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Green Supply Chain Management Research Trends and
Linkages to UN Sustainable Development Goals
Raghu Raman 1,2, * , Aswathy Sreenivasan 3 , Suresh Ma 3 , Anand Patwardhan 4, * and Prema Nedungadi 5

1 Amrita School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri 690525, Kollam, India
2 Amrita School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amaravati 522503, Andhra Pradesh, India
3 Amrita School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore 641112, Tamil Nadu, India;
[email protected] (A.S.); [email protected] (S.M.)
4 School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
5 Amrita School of Computing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri 690525, Kollam, India;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] (R.R.); [email protected] (A.P.)

Abstract: Growing awareness about environmental responsibility among businesses and policymak-
ers has increased interest in Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). For the first time, using
the SDG mapping algorithms, this article focused on 7009 publications from 2013 to 2022 mapped
explicitly to 17 SDGs. This study uses bibliometric and science mapping techniques to create a
detailed mapping between GSCM research and SDGs. This study created an SDG citation network to
show how specific SDGs are related to GSCM practices. The most mapped SDGs in this study are
SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production),
and SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals). Our results showed that GSCM research mainly focuses on
three thematic areas: industry 4.0 and sustainable supply chains, GSCM practice coordination, and
sustainable environmental policy management. This also includes integrating the circular economy
into GSCM, sustainable sourcing, supply chain resilience, digital transformation in GSCM for better
environmental performance, and the social impact of GSCM. A shift towards integrating sustainability
into supply chain processes has been found. Environmental management, performance monitoring,
and new technologies like Industry 4.0 and AI have been used to support the SDGs. International
Citation: Raman, R.; Sreenivasan, A.;
interest and collaboration in GSCM research can be seen from the bibliographic coupling study
Ma, S.; Patwardhan, A.; Nedungadi,
covering countries like Europe, Western Countries, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Eastern
P. Green Supply Chain Management
Europe. This study shows how GSCM can directly address global challenges identified by the United
Research Trends and Linkages to UN
Sustainable Development Goals.
Nations by mapping GSCM research to specific SDGs.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848. Keywords: green supply chain management; sustainable development goal; sustainable environmental
su152215848 policy management; Industry 4.0; bibliometrics; economic growth

Academic Editor: Mirco Peron

Received: 7 October 2023

Revised: 27 October 2023 1. Introduction
Accepted: 30 October 2023 In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of sustainable development’s
Published: 11 November 2023
essential role in safeguarding our planet’s and future generations’ well-being [1]. Various
initiatives and frameworks have been developed to respond to global society’s urgent
environmental difficulties in order to direct businesses and organizations towards more
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
sustainable practices [2]. The idea of GSCM, which focuses on incorporating environmental
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. factors into supply chain operations, is one such framework [3].
This article is an open access article GSCM refers to implementing environmentally friendly practices throughout the
distributed under the terms and supply chain, from acquiring raw materials to the product’s disposal after its useful life [4,5].
conditions of the Creative Commons Recognizing the possible environmental effects of supply chain operations, GSCM works to
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// reduce them by using sustainable practices [6]. It includes a variety of tactics and initiatives, including “waste minimization”, “energy efficiency”, “life cycle analysis of products”, and
4.0/). the “use of renewable energy and materials”. GSCM provides a mechanism for businesses

Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848.

Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 2 of 27

to lessen their environmental impact and support sustainable development by integrating

environmental factors into supply chain decision-making processes [7].
It is impossible to overestimate the importance of GSCM in the context of sustainable
development. In other words, GSCM is essential to the advancement of sustainable devel-
opment. It is a fundamental component that is necessary to attain sustainability goals on a
global basis. Businesses may substantially contribute to addressing urgent challenges such
as resource depletion, climate change, ethical labor practices, and more by managing their
supply chains with sustainability in mind. Thus, to shape a more sustainable and responsi-
ble future, it is imperative to acknowledge the critical role that GSCM plays in sustainable
development. Due to globalization and rising consumer demand, the global supply chain
network has grown tremendously in recent decades [8]. While this increase has produced
positive economic effects, it has also put enormous strain on ecosystems and natural re-
sources. The environmental impacts have frequently been overlooked for cost-effectiveness
and productivity in traditional supply chain practices [9]. Unsustainable practices have,
therefore, proliferated widely, including excessive resource consumption, pollution, and
waste production. By advocating a more comprehensive and ecologically responsible
approach to supply chain management, GSCM represents a paradigm change [10].
The SDGs, established by the United Nations in 2015 as a worldwide agenda to solve
the most urgent social, economic, and environmental concerns confronting humanity [11],
align with the concepts of GSCM. The 17 objectives and 169 targets of the SDGs span a wide
range of topics, including “ending poverty”, “promoting gender equality”, “combating
climate change”, “promoting responsible consumption and production”, and “fostering
sustainable cities and communities” [12]. The SDGs offer a thorough framework that
combines social, economic, and environmental components, highlighting how these factors
are interconnected to achieve sustainable development [13]. Organizations can support
the group effort to create a more sustainable future by integrating the SDGs into their
daily operations.
Supply chains have a significant environmental impact on waste production, resource
usage, and carbon emissions. Supply chains with unsustainable practices exacerbate
climate change, habitat destruction, air and water pollution, and deforestation. Traditional
supply chains frequently ignore these effects in their pursuit of cost savings, which raises
moral questions about their sustainability and long-term viability. GSCM has gained
significance as a solution to the ethical and environmental concerns that supply chains pose.
A paradigm shift, GSCM seeks to balance social and environmental aims with corporate
objectives. While preserving economic viability, it aims to decrease resource usage, lower
carbon emissions, and encourage ethical sourcing and production. As a result, GSCM
becomes apparent as a vital tactic for businesses dedicated to accomplishing the SDGs.
Even though the significance of GSCM and the SDGs is becoming more widely ac-
knowledged, there still needs to be a thorough understanding of how these two disciplines
are mapped. Through the use of bibliometric analysis and science mapping, this work aims
to fill this research gap. A quantitative approach called bibliometrics uses statistical analysis
to look for patterns and trends in scholarly publications [14]. By performing a bibliometric
study, this study can find the major issues, future research areas, and knowledge gaps
in the literature on mapping the GSCM research to SDGs. In addition, science mapping
methods like co-citation and co-word analysis will help us see the connections and links
between various research fields [15].
This analysis will highlight the current state of research, along with areas that call for
more study. Research on GSCM shows a significant change in sustainability, creativity, and
ethical behavior. The present analysis highlights the crucial correlation between supply
chain management (SCM) practices and the SDGs of the United Nations. It also emphasizes
the noteworthy contribution of SCM to resolving global sustainability issues. To advance
sustainability and responsible production and consumption, it is critical to investigate
new areas, improve methods, and foster international cooperation as this field of study
continues to develop. This analysis provides a solid starting point for scholars, practitioners,
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 3 of 27

and legislators looking to promote GSCM and its benefits to sustainable development. This
study uses scientific mapping methodologies to map the field’s intellectual structure. The
relationships between various study fields, the historical development of research themes,
and prospective future research directions will all be revealed by this mapping exercise.
The findings of this study will benefit practitioners and policymakers who seek to advance
the mapping of GSCM to SDGs in addition to adding to the scholarly literature. This paper
investigates how bibliometric research and a science mapping technique map the GSCM
research to SDGs.
In this study, the following research queries are addressed:
RQ1: What are the main thematic clusters based on keyword co-occurrence, and how
do they map to SDGs?
RQ2: How has the research focus in GSCM shifted in response to adopting the SDGs
in 2015, and what are the emerging trends and topics in the field from 2017 to 2021?
RQ3: How has international cooperation and interest in GSCM research evolved,
and which countries have contributed significantly to the field through bibliographic
coupling analysis?
RQ4: How are GSCM practices interconnected with specific SDGs, and how do these
connections impact businesses’ sustainable practices and supply chain management strategies?
The present study aims to deconstruct the research paper’s conclusions, elucidating
the interaction between GSCM and the SDGs and pinpointing areas that warrant additional
investigation. The aim is to understand how businesses may use GSCM to contribute to a
more responsible and sustainable future for the world.
The paper is divided into the following sections, each of which focuses on a different
component of the research:
Our paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an extensive literature review
on GSCM, identifying crucial themes and trends and forming a basis for our bibliometric
analysis. Section 3 explains the methodology, outlining the scientific mapping approach to
analyze influential publications. Section 4 details the results, analyzing thematic clusters,
keywords co-occurrence, and the relationship between GSCM and specific Sustainable De-
velopment Goals (SDGs). This study explores international collaboration shifts in keywords
trends from 2017–2021. Section 5 suggests future research directions, and finally, in Section 6,
the study concludes by summarizing key findings, implications, and study limitations.

2. Literature Review
Previously, it appeared that integrating Supply Chain Management (SCM) into cor-
porate operations may help businesses gain a competitive edge [16]. Utilizing GSCM,
organizations may more effectively manage environmental challenges and expand their
economic potential [17]. Even with the addition of the “green” component, GSCM main-
tains a comparable approach to its core concept in conventional SCM [18]. From a supply
chain viewpoint, the environmental management principles gave rise to GSCM [19,20].
Although GSCM and SCM share a similar focus, GSCM still depends on research goals to
determine whether it should only address the procurement stage or the entire logistical
channel [21]. GSCM requires a thorough and clear definition because the combination of
corporate environmental management and SCM is still a relatively new field of research
and practical application [21]. Green et al. [22] created the idea of green GSCM. They coined
the phrase “green supply chain” to describe the novel SCM and industrialized purchasing
technique considering the environmental context.
Within the green and sustainable Supply Chain Management (SCM) literature, a prior
study has concentrated on various topics relating to organizational research and real-world
applications. Multiple previously published works recently examined the problems with
green SCM using various techniques and strategies. For instance, Fahimnia et al. [23]
undertook a detailed bibliometric and network study, shedding light on different GSCM
areas that need to be understood and assessed by more reviews. The findings show that a
small number of scholars create essential works. The majority of works are conducted in
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 4 of 27

Europe, followed by North America. The impact of Asia is growing. The most compelling
research is conceptual and empirical.
In [24], the authors address a lacuna in scholarship by exploring the nexus between
Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) and the United Nations’ Sustainable Devel-
opment Goals (SDGs). Utilizing a methodical review of 97 publications in conjunction with
an examination of sustainability reports from leading Forbes companies, the study identifies
areas requiring further inquiry. Specifically, it reveals a tendency among both corporations
and existing literature to focus on select SDGs. The current study differentiates itself by
employing Elsevier’s machine learning algorithms to map a robust dataset of 7009 pub-
lications to each of the 17 SDGs, thereby overcoming the limitations of keyword-based
searches. The expanded dataset, spanning a decade, enhances the study’s reliability and
generalizability. Additionally, the use of the Scopus database provides a broader range of
journals and conferences for analysis when compared to Web of Sciences, thereby enriching
the scholarly context.
Similarly, de Oliveira et al. [25] conducted a thorough literature study and bibliometric
analysis of publications published between 2006 and 2016, providing a comprehensive
view of GSCM practices. They analyzed the subject’s behavior across the previous ten years.
The findings indicate that 40% of research concentrated on GSCM advantages and 10%
on hurdles. Future studies may explore ways to remove obstacles. Questionnaire-based
empirical research was common. Fuzzy logic was applied in mathematical models (36%).
Maditati et al. [26] thoroughly analyzed the structural links between the drivers, practice
indicators, and performance metrics of the GSCM literature. GSCM research’s important
journals, organizations, and papers on the rise were determined by bibliometric analy-
sis. Leading journals include “The International Journal of Production Economics”, “The
International Journal of Production Research”, and “The Journal of Cleaner Production”.
Following citation mapping and content analysis, six research streams were identified:
“(1) conceptualization and sensemaking; (2) performance impact of GSCM; (3) incorpo-
ration of green and sustainable operations in the supply chain; (4) development of green
suppliers; (5) GSCM implementation drivers; and (6) review and future research direc-
tions”. An extensive conceptual framework was provided based on a content analysis of
the 39 publications that received the most significant citations. Gong et al. [27] investigated
the research state and evolving GSCM frontiers in a separate study. The totality of existing
research on the requirements, methods, and efficiency of GSCM is critically analyzed by
Balon [28]. The extensive merger has been reduced to GSCM pressures, which include CSR,
investment recovery, government laws and regulations, and the green market. Environ-
mental, operational, and financial factors are all evaluated by GSCM’s success. Fahim and
Mahadi [29] performed a bibliometric analysis of the data from the previous 20 years in
a separate study, revealing new areas in the GSCM sector. Environmental concerns have
fueled the rapid development and rising acceptance of GSCM among scholars. Choud-
hary and Sangwan [30] critically evaluated the literature on GSCM pressure, practice, and
performance for manufacturing organizations. Their evaluation is based on bibliometric,
network, and frequency analysis findings. According to the study, researchers evaluated
GSCM constructs and measures as their focus areas changed. This study also notes the
need for case studies with more quantitative data and advises using life cycle analysis
to quantify environmental performance. Zhang and Zhao [31] performed a bibliometric
analysis of the GSCM in the platform economy literature. Through co-keyword analysis,
they identified several popular topics related to GSCM-PE. First, there is much interest in
researching how supply chain management might be applied in the context of Internet
platforms, along with pertinent management techniques. Second, scientists are interested
in examining how supply chain sustainability might be attained by utilizing principles of
the “circular economy”, “blockchain technology”, “Internet of Things (IoT) technology”,
and other “cutting-edge methods”. Third, the platform economy emphasizes technical in-
novation, information exchange, and related challenges. Bottani and Murino [32] provided
a meta-analysis of review papers focusing on GSCM in a distinct study. This work has
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 5 of 27

focused on different analyses from various papers utilizing bibliographic and bibliometric
tools. The synthesis of the review papers on GSCM is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Synthesis of the review papers on GSCM.

Author Duration Tools Used Journal SJR Citations

International Journal of
[23] 1996–2013 BibExcel Q1 1100
Production Economics
[24] All years-September 2022 Self Total Quality Management Q1 38
Journal of Cleaner
[25] 2006–2016 CiteSpace Q1 216
Graph Maker Tool of
Resources Conservation and
[26] 1997–2016 the HistCite software Q1 158
[27] 1997–2018 CiteSpace Sustainability Q1 62
Business Strategy and
[28] 1999–2019 Excel Q1 26
Environmental Science and
[29] 2001–2021 VOSviewer Q1 14
Pollution Research
Benchmarking: An
[30] 2004–2018 VOSviewer Q1 13
International Journal
International Journal of
[31] 2003–2020 R and VOSviewer Logistics Research and Q1 12
IFIP Advances in
[32] 2006–2021 Microsoft Excel Information and Q3 2
Communication Technology

There appears to be little in-depth research focusing specifically on mapping within

the context of the SDGs, despite previous review papers exploring the concept of GSCM
and its relationship with various aspects of sustainable development. No study in the
review has primarily looked at the mapping of GSCM to SDGs using advanced bibliometric
and scientific mapping methodologies, despite some studies delving into bibliometric
analysis and science mapping of GSCM research.
A complete methodology, including bibliometric analysis and science mapping of the
GSCM literature, becomes necessary in order to assess the existing research environment
regarding mapping GSCM to SDGs. This knowledge gap must be filled to effectively map
GSCM initiatives with the SDGs’ global sustainability agenda. By doing so, academics and
policymakers will better understand the body of knowledge now available and will be able
to suggest viable directions for future study.

3. Methodology
This study uses a bibliometric and science mapping approach to evaluate how the
literature on GSCM and SDGs is integrated. The analysis covers 8305 articles from various
sources and focuses on documents released between 2013 and 2022. The SciVal database,
which offers access to a sizable collection of scholarly literature, including articles, confer-
ence papers, and other Scopus academic publications, serves as this study’s primary data
source. Using precise search terms linked to GSCM and sustainable development objectives,
pertinent documents could be located in the SciVal database. By incorporating the Else-
vier 2021 SDG mappings into SciVal, researchers and institutions may use pre-established
Research Areas to track and highlight progress toward meeting SDG targets [33,34]. To
include the most recent and pertinent papers, inclusion criteria included those published
throughout the selected period (2013–2022). Duplicate records and unrelated materials
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 6 of 27

were weeded out, leaving only documents directly relevant to the topic of the study. To
pinpoint essential patterns, trends, and characteristics in the literature on GSCM, a quanti-
tative analysis of the recovered documents was conducted as part of the bibliometric study.
Several bibliometric measures were examined to obtain insight into the general landscape
of GSCM research.
A widespread tool for analyzing and visualizing bibliometric networks is VOSviewer.
The software creates theme clusters and visualizes the connections between diverse re-
search fields. Bibliometric and science mapping studies are carried out using the methods
suggested by Achuthan et al. [35] and Sreenivasan et al. [12] to delve deeper into the
topic. The process of conducting research ends with the creation of recommendations
for additional research. Numerous disciplines, including “marketing”, “management”,
“services”, and “innovation”, have made extensive use of bibliometric analysis [36–38].
This approach is valuable for monitoring current research trends and identifying emerging
study topics [30,39–41]. This approach’s forward-looking nature makes it ideal for identify-
ing new patterns in a particular area [42,43]. The current study used network analysis to
pinpoint key research areas, monitor developments, and investigate new areas of inquiry.
Country and journal bibliographies were used as part of the research approach to assess
how comparable the cited publications were [23]. This study also looked into social network
analysis. The actors and the relationships in a given setting are the two main themes of
social network analysis, which aims to comprehend networks and their participants [44,45].
The visualizing application VOSviewer, widely used for science mapping purposes, was
employed [46–50].
Ours is the first study of its kind, and it examines how GSCM impacts each SDG.
While earlier studies have established a link between GSCM and sustainability, this study
goes one step further by offering a thorough analysis that links specific articles to each
of the 17 different SDGs. Recent studies have looked at the explicit publication mapping
from various thematic areas to SDGs, including interpretive structural modeling [12], green
hydrogen [39], women entrepreneurs [40], and cyberbullying [35].
Currently, several initiatives link research papers to the SDGs:
1. The SDG-questions effort from the Aurora-Network-Global [51] provides thorough
questions for sustainable development research.
2. Through an examination of topic landscapes, patterns of collaboration, and funding
sources, Digital Science’s SDG mapping program enables a profound understanding
of sustainable development research.
3. The University of Auckland’s SDG Mapping program visualizes the connection
between research results and the SDGs [52].
4. The mapping and monitoring of global progress on sustainable development is a
committed objective of the STRINGS effort [53].
5. Elsevier’s SDG Mapping Initiative extensively maps publications to each of the 17
SDGs [54].
Because it effortlessly connects with the SciVal database and offers pre-set search
queries for each SDG, this study employed the Digital Science SDG initiative for the
research [55,56]. Experts and academics have thoroughly reviewed and improved this
program, and it is progressively using a machine-learning approach to increase accuracy.
The methodology follows the SPAR-4-SLR protocol established by Paul et al. [57]. The
stages of the protocol are illustrated in Figure 1.
The first step in the process involves collecting publications for analysis, known as
assembling. In this study, the SciVal database was utilized in July 2023 to search for publica-
tions that included GSCM and its associated terms. Relevant keywords, titles, and abstracts
were used as part of the search parameters. Researchers retrieved 8305 publications from
2013–2022. Of these, 7009 are mapped to SDGs.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 7 of 27

The next step, arranging, involves organizing and refining the articles through inclu-
sion and exclusion criteria. Several pieces of information, such as the journal title, author
name, publication title, country of affiliation, total publications (TP), and total citations (TC),
were used as codes to categorize the search data of publications. These codes facilitated the
organization and examination of the data in a more structured and systematic manner. The
filtering process did not exclude any journals.
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Assessing 7 of 29

The last step is the study’s assessment phase, which involves reporting and evaluation.
The evaluation portion of the article gives a general description of the analysis technique
utilized and analyses the study’s shortcomings. VOSviewer (version 1.6.18) was the most
[55,56]. Experts and academics have thoroughly reviewed and improved this program,
often used software for evaluation and trend analysis. Since no human subjects or sensitive
and it is progressively using a machine-learning approach to increase accuracy.
information was used, no ethics approval was necessary because the review relied on
The methodology follows the SPAR-4-SLR protocol established by Paul et al. [57].
secondary data made publicly accessible through SciVal.
The stages of the protocol are illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure SPAR-4-SLR[57].

The first step in the process involves collecting publications for analysis, known as
assembling. In this study, the SciVal database was utilized in July 2023 to search for pub-
lications that included GSCM and its associated terms. Relevant keywords, titles, and ab-
stracts were used as part of the search parameters. Researchers retrieved 8305 publications
from 2013–2022. Of these, 7009 are mapped to SDGs.
nique utilized and analyses the study’s shortcomings. VOSviewer (version 1.6.18) was
most often used software for evaluation and trend analysis. Since no human subjects
sensitive information was used, no ethics approval was necessary because the review
lied on secondary data made publicly accessible through SciVal.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 8 of 27
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Thematic Clusters and Their SDG Mappings Based on Keywords
4. Results and Discussion
The findings
4.1. Thematic in this
Clusters and section
Their SDGspecifically
Mappings Basedaddress RQ1: What are the main thema
on Keywords
clusters inTheGSCM
findingsresearch, and how
in this section do they
specifically relateRQ1:
address to SDGs?
What are the main thematic
The thematic
clusters in GSCMcluster
and how doshowed that
they relate existing GSCM studies concentrate
to SDGs?
The thematic
three clusters. To addressclusterthe
findings showed
problems that existing
caused GSCM
by climate studiesand
change concentrate
three clusters. To address the problems caused by climate change and resource depletion,
researchers have studied various “sustainable environmental policy management topic
researchers have studied various “sustainable environmental policy management topics”,
“Industry 4.0”,
“Industry and
4.0”, and“green
“green supply chain
supply chain coordination”.
coordination”. The co-occurrence
The co-occurrence network network
cluster clus
is shown in Figure
is shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2. Thematic
Figure clusters
2. Thematic clustersand
and their SDG
their SDG mappings
mappings based
based on keywords.
on keywords.

Table 2 shows the co-occurrence network cluster theme and top ten keywords.
Table 2 shows the co-occurrence network cluster theme and top ten keywords.
Cluster 1-Sustainable Environmental Policy Management:
Managing sustainable environmental policies in supply networks is this research clus-
ter’s key area of interest. The evaluation and improvement of supply networks’ economic
and environmental performance is the main objective of the studies in this cluster. Compa-
nies are strongly encouraged to adopt green designs, apply green purchasing practices, and
incorporate GSCM principles into their operations by external forces, including legislative
responsibilities and stakeholder expectations.
Cluster 2-Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Supply Chains:
This study explores the meeting point between Industry 4.0 and sustainable supply
networks. It examines how digitalization and cutting-edge technologies affect supply
chain operations, emphasizing manufacturing and industrial facilities. The main issues
within this cluster are the environmental sustainability of supply chains and the production
of sustainable value. The study also investigates how Industry 4.0 may support and
facilitate green supply chain practices while enabling sustainable production in diverse
industries and nations. By looking at these issues, the cluster intends to shed light on the
possible advantages and opportunities that result from incorporating Industry 4.0 ideas
into sustainable supply chain management. Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence (AI)
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 9 of 27

propel a significant change in global supply chain management. They improve productivity,
visibility, sustainability, and flexibility, but also highlight new workforce development and
cybersecurity difficulties. By implementing these technologies, businesses can improve
their supply chains’ responsiveness, agility, and sustainability, giving them a competitive
advantage in the current global marketplace. Large volumes of data from many sources,
such as sensors, Internet of Things devices, and historical data, can be processed by AI. This
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER makes improved inventory optimization, risk management, and demand forecasting
REVIEW 9 of 29
possible. Automation and robots are two examples of Industry 4.0 technologies for material
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW packaging, and quality control duties. Throughout the supply chain, blockchain 9 of 29
technology provides safe, open, and verifiable record-keeping. This guarantees that all
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
participants may trust the
Table 2. Co-occurrence datacluster
network and that it is unchangeable. The workforce needed9 to
details. of 29
operate and maintain innovative technologies in GSCM is a prerequisite for their acceptance.
Cluster Theme Employee Topand
Table 2. Co-occurrence
Ten Keywords
network are essential
SDG Mappings
details. to ensure the technology is used efficiently.

Cluster Theme Table

Table Top Ten
2. Co-occurrence
2. Co-occurrence networkKeywords
network cluster
cluster details.
details. SDG Mappings
Environmental performance
Cluster Theme Top Ten Keywords SDG Mappings
Cluster Theme Economic
External Top performance
Ten Keywords
pressures SDG Mappings
Green designs performance
Sustainable Environmental Policy Manage- External Economic performance
Green pressures
ment Economic
Environmental performance
Green designs
Sustainable Environmental Policy Manage- External pressures management
(Cluster 1-Green)
Green supply chain
Environmental performance
Green purchasing
External pressures
Environmental management
ment Green Green
Sustainable Environmental Policy Manage- Green Total supplydesigns
chain management
(Cluster 1-Green)
Sustainable Environmental Policy Management Greenquality
ment Environmental
Cause-and-effect management
(Cluster 1-Green) Green Green
supply supply
chain chain management
(Cluster 1-Green) Total
Supply quality
chain management
Environmental management
Environmental management
Total qualityrelationships
Total quality management
Cause-and-effect relationships
Industrialchain management
Supply chainrelationships
Industry 4.0
Supply chain management
Consumerplants Goods
Industry Industrial plants
4.0 countries
Industrial plants
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Supply Chains Consumer Manufacturing
4.0 equipment
Consumer Goods
(Cluster 2- Red) Industrialized
Sustainable countries
Industrialized countries
Consumer Goods
Industry 4.04.0
andand Sustainable
Sustainable Supply
Supply Chains Chains Manufacturing
Value creation
Manufacturing equipment
Industrialized countries
(Cluster 2- Red)
(Cluster 2- Red) Sustainable
Sustainable manufacturing
Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Supply Chains Environmental
Value creation
Green creation
supply chain
(Cluster 2- Red) Sustainable manufacturing
Environmental sustainability
Green supplysustainability
supply chains
Value creation
Carbon supply
Sustainablechain supply chains
Environmental sustainability
Carbon Carbon supply
Green Carbon
Efficient emissions
Sustainable supply
Efficient chains
Carbon reduction
Environmental policy
emissions policy
Green Supply
Supply Chain
Chain Coordination
Coordination Efficient
Inventory technology
Inventory management
Carbon reduction
(Cluster 3- Blue)
(Cluster 3- Blue) Environmental
Operational policy
Efficient technology
Supply chain collaboration
Green Supply Chain Coordination Inventory
Supply chainmanagement
Climate policy
(Cluster 3- Blue) Operational
Climate decisions
Green Supply Chain Coordination Inventory management
Sustainable development
Supply chain
Product collaboration
(Cluster 3- Blue) Operational decisions
Product control
Supply chain collaboration
Cluster 3-Green Sustainable
supply development
chain management coordination
Climate control
TheCluster Product
third research redesign
area Environmental
focuses Policy Management:
on the cooperation and coordination needed to ac-
Sustainable development
complish Managing
the goals sustainable environmental
of a green supply policies
chain. In order in supply
to cut carbon networks
emissions isandthis research
Product redesign
sustainable key 1-Sustainable
area of interest.
development, Environmental
it highlights the needPolicy
The evaluation and
for Management:
operational of supply networks’
and technological eco-
nomic Managing
and sustainable
environmental environmental
performance is policies
the main in supply
objective of networks
the studies
Investigations in this cluster focus on how supply chain collaboration can be used to create is this
in thisresearch
Cluster 1-Sustainable Environmental Policy Management:
efficient keyare
climate area of plans
control interest.
strongly andThe
encouraged evaluation
achieve to carbon and
adopt green improvement
reduction apply
goals. of green
This supply networks’
cluster eco-
also looksprac-
Managing sustainable environmental policies in supply networks is this research
methods andincorporate
tices, and
for environmental
inventory GSCM
control performance
and productintoisredesign
main objective
that of the
by studies
can improve in this
environmental cluster.
cluster’s key area of interest. The evaluation and improvement of supply networks’ eco-
Companies are strongly encouraged
legislative responsibilities and stakeholder to adopt green designs, apply green purchasing prac-
nomic and environmental performance is the main objective of the studies in this cluster.
and incorporate
2-Industry GSCM
4.0 andprinciples
Sustainableinto their
Chains: by external forces, including
Companies are strongly encouraged to adopt green designs, apply green purchasing prac-
legislative responsibilities
This study explores the and stakeholder
meeting pointexpectations.
between Industry 4.0 and sustainable supply
tices, and incorporate GSCM principles into their operations by external forces, including
networks. It 2-Industry
examines how 4.0 and Sustainableand
digitalization Supply Chains: technologies affect supply
legislative responsibilities and stakeholder expectations.
chainThis study explores
operations, the meeting
emphasizing point between
manufacturing Industry 4.0
and industrial and sustainable
facilities. The mainsupply
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 10 of 27

formance. The research attempts to explore strategies to enhance the overall environmental
sustainability of supply chains through efficient coordination, technological development,
and creative practices by addressing these factors.
Cluster 1-Sustainable Environmental Policy Management:
The articles in this cluster examine the connection between leadership, operational
practices, and environmental performance and offer frameworks for efficient green supply
chain practices. A proactive approach to enhancing environmental performance inside
organizations is known as GSCM. Companies are pressured to improve their GSCM prac-
tices due to mounting stakeholder and regulatory pressures. Green purchasing, green
design, product recovery programs, and encouraging cooperation with customers and
suppliers are some variables that influence these practices. Fuzzy DEMATEL is used by
Lin [58] in a groundbreaking study on GSCM techniques that provides insightful informa-
tion. According to Lin [58], GSCM is a proactive strategy that businesses use to enhance
their environmental performance. Environmental regulations and growing stakeholder
demand make this strategy more critical. Businesses increasingly realize the importance of
including eco-friendly practices in their supply chains. This article maps to SDG 9 (Industry,
Innovation) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption). In addition to fostering innovation
within industries and their infrastructure (SDG 9) and actively promoting responsible con-
sumption, production, and resource efficiency throughout the supply chain (SDG 12), the
article uses fuzzy DEMATEL to assess GSCM practices. The paper significantly advances
the cause of sustainable development and environmental stewardship by addressing these
essential SDGs.
The relationship between environmental taxes, the adoption of green technologies, and
sustainable development is examined by Krass et al. [59]. Their study makes an important
discovery about how tax rises affect businesses. It implies that a company’s reaction to
an initial tax hike might not be predictable. A temporary tax rise might encourage the
company to use greener technologies in some circumstances. Their study argues that
one method to mitigate the non-monotone tax effect and increase the parameters over
which enterprises choose green technology is to supplement environmental taxation with
fixed-cost subsidies and consumer refunds. These policy tools can accomplish economic
and environmental goals concurrently, as they frequently move social welfare closer to
the centralized solution. This article maps to SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 7 (Affordable and
Clean Energy), SDG 8 (Decent Work), and SDG 17 (Partnerships). Environmental taxes
and the adoption of green technologies can significantly alleviate poverty by encouraging
sustainable economic growth and the creation of green jobs, which can result in improved
livelihoods and income prospects for marginalized people (SDG 1). The article’s emphasis
on environmentally friendly technology supports SDG 7 because it seeks to encourage the
use of cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. Environmental taxes can promote
the switch to renewable energy sources and energy-saving technologies, helping to ensure
that everyone has access to inexpensive, clean energy (SDG 7). Examining the connection
between environmental taxes and adopting green technologies has consequences for fair
employment and economic development.
Green technology can help sustainable economic growth by generating new employ-
ment possibilities in renewable energy and other green industries (SDG 8). Governments,
industries, and other stakeholders must work together to address environmental issues
and encourage the use of green technology. Sustainable development initiatives and part-
nerships for achieving the SDGs can be funded through environmental levies (SDG 17).
Dubey et al. [60] explore how institutional forces, operational practices, and leadership
styles affect environmental performance in the GSCM framework. This article maps to
SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption). An empirical study
on the connections between supplier relationship management, total quality management,
leadership, institutional pressures, and environmental performance was carried out by
Dubey et al. [60]. Understanding these dynamics is aided by the study’s methodology, data
analysis, and conclusions, especially regarding green supply chain networks. It supports
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 11 of 27

current ideas and literature by highlighting institutional forces and leadership’s role in
influencing environmental performance inside enterprises. The article does support SDG 9:
“Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure”. The research supports broader global efforts
to develop resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization,
and foster innovation that benefits society and the environment by fostering sustainable
industrialization and innovation within GSCM. SDG 9 aspires to promote infrastructural
development and technical breakthroughs that support sustainable practices and economic
growth while enhancing the sustainability and efficiency of the industry. Additionally,
it promotes responsible consumption and production by adopting ecologically friendly
operational practices throughout the supply chain, which supports SDG 12. These efforts
collectively represent significant advances toward realizing the more general objectives of
sustainable development and environmental preservation.
Cluster 2-Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Supply Chains:
In the framework of Industry 4.0, Stock and Seliger [61] undertake a groundbreaking
study on sustainable manufacturing. Stock and Seliger [61] discuss how globalization has
made sustainability more important than ever and how Industry 4.0 offers a chance to
develop sustainable manufacturing techniques. The article reviews Industry 4.0 and uses
real-world examples like retrofitting to show how integrating data-driven methods and
cutting-edge technologies might lead to more environmentally friendly industrial practices.
This subject is especially pertinent in solving social and environmental issues while satis-
fying demands on the world economy. This article maps to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation)
and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption). The paper examines the use of Industry 4.0
techniques and technology to advance environmentally friendly production. Sustainable
manufacturing contributes to sustainable industrialization using environmentally friendly
procedures and resource-saving production techniques. Industry 4.0, which incorporates
cutting-edge technology, symbolizes a paradigm leap in production. The article empha-
sizes the possibilities for applying sustainable practices provided by these technologies,
which aligns to encourage innovation for sustainable development (SDG 9). Increasing the
efficiency of production processes can result in more sustainable manufacturing in Industry
4.0. The article improves resource efficiency by using cutting-edge technologies to expedite
manufacturing and reduce resource usage (SDG 12). GSCM is the focus of a thorough
review and bibliometric analysis by Fahimnia et al. [23] that emphasizes its importance
for sustainable development. Fahimnia et al. [23] use network analysis and bibliometric
approaches to provide a distinctive and perceptive evaluation of green supply chain man-
agement. This method thoroughly explains the field’s history, necessary fields of study,
and significant figures. The study’s conclusions guide further investigation, supporting
continuous efforts to improve the sustainability of supply chain management techniques.
This article maps to SDG 9 and SDG 12. SDG 9 aspires to advance inclusive and sustainable
industrialization, boost innovation, and create resilient infrastructure. The GSCM article is
pertinent to this objective since it emphasizes sustainable business practices, particularly in
supply networks.
Industries can lessen their adverse effects on the environment, encourage resource
efficiency, and support sustainable growth by implementing green practices. The SDG
12 objective is related to the GSCM article, which examines methods and strategies for
promoting ethical consumption and production. A comparative literature review is pro-
vided by Ahi and Searcy [62] to define the terms “green” and “sustainable” supply chain
management. Ahi and Searcy’s [62] methodical analysis and comparison of the current
definitions of GSCM and SSCM is a valuable contribution to supply chain management
and sustainability. They clarify the meanings and applications of these words and offer a
revised definition for SSCM to remedy the dearth of thorough explanations in the literature.
This study is an invaluable resource for academics and industry professionals who wish to
learn more about and utilize the concepts of sustainability in supply chain management.
This article maps to SDG 9 and SDG 12. The SDG 9 goal is addressed in the article on
comparative literature analysis of green and sustainable supply chain management def-
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 12 of 27

initions. It deals with understanding and enhancing industry practices, particularly in

supply chains, to make them more environmentally friendly and sustainable. SDG 12’s
objective aligns with the article on a comparative literature study of green and sustainable
supply chain management definitions, which examines various viewpoints and methods
for achieving ethical production and consumption in supply chains.
Cluster 3-Green supply chain management coordination
The cluster also looks at techniques for product redesign and inventory management
to improve environmental performance. Using straightforward models, Benjaafar et al. [63]
study the idea of carbon footprint in supply chains and offer insights. They offer helpful
guidance on how businesses might consider carbon emissions when making supply chain
management choices. They stress that supply chain cooperation and operational changes
can be successful tactics for lowering carbon emissions without resulting in appreciable
extra expenses. The study also shows how various legal frameworks affect supply chain
management choices and incentives for cooperation, making it pertinent to companies
trying to compromise between sustainable objectives and bottom-line concerns. This article
maps to SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption) and SDG 13 (Climate Action). As it covers the
environmental impact of supply chain activities, notably concerning carbon emissions, the
article on carbon footprint and the management of supply chains aligns with this objective.
The article undoubtedly highlights the value of responsible consumerism by pushing
companies to evaluate and lessen their environmental impact throughout the manufacture
and distribution of goods and services by looking at the carbon footprint of supply chains
(SDG 12). SDG 13 focuses on taking swift action to mitigate the effects of climate change.
The article on supply chain management and carbon footprint analysis aligns with this
objective because it discusses the contribution of supply chains to carbon emissions and the
possibilities for reducing climate change through supply chain management techniques.
Focusing on quantitative models used in sustainable supply chain management,
Brandenburg et al. [64] explore numerous analytical and mathematical models supporting
green supply chain practices decision-making. The growing significance of sustainability
in supply chain management is emphasized their article through the examination of the
use of formal models and operations research techniques to solve sustainability issues
in the forward supply chain. The report emphasizes how research is concentrated in
particular publications, how popular analytical methodologies are, and how frequently
tools like “Analytical Hierarchy Process”, “Analytical Network Process”, and “Life Cycle
Analysis” are used. It implies that there is room for more development and diversity in the
discipline of the approaches and elements considered during formal modeling endeavors.
This article maps to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption), and
SDG 17 (Partnerships). Investigating cutting-edge methods for enhancing supply chain
sustainability supports SDG 9. Promoting sustainable production, waste reduction, and
responsible sourcing practices across supply chains addresses SDG 12. The article also
contributes to SDG 17 by highlighting the value of stakeholder cooperation and knowledge
exchange in achieving sustainable supply chain goals. Overall, it provides insightful
information about promoting sustainability in supply chains and coordinating them with
international development objectives.
Ghosh and Shah [65] discuss the role of customer demand in sustainable supply chains.
They investigate the impact of consumer demand for environmentally friendly items on
supply chain dynamics. The difficulties and problems with coordination that can arise
in green supply chain projects are also discussed. Using a game theory framework, they
investigate the potential effects of cost-sharing contracts on critical supply chain choices.
Their work advances the field of environmentally friendly supply chains and highlights how
important it is for supply chain participants to work together while pursuing sustainability
goals. It maps to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption), and
SDG 13 (Climate Action). Investigating supply chain analyses and creative strategies in the
context of environmentally conscious customer demand supports SDG 9. By looking at how
supply chains may adapt to consumer demand for more ecologically friendly products, SDG
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 13 of 27

12 is addressed. The article supports SDG 13 by examining the effects of environmentally

conscious customer demand on the carbon footprint and supply chain impact. The paper
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER advances
REVIEW global objectives for business, responsible consumption, and climate15action
of 29 by
offering insights into sustainable supply chain management and environmentally friendly
practices. Table 3 shows the top nine papers under each cluster theme.

4.2. Temporal
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
The mappingEvolution of Keywords
overlay approach was utilized to understand the progression 15 of 29
in ex-
panding the journals
The findings of the
in this category
section in front address
specifically of the knowledge
RQ2. domains [66]. This visual-
mappinganswer RQ2 approach
overlay VOSviewer’s wasoverlay
to understand analysis [46] and can
the progression in iden-
ing fading
The journalsandof
mapping newthethemes.
overlay category
inwas cutting-edge
front analysis domains
of thetoknowledge
utilized understand techniques,
the this
progression in study
This shows
how the
panding interests
the RQ2of
journals of academics
the categorystudying
VOSviewer’s front ofemerging
inoverlay organizations
the knowledge have
domains changed
and can since
visual- 1991fad-
ing and Theanswer
new graphic
themes. RQ2representation
Using uses the
cutting-edge colors techniques,
analysis green and[46]
analysis yellow to iden-
this can reflect
shows current
how the
tify fading
interests ofand
themes new
in the
academics themes.
field Using
studying cutting-edge
and dark
emerging analysis
blue to techniques,
show have
organizations study shows
of interest
changed from1991
since the past.
The the interests
color bar of academics
shows that studying
before 2008emerging
and organizations
after 2014, blue havered
and changed since 1991
keywords were primar-
The graphic representation uses the colors green and yellow to reflect current study themes
ilythe The graphic representation
used, in theuses the focus.
colors green and yellowwereto reflect current
in fieldindicating
of GSCMa shift and dark study
blue to showAfterareastheof SDGs
interest from
study themes in the field of GSCM and dark blue to show areas of interest from the past.
the 2015,
bar shows visualization
that before findings
2008 andof co-occurring
after 2014, terms
blue and are shown
red in
keywords Figures
were 3–6.
primarily used,
The color bar shows that before 2008 and after 2014, blue and red keywords were primar-
indicating a shift ainshift
ily used, indicating theinstudy focus.
the study After
focus. Afterthe
theSDGs wereadopted
SDGs were adopted in 2015,
in 2015, the the overlay
visualization findings
overlay visualization of co-occurring
findings of co-occurringterms
shown in inFigures
Figures 3–6.

Figure 3.The
3.3.TheThe overlay
overlay visualization
visualization results
results of
of co-occurred keywords
keywords after
after SDG SDG
after adoption
adoption in late
late 2015.
in late 2015.

(a) (b)
(a) 4. (a) Co-occurred keywords for the year 2017. (b) Co-occurred keywords
Figure (b) for the year 2018.

Figure 4. (a) Co-occurred keywords for the year 2017. (b) Co-occurred keywords for the year 2018.
Figure 4. (a) Co-occurred keywords for the year 2017. (b) Co-occurred keywords for the year 2018.
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 29

Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 14 of 27

Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 29
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 29
Sustainability 2023,
2023, 15,
15, xxx FOR
“Using fuzzy DE- 14
14 of
of 29
Sustainability 2023, 15, FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 29
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 29
Table 3. Toptoarticles
MATEL evaluateunder each cluster theme and their mapping to SDGs.
[58] the green supply 2013 493 54.78
Cluster Authors “UsingPaper fuzzy TitleDE- Year Citations (TC) TC/Year SDG Mappings
“Using management
fuzzy DE-
“Using to
fuzzy evaluate
MATEL fuzzy
to evaluate DE-
[58] “Using
MATEL green fuzzy
to supply DE- 2013 493 54.78
[58] MATEL
“Using fuzzy
the green
green to evaluate
supply 20132013 493493 54.78
[58] MATEL
evaluate theto
management evaluate
green supply chain 2013 493 54.7854.78
[58] the
chain green
2013 493 54.78
[58] the
chain green
“Environmental supply 2013 493 54.78
Cluster 1 chain management
taxes management
and the choice
(Green) [59] practices.” 2013 483 53.67
of green technol-
Cluster 1 ogy”
Cluster taxes and the choice
Cluster [59] “Environmental
taxes and the
“Environmental the choice 2013 483 53.67
(Green)11 [59] of
taxes green
and technol-
choice 2013 483 53.67
Cluster 1 (Green) [59] taxes and
“Environmental the choice
taxes and the 2013 483 53.67
(Green) [59]
[59] of green
ofogy” technol-
the choice
green technology” 20132013 483483 53.6753.67
(Green) [59] “Exploring
of green the
technol- rela- 2013 483 53.67
of green ogy”
ogy” technol-
tionship ogy” between
[60] ogy” opera- 2015 481 68.71
“Exploring the rela-
tional practices,
“Exploring the rela-
tionship between
“Exploring the
[60] “Exploring
tionship the
between rela-
of 2015 481 68.71
between the
leadership, rela-
operational 2015
[60] tionship between 481 68.71
practices, Manu-
opera- pressures,2015 481 68.71
[60] tionalinstitutional
leadership, between
opera- 2015
2016 2015 481481
1130 68.71
facturing in Industryperformance: 2015
opera- 481
leadership, practices,
“Opportunities opera- of
tional 4.0”practices,
practices, the green
Sustainable practices,
“Opportunities chain”.
Manu- of
[61] “Opportunities
Sustainable supply Manu-chainof 2016 1130 188.33
Sustainable in Industry
Manu- of
Cluster 2 [61]
[61] Sustainable
management: Manu-
A re- 2016
2016 1130
1130 188.33
[23] facturing
“Opportunities in Industry
in Industry
of Sustainable 2016 2015 1130
1033 188.33
(Red) [61]
[61] facturing
view and in biblio-
Industry 20162016 11301130 188.33
“Green supply 4.0”
in Industry 4.0”
Cluster 2 “Green
“Green 4.0”
supply Achain
Cluster [23] “Green
“A supply
comparative chain
lit- 2015 1033 147.57
(Red) 22
Cluster [23]
view and
management: supply A
re- 2015 1033 147.57
(Red) 22 [23] management:
view andanalysis
supply A
biblio- re-
chain 2015 1033 147.57
(Red) [23]
[62] management:
view andanalysis” A re-
biblio- 2015
2013 1033
902 147.57
Cluster 2 (Red) [23]
[23] view
green and
and A review and 20152015
sustaina- 10331033 147.57
(Red) “A metric
view andanalysis”
metric biblio-
bibliometric lit-
ble supply analysis”chain
“A comparative
erature analysis”
comparative lit-
[62] “A comparative
erature footprint
analysis lit-
of 2013 902 100.22
green comparative
erature and sustaina-
analysis lit-
[62] erature
“A analysis
and the manage- of
literature 2013
2013 902
902 100.22
[62] green
erature and
green supply
and sustaina-
of green and 2013 902 100.22
[63] greenment and sustaina-
of supply 2013 2013 902 902 100.22
ble supply
supply chainchain 2012
ble supply
chains: Insights chain
ble supply
“Carbon footprint
the manage- chain
and footprint
[63] “Carbon
and the footprint
supply 2012 900 90
[63] and
ment manage-
footprint mod- and the 2012 900 90
[63] and
ment the of manage-
Insightssupply from 2012 900 90
[63] ment
chains: for of supply
of supply chains: 20122012
Insights from 900900 90 90
[63] mentfrom
Insights ofmodels.”
simple models”. 2012
from 900 90
simple Insights
models.” man-from
chains: Insights
simple from
Cluster 3
[64] simple models.”
agement: models.”
2014 860 107.5
els models.”
for sustainable
“Quantitative mod-
(Blue) “Quantitative
els and direc-
for sustainable
sustainable mod-
els for chainmodels
[64] els fortions.”
supply sustainable
chain man- 2014 860 107.5
Cluster 3 els for sustainable
supply supply
chain man- chain
[64] supply chain man-
Developments 2014
2014 2014 860
860 860 107.5
Cluster 333
3 (Blue)
Cluster [64] management:
ments and Develop-
chain man-
direc- 2014 860 107.5
Cluster [64] agement:
agement: and Develop-
directions”. 2014 860 107.5
Cluster 3 “Supply
mentstions.” chain
and anal-
(Blue) agement:
ments and Develop-
(Blue) ments
ysis and
under direc-
(Blue) tions.”
mentstions.”and direc-
[65] sensitive tions.”
consumer 2015 542 77.43
“Supply tions.”
chain anal-
“Supply and
chain cost-
ysis under
“Supply chain
chain green
greenunder chain
sensitive greenanal-
[65] “Supply
ysis chain
consumer anal- 20152015 542542 77.4377.43
ysis under green
[65] sensitiveunder
demand green
2015 542 77.43
[65] ysis
consumer cost-
contract” 2015 542 77.43
[65] sensitive
demand consumer
and cost- 2015 542 77.43
[65] sensitive
demand consumer
and 2015 542 77.43
4.2. Temporal
sharing and cost-
Evolution of Keywords
sharing and
contract” cost-
sharing contract”
findings in this section specifically address RQ2.
4.2. Temporal Evolution of Keywords
4.2. Temporal Evolution
4.2. Evolution of of Keywords
4.2. Temporal
The findings
Temporal Evolutionin this
of section
Keywordsspecifically address RQ2.
4.2. Temporal
The findingsEvolutionin of
this Keywords
section specifically address RQ2.
The findings
findings in in this
this section
section specifically
specifically address
address RQ2.
The findings in this section specifically address RQ2.
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 29

Sustainability 2023,
Sustainability 2023, 15,
15, 15848
15 of 29
of 27

(a)(a) (b) (b)

Figure 5. (a) Co-occurred keywords for the year 2019. (b) Co-occurred keywords for the year 2020.
Figure (a)Co-occurred
5.5.(a) Co-occurred keywords
forthe year
the 2019.
year (b)(b)
2019. Co-occurred keywords
Co-occurred for thefor
keywords year
year 2020.

Figure 6. Co-occurred keywords for the year 2021.

In Figure 3, the overlay visualization shows the growth of the top keywords in GSCM
Figure to 2021. The visualization is based
2021.on keyword co-occurrence, which shows
Figure 6.Co-occurred
Co-occurred keywords forthe
keywords for theyear
how frequently different keywords occur together in the same papers in order to show
howInthey are 3,
Figure related.
the overlay visualization shows the growth of the top keywords in GSCM
from 2017 to 2021. The visualization is based on keyword co-occurrence, which shows
how frequently different keywords occur together in the same papers in order to show
how they are related.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 16 of 27

In Figure 3, the overlay visualization shows the growth of the top keywords in GSCM
from 2017 to 2021. The visualization is based on keyword co-occurrence, which shows how
frequently different keywords occur together in the same papers in order to show how they
are related.
The temporal evolution of co-occurring keywords for 2017 is shown in Figure 4a, and
for 2018 is shown in Figure 4b.
After the SDGs were adopted in late 2015, initial research in 2017 mainly concentrated
on essential elements like environmental management, performance evaluation, and reverse
logistics. There is an increasing focus on sustainable practices and effective operations, as
seen by the themes of carbon footprint, factor analysis, eco-efficiency, transportation, and
multi-objective optimization (Figure 4a).
2018 saw an increase in the emphasis on “green supply chain” and “sustainable supply
chain”, indicating a paradigm shift towards integrating environmental issues into the entire
supply chain process; “lean manufacturing” was also widely used, indicating a growing
focus on resource optimization and waste reduction. Along with the investigation of
“Interpretive Structural Modelling” and “Analytic Hierarchy Process” for decision-making
in GSCM, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) attracted attention as a critical component
of sustainable practices (Figure 4b).
The temporal evolution of co-occurring keywords for 2019 is shown in Figure 5a, and
for 2020, it is shown in Figure 5b.
As crucial pillars of GSCM, “green manufacturing” and “sustainability” were the focus
of research topics in 2019. “Environmental performance” and “sustainable manufactur-
ing” were intimately related to these ideas, emphasizing the dedication to environmental
responsibility. The phrase “triple bottom line” became an essential framework, denoting
a greater acceptance of social and economic issues in addition to environmental ones. To
monitor and evaluate sustainability performance, techniques including “DEMATEL” and
“MCDM” were applied, reflecting a developing body of GSCM research (Figure 5a).
Moving forward, 2020 saw the emergence of the “circular economy” as a vital issue,
highlighting the significance of closing the loop and fostering resource efficiency throughout
supply chains. The emphasis on “green innovation” and “sustainable performance” shows
increased interest in evaluating unique sustainable practices. The “circular supply chain”
gained popularity and aligns with the circular economy idea. The convergence of “big
data” and the “Internet of Things” (IoT) also demonstrated the expanding significance of
digital technology in promoting sustainable practices. The concept of a “low-carbon supply
chain” became notable, showing the industry’s dedication to lowering carbon emissions
(Figure 5b).
The temporal evolution of co-occurring keywords for the year 2021 is shown in
Figure 6.
In 2021, GSCM research shifted toward adopting cutting-edge technology and tackling
global concerns. As a result of the industry’s push to implement advanced solutions for sus-
tainable supply chain practices, terms like “Industry 4.0” and “digital transformation” have
gained popularity. The COVID-19 pandemic, a significant global disruption, highlighted
the need for resilient and adaptable supply chains and became a key study topic. The SDGs
have retained significance, showing a continued commitment to supply chain practices
aligning with sustainability goals. The terms “blockchain” and “artificial intelligence” were
also hot topics since they may provide answers for boosting GSCM efficiency, transparency,
and traceability.
The sector has advanced substantially by fusing environmental management, perfor-
mance monitoring, and cutting-edge technologies like Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence
while supporting the SDGs. These developments highlight the sector’s unwavering com-
mitment to sustainability and the implementation of advanced techniques to build a more
robust and sustainable supply chain ecosystem.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 17 of 27

Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER4.3. Bibliographic

REVIEW Coupling of Countries 18 of 29
The findings in this section explicitly address RQ3.
The GSCM articles’ past context of bibliographic connection shows that the area has
received increased interest and international cooperation over time, and this answers RQ3.
International cooperationisisa acritical
factorinin developing
developing global
global supply
supply chain
chain manage-
ment. It facilitates information sharing, encourages creativity, advances international
It facilitates information sharing, encourages creativity, advances international standards,
and and tackles environmental
tackles environmental issues worldwide.issues worldwide. International
International cooperationcooperation
in GSCMin will
GSCM more
become will become
crucialmore crucialchains
as supply as supply
becomechains become globalized
globalized and integrated,
and integrated, improving im-
ply networks’supply networks’effectiveness,
resilience, resilience, effectiveness, and sustainability
and sustainability worldwide. worldwide. The of
The details de-the
tails of the bibliographic coupling and temporal evolution
bibliographic coupling and temporal evolution are shown in Figure 7. are shown in Figure 7.

Figure BibliographicCoupling
Coupling of countries andtemporal
countries and temporalevolution.

trajectory of GSCM
fivefive years
years doesdoes
pointpoint to significant
to significant ad-
advancements toward
vancements toward thethe
SDGSDG 20302030 targets
targets set bysetthe
the Research
UN. Research has expanded
has expanded its geo- its
geographic scope
graphic scope andand developed
developed andand developing
developing countries
countries haveparticipating
have been been participating
more and more
and more.
more. ThisThis participation
participation and and involvement
involvement reflect
reflect the accomplishment
the accomplishment of the of the and
SDGs SDGs theand
the worldwide commitment
commitment to sustainability.
to sustainability.
The bibliographiccoupling
coupling of countries
countries for
shown inin
Figure8. 8.
In 2017, the GSCM research landscape was primarily dominated by European nations,
such as Denmark, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, followed closely by Singapore. This
period signifies the initiation of sustainable practices within the supply chain management
domain, primarily by developed nations.
The bibliographic coupling of countries for the year 2018 is shown in Figure 9.
The subsequent year, 2018, saw a considerable expansion of research to Western
countries, namely the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Italy, and Australia. This
represents a growing awareness and commitment towards sustainability within these
developed nations, significantly contributing to the global discourse on GSCM.
, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 29

Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 18 of 27

Figure 8. Bibliographic coupling of countries for year 2017.

In 2017, the GSCM research landscape was primarily dominated by European na-
tions, such as Denmark, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, followed closely by Singapore.
This period signifies the initiation of sustainable practices within the supply chain man-
agement domain, primarily by developed nations.
The bibliographic
Figurecoupling of countries
8. Bibliographic coupling of for the year
countries 2018
for year shown in Figure 9.
Figure 8. Bibliographic coupling of countries for year 2017.

In 2017, the GSCM research landscape was primarily dominated by European na-
tions, such as Denmark, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, followed closely by Singapore.
This period signifies the initiation of sustainable practices within the supply chain man-
agement domain, primarily by developed nations.
The bibliographic coupling of countries for the year 2018 is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Bibliographic coupling

Figure of countries
9. Bibliographic forofthe
coupling year 2018.
countries for the year 2018.

The bibliographic
The subsequent year, 2018, sawcoupling of countriesexpansion
a considerable for the year of
is shown in
toFigure 10.
countries, namely the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Italy, and Australia. This
represents a growing awareness and commitment towards sustainability within these de-
veloped nations, significantly contributing to the global discourse on GSCM.
The bibliographic coupling of countries for the year 2019 is shown in Figure 10.
represents a growing awareness and commitment towards sustainability within these de-
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 19 of 27
veloped nations, significantly contributing to the global discourse on GSCM.
The bibliographic coupling of countries for the year 2019 is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Bibliographic coupling of countries for the year 2019.

By 2019, GSCM research had extended its reach to the Middle East and Southeast
Figure 10. Bibliographic coupling ofcoupling
Figure 10. Bibliographic countries for the year
of countries 2019.
for the year 2019.
Asia, with active contributions from countries like Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, the United
Arab Emirates, and By Thailand.
2019, GSCMThis expansion
research indicates
had extended a shift the
its reach in attention towards devel-
By 2019, GSCM research had extended its reach to thetoMiddle Middle East
East and and Southeast
Asia, with active contributions from countries like Indonesia, Iran,
oping countries, demonstrating their engagement in sustainability practices and pursuit Turkey, the United Arab
Asia, with active contributions
Emirates, and Thailand.from
expansion like Indonesia,
indicates a shift in Iran, Turkey,
attention towards the United
of SDGs.
Arab Emirates, and Thailand.
countries, This expansion
demonstrating indicates
their engagement a shift inpractices
in sustainability attentionandtowards
pursuit ofdevel-
The bibliographic coupling of countries for the year 2020 is shown in Figure 11.
oping countries, demonstrating
The bibliographictheir engagement
coupling of countriesinforsustainability
the year 2020 is practices and pursuit
shown in Figure 11.
of SDGs.
The bibliographic coupling of countries for the year 2020 is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Bibliographic coupling ofcoupling

Figure 11. Bibliographic countries for the year
of countries for the2020.
year 2020.

Figure 11. Bibliographic coupling of countries for the year 2020.

Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 21 of 29
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 20 of 27

In 2020, the focus became truly international, with contributions from nations such
In 2020, the focus became truly international, with contributions from nations such
as Pakistan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Ghana, Vietnam, and Lithuania. This
as Pakistan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Ghana, Vietnam, and Lithuania. This
growing diversity in research participation underscores the global nature of the SDGs and
growing diversity in research participation underscores the global nature of the SDGs and
the necessity for worldwide cooperation and commitment.
the necessity for worldwide cooperation and commitment.
The bibliographic coupling of countries for the year 2021 is shown in Figure 12.
The bibliographic coupling of countries for the year 2021 is shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Bibliographic coupling of countries for the year 2021.

Finally, in 2021,
2021, GSCM
GSCM research
research grew
grew more
more inclusive,
inclusive, involving
involving perspectives from
Africa and
and Eastern
contributions from
countrieslike Ethiopia,
like Ethio-
Iraq, and and
pia, Iraq, Ukraine, this inclusivity
Ukraine, is crucial
this inclusivity for realizing
is crucial for realizingthe UN’s SDGSDG
the UN’s 2030 2030
From 2017 to 2021, countries that contributed to review papers on GSCM showed a
steady rise in interest and collaboration in the topic, according to a bibliographic coupling
study. From a small number of European nations, the research landscape has grown to
include contributions from
include contributions frommany
partsofofthethe world.
world. This This development
development denotes
denotes the
the expanding
expanding significance
significance of global
of global environmental
environmental and sustainability
and sustainability issuesissues in supply
in supply chain
chain management.
Regarding Jeff
Jeff Sachs’
DevelopmentReport Report(SDR),
(SDR), wewe cancan
the the
tions participating in GSCM research have various rankings in the SDG
nations participating in GSCM research have various rankings in the SDG Index [69]. Re- Index [69]. Regard-
less of each
gardless of country’s specific specific
each country’s level of development, this diversethis
level of development, engagement strengthens
diverse engagement
the global community’s obligation to work towards the SDGs.
strengthens the global community’s obligation to work towards the SDGs. Thus, Thus, the growth of GSCMthe
research is a step toward the SDGs and emphasizes the broad applicability
growth of GSCM research is a step toward the SDGs and emphasizes the broad applica- and significance
of sustainable
bility practices,
and significance ofparticularly
sustainable in supply chain
practices, management.
particularly in supply chain management.
In conclusion, the globalization of GSCM research isisa sign
conclusion, the globalization of GSCM research a sign that
that thethe
SDGSDG 20302030 ob-
jectives of the UN are being met. It emphasizes the necessity of a coordinated
tives of the UN are being met. It emphasizes the necessity of a coordinated strategy for strategy
for sustainability in which developed and developing countries cooperate to achieve the
sustainability in which developed and developing countries cooperate to achieve the
shared aim of a sustainable future.
shared aim of a sustainable future.
4.4. SDG Network
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 21 of 27
The findings in this section specifically address RQ4.
RQ4: How are GSCM practices interconnected with specific SDGs, and how do these
connections impact4.4.
SDG Network sustainable practices and supply chain management strat-
egies? The findings in this section specifically address RQ4.
This section helpsRQ4:
in answering
How are GSCM RQ4. Modern
practices business practices
interconnected now
with specific SDGs,critically
and howem- do these
connections impact businesses’ sustainable practices and supply
phasize mapping GSCM to SDGs. Understanding the connections between certain SDGs chain management strategies?
This section helps in answering RQ4. Modern business practices now critically em-
and GSCM practices is crucial as businesses work to align their operations with global
phasize mapping GSCM to SDGs. Understanding the connections between certain SDGs
sustainability goals.
andCreating an SDG
GSCM practices is network that highlights
crucial as businesses work totwoalignseparate clusters
their operations that
with global
symbolize the interconnected
sustainability SDGs is one method
goals. Creating for visualizing
an SDG network these
that highlights twolinkages. In this that
separate clusters
symbolize the
regard, this study provides the interconnected
“Red Cluster” SDGs
method for visualizing
Cluster,” each these linkages. of
consisting In this
regard, this study provides the “Red Cluster” and the “Green Cluster”, each consisting of a
a collection of SDGs with ties to GSCM projects. Figure 13 shows the SDG network.
collection of SDGs with ties to GSCM projects. Figure 13 shows the SDG network.

Figure 13. SDG Network of GSCM.

Figure 13. SDG Network of GSCM.
The red cluster represents a group of SDGs closely connected to GSCM techniques.
The red cluster represents
These SDGs cover a group
numerous of environmental
SDGs closely andconnected tothat
social factors GSCM techniques.
complement businesses’
sustainable practices and supply chain management strategies.
These SDGs cover numerous environmental and social factors that complement busi- SDG 4 (Quality Education)
nesses’ sustainablepromotes
practices lifelong
and learning
supply opportunities
chain managementfor all. GSCM practices
strategies. SDGrequire training and
4 (Quality
education of employees in sustainable methods, thus contributing to this goal. These
Education) promotes lifelong
methods learning
consider socialopportunities for all.
and ethical issues GSCM to
in addition practices requiresustainable
environmentally train-
ing and educationprocedures.
of employees in sustainable methods, thus contributing to
Businesses help achieve this goal by funding employee education and this goal.
These methods consider socialpractices.
in sustainable and ethical issues in
Furthermore, addition
GSCM to environmentally
frequently cooperates with researchsustain-
and universities,
able procedures. Businesses helppromoting
achieve innovation
this goal and
by knowledge exchange. SDG
funding employee 7 (Affordable
education and and
Clean Energy) and SDG 13 (Climate Action) can be advanced through GSCM by optimizing
training in sustainable practices. Furthermore, GSCM frequently cooperates with research
energy consumption, utilizing renewable energy, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
institutes and universities,
in the supplypromoting
chain. Theinnovation
optimizationand knowledge
of energy exchange.
use throughout SDG 7chain
the supply (Af-is en-
fordable and Cleancouraged
Energy)by and SDGBusinesses
GSCM. 13 (Climate thatAction)
use GSCM can be advanced
policies through
have a higher GSCM
propensity to use
renewable energy sources, invest in energy-efficient equipment,
by optimizing energy consumption, utilizing renewable energy, and reducing greenhouse and cut down on energy
waste. This immediately advances the objective of clean, inexpensive energy. Reducing
gas emissions in the supply chain. The optimization of energy use throughout the supply
greenhouse gas emissions and lessening the effects of climate change are the goals of GSCM
chain is encouraged by GSCM.
strategies. Businesses sustainable
By implementing that use GSCM policies
packaging, waste have a higher
reduction propen-
strategies, and trans-
sity to use renewable energy sources, invest in energy-efficient equipment, and cut down
on energy waste. This immediately advances the objective of clean, inexpensive energy.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and lessening the effects of climate change are the
goals of GSCM strategies. By implementing sustainable packaging, waste reduction strat-
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 22 of 27

portation optimization, companies can effectively mitigate their carbon footprint across
the whole supply chain. This aligns with SDG 13’s goals to mitigate the effects of climate
change. SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and
Infrastructure) are connected to GSCM by creating green jobs, fostering innovation in green
technologies, and building resilient infrastructure. SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and
Production) is directly linked to GSCM principles, encouraging companies to reduce waste,
recycle materials, and produce sustainably. Finally, SDGs 14 (Life Below Water) and 15 (Life
on Land) can be supported by GSCM through the minimization of pollution and waste,
preservation of biodiversity, and responsible use of terrestrial and aquatic resources in the
supply chain. By prioritizing sustainability, companies can contribute to these SDGs and
play a significant role in achieving the 2030 Agenda.
The Green Cluster is made up of SDGs that are linked to GSCM initiatives and cover
both social and economic facets. Building robust and sustainable supply chains, fostering
social well-being, and fostering economic growth depend on achieving these objectives.
GSCM is vital in advancing several SDGs. By championing fair trade and sustainable sourc-
ing, GSCM supports SDG 1 (No Poverty) by promoting sustainable livelihoods and SDG 2
(Zero Hunger) by bolstering food security. The fair trade and sustainable sourcing methods
that GSCM advocates can aid in creating long-term employment opportunities for supply
chain participants. This, in turn, creates prospects for steady income generation, which
advances the goal of eliminating poverty. Simultaneously, reducing harmful emissions and
waste within GSCM safeguards environmental health, contributes to SDG 3 (Good Health
and Well-being), and supports SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) by minimizing water
usage and contamination. The commitment of GSCM to minimize waste and hazardous
emissions protects the environment. Through the mitigation of environmental elements
that can be harmful to human health. Environments that are healthier support general well-
being. Clean water and sanitation are goals that are supported by GSCM activities, which
reduce water consumption and contamination in their operations. Reducing pollution and
water use contributes to the preservation of this essential resource. GSCM’s commitment
to equal opportunities can drive progress towards SDG 5 (Gender Equality), while prac-
tices of fair trade and non-discrimination can help address SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities).
Promoting sustainable resource use by GSCM contributes to SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities
and Communities), and ethical business practices intrinsic to GSCM foster transparency
and accountability, indirectly bolstering SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).
Thus, GSCM, while primarily associated with environmental sustainability, intertwines
with numerous facets of global sustainable development. While these connections might
not be as direct as with other SDGs, GSCM, when implemented thoughtfully, can positively
contribute to a broad range of SDGs.

5. Future Research Directions

The primary goal of future research should be to perform experimental evaluations to
look at how GSCM practices directly affect the achievement of particular SDGs.
Circular economy integration in GSCM:
Examine the circular economy framework’s smooth integration of GSCM practices.
The studies can investigate methods for eliminating waste from supply chains, maximizing
resource efficiency, and closing the loop [70]. Focus areas include creating cutting-edge
reverse logistics systems, evaluating the financial and environmental advantages of product
refurbishing and remanufacturing, and pinpointing obstacles to adopting the circular
economy in various sectors and geographical areas. Businesses may actively support SDGs,
particularly those connected to responsible consumption, sustainable production, and
climate action, by integrating GSCM with circular economy concepts.
Sustainable sourcing and supply chain resilience:
Examine how sustainable sourcing techniques can improve supply chain robustness
and reduce environmental concerns [71]. The future study may examine how supplier
involvement tactics affect the supply chain’s overall promotion of sustainability [72]. A
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 23 of 27

supplier’s sustainability performance may be evaluated using various techniques, and

responsible sourcing and long-term collaborations with suppliers who support the SDGs
may also be encouraged. To achieve the SDGs for sustainable economic growth, decent
jobs, and responsible consumption, it is essential to understand the connections between
sustainable sourcing and supply chain resilience.
Digital transformation in GSCM for enhanced environmental performance:
Analyse how digital technology could transform GSCM procedures and spur en-
vironmental advancements. The study can concentrate on how technology can boost
traceability, enhance supply chain operations, and promote environmental reporting and
compliance [73]. Businesses may fulfil SDGs related to climate action, innovation, and
sustainable infrastructure by leveraging the power of digital transformation in GSCM.
The incorporation of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) offers substantial
promise for enhancing both the sustainability and efficiency of supply chain operations,
aligning them more closely with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN
SDGs). In light of this, one avenue for future research could involve the development of a
sophisticated predictive analytics model that integrates environmental impact assessments.
This would be an extension of existing decision support systems, specifically tailored for
configuring spare parts supply chains while considering various manufacturing technolo-
gies. Incorporating environmental metrics within such a predictive analytics model would
permit the evaluation of different production technologies and materials, thereby aiding
enterprises in supply chain optimization. This approach aligns with the tenets of Green
Supply Chain Management (GSCM) [74], offering a synergistic framework that combines
technological innovation with sustainability imperatives.
Inclusivity and social impact of GSCM:
Examine the social aspect of GSCM and how it affects sustainable development results.
How GSCM practices may promote social inclusion, strengthen local communities, and
defend human rights throughout supply chains can be the subject of future research. One
of the focus topics is examining how fair labor practices, social auditing systems, and
community engagement programs affect supply chain stakeholders [75,76]. Understanding
how GSCM affects society helps achieve SDGs for partnerships for sustainable development,
reduction of disparities, and decent employment.
The global supply chain management field is expected to undergo constant adaptation
and evolution in order to furnish firms with inventive approaches and tactics for con-
structing supply chains that are more sustainable, conscientious, and robust. Cooperation
between government agencies, businesses, and academic institutions will be crucial to
advance these research directions.

6. Conclusions
This study used bibliometric analysis and science mapping to investigate the relation-
ship between GSCM and SDGs. It successfully answered research questions and provided
information on the connections between GSCM and SDGs, knowledge gaps, new trends,
and how different SDGs are aligned with GSCM. The literature on GSCM identified three
main areas of focus: Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Supply Chains, Green Supply Chain
Management Coordination, and Sustainable Environmental Policy Management. By com-
paring several GSCM themes to certain SDGs, these clusters emphasize the significance of
incorporating environmental sustainability into supply chain activities to progress SDGs.
The overlay keyword visualization addressed RQ2 and showed that innovative tech-
nologies and sustainable practices that support the SDGs are being more widely adopted.
It also showed that research interests in GSCM are changing. The transition in the sup-
ply chain process from environmental management to total sustainability represents a
paradigm shift in favor of comprehensive measures. Bibliographic coupling between na-
tions demonstrated interest in and cooperation with GSCM research worldwide, extending
outside of Europe and demonstrating the awareness of global sustainability issues, ad-
dressing RQ3. The SDG network study demonstrated the relationships between particular
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 24 of 27

SDGs and GSCM activities. The red cluster concentrated on environmental and social
factors, while the green cluster addressed SDGs about social and economic dimensions.
This analysis addressed RQ4 and highlighted how GSCM can support the 2030 Agenda
and several SDGs.
The study furnishes a nuanced analysis with significant implications for sustainable
commerce and global development, thereby making it pertinent to both practitioners and
the broader society. This information equips supply chain management professionals with
insights into how their strategies could contribute to achieving these global benchmarks
for sustainability.
Knowing the thematic areas, practitioners can make informed decisions on resource
allocation to maximize their impact on sustainability and SDG alignment. Moreover, the
article elucidates how GSCM integrates advanced technologies such as AI and Industry
4.0 to enhance environmental performance, thereby informing technology adoption and
investment strategies. The study also serves to augment public comprehension of the
significance of the UN’s SDGs. It underscores the global commitment to address critical
challenges such as responsible consumption, environmental conservation, and industrial
innovation. By illustrating the linkage between GSCM practices and these objectives, the
study emphasizes the societal benefits accrued through responsible manufacturing and
consumption, among them, improved air quality, waste reduction, and more effective
natural resource conservation.
Businesses and policymakers alike may find great value in the results of a biblio-
metric analysis. They can support innovation, encourage sustainability, guide strategic
decision-making, and offer a framework for coordinating corporate operations with the
UN Sustainable Development Goals. By using this knowledge, businesses and legislators
may collaborate to create a more sustainable and successful future. Regional differences
in the adoption of GSCM are a complicated and diverse problem that calls for specialized
solutions from industry, government, and the global sustainability community. In order
to advance the global sustainability agenda and guarantee that no region is left behind in
the shift towards more sustainable supply chains, these variations must be acknowledged
and intelligently addressed. International cooperation and knowledge-sharing initiatives
can benefit from understanding regional differences in GSCM uptake. Organizations
and nations can apply the lessons from areas with effective GSCM processes worldwide.
Acknowledging regional differences is essential to solving global environmental issues.
The fact that GSCM adoption may be delayed in some areas should be considered by
policymakers and organizations as it may have an impact on international efforts to meet
sustainability targets. The alignment of GSCM with SDGs for environmental responsibility
is emphasized in this paper. For sustainable supply chains, GSCM should be given top pri-
ority by businesses and legislators. The findings support a more sustainable future through
sustainable habits and technologies and serve as a future research and strategy develop-
ment roadmap. It’s critical to recognize the limits of the research, including the potential
exclusion of grey literature and the deletion of pertinent papers found through keyword
searches. Moreover, the analysis only considered papers published after 2013. Notwith-
standing these limitations, the encouraging results of this investigation can guide further
research. Building on this work, a more thorough literature review or meta-analysis on the
GSCM technique can offer further insights into its applicability. Future research should
focus on experimental assessments that measure the effect of GSCM directly on particular
SDGs. This could entail using state-of-the-art technologies to improve resource efficiency
and traceability, supporting the SDGs for industry innovation, ethical consumerism, and
mitigating climate change. Examining closed-loop supply networks and circular economy
concepts can support SDGs focusing on waste reduction and resource conservation. Fu-
ture research efforts should also focus on supply chain resilience, geopolitical and climate
change threats, and sustainable sourcing and procurement strategies that promote the
SDGs while benefiting local populations and biodiversity.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 15848 25 of 27

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.R., A.S., S.M., A.P. and P.N.; methodology, R.R., A.S.,
S.M., A.P. and P.N.; data curation, R.R., A.S., S.M., A.P. and P.N.; writing—review and editing, R.R.,
A.S., S.M., A.P. and P.N.; visualization, R.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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