towards the staff held vertically at the next
6.Foresight Reading: Take a reading on the staff held at the next point. This reading
represents the change in height of the line of sight between the instrument and the

7.Calculation: Calculate the difference in elevation between the backsight reading and
the foresight reading by subtracting the foresight reading from the backsight reading.
This value is known as the collimation error or the change in height of the line of

8.Adjustments: Apply any necessary corrections to the collimation error to account

for instrument errors or environmental factors.

9.Closing Error Check: Return to the benchmark point or the initial point and take a
reading again. The difference between the last foresight reading and the closing
backsight reading should be the same as the initial backsight reading. If they are
different, there may be an error in the leveling process.

10.Calculation of Intermediate Elevations: Calculate the intermediate elevations for

each point by adding or subtracting the collimation error from the known elevation of
the benchmark point, depending on the sign of the collimation error.

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