NEPQ Black Book of Calling Leads

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Use the Mindset of a New Model Salesperson to 3

Stop Chasing Leads

How to Use C onne ctin g Qu estion s 4

How to C all Le ads Ba c k 5

How to C all Le ads fr om a L ea d Lis t or 7

Prov id e r

Op enin g a C all Usi n g Con n ec tin g a n d 9

Situ ation Que st i ons

E x a mp le 1 : Bu si n es s Cons ulting 9
E x a mp le 2: Sk i n Tr eatme nt S e rvice s 10

E x a mp le 3 : Net work Ma rke ting 11

E x a mp le 4 : L i fe In su ra nce & Inve s tme nts 12

E x a mp le 5: C ar S ales 13
E x a mp le 6 : Real E st at e 14

E x a mp le 7 : Sen ior Bene fits 15

E x a mp le 8 : Weight L os s Progra ms 16

E x a mp le 9 : Medic al D e vice S ale s 17

E x a mp le 1 0 : Merc h ant Proce s s ing S e rvice s 18

E x a mp le 1 1 : Aer i al Ima ge ry (a nd Ups e ll ing) 18

E x a mp le 1 2: Adver t i s ing 19

Most salespeople believe that when someone has responded to an ad, this indicates a real
interest in the company, products, services, and/or solutions.

So, when they call back their leads they go into full presentation mode when asked what the
call is about. Then, they start trying to convince their potential customers by ‘presenting’ how
wonderful they, the company, the product, and their services are.

Here’s how an average salesperson calls a lead. In this example he’ll try to sell staffing services.

Average salesperson: “Hi is Julie there? I’m John Gray, I am with XYZ company and I
noticed you were on our website interested in our services, so I am calling you back.”

Prospect: “Yes, can you tell me what it’s all about?”

Average salesperson: “Yes. Well, with our product, ZYM software we have a unique way
to actually help you get your ideal employee and look at the requirements of what you’re
looking for when you hire someone. This product has been named the number one product
of the year in our industry. And, we are so excited to share it with you. It also does.....”

Notice how the salesperson doesn’t even ask the prospect if they need better employees, or
if they are looking to change their situation. He doesn’t even find out if they are having any
problems at all. He just assumes that because the prospect responded to his company’s ad that
they must be looking for his software.

What typically happens at the end of this type of conversation?

Typically, they’ll say something like ...

Prospect: “Well, how much is this software?”

Then, when you tell them, they do what? They usually say something like, “Well, I’m not sure we
have the budget for that right now, if you call me back in 6 months we might.”

Then, when you call them back in 6 months you either learn that they purchased elsewhere or
you keep getting their voicemail. Has that ever happened to you?

Level 3
The MINDSET of a New Model top Salesperson is not to convince and persuade your potential
client by telling them how wonderful you, your company, your pricing, or your product is.
Instead, it’s to find out what they are looking for, WHY they are looking for it, and to see if you
can help them.

Detach yourself from the expectations of making a sale … and investigate if there is a sale to
be made in the first place.


Now let’s see how to use a Connecting Question to start the sales process when someone
calls you after seeing an advertisement … this time, for an insurance company.

Prospect: “I’m calling about your ad I saw online, could you tell me what it’s all about?”

New Model Salesperson: “I’d be happy to. Before I go into what we do, I should
probably ask you what what was it about the ad that attracted your attention?” (This is
your first connecting question.)

Why would you ask them this question? There are actually two reasons.

Reason #1 is because they’ll tell you, but more importantly, they’ll tell themselves why they
were interested in your ad. This is the first step toward them persuading themselves to fully
listen to you and what you have to offer.

Reason #2 is that you’ll now start to see a picture of why they called and what they need.

Prospect: “I was curious about … bla bla bla ...”

After they tell you why they responded to the ad, you ask an additional connecting question.

New Model Salesperson: “Was there anything else that attracted your attention?”
(Second connecting question.)

Many times they will tell you more reasons why they responded to the ad. You’re now getting
a picture of their scenario.

New Model Salesperson: “Do you know what you’re looking for?” (Third connecting

Then you can proceed with a Situation Question, depending on what you sell.

New Model Salesperson: “Tell me, what type of life insurance policy do you have now?”
OR “Can I ask what type of coverage you have now for your family?” (If you sell life

Level 4
We first have to learn what their present situation is, what problems they’re having, the cause
of those problems, and how said problems are affecting them (emotion). This must be done
BEFORE we can offer our solution to see if we can even help them.

Your potential customers have the answers ... you simply need to ask the right questions and
give them time to answer.


Let’s have a look at how to call someone who has requested to have information sent
to them. We’ll see how the New Model Salesperson calls a prospect who has been sent
information about a company or obtained information from the company’s website.

Now, most salespeople would make this call ASSUMING that the prospect intends to make a
purchase ... simply because they requested information be sent to them. But you know better
than that. You’re going to remain calm, collected, and neutral to find out if you can help this

New Model Salesperson: “Hi Mary, this is John Smith from XYZ company. You recently
asked us to send you information regarding our digital marketing strategies for small
business owners, and I was calling you back to see if we could possibly help you ... is this
an appropriate time?”

Prospect: “Yes, this is fine, I have a few minutes.”

New Model Salesperson: “I should probably start out by asking you have you found
what you are looking for or are you still looking?”

This is your first connecting question. This opens up the conversation. You’re asking here to
make sure they haven’t already found something else, signed a contract and then you can’t
even do business with them because of that. Now 99% of the time since they just responded
to the ad, it means they are still looking.

New Model Salesperson: “Ok, I was just curious what was it about the ad that attracted
your attention?”

This is your second connecting question. It reminds them why they responded to the ad
in the first place, and in addition to telling you, who else are they telling? They are telling
themselves! This is the first part of them persuading themselves to want to look at how you
might be able to help them.

Level 5
Prospect: “Well, I guess I was just curious about what you guys do. We have a company now
that helps us with this kind of stuff, so I was just more curious than anything else.

New Model Salesperson: “That’s not a problem.”

This is a simple way to diffuse the objection of already having a company.

New Model Salesperson: “Yes, I can go through a few details if you’d like. It might be
appropriate if I knew a little bit more about your company and what you do to see if we
could actually help you in the first place. For example, what type of marketing do you
actually use to drive leads?”

This New Model Salesperson is asking a few Situational Questions to get a picture of what they do
and to determine whether or not they have problems that their solution can address and solve.

Prospect: “We actually do some PPC, banner ads, and some CPC.”

New Model Salesperson: “How long have you been doing that type of marketing?”

They’re now in a two-way conversation with the prospect, and involving them in the process.
They’re not the dreaded salesperson who’s just trying to sell them something.

Alright, we’ve had a look at some examples and discussed why it’s so important to create a
dialogue. Let’s summarize the steps to take when calling to your leads.

Step 1: State who you are.

Step 2: State where you are from.

Step 3: Reference the ad they responded to, and remind them that they asked you to call them.

Step 4: Ask them if this is an appropriate time.

Step 5: Find out what their present situation is and ask how you can help them … using
Connecting and Situation Questions.

Level 6

First, what I want you to understand is that that calling leads from a lead list is NOT cold
calling! A cold call is when you call a stranger, like picking a random name out of a phone
book who’s never requested any information for the product or service you sell.

If you’re hesitant about calling your leads, remember that you’re calling someone back who
has specifically asked to be called. You would lack integrity if you didn’t call them back.

The leads you get from a lead provider are from people who are out looking to make a
change, otherwise they wouldn’t have responded to the ad in the first place.

Let’s first look at how the average salesperson calls back a lead. Do you want to know
something funny? I actually got this script almost word for word off a website from an “old
sales guru” … just to show you how bad this stuff is.

Let’s see how a salesperson who uses traditional selling techniques calls a lead to sell
coaching services.

Average Salesperson: “Hi, is this Annie? ANNIE this is John Smith with XYZ company, how
are you doing today? Great. Hey, do you have two minutes to talk right now?”

Prospect: “No, I really don’t.”

Average Salesperson: “Ok, well, I saw you responded to an ad yesterday about getting a
coach to help you close more deals in business and I’ve been asked to personally call you
to show you how we can help you get more deals in your business. When works best to call
you back, later today or tomorrow?”

You’re starting to chase them and now, you look like what? Just another salesperson trying to
sell them something.

Prospect: “Give me a call tomorrow.”

Average Salesperson: “Ok great! Maam, let me ask you a question real quick, what are two
problems you’re having right now that are costing you deals and money?”

Prospect: “Well, I’m doing really well in my business right now, what’s this all about anyway?”

Average Salesperson: “Well, I’m calling you because with our coaching services we can help
you close more deals and help you in your business needs. In fact, we have been rated the
number 1 coaching services in the country for 3 years in a row by our clients, and ...”

Level 7
Prospect [Cuts the salesperson off]: “Well, I’m busy right now, just call back tomorrow”

Average Salesperson: “Ok, well, let me ask you again what are two problems you’re having
right now that are costing you deals and money that if I could fix for you right now that you
would take me seriously and spend a few minutes with me.”

Notice how he keeps pushing for the prospect to tell him 2 problems. he sales pressure is
mounting right now.

Prospect: “Look buddy, I don’t really have that many problems.”

Average Salesperson: “Then why did you respond to the add? I have a solution that
will help you follow up with your prospects to get your company so many deals that
you could triple your sales this next month. When could you give me 10 minutes where
I could show you how this will work for your company?”

Prospect: “Yeah, maybe next week sometime.”

Average Salesperson: “Ok, I could do Thursday at 2 or Friday at 1.”

This is known as the “trial close”. Every salesperson uses this and prospects feel that you’re
pressuring them for an appointment.

Prospect: “I could do Friday at 1.”

Average Salesperson: ”Ok great. I know that you are really going to like what I am
going to show you on Friday. I am so excited. Talk to you then.”

Then next Friday at 1 in the afternoon, the only thing the average salesperson hears is “ring,
ring, ring”, so he leaves a message but the prospect never calls him back. Has this ever
happened to you?

Now let’s see how a New Model professional salesperson calls a lead to sell coaching services.

New Model Salesperson: “Hi, Jane, this is John Smith, I am with XYZ coaching
company, and it looks like you responded to an ad yesterday about possibly having a
coaching system to help you in your business.”

“I should probably start off by asking you, have you found what you wanted or are you
still looking for one?”

ALWAYS ask, because if they have already found one, you would want to know that upfront.
Ninety-nine percent of the time, they will tell you that they haven’t.

Level 8
Prospect: “No, I’m still looking for one.”

New Model Salesperson: “Ok, I was just curious what was it about the ad that attracted
your attention?”

This reminds them why they responded to the ad. Notice how they are not only telling you
why the responded but more importantly who are they telling? They are telling themselves.
This is how you’ll get them to persuade themselves to want to look at how you might be able
to help them.

New Model Salesperson: “Was there anything else that attracted you?”

Remember to listen carefully to the answer … and take notes.

New Model Salesperson: “I should probably ask you a few questions just to see if I could
actually help, for example, what type of business do you own now?”
Simply like this: “What type of business do you own now?”

Here’s where you start asking a few Situational Questions to find out what their present
situation is.



Let me give you more examples of how an opening looks like when calling leads.

In this example let’s say you sell business consulting (helping existing business owners
become more profitable).

Hey Bill, this is just __________(your name) with __________(your company), you recently
applied for our _________(plug in the name of your program) program. Now it looks like it
was over the weekend, and it was about possibly getting help in your business, and I just had
time to get back to you to see if I could help.

Use a Connecting Question to takes the focus off you, and put it on them.

Now I should probably start off by asking you have you found what you’re looking for, or are
you still looking?

So I was curious when you went through the email, what was it that attracted your attention?

Level 9
You could then Probe:

Can you tell me more about that? OR Why is that important to you?

Was there anything else that attracted you?

Depending on the person: (if they are closed off):

Well let’s do this … before I go into who we are and what we do and all that boring stuff, it
might be appropriate if I asked a few questions to see if I could even help you in the first place.

Remember, 85% of the sale is made during the Engagement Stage.

Situation Questions help you find out their present situation.

Now, I read your application, it looks like you own an XYZ business, how long have you been
doing that?

And what got you involved in that if I can ask?

Now, I didn’t ask are you on your own or do you have a family you’re taking care of? OR What
does your spouse do for a living? (This helps you find out a general idea of household income
this person makes to see if they have the funds to do business with you.)

So what do you guys use for your marketing now to bring in leads?

You would then start asking your first Problem Awareness questions and then continue in the
dialogue with the NEPQ structure of questions.

In this example let’s say you sold skin treatment services.

First, you use CONNECTING QUESTIONS, taking the focus off you and putting it on them:

Hey Amy, this is just __________ it looks like you responded to an ad yesterday about
possibly getting help with your skin treatment and I just had time to get back to you to see
if I could help. Is this an appropriate time?

Now I should probably start off by asking you have you found what you’re looking for or
are you still looking?

So I was just curious when you went through the ad and video, what was it that attracted
your attention?

You could PROBE:

Can you tell me more about that … OR why is that important to you?

Was there anything else that attracted you?

Level 10
Enter the Engagement Stage, where 85% of the sale is made.

Situation Questions:

Now I was just reviewing your application, can you tell me more about what you do now to
treat your skin?

And how long have you been using ________? OR How long have you noticed that you
are getting Acne on your skin?

And can I ask what got you involved in treating your skin that way?

You would then start asking your first Problem Awareness questions and then continue in the
dialogue with the NEPQ structure of questions.

In this example let’s say you recruit people for your Network Marketing business.

Use a Connecting Question to takes the focus off you, and put it on them.

Is this ______, hey Stacy this is just ________. You recently responded to an ad, looks like a
few hrs ago about possibly starting your own business, and I just had time to get back to you
to see if I could help.

Now I should probably start off by asking have you found a business yet or are you still

Okay, I was just curious, when you went through the ad what was it about the ad that
attracted your attention?

Was there anything else that attracted you?

Enter the Engagement Stage by asking Situation Questions:

Can I ask what you do for a living now? Or What do you do for work?

Oh, how long have you been doing that?

And I didn’t ask you are you on your own or do you have a family you’re taking care of? (This
question allows you to have a general idea of their household income so you know if they
have the funding to start a business with you.)

Level 11

Oh, how long have you been retired for? (if they say they are retired)

I’m curious what got you involved in that type of work?

Oh, for _______ years, can I ask what did you do before you retired? (If they say they are
retired you can ask this question to help determine if they have funds to start a business
with you.)

You would then start asking your first Problem Awareness questions and then continue in the
dialogue with the NEPQ structure of questions.

In this example let’s say you sell Life insurance and investments.

Connecting Questions:

Yea is _____ there? Hey ______ this is just (your name) you recently spoke with ________
at _______- about looking into possible retirement options and financial protection in case
of loss of income, and I just had time to get back to you to see if I could help.

I should probably start off by asking you have you found what you’re looking for or are you
still looking?

And I was just curious when you responded to one of our ads what was it about the ad that
attracted your attention?

Can I ask what you were hoping could happen by responding to the ad/talking with us

And if you don’t mind, before we go over what you might be looking for, it might be
appropriate if I asked you a few questions just to make sure I could even help you in the first
place … for example …

Situation Questions:

Can I ask you what type of insurance policies you have now?

How long have you been with them?

What got you involved with that type of policy if I could ask?

Level 12
If they say “no, we don’t have one”:

Ok maybe I should ask what kind of financial protection do you have in place in case
something happens to your or your spouse like an injury or death where you couldn’t
provide for the family?

Ok what’s prevented you from doing that in case it does happen though?

You would then start asking your first Problem Awareness questions and then continue in the
dialogue with the NEPQ structure of questions.

Connecting Questions:
Is this __________, hey David, this is _________, you recently requested some information
on one of our websites, it looks like it was yesterday afternoon about possibly looking at
some of our ________vehicles and I just had time to get back to you to see if I could help.

Is this an appropriate time?

I should probably start off by asking you, but have you found what you’re looking for or are
you still looking for a vehicle possibly?

Ok I was just curious but when you went through the website what was it that attracted
your attention?

Was there anything else that attracted your attention?

Here is how to handle if they say “no it’s not a good time to talk right now”:

I could reschedule with you if you’d like?

I should be available for a little bit later today, would that work?

If they say yes:

I could probably be more available in the afternoon, ummm let’s say maybe 1 or 2, would
that be appropriate? OR Does that time work for you?

If they say yes:

Ok talk to you then. You can either call me or I could call you, if that works as well.

Level 13
If they say no:

Ok, what’s your schedule look like just to see if I would be available for you? (This question
positions you as a needed expert in your field, you are not desperate sitting by the phone
waiting for their call all day. You are busy helping other prospects get vehicles all day long,
so your time is valuable.)

Situation Questions:

Can I ask what type of vehicles you drive now?

Ok, how long have you had those cars?

So I’m just curious, what caused you to get that type of vehicle?


What got you involved with BMW’s (whatever car they told you they drive)?

You would then start asking your first Problem Awareness questions and then continue in the
dialogue with the NEPQ structure of questions.

In this example let’s say you sold Real Estate.

Connecting Questions:

Is this ________ (Amy), hey Amy, this is just __________, you recently responded to an ad
about the 1123 ABC drive property, it looks like it was this morning around 10 a.m. and I just
had time to get back to you to see if I could help.

And I should probably start off by asking you have you found a home yet or are you still

Ok I was curious, when you saw the property what was it about the home that attracted
your attention?

Was there anything else that attracted your attention?

If they say now is not a good time to talk:

I could reschedule with you if you’d like?

Ok I can pull out my calendar if you have yours to set a time, just to make sure I would be
available for you so you don’t have to chase me down.

Level 14

I should be available for a little bit later today, would that work?

If they say yes:

I could probably be more available in the afternoon, let’s say 1 or 2, are you ok with that time?

If they say yes that works:

Ok talk to you then. You can either call me or I could call you if that works, although I could
be a few minutes behind just so you know.

If they say no:

Ok I can pull out my calendar if you have your’s to set a time, just to make sure I would be
available for you so you don’t have to chase me down would that work?

Situation Questions:

Can I ask what type of house do you have now? Do you own or rent that?

And how long have you owned that home? Now how long have you been renting?

I’m curious what caused you to buy that home? OR What’s caused you to rent that long?

If needed:

Now I’m assuming you understand when you buy a home, it’s going to take funding and
certain financing for them to approve you, what type of funding and credit do you have just
to make sure I can help you? (If you get a hint they might not have credit or funds to purchase
the type of homes you sell.)

You would then start asking your first Problem Awareness questions and then continue in the
dialogue with the NEPQ structure of questions.

In this example let’s say you sell Senior benefits to senior citizens.

Connecting Questions:

Hello, (Name), hey this is just ________ with _________(name of your company) senior
benefits here in Texas and you had recently filled out a card awhile back about possibly
looking into the new state regulated life insurance program for seniors age 50-85 and I just
had time to get back to you to see if I could help.

I should probably start off by asking you have you found what you’re looking for or are you
still looking?

And I was just curious when you filled out the card, what was it about the form that attracted
your attention?

Level 15
Can I ask what you were hoping could happen by filling out the card?

Situation Questions:

Now just to see if I could even help you, who do you use for your insurance now? OR Can I
ask who you use for your plan now?

And how long have you been with that company?

And what got you involved with them if I could ask?

You would then start asking your first Problem Awareness questions and then continue in the
dialogue with the NEPQ structure of questions.

In this example, let’s say you sell Weight loss or dieting programs.

Connecting Questions:

Hey Amy, this is just ________, with _________(name of your company) looks like you
filled out an application yesterday about possibly getting help with improving your health
and weight.

Now I should probably start off by asking you have you found what you are looking for or
are you still looking?

So I was just curious when you went through the ad about me, what was it about the ad that
attracted your attention?

You could probe:

Can you tell me more about that? OR Why is that important to you?

Was there anything else that attracted you?

Situation Questions:

Now I was just reviewing your application, can you tell me more about what you do now to
maintain your health and weight?

Can you tell me more about what you are doing now to get rid of the bloating? (If they tell
you they feel bloated.)

And how long have you been doing that? OR How long have you noticed the bloating? OR
How long have you had diabetes for? (Plug in whatever problem they just told you they have.)

Can I ask what got you involved in that diet?

You would then start asking your first Problem Awareness questions and then continue in the
dialogue with the NEPQ structure of questions.

Level 16
Let’s say in this example you sell Medical devices.

Connecting Questions:

If approached at a tradeshow:

What brought you over to the booth today if I could ask?

I should probably start off by asking you have you found what you’re looking for or are you
still looking?

And I was just curious what was it about our surgical technique/philosophy/technology that
attracted your attention?

Was there anything else that attracted your attention?

If they ask “what’s different about you”?

(In a joking manner) Well maybe nothing! Can I ask you why you asked me that question?

Situation Questions:

Can I ask you who do you use now for your knees?

And how long have you been using them?

I’m just curious what got you involved with them?

If they say, can you call back, I am busy:

Well what I can do is give you my number and you could call me back to see if I would be
available, would that be appropriate?

What is your timeframe on getting back to me to see if I would be around?

If you want you we can both pull up our calendars and book a time so you don’t have to chase
me down and vice versa, would that work?

You would then start asking your first Problem Awareness questions and then continue in the
dialogue with the NEPQ structure of questions.

Level 17
In this example let’s say you sell Merchant processing services.

Connecting Questions:

Yea is there? Hey this is just with (name of your company)

you recently responded to one of my ads about looking into possibly saving money on your
processing and I just had time to get back to you to see if I could help.

I should probably start off by asking you have you found what you’re looking for or are you still

And I was just curious when you responded to the ad what was it about the ad that attracted
your attention?

Can I ask what you were hoping could happen by responding to the ad/talking with us though?

Situation Questions:

Can I ask who you use for processing now? .

How long have you been with that company?

I’m curious what got you involved with them?

You would then start asking your first Problem Awareness questions and then continue in the
dialogue with the NEPQ structure of questions.

In this example let’s say you sell Aerial Imagery. And in this example you are calling back
existing customers to try and get them to do more business with you. (upsell them)

Connecting Questions:

Yea is there? Hey this is just I’m just your account lead with
(name of your company) I was just assigned to you and it looks like we have worked together
for several years giving you aerial measurement reports and I just had time to check in to see if
I could help you.

Now it looks like we have been providing can I ask how that is (are those) working
for you now?

So I noticed that you were using us on about 10% of your roof related claims, can i ask what
was preventing you from using us on more of your claims?

Level 18
Situation Questions:

Now what does your claims process look like now from FNOL to closing?

And how long have you been using them?

I’m just curious what got you involved with them?

You would then start asking your first Problem Awareness questions and then continue in the
dialogue with the NEPQ structure of questions.

In this example let’s say you sell advertising and you are calling back existing clients to get
them to use more of your services (upsell).

Connecting Questions:


Yeah, is There? Hey This is just . I’m your account specialist with
, and I was assigned to you and it looks like you were in the process of starting a campaign
to start advertising your business and I just had time to get back to you to see, if I can
possibly help.

Now, I was just curious what was it that prompted you to want to start an account with us?

Now, Was there anything else that prompted you?

And, do you know what you’re looking for?


This is just . I’m your account specialist with , and it looks like you were
assigned to me, so I’m going to be the person that helps you with your online advertising.

So, Just curious what prompted you to even start an account with us in the first place?

Was there anything else that prompted you?

Do you know what you’re looking for?

Level 19

This is just . I’m your account specialist with , and it looks like you were
assigned to me, so I’m going to be the person that helps you with your online advertising,
and I just had time to get back to you. So If you’d like to reach me. I should be available for a
little bit today, my number is 480-274-9551. I’ll talk to you then.

Situation Questions:

Can I ask, what are you currently doing for advertising?

Now how long have you been using ?

I’m just curious, how did you get involved in that type of advertising?

You would then start asking your first Problem Awareness questions and then continue in the
dialogue with the NEPQ structure of questions.

In conclusion you can see from the different examples from different industries you can use
the same exact structure for what you sell. You just plug in your product/service to the NEPQ
structure and then practice, practice, practice.

Make sure to go back into the main training course to write down and develop all of your
questions in the NEPQ sales structure for what you sell.

Level 20

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