Reflection - Linh Boi Tu - 0119081

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Reflective Essay

Communication is a big deal in many aspects - personally, academically, and socially.

Based on my self-assessment, my communication skills are decent, but I know there is always

room for improvement. Since starting this course, I have realized that oral communication is

something I could work on. This class has been an eye-opening experience for me. Thanks to it, I

learned how to communicate effectively with people, both verbally and non-verbally.

For me, being genuine in communicating my personality and values to others is the key

to building strong relationships and connections. I try to express myself through my actions and

words, showing kindness, empathy, and respect towards others. Whether it is through

conversations or sharing stories, I aim to let people see the real me and understand what I value.

However, after studying Chapter 3 “The Self, Perception, and Communication”, I realized that

being open and honest is not always good, especially in disclosing personal information in the

workplace. I need to be cautious and consider the organization's culture. From this chapter, I can

take away the lesson that testing the waters with a trusted colleague or manager and finding a

balance between self-promotion and bragging is important. Alongside that, the choices I made in

the "Understanding Your Communication" activity revealed that I have strong emotional

intelligence, meaning I can balance awareness of my emotions with concern for how other

people feel. That is true because I am quite good at listening to others, self-reflecting, and

adapting my communication style to suit different audiences and situations.

Additionally, the "Understanding Your Communication" activity in Chapter 6 shows that

I tend to be an action-oriented listener. I value getting the job done, and my task orientation can

help teams stay on track. On the other hand, I might be frustrated with inefficiency, and I should

be mindful of not overlooking the importance of building strong relationships. That is why I
spend every day practicing better listening in a few steps. First, I make a conscious effort to be

present in the moment and give my full attention to the person I am listening to. This means

putting away distractions like my phone and focusing on what they say. I also try to maintain eye

contact and use nonverbal cues like nodding or smiling to show that I am engaged in the

conversation. Another step I take is to avoid interrupting or jumping to conclusions. I always let

the other person finish their thoughts before responding and ask clarifying questions if I am

unsure about something. This helps me truly understand their perspective and prevents

misunderstandings. In my personal experience, practicing intentional listening has had a positive

impact on my relationships. It has helped me to avoid conflicts and has allowed me to connect

with others on a deeper level.

In terms of expressing myself through nonverbal aspects of appearance, I think it is all

about embracing my personal style and using it as a form of self-expression. I love trying out

different fashion choices and hairstyles that match my personality and mood. It is like wearing

my emotions on my sleeve, or rather, on my outfit. In different scenarios, I use nonverbal aspects

of appearance to communicate different things. For example, at work or in a professional setting,

I dress in a way that shows competence and professionalism. When hanging out with friends, I

might dress more casually to show that I am relaxed and approachable. Expressing myself

through nonverbal aspects of appearance allows me to showcase my individuality and connect

with others in a more authentic way. Moreover, Chapter 7 “Nonverbal Communication”

introduces tips for sending and interpreting nonverbal cues mindfully. I learned a lot from this

chapter and pay more attention to my posture, facial expressions, and gestures. As a result, I have

incorporated body language in nonverbal communication and noticed that just a simple smile or

a friendly handshake can make a positive impact on others’ impressions about me.
In my family, the parenting style most often used is authoritative. My parents used to set

clear expectations and rules. They were strict and conservative with me when I was a child. As I

grow older, they gradually encourage open communication and only provide guidance when

needed. They believe in fostering independence and allowing me to make my own decisions,

while still offering support along the way. As for my sibling relationships, it is a mix of

supportive and occasionally competitive. We have our ups and downs, but at the end of the day,

we always have each other's backs. We share a lot of laughs, inside jokes, and memorable

experiences together. Growing up, we learned to navigate conflicts and compromise, which has

strengthened our bond over time. Our family climate promotes a healthy balance of

independence and support, and our sibling relationships have evolved into strong connections

that I cherish. In Chapter 8 of “Understanding Interpersonal Communication,” in addition to

what we have always done, I learned some new strategies for successful family communication.

For instance, negotiating privacy rules and coaching conflict management, which help maintain

boundaries while addressing important matters and help create a safe space for discussing and

resolving issues.

Futhermore, Chapter 8 presents different aspects of friendships, like how long they last,

the level of sharing, their activities together, the sense of obligation, and their communication

styles. It also provides tips on avoiding communication patterns that can harm relationships

which I can use to strengthen my relationship ties. This chapter’s "Understanding Your

Communication" activity helps me realize that I have loyal friends, and that is definitely

something I am really proud of. When it comes to my role, I would say that I play as a

‘connector’ in my friend group. I am the one who loves bringing people together, organizing get-

togethers, and planning fun activities for everyone to enjoy. Just two weeks ago, during
Thanksgiving break, I organized a hiking trip for my Asian friends. We all love being outdoors,

so I thought it would be a great way to bond and have an adventure together. I found a beautiful

hiking trail in Little Rock and shared all the details with everyone. I made sure to check in with

everyone during the hike and after reaching the summit, we took a group photo to celebrate our

achievement. It was so rewarding to see everyone having a great time and forming deeper

connections. Playing the role of the connector allows me to contribute to the group's

cohesiveness and create memorable experiences for everyone involved.

Overall, this class has helped me become a better communicator in my personal and

professional life. By taking this class, I have been able to acquire knowledge of oral

communication theory to enhance my relationships and connections, as well as develop critical

thinking and listening skills. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn these skills and apply them

in real-life situations.
Class Feedback Section

1. What were your expectations for oral communication?

I hoped this class would help boost my confidence, enhance my public speaking skills,

and give me the tools to effectively express myself.

2. Did the class fail to meet or exceed your expectations? Why or why not?

This class exceeded my expectations. Throughtout the semester, I completed assignments

and presentations that increased my skills and broadened my sense as a communicator in

different areas. Besides, your breakdown of scores, clear announcements, and detailed

instructions made a positive impact on my GPA. I appreciate how you made everything

so clear and easy to follow.

3. What will you take away from this class?

I’ve gained valuable skills in expressing myself effectively, understanding others, and

building strong connections through communication. This class also helps me improve

my public speaking, active listening, and interpersonal skills. These skills will be useful

in my personal and professional life, allowing me to connect with others and convey my

ideas with confidence.

4. What was your favorite part, why?

I like the interactive classroom activities. They were so much fun and engaging. They

encouraged me to participate in discussions, exchange ideas, and gain different

perspectives. Plus, they helped me remember the lecture better.

5. If you could change one thing about the class what would it be and why?
Sometimes, it can get a bit boring to read a whole chapter and watch lecture videos at

home, trying to memorize everything for quizzes. But putting in that extra effort really

pays off in class.

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