The 9-Figure: Sales Script
The 9-Figure: Sales Script
The 9-Figure: Sales Script
Founder of
In this “game of sales” you can have hard work, guess work, or a framework. The right Sales
Framework is something that you can build upon over time on your path to becoming truly
powerful and Influential in the marketplace and the world.
I’ve personally studied, reviewed or even written thousands of scripts in my career and have
noticed some unique patterns in what makes them work as tools for instant cash flow and
what makes them repel conversions.
We had a basic script and it seemed to work for some...but not for me.
I made over 100 outbound dials a day to dental offices and most of them just hung up on me.
When I did get through, it rarely ended up with me being able to connect to the decision
The words I was saying weren’t mine and reading them felt inauthentic.
At night I would read every sales book I could get my hands on, but the questions the books
said would work, just didn’t.
I was always the bottom guy on the totem pole and I felt like there was just something wrong
with me.
There was a lot of competition for what we sold. I’d often hear customer complaints when I
called that made me doubt what I was selling. On top of already not being confident, those
complaints completely took away any certainty I had in the calls I was making.
But what kept hope alive for me, was the fact that other people out there were successful and
I knew deep down there had to be a way I could turn it all around for myself.
I started reading books on NLP and various forms of psychology to fix what I felt was “wrong
with me” and I started to learn about a whole new world of communication.
I mentioned what I had been learning to a friend and he asked me if I had heard of Tony
Robbins. I had never heard that name before.
From there I got his books, his tapes, his CD’s,...And then saw that he was speaking at an event
with a bunch of other “gurus”.
When Tony came out it was clear to see he was doing something very different than everyone
He was teaching great content, but not necessarily teaching what he was doing to the
At the end he made an offer which was twice the cost of my rent leaving me with literally no
money. ( I used my debit card, and put the rest on a credit card.).
This situation would usually have left me scared shitless, but ironically I had never felt more
He got me into an emotional state that got me moving out of my “Stuck-ness” and into action.
I knew that If I could figure out how to do that for myself to put others in that same “resource
state”, I’d be golden...
If I could just access more of what I already possessed inside of me, I could figure out the path
to get what I wanted and help others do the same
But learning from the absolute best would take some work because I had decided I wanted to
learn from Tony himself.
The challenge was that it cost a Million bucks to get coached by him with a 3 year waitlist,
and let’s just say I was a little shy of that Million bucks.
I found a way to buy everything from this man I could, by borrowing the money and working
side gigs.
I used what was working for me in sales and influence to call Tony’s company and ended up
working in sales for him. (Btw, I called over 200 times in a period of 2 weeks, and it wasn’t just
what I said but more so how I said it that moved the process forward)
I later went on to break records there as you can see below . This was my production during
one of my last months there (also note, I was working 1/2 as much as my peers because I had
my own coaching biz on the side)
For years I received coaching from Tony and about a dozen others, that helped set me apart
from most in the industry.
I ran 2 seminars a day for a decade where I got to practice this stuff while doing countless
sales calls.
I spent over $ 80,000 a year on coaching for 7 years straight joining every program I could,
always looking for an edge.
After I hit over $100,000,000 in coaching sales personally, folks started to hear about the
numbers I was producing, then asking for help. And that is when my own coaching and
consulting really began to take off just on word of mouth alone.
Now not only do I speak with authority, I have become an authority (at least in this little thing
called sales and influence training).
I went from being the quietest kid in school who could never imagine influencing anyone to
selling 10’s of thousands of high- ticket clients into programs that benefited their lives.
I was able to go from getting beaten down by objections to pre-handling them in a way that
led to half my calls closing without an objection.
Now I’m able to ask the right questions in the right way, to put even the most resistant
prospects at ease. Now I actually love selling to them the most!
(Tony, Tim- Navy Seal Combat Trainer, Me, a the shooting range)
Over the years I’ve not only spoken to and consulted over 4,000 companies....They also gave
me their assets to review. (All their scripts, presentations and processes, etc).
Every major player in the high-ticket space today has given me their script for review, and
there are several hundred scripts that live on a folder on my computer from every niche you
can imagine.
After reviewing so many, you start to notice patterns in the scripts and in the sales people
that use them.
Think of a frame like this. If you look out the front window of your home, you see certain stuff. If
you look out a different window, then you see different stuff. When you control the frame you
are essentially telling folks who walk into your home which window to look through.
When you control the frame, you control the focus. And focus = feeling.
If I asked you 20 questions about something you hate...You would feel pretty awful.But
If I asked you 20 questions about what makes you happy ....You would feel pretty great.
Questions help create focus, but frames are even more powerful. They allow us to direct
someone’s attention and therefore their feelings through the window of your choosing.
When you control focus (your own as well as the prospects), you control the call.
The key here in the process is to do this without making the prospect feel controlled. Quite the
opposite actually. You want to give the prospect the illusion of control.
And now I know some of you may be thinking that this is manipulative. And well, you could
say that it is. But realize this, your prospect’s best thinking has put them in the current position
they are in so we do need to help shift their thinking.
The only difference between Influence and manipulation is the intent. Your intent should
always be to help. And It should go without saying that your product must actually be able to
help them, otherwise it’s gonna come back to bite you.
Your job is to shift their beliefs and perspectives. If they already knew what to do and how to
do it, they would have.
We all have the resources we need to achieve our wildest dreams....We often just need a
person of influence to show us the path.
If you are truly committed to being your best in the realm of sales and influence...then that
path will never end for you. I’ve never stopped learning and regardless of where you are the
script will help you on your journey.
There is a 6 part mental/emotional syntax a prospect must go through that takes them from
cold to sold.
Trust in You.
Trust in Themselves.
Build the beliefs that get them to move forward and Destroy the beliefs that have kept them
I call these Beliefs that we reframe in the process, LBBs or Limiting Buying Beliefs.
You need to go into each call knowing exactly what these are and how to reframe them. But
know this...Nearly 80% of every objection you get will be fear based.
You are most likely guiding them to do something they have never done before. So of
course they are going to have some uncertainty there. You need to be the rock they can feel
supported by.
Follow up assets
Sensory Acuity
Behavioral Flexibility
Call Control
Good Tonality
Systemized Tracking
No matter how good a product is or anything else on the list above is.…Realize this…
Having the fundamentals down in any game are what will give you the building blocks to your
While I’ve been able to sell over 100M in coaching sales since 2005, I can tell you I’ve made a
lot of mistakes.
What I can tell you is this…No matter how good a script is you must be Connected to the
Prospect on the call….And not be Connected to the Script. They can tell if you are reading so
you need to internalize this.
To do this the most effective way, you need the right frame work.
How you start is how you finish. How you open the call is really important and most sales folks
lose the call at “hello”. Here there is the least amount of trust built with the prospect, and in
those opening few moments you can hear if the prospect is open, closed, busy, distracted,
present, in a rush, defensive, controlling etc.
Your state here is really important which is why we have our students go through something
called Pre-Call Priming. It takes 30-60 seconds and ensures you are in the right state. Your
state of mind and presence is critical at this point. You intention should not be on “getting a
sale”, but rather to connect, find out what they want, and see if they have a problem you can
help them solve.
Make it conversational.
Give them the purpose of the call, which is often referred to as setting a loose agenda. This
shows you are a professional and you have a plan, but also lets them know you are there to
provide value on the call.
Then you want to take the focus off of you as quickly as possible, and onto your prospect.
Hey John, looks like you responded to our ad about X. What was it about it that grabbed
your attention?
Ok, the purpose of this call is really just to ask each other some questions, and at the end
if everything sounds good we can go over some options on how we can help you. Sound
Now without going too much into the weeds, I can tell you there is some variance here. But we
are going to keep it super simple. In marketing language, there are what are called level of
awareness. These are Unaware, Problem aware, Solution Aware and Most aware.
The majority of the folks you speak to will be problem aware. All great sales and marketing
books will tell you that the key to success is being able to find a problem or pain the prospects
has. Getting them to internalize the impact of the problem. Get into why the problem is
a problem and feel the impact of the problem. Your offer is there to solve a problem. No
Problem = No Sale. So we want to be able to quickly find problems they have, and help them
discover problems they were not yet aware of, then later on show them how to fix those
problems with your offer.
We want to identify not only the problem, but also get to Why they feel the problem is a
Said simply.
The impact of the problem
There are several questions you will want to understand for each. Also, realize a lot of times
they aren’t sure. So we have a series of self- selection frames and follow up questions to take
the call beneath the surface fast. You will more than likely need to be able to ask the same
question several different ways until you get a good answer without being interrogative or
breaking rapport. The tone here again is conversational, not combative.
A lot of outdated sales books talk about the “5 Why’s”. We do need to get to the why, but too
many why questions will just make it feel like an interrogation and they won’t open up. So get
great at asking why without the why, or at least a more creative why.
Has there been a stack of reasons for that, or was there a recent moment where you
thought you should look for a solution to this? (Trigger moment)
I’m curious, since this has been going on for 2 years…Why weren’t we on a call 2 years ago
about this? (Timing question)
If you have followed me for any length of time you have no doubt heard me say,
The GAP here is the distance between where they are and where they want to be.
It needs to be the right size gap so they believe it’s actually possible and achievable, as well
as big enough to create that necessary tension. For example, if you have someone making
3K a month and you tell them they can make 100K a month. They might not even believe it’s
possible and hence the gap will be too big for them. On the other hand. If they are at 3K a
month and want to get to 4K a month, then that gap is too small.
The gap has to make sense to the prospect and they need to feel like it’s possible, as well as
feel like they need you to get them to their goal.
Remember, as you are asking these questions. You goal with this script is not just to ask the
right questions. Questions are tools to elicit the right information, and when you have done
your job here correctly in this section that information will be tied to emotion.
People buy on emotion. That is how you put them in the buying state. All decisions are state
dependent. They have to feel that this will work, feel they trust you, and have just enough logic
and reason to justify the purchase.
The 2nd half of the gap is the Solution or Desired State and that is where we are now in the
call process.
Here we are find out what they actually want, and make it real for them. The need to be able
to see and feel that result in their life with clarity.
I’ve studied endless amounts of NLP (Nuero Linguistic Programing) in my life. Most of it
garbage in the realm of sales and influence, but much of what I’ve extracted and now teach…I
learned directly from Tony and isn’t any book or course. Other teachers have also been
helpful as well as doing my own research to see what actually works.
That was a mouthful I know, and maybe worth a 2nd read for you.
But that is the science of what we are doing in a nutshell. Not just reading a script here or
asking a few questions. The questions are the tools. What your build with those tools are a
state of mind and emotion (energy in motion) that move the prospect forward.
There are several ways to do this by chunking up to a higher purpose, or chunking down to
real numbers related to their goal or investment that they can comprehend.
Here are a few of the basic solution questions to get you stared.
How important is it for you to make X happen?
If there was a way you could get X, when would you want to start having that in your life/
Ok, and I’m curious, what’s made that so important to you now though?
When you achieve that, what would that mean to you? (Here, this is an intentionally
ambiguous question- They may say what it means in relation to time with family, money,
profit, impact, lifestyle, etc.)
*They will usually go surface level, there from there you can ask….
What would that allow you to do? (This is the 2nd depth level of the call, going from Surface
level to Action level)
* Here you want to be able to link the desire/solution to their identity. This is the most
advanced level and how you can get the highest conversions, but must be done with
skill and tact. It’s also what Tony does but certainly more nuanced.
So now you have established a Gap.
Where they are and the pain associated with it, as well as a clear goal or desire that feels real
for them.
I want to pause here and tell you this. A lot of sales folks feel like imposters because they are
“just selling” and not offering value. Listen to me here, Sales is Service. And right now you
have served so powerfully up to this point in the call. You have helped this person get really
clear about what they want and what is preventing them from having it. You didn’t tell them.
They told you and they own it.
Awareness is the first step in changing or improving anything in our lives and you have
provided that massive value of giving them clarity they would not have had without you.
This all happens faster than you think. And some of you may be surprised by what I say next.
You should be at no more than 20 minutes into the call right now. Ideally 15 minutes or less.
Otherwise you are taking too much time on the call. If your calls are running too long in this
section and you have not gotten deep by now, then you are going to have some struggles on
the back end.
You are talking too much, you have lost call control, or you are just plain wasting time and
1 To prevent objections.
2 To have a deeper level conversation .
So now that you have this gap, you have call control, your skilled questions and frames have
prevented objections and uncovered a real need, you are ready for Phase 4.
The questions you ask here are some of the most powerful questions you could ever ask a
prospect, but they must be done well and with tact.
Here we get them associated to The Cost of Doing Nothing about the Gap.
These questions make the possibility of them doing nothing to change their situation real and
anchor in the cost associated to that.
You need to realize that most likely this person has had the same problem, same dream,
same goal for a very long time, and more times than not, has not been able to get themselves
to do what is required to change their situation.
They have a pattern of not being happy with this area of their life or business, yet still doing
nothing to change it. Doing nothing again on this call now, is their Normal Natural Default
Pattern. That is most likely Why they are where they are.
We know that folks move for the need to avoid pain and gain pleasure.
They have some pain right now but they have put it off before and will continue to again with
out the next few questions.
These questions might feel difficult to ask, but sales success is often about your ability to have
difficult conversations that serve people powerfully.
What is the possible almost certain future for you if you keep doing this the way you have?
What is going to happen if you don’t do something about this and continue to just put if off for
the next 3 years?
Do you think you will be in a better position if you do nothing about this or probably a worse
You could put this off, and that’s what a lot of people who just stay stuck do. They find a way
to justify it. Why not put it off for 30 years from now? Lol. Yeah, that wouldn’t make sense would
When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago. When is the 2nd best time? I agree, Now.
The saying doesn’t go, Best time 20 years ago, 2nd best time a week from now. That wouldn’t
make sense would it?
By now you have done a full discovery.
You know their GAP, have gotten them internal, and created some real desire to change and
change now.
After a quick transition, (where they tell you that they want to hear about how you can help)
you go into describing your offer.
The offer needs to feel like it’s the right fit for them. So, it needs to ideally be described back
to them in their words, using their exact and unique language.
A great phrase to remember here is, “because you know how you were saying…”, then you
remind them of what they said.
Simple right?
Regardless of the type of offer you have, you will have certain pillars in the process for each.
This is the logic and reason part of the call. It’s a small part, but still important.
Most folks have read Alex Hormozi’s wonderful book by now and have a killer offer.
But the challenge with that is this… If every offer sounds the same, no matter how good it is,
you become a commodity and have to sell based on price and giving away the farm for free
You have done a great job up until this point. It’s the trust they have with you, and it’s been
your ability to make the emotional connection for them on how your process will close their
gap that is going to create this Win-Win scenario.
You may have a lot of content in your program, but you don’t need to describe it all to them.
You don’t need to overwhelm them. You just need to be clear and get them to tell you how
each part of the offer can help them get what they said they want to have or avoid.
That’s it.
Here are some of the questions you could ask while describing your process:
Do you see how that could help you?
How do you see that helping you the most?
Do you see how that would change things for you?
Tony told me this back when he was coaching me, “When you do your job up front, you won’t
have to close hard on the back”.
In every company I have consulted the hardest closers have the most complaints, get the
most refunds, and hurt the company reputation and culture the most. They may get the sale
upfront, and tell you about it. But there is often an not so talked about cost on the backend.
Robert Cialdini, who is recognized as the foremost influence expert on earth says it best, “The
best Persuasion is Pre-suasion.”
And I agree.
We want to qualify the prospect and handle the majority of objections up front and you
already know what they are, so you want to pre-handle them the best you can,
They have told themselves why they want to do this at least 2 times, and told themselves why
they need to do it now.
They told you they feel certain that your offer can fix their problem and get them what they
I’ll admit, when I first started selling and bought a sales book, I went right to the objection
handling section of the book.
I expected people to reject me so that’s what I got.
You do need to know how to handle the objections that are bound to come up, but what will
ultimately turn those into a sales will be simply acknowledging them, and reminding them of
what they told themselves earlier on the call.
That information you gathered is more important than memorizing a bunch of canned one
liners that can break the sale for you.
Here are some questions you can ask in this phase to button up the sale in the close:
Why did you decide to do this now and not wait another 6 months or a year? (Future pace)
Not smashing, destroying or hammering objections. We rather, embrace them and pull them
a part.
For this we have the P.A.I.D. Framework and it’s super simple.
I - Isolate
Find out, if that is the only reason why they want to postpone.
Is it just that or is it something else?
If you did have the money does this sound like something that can get you X?
Why do you think that it can?
D - Diffuse
Here we might have to remind and realign them with the consequences from earlier,
re-engage them emotionally with a few questions about why they feel this can help them,
and/ or find out their partners role in their biz.
Just know that most of these are smoke screen objections that you get, and are 90% of the
time based in fear.
How well you do your job up front will help alleviate that fear, as well as having payment
options and risk mitigators/guarantee.
There are literally dozens of ways you can handle and objection but just know that it is fear
and if you stay in it with them a little longer to embrace and help them resolve their concerns
you will get the sale.
Neediness is creepiness and if you are too hungry for the sale they can smell your commission
breath and you will create resistance and more objections when you try to push. Your
communication and relaxed confidence can put them at ease and allow them to trust you.
Well no.
But this simple framework will help you build the foundation to hit whatever goal you want,
and It will all comedown to the reps you put in and your commitment to grow, and get the
right feedback.
When I was growing up, I never dreamed of becoming a sales expert or even getting into sales
at all. In fact, I don’t any kid grows up dreaming of someday being a sales person.
For me it all changed when I saw Tony Robbins sell in such a powerful authentic way.
I wanted to be able to do what he did to be that influential, and teach others to do more of the
Working for him from 2005-2019 I got to ask him a lot of questions about selling.
While I can’t shove years of learning from Tony and countless others into this document, I can
tell you that the core skill anyone must learn to be successful in business is Sales. In fact, over
70% of self made Billionaires today (that is those not born into money), started in Sales.
So while being a sales person might not have been your childhood dream either, I can tell you
that there is no profession more rewarding, challenging and lucrative than this.
So you are on the right path no matter where you are on your sales journey.
This is Why…2 people can say the same thing, but get a very different result.
You then learn the principles that guide all communication and what it means to BE a person
of influence you no longer just play the game…. You control it. But that all comes down to you.
As Emerson said..”
You can’t change their perception of you, until your perception of yourself is Unshakable.
What i’m talking about is an Unshakable Identity WITH the Right Skills as a person of
With the right sales skills your confidence goes up so high because it’s like having a gun in a
knife fight.
Its like most sales people have 20/50 vision…hoping to have 20/20.
But when you know exactly what to actually look for, you have X-ray vision.
Back when I started in this sales game….I didn’t just have problems selling. I was horrible at
communicating. I was so in my own way.
I’d mumble stumble and flub my words through every call. I tried script after script looking for
the magic bullet to sell anyone but deep down I knew it was me.
I was always at risk of losing my sales job as the low guy on the totem pole and I felt helpless.
When you are new or just plain bad at sales, the fact is you DO get the bad leads, the bad
territory, the bad training.
When you aren’t really good it often gets harder before it gets better, and for most it just
never seems to get better.
I remember feeling the downward momentum I was in, and saying to myself,
“You have to do something to turn this all around.”
Which means when you are at the top, you get the great leads and opportunities.
You get flow, you get momentum and you figure things out on the fly turning lost
opportunities into gold because you are so confident in your ability.
This is the Success Cycle and you want to make sure you stay moving it in the right direction.
There is no bigger cost to you biz or confidence than not knowing how to connect, enroll and
convert a prospect who could benefit from what you sell.
It’s hard to believe that this shy mumbling kid from Denton, Maryland has become one of the
top sales coaches in the industry.
Before you leave this this PDF I just want to share with you some of the results from our clients
here so that you can get a little inspiration and really take this guide seriously.
I hope this simple guide will makes you feel a bit like the way I felt the first time I
ever talked to Tony, when he told me he came from “absolute sh*t”, and that he
had nothing to change his world, except that which came from truly owning the
power of the words he spoke. That ownership is what lead to his success.
Wherever your sales journey may take you, I hope this guide empowers you to
make your life what you choose it to be.
If you found value in this PDF and you’d like to find out more about how you can start selling
the right way…
You can go here to book in a call with me to see how we can help you.
Or Check out our site:
Again, if you struggle with sales and you want to close more effectively, you can book a time
for a sales call audit.
Final Thoughts….
I often think of where I would be right now if I hadn’t fully committed to this path.
That initial investment was the most amount of money I had ever spent…
But I decided to make a bet on myself regardless of the odds.
That commitment gave me the leadership to hold my prospects to that higher standard.
I understood exactly what they felt like and I wasn’t telling them to do something I hadn’t done
Because of that commitment and how I was sold, a whole new world opened up for me. And
today I have become that key person of influence for so many others.
If you feel that we can help by training you, role-playing with you, and certifying you in this
process to become a Transformational Seller.
Eli Wilde