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Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 7 (2023) 100099

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Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain

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Analysis of internal factors of green supply chain management: An

interpretive structural modeling approach
Arka Chakraborty a, *, 1, Md Al Amin a, b, *, 1, Roberto Baldacci b
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna 9203, Bangladesh
Division of Engineering Management & Decision Sciences, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University Doha, P.O. Box 34110, Qatar


Keywords: The industrial revolution in the world brings environmental concern in industrial and production sector which
Green supply chain puts more focuses on the green or sustainable supply chain practice. Green supply chain management is focused
ISM model on ensuring sustainable production and customer order fulfillment through a series of activities. In this study
Internal factor
internal factors of green supply chain management practice are analyzed, and theoretical model is developed
Driving power of factor
Supply chain sustainability
according to the driving power and dependence power of the factor. This study is performed in interpretive
structural modelling (ISM) approach where industry experts were consulted to include their industry experience
in the evaluation process. The study has identified eight factors which can be controlled internally within the
organization. Among these eight factors, commitment from the top management is the most crucial factor for its’
highest driving power. The reverse logistic process stands on the next, and material storing and management on
the upper level.

1. Introduction reduce the amount of waste in the business and ensure resource maxi­
mization with minimal consumption. This brings efficiency in the
Supply chain management has crossed the boundary of procurement, business process and take organizations towards sustainability (Stentoft
production, distribution activities, environmental concern is a major and Lüthje, 2012). The organizational development and industrial
part of supply chain study. Along with economic benefit, human and growth of this world come at a price. And the price we are paying in
environmental welfare policy is an integral part of today’s supply chain terms of climate change and its repercussions. The catastrophic impact
management. Industrialization has taken the world to achieving new of climate change is not limited to a particular region or country. For this
milestones every day. Global policy makers and agencies are empha­ reason; United Nations organized conventions like Paris Agreement,
sizing the environmental protection plan for making our planet more COP 26, COP 27 summit etc., with the purpose of bringing countries
sustainable. That is why companies are implementing green policies in across the globe to a unified sustainable target to achieve and bolster the
their supply chain management. This necessity comes not only from the approach towards a greener and cleaner world. Bangladesh is one of the
regulation and policies, but companies are also now trying to be sus­ smallest but one of the most rapidly developing countries in the world
tainable for both economic benefit and environmental welfare. Green and is also bound to the mandates of these global agreements. Being in
Supply Chain Management” (GSCM) is relevant the search for greater the low-laying geographical portion, Bangladesh is always threatened
environmental efficiency in supply chains, it is one of the most signifi­ by climate change. According to the Global Climate Risk Index 2021,
cant subjects in the modern research of operations management Bangladesh is 7th most affected country by climate change. Almost USD
(Kannan Govindan, 2011). Green supply chain management can be 3.7 billion has been lost due to climate change in Bangladesh in the last
illustrated as a combinational step of green purchasing; green procure­ 20 years (https://www.thedailystar.net/supplements/new-year-special-
ment, green manufacturing, green logistics (Singh and Sharma, 2015). 2016/paris-agreement-and-the-bangladesh-perspective-195028). How­
In today’s business practice; the green supply chain has become the ever; the growth of the nation has not stopped. Day by day, economic
backbone of many organizations. Green supply chain strategies can activities are being bolstered with numerous capacities. Even with the

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Chakraborty), [email protected] (M. Al Amin), [email protected] (R. Baldacci).
Both authors contributed equally.

Received 11 August 2022; Received in revised form 12 January 2023; Accepted 25 February 2023
Available online 6 March 2023
2772-3909/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
A. Chakraborty et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 7 (2023) 100099

epidemic, Bangladesh’s economy has been expanding significantly. The establish a workable “Climate Prosperity Plan.” Bangladesh wants to
nation has intensified its initiatives to generate new sectors, job op­ generate one-third of its energy from renewable sources by 2030,
portunities, and a local workforce. However, the impending threat of providing 4.1 million (https://cpd.org.bd/publication/towards-a-low-
climate change can potentially destroy it. Bangladesh, unfortunately, carbon-and-climate-resilient-world-expectations-from-cop26/). While
suffers the weight of the climate problem while being one of the coun­ industrialized nations may easily transition to a more environmentally
tries with the lowest carbon emissions. The nation must emphasize green friendly economy without suffering economic consequences, it would be
technologies and zero-carbon growth if it wants to expand its economy challenging for emerging nations to lessen their reliance on fossil fuels
sustainably. Instead of making meaningless promises, there is a push to and quickly transition towards green supply chain management. What

Fig. 1. ISM based model for internal factors of GSCM.

A. Chakraborty et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 7 (2023) 100099

has to be addressed is how disproportionately vulnerable nations like Table 1

Bangladesh can become middle-income nations with a sustainable pro­ Literature review.
cess in business. Bangladesh joined international efforts to keep global Origin of Work References Method of Study
warming far below 2 ◦ C to lower it to 1.5 ◦ C when it signed the Paris
Analyzing factors of green (Al-Refaie and Momani, Collected responses
Agreement in 2016 (https://www.thedailystar.net/supplements/new- supply chain management 2018) from the experts and
year-special-2016/paris-agreement-and-the-bangladesh-perspective- and develop theoretical performed focused
195028). This further demonstrates the nation’s commitment to model between them. group discussion
reducing national emissions and mitigating the consequences of climate (FGD)
Interpreting variables (Jayant and Azhar, 2014) Expert analyses are
change. Bangladesh plans to participate in global collective action to driving power in the green evaluated in FGD
decrease future emissions as part of a comprehensive and ambitious supply chain management method
international accord. Following the Paris Agreement, Bangladesh implementation requires
promised to cut GHG emission intensity by 15% by 2030. For policy­ higher attention. Here a
model of barriers is
makers to find a balance between implementing policies to achieve
proposed in ISM-based
sustainable development and mitigating climate change, they increas­ structure to identify the
ingly need to be aware of Bangladesh’s capacity to decrease emissions. preference of variables in
This target can’t be achieved without holistic support from decision- GSC.
making to process implementation across the organization. With the It proposes an ISM based (Lim et al., 2017) Survey based
model and analysis of approach and focused
increasing concern regarding the environmental aspect of global pro­ green supply chain discussion among the
duction, achieving sustainability in the supply chain process is also management factors in experts.
crucial. Supply chain management is involved in fulfilling consumers’ order identify the driving
requests through procurement, production, transportation, and distri­ power and dependence
power of the factors in the
bution activities (Kumar et al., 2012). Bangladesh as a country is
context of knowledge
booming in economic development. The textile industry; manufacturing management to improve
industry, leather industry, and electrical industry are some major the green efficiency of
players in the country’s growth. With rapid development, environ­ textile industry in India.
mental concern is also rising in the country. Proper assessment of GSCM This paper aims to develop a (Shibin et al., 2016) Survey collection
theoretical framework of method
practice can help tackle environmental challenges (Shamimul Islam
the barriers and drivers of
et al., 2018). The purpose of this study is to focus on the key area of the factors of flexible green
supply chain to implement sustainability culture and provide a decision- supply chain management.
making framework in the correlation of the relevant factor based on the This paper attempts to (Shibin et al., 2017) Survey collection
develop a theoretical approach
pragmatic scenario of the industry (See Fig. 1).
framework to explain the
This research focuses on the following research questions: driving power and
RQ1: What are the internal factors of green supply chain manage­ dependence power of
ment practice in Bangladeshi Industries? green supply chain
RQ2: What are the possible interrelations between these factors? management drivers by
using the TISM method.
RQ3: How to classify these factors according to their impact?
This study identifies the (Menon et al., 2021) Survey and review
In this study, the authors have identified the factors that play an barriers of GSCM method.
important role to implement green supply chain management within a implementation, develops
company. Many related studies have been performed by reflecting the a theoretical model of the
barriers and performs
interaction between factors in the green supply chain process. This study
Micmac analysis to
uniquely identified the internal factors within a company that affect the categorize the barriers in 4
supply chain performance towards sustainability. External factors affect clusters: autonomous,
consumers’ behavior, and internal factors affect companies’ internal independent, dependent
compatibility (Pakurár et al., 2019). A company may face external and linkage.
In this study factors in green (Agi and Nishant, 2017) Focused group
pressure, which is beyond the control of the company, but internal
supply chain management discussion process
factors of the company greatly determine the company’s learning implementation in steel among the experts.
capability to practice green supply chain management (Liu et al., 2012). industry are identified
The authors have chosen ISM (Interpretive Structural Modelling) according to expert
opinion. Driving power
method in this research to develop the conceptual model. ISM approach
and dependence power of
is widely used for analyzing qualitative data and identifying the inter­ the factors are analyzed
relation between the factors (Soni et al., 2020). The ISM method is used and a theoretical model is
to analyze any scenario to determine the connections among elements or developed by using ISM
factors to describe an issue. This technique starts with identifying the method.
This study demonstrates the (Singh and Kant, 2008) Focused group
factors and developments in problem-solving techniques. In ISM method
use of ISM method in analysis
the conceptual model is developed according to the driving power and knowledge management of
dependence power of each factor. In the research MICMAC analysis is barrier analysis process
also performed to categorize the factors in 4 clusters according to their This study analyzed the lucid (Goel et al., 2020) Survey based
driving power and dependence power. In the literature review, Table 1, changes of green supply approach.
management in Indian
it is shown in terms of analyzing the problem or issue driving factors ISM timber industry in ISM
approach is effectively used to show the dependency based on the method. The study
practical experience of the survey participants in a unique platform. This identified the driving
study intends to construct a model based on the relationship among the power and dependence
power of the factors which
factors and categorize the factors prioritizing their impact.
impact the change.
The authors are motivated to contribute a better understanding and (Gardas et al., 2019)
knowledge management in the green supply chain management practice (continued on next page)
of Bangladeshi industry. However, to analyze the internal factors of the

A. Chakraborty et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 7 (2023) 100099

Table 1 (continued ) Sarkis, 2004). Company’s financial, environmental, external affairs,

Origin of Work References Method of Study human resource policy, manufacturing, distribution policy is basically
determined by this factor (Hugo and Pistikopoulos, 2005). Top man­
This study provided a factor Survey method and
analysis in the field of review.
agement works as mediator between internal and external environment
green supply chain of a company. Goodwill from management and their policy guides the
management organization towards sustainability and efficiency in the supply chain.
implementation in Indian
Agro industry by using ISM
1.3. Supplier development
This study analyzed the (Panpatil and Kant, 2022) Survey review
drivers of green supply approach. Suppliers play a pivotal role in achieving sustainability in the orga­
chain management nization. Many companies outsource their key work to suppliers. But in
practices from expert general companies are dependent on raw material and equipment sup­
opinion and constructed a
conceptual model which
ply on the suppliers. They play a major portion of work in the total
was validated by expert business process (Singh, 2013). Company must select and develop sup­
evaluation in ISM method. pliers’ capacity according to company’s EHS policy (Kannan et al.,
This study presented an (INTERNATIONAL Focused group 2014). Companies must maintain carbon emission limits in their pro­
integrated framework of JOURNAL OF review.
cess. Suppliers are controlling a portion of the business; hence the
critical factors of supply SUSTAINABLE
chain management by ENGINEERING, 2021) company must monitor and develop the supplier to maintain the proper
using AHP and ISM principle and regulation (Bansal et al., 2014).
method. In this research
authors have analyzed the 1.4. Materials store and management
critical factors of success
by using expert opinion
and literature review and Material storage system is a vital source of waste in the production
then developed the model. line (Cox and Blackstone, 1998). Storage of material in a proper manner
The model is validated safes the product from being damaged. Storing is very crucial for Agro
further by expert review.
industry and FMCG industry (Zhang et al., 2020). Smart material
handling and management in the warehouse can save inventory man­
green supply chain management, this article aimed to satisfy the agement cost and effort (Seroka-Stolka and Ociepa-Kubicka, 2019).
following objectives. Transportation and movement of material in the warehouse, material
handling activities cause the organization good amount of energy re­
i To identify the internal factors of green supply chain management sources and cost. Proper management in this area plays a significant role
practice. in greening the supply chain.
ii To develop a conceptual model of the internal factors of green supply
chain management. 1.5. Logistics system
iii To classify the factors in different clusters according to their driving
power and dependence. Green logistics system is the combination of environmental philos­
iv To identify a green supply chain implementation strategy from a ophy in product development, procurement, storage, transportation
managerial perspective. activity (Seroka-Stolka and Ociepa-Kubicka, 2019). More than 70% of a
company’s carbon footprint is caused by transportation activities which
To accomplish the above objectives, the rest of the paper is organized is a major sector of concern to achieve greening policy in the supply
as follows: The literature review is in Section 2; Research Methodology chain management (Dzwigol et al., 2021). Green logistics policy can
are in Section 3; Data Analysis & Discussions are in Section 4; Conclu­ integrate several functions in an organization which are highly corre­
sions, Implementation, Limitations, and future research scope are in lated with other factors (Osintsev et al., 2020).
Section 5.
1.6. Pollution prevention and hazardous waste management

1.1. Literature review

Environmental concerns are mainly focused on waste management
activities. Production procedure consumes energy and resources to
In this study the researchers analyzed the internal factors of green
transform raw material into final product. In the life cycle of the product
supply chain management and developed a conceptual model. In the
pollution occurs in many steps (Agrawal et al., 2014). Steel Industry,
ISM method the conceptual model is developed according to the driving
cement industry, bricks industry, and textile industry are creating major
power and dependence power of each factor. Interpretive structural
hazardous waste and pollutes the environment (Tavana et al., 2021).
modelling has been used to develop such models in many similar studies
Changes in their sludge treatment policy and air purification process can
of supply chain management field. These literature reviews have been
play a vital role. Economical sustainability in supply chain policy is
organized in Table 1.
highly dependent on the waste management system.
From the analysis of several literature review the authors have
identified 8 internal factors of green supply chain management for
1.7. Reverse logistic management
Bangladeshi industries.
Reverse logistics management is the process which indicates the
1.2. Top management commitment retrieval of goods from the final stage of supply chain which is consumer
with the purpose of reuse and recycle (Ramos et al., 2014). This process
Top management of an organization works in the policy making role. involves product collection, acquisition, examination, categorization,
This factor is linked with external factors of green supply chain man­ redistribution, disposition of the product (Agrawal et al., 2015).
agement policy (Van Hock and Erasmus, 2000). Government rules, in­ Disposition procedure involves five processes of repair, remanufacture,
dustry policy, external affairs are being handled by top management and refurbish, recycle and cannibalize (Chen et al., 2019). In green supply
based on those they decided the policy of their company (Zhu and chain procedure, the role of reverse logistics is very dynamic inclusion

A. Chakraborty et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 7 (2023) 100099

compared to generic supply chain procedure (Lamming and Hampson, perform the survey. The discussion was performed in a focused group
1996). discussion method. In ISM approach the number of survey responders
should be between 10 and 30 to maintain unity in response (Renukappa
1.8. Environmentally friendly packaging et al., 2020; Kvale, 1996). After the discussion the responses were
collected. By the consensus of the survey participants the result was
Product packaging protects the product from damage or being obtained. Another focused group discussion was performed to validate
wasted (Singh, 2008). Packaging management is very crucial from an the result and to identify whether there was any inconsistency or not.
economic perspective also. Organizations usually prefer economical The steps involved in ISM approach are following.
packaging material like plastic, polythene which are major cause of
environmental pollution (Gardas and Raut, 2019). FMCG companies, • Step 1. Variables affecting the system under consideration are listed.
automobile companies, electronic companies are highly accused of • Step 2. A contextual relationship is established among variables with
plastic and metal pollution in their packaging. Companies must focus on respect to which pairs of factors would be examined.
eco-friendly and recyclable packaging components for the purpose of • Step 3. A structural self-interaction matrix (SSIM) is developed for
greening the supply chain (Meherishi et al., 2019). factors, indicating pair-wise relationship among the factors of the
1.9. Application of advance technology and IT tools • Step 4. Reachability matrix is developed from the SSIM. It helps in
developing “final reachability matrix”. The transitivity of contextual
Implementation of advanced technology increases the supply chain relations is a basic assumption made in ISM. It states that if variable A
surplus by resource optimization (Dong et al., 2021). Use of IT tools is related to B and B is related to C, then A will be necessarily related
brings better visibility and transparency in the total supply chain pro­ to C.
cess. Information sharing and communication is a key driver of supply • Step 5. Partition the reachability matrix into different levels.
chain. Technology facilitates communication and better integration • Step 6. According to the derived relationship from the reachability
among different stages in the supply chain (Morella et al., 2020). matrix and identified values for variables, a correlational frame­
Application of advanced technology creates impact in transportation work/digraph of the identified factors will be derived.
network optimization, better inventory management, inventory coor­
dination, preventive maintenance, quality checks and assurance process.
From the analysis of previous literature in Table 1, and the research
2.1. Listing the internal factors
protocol of this study, two significant areas have been identified where
this study provides a unique contribution.
In this study, the authors have identified the following factors from
the literature review to identify their impact on implementing GSCM.
i) Providing Specific Discussion about Internal Factors of GSCM: This
The listed factors and the sources are shown in Table 2. From literature
study uniquely separates the external factor and internal factors of
reviews and similar studies, the authors proposed important factors for
GSCM. In external factors, an organization has little capacity to
the group discussion. In the group discussion, industry experts consid­
control, where the factors are controlled by Government or Legisla­
ered the factors based on the industry scenario of Bangladesh, their
tion Body. But this study intends to provide a guideline from a
implementation capability in the industry and the controllability. In­
managerial perspective to facilitate the implementation of GSCM
dustry practice and culture differ from region to region as the practice of
within the organization. Moreover, when internal and external fac­
industrialization depends on many variables. The study is focused on the
tors are analyzed in a single correlation module, the relations be­
practical scenario of the study. As mentioned earlier, the collaborators of
tween the factors become more complex. This research intends to
this research intended to develop a pragmatic approach for the near
derive the relation among internal factors of GSCM and makes the
decision-making process accessible.
ii) Specific Research on Bangladeshi Industry: Bangladeshi economy is Table 2
Description of factors.
experiencing a massive surge in diversified sectors. But in proportion
to that, the amount of research on GSCM in the country’s industrial SL Name of Factors References
sector is not substantial. The approach of sustainability practice
depends on the industrial culture and varies from region to region. 1 Top management commitment (Van Hock and Erasmus, 2000; Zhu and
From this perspective, this study reflects the green supply chain Sarkis, 2004; Hugo and Pistikopoulos,
2005; Hamprecht et al., 2005; Green
management action plan from the diversified industrial perspective et al., 2012)
of Bangladesh. This enables the authors to provide a holistic guide­ 2 Supplier development (Lee, 2009; Singh, 2013; Kannan et al.,
line about the implementation of these factors for a country like 2014; Bansal et al., 2014; Bowen et al.,
Bangladesh. However, this study can be referenced in other regions 2001; Singh and Sharma, 2015)
3 Materials store and (Cox and Blackstone, 1998; Zhang et al.,
also where the industrial practice is like Bangladesh.
management 2020; Seroka-Stolka and Ociepa-Kubicka,
2. Research methodology 4 Logistics system (Seroka-Stolka and Ociepa-Kubicka,
2019; Dzwigol et al., 2021; Osintsev
For effectively analyzing the green supply chain factors, interpretive et al., 2020; Beamon, 1999)
5 Pollution prevention and (Agrawal et al., 2014; Tavana et al.,
structure modelling (ISM) has been used in this study. ISM is well known hazardous waste management 2021)
as a computer-based technique to analyze the relations among different 6 Reverse logistic management (Ramos et al., 2014; Agrawal et al., 2015;
groups of factors and develop a graphical representation of the system. Chen et al., 2019; Lamming and
ISM approach is more useful in analyzing real life complexities among Hampson, 1996)
7 Environmentally friendly (Singh, 2008; Gardas and Raut, 2019;
the factors, comparing with other factor analyzing tools such as
packaging Meherishi et al., 2019; Klassen and
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytical Network Process Vachon, 2003)
(ANP) (Jayant and Singh, 2015). It is different from AHP, DEMATEL, 8 Application of advance (Dong et al., 2021; Morella et al., 2020;
GTMA and other analytical methods as it establishes interrelations technology and IT tools https://www.unilever.com/planet-and-
among the factors and makes a prioritization-based levelling of them society/waste-free-world/rethinking-
(Soni et al., 2020). In this research 18 industrial experts are consulted to

A. Chakraborty et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 7 (2023) 100099

future. In this consideration implementation ability of the Bangladeshi is Table 3

sincerely considered in decision-making. And the controllability of the SSIM Matrix.
factors is important in this research. This study focuses on internal j
factors which are not dependent on the external environment. In terms
i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
of targeting the internal factors, authors intend to work on the area 1 Top management commitment X V V V V V V V
which can be implemented by the internal practice of an organization or 2 Supplier development X V X V V V A
controlled by the effort of a particular organization in their ecosystem. 3 Materials store and management X A V A V A
4 Logistics system X V V V A
5 Pollution prevention and hazardous X A X A
3. Structural self interaction matrix waste management
6 Reverse logistic management X V A
A structural self-interaction matrix (SSIM) is developed for variables, 7 Environmentally friendly X A
Indicating pair-wise relationship among variables of the system under
8 Application of advance technology X
consideration. Four symbols are used to denote the direction of rela­ and IT tools
tionship between the criteria.

V: Criterion i will lead to criterion j. • Factor 2 and factor 4 will lead to each other, their relation is denoted
A: Criterion j will lead to criterion i. by “X” in SSIM. Hence the relationship value of factor 2 and 4 is 1.
X: Criterion i and j will lead to each other. The relationship value of factor 4 and factor 2 is also 1.
O: Criterion i and j are unrelated.
The final reachability matrix in Table 4 is achieved from the initial
From individual survey reports and focused group discussion reports reachability matrix at Table 3. The driving power of each factor is
of the industry experts the structural self-interaction matrix is identified. denoted by adding the values of the row. The driving power of a factor
In Table 2 the SSIM matrix is shown. indicates its capacity to lead other factors. The factor which has higher
From this matrix, it is indicated that. driving power indicates its higher ability to lead other factors to achieve
green supply chain management in the organization. Dependence of
• Factor 1 will lead to factor 2, which means top management each factor is identified by adding the value in the column. The
commitment will lead to supplier development policy and their dependence power of factor indicates its dependency on other factors.
relation is denote by “V”. Higher value of dependence power indicates the factor is more depen­
• Factor 8 will lead to factor 2, which means application of advanced dent on other factors.
technology and information technology tools will lead to supplier
development and the relation between factor 2 and factor 8 are 3.2. Level partitions
denoted by “A”.
• Factor 2 and factor 4 will lead to each other, which means supplier The reachability set is classified or partitioned in multiple levels.
development and logistics system will lead to each other and their From the reachability matrix, the reachability set, antecedent set, and
relation is denoted by “X”. intersection set is identified. The reachability set includes the factor it­
• No factor is unrelated. It is all inclusive. self and the factors it will lead to achieve in GSCM. Antecedent set in­
cludes the factor itself and the factors will lead this. Intersection set
includes the intersecting factors between reachability set and antecedent
set. Factors that have lowest reachability set are partitioned at the top
3.1. Reachability matrix level. It indicates this factor will not lead to any other factors.
In Table 5, it is observed factor 5 and factor 7 have same reachability
Reachability matrix is developed from the SSIM. It helps in devel­ set which are the lowest. That is why factor 5 and factor 7 are in the level
oping “final reachability matrix”. The transitivity of contextual relations 1. In the same way iteration 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are achieved (See
is a basic assumption made in ISM. It states that if variable A is related to Tables 6–10).
B and B is related to C, then A will be necessarily related to C. It has been The iterations and level portions of the factors are summarized in
designed by using Microsoft Excel 2016. Table 11.

• If relation of (i, j) entry in the SSIM is V, the value of (i, j) entry in this 4. Result & discussion
reachability matrix is 1 and consequently the value of (j, i) entry is 0.
• If relation of (i, j) entry in the SSIM is A, the value of (i, j) entry in this Green supply chain management practice is the combination of
reachability matrix is 0 and consequently the value of (j, i) entry is 1.
• If relation of (i, j) entry in the SSIM is X, the value of (i, j) entry in this Table 4
reachability matrix is 1 and consequently the value of (j, i) entry is 1. Reachability Matrix.
• If relation of (i, j) entry in the SSIM is O, the value of (i, j) entry in this
Serial Enablers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
reachability matrix is 0 and consequently the value of (j, i) entry is 0. No.

1 Top management commitment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

In Table 3 the reachability matrix is identified from SSIM. It is ach­ 2 Supplier development 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
ieved by using the transitivity effect of the factors. 3 Materials store and 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
• Factor 1 will lead factor 2, relation is denoting by “V” in SSIM. 4 Logistics system 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
5 Pollution prevention and 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Hence, in the reachability matrix, the value is 1. And reciprocally the
hazardous waste management
value of relationship between factor 2 and factor 1 is 0. 6 Reverse logistic management 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
• Factor 8 will lead to factor 2, their relation is denoted by “A” in SSIM. 7 Environmentally friendly 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Hence in the reachability matrix the relationship value of factor 8 packaging
and factor 2 is 1. And reciprocally, the relationship value of factor 2 8 Application of advance 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
technology and IT tools
and factor 8 is 0

A. Chakraborty et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 7 (2023) 100099

Table 5
Finale reachability matrix.
Serial No. Enablers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Driving power

1 Top management commitment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8

2 Supplier development 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6
3 Materials store and management 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3
4 Logistics system 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6
5 Pollution prevention and hazardous waste management 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2
6 Reverse logistic management 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 4
7 Environmentally friendly packaging 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2
8 Application of advance technology and IT tools 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
Dependence Power 1 4 6 4 8 5 8 2

Table 6 Table 11
Iteration 1 for of Level Partition. Iteration 6 for of Level Partition.
Factor Reachability Set Antecedent Set Intersection Set Level Factor Reachability Set Antecedent Set Intersection Set Level

1 1,8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1 1 1 1,8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1 1 Level VI

2 2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4 2,4
3 3,5,7 1,8,2,4,6.3 3
4 2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4 4,2 factor (See Table 12).
5 5,7 1,8,2,4,6,3,5,7 5,7 Level I
6 6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4,6 6
7 5,7 1,8,2,4,6,3,5,7 7,5 Level I 4.1. Conceptual model
8 8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8 8

In this study it is identified that top management commitment is the

most crucial factor in implementing green supply chain management
Table 7 practice. Top management decisions and commitment towards sus­
Iteration 2 for of Level Partition. tainability goals play the major role in green supply chain management
Factor Reachability Set Antecedent Set Intersection Set Level implementation. After the recent COP26 summit top management of
1 1,8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1 1
companies like Unilever have taken policies like reducing plastic use,
2 2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4 2,4 focusing on recyclable plastic use, using plant based ingredient instead
3 3,5,7 1,8,2,4,6.3 3 Level II of harmful chemical ingredient, making the packaging of their product
4 2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4 4,2 eco-friendly (https://www.reckitt.com/sustainability/policies-and-re­
6 6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4,6 6
ports/). FMCG companies like Reckitt are focusing to achieve net zero
8 8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8 8
carbon emission within next year 2040 (https://www.arla.com/arti­
cles/can-milk-be-carbon-neutral-info/). Dairy product-based companies
like Arla have committed to reduce the emission of methane gas from
Table 8 cattle burps by using more healthy food and grass (Al-Refaie and
Iteration 3 for of Level Partition.
Momani, 2018). Top management commitment leads the application of
Factor Reachability Set Antecedent Set Intersection Set Level advanced technologies and IT tools in the company to optimize the
1 1,8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1 1 process and reduce waste. Advance technology and its tool leads to
2 2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4 2,4 improve the logistics system and supplier development. By using
4 2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4 4,2 advanced technology, the logistics system can be optimized and become
6 6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4,6 6 Level III
more efficient. Use of IT tool also helps a company to monitor suppliers’
8 8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8 8
activity and provide better visibility of their process. Thus, it becomes
easier for organizations to select and develop supplier’s performance.
Logistics system and supplier development are equally dependent on
Table 9
each other. Supplier development and selection process is dependent on
Iteration 4 for of Level Partition.
their logistics system efficiency. Logistics system and supplier develop­
Factor Reachability Set Antecedent Set Intersection Set Level ment leads to efficient reverse logistics system which minimizes the
1 1,8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1 1 waste in reverse logistics and reduce reverse logistics transportation. A
2 2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4 2,4 Level IV reverse logistics system will lead to material store and management.
4 2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4 4,2 Level IV
Reverse logistics system pushes the development of efficient material
8 8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8 8
storing and management (See Table 13).
Materials store and management leads to achieve environmentally
friendly packaging to ensure sustainability in the store, warehouse and
Table 10
reduce plastic percentage there. Efficient material storing and man­
Iteration 5 for of Level Partition.
agement also focuses on reducing hazardous waste and preventing
Factor Reachability Set Antecedent Set Intersection Set Level pollution in the inventory and product storing. Finally, environmentally
1 1,8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1 1 friendly packaging and pollution prevention and waste management are
8 8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8 8 Level V equally dependent on each other in an organization.

several factors in a structural manner. According to the reachability 4.2. MICMAC analysis
matrix and the leveling partitions relational diagraph of green supply is
presented in Fig. 2. MICMAC analysis is presented in Fig. 3 to classify the According to the basis of driving power and dependence power of the
factors, the factors are classified in 4 categories: autonomous,

A. Chakraborty et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 7 (2023) 100099

Fig. 2. Classification of factors.

dependent, linkage, independent in Fig. 3. It is called Micmac analysis. It

Table 12
helps to analyze the driving power and dependence power of each factor
Summary of Level Portion.
that influences the implementation of GSCM in the industry. This clas­
Factor Reachability Set Antecedent Set Intersection Set Level sification makes it easier for organizations to make their decision
1 1,8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1 1 Level VI regarding the factor prioritization.
2 2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4 2,4 Level IV
3 3,5,7 1,8,2,4,6.3 3 Level II
4 2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4 4,2 Level IV 4.3. Cluster 1: Autonomous factors
5 5,7 1,8,2,4,6,3,5,7 5,7 Level I
6 6,3,5,7 1,8,2,4,6 6 Level III This group has low dependence power and low driving power. Fac­
7 5,7 1,8,2,4,6,3,5,7 7,5 Level I
tors in this group are called excluded factor. Factors from this zone can
8 8,2,4,6,3,5,7 1,8 8 Level V
be easily excluded from the system. In this study no factor belongs in
autonomous zone.

Table 13
Level of the factors. 4.4. Cluster 2: Dependent factors

Factor Level
Factors in this zone have weak driving power and strong de­
Top management commitment Level VI pendency. These factors have little influence on others but have higher
Supplier development Level IV
dependency. That’s why these factors are called dependent factors. In
Materials store and management Level II
Logistics system Level IV this study there are 4 factors in this zone. Factor 5 pollution prevention
Pollution prevention and hazardous waste management Level I and factor 7 hazardous waste management and environmentally friendly
Reverse logistic management Level III packaging belong in the lower portion of this zone. Which means they
Environmentally friendly packaging Level I have higher dependency on other factors among this zone. Factor 3
Application of advance technology and IT tools Level V
Materials store and management is also in this zone. Factor 6 reverse
logistic management is in the top corner of this zone.
This factor has high dependency. But depending upon the situation

A. Chakraborty et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 7 (2023) 100099

and organizational demand this factor can be in cluster 3 and cluster 4, business. To be sustainable, companies’ supply chain policy is priori­
which means it may have more influence on the system. tizing being green. The integration of environmental factors in the
supply chain has now become very crucial.
4.5. Cluster 3: Linkage factors Developed countries have adopted this practice early. But now the
manufacturing is being shifted in Asian region. Developing countries
Factors in this zone have high dependence power and high driving like Bangladesh, and India are experimenting with potential growth in
power. They have very high linkage in the system. These factors should their supply chain activity, and it becomes equally important for them to
be handled more carefully. Any change of the factor impacts the system. adopt green practices in supply chain management.
In this study no factor belongs in such zone.

4.6. Cluster 4: Independent factors 5.1. Implementation of the study

These factors have high driving power and lower dependency on In this study the link between the 8 internal factors of green supply
other factors. Which means they are not so dependent rather can in­ chain have been identified by the authors. Green supply chain practice
fluence other factors in the system. That’s why they are called inde­ adaptation depends greatly on the internal practice of the company. This
pendent factors. These factors are the most vital elements of the system. research will provide proper direction from the basis of expert opinion to
In the present study, 4 factors belong to this zone. Factor 1 top man­ the manager regarding how to plan the supply chain model. The com­
agement commitment has highest driving power, which is the most pany has resource barriers. Within their limited resources, a company
crucial factor in implementing green supply chain management practice must make the best choice to achieve efficiency. In this study the factor
in an organization. Factor 8 application of advanced technology and IT is decorated in the level in the hypothetical model. The interconnection
tools is the 2nd most crucial factors of the system which is found in this between the levels is easily understandable that company can develop
study. Factor 2 supplier development and factor 4 logistics system also their green supply chain planning according to the model. Further the
belong in this zone. factors are classified in 4 clusters: independent, dependent, linkage,
autonomous. Linkage factors have very high driving power and depen­
4.7. Comparison with similar studies dence power, independent factors have high driving power and lower
dependence. These two clusters are very crucial to achieve in GSCM
The result found in this study can be analyzed with similar literature. practice. Managers must consider these relations between factors during
In Jordanian industry they also consider management commitment as the implementation process.
most crucial factor among the internal factor of green supply chain
management implementation (Jayant and Azhar, 2014). It was also
evaluated that governmental policy, financial situation, customer 5.2. Managerial insights
awareness, global competition motivated the top management to
develop their strategy. A study in Indian steel industry showed that The approach of GSCM implementation should be 360◦ from a
Government regulation drives top management decision in green supply managerial perspective. In an organizational structure, the functional
chain management decision and top management directly influences manager responsible for GSCM practice must monitor the proper
implementation of IT in the next level of hierarchy in the model (Agi and implementation in the cross-functional department. Each department
Nishant, 2017). can be given a specific KPI to achieve sustainability parameters like
It also showed the direct influence of IT in waste management and waste disposal rate, CO2 and GHG emission target, water usage target,
supplier management. Another study showed some interesting output in and energy usage target. The targets must be monitored in operation.
the model (Jena et al., 2017). It showed that the size of the company is a Proper fulfilment or partial fulfilment of the KPIs should be evaluated in
major determinant of green supply chain implementation policy which the top management discussion, and CAPA (corrective action preventive
influences companies’ relation with the supplier and that affects the top action) should be decided with a completion timeline to ensure the
management commitment in the next level of the hierarchy. This study approach’s success. In terms of establishing the KPIs for the department,
depicted some difference in the level compared to our model of this this study shows which sector should be focused on first as the priority.
study. But there are similarities in the next levels. That study found top Regular audit performance will be pivotal for monitoring the growth of
management commitment influences the implementation of IT tools. implementation. Management should perform an audit about the
That also found implementation of IT tool and collaboration between progress to check legal compliance, implementation of global or
supply chain partners equally influences each other belonging on the regional standards, local regulatory or statutory requirement imple­
same level. That study focused on employee training and empowerment mentation guidelines like ISO 14001 etc. Based on the performance or
in achieving green supply chain practice. Another study tried to develop mentioned criteria, management should provide a rating and develop an
theoretical model of green supply chain management factor, but they action plan. External experts can conduct this function to have better
used TISM model to achieve direct and significant transitive linkages visibility and transparency in the process. Moreover, the organization
among the factors (https://www.lightcastlebd.com/insights/2022/02/ must develop the plan by considering economic sustainability also. This
cop26-consequences-on-bangladeshs-economy/). Many researchers consideration should be made when the CAPEX (capacity expenditure)
prefer TISM model over ISM model for achieving transitive linkages budget is allocated. From the ranking, we can see that “Application of
(https://cpd.org.bd/publication/towards-a-low-carbon-and-climate- advanced technology and IT tools” is the second most critical factor for
resilient-world-expectations-from-cop26/). That study showed how implementation. The managerial body must decide on a roadmap for
corporate commitment or top management commitment directly influ­ what technologies will be implemented and in which timeline. As IT
ence other supplier management, collaboration with partner and implementation ranks higher than supplier development, the initial
employee management. From these studies similarities are identified priority will be on the development of IT infrastructure. The reason is
with the developed model of this research. that proper IT infrastructure influences supplier selection procedures.
Without better technology, supplier development initiatives can’t be
5. Conclusion effective, and the GSCM implementation will be hampered. The
perspective of developing a management approach towards GSCM
Supply chain management is the core of the business. The world’s implementation is guided here. Organizations must consider this stra­
focus has shifted heavily to sustainable supply chain management in the tegic correlation in their approach development.

A. Chakraborty et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 7 (2023) 100099

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